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Laying down through my bed

Uttering words in a silent way
Engaging with ambiguous thoughts
Thinking how hard it is to prove oneself

In the muteness of the night

Memories are flashing back by and by
As I saw the woman in the broken mirror
The nightmares of the past comes back

The moment sun shines at its brightest

I thought luck would be on my side
How ironic it is to rely on my intuition
All day long becomes a misery for me

Letting go isn’t as painful as holding on

I’ll bet it’ll be happier than being stuck
Giving yourself a chance to give up
It’s the time, new horizon for you will arise

Some says time solves everything upon

And yes, I’ve been a witness so far
Waiting for the moment you’ll shine
When you’re hoping for the unexpected one
Take a break every now and then
Look back on yourself times ago
Reminisce and thank the old self of yours
Because through it, here comes the new you.

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