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Lab:05 Transient analysis of first order systems

The following lab would help the students to get familiar with first order systems and also with
specifications of the first order systems.
First Order System:
The transfer function of the first order system is given below. The input to first order system is unit step defined
by R(s). Response od first order system depends on single parameter “a”, which defines the speed of output
( ) ( )

Figure 6.1 First Order System

The output of system will be product of input of the system and transfer function of the system.
Output will be having two poles one at origin and other at s = -a.
( ) (1)
( )
In time domain output of first order system will be
( ) (2)
Figure 6.2 Output Response of First Order System
Time constant of first order system is given by
Rise Time: Time required for system output to reach from 10% of final value ( ( )
( )) to 90% of final value ( ( ) ( )).
Settling Time: It is defined as the time for the response to reach and stay within 2 % of its final
value. ( () ( ))
(If 2% of final value criterion is used) (5)
(If 5% of final value criterion is used) (6)
Task 1: Find the pole location, rise time and settling time of the following system.
a) ( )
b) ( )

Write your observations of Task 1:

Pole Rise Time Rise Time Settling Time Settling Time
S. No
Location Calculated Observed Calculated Observed

Table 6.1 System observed response

Task 2:For the RC circuit given below, find equation for output voltage, pole location, rise time
and settling time when the applied voltage is ( ) = step voltage, For the circuit R = 50Ω and C =

Figure 6.3: RC Circuit

Output Voltage Equation: ________________________________________

Pole Location:
Rise Time (Calculated):
Rise Time (Observed):
Settling Time (Observed):
Settling Time (Calculated):
Table 6.2 System observed response

DC Motor
A motor is an electromechanical component that yields an angular displacement output, , for an input
voltage, , that is, a mechanical output generated by an electrical input. The motor’s schematic is shown
in Figure 6.4(a) and its transfer function for motor speed response is shown in Figure 6.4(b).
The DC motor speed transfer function is

( ) ( )
( )
( )
Or for simplicity we can use
( )
( ) ( )

Figure 6.4 DC Motor (a) Schematic, (b) Block Diagram

Task 4:In this task students will study changes occur in angular velocity when location of pole is
varied, where location of pole is dependent on different parameters of the system. Take K=1 and vary α
from 1 to 5 and study the variation in response then take K=5, vary α from 1 to 5 and study the effect. Use
step input and write your observations.

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