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Today, we celebrate the 16th Sunday in ordinary time year c.
The liturgical text of this day makes us understand that ever ready and gratuitous
hospitality is a sign of service to our neighbors. The kind of generosity shown by Abraham
towards his visitors is a good example.
The story of Martha and Mary stresses that service, even service to Christ, cannot be
separated from hearing his word. St. Paul is a model of service to his fellows.
Brethren, let us therefore during this Holy Eucharistic celebration to grace to be
empowered by the Holy Spirit to be strong in the face of condemnation as regards our
situation and to share and live out our faith without fear.

 1st READING: A reading from the book of Genesis 18:1-10

This makes us understand that, been generous to everyone who comes our way and
by living according to God’s word, God will not pass by his servants.

 2nd READING: A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Colossians 1:24-28
In this reading, through the examples of Saint Paul, we all are invited to be a model
of service to our fellows.

1. For the Church, we pray that the abiding presence of Christ be a source of strength
to all Christians, as they live out their special calling in the world.
Lord, have mercy and be with us always.
2. We pray for the greater trust among leaders of the nation, that they may realize that
our common human destiny is a precious link which binds people together,
especially it they see Christ in their neighbor.
Lord, have mercy and be with us always.
3. Lord, we pray for those who are overburdened with domestic duties, that they may
cease to worry and fret like Martha, and decide to spend part of everyday in silent
Prayer, when, like Mary, they can sit at the Lord’s feet.
Lord, have mercy and be with us always.
4. For true hospitality in the homes of each and every one of us here present and those
absent, may we always Christ in our neighbor when he is a welcome guest in our
homes filled with Christian warmth and love.
Lord, have mercy and be with us always.


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