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Malek Al-Atrash Social Ethics Project Report


Me and my groupmates presented the subject “Slow food”, we discussed a lot of

things including the relationship between slow food and how ethical and
unethical to human beings.

Slow food is beneficial to us; it’s healthy, clean and fair food. It connects
producers and co-producers.

Slow food nowadays isn’t likely enough by the young generation; they eat fast
food more than slow food, thinking that whoever eats fast food is cooler than the
one who eats slow food, which is a bad habit for the young people.

Society must raise awareness; so people then would know the benefits of slow
food, however it’s not so bad to eat fast food once every week or a couple of

Slow food might change us (e.g. realizing a person who eats slow food may lead
him/her to think that he/she is benefitting himself/herself which can reduce
diseases that may threaten him/her soon).

At the end, slow food (in my opinion) is way better than fast food, it tastes fresh
and good. Nobody can change people’s minds of eating slow food, unless
someone lead them to the right path by showing them the effects of fast food and
compare it with the positive effects of slow food.

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