2nd Quarter Exam Grade 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I



Second Periodic Examination in Grade 7 English

Name: _________________________________________________________

Section: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
1. How many independent clause can be found in the sentence “After I had searched everywhere, I
found my ring, and I put it in my jewelry box”?
a. one b. two c. three d. none
2. The dependent clause in the sentence “When the weather is hot, gardening can be drudgery,” is
a. when the weather is hot b. the weather is hot c. hot gardening can be drudgery
d. gardening can be drudgery
3. Which of the following is a declarative sentence?
a. Who are you? b. She is smart. c. What a pleasant surprise! d.Do your homework.
4. Which one is an example of an interrogative sentence?
a. Who are you? b. She is smart. c. What a pleasant surprise! d. Do your homework.
5. Which of the following sentences transformed this statement into interrogative sentence answerable
by Yes or No? Maria is a well-known singer.
a. Is Maria a well-known singer? b. Who is Maria? c. Who is that well-known
singer? d. What is a well-known singer?
6. Which of the following is a noun phrase?
a. Mark had seen the show. b. She did not eat her dinner. c. They watched a romantic
movie. d. I did not know she can dance gracefully.
7. What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence? The bag with red beads is mine.
a. the bag b. red beads c. is mine d. with red beads
8. What is a prepositional phrase?
a. preposition accompanied by noun or pronoun b. preposition accompanied by verb
c. preposition accompanied by adverb d. preposition accompanied by conjunction
9. I give the childres a pizza________pancakes for breakfast.
a.instead b. Instead of c. because of d. anymore
10. . Which one is an adjective phrase?
a. We sat on the park bench.b. We flew a plane with twin engines. c. I will leave in one hour.
d. He talked with me.
11. Which word does the prepositional phrase modify?  Inside the room the children sat quietly wishing
their parents would return soon.  
a.Children  b.Wishing c.Sat d.Parents
12. Her family from Chicago decided to plan their trip later.Which is the prepositional phrase in the
a.from Chicago b. decided to plan c.plan their trip d. her family
13.Which one of these is not a form of verbal communication?
a. facial expressions b.communicating face to face c talking over the telephone d.business
14. When listening to someone what should you be doing?
a. slouching b. talking c. paying attention and asking question d. not listening

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
15.Dictionary is an example of?
a.Non.-fiction b. Fiction c. General Reference d. Periodical
16.What part of the book can you find the list of terms with their corresponding meaning?
a .Index b. preface c. appendix d. glossary

17.What kind of card is presented below?

a.Author card b. title card c. subject card d. cross reference card

574. 92 Cousteau, Jacques Yves

The Ocean World. New York:
H. N. Abrams [1985]

44 p.; illus.

1. Marine Biology 2. Ocean

Read the paragraph below to answer the questions.

When Anne Hutchinson came to America from England, she settled to Massachusettes Bay Colony.
She began preaching different beliefs than the Puritans that lived there in Massachusetts Bay.Many
people joined her meetings. However in 1637, Ann Hutchinson and her followers were forced by the
Puritans, to move out the colony.

18. Who is the passage about?.

a. The Puritans b. The Massachusetts colony c. Ann Hutchinson d.John Smith
19.Where and when did the event in the paragraph above take place?
a. Puritan in the 1600s b. Massachusetts Bay colony 1600s c Ann Hutchinson in Bay
d. Massachusetts bay
20. What happened in the story
a. colonists settled in Massachusetts Bay b. People left ENGLAND C. Ann Hutchinson was
forced to leave in Massachusetts d.John Smith came to the colony.

Literary Comprehension. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.

21.What does the word well-to-do mean in the poem “My Neighbor”?
a.Poor b. intelligent c. rich d. kind
22.What is the theme of the song “Glowing Inside?”
a.Hatred b. love c. sadness d. emptiness

23. Who is the person behind the story “The Bread of Salt”?
a. Manuel Arguilla b. NVM Gonzales c. Lina Sevilla d. Alberto S. Florentino
24. What is referred to as bread of salt?
a. doughnut b. loaf bread c. pandesal d. cookies
25. Who is the love interest of the main character in the story “The Bread of Salt?’
a. Aida b. Alicia c. Josefina d. Sonia
26. Who wrote “Footnote to Youth?”
a. Manuel Arguilla b. Jose Garcia-Villa c. Lina Sevilla d.NVM Gonzales
27. What is the conflict in the story “Footnote to Youth?”
a. problems of marrying at a young age b. financial problem c. early marriage d. family
28. At what age did Dodong get married?
a. 16 b. 17 c. 18 d. 19
29. Which of the following word is not associated with bullying?
a. punching b. teasing c. kicking d. loving
30. Who is the main character in the story “The Centepede?”
a. Nato b. Rony c. Boy d. Eddie
31. What animal was found by Berto?
a. spider b. turtle c. centipede d. dog
32. Where did David come from?
a. Pangasinan b. Pampanga c. Tarlac d. Zambalez
33. What was admirable about David?
a. humble and helpful b. boastful c.snobbish d.timid
34. What is the theme of the story stranger?
a.trust and good companioship b.suspiciousness c. unfriendliness d.discrimination
35. In the poem gifts of the city, what does the poet wants to give to the city?
a. good citizen b. Garbage c.burdens d.war
36. Which of the following is not a gift for the city?
a. follow traffic rule b.improper disposal of garbage c.planting trees

37. There is noise in a very quiet room.
a. metaphor b. irony c. simile d. hyperbole
38. One may experience a deafening silence inside a haunted house.
a. irony b. oxymoron c. pun d. antithesis
39. What literary device uses contradictory ideas but can be true.
a. paradox b. Irony c. Imagery d. simile
40. It expresses vivid images, clear sounds, and exact feelings of the speaker in a poem.
a. Imagery b. onomatopoeia c. sound d. repetition
41. A figure of speech in which one thing is explicitly compared to another, as in “she is like a walking
a. synecdoche b. allusion c. simile d. metaphor
42. My car died on the way to work. Car died is an example of ________.
a. metaphor b. Hypernole c.onomatopoeia d.personification
43. Which of the following is not a figurative language?
a. the grass looks green
b.the grass looks like as spiky green hairs
c.she ran like a bullet
d.grandma has a green thumb
44. The water made a sounds like kitten laughing.
a. simile b.metaphor c. hyperbole d.personification
45.The city never sleeps.
a. irony b personification c.onomatopoeia d. simile

A. Read and analyze the following paragraph. Paraphrase it using independent and dependent
clauses. (5 points)

While Thomas Edison was a newsboy on the train, a request came to him one day to go to the
office of E. B. Ward & Company, at that time the largest owners of steamboats on the Great Lakes. The
captain of their largest boat had died suddenly, and they wanted a message taken to another captain
who lived about fourteen miles from Ridgeway station on the railroad. This captain had retired, taken up
some lumber land, and had cleared part of it. Edison was offered $15 by Mr. Ward to go and fetch him,
but as it was a wild country and would be dark, Edison stood out for $25, so that he could get the
companionship of another lad. The terms were agreed to. Edison arrived at Ridgeway at 8.30 P.M.,
when it was raining and as dark as ink. Getting another boy with difficulty to volunteer, he launched out
on his errand in the pitch- black night.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Substitute Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved by:


Principal III
Answer key

1.B 26. B

2A 27. A

3.B 28. B

4.A 29. D

5.A 30.D

6.C 31.C

7.D 32.B

8.A 33.A

9.C 34.A

10.C 35.A

11.A 36.B

12.A 37.B

13.A 38.B

14.C 39.A

15.C 40.A

16.D 41.C

17.A 42.D

18.C 43.A

19.B 44.A

20.C 45.B






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