Financial Statement 2017

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Land Denfence Coalition

At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017


Balance sheet statement.....................................................3

End of service indemnity...................................................4
Statement of changes in net assets....................................5
Cash flow statement...........................................................6
Disclosure of the financial statement...............................7

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Balance sheet statement

(all number in dollar $)

Note 2017 2016

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalent 3 30,584 1,882
Accounts Receivable 12,353 -
Total Current Assets 42,936 1,882
Total Assets 42,936 1,882

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Other Current Liabilities 4 16,673 2,682
Total Current Liabilities 16,673 2,682

Long - Term Liabilities

Accumulated end of service employee benefits
(net) 5 -
Total Liabilities 701 2,682
Net Assets
Unrestricted net assets (1,454) (800)
Temporarily restricted Net Assets For Projects 27,017 -
Total Net Assets 25,563 (800)
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 42,936 1,882

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

Suheil Odeh Rafaat Al- Khandqj

Chairman Of Board Of Officer Treasurer

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

End of service indemnity

(All numbers in dollar $)

Note 2017 2016

Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets
Revenues and Donations
Donations 1,035 28,986
Donations In -Kind - 1,200
Total Revenues and Donations 1,035 30,186
Net Assets released from temporary restriction 25,599 2,885
total Revenues and Net Assets released from temporary
26,634 33,071

Salaries and related benefits 6 13,205 15,967
Direct expenses 7 9,330 13,028
General and administrative expenses 8 4,763 3,417
financial expenses 9 (10) 186
Total Expenditures 27,287 32,598

Changes in Net Assets (654) 473

Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets (654) 473

Changes in Temporarily Restricted net Assets

Temporarily Restricted Donations and Grants - -
Net Assets Released From Temporary Restriction (25,599) (2,885)
Changes in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets (25,599) (2,885)

Changes in Net Assets 24,945 (2,412)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Statement of changes in net assets

(All numbers in dollar $)

Unrestricte y restricted
d net assets net assets
for projects for projects Total
Net Assets (Dec 31, 2015) (1,273) 2,885 1,612
Increases During The Year
Donations from projects - - -
Donations 28,986 - 28,986
Other donations 1,200 - 1,200
Total Increases During The Year 30,186 - 30,186
Decrease During The Year
Expenditures (29,713) (2,885) (32,598)
Total Decreases During The Year (29,713) (2,885) (32,598)
Changes for the year 473 (2,885) (2,412)
Net assets (Dec 31, 2016) (800) - (800)

Increases During The Year

Donations from projects - - -
Donations 1,035 - 1,035
Other donations - - -
Total Increases During The Year 1,035 - 1,035
Decreases During The Year
Expenditures (1,688) 27,016 25,328
Total Decreases During The Year (1,688) 27,016 25,328
Changes for the year (654) 27,016 26,363
Net assets (Dec 31, 2017) (1,454) 27,016 25,563

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Cash flow statement

(All numbers in dollar $)

2017 2016
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Change in net assets (654) (2,412)
Changes of net assets with net cash used in the operating
(Decrease)increase in accounts payable and other current
liabilities 30,057 (29,660)
(Decrease)increase in accumulated employees severance
pay (701) (1,800)
Net Cash From (Used In) Operating Activities 28,702 (33,872)

Increase (Decrease) In Cash And Cash Equivalent 28,702 (33,872)

Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 1,882 35,754
Cash And Cash Equivalent At End Of The Year 30,584 1,882

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Disclosure of the financial statement

(All numbers in dollar $)

Note1 : General
Land denfence coalition is a coordinating body consisting of a group of mass
bodies that aims to enhance the spirit of co-work and combine the capabilities and
coordinate efforts so that we can face the challenges imposed by the occupation on our
people, especially in the "C" regions, so that we can help to strengthen the resilience of
our people in villages and communities Which faces the danger of deportation and the
confiscation of their lands, or what the settlers pose as a daily threat to the life and
property of the residents of those villages or those gatherings that the occupying state
aims to transfer and confiscate their lands for the benefit of settlements such as southern
Hebron and the northern Jordan Valley. On the other hand, to enhance the capabilities of
recombinant bodies Administrative and technical and rationalization of expenses in favor
of field work and the services they provide, by merging and unifying administrative
departments such as financial management, relations, media, pressure, advocacy and field
work committees. The federation started its work in 2014 and obtained an official license
from the Palestinian Ministry of Interior at the end of the first quarter of 2014, under
registration number (RA-22862-A).

The main components of the association are:

 Palestinian Farmers Union
 The popular campaign to resist the wall and settlements
 Union of New Syndicates and Youth Mobility
 The Jadayel Palestinian Society for Culture and Arts

Note2 : Summary of significant accounting policies

 Accounting principles
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards. Currently, these standards do not include any specific
requirements regarding non-profit organizations in relation to accounting policies or the
presentation of financial statements. Therefore, the two criteria were used
(FAS 116 and FAS 11) for non-profit organizations issued by the American Accounting
Standards Board, which require classification of resources to:
 Temporary assets that represent restricted contributions and flows according to
the terms of the agreement imposed by the donors, provided that they are freed
from the restrictions in the future over time or through the procedures that the
institution undertakes to achieve them.

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

 Restricted assets represent restricted contributions and flows in accordance with

the terms of the agreement imposed by donors that do not end with the passage of
time or even through the procedures that the institution undertakes to achieve
Disclosure of the financial statement (cont.)
(All numbers in dollar $)

 Unrestricted assets represent contributions and other flows used by the

organization and are generally unrestricted by donors.
 The financial statements are presented in US dollars, as it is the currency used in
the business and financial reports of the institution. And the accounting principles
were used during the year as the financial statements were prepared using the
historical cost and the accrual basis, unless otherwise indicated. The financial
statements were prepared on the basis of the accounting accrual principle.

Summary of the important financial policies pursued by the Union:

 Cash and cash equivalents
For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of
cash in hand and cash in banks.
 Contributions receivable
Contributions receivable are recorded at the amount of expenses in excess of
contributions received for projects during the year.
 Other provisions
Provisions are recognized if the Union has any obligation (legal or expected) arising
from a previous event and the cost of settling the obligation is probable and can be
measured objectively.
 Expenses
Expenses are recorded on the accrual basis when they occur.
 Accumulated employee compensation at the end of service
Accumulated employee compensation is calculated at the end of accumulated service
in accordance with local labor laws. The Union calculates a month's salary for each year
of service based on the last salary for the current year in order to cover future obligations.
 Revenue from donations
Revenue from donations is calculated at a fair value, which is recognized upon receipt
of the assets (cash, goods, services and property) if the assets are free from any
conditions and economic benefits for the Union can be calculated reliably.
 currency differences
Financial transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in accordance with the
exchange rate at the date of each transaction. Differences arising from creditors'
payments or from changes in credit balances are recognized at the end of each period as
revenue or expense for the period in which they appeared. Balances based in foreign

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

currencies shown in the statement of financial position are presented at rates The
following exchange:
2017 2016
New Israeli shekel 0.287 0.26
Jordanian Dinar 1.406 1.407
EURO 1.197 1.052
Disclosure of the financial statement (cont.)
(All numbers in dollar $)

Note3 : Cash and Cash Equivalent

Cash and cash equivalent contains:
2017 2016
Bank balance in New Israeli Shekels 5,431 4
Bank balance in USD 24,974 750
Bank balance in EURO 178 1,128
Bank balance in Jordanian Dinar 1
30,584 1,882

Note4 : Accounts Payable and Accruals

Accounts payable and accruals contains:
2017 2016
Outstanding checks 16,784 1,782
Advance salary (1,259) -
Account payable - -
Income tax payable 398 -
Palestinian farmers Union (PFU) - -
Professional fees - -
Accrued audit fees 750 900
16,673 2,682

Note5 : Employee compensation upon accumulated end of service

Employee compensation upon accumulated end of service
2017 2016
Beginning balance - 1,800
Additions for the current year 896 1,200
Payments during the year - (3,000)
Ending balance 896 -

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Disclosure of the financial statement (cont.)

(All numbers in dollar $)

Note6 : Salaries and Related Benefits

Salaries and Related Benefits Contains:
2017 2016
Employees’ Salaries 12,309 14,767
Provision for Employees end of service 896 1,200
13,205 15,967

Note7 : Direct Expenses

Direct Expenses Contain:
2017 2016
Humanitarian aid and food parcels - 885
Training & workshops 4,046 1,300
Accommodation and travel expenses 1,840 3,000
Legal and consulting fees 993 -
Participants transportation - 551
Hospitality 575 666
Printing & advertising 1,875 327
Agriculture and Land Reclamation - 6,299
9,330 13,028

Note8 : General and Administrative Expenses

General and Administrative Expenses Contain:
2017 2016
Office rent - -
Postal & telephone expense 844 959
Fuel expense 2,169 -
Audit fees 750 900
Other - -

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Insurance and car maintenance - -

Electricity , water and gas 258 -
Websites and other programs 742 1,058
Stationery and printing - 500
4,763 3,417

Disclosure of the financial statement (cont.)

(All numbers in dollar $)

Note9 : Financial Expenses

Financial Expenses Contain:
2017 2016
Foreign currency differentials 241 208
Bank Charges and interest expense (251) (20)
(10) 186

Note10 : Risk Management

 Credit risk
A which the Union is exposed in the case of failure of other parties to meet their
obligations. The greatest probability of exposure to credit risk is in the book value of the
assets. This risk is avoided by depositing cash in financial institutions with a good
reputation in financial credit.

 Currency risk
The union is subject to instabilities in foreign exchange rates during its activities,
which appear from the revenues and donations that are from the donors and the expenses.
They appear in foreign currencies during the year.

 Liquidity risk
It is the inability of the Union to fulfill its obligations as they fall due. The Federation
limits liquidity risk by ensuring that sufficient cash is available and that funds are used by

Note11 : Fair values of financial instruments

Land Denfence Coalition
At The End of the Year Dec 31, 2017

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a financial
liability settled, between a willing party, on fair terms. The financial assets of the Union
consist of cash and cash equivalents and their financial liabilities, from accounts payable.
The fair value of financial instruments is not materially different from their carrying
amount in the statement of financial position at the reporting date.


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