Nutritional Status of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (Asds) : A Case-Control Study

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Nutritional Status of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): A

Case–Control Study

Article  in  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders · September 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s10803-014-2205-8 · Source: PubMed


39 899

5 authors, including:

Salvador Marí-Bauset Itziar Zazpe

University of Valencia Universidad de Navarra


Amelia Mari-Sanchis Maria Morales Suárez-Varela

Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra University of Valencia


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AUT0010.1177/1362361316636976AutismMarí-Bauset et al.

Original Article

Comparison of nutritional status between 1­–13

© The Author(s) 2016
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children with autism spectrum disorder
DOI: 10.1177/1362361316636976

and typically developing children in the

Mediterranean Region (Valencia, Spain)

Salvador Marí-Bauset1,2, Agustín Llopis-González1,2,3,

Itziar Zazpe4,5, Amelia Marí-Sanchis6 and
Maria Morales Suárez-Varela1,2,3

This case-control study investigated nutrient intake, healthy eating index with 10 items on foods and nutrients, on
3-day food diaries and anthropometric measurements in 105 children with autism spectrum disorder and 495 typically
developing children (6–9 years) in Valencia (Spain). Children with autism spectrum disorder were at a higher risk for
underweight, eating more legumes, vegetables, fiber, and some micronutrients (traditional Mediterranean diet) but fewer
dairy and cereal products, and less iodine, sodium, and calcium than their typically developing peers. Differences existed
in total energy intake but healthy eating index and food variety score differences were not significant. Autism spectrum
disorder group failed to meet dietary recommendations for thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, or calcium. Risk of inadequate
intake of fiber, vitamin E, and sodium was lower in children with autism spectrum disorder than typically developing
children. Results suggest that (1) risk of inadequate intake of some micronutrients in children with autism spectrum
disorder and (2) cultural patterns and environment may influence food intake and anthropometric characteristics in
autism spectrum disorder. Primary care should include anthropometric and nutritional surveillance in this population
to identify intervention on a case-by-case basis. Future research should explore dietary patterns and anthropometric
characteristics in different autism spectrum disorder populations in other countries, enhancing our understanding of the
disorder’s impact.

autism, autism spectrum disorder, feeding assessment, growth, healthy eating index, nutrition

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental have been observed in many studies over the years.
condition characterized by poor social-emotional reciproc- However, “food selectivity” is used in the literature to refer
ity, impairments in language, and repetitive, stereotyped to a range of concepts including, for example, food refusal,
behaviors (American Psychiatric Association (APA),
2014). Its prevalence has significantly increased in the last 1University of Valencia, Spain
few decades (Matson and Kozlowski, 2011). In 2010, 2CIBERESP, Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain
3Center for Public Health Research (CSISP-FISABIO), Spain
overall ASD prevalence in the United States was 14.7 per
4University of Navarre, Spain
1000 (one in 68) children aged 8 years, and the male-to- 5CIBERobn, Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain
female ratio was 5:1 (Centers for Disease Control and 6Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, Spain
Prevention (CDC), 2014).
Eating is among the most essential of human activities, Corresponding author:
Maria Morales Suárez-Varela, Unit of Public Health and Environmental
necessary not only to sustain life but also to ensure proper Care, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Valencia, Avd.
development. In this context, behavioral problems in chil- Vicente Andres Estellés s/n, Burjassot, 46100 Valencia, Spain.
dren with ASD at meal times, including food selectivity, Email:

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2 Autism

a limited repertoire of accepted foods, high-frequency sin- with ASD (n = 272) from the population of all primary-age
gle food intake, excessive intake of a few foods (Bandini children with ASD in the metropolitan area of Valencia
et al., 2010; Hubbard et al., 2014), or selective intake of (Spain), attending special schools and primary schools
certain food categories (such as carbohydrates or fats or with inclusion classes for children with this disorder.
proteins (Attlee et al., 2015). The lack of consensus regard- Candidate TD children (n = 1364) were identified from the
ing the definition of selectivity complicates the assessment population of all pupils (n = 15,838) at the inclusive ele-
and comparison of results from different studies. Atypical mentary schools attended by some of the children with
feeding behaviors, adoption of intentional diet restrictions, ASD. After visiting all the schools and identifying the
and the peculiar lifestyle of individuals with ASD (with not number of classrooms per academic year, we constructed a
only different levels of physical activity, but also idiosyn- stratified randomization table and randomly assigned eli-
cratic social skills and poor social interaction) are factors gible participants, balanced by school and classroom.
that imply risks of both excessive and insufficient intakes The Ethics Committee of the Dr Peset University
(Twachtman-Reilly et al., 2008). Notably, negative effects Hospital (Valencia, Spain) approved this study (ref. 46/10).
on anthropometric development, such as unhealthy weight In the first appointment, before we started the research, we
and/or body mass index (BMI), could have adverse conse- explained the study to the parents of all the children
quences due to the incidence of significant comorbid involved, including the tests that would be carried out. We
chronic conditions in the third or fourth decade of life (e.g. also informed them that the data collected would be kept
osteoporosis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular confidential in line with the Spanish data protection law,
disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure), or even earlier and we requested informed consent from both parents or
(sleep apnea, menstrual disorders, or psychosocial disor- whichever parent accompanied the child at the time of the
ders). To date, research on growth in children with ASD has visit. If the parents gave consent and the children met the
been inadequate with inconsistent, or even contradictory, selection criteria, an appointment was arranged for assess-
results as reported in a systematic review by Marí-Bauset ments of the children.
et al. (2015b). ASD diagnoses were based on results of the Autism
Macro- and micronutrient intakes of foods have been Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G) (Le
compared between children with ASD and their typically Couteur et al., 2008; Lord et al., 2000) and the Autism
developing (TD) peers. Nearly three decades ago, a nutri- Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) (Lord et al., 1994)
tional assessment of children with ASD found overall intake from the clinical opinion of experienced clinical psychol-
adequacy to be comparable to that in controls (Raiten and ogists. We only considered diagnosis, and not disorder
Massaro, 1986), and similar conclusions have been drawn severity.
more recently by other authors (Schmitt et al., 2008; Staff on the local education board indicated that all the
Zimmer et al., 2012). On the other hand, several authors children (with and without ASD) had similar socio-eco-
(Bandini et al., 2010; Emond et al., 2010; Ho et al., 1997; nomic backgrounds. We cannot rule out the possibility of
Hyman et al., 2012) have reported that intakes of some there being children with high-functioning ASD among
nutrients are insufficient: vitamins A, C, B6, B12, D, E, or K, or the controls, but this risk is very low as clinical psycholo-
folate, phosphorous, fiber, zinc, calcium, or iron). Overall, the gists routinely assess all the pupils at the schools from
data available are currently insufficient and therefore, there is which TD children were recruited. On the other hand, in
no clear consensus on whether nutritional intake is generally schools where children with ASD attend, behavioral inter-
impaired in children with ASD or regarding the potential con- ventions are implemented by psycho-education specialists
sequences of this in terms of their development. trained in specific techniques to address feeding problems
We hypothesized that, in general, children with ASD in children with this disorder.
would (1) have lower anthropometric measurements To be included in the study, both the children with ASD
(height, weight, and calculated BMI); (2) have lower food and the TD children were required to be 6–9 years old (the
intake of macro- and micronutrients; (3) have lower Spanish DRIs, the same in this age group for both gen-
healthy eating index (HEI) scores, overall and for food ders). The exclusion criteria for both groups were as fol-
variety; and (4) meet Spanish Dietary Reference Intakes lows: use of dietary supplements; any medical condition
(DRIs) less often than TD children. To test these hypothe- (endocrine, metabolic diseases, etc.) that could influence
ses, we aimed to characterize the nutritional status of chil- food intake, and/or physical activity habits; use of drugs
dren diagnosed with ASD. (e.g. stimulants, atypical antipsychotics, tricyclic antide-
pressants, steroids, and mood stabilizers) that could affect
food intake; not attending study interview appointments;
Methods and not completing nutritional records properly.
For both groups, we first excluded families who
Participants declined to participate, then applied the selection criteria
This case-control study of children with ASD and their TD set out above, and subsequently excluded those who we
peers was carried out in Valencia (eastern area of Spain) in were unable to contact and/or failed to complete nutri-
the second half of 2014. We identified candidate children tional records (see below). Figure 1 illustrates the flow

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Marí-Bauset et al. 3

Figure 1.  Flow diagram of participants through the study (STROBE statement).
Symbol “*” indicates some children met more than one exclusion criterion, and hence the subgroups sum to more than the total.

of children in both groups through the study (in accord- assess the food and drink their child consumed by record-
ance with the Strengthening the Reporting of ing estimated portion sizes (measured or assessed accord-
Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) state- ing to a visual guide provided to improve accuracy) for
ment; Vandenbroucke et al., 2007). each food item. The same training was given to caregivers
in the school dining halls. Parents were asked to hand in
food labels with ingredients, added ingredients, brands, and
Data collection recipes for homemade dishes, whenever possible. The
Examination protocol and measurements researchers contacted parents by telephone if there were
any incomplete or missing data.
During appointments, the following data were collected by
administering a questionnaire to parents: child’s age, back-
Anthropometric measurements
ground of the child’s birth, and child’s medical history. If
they met the selection criteria, the children were included, During the scheduled appointment, the principal investi-
and we gave their parents a detailed explanation of how to gator himself, a registered dietitian, measured the height

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4 Autism

(in centimeters) and weight (in kilograms) of the child (EARs), adequate intakes (AIs), tolerable upper intake lev-
using standard anthropometric techniques (World Health els (ULs), and acceptable macronutrient distribution
Organization, 1996) with a Seca 213® stadiometer and ranges (AMDRs). We classified children as being at risk of
Seca 813® scale, respectively. Both measurements were having inadequate intake for specific nutrients depending
taken in duplicate and the mean values were used to calcu- on whether they met DRIs and Spanish nutritional targets
late BMI (kg/m2). BMI (kg/m2) was converted into a or not (Federación Española de Sociedades de Nutrición,
z-score with the WHO Anthro software, v.3.2. (Onis et al., Alimentación y Dietética (FESNAD), 2010). Comparisons
2007). Based on the percentile ranking, BMI status was were made with the DRIs used in the United States (IOM,
categorized, using National Health and Nutrition 2010) to examine any differences. Intake distributions
Examination Survey (NHANES) criteria, into the follow- were adjusted for day-to-day variation using a statistical
ing four categories: underweight (⩽5th percentile); healthy modeling approach (National Research Council (NCR),
(>5th to <85th percentiles); overweight (⩾85th to <95th 1985). We used this approach to ensure that data reflected
percentiles); and obese (⩾95th percentile) (CDC, 2000). usual intake. The probability of adequacy for usual nutri-
ent intake was calculated as z-score = (estimated nutrient
intake − EAR)/SD of EAR (Carriquiry, 1999). Applying
Dietary assessment
these statistical approaches, intake of beneficial nutrients
On a form provided, parents were asked to record all the was considered adequate if covering at least the AMDR for
foods and drinks that their child consumed over a 3-day macronutrients, the EAR (or AI as appropriate) for micro-
period, including one nonworking day (Barrett-Connor, nutrients, and the EER for energy. For nutrients presumed
1991; Institute of Medicine (IOM), 2001). In order to cal- to be detrimental (e.g. total fat, cholesterol, and sodium),
culate intakes of calories, and macro- and micronutrients the opposite interpretation was applied, which means the
of known public health relevance, researchers entered data diet was considered inadequate if the limit was exceeded,
from these food records into an open-source computer pro- and adequate if the intake was below the limit.
gram, DIAL®. This program, developed by the Department
of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Complutense University
Statistical analysis
of Madrid, is widely used in Spain and has previously been
validated to assess diets and manage nutritional data. It For anthropometric measures, we compared the two study
includes a list of fortified/enriched foods commonly avail- groups in the four BMI categories (underweight, healthy,
able in Spain, to which other items can be added. With this overweight, and obese), applying Bonferroni corrections
feature, we included the nutritional composition of pack- to control for multiple comparisons. The probabilistic
aged foods according to the food labels that parents sub- approach and the EAR cut-point method were used to
mitted. The results were compared with Spanish food assess risk of the inadequacy of nutrient intakes. A
composition tables (Moreiras et al., 2013). Student’s t-test was run to compare the nutritional intakes
DIAL also calculates the HEI (Kennedy et al., 1995) in children with ASD versus TD children. With dichoto-
from the data supplied. The HEI consists of 10 items: 1–5 mous categorical variables, we compared the diet of the
concerning the intake of five major food group categories, children with ASD with recommended intakes (recom-
cereals, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and meat; and mendations met, not at risk vs not met, at risk) using con-
6–10 related to nutritional recommendations, total fats, tingency tables, odds ratios (ORs), and the χ2 test (or
saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, and food variety. We classi- Fisher’s exact test, as required) to assess statistical signifi-
fied individuals into three groups: scores >80 points were cance. The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to confirm assump-
considered to indicate a “healthy” diet; 50–80 points indi- tions of normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, and
cated “needs to improve”; and ⩽50 points corresponded to independence. We fitted four multivariable-adjusted mod-
a “poor” diet (Kennedy et al., 1995). Component 10 of the els for each dietary variable to control the following poten-
HEI assesses variety in diet. Higher scores indicated the tial sources of bias: (1) age (continuous) and gender (two
child ate more different food items contributing at least half categories); (2) the aforementioned variables, plus weight
a serving to any of the food groups: a score of 0 correspond- (continuous) and height (continuous); (3) the aforemen-
ing to ⩽6 foods over the 3 days; and a score of 10 to ⩾16 tioned variables, plus total energy intake (continuous); and
foods (Kennedy et al., 1995). An intake of ⩾11 foods dur- (4) the aforementioned variables and diet type (two cate-
ing this period (score = 5) was considered the cut-off, sug- gories: a gluten-free casein-free diet and a regular diet).
gesting a high likelihood of adequate micronutrient intake. We compared the intakes in the two groups with multi-
ple linear regression by taking nutrients as the dependent
(continuous) variable to generate the corresponding β
Estimating nutrient adequacy/deficiency regression coefficients and 95% confidence intervals
DRIs (IOM, 2001, 2003; Murphy and Barr, 2011) include (CIs), using the TD children as the reference category. We
estimated energy requirements (EERs), recommended die- used logistic regression models to evaluate the inadequacy
tary allowances (RDAs), estimated average requirements of the DRIs or nutritional targets in all the children, again

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Marí-Bauset et al. 5

Table 1.  Main characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing (TD) children.a

Main Children with ASD (n = 105) TD children (n = 495) p value

N (%) Boys n (%) Boys Total Girls Boys

Total Mean Total Mean

(SD) (SD)

Girls Girls
105 (100) 12 (11) 93 (89) 495 (100) 229 (46) 266 (54)
Age (months) 93.68 (14.76) 100.58 (17.47) 93.78 (14.24) 95.46 (13.51) 96.34 (13.24) 94.71 (13.72) 0.22 0.29 0.25
Weight (kg) 28.3 (7.64) 29.19 (6.98) 28.19 (7.75) 29.77 (7.04) 29.90 (7.29) 29.65 (6.83) 0.05 0.74 0.08
Height (cm) 126.62 (9.54) 126.92 (9.30) 126.58 (9.62) 129.10 (9.03) 128.66 (8.76) 129.48 (9.25) 0.012 0.54 0.004
BMI (kg/m2) 17.42 (3.06) 17.88 (2.62) 17.36 (3.12) 17.67 (2.65) 17.84 (2.72) 17.52 (2.60) 0.44 0.96 0.67
BMI z-score 0.69 (1.50) 1.02 (1.23) 0.65 (1.53) 0.82 (1.20) 0.89 (1.19) 0.76 (1.20) 0.37 0.71 0.53
kcal/day 1955 (288) 2056 (345) 1942 (279) 1961 (288) 1975 (292) 1948 (283) 0.86 0.62 0.85
HEI 65.32 (10.79) 65.69 (9.95) 65.27 (10.94) 66.17 (10.22) 67.01 (10.04) 65.45 (10.34) 0.43 0.66 0.89
Food variety 3.72 (2.60) 3.50 (2.71) 3.75 (2.61) 3.53 (2.31) 3.44 (2.29) 3.62 (2.31) 0.45 0.93 0.65

BMI: body mass index; HEI: healthy eating index; SD: standard deviation.
aStudent’s t-test was used to compare values for children with ASD and TD children (p < 0.05 being considered significant).

taking the TD children as the reference category. We esti- with ASD (2 girls, 17% vs 7 TD girls, 3%; OR: 4.88, 95%
mated the crude and multivariate-adjusted ORs with 95% CI: 0.91–26.33), the sample size was too small to draw
CIs as follows: failing to comply with these recommenda- conclusions. In the other BMI categories, no significant
tions (OR > 1). All the p values were two-tailed. Statistical differences were found between the groups.
significance was set at the conventional cut-off (p < 0.05). The HEI scores were similar in the two groups, all the
Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet, using children’s diets being classified as “needs to improve.”
double-data entry to minimize the risk of errors. Data were Then, considering individual scores, we found that only
then transferred to IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, ver- 9% of children with ASD (n = 9) and 6% of TD children
sion 19, for the statistical analysis. (n = 31) consumed poor diets (χ2 = 0.74; p = 0.39). On com-
ponent 10 of the HEI assessing variety in diet, percentages
of children failing to reach the cut-off for adequate food
Results variety were similar in the two groups: 64% of children
with ASD (n = 67) and 65% TD children (n = 323) ate ⩽11
Final samples foods over 3 days (χ2 = 0.08; p = 0.78); and mean food vari-
A final sample of 105 children with ASD, 93 (89%) boys ety scores were also similar with means (standard devia-
and 12 (11%) girls, completed the study. The final sample tion (SD)) of 3.72 (2.60) versus 3.53 (2.31), respectively
size of TD children was 495, 266 (54%) boys and 229 (p = 0.45), both of which can be considered limited.
(46%) girls. This ratio of cases and controls (1:4.71) is in
line with Wacholder et al. (1992).
Analysis of nutrients and food groups
Table 1 compares the crude data on characteristics of
the participants: age, anthropometric parameters, total Children with ASD had much higher intakes of fiber,
energy intake, and the HEI scores (overall and for food folate, vitamins E and K, and iron, and a lower intake of
variety) per group, overall and by gender. Analyzing the calcium than controls. The crude mean nutrient intakes in
anthropometric data, the only statistically significant dif- both groups are reported in detail in Supplementary Online
ferences were in height: children with ASD overall Table 1.
(p = 0.012) and boys (p = 0.004) were shorter than their TD Table 2 summarizes comparisons between the groups
peers. Subsequently, children with ASD were compared to adjusted for age, gender, height, weight, total energy, and
the controls by BMI category, with TD children as the ref- diet type (on gluten-free casein-free diet or not). Children
erence category, and the analysis indicated an underweight with ASD ate considerably fewer cereals and dairy prod-
status in 12 (11%) children with ASD versus 20 (4%) TD ucts, but more legumes and vegetables than TD children.
children (OR: 3.03, 95% CI: 1.42–6.45; p < 0.008) overall After adjustments with linear regression, in addition to
and in 10 (11%) boys with ASD versus 13 (5%) TD boys fiber, folate, vitamins E and K, and iron, their intakes of
(OR: 2.39, 95% CI: 1.01–5.69; p < 0.04). Although there vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, and potassium were found to
was also a higher risk of being underweight among girls be significantly higher, while intakes of calcium, iodine,

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Table 2.  Linear multiple regression analysis.a

Crude Multivariable 1 Multivariable 2 Multivariable 3 Multivariable 4

  Coeff. ß 95% CI Coeff. ß 95% CI Coeff. ß 95% CI Coeff. ß 95% CI Coeff. ß 95% CI
Cereals (g) −21.02 −32.57 to −9.48** −22.75 −33.96 to −11.55** −19.43 −30.25 to −8.61** −18.98 −28.65 to −9.31** −20.01 −30.45, −9.58**
Legumes (g) 38.03 23.29–52.77** 39.36 24.02–54.69** 39.34 23.9–54.77** 39.28 23.84–54.72** 21.17 4.98, 37.36*
Vegetables (g) 23.96 7.6–40.33* 28.29 11.61–44.97** 31.42 14.87–47.97** 31.47 14.92–48.02** 22.52 4.77, 40.28*
Dairy products (g) −82.86 −118.61 to −47.12** −95.76 −132.7 to −58.83** −92.92 −129.85 to −55.99** −92.30 −128.66 to −55.95** −40.84 −78.46, −3.22*
Fiber 1.41 0.48–2.35* 1.51 0.59–2.43* 1.80 0.91–2.7** 1.83 0.99–2.67** 1.20 0.3, 2.09*
Vit. B6 (mg) 0.12 −0.02 to 0.26 0.15 0.01–0.29* 0.18 0.03–0.32* 0.18 0.04–0.32* 0.16 0.01, 0.31*
Folate (mcg) 18.49 2.9–34.09* 21.21 5.64–36.79* 25.51 10.2–40.82 25.87 11.06–40.68** 21.63 5.68, 37.59*
Vit. E (mg) 1.08 0.41–1.74* 1.04 0.36–1.72* 1.21 0.54–1.88** 1.23 0.59–1.87** 1.00 0.31, 1.68*
Vit. K (mcg) 23.45 12.66–34.24** 24.49 13.44–35.54** 26.49 15.48–37.49** 26.68 15.87–37.49** 23.48 11.83, 35.13**
Calcium (mg) −88.93 −140.93 to −36.93** −111.12 −163.83 to −58.42** −101.18 −153 to −49.36** −99.65 −148.81 to −50.49** −29.16 −79.97, −21.65*
Iron (mg) 1.33 0.6–2.07** 1.38 0.65–2.1** 1.61 0.9–2.31** 1.63 0.97–2.29** 1.10 0.39, 1.8*
Iodine (mcg) −5.33 −10.41 to 0.25 −6.46 −11.58 to −1.34* −5.09 −10.11 to −0.08* −4.98 −9.82 to −0.13* −3.26 −8.47, −0.19*
Zinc (mg) 0.48 −0.03 to 0.93 0.40 −0.04 to 0.85 0.53 0.1–0.96* 0.55 0.16–0.94* 0.49 0.07, 0.91*
Magnesium (mg) 13.07 −2.14 to 23.99 12.90 2.13–23.66* 16.33 5.98–26.68* 16.73 7.32–26.14* 10.46 0.4, 20.52*
Sodium (mg) −148.75 −275.95 to −21.55* −171.60 −297.47 to −45.73* −129.06 −248.79 to −9.34* −124.04 −230.82 to −17.26* −61.94 −176.38, −52.51*
Potassium (mg) 116.88 −7.68 to 226.08 106.58 3.03–216.18* 143.87 38.93–248.8* 147.42 49.68–245.16* 150.94 45.48, 256.41*

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ASD: autism spectrum disorder; TD: typically developing; Vit.: vitamin; CIs: confidence intervals.
Beta (β) coefficients and 95% CIs are interpreted as the mean difference in intake between children with ASD and TD children.
Multivariable 1: adjusted for age (continuous) and sex.
Multivariable 2: also adjusted for weight (continuous) and height (continuous).
Multivariable 3: also adjusted for total energy intake (continuous).
Multivariable 4: also adjusted for diet type (gluten-free casein-free vs regular diet).
aIntake of TD children is used as the reference (zero values).

Level of significance *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001.

Marí-Bauset et al. 7

and sodium were significantly lower than those in TD chil-


dren. Exploring nutritional inadequacy in the two groups



of children compared to DRIs, we found the following: (1)

95% CI
High percentages failing to meet recommendations were

Multivariable 4
common in both groups with low intakes of carbohydrate
(91% in children with ASD vs 87.47% in the controls),

vitamin D (82.86% vs 84.24%, respectively), iodine

(62.86% vs 65.66%, respectively), and excessive fat
intakes (71% vs 69.49%, respectively), and the differences
were not significant. (2) The amount of fluoride consumed





was insufficient in all the children (in both groups). (3)

95% CI
The percentage of children consuming less than the recom-

Multivariable 3
mended amount of fiber and vitamin E intake was higher
in TD children than their peers with ASD. And finally, (4)
deficient riboflavin, vitamin A, and calcium intakes were

more common in children with ASD than their TD peers,
while a sodium intake lower than the DRIs was more fre-
quent in the ASD than the TD group. For all the other




nutrients, no statistically significant differences were

95% CI
found between the groups when comparing intakes to
DRIs, and the distribution of intakes was similar. The

Multivariable 2
results are listed in detail in Supplementary Online Table
2. When these comparisons were made with the DRIs for
the United States (IOM, 2010), we observed similar inad-

equate intake levels, except for carbohydrates (AMDR in
Spain 50–55 vs 45–65% in United States) and iodine
(EAR: 120 vs 65 mcg, respectively) (data not shown).

Table 3 summarizes the risk of inadequate intakes in



children with ASD using the logistic regression analysis
95% CI

with TD children taken as the reference category. The ORs

DRIs: dietary reference intakes; TD: typically developing; Vit.: vitamin; CIs: confidence intervals.
in the adjusted model indicate a higher risk of failing to
Multivariable 1

meet recommendations for certain nutrients in children

with ASD: thiamin (4.25-fold), riboflavin (13.08-fold),
vitamin C (2.60-fold), iron (7.09-fold), and calcium (3.26-

Multivariable 4: also adjusted for diet type (gluten-free casein-free vs regular diet).

fold). On the other hand, the risk of inadequate intakes was

Multivariable 2: also adjusted for weight (continuous) and height (continuous).
higher in TD children for fiber, vitamin E, and sodium.
We repeated the main analyses using the EAR cut-point

method and the results were very similar (data not shown).



Multivariable 3: also adjusted for total energy intake (continuous).

95% CI

Risk of failing to meet DRIs or nutritional targets in children.

aIntake of TD children is taken as the reference (1 Ref.).
Multivariable 1: adjusted for age (continuous) and sex.

Our first hypothesis was that children with ASD would


have significantly lower anthropometric values, and this is



confirmed by our results (ORs adjusted for the BMI cate-

Table 3.  Logistic regression analysis.a

Level of significance *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001.

gories showed high risks of being underweight in all chil-

dren with ASD and boys with ASD). Furthermore, children

with ASD overall and boys (this does not occur with girls)
were shorter than TD children. There is no consensus
6–9 y.

among previous research comparing the anthropometric



values of children with ASD and TD children (e.g. Attlee

et al., 2015; Bauset et al., 2013; Curtin et al., 2010; Egan
Riboflavin (mg)

et al., 2013; Emond et al., 2010; Evans et al., 2012; Ho et al.,

Calcium (mg)
Thiamin (mg)

Sodium (mg)
Vit. C (mg)

1997; Zimmer et al., 2012). Likewise, Hill et al. (2015)

Vit. E (mg)

Iron (mg)
Fiber (g)

found that prevalence of overweight and obesity was sig-

nificantly higher among young children (2–5 years of age)

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8 Autism

and adolescents (12–17 years of age) with ASD compared criteria, analysis of single individuals or small or age-
with the matched controls. However, for ages 6–11 years, heterogeneous samples, among others), the nutritional
no prevalence differences were found. In addition, Hyman assessment has indicated limited food variety in the ASD
et al. (2012) reported in their study that children aged population and has not confirmed significant differences
2–5 years with ASD had more overweight and obesity, and on macronutrients; yet it has shown an inadequate intake
children aged 6–11 years had more underweight than the of certain types of micronutrients in children with ASD
NHANES-matched cohort. These results are consistent with respect to DRIs or controls. These findings are con-
with studies previously carried out in Spain (Bauset et al., sistent with those obtained in our study. Indeed, nutritional
2013; Marí-Bauset et al., 2015a), and with our findings in requirements in these children in terms of energy and
the 6–9 years age group in this study. These differences macronutrients seem to be satisfied despite the rates of
observed in terms of the age group studied could be food selectivity and dietary restrictions. However, all the
explained due to the fact that children with ASD and aged previously cited studies, as well as our study, found that a
2–5 years spend more time carrying out therapeutic activi- wide range of nutritional inadequacies—both excessive
ties, where snacks can be used to reinforce participation, and insufficient intake of micronutrients—existed in chil-
which may favor unhealthy weight gain. Also, they may dren with ASD.
have fewer opportunities for or interest in active playing Previous studies assessing nutritional factors among
than their matched TD peers, a circumstance which can children with ASD have reported mixed results regarding
favor unhealthy weight gain. However, the exact reason nutritional deficiencies in this population (e.g. Alpert,
why the weight would be unhealthy among children with 2007; Keen, 2008; Kranz et al., 2006; Schreck et al., 2004).
ASD is not clear. Among schoolchildren of the age studied Notably, a body of previous research conducted among
herein, growth is highly sensitive to the balance between individuals with selective eating patterns like those
energy intake and total energy expenditure (Bölte et al., observed in ASD has shown inadequate intakes of low-
2002; Ho et al., 1997). However, in our sample, the energy energy foods, such as fruit and vegetables (Dovey et al.,
intake estimates in children with ASD and TD children 2008; Dubois et al., 2007; Emond et al., 2010; Evans et al.,
were similar. Apart from physical activity, abnormal 2012; Kranz et al., 2006), high-fiber foods, and lean pro-
behaviors can also result in higher levels of stress. Also, tein-rich foods (Dovey et al., 2008; Dubois et al., 2007;
other mechanisms that can cause development in these Evans et al., 2012), trends which contrast with the charac-
children with ASD to differ from that in TD children teristics of a Mediterranean diet.
include, among others, medical comorbidities (e.g. gastro- On the other hand, studies comparing the nutrient
intestinal diseases), or even neuroendocrine or genetic fac- intake of children with ASD with that of TD children have
tors (Newschaffer et al., 2007). Likewise, ASD and TD often minimized differences in nutrient intake between
groups could present different patterns of growth through- these groups. For instance, Shearer et al. (1982) used
out timelife (Hill et al., 2015). In any case, although BMI 3-day diet record, as we did, and observed lower calcium
is an important indicator for healthy weight, it is not neces- and riboflavin intake in children with ASD than TD con-
sarily a good indicator of nutrient status. trols, yet concluded that overall, the nutrient intake of
Second, we hypothesized that children with ASDs children with ASD was adequate and typical of well-fed
would have lower macro- and micronutrient intakes from American children. A classic study (Raiten and Massaro,
food than TD children, and we found this to be true only 1986) indicated that individuals with ASD presented sig-
for intakes of dairy products, cereals, calcium, iodine, and nificantly higher intakes of total energy, proteins, and car-
sodium. In contrast, the intakes of children with ASD were bohydrates, but not of fat; however, the authors concluded
significantly higher for legumes, vegetables, fiber, folate, that despite food selectivity, the overall adequacy of the
vitamins B6, E, and K, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potas- diets consumed was similar for both groups. Other
sium. These findings are in line with the traditional researchers (Hyman et al., 2012; Shearer et al., 1982)
Mediterranean diet in our geographical region (Valencia, have reported significantly lower total energy intakes.
Spain), and different from the so-called Western diet. The More recent studies (Emond et al., 2010; Johnson et al.,
review of the nutritional results of the cited articles quickly 2008; Lockner et al., 2008) have not observed major dif-
revealed that the existing body of literature is best described ferences in nutritional intake (total energy, fats, carbohy-
as highly limited in terms of research quality. Only three drates, proteins) compared to TD children, although
nutritional studies (Hediger et al., 2008; Herndon et al., children with ASD display more behavioral problems at
2009; Hyman et al., 2012) were of sufficient experimental meal times (Johnson et al., 2008).
rigor, due to the study design and size, so as to be classified Regarding specific micronutrients, children with ASD
as high-quality evidence. According to a recent systematic have been observed to have much higher intakes for niacin,
review (Marí-Bauset et al., 2015b), despite the fact that the thiamin, and riboflavin (Raiten and Massaro, 1986); sev-
studies in this area have suffered from methodological eral studies have reported low vitamin intakes, for vitamin
weaknesses (the lack of control groups, unclear selection A (Hyman et al., 2012; Raiten and Massaro, 1986; Shearer

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Marí-Bauset et al. 9

et al., 1982), vitamin C (Emond et al., 2010; Hyman et al., lipids (Cornish, 1998; Souza et al., 2012) and proteins
2012; Raiten and Massaro, 1986; Shearer et al., 1982), vita- (Cornish, 1998; Levy et al., 2007; Sadowska and Cierebiej,
min D (Emond et al., 2010), and/or riboflavin (Hyman 2011; Souza et al., 2012) than the recommended. In addi-
et al., 2012; Shearer et al., 1982). Significantly higher tion, some authors found the intakes of calories, carbohy-
intakes for calcium, phosphorus, and iron (Raiten and drates, and fats to be adequate in most children with ASD
Massaro, 1986) have also been indicated. On the other (Levy et al., 2007), whereas others observed intakes of
hand, other research studies (Hyman et al., 2012; Shearer calories and proteins to be adequate in the vast majority of
et al., 1982) found significantly lower intakes of calcium, children with ASD, but fat intake to be lower than DRIs in
zinc, and phosphorus, but concluded that children with these children (Xia et al., 2010). On the other hand, several
ASD eat similar amounts of nutrients to controls. studies (Herndon et al., 2009; Hyman et al., 2012; Kranz
Our third hypothesis was that the overall HEI scores et al., 2006; Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011) have found
and for food variety for children with ASD would be sig- low intakes of fiber compared to DRIs, consistent with our
nificantly lower than those of TD children. Yet despite results, and many previous studies (Cornish, 1998; Hediger
inadequate intakes of one or more macro- or micronutri- et al., 2008; Herndon et al., 2009; Hyman et al., 2012;
ents, in our sample, differences between groups were not Lindsay et al., 2006; Moore et al., 2004; Neumeyer et al.,
significant for the HEI. The HEI scores classified the diets 2013; Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011; Zimmer et al., 2012)
of children with ASD and TD children as “needs to be have obtained similar results to ours regarding vitamin D,
improved.” This quantitative result is comparable to previ- intakes being below nutritional recommendations.
ous findings (Hyman et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 2008; Regarding vitamins, we found a smaller proportion of
Lockner et al., 2008; Raiten and Massaro, 1986), although children with ASD than their peers failed to meet vitamin
these earlier studies did not explicitly report HEI values. E intake recommendations. However, other studies
To our knowledge, only two other studies have investi- (Herndon et al., 2009; Suitor and Gleason, 2002) have
gated the HEI in ASD. Graf-Myles et al. (2013) found that reported children with ASD to have lower vitamin E
the children with ASD who did not follow a restricted diet intakes, failing to meet nutritional recommendations. On
obtained significantly lower HEI scores than those on a the other hand, some authors have observed that niacin,
restricted diet and TD children, while Johnson et al. (2014) vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 sufficed for most children with
suggested that as feeding and mealtime behaviors are ASD (Xia et al., 2010), and others that a high proportion of
worse in children with ASD, the quality of their diet would children with ASD presented lower than the recommended
also be worse. intakes of riboflavin (Shearer et al., 1982), niacin (Cornish,
The scores of component 10 of HEI (“variety in diet”) 1998), or pantothenic acid (Lindsay et al., 2006). Low
were not significantly different in the two groups. This intakes of vitamin B12 (Zimmer et al., 2012), vitamin B6
finding may be explained by the fact that parents and car- (Cornish, 1998; Xia et al., 2010), and folate (Cornish,
egivers whose offspring have been diagnosed with ASD 1998) have also been reported. Furthermore, intakes have
pay particular attention to diet and nutrition of their chil- been reported to be lower than DRIs for vitamin A
dren and this may compensate to some degree for difficult (Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011; Xia et al., 2010), vitamin
eating behaviors. In any case, our data showed limited C (Cornish, 1998; Xia et al., 2010), and vitamin K (Lindsay
food variety in children with ASD. et al., 2006) in some individuals, although growth rates do
Finally, our fourth hypothesis proposed that children not seem to be affected (Xia et al., 2010).
with ASD would meet Spanish daily recommended intakes With regard to minerals, several studies have indicated
less often than TD children. Significant differences were similar results for children with ASD to those reported
only found for certain nutrients: (1) a high percentage of herein, with calcium intakes below DRIs (Bandini et al.,
children in both groups exceeded the DRIs for sodium, but 2010; Cornish, 1998; Hediger et al., 2008; Herndon et al.,
a sodium intake in line with recommendations (i.e. lower 2009; Ho et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2008; Neumeyer
than the DRIs) was more common in the children with ASD; et al., 2013; Suitor and Gleason, 2002). Numerous studies
and (2) despite intakes being adequate in most children in (Bilgiç et al., 2010; Cornish, 1998; Dosman et al., 2007;
both groups, the percentage of children with ASD who met Herndon et al., 2009; Ho et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2008;
the guidelines was higher for vitamin E, but lower for biotin, Latif et al., 2002; Reynolds et al., 2012; Sadowska and
riboflavin, vitamin A, and calcium than in TD children. Cierebiej, 2011; Shearer et al., 1982; Xia et al., 2010) have
Furthermore, the majority of children in both groups failed reported that children with ASD do not meet DRIs for iron,
to meet the recommendations for carbohydrates, with lower while other data (Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011; Shearer
intakes than DRIs, and the same could be said for lipids, et al., 1982; Xia et al., 2010), including those of this study,
with excessive intakes, but differences were not significant. are inconsistent with these earlier findings. Several authors
Some previous research has observed low protein observed mixed results for magnesium: a high intake
intakes (Zimmer et al., 2012), while other studies have (Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011; Zimmer et al., 2012), AI
reported imbalanced macronutrients with higher intakes of in most children with ASD (Xia et al., 2010), or low daily

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10 Autism

intake (Levy et al., 2007), while intakes of zinc were lower from the outset and were extensively trained and supported
than DRIs (Xia et al., 2010; Zimmer et al., 2012). Others in the completion of the food records. All this can compen-
(Sadowska and Cierebiej, 2011) have published results sate for the limitations that the selection of the sample may
regarding intakes of sodium and phosphorus, but the val- impose or for external validity generalization. We should
ues did not differ significantly from those of the reference also point out that data for the cases and controls that were
population. compared had been adjusted for age, sex, weight, height,
The general picture remains unclear. Some authors and total energy intake as potential confounders, as well as
have concluded that the mean intakes for macronutrients all children having a similar place of residence and socio-
and micronutrients tend to exceed DRIs (Lindsay et al., economic status, and being followed up over the same
2006) while others have indicated that the majority of chil- time period. We believe that these factors may help to
dren with ASD do not generally meet recommended nutri- compensate for limitations in generalizability and external
ent intakes (Ho et al., 1997). validity associated with participant selection. Furthermore,
It could be argued that DRIs should differ for children our study was also substantially larger than any previous
with ASD. However, despite there being biological differ- research work of this type conducted in Spain. Finally, it
ences between the groups, there is still no basis to date to could be that DRIs should be different for children with
assert that they have different metabolic requirements. ASD, although for the moment, no alternative recommen-
Furthermore, the mixed results available should be inter- dations have been proposed.
preted cautiously. Comparisons can be hindered by the fol-
lowing: a lack of standard criteria for nutritional tables
across countries; variations in age groups for which rec- Conclusion
ommendations are defined; authors using distinct cut-off
Recommendations and implications for practice
values to define “inadequacy”; and recommended levels
not specifying the availability and consumption of forti- Although many children with ASD in our sample did not
fied foods. All these aspects may lead to studies producing eat the recommended intakes of certain nutrients, this is
results that are not directly comparable, and this likely generally the case for the Spanish child population (Varela-
underlies the seemingly inconsistent results. Moreiras et al., 2010). So far, the data available remain
insufficient to reach a clear consensus as to whether nutri-
tional intake is generally impaired in children with ASD
Study limitations and regarding its potential consequences for their develop-
Our results show a probability of inadequacy, but do not ment. However, given some evidence that certain children
determine whether the diet of the ASD group is adequate with ASD do not eat a balanced diet, anthropometric moni-
or not. Real nutritional deficiency should be confirmed by toring is important and it is necessary to investigate the
specific biomarkers of nutrient intake. In our sample of range and severity of risk of deficiencies or excesses with
children with ASD, there were considerably more boys longitudinal studies to better manage their diet in order to
than girls, reflecting the gender imbalance in the preva- minimize the possible risk of them developing comorbid
lence of the disorder. Although this imbalance was not pre- chronic conditions.
sent in the TD sample, the Spanish dietary recommendations More research is needed to corroborate our findings.
for the age group studied (6–9 years) are the same for boys Given stark differences between our findings and reports
and girls, and this homogeneity in the age group, as well as from other parts of the world, future research should con-
multivariable-adjusted models, reduces the impact of this sider the role of environment and cultural dietary patterns
potential source of bias. in food selectivity and food intake in children with ASD
In addition, results obtained using two different meth- and attempt to clarify the relationships between ASD-
ods (the probabilistic approach and the EAR cut-point related symptoms, anthropometric values, eating patterns,
approach) to estimate nutrient intake adequacy were very and health status. Other areas for future work include
similar. The use of the latter approach as a reference for characterizing the various behavioral ASD phenotypes by
estimating nutritional adequacy compared with the DRIs considering more detailed diagnoses and standardizing
value avoids overestimation of the prevalence of dietary protocols to assess nutritional problems. HEI results can
inadequacy. Although the sample sizes were relatively be used to guide clinical and research activities in this
small in comparison with several studies previously car- area although more data are needed to validate food vari-
ried out by researchers in other countries and may not be ety as an indicator of the risk of deficient or excessive
fully representative of the population of the country, we nutrient intakes. Our anthropometric and nutritional
believe that our study offers strong internal validity given results in children with ASD suggest that these variables
the low attrition rate. We are confident about the good may be useful for stratifying this study population for
quality of the self-reported information used for the nutri- clinical and genetic studies, and for developing new ave-
tional assessment. Parents were very interested in the study nues of research in the epigenetics field, particularly in

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Marí-Bauset et al. 11

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considering together dietary assessment, anthropometric, Survey of Children’s Health. BMC Pediatrics 23(10): 11.
Dosman CF, Brian JA, Drmic IE, et al. (2007) Children with
and laboratory results.
autism: effect of iron supplementation on sleep and ferritin.
Pediatric Neurology 36(3): 152–158.
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grateful for support from colleagues at the Dr Peset University Dubois L, Farmer AP, Girard M, et al. (2007) Preschool chil-
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this study. body weight. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61:
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