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Table of Contents

Advice and Letters from Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani ....................................................... 6

Advice of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani .......................................................................................6

Exhortations from Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani ................................................................................... 10
General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 1 ................................................................. 13
General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 2 ................................................................. 16
General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 3 ................................................................. 19
Letter from Seyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to the disciples of Guemar ......................................... 22
Letter of Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to his disciple the scholar Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi......................... 24
Letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim ........................................................... 26
Letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri ............................................... 28
Letter of Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani .................................................................................................. 29
Letter from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani to all the brothers .............................................................. 32
Letter from Seyyidina to one of his beloved in Bussemghune ...................................................... 34
Letter from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani to a dignitary...................................................................... 35
Letter from Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to Mawlana Sultan Sulaiman ............................................. 38
Recommendations of Ahmed Tijani .............................................................................................. 40
Another letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim .............................................. 44
Bonding to ALLAH - Advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani ........................................................... 45

Tijaniyyah Articles ............................................................................................................... 47

Hardheartedness .......................................................................................................................... 47
Right Conduct: Adeb ..................................................................................................................... 50
El Islam, El Imane, El Ihsane .......................................................................................................... 53
The Role Of The Sheikh And Following Him .................................................................................. 55
Djawharatul Kamal, The Pearl Of Perfection In Praise Of The Lord Of Men .................................. 64
Salatul Fatihi ................................................................................................................................. 66
The Origins Of The Rosary (Subha)................................................................................................ 73
Trials and Alleviation of Them ...................................................................................................... 77
Merits and blessings of the Tariqa Tidjaniya ................................................................................. 79
Protocol concerning the pious visit to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani in Fes (Morocco) ....................... 83
Content of the Tidjaniya litanies ................................................................................................... 87
Conditions of Tariqa Tidjaniya ...................................................................................................... 91
List of the 23 conditions of the Tidjaniya path .............................................................................. 95
Love .............................................................................................................................................. 97

3 The spiritual journey via the straightest path - part 1 - EL Madrassa Ahmediya Fi Haqq
Tariqa Tidjaniya ................................................................................................................. 100

Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani ‫ ﻋﻦ‬a ^ _

` ‫ ر‬............................................................................................ 109
Life Story Of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani............................................................................. 109
Lineage of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani ‫ ﻋﻦ‬a ^ _
` ‫ ر‬.............................................................................. 170
Caliphs who succeeded Sheikh Ahmed Tijani.............................................................................. 172
Descendants of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani ‫ ﻋﻦ‬a ^ _
` ‫ ر‬...................................................................... 173

Companions ....................................................................................................................... 175

Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini .................................................................................................................. 175

Lalla Mannana ............................................................................................................................ 198
Sidi Abdelwahab Banis, the blind companion ............................................................................. 201
Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn El Ahmar ............................................................................................. 203
Sidi Abdelwahid Bughalib ........................................................................................................... 206
Sidi Ahmed ibn Muhammad Bannani Fesi .................................................................................. 207
Sidi Arbi El Ashhab ...................................................................................................................... 209
Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim Berada........................................................................................................ 212
Sidi Hajj Budjama........................................................................................................................ 218
Sidi Mahmud Tunsi ..................................................................................................................... 220
Sidi Muhammad Ben Abi Nasr El Alawi ....................................................................................... 223
Sidi Muhammad Ben Abi Nasr El Alawi ....................................................................................... 229
Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi ................................................................................... 235
Sidi Muhammad El Habib Tidjani, son of Seyyidina Ahmedi Tidjani............................................ 238
Sidi Muhammad El Kebir Tidjani, son of Seyyidina Ahmedi Tidjani............................................. 243
Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi ........................................................................................... 249
Sidi Muhammad ibn Ghazi .......................................................................................................... 255
Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad Lahlu ...................................................................................... 256
Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri........................................................................................................ 257
Sidi El Muhib ben Qadur Zarhuni ................................................................................................ 260
Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz ................................................................................................................... 261
Sidi Tahar Butayba ...................................................................................................................... 263
Sidi Tayeb Sefiani ........................................................................................................................ 265
Sultan Suleyman ......................................................................................................................... 268
Sidi 'Arbi ibn Sa-ih ....................................................................................................................... 272
Sidi Muhammad El Ghali ............................................................................................................. 280
Sidi Muhammad ibn Hirzullah..................................................................................................... 284
Sidi Muhammad ibn Abbas Semghuni ........................................................................................ 285
Sidi Abdallah Sufi ........................................................................................................................ 286

4 Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi ....................................................................................................... 287

Sidi Abdsalem Abu Taleb ............................................................................................................ 288

Sidi Ahmed Dadouch El Moussaoui Semghouni .......................................................................... 289

Sidi Ahmed ibn Asaker El Djaza-iri .............................................................................................. 290
Sidi Ahmed ibn Ismail El Laghouati ............................................................................................. 290
Sidi Ahmed ibn Kirane................................................................................................................. 291
Sidi Arbi El Iraqi........................................................................................................................... 291
Sidi Ahmed Maghbar .................................................................................................................. 292
Sidi Bouziane .............................................................................................................................. 293
Sidi Lakhdar ................................................................................................................................ 294
Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas ....................................................................................................................... 295
Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji .................................................................................................. 297
Sidi Hajj Daoudi .......................................................................................................................... 298
Sidi Hajj Mohamed ibn Moussa El Turki ...................................................................................... 299
Sidi Hajj Taleb El Labar ................................................................................................................ 300
Sidi Hajj Mussa ibn Ahmed ibn Bettoun Semghuni ..................................................................... 301
Sidi Madani Charaibi ................................................................................................................... 302

FAQ .................................................................................................................................... 303


Advice and Letters from Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani

Advice of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani
(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

After mentioning the Name of ALLAH and praising Him and saluting the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), may the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of ALLAH be upon you.

Then, I exhort both you and myself to preserve the commandments in the following prophetic
words: "There are three causes of salvation and three causes for going astray”:

As for the causes of salvation, they are: the fear of ALLAH (Taqwa ALLAH) both in secrecy and
in public, the veracity of the spoken word, both in contentment and in anger, steadfastly moving
towards the goal, whether in richness or in poverty. As for the causes of going astray, these are:
surrendering to avidity, following one’s passion, self-satisfaction with one's own opinion.”

And also: "Under the firmament, there is no divinity more worshipped than a passion pursued”

And also: "To refrain from interfering with what does not concern you is the proper practice of

And also: "Do not wish for confrontation with the enemy, rather, ask ALLAH for salvation. If
you do meet the enemy, then show patience".

Although this relates to fighting disbelievers on the path of God, these days it also relates to the
need to be lenient towards evil coming from all people.

When a person wishes harm upon others deep down in his heart, ALLAH will direct these
people against him in such a way that he will not be able to do anything against them. The
servant should beseech ALLAH to protect him from provoking evil and discord among people.

If one is affected by people's evil without having caused it, ideally one would exchange good for
evil. If one is unable to do this, then one should be lenient, because forgiveness extinguishes all
fires of discord.

If one is incapable of this, one must be patient with the unfolding of destiny and should not react
to their evil. If the flames of evil intensify, then one should defend oneself using the best
manners with softness and kindness. If all else fails, then one must flee from the place if possible.

If one faces difficulty leaving the place or cannot find the strength to do it, then one should take
the least possible action with regards to the damage one has endured.

In appearance, one should do this, all the while secretly multiplying ones’ supplications to
ALLAH, and beseeching Him with endurance to remove the evil, until ALLAH brings relief. All
these steps of actions are recommended by the Law.

Beware! Beware! For he who has been wronged to respond with evil due to his impulsive
temperament and the darkness of his ignorance and self-esteem, even if unjustly wronged, he will

be flooded by an ocean of evil from ALLAH's creatures. Thus he has deserved perdition in this
world and the Hereafter.

This is the punishment resulting from one's diversion from ALLAH since the outset, because if
one had taken refuge in ALLAH, beseeching Him with humility, and submitting ones’ complaints
to Him, acknowledging one's own impotence and weakness, ALLAH would have removed the
evil of creatures without any cause or contrariety, or He would have distracted them with worries
rendering them powerless.

Or ALLAH would have sent down softness or patience enabling the servant to face the torment
with these qualities until ALLAH grants him relief. In this way, he would have been rewarded
both in this world and in the Hereafter.

His reward in this world would have been the best of endings and clear victory over the
creatures, as it has been predestined. As for his reward in the Hereafter, it would exceed all the
servant's expectations, in accordance with ALLAH's promise to those who are patient.

ALLAH (may He Be Glorified and Exalted) said:

"And the fair Word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because of their
endurance" (Surat 07 Al Araf, verse 137)

"O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer). Truly ! ALLÂH is with As-
Sabirun (the patient)" (Surat 02 The Cow, verse 153)

"And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of ALLÂH), then punish them
with the like of that with which you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better
for As-Sabirun (the patient)" (Surat 16 Bees, verse 126)

"Verily, he who fears ALLAH with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds,
and by performing righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, ALLAH makes not the
reward of the Muhsinun (good-doers) to be lost" (Surat 12 Joseph, verse 90)

And there are many other verses...

Due to the fact that people do not give consideration to what has been said above, they will find
themselves in perpetual great suffering, mutually inflicting their evil.

Thus they reap great loss in this world and the Hereafter, with the exception of those endowed
with the great Divine Safeguarding. As for the common people, because of their distance from
ALLAH and His prescriptions, they only see, in the manifestation of evil, the image of the
person causing them.

As a result, under the terrible influence of their ego, they rise to fight this evil with their own powers
and ruse. Consequently, they face evil incessantly and become the prisoners of punishment forever.

Indeed, the intelligent and reasonable servant, when suffering from people’s evil, would only see
the manifestation of a Divine Theophany that no one can face without Divine help.

His action and mind orientate him to flee to ALLAH and to take refuge in Him, while persisting
in invoking ALLAH and acknowledging his impotence and weakness.

Thus the servant immunizes himself with Divine protection in order to face His creatures.
Undoubtedly, this will remove every evil from him without difficulty. Even if the servant is set

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aflame by the fire of this evil, he cannot be harmed because he is taking refuge in ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted). He who clings to ALLAH cannot be overpowered by anyone.

ALLAH (may He Be Glorified and Exalted) said: "And whosoever fears ALLAH and keeps his
duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). (2) And He will
provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in ALLAH,
then He will suffice him." (Surat 65 The Divorce, verse 02 and 03).

These days, everyone needs the advice we have mentioned above. He who perseveres in this way
will achieve success in this world and in the Hereafter and he who turns away from it will be
forsaken by ALLAH and he shall face all difficulties with his own power and cunning, and
consequently he will be unsuccessful in the short or long term. Sufficient has been said on this

Then be steadfast in gratitude to ALLAH for the blessings which come to you from Him, with or
without cause. Thanking ALLAH is done by paying complete obedience to Him if this is
possible. If not, "he who is merely stained is better than he who is entirely black".

The lowest degree of gratitude to ALLAH is verbal gratitude, and there is no greater laziness than
being unable to do this. In the case of verbal gratitude, complete formulas of thankfulness should
be used. The highest degree of verbal gratitude is the recitation of Surat al Fatiha to thank
ALLAH for His gifts.

For the recitation, the intention should be determined to thank ALLAH for all His granted
blessings which are encompassed in His Knowledge, whether they are apparent or hidden,
palpable or abstract, known or unknown to the servant, immediate or yet to come, old or new,
durable or temporary. With this intention, the servant recites Al-Fatiha as many times as he can,
from one to one hundred.

He who adopts this practice will be placed among the grateful ones and rewarded with an increase in
blessings from ALLAH in proportion to his station. This is in accordance with His True Promise.

There are many complete formulas to show thankfulness to ALLAH, it is not necessary to go
into details on this matter. Among them are the following prophetic words:

"I cannot praise You, only You can praise Yourself."

And this invocation:

“My God! To You be praise and to You be Thanks as much as Your Whole Science knows about
Your Attributes and Your Names and Your Praises by which You have praised Yourself in Your
Own Word, and by which each of your creatures have praised You, with all the expressions of
praise by which You have mentioned Yourself, and by which all Your creatures have mentioned
You and to the extent to which Your Science embraces and for all the blessings upon us that
Your Science encompasses.”

This is a praise which includes all forms of thanks and which encompasses all kinds of blessings.

I warn every person to whom ALLAH has granted a blessing not to use it for His displeasure, such as
purchasing wine, committing fornication, practicing usury, or appropriating power with a view

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to harming Muslims, shedding their blood, confiscating their goods, and breaching their honor or
causing them even the slightest damage.

One who uses His blessings in such a way, will be deprived of them by ALLAH, and exposed to
His anger and abomination; if he does not realize the deprivation of ALLAH, this is a sign that
he is among those upon whom fall ALLAH's Wrath and Discontentment both in this World and
the Hereafter.

As for the blessed, he realizes ALLAH's deprivation as being a consequence of his

transgressions; he fears His imminent Punishment and his heart is warned regarding ALLAH..."

*Text translated from Jawahirul Maani

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

9 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


Exhortations from Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

"After mentioning ALLAH, and the prayer and salutation upon the Messenger of ALLAH (peace
and blessings be upon him), here is some advice for all those seeking advice for themselves, and
the advice from the Lord is defined by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) who said: “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We said “To whom?” He
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) responded: “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and
to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.”

Among this advice, the first is the fear of ALLAH, beside whom there is no Divinity except Him.
As Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) advised his children with these words: "O my sons, I
exhort you to fear ALLAH, The Immense, in secret as in public, to be honest in your speech in
satisfaction as in anger, to observe justice towards friends as towards enemies, to be moderate in
wealth as in poverty."

Then, it is necessary to take refuge in ALLAH and to rely on Him when afflicted with trials and
tribulations, and to attach the heart to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) as much as possible
according to one's rank with ALLAH. One needs to adopt a respectful restraint towards ALLAH
(The Glorified, The Exalted) such as defined in the word of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) who said: "Have a true respectful restraint towards ALLAH". They said: "We have
this respectful restraint, praise be to ALLAH". He said: "What you’re saying is not what I mean,
for the respectful restraint is to preserve the head and what it contains, to safeguard the belly and
what it gathers, to remind oneself of death and trials. One who longs for the hereafter forsakes
the ornaments of this world; and whoever achieves all this, has a true respectful restraint towards

This restraint mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is that of the
common people. As for the truthful’s restraint towards ALLAH, the spirit overwhelmed by
reverential fear, lowers his head even before that to which it is entitled; as has been said by the
Knowers of ALLAH (Arifine billah, those who attained a certain level of knowledge of ALLAH):

"I desire Him ardently, but, when He manifests Himself to

me, With reverence, I lower my head!
Not in fright! But with reverential fear!
And also to safeguard His Beauty!
Thus, I turn away from Him, and endure in patience,
Although I deeply desire, if only the Shadow of His
Spectrum! Undoubtedly in His Withdrawal there is death.
And in His Nearness there is true life."

And as another Knower of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said:

"Glory be to the One before Whom, even if we were able to prostrate with the
eyes On a bed of thorns and fiery needles
It would not be enough to express gratitude for a hundredth of His blessings!
Nor for a tenth of this hundredth or the thousandth!"

Then he recited more verses and disappeared among the people. In fact, this occured in the gathering

of 'Arafat. I questioned people about him; one said that he was Abu 'Ubeda Al Khawwas.

Undoubtedly, for forty years, he has not raised his head towards the sky out of decency to ALLAH.
Indubitably, that is the decency shown by the 'Arifine.

Then, seeking nearness to ALLAH through destruction of attachment, enduring obstacles,

renouncing all that is ambiguous, all kind of negligence and observation to things, all these
should be undertaken not for things or by ruse towards ALLAH but to fulfill the requirements of
Divine Magnificence and Great Majesty, and also for the Love of His Essence.

However, for each person, this will depend on his station and degree, and as for the one who has
been tested by the opposition to one of these criteria, he should return to ALLAH, humiliating
himself and beseeching Him, begging for His forgiveness, demeaning himself with humility, while
holding himself in contempt, acknowledging his powerlessness and weakness before ALLAH.
Then, it is necessary to remain close to ALLAH by adopting an attitude of submission, neediness,
extreme destitution and distress, fearing in the depth of his heart the danger of Allah’s
Unforseeable Attack and the possible separation from Him resulting from His Hidden Cunning.

In all circumstances, one must observe contentment and submission to ALLAH (The Glorified,
The Exalted), without confusion or disturbance, or desire for change, except when it is the work
of one's own ego (nafs); in this case, one should hasten to turn in repentance to ALLAH for any
transgression, because persistence in wrongdoing is forbidden. Even if one is not aware that it is
a decree of ALLAH, there is no excuse to forsake repentance.

One should devote time to benefit others from what one has acquired. These benefits should be
directed towards ALLAH's servants, not all of them, but special ones, and then gradually from
one to another according to proximity, without excess or negligence.

Full respect and regard for the rights of the brothers in Tariqa should be observed and the
fulfillment of these rights should not be delayed. One should always seek to satisfy them and not
shirk them.

Every reasonable person should spend time in isolation with his Lord -these moments should not
be delayed or forgotten- and other moments to sit with his brothers in Tariqa for a reminder or a
teaching or to acquire new knowledge. This should be done without excess or negligence. Then,
he should take advantage of the best periods of time to isolate himself with ALLAH, such as the
middle of the night, when people are sleeping, until dawn; the time after the Subh Prayer until
Duha; and after 'Asr Prayer until 'Isha Prayer.

He should work in this way, using common sense and his knowledge to reconcile that which he is
able to accomplish and the slackening that he needs to grant his ego so as not to generate lassitude,
complying with the prophetic word that said: "Religion is ease. If one wants to compete with religion,
one will be overcome." And his word: "This religion is unshakeable, seize it gently..." And his word:
"Perform the deeds you are able to, for ALLAH does not weary until you are wearied".

He should beware of using meetings and knowledge with an aim to influencing common folk or
becoming influential in State affairs. He who uses these practices will succeed neither in this
world nor in the hereafter. His only concern (preoccupation) should be preoccupation with his
own affairs. And he must not imply that he is teaching his brothers because he is the most
worthy of this: on the contrary, he should consider that this moment is essential for him.

When questioned about seeking knowledge, Malek (May ALLAH Be Pleased with him) said: "It is a
good thing, but be aware of what you must achieve from morning to evening, and accomplish

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it". He insisted on individual duty which ALLAH requires and for which He does not authorize
to forego. He who uses his search of knowledge as an excuse for turning away from his duties,
has ruined his life in this world and the hereafter, and his word is true about that.

You have only ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), therefore do not turn away from Him for
another, or resort to other than Him, nor find excuses to leave His door, nor take refuge in other
than Him when faced with by difficulty, distress and misfortune; without relinquishing gratitude
for His abundant and continuous blessings. This situation is well reflected in the words of Abbu-
l-'Abbas Mursi who said:

"The occasions faced by a servant are divided into four categories and not more which are:

- Either you are in a moment of ease, The Truth requires you to show gratitude
- Or you are in a moment of difficulty, The Truth requires you to show patience.
- Or you are in a moment of disobedience, The Truth requires you to show repentance.
- Or you are in a moment of obedience, The Truth requires you to show hopefulness".

The above classifications are all-inclusive, and this was mentioned in the word of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) who said: "One who receives and shows gratitude, one who is
afflicted and shows patience, one who is unfair and begs forgiveness, one who is oppressed and
forgives." Then he was silent until some members of the gathering asked: "What about them, O
Messenger of ALLAH?" He replied "Those are the ones who reap salvation and who are rightly

By "reaping salvation" The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) means that these people
are safe from ALLAH's punishment in the hereafter and they are rightly guided in this world if
and only if these actions are done sincerely for ALLAH, solely for ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted); and this advice concerns those who are veiled (spiritually) [...]"

*Text translated from Jawahirul Maani

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

12 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 1

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wrote the following:

In the name of ALLAH, The Beneficient, The Merciful,

May the prayer and the salutations be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and his companions,

Here is some general advice for all the brothers from the poor servant of ALLAH The Most
High, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani el Hassani, may ALLAH grant him his kindness and grace
in both abodes,

May the prayer, the peace and the mercy of ALLAH be upon you.

Know that, may ALLAH have mercy upon you, know that man was only created in this world to
adore ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and fulfil His commandments and abandon that
which He forbids. Indeed the faithful fulfilment of the commandments of ALLAH The Most
High, and respect for His Law are part of the most essential obligation and the greatest
orientation towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). This was decreed by both the Divine
Station and the Prophetic Law.

Indeed, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind
except to worship Me.” (Sourate 51 The Winds that Scatter, verse 56)

And ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “Did I not enjoin upon you, O children of
Adam, that you not worship Satan - [for] indeed, he is to you a clear enemy - And that you
worship [only] Me? This is a straight path.”(Sourate 36 Ya-sin, verses 60 and 61)

And ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I
am your Lord, so worship Me.”(Sourate 21 The Prophets, verse 92)

And ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “And obey Allah and the Messenger that you
may obtain mercy.”(Sourate 3 The Family of Imran, verse 132)

And ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “These are the limits [set by] Allah , and whoever
obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under which rivers
flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment. And whoever disobeys Allah and His
Messenger and transgresses His limits - He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he
will have a humiliating punishment.”(Sourate 4 The Women, verses 13 and 14)

And other verses on this subject.

The most important commandment of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is that you must
maintain the five prayers respecting all the rules, requirements and obligations. This is laid out in
the Imams books. Upholding their well-known conditions and perfecting the renowned
obligations, and also giving the necessary weight to good posture both when bowing and
prostrating as was prescribed by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the following
authentic words: “[…] then you bow until you become peacefully still in your bowing position,

then you rise and stand up straight. Then you prostrate until you are peacefully still in your

prostration and then you rise and sit up straight. Then you prostrate until you are peacefully still
in your prostration. » Then he says: “Do likewise for the rest of the prayer.””

Be extremely careful not to fall into the error into which people fall due to the lack of attention
regarding the perfection of their prayer. Indeed, they peck like a cockerel pecking seeds and this
invalidates their prayer as explained by the authentic prophetic words about the man who
conducted himself in this way and to whom he said: “Go back and pray because you have not
prayed.” He had prayed three times with the same attitude that is to say in a hurry to perform his
bow and his prostration, and the fourth time, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
taught him the way to proceed mentioned previously.

Certainly, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: « Pray as you have seen me
praying» He assumed an attitude of perfect calm when bowing and prostrating. According to the
Law, this state of tranquillity is defined as the fact of being immobile and not agitated : that is to
say that when a person is bowing or prostrating, when he reaches the bowing or the prostrating
position, he should relax in this position for as long as it takes to recite distinctively three
formulas of glorification and no less.

This is the minimum required for this attitude of calmness. Whosoever reduces this, will have
corrupted his prayer. It is to this that refers the information stipulating that when a person
concludes his prayer, an angel catches it and rolls it up as we would roll up clothing of someone
and hit him on the face.

The Law requires that a person does for his prayer what he does for his sleep: that is to say, when
sleep overcomes him, he hastens to sleep and abandons all other activities. Then he sinks
peacefully into sleep without any rush to diminish it or to wake up. This is how a person should
pray. He should conduct himself regarding the prayer by weighing the weight of its
accomplishment, giving himself entirely to it, abandoning all that distracts him from it, and then
he should perform it respecting all the aforementioned conditions.

As for he who accomplishes the prayer in a hurry, without caring about the calm immobility in
his bowing and prostration in the way that we have explained, his prayer will not be accepted. It
is to this that refers the prophetic words stipulating that the first thing that ALLAH will observe
among the servant’s deeds is his prayer. If his prayer is accepted, then all other deeds will be
taken into consideration, and if his prayer is not accepted, then ALLAH will take none of his
deeds into consideration.

Then, to accomplish the prayer, it is essential to perfect the state of ritual purification: that of the
body, the clothes and the place. The servant should learn the rules concerning purification by the
perfect washing of the limbs for the minor ablutions (udhu) and for the whole body for the
major ablutions (ghusl). Indeed, these days, most people overlook the washing of their limbs for
purification and do not seek to perfect it. Consequently, their prayer is invalid. We can notice this
when observing people during the minor ablutions. There is no doubt that he who corrupts his
purification has also corrupted his prayer.

Similarly, if a person does not achieve perfect peace when bowing and prostrating, who does not
perfect his posture when rising from the bow, or who does not perfect his sitting posture
between the two prostrations, then his prayer will be invalidated. Therefore, beware of falling
into anything that could degrade the validity of the prayer, because, without doubt, prayer is to
faith and the deeds of faith what the spirit is to the body. Thus, if there is the spirit then there is
life in the body, but if the spirit disappears then life will also disappear.

14 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Then, after the prayer, one should maintain the accomplishment of the fast of the month of
Ramadan, fulfilling all the conditions of the fast, and taking care not to break the fast with
unlawful foods because it is an offense to the Religion.

I advise you to uphold the five prayers in congregation, under the condition that the Imam
perfects his bow and his prostration as we have seen previously. Otherwise, it is not authorized
to pray behind him. I also enjoin you to perfect your learning of the Fatiha el Kitab, reciting it
properly in the prayer in the way that it was revealed without “cheating”, and certainly, the Fatiha
is to the prayer what the supporting pillar is to the house, so take care of it.

You should maintain the fulfilment of the Zakat with the outmost care. You must respect all its
rules as well as bringing together all its (necessary) conditions, and complying with the rates
defined in the detailed books of jurisprudence […]”

End of the first part. To be followed.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

15 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 2

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

« […] Know also that this age has been engulfed by the ocean of sins, we have been struck by its
waves, and its darkness has piled up, to the extent that creatures are unable to free themselves
with the exception of the realized and truthful one or he who is closed to his station or the
person who is under the attraction of divine providence.

Apart from these, all others are marked by the incapacity to get out from sins. Given that this
situation is decreed by our Supreme Master, Exalted is His Majesty, then the reasonable person,
having corrected his obligatory deeds, should attend to the expiation of his sins. By the grace of
ALLAH the Most High, there are many methods of expiation. If a person has sinned profusely
and devotes himself to expiation and makes great effort to repel his sins as much as possible, this
will diminish the heap of sins, and he is better that the person who throws himself into sin
without accomplishing any expiation.

ALLAH The Most High said: “…Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds…” (Sourate 11
Hud, verse 114)

And the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him): « Follow a bad deed by a
good one and it will be wiped away. » or words to that effect.

This is similar to a person who regularly suffers from sores on his body and who hastens to apply the
medicine as soon as a new sore appears. Of course, this is better than the person who is afflicted with
sores that he does not treat and says: “treatment is useless because they are so many of them.”

You should know that disobedience necessarily engenders two punishments: one in this world
and one in the Hereafter. The punishment in this world can only be removed in the following

- The first:

To give alms sincerely for ALLAH The Most High based on money legally acquired or
assimilated to legally acquired money by the Law. In this way, the misfortune for disobedience
will be removed and pushed away from him.

- The second:

To return to ALLAH the Most High, supplicating and imploring, putting oneself down and
humiliating oneself, invoking Him with an open heart and requesting His absolution, Glorified
and Exalted, and the lifting of the punishment for this sin. If he accomplishes that perfectly, then
the punishment will be removed by the Grace of ALLAH the Most High.

The punishment in the Hereafter will not be removed and must occur unless He absolves it,
Glorified and Exalted, with or without a reason.

The causes for absolution are numerous and they are expiations. The greatest form of expiation,
in terms of worth and importance, and also the most infallible in the wiping away of sins and
faults is the abundant accomplishment of prayers on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon

him). This is certainly the supreme treasure and the safeguarding of the most invincible fortress.

In this way, the person who perseveres in the accomplishment of this, as much as possible, will
be guaranteed the wiping away of his sins and faults, the intercession of the prayer will be
accepted by the Creator of the worlds on behalf of who he prays upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him).

The accomplishment of the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) requires
the following conditions:

- Ritual purification as for the prayer (salat) or otherwise at least purity of body, place and clothing.

- Through this, to have the single aim of the Noble Face of ALLAH the Immense and the
glorification of His Worth and that of His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). This
intention should prevail over all others because the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) has different effects according to the intention.

- To purify the accomplishment of the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) from all defilement due to ostentation and pretention.

If the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is accomplished according to
this method, then the benefits are greater and more considerable than any other good deed, with
few exceptions. It has been reported from a reliable source that one single prayer is the equivalent
to four hundred expeditions on the path of ALLAH, and that each one of these expeditions is
the equivalent to four hundred accepted pilgrimages.

In the same way, concerning the bird that ALLAH creates from a single prayer: ALLAH The Most
High creates it and it glorifies Him with its countless tongues, and all the benefits are awarded to he
who had accomplished the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

It is also mentioned in the noble prophetic hadith (words) that ALLAH the Most High creates an
angel from a single prayer, then this angel dives into the “ocean of life”, then he arises from it
and shakes himself. From each projected drop, ALLAH creates an angel who asks for
forgiveness on behalf of the person who has prayed upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) up until the Day of Judgment.

Through this prayer, it is possible to obtain ten good deeds and be forgiven ten bad deeds, to be
raised up ten degrees and to receive ten prayers from The Lord, and all the angels from the seven
heavens perform ten prayers each on his behalf and the rewards for this are inestimable. For every
prayer accomplished, the servant receives Huri and palaces in Paradise. Enough said on this subject.

1. Among the expiations of sins is the accomplishment of eighty prayers upon the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) during the night between Thursday and Friday, and during the daytime
on Friday after ‘Asr. The eighty prayers accomplished during the night expiate four hundred years of
sins and the eighty prayers accomplished after the ‘Asr expiate four eighty years of sins.

2. Among the expiations of sins, there is the “Prayer of Glorification” (Salat Tasbih) which is well
known in the texts of the Hadith. There is no need to go into details about it. This prayer
guarantees the expiation of all the sins of the servant, from the age of being religiously
responsible until death, and indeed ALLAH is the Holder of Immense Grace.

17 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


3. Among the expiations of sins is the continuous recitation of the last verses of Surate El Hashr
(The Exile). He who accomplishes it will expiate his sins both in the past and the future.

Among the expiations of sins is the following formula: “SubhanAllah wal Hamdulillah wa la ilaha
illAllah wallahu akbar wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi mil-a ma ‘alima wa ‘adada ma ‘alima
wa zinata ma ‘alima” a single recitation expiates all sins and protects the servant from the
punishment of ALLAH The Most High.

5. Among the expiations of sins is the diligent recitation of “Musaba’at el ‘Achra” both morning
an evening. Indeed, for the person who recites it continually, no sins will be inscribed.

6. Among the expiations of sins is the regular recitation of “Hizbu Sayfiu” once morning and
evening, likewise for he who recites it continuously no sins will be inscribed.

7. Among the expiations of sins is the invocation “Ya man adhhara el djamil…” It has been
confirmed that this invocation expiates all sins and that for a single recitation, the person will
receive a reward equivalent to that of the whole of creation.

Enough said on this subject.

I particularly recommend you to stay away from the following situations, which if ever a single
one of them occurred for someone there is no doubt that ALLAH will let him die in a state of a
non-believer and we seek the protection of ALLAH The Most High:

1. Greatly harming other Muslims

2. Excessive fornication without repentance
3. Dishonest claims to sainthood
4. Awarding oneself the status of Sheikh without having received an authorization.
5. Deliberately lying about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by telling untrue
6. Indulging in slandering and backbiting without repenting.

These situations indicate without doubt that the person will die a non-believer even if he has
performed great deeds, except if he repents, but he will finish his life in a state of unbelief if he
persists in behaving this way up until his death. We seek protection of ALLAH The Most High.

I recommend you to purify your heart of all animosity and hatred towards other Muslims for the
person who has these characteristics cannot succeed. I order you to keep away from having bad
opinions of ALLAH and his believing servants. Indeed the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) has said: “There are two characteristics that are worse than anything else: these are having a
bad opinion of ALLAH, and having a bad opinion of his servants.” […]”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

18 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


General advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani - Part 3

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

“[…] I urge you to keep away from food that is declared illicit according to Law. Whosoever
persists in this will nullify his good deeds with no other outcome.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said: « On the Day of Judgement, people will
come with good deeds as high as the mountains of Tuhama, but when these good deeds are
presented, they will turn into scattered dust.” They said to him: “O Messenger of ALLAH,
describe these people to us, because, by ALLAH, we fear being one of them.” The Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) said: “By ALLAH! Certainly they fasted, they prayed, and they
wore themselves out in devotion for part of the night, but when they saw something unlawful
they rushed towards it. For this, ALLAH cancelled their good deeds and threw them into Hell.”

Even if the whole Earth was filled with unlawful things, certain situations do exist authorizing
them in the case of necessity and difficulties. Indications for obtaining these authorizations will
be mentioned follow this advice, if ALLAH wishes.

I order you to keep away from the bad habits that the people of today cultivate and in which they
indulge, extending as far as the horizon, with the exception of a small number of creatures. We
are referring to the attitude of deceit used in all transactions and affairs, people are immerged in
obtaining corrupt selling and purchasing transactions, for things that the holy Law has clearly or
implicitly forbidden. This is detailed in the Jurisprudence.

I advise you to take care of certain moments during which you will orient yourself towards
ALLAH The Most High with a true orientation, either by accomplishing evocation, or by reciting
the Quran, either in prayer or not, or through the Prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him). The minimum requirement for this are two moments: one in the morning and one
in the evening. Even better than this are three moments: one in the morning, one in the evening
and one in the middle of the night.

At each of these moments, as many prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as
possible should be accomplished. The person who can perform ten thousands recitations divided
between the pre-cited moments, will be among the most triumphant recipients of the approval of
ALLAH The Most High in the Hereafter. Even more beneficial would be to accomplish more than
ten thousand recitations, and if he is not able to do so, then one thousand for each moment. If he is
not able to do this then he can do five hundred in the morning and five hundred in the evening, and
if not three hundred in the morning and three hundred in the evening.

As we have mentioned before, he who persists in this, with the approval of ALLAH he will be
triumphant in the Hereafter and in this world, his requests will be more easily granted and will
find prosperity in all aspects of his life. The blessings will be noticeable in that calamities will be
dissipated and he will be protected against the evil of his enemies and the jealousy of others.

In other words, he will find blessings in each of his requests both religious and worldly and by
persisting he will be showered with blessings, and so will be his children and his grandchildren. If
ever, from him came what would imply the destruction of his religion, or the disappearance of his
good deeds or banishment far from the door of His Lord or all that would expose him to a great
danger, then the prayer on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would intercede on his


behalf with ALLAH The Most High and it would be the cause of ALLAH’s benevolence towards
him and it will protect him against all this and he will be forgiven.

This is the greatest mediator with ALLAH The Most High and the greatest bypass road to
rehabilitate his access to the approval of ALLAH in the Hereafter. Indeed, because of ALLAH’s
deep consideration for his Beloved (peace and blessings be upon him), He (Glorified and
Exalted) committed Himself to praying ten times upon whoever recites it once, and at the very
moment when The Lord prays for a person, reprisals and misfortunes move away from him both
in this world and the Hereafter.

In this way, the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) for ordinary people
who indulge in passionate desires is more appropriate than the recitation of the Immense Quran.
Without doubt, the degrees of the Quran are sublime and its stations surpass everything. It is
better than the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) but it is only possible
to achieve the reward of its recitation if we respect the sacred limits of ALLAH The Most High
without transgression. ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said : « These are the limits ordained
by Allah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits ordained by Allah, then
such are the Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc…)” (Surah 2 The Cow, verse 229)

Consequently, this can only happen to a person who recites the Quran if he is a transgressor,
because ALLAH The Most High made of the Quran the seat of His Proximity and His approach
and so we can only attain its reward with ALLAH by respecting the sacred limits. As for he who
transgresses the sacred boundaries, he cannot benefit from its merit.

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “And of the people is he who buys the amusement of
speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule.
Those will have a humiliating punishment. And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away
arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of
a painful punishment.” (Surah 31 Luqman, verse 6 and 7)

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “Woe to every sinful liar, Who hears the Verses of Allah
(being) recited to him, yet persists with pride as if he heard them not. So announce to him a painful
torment! And when he learns something of Our Verses (this Qur'an), he makes them a jest. For such
there will be a humiliating torment. In front of them there is Hell, and that which they have earned
will be of no profit to them, nor (will be of any profit to them) those whom they have taken besides
Allah as allies. And theirs will be a great torment.” (Surah 45, verse 7 to 10)

Notice the intensity of ALLAH’s threat to the person who recites the Quran without practicing
it, may ALLAH assist us.

Then, after the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), you should fill those
moments with evocation of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). If a person is among those
who regularly accomplish ten thousand prayers or more upon the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him), then it would suffice to add a hundred recitations of “La ilaha illa ALLAH”. If at
each one of these three moments he recites the following formula ten times: “Glory to ALLAH,
praise be to ALLAH, Allah is the Greatest, there is no might nor power except in ALLAH, equal
to the capacity of His Knowledge, the profusion of His Knowledge and the Magnificence of His
Knowledge” and each time would be even more preferable with ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) rather than remaining in continuous absorption night and day. Take care to maintain this
as much as possible because this will bring you immense attention from ALLAH (The Glorified,
The Exalted) both in this world and the next.

20 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


I advise and impress upon you that you give alms every day, from a quarter of a loaf of bread up
to one dirham is the minimum, or anything else legally acquired according to the Law and
according to the ways that we will mention at the end of these words of advice regarding
behaviour in terms of financial actions. By persisting in daily alms-giving, you will be protected
by ALLAH the Most High from misfortune and affliction, but for this, your intention should
only be for ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and for none other than Him.

I advise and impress upon you that you do not speak improperly to people: frequent them,
always proffering the best possible words and behaving in the best possible way.

ALLAH The Most High said: « Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who
has been wronged.» (Surah An-nisa/The Women, Verse 148)

ALLAH The Most High said: “And [recall] when We took the covenant from the Children of
Israel, [enjoining upon them], "Do not worship except Allah ; and to parents do good and to
relatives, orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good [words]” (Surah Al-Baqarah/The
cow, verse 83)

And the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: « Be benevolent and courteous with
people. »

And the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “After faith, the pinnacle of reason is
to be warm-hearted with people.” […]”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

21 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Letter from Seyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to the disciples of Guemar

Letter from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani for the attention of the disciples from the area of Guemar
(Algeria), dictated to his scribe the Muqaddem Sidi Ahmed ibn AbdSalem Filaly (may ALLAH be
satisfied with him).

“Praise be to ALLAH. From the illustrious Imam of noble lineage, guide for creatures, the
radiant evidence of Islam, the Knower of ALLAH Abou l Abbas, our Lord and Master Ahmed
ibn Mohammed ibn Salim Tidjani the Hassanite Sherif: “To each and every one of our beloved,
endowed with our affection, the disciples of Guemar.

May the Peace and Mercy of ALLAH the Most High, His blessing, His Salutations and
Satisfaction be upon you as long as existence and void do not merge. I give thanks to ALLAH for
you, He other than whom there is no divinity. Then, I beseech ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) to grant you the gift of always sufficing you, His Guardianship, His Defense, His
Protection, His Alliance, His Guidance, His Attention, His Care, His Supervision, His Custody,
His Choice, His Power, His Invincibility and His Safeguard. From Him comes succor and in Him
we place our infallible trust.

I recommend the Muqaddem to exhort the disciples, to remind them, to advise them, to visit
their ailing, to attend their funerals, to take care of the healthy and to insure relief from their
worries, to patiently endure their annoyance, to recognize their qualities, to be lenient with their
mistakes, to hasten to satisfy formally them, to reconcile, to promote harmony in their hearts,
without considering himself more privileged than them. He should teach the ignorant, remind the
forgetful, and motivate the careless. He should not show them miserliness with what he holds in
his hands.

I exhort the disciples to show him properness, to honor and respect him, to obey his
recommendations and prohibitions, to be at his service because he is the representative of the
Sheikh. I recommend you to fear ALLAH both in secret and in public, to turn back to ALLAH
in every case be it tiny or immense, to follow the Sunnah in word and deed, to turn away from
the creatures both in acceptable and inacceptable circumstances, to be satisfied with what
ALLAH gives, be it a little or a lot, enviable or scornful, to refer to the Sunnah when judging
your words, your deeds, your thoughts and your (restfulness) repose. Everything you do, do it
solely for ALLAH.

I forbid you to spread rumors, to frequent the debauched with no morality. Spend your time on
that which will be beneficial for you in this world, and whose benefit you will reap in the
Hereafter. I recommend you not to waste any time, to be diligent in the recitation of your litanies
and to be awakened to The Supervision of your Creator. Bear witness to His Power over you
whatever your situation.

I enjoin you to keep each other company, to love and visit one another. Ensure that your
affection is your most fruitful trade, because the truthful trustworthy one (peace and blessings be
upon him) said: “You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you
love…” or words to that effect.


Take care of your prayers, take full advantage of your time and rectify your behavior. Advise each
other, shake hands, take counsel among yourselves, visit one another, give each other food,
advocate to each other what is appropriate, help one another and ensure respect for the sacred
character of each and every one thus complying with the rights required by the brotherhood.

May the prayer and the peace be upon our Master Muhammad and his family.”

With the authorization of Seyydina (may ALLAH be satisfied with him), I, his scribe Ahmed ibn
AbdSalem Filaly, servant of the Hadra Tijaniyya, I salute you. May the peace be upon you. »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

23 2

Letter of Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to his disciple the scholar Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi
(May ALLAH be pleased with them)

Here are several extracts from a letter that Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) addressed to his disciple Sheikh el Islam Ibrahim Riyahi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him).

“I give you my permission and authorization for the whole of the noble, blessed and vast wird,
pay attention at to all that follows.

Waken your soul (Nafs) from heedlessness and do not comply with its debauchery because this
matter is not futile, it is serious and important.

Follow the path of great effort, because punishments are harsh and miseries are many for the poor
person who renounces his pact. Be sure of what you have, do not neglect what you have attained
[…]. Our Tariqa has been singled out by ALLAH with a specificity which places it above all
other paths, words are insufficient to shed light on its truth. Only he who has been accepted by
ALLAH’s grace can take refuge in this path. If ever the veil that conceals it was lifted, the great
poles would have yearned for it like the shepherd in the desert yearns for the clouds.

Take care! Look straight ahead, do not be misled because all spiritual paths come from it. It is the
source of all Turuq since the beginning of creation and until the blow of the trumpet on the Day
of Judgement, as truly promised by the Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him).

I authorize (this) completely and entirely for all time without further modification, on the obligatory
condition that you forsake all visits to the saints, with the sole exception of the visit to the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them).

Know that ALLAH, through His immense Kindness, has graced us with the gift of the prayer
known as Djaouharatou-l-Kamel, because for whoever recites it twelve times with complete
ablutions and says: “This is a gift for you, O Messenger of ALLAH” it is equivalent to visiting the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in his “heavenly garden” (rawda sherifa) and visiting
all the awliya (holy men of God), since the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) exile
until the accomplishment of this zikr.

Notice, may ALLAH have mercy upon you, these great favors, these gems of great worth that
ALLAH The Generous has given us, and of which all other peoples have been deprived.

Our Tariqa is hidden from all but the Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him)
who knows it and knows its worth. May ALLAH establish us and you also, among those who
hold tightly to it and those who follow its path in life and in death, in peace, good health and
security until we are established in the highest degrees of Paradise near to the Master of
Existence (peace and blessings be upon him).

Beware and take heed! Refrain from laziness, from shame and from neglecting what we have ordered
you to do, and from staying in the place of doubt and error (going astray). I advise you to fear
ALLAH both interiorly and exteriorly and to follow the Sunna however far, however near, however
exceptional in words and deeds, to be satisfied with ALLAH whether little or lots, to go

24 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 1


towards ALLAH and pay attention to Him in all situation (inner states), to unattach yourself
from all creatures, whether you are close to them or far from them, and to take the Sunnah as
judge in all situation.

I recommend uprightness in all circumstances, in movement as in immobility, I advise patience

and complete surrender to ALLAH on the condition that you abandon all that is not righteous.
Patience in difficult times is close to peace. Praise Him for His blessings and request Him to
grant you the straight path and all good, to take care of you as he has taken care of the elite
among his beloved servants, those of high rank, the true ones (Siddiquiyya el ‘Adhma) and those
of great sainthood, by the intermediary of the Chosen’s worth (peace and blessings be upon him),
and may He take you under His care, may He suffice you, may He take you under His protection,
may He immunize you against evil.”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

25 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

Here is an answer that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) sent
to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) at the beginning of his spiritual
journey with him

« In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May ALLAH pray upon our Master
Muhammad, his family, his companions and greet them. May the peace be upon you

You have mentioned the great efforts that you make and that are necessary in order to achieve
your aim, to accomplish good deeds for the hereafter. This is due to that part of your soul which
is drawn to rest. It is absorbed in passion, because it had thought that it could attain the station of
knowledge of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) effortlessly. Thus, it tends towards resting
where it has been led by its passion. If it realized that its aim regarding knowledge of ALLAH,
can only be obtained through the well-known efforts that the spiritual path requires and by
renouncing (bad) habits, then it would certainly have met all its requirements. Indeed, It yearns
for the object of its research, but imagines that it is possible to obtain it without struggle. Because
of this, it does not make the required effort and does not renounce pleasure and passion.

For each obstacle, the appropriate measure should be applied. He who thinks he can face
obstacles simply by his heart in its present state, without taking into account the proper rules
does not know the divine principles. By thinking this way, he will reap only fatigue and nothing
else. The example given for the obstacle is that of a cloud in the sky, and the example of the
effort behind it is the sun. If the sky becomes clear, then the sun appears, but if the clouds remain
then they represent an obstacle between it and us. It is not conceivable that clouds may remain in
the sky and that the sun could appear at the same time. Think and meditate upon this, you will
benefit from a great knowledge.

Since our heart is covered by obstacles, it leans towards laziness, and it is led as much as possible
towards passion, and it becomes impregnated with images of created things and it is drawn
towards them.

At this point, the heart which is disturbed by the passions has moved away from the Holy
Presence and all that it implies. All of these troubles can only disappear from the heart by
obtaining the great opening which is accompanied by effusions from the ocean of knowledge of
ALLAH. Other than this, and as long as these obstacles remain in your heart, do not hope to see
it empty itself of darkness and troubles.

Indeed, the Presence of the Truth is governed by rules with which it does not fail to comply.
That which ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) requires of you in this very moment is to be
found precisely where you are right now. So halt in your servitude wherever ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted) has placed you at that particular moment, this is your priority. This will
be more beneficial to you than throwing your thoughts into a desire (chasing after a desire) where
obstacles will arise and which will result in nothing. So “submit your situation to ALLAH”.

Know that everything happens at the decreed time and cannot be hastened by your precipitation.
If you want to sever yourself from your situation in order to illuminate and purify your heart,
isolate yourself somewhere without any relationship except with ALLAH. Impose upon yourself

to have no other desire except ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), spend all your time in the

evocation of The Unique Name (that is to say “ALLAH”), you will experience the extraordinary
in the establishment of purity. But if your soul does not help you in this, know that it is ALLAH
who wants of you what we have mentioned previously. So abandon all the bad thoughts that
follow one another in your heart for they will lead to a lack of propriety towards ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted) and ourselves by requesting something that does not correspond to your
interiority, given the fact that it is the opposite to this.

You want to reap without sowing.

To find pearls one must dive.

If you have understood, that is enough.

En ce qui concerne la garantie de la Connaissance d’Allah au degré de Mohiedine ibn ‘Arabi (El
Hatimi (qu’Allah l’agrée)), je te le garantis exception faite de ce qui concerne sa station de Pôle,
car je ne sais rien de sa situation, ni pour un autre que lui. Je ne puis te le garantir, car cela dépend
entièrement de la Volonté propre d’Allah (qu’Il soit Glorifié et Exalté) et de Sa Science.

Regarding the guarantee of the knowledge of ALLAH to the degree of Muhieddine ibn ‘Arabi (El
Hatimi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)), I guarantee you this except with regards to his
station as Pole because I know nothing of his situation, nor that of any other. I cannot guarantee
this because it depends entirely on the will and knowledge of ALLAH (The Glorified, The

As for your love for us, I guarantee that you will die with it if you abandon that which we fear for
you. Indeed, I fear that what you covet through us will break the link between us. This does not
come from me but from your insistence on this matter. Then if your life is long and you see
nothing of that which you covet, you will be overwhelmed with bad thoughts such as: “There is
nothing left to hope for, nor any benefit.” Then, you will despair of us and seek elsewhere. In this
way, love will be severed at the root and you will fall into trouble that you will be unable to bear.
I am not going to go into details. You will see for yourself if you separate yourself from us even if
this occurs after some time. Then you will have regrets, but regrets will be useless. So go and
devote yourself to the litanies that we have given you, surrendering to ALLAH and accepting the
position where he has placed you, until the opening occurs for both us and you. Renounce
anything that is outside of this.

As for your request concerning the guarantee of the knowledge of ALLAH, pure of all
confusion, and whose reality would be linked to the Law, you have no need for any guarantee
because it cannot be otherwise. I guarantee that you will not be dispossessed as long as you
remain in our love. This guarantee also covers everything under this such as entering Paradise
without judgement, etc.

And I have forgiven you concerning the things that you do not know regarding lack of propriety»

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

27 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

« In the Name of ALLAH, The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful, and may the prayer
and the peace of ALLAH be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and his companions.

By the grace of ALLAH, we are sending this letter in the hands of our beloved, our intimate
companion who holds a great place in our heart, Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri. May the peace, the
mercy and the blessings of ALLAH be upon you and our beloved, our intimate companion Sidi
AbdelQader ibn Allal and all his children, those closed to him and to you, and upon all the
disciples from he who writes to you, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani.

Know Sidi Muhammad that I have received your letter and taken due note. My answer is that all
matters are in ALLAH’s hands, it is He Who extends and contract them, and no other than Him
can dispose of them. Servitude requires, in the face of difficult circumstances to which ALLAH
has not granted resolution, submission before ALLAH’s Order and acceptance of His Decree, as
well as a good opinion of Him, regarding the fact that he has not withheld resolution through
lack of generosity but because He knew that therein lay a cause for your corruption. He has
knowledge of everything: “[…] But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps
you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. » (Surate 02 The
Cow, verse 216)

However, in your case, that which has not yet been granted is due to an imperfection regarding
Presence during the zikr. Do not revert to this preoccupied attitude a second time. Busy yourself
with accomplishing it with sincere orientation, that is to say not with any personal interest, but in
order to seek His Face, as we have told you. Oblige your soul to this conduct because it is trying
to avoid it.

If you find it difficult to go on retreat or if you are too weak, then continue orientating yourself
even out of retreat and eat warm spicy potions. Devote time to your evocation and time to rest,
but sit alone. If you go on retreat, then eat only warm spicy potions which is most appropriate in
your feverish state. Be diligent in your evocations and in frequenting others as little as possible
and remaining silent. This is the most best thing to do at this time. On the other hand, abandon
any orientation towards secrets because ALLAH, Exalted is His Majesty, does not authorize you
to do this […] »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Letter of Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

"After praising ALLAH, may His Name be glorified and exalted, His Greatness is Immense, His
Power is elevated, His Majesty Sanctified.

This letter is intended for all the followers living in Fes and in the Maghreb, may the peace of
ALLAH be on you, as His Mercy and Blessing, may all this be granted to you as long as
ALLAH's Kingdom lasts.

From ALLAH's poor servant, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tijani :

We ask ALLAH, may His Power be glorified and His Immensity elevated, that He gazes upon
you with the look of love and satisfaction, with that of care and overflowing grace, with that of
election and choice.

May all the benefits of religion, both in this world and the next be granted to you as much as
possible and may you be spared and protected all the evil of religion both in this world and the
next, until all your sins, small or large, disappear by submerging them in the ocean of His
forgiveness and generosity.

May He quickly meet all your requests and needs insofar as they are not disobedient. May He
powerfully help you in what is predestined for you. If they are not in compliance with your
predestination, may He replace all your requests with what is better and loftier.

If it is not against His predestination, may He leave you no evil of those evils caused by creatures
without interposing a soldier belonging to His Power and His Sovereignty. If it does go against
His predestination then I beseech ALLAH to grant you His entire gentleness, help and
facilitation until these evils are eradicated and leave you in safety.

I recommend both you and myself to fear ALLAH and beware that He does not surprise you while
committing sins because, for each sin, the servant will have two misfortunes that he will not be able
to avoid ; one misfortune in this world and another in the Hereafter. Misfortune will without doubt
occur in the Hereafter unless it is replaced by ALLAH's Forgiveness (The Exalted).

As for the misfortune in this world, it will doubtlessly affect any person committing a sin unless
he wards off this misfortune by giving alms to the poor or through spending for family
relationships or by paying back someone's debts or cancelling a debt which was due to him.

Without this, misfortune will occur. So beware! Beware of disobeying ALLAH’s order. In case of
disobedience and the servant is not safe from sin, he must hasten to repent and return to
ALLAH, because if this is not quickly performed, the servant should know that he will lose the
esteem that is granted by The Truth.

In such a situation he lays himself open to ALLAH's anger, unless he feels deep down in his very
heart that due to this sin, he is in need of ALLAH and because of this, he is broken hearted, and
aware of his downfall in the different steps of his nafs (ego) without needing to be blamed, in this
case the servant is on the right path.


Beware! With regards to sinning, we seek protection from ALLAH against the feeling of being
safe from his ruse and his blame. Indeed, for he who remains in this state for a long time, it is a
sign that he will die as a disbeliever and may ALLAH protect us against such a thing.

Know that everything you hear about the particularities of this Wird is true and will certainly
occur. Therefore beware of neglecting it-even if only once in a lifetime- and the condition of the
Wird is to uphold the prayers (Salat) in congregation and to respect the Shariah (Islamic Law).

Once again, be wary of feeling safe from ALLAH's ruse while committing sins because this is the
cause of perdition. Do not sever your relationships with all creatures and above all between you
and the brothers (in Islam, In Tariqa) and visit each other for ALLAH's sake, create relationships
for ALLAH's sake, give food for ALLAH's sake as much as it is possible for you to do without
difficulty or discomfort.

You should continue to obey ALLAH during trials and misfortunes. This world is the abode of
trials and misfortunes which are like the waves of the sea and ALLAH has sent Adam's son to
earth only to confront him with its temptations and trials.

Thus as long as he is living in this world, the son of Adam has no hope of escape from this.
Therefore, one should be as patient as possible in all circumstances according to ones’ capacities.
When trial or a misfortune falls upon you, seek solace in the reminder that this world has been
created and built for this reason only and that human beings have been sent down into this world
for this reason only, everybody is in the same situation. You should know that you are same as
others and as such you are answerable.

These days, nobody can escape from sin because it falls on people like heavy rain, so multiply
whatever enables you to expiate such as Salat Fatihi, for no sin can escape it, whether isolated or
regrouped, or Salat Tasbih and the following evocation which one should repeat three times
daily: "O my Lord ! Your absolution is greater than my sins and I place more hope in Your
Mercy than in my deeds."

One should repeat also, day and night:

"There is no god but ALLAH and ALLAH is The

Greatest There is no god but ALLAH, Alone
There is no god but ALLAH, He has no partner
There is no god but ALLAH, to Him belong the Sovereignty and the Praise
There is no god but ALLAH and there is no power or strength except with ALLAH the Most
High, the Immense."

There is also Hisbu Sayfi for he who can read it every day, without ever neglecting it, and other
similar formulas.

Hear this glad tiding: anyone who dies with our love will be resuscitated with those who have
been saved, whatever his situation may be, and this as far as he does not believe himself to be
sheltered from ALLAH's ruse.

Similarly, for those who take our Wird, they will rise from the dead among the people of salvation
and will enter Paradise without being judged and without chastisement. It will be the same for their
parents, wives and children, on condition that they have faith, that they do not renounce our love and
do not think that they are sheltered from ALLAH's ruse, as mentioned previously.

30 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Thus, they will be the Prophet's (peace and blessings be upon him) neighbors in the highest
degrees of "Illiyne" Paradise and will be safe from the moment of their death until their entrance
in Paradise.

And may ALLAH's Peace and Mercy be on you as well as His Blessing."

* Text translated from Jawahirul Maani

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

31 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Letter from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani to all the brothers

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

« After the mention of the name of ALLAH and the prayer upon the Messenger of ALLAH,

My advice to you through the injunctions of ALLAH is as follows. He said (The Glorified, The
Exalted) :

« […] And We have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you and yourselves to
fear Allah […] » (Surat 04 The women, verse 131)

He – may He be glorified and Exalted – said:

« He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have
revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to
establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with
Allah is that to which you invite them [...] » (Surat 42 The consultation, verse 13)

He – may He be glorified and Exalted – said:

« And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. [...] » (Surat 3
Family of Imran, verse 103)

He – may He be glorified and Exalted – said:

« (2) […] And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out, (3) And will provide for
him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for
him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things. »
(Surat 65 The Divorce, verses 2 and 3)

He – may He be glorified and Exalted – said:

« (4) […] and whosoever fears Allah, He will make his matter easy for him. (5) That is the
command of Allah, which He has sent down to you; and whoever fears Allah - He will remove
for him his misdeeds and make great for him his reward. » (Surat 65 The Divorce, verses 4 and

Know that piety (Taqwa) is difficult to achieve, because the rein with which you can catch it is so
far away that contenders for its accession are discouraged. So those who manage to achieve it and
master are few and far between.

This is due to the fact that hearts and souls are sealed by their turning away from ALLAH as well
as from His commandments in each aspect and consideration and so piety has been mired in the
field of human tribulation from which it has no hope of escaping. This is the condition of human
beings these days, in every country, wherever in the world except a few rare cases that benefit
from the preservation of ALLAH The Most High.

32 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 1


And for the aforementioned reasons, the ocean of fear and trouble has become deeper, covering
over the ocean of calamity and affliction in which each and every one will inevitably drown.
Every time that a person begs for his protection and salvation from misfortune, he is enveloped
by further calamities. The following words refer to this subject: “A time will come when people
will go through the successive waves of the oceans of affliction and trouble. They will be unable
to benefit from this except in the intensity of their supplication just like a drowning man.”

However, certain deeds if constantly carried out cause safeguard from all that we have mentioned
previously or at least “attenuate excess fire”. By this we mean, abundance request for forgiveness
and prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and also the evocation of the
words asserting oneness: “There is no deity except ALLAH”; likewise the evocation of His
Words (May He be Glorified and Exalted): “…There is no deity except You, exalted are You.
Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.” (Surat 21 The Prophets, verse 87) and His Words:
“Sufficient for us is ALLAH, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.” (Surat 3 Family of Imran,
verse 173)

In this way, the servant will move away from calamities, ills and impurity proportionally to the
abundance of his supplication. As his supplications decrease so he will draw closer to them.
However, it is up to each one of you to accomplish these evocations according to your own

I enjoin you to implore and supplicate profusely He who is The Perfect One in His Glory and
Majesty. Certainly, ALLAH is the Magnanimous and loving with His servants. He is so Generous
and such a Provider of grace that He cannot let the person who supplicates Him, because of the
misfortunes and afflictions that surround him, turn away, who reaches out to Him, requesting His
gift and hoping for His Generosity and His benevolence, in the same way that he cannot let His
Mercy turn away from him. Indeed he who is incapable of imploring and supplicating is truly
mediocre. In this way, he ruins his own soul regarding ALLAH and cannot be redeemed.

Make time for moments to meet before the door of ALLAH over the course of time.

Indeed, he who adopts this habit as time passes, will be covered by the Mercy and The breaths of
ALLAH which will destroy his hardships and distress. He we will obtain relief from the trials that
have become too heavy to bear because of the fact that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is
Rich, Generous and that He would be ashamed, considering His Generosity, to abandon
whoever stands regularly at His Door, if only for short instants, leaving him no possibility to
escape hardship or imposing upon him a danger that it is impossible to avoid.

Maintain this commitment and persevere if only minimal moments both day and night. In this
way, you will find ease in all situations and deliverance from many evils […]”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Letter from Seyyidina to one of his beloved in Bussemghune

« After mentioning the name of ALLAH and the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him),

Praise be to ALLAH, this letter is addressed to our friend and beloved who is among our most
loved ones Sidi Abou-l-Qacem ibn Yahya Semghuni. May the peace and the Mercy of ALLAH
The Most High and His blessings be upon you, your mother, your family and your children. The
following is from he who loves you and desires all that is good for you: the servant of ALLAH,
Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani.

I received and read your letter in which you request me to invoke in your favour. Although I am
far from being worth of this, I request ALLAH (May He be Glorified and Exalted) through the
worth of his Prophet (may ALLAH be pleased with him) that he immerses you in the ocean of
His Care and of His Love for you both in this world and in the Hereafter. Ameen.

You have also complained of sleeping too much, you should know that this excess has two main

- The first one is the heart’s persistent carelessness regarding the accomplishment of the
evocation of ALLAH

- The second cause is excessive drinking and eating, over and above the limit of satiation. As long
as these two causes are present, excessive sleeping is inevitable. Therefore, he who wishes to
reduce it should force himself to evoke ALLAH at certain times. He should also reduce the
quantity of food and drink intake, in this way, sleep will be reduced.

As for nocturnal involuntary ejaculation, before sleeping you should diligently recite three times
the following verses: “By the sky and the night comer – […] until […] Then man will have no
power or any helper ” (Surate 86 The Nightcommer , verses 1 to 10)

Then you should write with your finger on your right thigh, without ink, “Adam”, and on your
left thigh “Awa” (Eve). In this way, you will “be free from” those nocturnal involuntary
ejaculation […]”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Letter from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani to a dignitary

(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

Among the advice that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wrote
to one the high State dignitaries is the following:

“In the name of ALLAH, and the prayer upon the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be
upon him),

After praising ALLAH, His Majesty is exalted, His Greatness is powerful, His Glory is Elevated,
His Magnificence and Generosity are sanctified.

This letter is addressed to the awakened scholar, with great mastery of knowledge, the
honourable noble, having pleasant qualities and generous merit and behaviour, son of such and
such, peace upon you and also His Mercy, His Blessing, His Salutations and His Clemency, from
the one who writes this, ALLAH’s poor servant, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani el Hassani,

We request ALLAH, His Immensity is exalted, His Names and His Attributes to place you both
in this world and the Hereafter, among the elite of the community, to place you among those that
He sees “with His Gaze of attention”, in a special way, with His complete Love, in a purely
special way until all your sins all no longer taking into account, and your good deeds are accepted
in any situation. Be careful not to think that this is unlikely, because ALLAH, Glorified and
Exalted, possesses a sphere that is beyond all other spheres of commandment, prohibition, of
retribution both good and bad, of expression, of duties and requirements, these spheres being
those concerning all ALLAH’s creatures.

As for the sphere of His Grace, this is reserved for those that He (The Glorified, The Exalted)
has singled out and chosen, for those among His creatures that He wants. He has placed this
sphere close to Himself like an abundant effusion of His Ocean of His generosity and
magnanimity and its emanation does not depend in any way upon any preceding cause and
condition, or upon renouncing objectionable act.

This is established exclusively through His “Choice of His election”, without taking into account
whether that person acts according to his commitment or not, whether he follows the path of
righteousness or if he falls into disobedience on a unwholesome path. This effusion is not
dependant on the person to whom it is granted, nor is it dependant on the reason why it has
been granted to him. Those among His creatures who are blessed by such grace from this sphere
will see their happiness fulfilled in the Hereafter, without pain or fear.

As for my recommendations to you, listen carefully to what our Lord says in His book because
this is sufficient recommendation, He, May He be Glorified and Exalted, said:

« O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for
tomorrow - and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. And be not like those
who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient. Not
equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise. The companions of
Paradise - they are the attainers [of success]” (Surate 59 The Exile, verses 18 to 20)


He, May He be Glorified and Exalted, said: “O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak
words of appropriate justice. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment.” (Surat 33
The Confederates, verses 70 to 71)

He, May He be Glorified and Exalted, said: “…And We have instructed those who were given
the Scripture before you and yourselves to fear Allah…” (Surat 04 The Women, verse 131)

He, May He be Glorified and Exalted, said: “And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah.
Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly.”
(Surat 02 The Cow, verse 281)

He, May He be Glorified and Exalted, said: “O you have believed, protect yourselves and your
families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh
and severe; they do not disobey ALLAH in what He commands them but do what they are
commended.” (Surat 66 The prohibition, verse 6)

Know that you find yourself in between two possible situations: on the one hand you can benefit
infinitely from blessings and goodness, or on the other hand you can reap infinite hardships and

So, in your heart, consider yourself under the infallible supervision of ALLAH (The Glorified,
The Exalted), and look upon ALLAH’s creatures with the eye of compassion and upon the weak
and impoverished with the eye of benevolence and help to meet their needs.

And I warn you not to despise them and neglect the transmission of their requests to our master,
the Sultan. Know that ALLAH, the Glorified and the Exalted, watches over every look with
which his servant looks.

Among those who hold high position and dignity, he who that He finds looking upon his
servants with the eye of benevolence and mercy, extending over them his beneficent wings,
granting them his consideration, because of the way that ALLAH looks upon them (“because of
the eye with which ALLAH looks upon them”), so because of this look, he honours them,
hastening to meet their needs as best he can, doing this for ALLAH, Exalted; Our Lord (The
Glorified, The Exalted) looks upon him with the look of mercy, of honour, of worth, he will
accelerate the satisfaction of his needs, and He will protect him like a child is protected by his
father. O, blissful is he who has won this look from His Lord.

But on the other hand, if he looks upon creatures with the other eye, and we seek protection
from ALLAH against any lack of solicitude towards ALLAH’s creatures, not meeting their needs,
straying from mercy and compassion for them, it is known that his retribution will be Fire. He
says (The Glorified, The Exalted) regarding people who are characterized by this: “[Allah will
say], "Seize him and shackle him. Then into Hellfire drive him. Then into a chain whose length is
seventy cubits insert him. Indeed, he did not used to believe in Allah, the Most Great, Nor did he
encourage the feeding of the poor.” (Surat 69 The Inevitable, verses 30 to 34)

This is sufficient warning for you. We request of ALLAH, on your behalf, conformity and
guidance, and immersion in the ocean of guidance and strengthening, for it is He who supports
until then and He is able in this.

36 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


And may the prayer and the peace be upon our Master Muhammad and his family and his

*Letter extracted from the book Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani and translated by the Zawiya Tidjaniya El Kubra

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

37 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Letter from Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani to Mawlana Sultan Sulaiman

(May ALLAH be pleased with them)

« After praising ALLAH equal to all of the tribute that He pays Himself in the inaccessible Holy
Presence of His Elevated Essence. His Greatness is magnified, His Splendour is powerful, his
Power is exalted, His Majesty and His Generosity are sanctified. This letter is addressed to the
unequalled gem, the generous breeze, holder of noble and majestic qualities, of pleasant and
honourable character, of generous and protecting nature, the precious pearl that keeps all living
beings in its shell, of likeable attributes, of noble and meritorious character, the pioneer in
obtaining all that is precious, he who has risen to the highest spheres of consideration, he who
has carried high the banner of nobility, he who, by his aspiration, has raised himself above all
baseness and suspicion, he who ALLAH has surrounded on all sides with powerful and
strengthening armies, he towards whom majesty and uniqueness hasten, he whose sun of felicity
has risen to the sky of majesty and dignity and whose luminosity illuminates the darkness of our
times like the moon, we speak of the Emir of all believers, the lieutenant of the Lord of the
worlds, our lord and master Suleiman, son of our Master Muhammad, the noble Sherif, of
inherent majesty, may the peace, the mercy and the blessings of ALLAH be upon you, from he
who writes this, the poor servant in ALLAH, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani el Hassani.

With this, we request ALLAH, Magnified is His Greatness, Sanctified are His Names and His
Attributes, to constantly blow the powerful winds of his Help and Strengthening upon our
master, and that He grants him a place of Help and Righteousness in the garden of his guidance.
May He fill his heart with fear of ALLAH both in public and in private, because it is only through
it that those who have succeeded both “in the two” (i.e. this world and the Hereafter) obtained
their station. It is only through it that those who have obtained ALLAH’s approval have
succeeded both in this world and the Hereafter. What better station can raise the servant to the
highest point and purify him of those vile characteristics which degrade him to the lowest depth.
He is the ally and Most Capable for this. Then:

It is necessary, and I strongly advise you – because by transgressing this, we fall into loss - to hide
that which we had mentioned previously, without exception. Certainly, the “chest” (i.e. the heart)
of the pure people is the tomb of the secrets, the heart of the virtuous is the tomb of their
secrets, and the heart of the elite is the tomb of their secrets. The following verses were recited by
one of the Great Men:

My secret is enclosed in a closed room

Whose keys has been lost and the door has been padlocked
Only the holders of nobility can conceal a secret
And vile people waste it.

Nobody, not even the generous or the perfect person, can do without the advice of others.

Know that ALLAH The Most High, The Glorified and Honoured, has indeed entrusted with the
situation of his creatures and confided His land and His people to you. You are among the
steward of ALLAH that ALLAH has charged with the responsibility of His land and His
servants. Without doubt ALLAH will question you concerning His trust and your actions in this

Beware that ALLAH find you negligent and distracted regarding His Rights (in your work for
Him). We cannot perfect it (the work) in every aspect because du the Times, to the situation, to

the lack of means as well as the state of people, so you should limit your action to the words of
ALLAH: “So fear Allah as much as you are able” (Surat 64 The Mutual Disillusion, verse 16) and
to the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “If I ordain you to do something,
do what you can, and if I forbid something, then abandon it.”

I warn you about the specificities that ALLAH the Most High has granted you through His
Grace. Do not think that you are protected against ALLAH’s ruse in all situations. ALLAH the
Most High said: “But no one feels secure from the plan of Allah except the losing people.” (Surat
7 The Heights, verse 99) because, certainly, ALLAH, may He be Exalted, over and above His
special blessings, ALLAH has a ruse, an intrigue and a jealousy with which He seizes His servant
where he least expects it, even if he is among those who have received specificities.

I advise you to take care of the weak among the creatures because they are the object of his
Divine Gaze. Your station will rise proportionally to your solicitude towards them. I advise you
to take care of the oppressed because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or
words to that effect, that he who has been given the charge to rule and then hides from the
needy, so as not to take care of them, then ALLAH will hide from him, that is to say that when
he needs ALLAH concerning something that has befallen him and presents his requests to
ALLAH, imploring His Help in this matter, ALLAH will not take care of it and He will not turn
towards him, He will not heed his evocation and his supplication. By ALLAH! ALLAH! Think
well about the way to satisfy ALLAH by taking care of the needs of the oppressed, without
thoughtlessness or negligence.

And may the Peace, the Mercy, the Blessing of ALLAH be upon you, and may the prayer and the
peace of ALLAH be upon our master Muhammad, his family and his companions. »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Recommendations of Ahmed Tijani

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

"After praising ALLAH, may His praise be amplified and may His qualities and His names be
sanctified, this letter is addressed to all our brothers, the disciples of Fez and its surroundings,
May ALLAH protect you from all the hardships and difficulties of temptation. Ameen.

May the peace and mercy of ALLAH and also His blessings embrace you and your situation.
From the one who loves you, Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Tijani, this:

I recommend both to you and to myself that which ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted)
commands and orders us. That is to say, to preserve the sacred limits and to perform the Divine
order according to your efforts and your ability, because these days, evidently, the principles of
Divine order have collapsed, either entirely or partially, and people passionately love that which
harms them in this world.

We can observe that there is no awakening that allows for hearts to return to ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted) and that allows respect for the sacred limits of ALLAH, be they orders or

These days, no one has any longer the power to put into practice ALLAH’s instruction in all its
aspects, except for he who is adorned with the dress of the knowledge of ALLAH, or he who
approaches it.

But apart from this, things being what they are, and the servant being unable to escape from that
which ALLAH has decreed, he who is a blend of black and white is better than he who is totally

Renounce disobedience to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) as much as possible, execute his
order according to your capacities and atone for your sins several times day and night. Previously,
we gave you several recommendations and this is sufficient overview.

In addition, there is Hisb Saifi for whoever has taken it as morning and evening prayer, at least once
and at most, limitlessly, as well as Musaba'at al 'Achra; for whoever has taken it as morning and
evening prayer and Salatul Fatihi at least 100 times in the morning and in the evening.

In this domain, no action of those who work (religious effort) can surpass them, and no hope of
those who hope can be better fulfilled.

Be steadfast in performing your mandatory prayers in assembly and perform them with great care
because they are the cause that wards off any misfortunes that should arise, excluding the few
exceptions that require punishment. ALLAH will certainly provide he who is steadfast with great

How many times has He supported him (the servant of ALLAH) in times of difficulty? How
many times has He veiled his faults? How many times has He forgiven his sins? How many times
has He held his hand when he made a mistake?


I recommend regularity in the zikr of ALLAH and the prayers upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), day and night according to your ability and according to the energy and
free time that ALLAH grants, without excess or lack.

Through this, aim to glorify the worth of ALLAH and His greatness and that of His Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him), Imagine yourself at the door of ALLAH, requesting only His
satisfaction and not just a favor.

Whosoever performs deeds in this way will receive special attention from ALLAH; he will
receive the blessings of such deeds both in the near and distant future. He will discover the taste
and flavor of everything that he does. This is part of the particularities and secrets, and likewise
for regular attendance to prayers in group.

I recommend that you uphold the giving of alms, day and night, if possible, even if it is only a
copper penny or a mere mouthful, but only after having ensured the fulfillment of financial
obligations. Indeed, the care of ALLAH is near to those who perform good deeds and uphold
the mandatory acts in congregation.

After the obligatory litanies of the Tariqa, carefully perform Hisbu Saifi and Salatul Fatihi,
because they are definitely sufficient as compared to any other wird (litany) and the favors that
ALLAH grants through them attain the peak of one’s desires. No deed can equal this.

I recommend that you take care of your family ties in every way that softens the heart and
encourages love. Abandon enmity towards relatives, disobedience of parents and anything that
provokes hatred in the heart of the brothers. Abandon also looking for shortcomings in other
Muslims because for he who does this, ALLAH will also unveil the shortcomings of his children
after him.

Forgive those who make mistakes and find excuses for those who perform clumsily among all
believers and particularly among the brothers in Tariqa, for surely, those who forgive people who
make mistakes will often be forgiven by ALLAH.

Accept the apology of whosoever is wrong and comes to apologize to you, forgive him so that
ALLAH may accept yours and forgive you. The worst brothers with ALLAH are those who do
not accept excuses and do not forgive mistakes; examine the verses of ALLAH who says:

"Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of
the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous, Those who spend (freely),
whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men; for ALLAH
loves those who do good;"(Surah 03, The Family of Imran, verses 133 and 134).

Do not take into account the harm caused by people and do not take into consideration anything that
comes from them. You should forgive and ignore this because contesting all that comes from
common people, without forgiving, causes loss from ALLAH in this world and in the hereafter.

Every time someone abases himself by responding to evil with evil then for him also, this evil will
multiply and he will know failure. Therefore, we must respond to evil with indifference,
forgiveness and indulgence.

I recommend not claiming the positions in which ALLAH has placed certain people. This is not
proper, either with regards to the law or with regards to good manners, because their situation

41 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


conforms to the Divine Will, they are held in the embrace of ALLAH, there is no escape from
His decree and their entire situation depends on His decree and His predestination.

This is only possible if the law permits us to act against them with either command or reprimand,
in the case of either contestation or need, at times but not always, according to the words of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who said: "A sign of one’s excellence in Islam, is
ignoring that which does not concern him."

You must advise your brothers in Tariqa with gentleness, kindness and diplomacy, without
grimace or hatred, and each one of you should dedicate time alone to evoke ALLAH, at least the
time it takes for the essential prayers of the Tariqa. This will procure blessings in all your needs
and in your demeanor.

You must obey the Muqaddam who gave you the Wird in whatever good he orders or whatever
bad he forbids you, or whenever he seeks to settle conflicts between you.

For those who are able, perform the Wadhifa both in the morning and evening. Otherwise,
perform it only once either in the morning or in the evening. [...]

I advise the Muqaddam who gives the Wird to forgive the mistakes of the brothers, to spread the
mantle of his forgiveness over any wrongdoing and to avoid anything that can cause resentment,
shame or hatred in their heart. Moreover, he should work to settle dispute between them and
implement all that will unite their hearts.

If fire is kindled among them, he should act quickly to extinguish it and above all, this should be
done for the satisfaction of ALLAH and not for any other advantage.

He must also scold those who backbite, admonishing them kindly with soft words. He should
treat the brothers gently, with kindness, without trying to provoke aversion and difficulties with
what he orders or prohibits them with regards to Divine rights and the rights of brothers, thus
complying with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who said: "Facilitate
things for people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it difficult for them. Give them
the good tidings and do not repulse them (from Islam)."

He must lead them away from their fondness for this world and pay no attention to whatever
they possess in the firm belief that ALLAH is the one who gives and takes away, demeans and
elevates. He must consider that his concern is to liberate them from squandering and dispersing
themselves in this world. He should not ask them for any gift, be it large or small, except what
they themselves freely give, because people’s understanding revolves around this and their
situations are interpreted based on this notion.

Leave the common people as well as the leaders in the situation in which ALLAH has established
them, without seeking opposition with revulsion, hatred, or hostility, because it is ALLAH who
has established His creatures according to His will and nobody has the ability to remove them
from where ALLAH has settled them.

Do not search for authority and its causes, because this is the Kaaba around which revolves all
evil, this is the cause of perdition in this world and the hereafter.

42 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


If any of you experiences misfortune or is affected by evil, you should be patient until ALLAH
frees you, because every difficulty will undoubtedly come to an end and all torment will one day

If the situation becomes critical then you should humble yourself while pleading to ALLAH so
that you attain, through His relief, the summit of your hope.

You should not be grieved by miseries and hardships, because ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) has only sent his servants down to this world for the vicissitudes of the Divine decrees
and Lordly destinies, because these hardships and difficulties perturb the ego.

The servants cannot escape this, it is impossible for a slave to avoid hardship in this world and so
to be at rest, but the sensible person should know that the situations of people in this world are
forever alternating between moments of tension and release, between good and evil, between
moments of joy and sadness. No inhabitant of this world can escape this fate.

Therefore, if a misfortune arises and the situation tightens, one must know that it will come to an
end and relief and joy will follow. Thus, one who understands this of ALLAH regarding the trials
and tribulations of this world will meet every misfortune with patience, will be satisfied with his
destiny and will fully thank ALLAH for His blessings.

And may the peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon you."

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

43 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


Another letter from Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani to Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret

« After saying the Name of ALLAH and the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon

May the peace, the mercy, and the blessing of ALLAH be upon you. The following is from the poor
servant of ALLAH, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani, : Certainly, through his own will and choice,
ALLAH attributes rules and predestinations to his creature of which He –may He be glorified and
exalted- retains the knowledge and secret of destinies, which no one, excepting a rare few among his
creatures, can access. Therefore, the servants have no other alternative but to approve and submit,
without seeking the Secret of his Know also that ALLAH, the Glorified and the Exalted, has a reward
for each trial, relief for each burden, ease for each difficulty, openness for each narrowness, victory in
return for patience and a blessing after hardship. Be patient, even more patient because each thing has
its outcome and every situation comes to an end.

As for what happened to you, this is part of the manifestations connected to the situation that you
experience and which must occur. It is indeed difficult to reach up to it, obtaining it is invaluable, but
you will succeed in attaining it very shortly, so be patient and accept this. We request ALLAH,
Powerful and Magnified, that He acts towards you with His Approval both in this world and in the

Concerning your assumption with regards to your demise, have no fear. May the prayer and the peace
of ALLAH be upon our master Muhammad, his family and his companions. »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Bonding to ALLAH - Advice from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani

(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

After evoking the Name of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and the prayer and the peace
upon the Messenger of ALLAH,

I exhort and advise you to fear ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), both in secret and in
public, to purify your heart from any opposition to His Order, to rely on ALLAH with your
heart, to accept His decisions in all circumstances, to bear the hardships of the paths that He
decrees in all situations, and, for this, depend on abundant evocations, with the Presence of the
Heart as much as possible, this will help you to follow my advice.

Know that the greatest evocation of ALLAH, for the benefit that it brings, the most efficient and
advantageous, is the prayer upon the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him)
with the presence of the heart. This prayer takes care of all requests, both in this world and the
next, to repel and attract in all matters. He who recites it profusely will become one of the
greatest and sincere friends of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).

The second thing that I exhort you to do is to renounce using money that is declared illegal by
the Law, for food, clothing and lodging, because that which is lawful is the pole around which all
the stars of adoration orbit. He who turns away from that which is lawful will also have turned
away from all the benefit related to adoration. Beware of saying: “But where is it to be found?”
Certainly, it does exist abundantly in every land and in every age, but you will only find it having
sought to perfectly fulfil the commandments of ALLAH, both interiorly and exteriorly; and
considering the requirements of the moment, if we cannot find what is undoubtedly lawful, then
a scrupulous knowledge of jurisprudence is required in this domain as well as a wide knowledge
of the prescriptions of the Law. He who conforms to this, will have no difficulty finding that
which is lawful.

After that, it is essential to bind your heart to ALLAH, to choose Him as refuge, to return to
Him and to leave aside all other but Him, both in general and specifically. This is the beginning
and the end in all situations.

For the servant, the aim is to bring the heart back to ALLAH in all situations and in all aspects. If
he is unable to do this, then after each prayer, he should perform the following evocation from
three to seven times, making it move in his heart, except in the obligatory prayers imposing it on
his nafs, and this will certainly lead to an outcome.

The invocation is as follows: “O ALLAH! It is on You that I rely, You are my refuge, and with
You is my retreat. My faith and my trust are in You, and it is on Your Strength and Power on
which I rely. I accept all vicissitudes of Your decrees. I recognize the perfect implication of Your
Sustenance in all things and the impossibility that anything, however insignificant or important,
could be outside of the scope of Your Knowledge or of Your Domination, until the last moment
of my life.”

If he persists in this recitation and notices each time that his nafs is not in conformity with this
invocation, then he should remember meaning of this invocation. In this way, it would be easier
for him to orientate his heart towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and abandoned all

other but Him.

This is the great doorway to knowledge known by those who have tasted a part of the knowledge
of man (that is to say the Knowers), and who are not unaware of its value. Do not neglect this
and do not forget to purify yourself as much as possible. Indeed life is short, the journey is long,
obstacles are insurmountable, the burden is heavy and accounts with ALLAH are rigorous, but
accomplishments of the commandments are that which enable you to escape from all these

The holy Sheikh, a first rank elite, the knower of ALLAH, Sidi Muhammad Sammak (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) said : “If a person gives himself to ALLAH with his heart, ALLAH, in return, will
give HimSelf with His Mercy and orientate people’s face towards Him. As for he who turns away
from ALLAH, ALLAH, in return, will turn away from him completely. However, If a person gives
himself to ALLAH occasionally, ALLAH will grant him His Mercy at some point. ”

Thus, what is required from ALLAH, is to distance yourself from all other but Him. However, if
you are tested by the fact of dealing with people and having to frequent them, then frequent
them but act towards them for ALLAH, because, certainly, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted)
loves benevolence towards his creatures.

And the thing to which He incites most is to pray upon the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and
blessings be upon him) with presence of heart, because this is the supreme treasure and the most
excellent provision.” Thus he concludes.

*Extract translated from Djawahirul Ma’ani

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

46 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Tijaniyyah Articles

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :

« Praise be to God. Praising him in the appropriate is a duty.

Know – may God guide us on the path of his guidance- that hardheartness is one of the greatest
problem, and after disbelief, it is the greatest trial.

The reasons for hardheartedness are included in what I am about to tell you. If we avoid them,
the heart will soften and awaken to good.

These reasons are as follows:

1. Persevering in any bad actions

2. Hoping for a long life

3. Anger for any other but God

4. Jealousy vis-a-vis other believers

5. Love for this world

6. Love of power

7. Speaking about or acting upon, even slightly, that which does not concern us

8. Excessive laughing

9. Excessive joking

10. Joy for ephemeral things

11. The worry that comes from losing them

12. Carelessness regarding the evocation of ALLAH

13. Forgetfulness regarding the thoughts concerning the difficulties of the Hereafter such as the
tomb, the Day of Resurrection and its difficulties, the fire and its chastisements, the paradise and
its blessings and so on and so forth.

14. The distraction preventing us from thinking about this.

15. Frequenting people who are imbued with gaming and distraction, listening to their words and
keeping them company for no religious reason.

16. The company of intellectually and religiously immature idiots

17. Eating that which is unlawful and doubtful


18. Satiation

19. Drinking too much water

20. Excessive passion

21. Excessive sleeping

22. Thinking too much within the heart about anything other than that which concerns ALLAH
and the states of the Hereafter, such as the tomb and that which refers to it.

23. Insufficient Dhikr

24. Self-satisfaction

These are the 24 reasons for hardheartedness.

He who wishes to soften his heart should abandon the above and adhere to the opposite
(reasons), that is to say:

- Continuous remembrance of death with real repentance

- Not expecting a long life in this world by maintaining the thought of death omnipresent with
each breath

- Feeling the presence of ALLAH at all times with heart, speech and body

- Anger should be avoided at all times except for God

- Not arousing hatred for all Muslims among friends, enemies and counsellors

- Renouncing life of this world

- Staying away from all forms of power and their causes

- Relinquish, both in word and deed, that which does not concern us

- Maintaining silence unless evoking ALLAH

- (Cultivating) lasting sadness with regards to the Hereafter

- Staying away from jokes and jokers

- Keeping away from slander and slanderers by avoiding the company of those who indulge (in
it), even a little in slander

- Forsaking joy for ephemeral acquisitions

- Abandoning sadness when we are separated from transient things

48 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


- (Maintaining) a state of awareness when performing dhikrs

- Contemplating at length death, the tomb, situations on the Day of Resurrection, the different
degrees of Hell and its torments, and those of Paradise and its blessings

- Withdrawing from the company of men in general, except those who help us in our religious
evolution, regarding the prescriptions, the reminders, the exhortation and following the path.

- Paying no attention to the words of people and avoiding their company

- Seeking the company of virtuous people who help us to evolve on the path of the Hereafter
and encourage us to bind ourselves to it. If this is not possible, it is better to remain alone.

- As far as possible, eating that which is lawful

- Enduring hunger and thirst. What is meant by hunger and thirst is the middle way between
deprivation and excess.

- Abandoning all forms of passion in general and in particular, except in the case of extreme

- Persevering in nocturnal vigil without any excess or insufficiency

- Abandoning all thoughts in your heart for anything else but God and the situations of the

- Saying abundantly zikr of ALLAH

- Considering one’s ego as an enemy and abandoning all efforts made with the aim of satisfying
the ego and avoiding retaliating on its behalf.

All of these principles are cause for the softness of the heart ».

*Text extracted from the book Jama’ of Sidi Muhammad El Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

49 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Right Conduct: Adeb

Propriety on the path (Tariqa) consists in following the Law (Chari’a), protecting our deeds,
without calling upon its rakhs (indulgences), abiding by adeb and remaining diligently in the
service of the Master of all masters.
This is the meaning of adeb. Every moment (Waqt) has its own adeb. Every state (Hal) has its
own adeb and every rank (Maqam) has its own adeb. By complying with adeb, all requests
will be granted and all desired goals will be achieved. Turning away from adeb lead to the
path of ruin; we seek protection from ALLAH against the evil of our nafs and the faults that
we have committed.
According to the Fuqaha (jurists), adeb signifies the accomplishment of everything that comes
after the obligations and the Sunna, that is to say the meritorious deeds which are inherent to
human nature, such as sleeping and waking, eating and drinking, evoking and invoking, etc…
According to Sufi people, adeb means following any path of goodness and accomplishing any
good action. So, adeb contains all the sublime qualities and good traits of character in
accordance with religious duties and devotion to God.
Whosoever acquires these qualities acquires adeb and is educated regarding ALLAH (The
Glorified and The Exalted) and His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon). The definition of
jurists is contained within that of the Sufis.
Hasan Basri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said:
“Adeb is:
- Religious instruction
- Asceticism in this world
- And recognizing ALLAH’s blessings upon us.”
According to some, followers of adeb can be divided into three categories:
- For the people of this world, adeb is excellence in elocution and eloquence, the acquisition
of knowledge, of the confidences of kings and of the poems of the Arabs.
- For the religious, adeb is taming the soul, disciplining the body, preserving sacred limits and
abandoning passion.
- For the elite, adeb is, above all, the purification of the heart, respect for the secrets, loyalty to
the covenant, safeguarding time, and diminishing the interest that they bear towards their own
It is said that there are three categories of adeb:
- Adeb of the Law (Charia)
- Adeb of devotion (Khadma)
- Adeb of Truth (Haqiqa)
Adeb of the Law means not transgressing its limits; Adeb of devotion is increasing in

devotion without thinking about it.; Adeb of Truth is knowing what is yours and what is for

A Knower (‘Arif) taught the following adeb to Umar ibn Abdelaziz (may ALLAH be pleased
with him):
“Fear that which ALLAH asks you to fear, beware of that which ALLAH asks you to beware
of, take only that which is yours, because at the moment of death, the certainty will come to
you. Salam.”
He also wrote (or words to that effect):
“Know that the greatest fear and the most horrific circumstances are before you, either for
your salvation or for your ruin. Know that he who holds himself accountable will be
victorious and who does not will be unsuccessful. Whoever is attentive to the consequences of
his acts will be saved and whoever follows his passion will be led astray. Whosoever shows
mercy will be successful. He who fears will seek refuge, he who seeks refuge is attentive, he
who is attentive observes, he who observes gains understanding, he who gains understanding
acquires knowledge. Therefore, if you stumble, come back. If you have regrets, make amends.
If do not know, ask. If you are angry, control yourself. Hold tight to this adeb if you want to
be among the beloved.”
The source of all adeb is contained in the following words of ALLAH (The Glorified and The
Exalted): “And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden
you - refrain from.” (Surat 59, verse 7) And also: “You have indeed in the Messenger of
ALLAH an excellent example” (Surat 33, verse 21).
Whosoever complies with these two verses achieves success in terms of adeb and whosoever
does not comply with them, separates himself from the realm of adeb. These two verses are
the straight path for all who are sincere and awakened.
Muhammad ibn Aslam (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said:
“The basis of Islam is contained within its obligations and its obligations are contained in
these two sentences:
- Accomplishing that which ALLAH and his Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) have
ordained is an obligation, and abandoning all that ALLAH and his Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) have forbidden is an obligation.
- Do that which is allowed, and do not do that which is not allowed.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ALLAH has educated me and it is
the most perfect education.”
So adeb is inward and outward education. If the servant is educated both outwardly and
inwardly, he becomes an educated Sufi. It may only be called an education if it contains
certain points. A servant’s adeb can only be completed by acquiring noble qualities.
In another narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“ALLAH has educated me and it is the most perfect education, then he ordained me to
cling to the noble qualities and recited: “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn
away from the foolish.””(Surat, verse 199)
Youssuf ibn Houssein (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said:
“With adeb, knowledge is understood. And with knowledge, deeds become valid. With deeds,

we gain wisdom. With wisdom, we practice asceticism (zuhd). With asceticism, we abandon
this world. By abandoning this world, we long for the Hereafter. By longing for the Hereafter,
you acquire degrees with ALLAH.”

Ibn Mubarak (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said:

“Adeb with devotion (Khadma) is better than just devotion. Indeed ALLAH said: “[He] who
created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed” (Surat 67 verse 2) ”

He also said: “He who neglects adeb will be punished by being deprived of the Sunnah (the
prophetic traditions); he who neglects the Sunnah will be punished by being deprived of
obligations; he who neglects the obligations will be punished by being deprived of Ma’rifa
(Mystical Knowledge).”
He also said: “A little adeb is more needed than a lot of knowledge.”
He also said: “For the Arif (Knower), adeb is the equivalence of repentance for a person who
reverts to religion.”
Lastly, he said: “People have spoken and explained at great length about adeb: we ourselves
say that adeb is self-knowledge (Nafs).”
This means that the nafs is the source of ignorance and that abandoning adeb leads to
entrenchment in ignorance. If one knows one’s own ego, one will see the light of Ma’rifa
(Divine knowledge) as is exemplified in the following words: “He who knows his ego knows
his Lord.”
On this topic, Ibn Ata ALLAH said (or words to that effect): “The nafs is inclined towards
incorrect adeb; the servant must rigorously follow the rules of adeb. By its very nature, the
ego tends to contradict everything (that is beneficial) so the servant should endeavour to bring
it back to proper morality (Mutalabat). Whoever abandons these efforts on his nafs (his own
ego) has let go of the reins of his nafs and neglected to pay attention to his own ego; as long
as he helps it, he is considered to be its associate.”
Djuneid (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “He who consents to the demands of his
nafs, is instrumental in his own destruction, because adoration goes hand-in-hand with adeb
and corruption is contrary to adeb.”
It has also been said: “Adeb is both the inner and outer education of the servant. The outward
education is carried out through the intermediary of the Sharia (The Law) by following the
Sunnah in word and deed. The inward education is realized through Reality (Haqiqa) that is to
say satisfaction with everything that ALLAH has decreed, receiving and accepting everything
with eagerness as a blessing from ALLAH.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is better for a man to educate his
own child than to offer one Sa’ (unit of measurement) of charity.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Man can offer no better gift to his
child than the gift of adeb (than teaching him right conduct).”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The right of the child over his father
is that his father gives a beautiful name, that he chooses the best “belly to carry him”
(the best mother to carry it in her womb) and that he teaches him the best adeb.”
This means that he teaches his child the adeb of The Law which is compulsory, that he
encourages him to develop noble characteristics, and that he chooses the best “belly to carry
him” which means that the mother should be religious, of pure origin, he chooses everything
that can facilitate the study of the Coran and of the Knowledge for his child.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

El Islam, El Imane, El Ihsane

Submission, Faith and Perfection

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said : « Know O he who is in pursuit of the
path of God, O he who desires the love and the presence of God, know that this is summarized
in three stations: that of Islam, that of Iman and that of Ihsane.”

Islam is adoration of God, Iman is orientation towards God and Ihsan is the contemplation of
God. These three stations represent the different stages of our path towards God, which are
gathered in the Divine Law (Shari’a), the path (Tariqa) and the Truth (Haqiqa).

The result of these three stages is Knowledge, because he who attains Haqiqa automatically
attains God, thus he is called Knower of God (‘Arif billah).

All the stages are included in the term of Shari’a because Shari’a represents everything that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) brought us.

Certain people are satisfied with the first stage and think that it is the only one to exist.
Therefore, they are called people of the exoteric (Ahlu dhahir) approach.

The second category is that which includes the two stages, that is to say the Law and the path
(Shari’a and Tariqa), the people of this category are called Sufis.

The third category is that which includes all three stages. The people of this category are known
as Knowers (El Arifin).

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was questioned about the
difference between the Truth (Haqiqa), the path (Tariqa) and the Law (Shari’a) and he answered
as follows – or words to that effect:

« The truth is the lifting of veils in order to contemplate the Divine Presence, which is what we
call the contemplation (Muchahada). The knowledge of this truth emanates as a result of the
contemplation of God. This Presence grants the person knowledge, wisdom, secrets, spiritual
effusions, wisdom, states of certainty and so on.

It (Presence) can be the source of the knowledge that the servant must have at the time of
contemplation regarding right conduct, science of discussion, as well as that which we must avoid
(at that time) and that which we must endure at that time, this is the truth of the reality (Haqiqat
el Haqiqa)

The truth of the Law (Shari’a) is what it brings in terms of obligations, permissions, prohibitions
in all that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and his Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) ordained us in his book.

As for the path (Tariqa), it is the intermediary between the law and truth (Shari’a and Haqiqa).
The Tariqa is the indispensable Law for those who have attained the Truth (Haqiqa), and it is
different from the Shari’a that is known by the common people. It is described in the following
words: “The right actions of the virtuous people (abrar) are the wrong actions of the closest ones

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The knowledge of the path (Tariqa) is all that strips the servant of his passion, it encourages him
to abandon egocentricity, it carries him away from everything that seduces his animal soul and all
obstruction so that he may shelter in the will of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).

The Tariqa calls us to know all that incites ALLAH’s (The Glorified, The Exalted) servant to
stop in the depth of His Oneness. It helps him (the servant) to get out of the competition
between his ego and Divine Essence by allowing him to settle in the station of approval and
submission (Ridha wa Taslim).

The path encourages us to abandon ourselves completely in the ocean of submission to God.
The path and its knowledge is defined thus. »

Then he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:

« The pole makes his law (Shari’a) infalible with his Haqiqa and hides his Haqiqa with his law. »

*Text extracted and translated from the book Ifadat Tidjaniya written by Sheikh Mustafa el Alawee (may
ALLAH be pleased with him)

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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The Role Of The Sheikh And Following Him

Know my child, may ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) lead you on the path of submission
and realization. May He guide you, including us, on the path of success, and may He steer you on
the path of his beloved. I beseech ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) to prolong your life in
true servitude to Him, for the sole aim of worshipping Him, for His sublime countenance and
His satisfaction, because He is the Magnificent.

I wish to shed the light of the torch of truth upon you, so that you may know that when you
progress on the Sufi path, there are reliable supports all the way up to the Prophet Muhammad
(May the prayers and the peace of ALLAH be upon him). First and foremost, you should know
that we cannot travel this path - above all if we aspire to true realization - without beforehand
steadfastly and entirely obeying and submitting to “the gateway”: a realized Sheikh (Muhaqiq), a
spiritual guide (Murshid) who brings together the exoteric Law (Sharia) and the spiritual path (El
Haqiqa), for the spiritual way is perilous and the slightest divergence from the indicated path
leads to the utmost deviation from the intended aim.

Abu Al Hassan Al Sustari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) expressed himself thus: “He (that is
to say the aspirant) cannot dispense with confiding his case to someone who will ordain good,
and forbid evil and who will watch over him, because the path is dangerous: few are the travelers
and numerous are the hindrances. The traveler often thinks that he is in the middle of the
roadway whereas he is already turning his back on his target. He would only need to stray one
fingers’ distance away to deviate from the path and get lost. In truth, the path is narrow for he
who follows a soul permeated with bestial and immoral habits. The demon of this path is
perfectly aware of its stations and steps.

The author of Awarif Sheikh ‘Omar Al Suhrawardi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said “The
overall objective is companionship (Suhba). If the aspirant has found the companionship of a
Sheikh, it can be expected that he will achieve excellence.”

The following words of Abou Yazid (may ALLAH be pleased with him) are related: “For he who
has no master, the master is Satan.”

Al Daqqaq (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The tree which grows wild, without having
been planted, bears leaves but no fruit. If it does bear fruit, they are not like those of the trees
which have been cultivated.”

Abou ‘Amr Al Zaggagi, disciple of Junayd (may ALLAH be pleased with them) said: “Nothing
will come from a man who has no master, even if he has received visions of the invisible”.

Concerning His servants, Ibrahim Ibn Shayban (may ALLAH be pleased with him), who, according
to some Shouyoukh, was a master in his time, said that ALLAH is Omniscient: “Even if a man has
gathered all knowledge and attended all the circles, he will only achieve spiritual maturity if he follows
the discipline of a Sheikh or a mentor who provides reliable advice. We should not entrust self-
reformation (Tashih Al Mou’amalatte) to any person who has not been trained by a master and
censor who has shown him the mistakes of his behavior and the defects of his soul.”

Sheikh Abû El Abbas Al Mursi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “He who has not had a
Sheikh on the Sufi path will not be able to bring happiness to others (to his fellow men), even if he is
endowed with great intelligence and a devout soul. Such a man, content with what a Sheikh of

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learning (Sheikh Al Ta’lim) teaches him, will not attain the level of perfection of he who relies on
a mentor (educator) (Sheikh Al Murabi). Indeed, the soul is shrouded in thick veils and heavily
inclined to associate delusional realities with ALLAH. As such, it remains inevitably ingrained
with trivialities (Mu’ûnat). This state can only be totally eradicated if we rely on a Sheikh and
place ourselves under his spiritual authority and influence. It is even thus for those for whom
ALLAH has set aside special favors, those that he has seized and drawn into His Presence;
people like this do not reach the role of spiritual guide (Machyiakha) despite their achievements.

As it is written in the Lata-if al minan : “Whoever has no master to link him to the chain of
disciples and to remove the veil that shrouds his heart is, in this respect, like an illegitimate child
deprived of a father, a misbegotten child deprived of his lineage. If he is given a light, he is
completely overwhelmed by the power of the spiritual state (hal) and the only thing that matters
to him is to dwell in the divine inspiration: neither education nor instruction has been given to
him and he is not guided by the bridle of training and discipline.”

Sheikh Al Buzidi (May ALLAH be pleased with him) said: « He who does not have great men (al
fuhul) as companions remains mired in delusion.”

Thus by the grace of the Magnificent and the worthiness of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him), ALLAH has orientated me and lead me onto the path of the elected
amongst prophets (peace and blessings be upon him) and the chosen of the knowers of ALLAH
(arifine) and the shouyoukh, the seal of the saints, the barzakh, el kibrite el ahmar, the lord of the
initiates, the imam of the truthful, the purveyor of fluxes of the poles, the hidden pole, the sealed
barzakh, the barzakh of the barzakh, the khatim of el maqamat, he surpasses all the degrees of
sainthood, he is unique at this stage. Only the prophets and our very holy prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings be upon him) and the meritorious companions of the very holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) are above him, the perfect Sheikh, the student,
the direct disciple of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with no intermediary and
possessing authentic vision, that is to say Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). He said: “All the paths are encompassed in the path of Imam Shadili (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) except our path because it has an intrinsic characteristic in that it is
Muhammadiya, Ibrahimiya, and Hanifiya. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has
directly conveyed it to us saying to me that I am the only one who can clarify it. He (peace and
blessings be upon him) has educated and guided me until I reach my goal, praise and thanks to

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: « If you wish, by He who holds the soul of
Muhammad in his hands, I can testify that ALLAH’s most beloved servants are the ones who
urge ALLAH’s servants to love Him and who move in selfless exhortation (al nassiha) ». These
words define the role of the Sheikh precisely, which is to breathe the real love of ALLAH into
the disciple and render them deserving of the love of ALLAH. Indeed, the Sheikh guides the
disciple (murid) on the path of emulation of ALLAH’s Emissary (peace and blessings be upon
him) and whoever follows in the Prophet’s footsteps (peace and blessings be upon him) with
meticulousness and exactitude is loved by ALLAH.

"If you really love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah
is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Coran Surate 3 Family of Imran, verse 31)

Here this verse accurately defines the word “follow” as indicating, with exactitude, the love of
ALLAH. Thus, in one of his sublime utterances, the very holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) reminds us: “You will only be a true believer when your passions are in accordance with

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mine”, whereas we know precisely that the Prophet’s desires (peace and blessings be upon him)
are none other than the Knowledge in the love of the divine essence.

The true Sheikh is he who impels ALLAH’s servants to love Him; it is he that leads the disciple
on the path of purification (Tazkia). Now, we know that when the soul is purified, the mirror of
the heart becomes enlightened and the lights of the Divine Magnificence are reflected in it, the
beauties of the Oneness (Ajmal Al Tawhid) appear in it and the eyes of clairvoyance are drawn
towards the luminous vision of The Eternal Perfection. Then the servant knows his Lord and
loves Him irrefutably. Such are the fruits of purification. ALLAH The Most High says: “He has
succeeded who purifies it (the soul)” (Coran Surate 91 The Sun , verse 9) and the soul’s bliss is to
reach Gnosis (Ma’rifat ALLAH).

Youssouf el Fasi, from whom the previous passage was borrowed, adds: “Regarding the
Shouyoukh, given that they are on the right path due to Divine grace and favor, they are worthy
of being emulated and taken as an example by the devotees.”

Speaking on behalf of his Lord, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: « If what most
preoccupies my servant is to devote himself to Me, I will make that invocation his aspiration and
delight, and when I have made his aspiration and delight arise through invoking Me, he will desire me
ardently and I will desire him ardently and I will lift the veil on that which is between Me and him, he
will not be inattentive whereas others will be. The words of such people are the words of Prophets,
those are the true heroes. When I want to punish or chastise the inhabitants of the world, the
remembrance of such people causes Me to relinquish the chastisement.”

According to Sheikh Zarruq (may ALLAH pleased with him): “The Sheikh must meet four
conditions: “accurate knowledge (‘Ilm), an experience with authentic taste (Dhawq), an exalted
aspiration (Himma), and a situation (Hala) that is satisfying to ALLAH.”

What we mean by knowledge is the amount of exoteric science that the Sheikh is required to hold
without needing to know the ramifications (furu’), as well as esoteric science, of which he should
have a deeper knowledge, because it will help him to lead his disciples through experience, that is
to say that which the Sheikh has acquired through the path of spiritual heritage (wiratha) and
education (tarbiya), and not through textbook transmission. The “elevated aspiration” is not to tie
oneself to the world. As for the situation (hala) that is satisfactory to ALLAH, this means
uprightness (istiqima), both in outside behavior and inward thoughts: it is identical to the
situation in which ALLAH’s messenger found himself (peace and blessings be upon him).

There are four conditions to which the disciple has to comply: proper purpose (qasd), genuine
sincerity (Sidq), an approved sense of propriety and a pure spiritual state (ahwal). Propriety
towards the Sheikh includes eight obligations of which four are outer and four are inner.

From the outer point of view, the disciple must (outer adeb):

1. Obey the orders of the Sheikh, even if the order may seem to be senseless or
incomprehensible. Here we could mention the example of Zanoun, great companion of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Sidi Zanoun, before entering the Tariqa, was a highway bandit notorious for his misdeeds. One day,
an official of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) Zawiya passed away.
The disciples conferred and went to find Seyyidina Sheikh in order to request him to

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designate (nominate) a new muqaddem. To their great surprise, he said to them: “I appoint
Zanoun as Muqaddem to you.”

Astonished, they left and went to meet the famous outlaw, who they found in the company of a
gang of thugs. They said to him: “Our Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani has nominated you in charge of our
Zawiya. At the simple uttering of these words, Zanoun was overwhelmed by an immense
spiritual state (hal) and began to cry. At that very moment, through the intention and spiritual
power of Seyydina Sheikh (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he received the spiritual opening.

The disciple must also avoid what the Sheikh forbids, even if the forbidden thing appears to him
to be good. A mistake made by the Sheikh is more beneficial to the disciple than his own
opinion, even if he thinks he is right. The Sheikh prevails over fathers and mothers because that
which he ordains or forbids is for the purpose of eternal spirituality, whereas parents’ directives
are concerned with perishable human nature. The spiritual father takes precedence over the
physical father: he sees with the eye of clairvoyance (basira) and not, as do the parents, with the
physical eye (basar). Al Bilali has spoken on this in Ihtisar Al Ihya.

2. He owes his Sheikh signs of respect and veneration. In his presence, he should neither raise his
voice nor speak before his Sheikh has spoken to him and even then he should not speak more than
necessary, nor laugh, because laughing in the presence of the Sheikh is improper. He should be
content with smiling, he should sit in front of him as we sit in the final position of Salat, or cross-
legged with the hands resting on the knees. He should not spread his cloth or the mat on which he is
sitting towards the Sheikh. He should not look elsewhere when the Sheikh is pronouncing an
exhortation. He should concentrate all his attention on him. In short, he should be like the man who
is sitting by the side of the sea waiting for the sustenance that ALLAH dispenses.

On this subject, what happened to Sidi Abdelrahman Berada (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
companion of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) may be
given as an example: “He was obese to such an extent that he could not cross his legs when he
was sitting. On the occasion of his first sitting with Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) after having taken Tariqa, due to his obesity he stretched out
one leg. So Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to
him: “Discipline yourself, my poor thing.” He replied: « O my Master, in truth, I am ashamed
because as you see I cannot manage to sit suitably, so I beg your forgiveness. » Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “we have to be disciplined in the presence of the
Shouyoukh because even if I forgive you, the station does not pardon whosoever shows it a lack
of respect.” Since that day, he followed the discipline scrupulously.

He should entrust all his affairs to the Sheikh and undertake nothing important without having
obtained his authorization, unless it is a question of obligation or necessity. Given that he has
relinquished his own free will (tadbir) to the Sheikh, he will be able to surrender it to ALLAH
when the Sheikh brings him close to ALLAH. This propriety is a training which prepares the
disciple to receive the Divine Presence (Hadrat el Iliayah), for the entire mystical path is respect
for properness (Al Tariq Kulluha Adab).

Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said that adab is the
spirit, the quintessence of the Tariqa. He who breaches propriety with regards to the friends of
ALLAH is sent back to the gateway and he who lacks properness to the gateway is sent back to
company of beasts.

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4. He should stay close to the Sheikh and sit in his presence in order to be guided, except if the
Sheikh ordains him to go elsewhere. A close contact (mouwassala) with the Sheikh is
indispensable, because the help brought by the master is comparable to the water which flows
from the cups of a water wheel, or an irrigation canal. The longer it lasts, the more water will
flow. But if, through negligence, we turn away from the master, our water would become scarce
and ultimately dry up. We can only reach the highest station by drinking of the beneficial spring
of the Sheikh. We drink in proportion to our sincerity, we are sincere to the extent that we love,
and the sign that we love is that we follow and revere our master.

From the inner point of view (interior adab):

1. The first approach is the love (mahaba) and the reverence (haiba) that one feels towards the
Sheikh. To the same extent that the disciple is extinguished in the Sheikh, he is extinguished in
the true God. The more the disciple sees the virtues, the most beautiful qualities and rectitude
(Istiqama) of his Master, the greater will be his love for him.

2. The disciple should not go against his master internally, because this kind of opposition is even
worse than external opposition. It is said that he who questions his Sheikh will not attain
happiness. Take for example what happened between Al Khidr and Moussa (peace be upon
them), because this is the foundation of the Sufi path.

The author of Ayniyya refers to this in the following verses: “If destiny favors you and
providence leads you to a Sheikh who has an authentic knowledge of reality, seek always to
satisfy him, comply with his will and forsake everything that previously preoccupied you. Be with
him like a corpse in the hands of the washer who turns it over as he sees fit and finds it docile.
Do not oppose an instruction that you do not understand, because opposition is already a
conflict. Trust him for each and every thing that you see, even if it seems unusual: there are traps
that must be avoided. The story of the noble Khidr contains adequate teaching: it is up to you,
my children, to refer to it and to meditate, in view of complete success.

3. The disciple must be convinced of the Sheikh’s perfection since he brings together esoteric
truth (haqiqa) and exoteric law (shari’a) and that he possesses perfect rectitude, as has been stated
above. It is not necessary for the Sheikh to be infallible (‘Isma).

Junayd was asked (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “Can the gnostic commit fornication?” He
replied: “And the Command of Allah is a decree determined.” (Coran Surate 33 The Combined
Forces, verse 38) Certainly, the saint (wali) can commit one or more faults, but does not persevere.

Moreover, we should seek the spiritual sense of the Sheikh’s actions, because the purpose is often
to test the disciple. Because of this misunderstanding, some have been rejected from the path
whereas others have succeeded. Hold firm o my son, o my preoccupation, and beware of judging.
One day, Sidi Ali said to his disciple: “ As for you, cover your ears, close your eyes, clench your
teeth, tighten your fist, otherwise I will fly away and forsake you!”

4. The disciple must not want to meet any other than his master or want to change master. On
this topic, we can refer to the story of Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
One day, when he went to the blessed zawiya of Fez to perform one of the five prayers, he met a
friend of his, hailing from the Wazan region. He talked with him at length when Sidi Mussa ibn
Ma’zouz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed by. He powerfully caught Sidi Tayeb’s (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) hand and said to him: “You missed the prayer with Seyyidina (may
ALLAH be pleased with him)! ” He took him to the Zawiya and found Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani

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(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) praying. When the prayer was over Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani said to him: “Forget the people of Wazan, they bring you nothing but harm. ” Then he
repeated it. What Seyyidina (may ALLAH be satisfied with him) meant by this exhortation is that
you must not meet another Sheikh among the Shouyoukh without permission, nor forsake the
Sheikh for another one, because it leads to loss.

We consider that such a desire is the ugliest and most improper thing to eat away at the will from
the germ. In order for the precept "Stand firm and you will believe!" to be realized by the
disciple, the primary condition is that the seed should be able to germinate.

If a man feels contempt towards his master but remains in his company, this disdain will only
increase and he will turn away from him more and more with every passing day. Al Fasi said in
his Sharh Al Rai’yya: “Such an attitude is ungrateful with regards to the blessings received and can
only end in total ruin (May ALLAH protect us from that).” One Sheikh said: “he who drinks at
the fountain should not leave it.”

One day, one of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) companions
was reading a book by Cha’rani, and felt such admiration for him that he almost put an end to the
relationship between himself and his Sheikh. He did not realize this until the moment when
Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) appeared miraculously beside
him saying: “What’s going on, are you Cha’rani or Tidjani?” He answered him: “My Master, I
turn to ALLAH into repentance”.

In this regard, Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), clarified: “Know
that there are four things that cause the exclusion of the disciple from his Sheikh’s presence:

A. The first one is seeking worldly goods.

B. The second is opposition from the heart and by speech.
C. The third is the disciple’s distaste with regards to the human weaknesses of the Sheikh that are
in contradiction with the Knowledge.
D. The fourth is the permanent loss of the sacred character of the Sheikh in the heart of the disciple.

A. Concerning the search for personal interests, whether worldly goods or assets of the hereafter,
we should be aware that the Sheikh’s company should be sought after for ALLAH alone and not
for anything else. This has two conditions:

-The first condition is that the disciple allies himself with the Sheikh for ALLAH, saying to himself:
« He is ALLAH’s ally and so I should become his ally.” The secret of this is to be found in the
words of God as relayed by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “I will declare war
on he who harms one of my allies (wali)”. This means: “He who becomes the ally of my ally, as
he is my protege (wali), I will chose him and also make him one of my wali.” This is the great
secret which draws the disciple into ALLAH’s presence.

-The second condition is that the disciple should be aware that the Sheikh is the servant of the
Presence (hadrat) and that consequently he knows the necessary propriety before the Presence
and the different kinds of greed and intentions that corrupt this. So, if the disciple is aware of
this, he will go with his Sheikh in order that he guides him all the way to ALLAH and towards all
that will enable him to draw near to Him.

The disciple should frequent his Sheikh in accordance with these two conditions only and not for
any other reason. He who has any other reason has already lost both this world and the hereafter.

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ALLAH is not worshipped for any particular reason other than because He is God, who is
worthy of his divine character and worthy of adoration because of His essence, His elevated and
praiseworthy qualities, and His glorious names. Noble adoration is to be found in this way.

Similarly, we should not keep company with the Sheikh with a view to material benefits, but in
order that, through his alliance with him, the disciple may be attracted to sainthood, and that he
may know, through him, the adequate and approved propriety as well as all that could pose
problem in the Divine Presence.

Shouyoukh are ordained to scold their disciples and punish them for following their passions,
even just a little, for at the very moment the disciple follows his passions, he is without any doubt
unfaithful to ALLAH (kafir billah) because he has disobeyed ALLAH’s command and diverged
from Him. In truth, he worships one other than ALLAH and he has nothing whatsoever to do
with ALLAH. If ever he pronounces: “There is no god but ALLAH”, the word of Truth replies:
“You have lied, for you are idolater”. On this subject, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) revealed, in the sense of his words: “In the entire celestial sphere, other than ALLAH, there
is no divinity more worshiped than a passion pursued. ”

If the disciple knows all this, then he should not resent his Sheikh nor give free reign to his anger
when his wishes, such as desiring for material goods, are not satisfied.

Thus, the Sheikh knows what is in the best interest of his disciple and what is not, whereas the
disciple is unaware of that.

Therefore if the disciple asks any favor of him and the Sheikh does not grant it, then he should
know that it has been forbidden in his own interest, in order to push away from him that which
would have corrupted him. If, because of this, he turns away from his Sheikh, then he is rejected
from the Divine Presence, and finds himself separated from his Sheikh. Moreover, if, in addition
to turning away, the disciple becomes angry with him, then he has brought about a total rupture
which does not make any allowance for any return.

B. As for the opposition through the heart and by the word, this is the sharp sword that cuts the
rope between the Sheikh and the disciple.

He must not criticize the Sheikh’s actions when it does not conform to his own understanding of
apparent and hidden knowledge.

He should know that there are subtleties between the Sheikh and his Lord of which he is
unaware, whereas the Sheikh is following the path of these subtleties; therefore, although perhaps
from the outside he seems to contradict the law, in reality, he has not turned away from it, even if
others are unaware of this.

C. As for the disciples’ reticence when confronted with the Sheikh’s manifestations of human
weakness, this is because the disciple does not know ALLAH and all the behavioral stations. Indeed,
ALLAH manifests through theophanies at each degree of his creatures’ degrees according to an order
and a modality which is different in each degree. However these theophanies sometimes have the
aspect of perfection, due to Divine wisdom, and at other times that of imperfection.

We cannot avoid or deviate from their imperfect aspect the theophanies that derive from Divine
wisdom, because this is the result of divine will, and it is impossible to deflect) anything
whatsoever that is linked to this will.

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Every knower has necessarily his human weaknesses, then due to subtitles between him and ALLAH,
this imperfection is merged with the image of perfection, but sometimes it is clearly perceived by the
disciple to be imperfection. This perception of weakness is in reality the prevailing realization of
Divine Will, such that it is impossible to escape it. If, therefore, the disciple notices that the human
nature of his Sheikh has an imperfect quality either regarding the Law or by apparently imperfect
behavior, he should take into account all that we have explained heretofore. The disciple should
know that this conduct does not in any way drive the Sheikh away from the Presence of his Lord and
does not hinder him in his station of proximity, nor depreciate the perfection of his adeb. If the
disciple knows this, he has no justification for rejecting his Sheikh for having manifested human
weaknesses. But every disciple in search of a degree with ALLAH, binding himself to him in view of
proximity and culmination, wants him to have no imperfection. At this point, the words of Truth call
him and say: “It is useless to covet your entrance into the Divine presence, because all the degrees
inevitably have their manifestations of imperfection.”

Perfection can only be perceived freed from the ego in all its aspects and situations at three
degrees which are:

- For he who has entered its Presence, the stage of Divine message
- For he who has entered its Presence, the stage of Prophecy
- For he who has entered its Presence, the stage of the station of the Pole (El Qutbaniya)

At these degrees, there is no appearance of imperfection, whereas at the others, imperfection

often manifests.

As for the three degrees mentioned above, even if we see an apparition of imperfection, this is
because of ignorance, for this is the summum of Perfection.

The following words of the Prophet allude to this “Why would anybody judge what I do? By
ALLAH, I am the one who knows best ALLAH and fears Him the most.”

D. As for the apparent deterioration of the sacred character of the Sheikh, it’s the greatest cause
for severance from ALLAH. The deterioration of this vision means not paying attention to what
he ordains or forbids.

The main thing that joins the Sheikh and his disciple is that neither does he associate anyone with
him regarding the love and respect he bears towards him, nor the irrigation that he receives from
him, or in the fact of devoting his heart to him. This can be found in the prophetic legislation.
He who places the degree of the Prophet and the degree of an another among the Prophets or
messengers (peace be upon them) at the same level, regarding the love, the worth, the irrigation
and the fact of devoting his heart to him, as well as in the legislation, this is a sign that he should
die as a nonbeliever unless he is protected by the love that ALLAH has for him.

Knowing this, you should know that the disciple must behave with his Sheikh as he would
conduct himself with regard to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), concerning the
love, the worth, the irrigation and the fact of devoting his heart to him, without placing anyone at
the same level as him, associating nobody with him.

Among the greatest reasons provoking the rupture with ALLAH is the fact that the disciple attributes
the origin of his openings and secrets to someone else than his Sheikh. We should know that the
Divine lights which are showered upon the servant, unveiling secrets and spiritual states,

62 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 8


knowledge and comprehension and allowing for elevation in the degrees, each of these lights is
nostalgic for its source of emanation and for the Divine Presence from where it appears and
grows. Thus, for each Sheikh of the people of ALLAH, there is a special Presence which we
cannot associate with any other.

If the light emanated, taking into account the elements previously mentioned - such as the secrets
and the knowledge - and in spite of this the disciple attributes it to another Divine presence than
the one to which it really belongs, this would be a lack of properness and cause the lights to
return to their place of origin.

In the Divine wisdom, this affiliation is comparable to the affiliation that links the son to his
father. ALLAH said: “Call them by (the names of) their fathers; it is more just in the sight of
Allah...” (Surate 33 The Combined Forces, verse 5)

Thus, he who attributes a light to another Divine Presence than its own has misbehaved towards
the Presence of Truth and he has lied with regard to ALLAH, but the Presence does not tolerate
falsehood and this is why he is rejected and dispossessed and why we seek protection with
ALLAH.” (End of quote)

Oh my child! Be careful, place your trust in a true master to educate and guide you on the path of
ALLAH. He who has the privilege and the favor of ALLAH and who has the joy to find a
master to educate and guide him, should ceaselessly give thanks to ALLAH, above all if He
satisfied with him.

That is all, my child. O you my permanent preoccupation.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

63 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 9


Djawharatul Kamal, The Pearl Of Perfection In Praise Of The Lord Of Men

Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) received secrets
from which all disciples benefit including beginners. These secrets include the two prayers
upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): Salatul Fatithi and Djawharatu-l-
Kamal (pearl of perfection) which contain great secrets and the Supreme Name of ALLAH
(Ismullah el Azam).
This text concerns Djawharatul Kamal.
First and foremost, know that Djawharatu-l-Kamal is a meritorious and specific formula for
particular people and so not for the commoners.
In the book Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, it is written that this prayer was transmitted by the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) to Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret).
Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) whether the words of the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) after his death have the same status as when he was alive.
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied that with
regards to the common affairs of the entire community everything was transmitted and
definitively perfected before the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
However, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) transmitted specific things to
particular people both during his lifetime and after his death without interruption.
A person who thinks that the prophetic irrigation of the community ceased upon the death of
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) […] is unaware of the degree of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) and lacks respect for him (peace and blessings be upon
him). We fear that this person will die a nonbeliever if he does not repent for this belief and
we seek protection from He who shows mercy to his servants.
Djawharatu-l-Kamal is among that which our most holy Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) conveyed to Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) pointing out some of its particularities and merits:
- One recitation of the Djawharatu-l-Kamal reaps the same reward as three times the
glorification performed by the entire world.
- For he who recites it seven times and more, the blessed spirit of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) and that of the four Caliphs (may ALLAH be pleased with them) are
present with him while he is reciting.
- For he who recites it regularly more than seven times, the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) will love him in a special way and he will surely die a Wali.
- For he who recites it seven times before sleeping, in a state of complete purity, on a clean
sheet/blanket, will see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

64 Interpretation of the meaning of « The Pearl of Perfection »

O ALLAH, bestow your benedictions and your peace upon the source of divine mercy,

and the brilliant diamond that infinitely realizes The Truth and that is the core of all understanding and
meaning (that encompasses the focus of every understanding and meaning).

And the light of the creatures becoming human, the holder of the divine truth, the huge bolt of lightning
cutting through the impending clouds of beneficial rain of divine mercy that fills every body (channel) of
water, large (oceans) and small.

And your radiant light which fills the existence (shines on all existence) and encompasses every place.

O ALLAH bestow your benedictions and your peace upon the source of the truth, from which all the
majestic noble realities are manifest, the source of the perfect knowledge, your path perfectly straight.

O ALLAH bestow your benedictions and your peace upon the manifestation of the truth with the truth,
the supreme treasure, the flux coming from you and returning to you, the quintessence of the lights hidden
from all knowledge,

May the benedictions of ALLAH be showered upon him and his family, benedictions through which You
will grant us knowledge of him.


Salatul Fatihi
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

« O ALLAH, send blessings on our Master Muhammad, who opened what was closed, who sealed what
had gone before, the helper of Truth by the Truth, the guide to Your straight path, and on his family, may
these blessings be equal to him immense position and grandeur. »
This special prayer was given by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), in an awakened state, during the daytime, to be recited and to be transmitted.

A pole, by the name of Sidi Muhammad El Bakri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had also been acquainted
with this prayer. He had spent several years in retreat in Mecca with the intention that ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) would teach him the formula of prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) which
brings together all other prayers and their secrets.

And thus, this prayer was revealed to him : an angel descended upon him bearing a luminous tablet upon which
Salat el Fathi was inscribed. At that time, this prayer was reserved for the Hidden Pole (Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani,
may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and his disciples and thus constituted a personnel blessing for Sidi
Muhammad El Bakri (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

In order to benefit from the special blessings of Salat el Fathi, two conditions must be met :

The first is that authorization should be given by those who have themselves received it. The second is that he
who recites this prayer should firmly believe that it comes from Invisible in the same way and that it is not the
result of a human composition.

In the book Jama’ written by Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him), it is related that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :

«The grace of the Unique Pearl (another name for Salat el Fatihi) may only be acquired if two conditions are

- The first is to receive authorization (iznou)

- The second is the firm belief for he who recites this prayer that it is among the words of ALLAH, as are the
hadith Qudusi and that it does not result from a human composition. »

Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) added: « None in this world can authorize
Salat el Fatihi except us or our companions in the Tariqa »

Merits and blessings

[1] Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :
« The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told me: « Nobody has ever prayed upon me better than with
Salat el Fatihi » »

[2] Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :
« During my return from pilgrimage to Tlemcen (before the time of Fath) I concentrated on perfoming Salat el
Fatihi given its merits. Indeed, a single (Salatoul Fatihi) is equivalent to 600 000 other prayers as it was written in
Ouird Jouyoub.


The author said that Sidi Muhammad El Bakri, who was a pole, stated: “May he who recites it only once and does
not enter Paradise, catch and take me before ALLAH (on the Day of the last Judgment)”

I recite it incessantly until my departure from Tlemcen to Boussemghoune. When I noticed a prayer equivalent to
70 000 recitations of Dalail Khairat, I forsook Salat el Fatihi and concentrated on this particular prayer given its

Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordained me to go back to Salat el Fatihi, so I asked him
what its merits were. He informed me that once is equivalent to all the glorifications of all creation as well as the
formulas of evocation and supplication be they big or small »

[3] - The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) :
« Salat el Fatihi was not composed by El Bakri : he orientated himself towards ALLAH for a long period of time in
order to receive the revelation of the prayer (upon the Prophet) that contains more merit than all the prayers put
together and also contains the secret of all the other prayers. After lengthy supplication his prayer was granted.
An angel came to him with this prayer written on a luminous tablet. »
Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :

«When I concentrated on this prayer, I realized that it outweighed (in terms of reward) the entirety of the
adoration of jinns, men and angels. »

Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said that, when he asked the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) if Salat el Fatihi was greater than the reward of the Supreme Name (Ismou Allah El
A’dham), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered: « No, the reward of the Supreme Name is
more important, but no other adoration can equal (in terms of blessings) Salat el Fatihi. »

Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:

« 6000 thousand Salat el Fatihi is the equivalent to one single Supreme Name. One single Salat el Fatihi is the
equivalent to all evocations, all formulas of glorification, all requests for pardon, all implorations, big or small,
accomplished in the whole universe, multiplied 6000 times.”

[4] - Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :
« Among all supplications, one such as Sayfiyou, is equivalent to the reward of the Night of the Decree (Laylatul
Qadr). The Supreme Name is the equivalent of 36 000 000 Nights of the Decree, because one single Supreme
Name is equivalent to 6000 Salat el Fatihi and one single Salat el Fatihi is equivalent to 6000 supplications such
as Sayfiyu. Therefore if you multiply 6000 by 6000, you will obtain 36 000 000 and this accounts for a single
recitation of Salat el Fatihi and takes into consideration one single supplication (Sayfiyou) »

[5] - Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was questionned concerning the fact
that the Salat el Fatihi does not contain the formula of peace (Salam). Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) replied:
« Concerning your question about Salat el Fatihi: know that it comes from the Invisible in this (particular) form.
The perfection of everything that comes from the Invisible is confirmed, and falls outside of known rules because
it does not come from any written composition. There are prayers that come from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) which do not contain the formula “Salam” and these are prophetic formulas used for the
purpose of adoration. »

[6] - He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said : Salat Fatihi is a divine act (i.e a divine blessing) that
leaves no room for human reason. Suppose there were a hundred thousand communities and each one
comprised a 100 000 tribes and that each tribe comprised 100 000 men and that each one of those men lived
100 000 years and recited 100 000 prayers on the Prophet –other than Salat Fatihi- every day. Suppose now that
we gather together all the rewards of all these communities of all this time. They would not be equivalent to the
reward that comes from the evocation of one single Salat Fatihi.


Do not deny, do not criticize because ALLAH is The Holder of The Grace and grants it to whom he wishes. His
Grace falls outside of normal circles. Suffice to say : « And He creates that which you do not know.” (Surate 16
The Bee, verse 08)

[7] - Seyyidina Ahmed ibn Mohamed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was asked in order to
know whether, in his day, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was aware or not of Salat el Fatihi
which is a grace for the End of Time.
He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “Yes, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
was aware.”

Somebody asked him: « Why did he not say it to his companions given the endless blessings that it contains?”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “Two things prevented him. The first is that he (peace and
blessings be upon him) knew that it would come at the End of Time and he who should receive it would not
appear in his day.

The second is that if he had spoken about the immense grace obtained with so few deeds to them, they (may
ALLAH be pleased with them) would have insisted on knowing it given their intense search for good. But It was
not to appear at that time, this is why he did not speak about it to them.

Furthermore, knowing the weakness of the people of this era and the chaos and corruption in which they would
find themselves, ALLAH had mercy on them and granted them great blessings in exchange for simple deeds. He
saves His Mercy for whom He wants when He wants.

We should not say that what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us during his lifetime is not the
same as what he transmitted to us after his death. In truth, this two things are similar excepting that what is for
the common people is for the common people, and what is for the elite is for the elite.

And so of course obligatory deeds remained unchangeable for all, as, for exemple, in the hadith where the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answers the question “which deed is the best?” saying “Prayer in its
proper time.””

[8] - Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :
“Know that if you evoke Salat Fatihi one single time, it the is equivalent of 600 000 prayers upon the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) recited by all the jinns, the men and all the angels in the universe.

Then, if you evoke a second time, you will have the rewards equivalent to those that you reaped the first time
multiplied by 600 000. Then, if you evoke it a third time, you will have the rewards of the first time multiplied by 1
200 000 and so on thus multiplied…

In addition, if a single Salat Fatihi is accomplished during the night time, on top of the merits already mentioned,
this is equivalent to 500 Salat Fatihi accomplished during the day time”.

[9] - He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: “If the inhabitants of the seven heavens and all that
they contain, and the inhabitants of the seven earths and all that they contain gathered to describe the worth of
Salat el Fatihi, they would not be able to do so.”

[10] - He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: “All that you have heard regarding the merits of
Salat el Fatihi compared to what remained hidden is comparable to a drop in the ocean.”
It is mentionned in « Jami » of Sidi Mohamed ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “Speaking of the merits of
Salat el Fatihi, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said that it has seven or eight degrees and all the
merits that has been unveiled to his companions are only part of the first degree, all the rest is hidden.”


The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said that the merit of this prayer is enclosed in the
mysterious treasures that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) has not revealed to any prophet, nor any angel
because it is one of the secrets specific to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that he showered
upon his representative Abu-l-Abbas Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

May ALLAH quench our thirst from His Ocean with the most voluminous vessels as well as that of all those who
love him.

Point to be clarified
Question: Is it true that Tidjani practitionners claim that the prayer called Salat Fatihi is superior to reading the
noble Quran?
Answer: This affirmation is absolutely wrong. In the book Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :
“The prominence of the Quran over all other words, whether they are formulas of Zikr or prayers upon the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), including Salat Fatihi, is more radiant than the sun. This radiance is
implementing in the very principles of the Shari’a itself (Quran and the authentic prophetic hadith).

This prominence has two main reasons:

1- Firstly, because the Quran is the very word of the Supreme Being, and thus is superior to all other words.

2- Secondly, because the Quranic commandments are unique and above all other commandments.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) classifies the benefit of reading the noble
Quran in four categories according to the state of the reader:

The first category concerns holy people who live in the ocean of Divine Truth, those who extract all the merit from
the reading of the Quran. For this category, reading the Quran is above all zikr.

The second category includes those who perfectly understand the meaning of the Quran and who, when reading
it, are moved to such an extent that they believe that they are hearing the Supreme Being HimSelf dictating it,
and whose life is a realization of the Sacred Texts. The benefits that he gains from reading it are almost the same
as those of the first category.

The third category includes those who attentively read the noble Quran but do not understand it and who are
moved by this reading to the point of believing that they hear The Lord and they scrupulously follow the
commandments taught by the Holy Book while inquiring, consequently these people benefit greatly from reading
it but not as much as those of the two preceding categories.

The fourth category includes those who read the noble Quran without paying any attention, whether they
understand or not the reading, and indulge in bad deeds with no care for the commandments of the Quran, the
work of these people leads to their loss and they commit a sin every time they read it as is said in the following
passages of the Quran:

“And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord but turns away from them and
forgets what his hands have put forth? Indeed, We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand
it, and in their ears deafness. And if you invite them to guidance - they will never be guided, then - ever.” (Surate
18 The Cave, verse 57)

“And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him
on the Day of Resurrection blind. He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once]
seeing?" [Allah] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be
forgotten.”” (Surate 20 TA-HA, verses 124,125,126)

Only for the fourth category of people, the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is more
beneficial than reading the Quran, because from this kind of reading they only attract the wrath of The Lord.


On the other hand, every time they recite the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), The Lord,
the angels and all creation pray upon them 10 times. Because of this, they have everything to gain by praying upon the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and everything to lose by reading the noble Quran.”

The famous « tabi’i » (follower), the pious salaf Hassan Bassri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Some of
the worst people are those who read the Quran and do not put its principles into practice and do not follow its
path, these people are cursed by ALLAH and cursed by the cursers.”

As for Hassan Basri (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he had classified the readers of the Quran as follows:

“The readers of the Quran are classified into three categories:

- Those who consider it like merchandise with which they seek to acquire the possessions of other people.

- Those who are masters of recitation and ignore its instructions, who use it to extort money from the authorities
and in order to flatter their own pride in front of others –many of these people know the Quran by heart - May
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) limit their number…

- And lastly, those who read the Quran and meditate on its verses, who heal themselves with its remedies, who
look to its remedies for a cure, and who apply it the ills of their heart. By their intermediary, we request the rain,
and it is thanks to them that blessings are obtained, and it is through their invocation that misfortune is repelled.
They represent the party of ALLAH and the party of ALLAH will be victorious.”

We should understand the following words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
in the light of these explanations: “One recitation of Salat Fatihi is the equivalent of six thousand times the merit
of reading the Quran.” What is meant by this is that for one recitation of Salat el Fatithi, ALLAH inscribes for the
servant six thousand times the reward for reading the entire Quran.

Similarly, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said :

« For the servant who recites Surah Yasin, ALLAH inscribes ten times the reward of reading the entire Quran. »

What is meant by this is that for one recitation of Surah Yasin, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) inscribes for
the servant the reward for reading the Quran ten times.

Consequently, given that reading a single letter of the Quran is equivalent to at least ten good deeds, as it is
stated in the Hadith related by Tirmidhi in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said : « Whoever
reads one letter from the Book of Allaah will earn thereby one good action. One good deed is equal to ten good
deeds the like of it. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter and Meem
is one letter. »
It suffices, therefore, to multiply the number of letters of the Quran by at least ten to obtain the basic reward of
the reading of the wole Quran.

This reward is then multiplied by ten for he who recites the Surah Yasin and is inscribed for this person according
to the prophetic hadith. The same method applies to Salat el Fatihi, except that, in this case, the reward for the
reading of the entire Quran should be multiplied by six thousand.

On this subject, it is written in Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) said:

« It is highly possible that ALLAH shows the reward of Salat el Fatihi to some of those narrow-minded people,
who do not know the immensity of Divine Grace and Generosity, the reward of Salat Fatihi.”
So he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was asked: « If this is the case, given the importance of Salat el
Fathi, should we concentrate all our efforts on it to the detriment of all other forms of Zikr and even the reading of

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: « No! The reading of the Quran takes priority and is
required by the revelation. The Quran is the container of grace, the foundation of the Shari’a and the basis for the
connection with the Divine, and one must not forget the strict interdiction to neglect the reading of it. It is therefore


strictly forbidden to forsake the recitation of it. As for the blessings of Salat el Fatihi that we have mentioned,
neglecting it is without consequences because it is considered as a meritorious act. »

In another passage of Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:

“The noble Quran is the best Zikr provided that, when reading it, the follower considers inwardly that, in fact,
ALLAH Himself is talking to him. If the follower remains in this state and ultimately realizes this, he will have
access to complete spiritual annihilation. Then, he will reach the door of Divine Proximity. ”

Our Master Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said:

« For he whose deeds and states have been purified with a view to God, the Quran is certainly the best way to
approach ALLAH. »

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also asserted:

« If you reply: « The reward for reading the Quran is accounted for independently of the reader, and this reward
is even granted to the sinful” then this is my answer: “It is possible that ALLAH grants him the reward for the
reading of the Quran, but on the other hand this reward will be cancelled because he has not acted in conformity
with the precepts of the Quran.”
Reciting the Quran without putting it into practice is a situation which falls within the scope of the parable that
ALLAH gave in his book concerning the people of the Torah: “The example of those who were entrusted with the
Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books].” (Surate The
congregation Friday 62, verse 5)”

Evidently, the donkey does not benefit from carrying the books on its back. Then, know that when He says: “and
then did not take it on” means that they have not acted in conformity with the instructions of the Torah.

ALLAH also said : « Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital. They [are the ones who]
believe in it. » (Surate 2 The Cow, verse 121)

Reciting it properly implies acting upon these instructions. He who turns away from this, has not really read it. »

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said :

« If you want to know how much love for ALLAH and His Messenger you actually have, look at the love you have
in your heart for the Quran, [and see] whether the pleasure you have listening to it is superior to that of listening
to distractions, songs and melodies. » Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani

What right do you have to affirm unscrupulously that by means of Salat el Fatihi, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wanted to turn Muslims away from reading and studying the Quran? Is this
not a shameless lie ?

It is totally false and culpable, as some have tried to make others to believe that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would have claimed that the merit of Salat Fatihi is superior to the merit of
the Quran and that he would have encouraged his disciples to forsake the recitation of the Divine words. The
aforementioned words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) demonstrate the
contrary. Seyyidina himself was diligent and very attached to the recitation of the Quran which he has memorized
since the age of seven.

It is related in the El Ifadat-l-Ahmediya that when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) paused
during the recitation, he began the verse again and when he was questioned about the reason for this, he replied
(or words to that effect): “ALLAH has allowed me to realize what each and every letter is accountable for, and so
I cannot overlook it.”
In El Ifadat el Ahmediya, it is also related that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “The holder (who knows the Quran by heart) of the Quran should recite at least two sections (hizbayne)
everyday” thus conforming to the words of the two Sheikhs according to AbdALLAH ibn Amrou (may ALLAH be
pleased with them): “Read the whole Quran in one month.”


No disciple of the Tariqa Tidjaniya and its teachings neglect reading and studying the Quran. On the contrary, the
Zawiyas Tidjaniya throughout the world are centers for the study and meditation of the noble words of ALLAH.

The merit of all deeds belongs to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). ALLAH can grant more merits to a certain
thing without this meaning that this deed is superior to or can replace another one. Thus, as we will demonstrate,
some have received specificities in certain fields without this necessarily implying that they are superior to those
who have not received these specificities.

Similarly, with regards to the merits of deeds, some hadiths could emphasize prayer, some of them emphasize
combat in the path of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), some of them could emphasize evocation and so and
so forth… In fact everything depends on the context and the situation. Indeed, when confronting the enemy, Jihad
becomes the best deed. In other circumstances, it is prayer, and so on…

This is exemplified in the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

« Whoever accomplishes the dawn prayer in congregation and then sits to evoke ALLAH until sunrise and then
performs two rak’at of prayer, receives a reward equals to that of a perfect, perfect, perfect Hajj and a perfect,
perfect, perfect Umra » (Tirmidhi, according to Anas, may ALLAH be pleased with them - Sahih)

« An Umra (performed) during Ramadan is equivalent to a Hajj » (Bukhari - Sahih)

This merit does not mean that the Umra is the same as the Hajj and that it exempts us from the obligation of
accomplishing it. Equally, it does not mean that if we have accomplish the deeds mentioned by the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) in the first hadith, we have no need to accomplish the Hajj, nor that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) encourages us to neglect the accomplishment of the Hajj, because
he rewards us for a perfect Hajj and Umra. Only an ignorant person could come to such conclusion.

Then, some people affirmed that it is only allowed to pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
with the Ibrahimiya prayer, because this is the prayer that he taught to his companions (may ALLAH be pleased
with them).

When his companions asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): « How can we pray upon you”, he
(peace and blessings be upon him) taught them a way of praying upon him (using Salat Ibrahimiya), but this does
not signify that it is forbidden to pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in a different way.

He who upholds this ignorant stance, opposes the instruction of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) when He
says: “Indeed ALLAH and His angels pray upon the Prophet, o you who believe pray upon him and salute him
with a worthy salutation”. ALLAH never says: “… and only pray upon him in this particular way…” Likewise, the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never forbade anyone to pray upon him differently, he just taught the
companions who asked him, one way of praying upon him.

The instruction concerning the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is presented
generally in the following verse: “Indeed ALLAH and His angels pray upon the Prophet, o you who believe pray
upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation” (Surate 33 The Combined forces, verse 56), and this is the only
verse which mentions this order.

Likewise, in the hadiths, the instructions concerning the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) are all presented in a general and universal manner. It is said by the scholars of Oussoul (foundation) that
the (basic) rule is as follows: everything that is presented as a generality in the Book and the Sunnah should stay
that way until its specific aspect has been proved.

In other words, as long as it has not been proved that this instruction can only be obeyed by means of a sole
specific formula, then it is permissible to pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with any

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


The Origins Of The Rosary (Subha)

The origins of the rosary, i.e. the beads (Subha)

In his book Musnad El Firdaws, Abi Mansur Daylami relates that the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) had said (or words to that effect): “The subha is an excellent means
for remembering.”
It was related by Ibn Abi Shayba, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nassa-I and El Hakim that Umar
(may ALLAH be pleased with them) said: “I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) holding a knotted subha in his hand.”
In the chapter concerning « The subha and its justifications in the Sharia » of his book
"Tawassul wal wasila”, Sheikh Mussa Muhammad Ali wrote: “The subha is permitted in
Islam, and it is in no way an innovation as some have claimed.”
In the commentary of the book « Azkar » by Imam Nawawi, it is written: “They count with
their phalanges because they (the phalanges) will be questioned.” This is the reason why both
those who dedicate themselves to worship and others began to use the Subha.
Ibn El Jawzi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Subha is recommended
(Mustahab) on the basis of the Hadith about Safiya (may ALLAH be pleased with her) which
states that she used fruits pits or stones and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
accepted this. The fact that the Subha is on a thread or detached makes no difference.”
In his book « Minha fi Isti’mal Subha », the great Imam Jalaldin Suyuti (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) wrote that the origin is to be found in the Quran and the Sunnah. As
opposed to those who assert that it is a recent good innovation.
He also wrote that many companions used it such as Aisha, Abu Hureyra, Abu Darda (may
ALLAH be pleased with them) and also many Saints such as Djuneyd, Djilani, Ma’ruf El
Karkhi (may ALLAH be pleased with them).
In his book Musnad Firdaws, Daylami wrote that AbdSamad ibn Mussa (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) had said: “I was told by Zayneb, daughter of Suleyman son of Ali, that she
had heard Umm el Hassan, daughter of Dja’far, son of Husseyn, according to his father who
held this from his own grandfather, that our Master Ali ibn Abi Taleb said: “The Subha is an
excellent means of remembrance.” ”
Il a rapporté selon Zadhani (qu’Allah l’agrée) qu'il a dit :
According to Zadani (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “I took some subha from Ummi
Ya’fur and when I met the Imam ‘Ali, he said to me: “give the subha back to Ummi Ya’fur”
In the « Tabaqat » by UbeydAllah ibn Musa, ibn Sa’d relates that Fatima (may ALLAH be
pleased with her), daughter of Imam Husseyn (may ALLAH be pleased with him), son of
Imam Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him), used to perform zikr with a knotted thread in
her hand.
He also said: “None of the pious ancestors or their successors forbade the use of the Subha to
perform Zikr. On the contrary, many of them used one Subha and did not consider it as

The Hadith related by Ibn ‘Umar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) speaks of the preference
of evoking using one’s fingers, but only if we are sure not to make a mistake.

Most of the evocations inherited from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are
difficult to count on one’s fingers due to the large number to be recited, and even if it were
possible, focusing on the number reduces concentration. With a Subha, we are less likely to
lose our concentration. Thus, the Subha is a beneficial means to maintain presence during the
Zikr. (Imam Suyuti)
In the book « El Kamel » Hafiz Abdelghani related about the biography of Abud Darda (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) that he recited one hundred thousand glorifications every day.
Salamata ibn Shu’ayb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that Khalid ibn Ma’adane
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) performed forty thousand every day. Abu Hurayra (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had a thread made of one thousand knots and he did not go to
sleep until he had recited twelve thousand glorifications.
In the book « Zawa-id Zuhd », AbdAllah son of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal relates that
according to Na’im son of Muhraz son of Abu Hurayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
that his grandfather Abu Hurayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had a thread made of
one thousand knots and he never went to sleep until he had used it for his evocation. Na’im
also related that his grandfather also had a small bag containing stones and date pits that he
used to evoke ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).
In the book « Zuhd » by Imam Ahmed, it is related that Qasem ibn AbdRahman (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Abu Darda (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had a
bag containing date pits which he took out one by one after each morning prayer and he used
them to recite until the bag was empty.”
In the book “Mu’jamu Sahaba” by Baghawi, it is related that Abi Safiya (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), the servant of the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon
him) had a basket full of stones that he used to use for his evocations from morning until noon
and from Dhohr until evening.
In the book « Zuhd » by Imam Ahmed, Yunus ibn ‘UbeydALLAH related that, according to
his mother: “I saw Abi Safiya, one of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him). He was our neighbour. He used to use stones for the Tasbih (recitation of
It is narrated by Ibn Sa’d that, according to Hakim ibn Daylami, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) used to perform his evocations with stones.
It is also reported by Tabarani that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) entered the
home of Safiya (may ALLAH be pleased with her), the mother of believers, and found her
evoking with four thousand pits in her hands.
El Hakem narrated that Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had said:
“With the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him), I entered a woman’s
house and we found her evoking with stones or date pits that she held in her hands.” (This
woman was probably Safiya)
Hafsi said: “It is preferable to count on one’s fingers, except if one is afraid of making a
mistake. So, we use the Subha or a knotted thread and this is the reason why one prefers to
use the Subha.”
A great saint who was holding a Subha was asked: “Why is it that you, who have attained
such a station of perfection, still use the Subha?” He answered: “When a person has become

used to something since the beginning, he cannot then abandon it.”

Reply to those who criticize a fixed number to be recited in the Zikr.

Some people have claimed that limiting the number of recitations during the Zikr constitutes
an innovation (Bid’a). Those claims are a serious mistake and should be rejected because this
is contrary to that which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions
(may ALLAH be pleased with them) had validated.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said (or words to that effect): “The deeds
most loved by ALLAH are those which are continuous, however little.” (Related by the
two Shuyukh)
Evidently, a person who is constant in his adoration (Dawama) has (and needs) a limit
according to his own capacities.
One of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned to him the case
of a woman who had spoken of the large number of prayers that she had accomplished. The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered (or words to that effect):
“…You are required to take upon yourselves only what you can carry out easily. By
Allah, Allah does not withhold His Mercy and forgiveness of you until you neglect and
give up (good works)…” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Abdullah bin ‘Amr: “The Messenger of God was informed that I had taken an oath to fast
daily and to pray (every night) all the night throughout my life (so he came to me and asked
whether it was correct): I replied, “Let my parents be sacrificed for you! I did say so.” The
Prophet then said, “You cannot do that. So, fast for few days and give it up for few days,
pray and sleep. Fast three days a month as the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten
times and that will be equal to one year of fasting.” I replied, “I can do better than
that.” The Prophet said to me, “Fast one day and give up fasting for a day and that is the
fasting of Prophet David and that is the best fasting.” I said, “I have the power to fast
better (more) than that.” The Prophet said, “There is no better fasting than that.” (Sahih
Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 197)
It is narrated by Abu Dawud that Abu Hurayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had a bag
containing stones or pits with which he performed Tasbih. El Hafiz ibn Rajab Hanbali said
that it contained twelve thousand stones.
It has been authenticated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did no more than
thirteen rakats of prayers, whether during the Ramadan or at any other time. It is unanimously
recognized by the community that Muslims get up at night to pray and perform more or less
than thirteen rakats depending on their capacities like the companions (may ALLAH be
pleased with them) had done.
If the community had limited itself to the number performed by the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) then they would have rendered unlawful any non-conformity. For
example, at the time of the Khalifat of ‘Umar ibn el Khattab (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), he exceeded this number by performing twenty rakats, as did his companions. This was
also the case at the time of the Caliphate of ‘Umar ibn Abdelaziz (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) when this figure increased to thirty-six rakats which created no divergence among
the Muslim Scholars.
Ubayy said: “Ya rasulallāh innī ukthiru al-salāta `alayka fa kam aj`al laka min salātī "O
Messenger of Allah, I make much salawat upon you as a habit. How much of my prayer
should I devote to you?" The Prophet said: "As much as you like." Ubayy said: "A quarter?"

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "As you like, but if you add to that it
will be better for you." Ubayy then mentioned a third, then a half, then two thirds, and
always the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered: "As you like, but if you add

to that it will be better for you." Finally Ubayy said: “yā rasulallāh innī urīdu an aj`ala salātī
kullahā lak - "O Messenger of Allah, I want to devote my entire prayer (i.e. du`a) to
you." Whereupon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Then you will
be freed from your worries and your sins will be forgiven." (Another version has: "Then
Allah will suffice you in the matter of your worldly life and your hereafter") [at-Tirmidhī and
al-Hākim narrated it and graded it sound.]
Consider the meaning of “quarter”, “half”, “as you like”. Therefore those who claim that
limitation is an innovation are actually the innovators.
They want to put themselves forward before by declaring unlawful something that the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) had authorized and encouraged and which was also
practiced by his companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them) after him.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Trials and Alleviation of Them

This letter is among those that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) sent to his disciples:

« In the name of ALLAH, May the prayer be upon the Prophet, Praise be to ALLAH, Exalted is
his Praise, This letter is intended for all our beloved disciples and equally for each and every one
personally, may the peace, the Mercy and the Blessing of ALLAH be upon you, on behalf of
Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani,

We request ALLAH on behalf of all of you and your elite that he bestows oceans of Solicitude
and Approval upon you - may He be glorified and exalted- equal to that received by the greatest
knowers among His servants and by exceptional people, until all your misdeeds are wiped away
and that none of them could be reason for reproach. May all your sins and marks of your
negligence be received by His Pardon and His Indulgence and may you never be confronted by

We also request from Him, may He be glorified and exalted, that he inscribes you all in the
register of people of bliss, in which only his greatest Allies (Awliya) and His Exceptional people
are recorded; those for whom there is neither modification nor change. May He apply the Kohol
of His Lights on your view, those lights which he showered upon spirits in the time pre-
existence, may He expose you to His Grace both in this world and the Hereafter, may He look
upon you with His Gaze of Mercy through which he who is gazed upon is then spared all
affliction both in this world and the Hereafter.

But know also that all of the servants in this world must share in the tribulations of our times,
whether by being affected by harm or by being deprived of a blessing, or the sadness caused by
the death of a loved one or by destruction or anything else that cannot be entirely enumerated or
itemized. Whosoever is affected by anyone of these tribulations should be patient and should
redouble his patience in order to swallow his bitterness in small sips for this is the only reason
that ALLAH’s servants have been put in this world. Whosoever fears that he is not able to bear
his burden, that he is not able to resist the load that falls upon him should force (put the squeeze
on) himself to accomplish one or even better both of the following:

- Firstly to recite diligently a thousand “Ya Latif” after each prayer, if possible. If not, recite a
thousand “Ya Latif” in the morning and a thousand in the evening. In this way, he will hasten
liberation from the affliction in question.

- Secondly to recite a hundred prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with
Salat el Fatihi, and offer the reward to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). If possible,
recite a hundred prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) after each prayer, if
not, one hundred in the morning and one hundred in the evening.

For each one of these two recitations (that is to say Ya Latif and the prayer upon the Prophet and
the offering of the reward to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)), one should
establish the intention that ALLAH, Exalted, will liberate from all misfortune, and that He makes
them a safeguard against affliction. This will hasten help. Similarly, he who has debts and is
unable to honour them, or he who has a large family and find himself even more impoverished
with no door to access the causes of livelihood. He should accomplish one of the two above, or

both of them, and he will rapidly see deliverance from ALLAH.

Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 1


This is also the case for he who fears probable perdition like fearing a creditor who accepts no
excuses and grants no extension in the payment period, when he is not in possession of the
money demanded, or even both situations together, or any other form of fear. Here again, he
should compel himself to accomplish either or both of these recitations which will rapidly
dissipate them but even more quickly if alms are given, whether a little or a lot, with the intention
of warding off any fear that may occur, or with the intention of hastening deliverance from
affliction and torment. This is even better to hasten deliverance and relief.

Then, encourage each other to patience and encourage each other to mercy and be extremely
careful not to neglect the rights of the brothers, observing that which attracts their love, or wards
off trouble, or by giving help in the face of difficulty, because he who is tried by negligence for
his brothers’ rights, will then be tried by negligence for the Divine rights.

And certainly ALLAH will help his servant in equal measure to the help that the latter gives to
his brother.

Keep your heart safe from dislike or contempt for anyone who has acted according to the truth
but contrary to your passionate desires, or who has taken away something futile contrary to you
passionate desires, because this is considered as association with ALLAH (Shirk). In this way, the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or in words to that effect: “In my community,
Association is less than the marks left by an ant moving over a rock, and the least of all
(association) is to love because of falsehood and to hate because of truth.”

Likewise, keep your heart safe from loving or appreciating whosoever accomplishes whatever is
vain or destroys that which is true according to your own passionate desires, because this also is
part of association (Shirk) with ALLAH, Exalted. The believer loves truth and loves and loves its
people. He loves to be told the truth and that we act upon the truth. He disapproves that which is
vain and those who uphold it (its people). He hates the accomplishment of that which is vain and
acting upon it. And peace be upon you.


It should be noted that considering our words concerning the preservation of the rights of the
brothers that it should be without difficulty, compulsion, or burden, according to capacity and
possibility except in certain situations where hostility, severance of bonds of brotherhood,
corruption of the heart from a brother is feared. He should hasten to purify his heart because this
will bring ALLAH’s approval (The Exalted). It should also be noted that disapproval of
whosoever accomplishes whatever is vain should only be accomplished within the heart, because
outwardly expressing this to one of our members could cause even greater harm. Consequently, it
is preferable not to express it outwardly. And peace be upon you. »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

78 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Merits and blessings of the Tariqa Tidjaniya

The merits that we are going to consider number forty: the first fourteen are reserved for those who
are attached to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) through faith
(belief), submission, respect and renunciation of all opposition, through his love and love for the
people of the path with respect and veneration and without causing them any harm whatsoever.

As for the remaining merits, they are for all those affiliated to the path, who accomplish their
litanies and even if they have not encountered Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) in this world. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) said that this had been guaranteed to him by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) and that without doubt it would be accomplished nonetheless on the condition never to
believe yourself safe from ALLAH’s ruse and never to abandon the path.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) warned his companions
saying (or words to that effect): “I say unto you that the Master of Existence (peace and blessings
be upon him) has affirmed that he who insult us and persist in insulting us without repentance
will die as a disbeliever. I tell you that he who takes our wird and thinks that no sins can harm
him and that because of this he is exposed to sins and disobedience all the time thinking that he
is safe from ALLAH’s punishment, ALLAH is going to put hatred for us in his heart to the
extent that he insults us. Then ALLAH will let him die a disbeliever, so beware of disobedience.”

The blessings reserved for the first category are:

1. They will die in Islam and with Faith.

2. The agony of death will be softened

3. In their tomb, they will see only what pleases them.

4. ALLAH will preserve them against all form of punishment, fears and terrors, and against all
evil, from the moment of their death until their arrival in Paradise.

5. ALLAH will pardon all their sins, near or far.

6. ALLAH will repay all their debts and injustice from the vault of His blessings and not by
taking their good deeds as compensation.

7. On the Day of Judgment, They will not be interrogated or judged, neither for small things nor
for big things.

8. On the Day of Judgment, ALLAH will place them under his Shadow

9. ALLAH will lead them over the bridge of Sirat in the blink of an eye, carried by the angels.

10. By the grace of ALLAH, they will drink from the river of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him)

11. ALLAH will admit them in Paradise

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12. ALLAH will establish them in the Iliyine of both Firdaws and Adnane Paradises

13. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) grants his love to all those who love
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

14. Without doubt, he who loves Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) will die a Wali.

These fourteen blessings are reserved for those who are attached to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) through love, submission, and respect, and all that has
been mentioned above, even if this person has not been affiliated to the path.

For he who is affiliated to the path, the following blessings will be added:

15. His parents and parents in law, his wives and children (not including the grandchildren) will
enter Paradise without judgment and without punishment. All their sins, be they big or small will
be forgiven, all their debts will be repaid on the condition that they harbor neither hatred nor
criticism nor insult towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
and that they love him, even if they are not affiliated to the path of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) but simply have one of the aforementioned
relationship to a person affiliated to the path.

16. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): « Your disciples are my disciples, your students are my
students and your companions are my companions”

17. All those who wrong the disciples, wrong the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

18. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will be present at the time of their death.

19. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will be present at the time of the questioning
of the two angels in the tomb.

20. Imam Mahdi will be their brother on the path.

21. They have a higher station than the greatest Poles. If the Poles only knew what ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted) has reserved for the Tidjani disciples, they would say: “O ALLAH, You
have given us nothing.”

22. Whatever Zikr they evoke, they are accompanied by 70000 angels that evoke with each and
every one of them for the full time of the evocation and they themselves will be rewarded for all
of these evocations.

23. One of the formula of the Supreme Name specific to the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) is to be found in the obligatory litanies of the Tariqa

24. The Great Supreme Name specific to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is to be
found among the evocation of the Tariqa.

80 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


25. In addition to the reward for their evocation, each and every one of them will receive a part
of the reward attached to the Great Supreme Name, even if they do not know it.

26. They achieve more blessings through the evocation of Supreme Names or other evocations
than even the greatest Knowers and Poles.

27. They receive the reward for all the good deeds of those who strive (who accomplish them)
and who are accepted by ALLAH, multiplied by a 100 000.

28. Some of them will be sheltered from being stripped of their all acquisitions. Only the Pole is
able to withdraw to them.

29. For some of them, the people who see them every Monday and Friday will enter Paradise
without judgment and without undergoing chastisement, if their intention is to acquire this blessing.

30. For some others, if a person requests them to certifiy having seen them, and they do, then
this person will enter Paradise without judgement and without chastisement.

31. ALLAH will push away from His Proximity and strip of his blessings he who does not
respect them and causes them harm.

32. They will not face difficulties of agony

33. ALLAH will grant them a particular softness that is bigger than that granted to the commoners.

34. On the Day of Judgment, a special place in the shade of ALLAH’s Throne will be kept for

35. Along with their wives, parents, children (but not the grandchildren) and also their parents in
law if they fulfill the afore-mentioned conditions, they will be at the highest degree of Iliyine.

36. They will not witness (nor go through) the fright, the tremor, the turmoil on the Day of
Judgment because they will be safe at the door of Paradise, waiting to enter among the first group in
the company of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions (may ALLAH be
pleased with them). They will be settled with him in the highest degree of Iliyine.

37. Each and every one of them will receive the blessing to visit the noble heavenly garden of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) (Rawda Sherifa) in his noble mosque (in Medina) as
well as the blessing of the visit of all the Wali, since the beginning of creation, by means of
reciting twelve times the prayer called as Djawharatul Kamel during the wazifa or otherwise,
under the condition that the intention for the visit is formulated/expressed.

38. From the seventh bead of the recitation of Djawharatul Kamel, The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) as well as the four Caliphs (may ALLAH be pleased with them): Abou
Bakr As-Siddiq, 'Omar ibn el Khattab, 'Othman ibn 'Affan and 'Ali ibn Abi Taleb attend the
wazifa with the people of the Tariqa.

39. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will love them with his special kind of love.

40. They bear the distinctive sign that only the people of unveiling are able to see, and by which
they can be recognized as the students of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and

81 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


disciples. Indeed, between the eyes of each one of them “Muhammad” is written and on their
back, behind the heart “Muhammad ibn AbdALLAH” is written. Above their head, they were a
crown of light on which it is written that Tariqa Tidjaniya originates in the Muhammadian Truth.

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said : “He is not questioned about what He does, but they
will be questioned.” (Quran Surate 21 The Prophets, verse 23)

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said : “And ALLAH gives (of His Bounty, Blessings,
Favours, Honours…) to whom He wills without limit” (Quran Surate 2 The Cow, verse 212)

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said : “…Indeed, [all] bounty is in the hand of Allah - He
grants it to whom He wills. And ALLAH is all-Encompassing and Wise. He selects for His mercy
whom He wills. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.” (Quran Surate 3 Family of Imran,
verses 73 and verses 74).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

82 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


Protocol concerning the pious visit to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani in Fes (Morocco)
(May ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

The wonderful story of the blessed Zawiya of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to build the blessed Zawiya and for that he should choose
the best and purest location. So Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) chose the place where the Zawiya is presently built.

Previously, the neighborhood was called Dardas, and these days, it is called Blida. He purchased
this place with his own personal and lawfully acquired funds. It was a ruin with a big fig tree and
it is here that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is buried.

This ruin was so terrifying that nobody dared enter. According to a reliable source, at certain
times, voices could be heard, as if a group was performing the dhikr and it was the place that the
Majadhib (enraptured by God) used to visit.

Before its construction, the famous majdoub Sidi Lahbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used
to put his ear to the door and say to the passers by: “Come close and listen the dhikr”. When the
Zawiya was built, this majdoub said: “Fes, and especially Dardas, has been (reinforced)

It should be known that this blessed place has merits that place it above any other Zawiya. Speaking
of its merits, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “If the great
knowers knew the merit contained in this Zawiya, they would come and erect their tents here.”

SeyyidinaAhmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would often speak of the
worth of the Zawiya, encouraging people to come and pray here. He (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said: “The prayer in the Zawiya is accepted without any doubt.”

Also among the merits contained in the blessed Zawiya, it should be known that at the beginning
of the construction, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade
access, and then, accompanied by some of the elite among his companions, he engraved the
greatest of Supreme Names on the stone and just after it he wrote: “O my God; I beseech you, O
my Master by the Truth of the greatest of Your Supreme Names, protect my companions from
Qaf to Qaf.” Then he instructed for it to be buried in the foundation of one of the pillar which
has since be known as the golden pillar.

Guidelines for the pious visit to our venerable and beloved Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

Here follows the words of wisdom and the reality taught within the Zawiya Tidjaniya El Kubra
of Europe, by the poor in ALLAH Muhammad El Mansur El Muhieddine Tidjani (may ALLAH
preserve him) regarding preparation for this pious visit to Fes.

83 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 1


Before undertaking this pious visit to our venerable master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), pure intention is recommended, the pure intention to follow the path
towards our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), for
the love of God and His Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Contemplate the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Deeds are
considered in terms of intention, and a person will be rewarded according to his intention. So
whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His
Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or to marry a woman, his emigration
would be for what he emigrated for.”

Understand these words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “his emigration
would be for what he emigrated for.” Medidate upon this if you are intelligent and able to
understand! (Extracted from Hikam of Ibn ‘Ata Allah, may ALLAH be pleased with him).

What then about the meeting with the spirit of our very holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) when we visit him in Medinah, and that of our venerable saint and guide
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) ?

On this subject, our very holy and venerated Master Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said in one of his most subtle and beautiful speeches, desiring only to orientate
our hearts towards a unique God: “Whosoever loves me for the love of ALLAH and his
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) is blessed, but as for whoever loves me for any
other reason, I am but a simple mortal.”

In a poem, Imam Nadhifi wrote:

«Put your sincerity in the meeting with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) by erecting your tent in front of his door, you will certainly be safe. He is the great
intermediary of immense worth and it is through him that body and soul are totally healed. »

In the same poem, he also wrote: « Before God, repent for your sins, for your forgetfulness and
carelessness towards his beloved Seal of Sainthood, in order not to lose the consideration in
which The Truth holds you. »

Based on his own experience, Sheikh Muhammad El Mansur El Muhieddine Tidjani (may
ALLAH preserve him) advises us to perform Salat Tasbih or other purification formulas and to
repent to ALLAH in order to enhance the benefit of the direct relationship with the purity of the
spirit of our venerable and beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret).

When entering the Supreme Blessed Zawiya, it is necessary to leave behind all titles and
positions, and to enter with humility. In this place, there are no Muqaddam or representative. In
this holy place, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is the only
recognized representative, the Caliph of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Each and every single person is considered as a disciple or a visitor. Regarding his position,
Cheikh Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “He who knows
me, knows only me.” These words were said in order to shed light for the Tidjani disciples.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is the only one to have
access to this unique station which cannot be shared with any other.

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We have to perform two rak’at to greet this pure and blessed place if the time is appropriate.
Among other rules of spiritual good manners we should go to suitably greet the noble
descendants of our Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) if
they are present. This is in order to request their benevolence and their blessing for the pious visit
in order to make the most of the blessings and the grace before putting oneself in the presence of
the pure spirit of the Hidden Pole and Sealed Intermediary, our most honourable and beloved
Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

If the aforementioned conditions are met, with a pure and unspoiled heart, we assure with firm
conviction that your requests will be taken into account through our dearest and beloved
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

The following formula, well known by the common people, comes from “Kachf El
Hijab” written by Imam Sukeirj (may ALLAH be pleased with him):

1. Face the tomb and recite the following 7 times : « Attahiyêtou lillêh wa zakiyatou lillêh wa
taïbatou salawatou lillêh, Assalamou alaïka ayyouha nabi wa rahmatoullah »

Then the 8th time, recite the entire formula, up to « … wa barakatouh Assalamou ‘alaïna wa ‘ala
‘ibada llahou salihin, Ach-hadou an lê ilêha ila llah wahdahou lê charika llah wa ach-hadou anna
Mouhammadan ‘abdouhou wa rassoulouhou. »

2. Then say :

« Assalêmou 'alaïka ya khalifatou-llah, Assalêmou 'alaïka ya khalifatou rassouloullah, Assalêmou

'alaïka ya ayyouhal qoutboul maktoum, Assalêmou 'alaïka ya Seïdina wa Cheïkhina wa Maoulana
Ahmed Tijani. »


« Peace be upon you oh Caliph of Allah, peace be upon you oh caliphe of the Messenger of
Allah, peace be upon you Oh hidden pole, peace be upon you oh Our Excellence, and most
Precious Master Ahmed Tidjani. »

3. Recite: Fatiha El Kitab 4 times and then Salat el Fatihi 11 times (or more, according to each
person's capacities) offering the reward to Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah sanctify his precious

4. Then say:

« Allahouma bi haqqi 'ibadika aladhina idha nadarta ilaïhim sakana ghadabouka wa bi haqqil hafina
min haoulil 'arch wa bi haqqi Seïdina Mouhammedin wa bi haqqi Seïdina wa cheïkhina wa maoulana
Ahmed Tijani if’al li... (make your request) »

Translation :

« Oh Lord, by the right of your slaves who, when you look upon them, your anger ceases, and by
the right of those who surround the Throne and the by the right of our Excellence Muhammad

85 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


and by the right of our Excellence, our Sheikh and Master Ahmed Tidjani, I request of
you...(make your request) »

Research, translation and summary by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

86 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


Content of the Tidjaniya litanies

The three essential litanies (adhkar) of the Tijaniyya are the Lazim, the Wadhifa and the Haylala
on Friday -- for more details see the Tijaniyya Fiqh web page

These three mandatory litanies for the disciple correspond to the three levels of religion that were
taught by the prophetic tradition:



Each of these evocations has its particularities, but they are all based on expressions which come
from the Quran and the Sunnah. Reciting them is an inexhaustible source of blessings like the
Kawthar of The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and neglecting or abandoning them
is an open door to misfortunes.

The three expressions are:

1 – Asking ALLAH for forgiveness (Istighfar):

ALLAH (The Glorified and the Exalted) said:

"Those who say, "Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from
the punishment of the Fire,"The patient, the true, the obedient, those who spend [in the way of
Allah ], and those who seek forgiveness before dawn" (Surate 3 Family of Imran, verses 16-17)

"And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah. And if, when
they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah
and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of
repentance and Merciful" (Surate 4 The Women, verse 64)

"And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find
Allah Forgiving and Merciful" (Surate 4 The Women, verse 110)

"But Allah would not punish them while you, [O Muhammad], are among them, and Allah would
not punish them while they seek forgiveness." (Surate 8 The Spoils of War, verse 33)

"And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send
[rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers And give you increase in wealth and
children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers." (Surate 71 Nuh, verses 10-12)

"And those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression],
remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah ? -
and [who] do not persist in what they have done while they know." (Surate 3 Family of Imran,
verse 135)

- The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "O people! seek forgiveness from
ALLAH. Verily, I seek forgiveness from Him a hundred times a day." (repported by Muslim)

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- The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "There is no servant that asks ALLAH's
forgiveness seventy times a day without being forgiven seven hundred sins. Woe to the servant
who commits more than seven hundred sins in a single day." (Baihaqi and ibn Abi Dunya)

- Anas Ibn Malik (may ALLAH be pleased with him)reported that The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) said: "ALLAH the Exalted said: "O son of Adam! As long as you invoke
Me and place your hope in Me, I will forgive whatever sins you have committed, and I will not
set store by it. O son of Adam! If your evil deeds reach the sky, and then you ask Me for
forgiveness, I will forgive you. O son of Adam! Even If you come to me with sins as big as the
earth and then you meet Me and you assiociate nothing and nobody with me then I will come to
you with equal pardon.""" (Tirmidhi)

- Abou Sa'id el Khoudri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported that The Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) said: "Satan had declared: "O Lord! I swear on Your Glory, I will not
stop tempting Your slaves as long as their souls remain in their bodies." The Lord said, "I swear
by My Glory and Majesty, I will continue to forgive them as long as they ask My forgiveness.""
(Ahmed and El Hakim)

- In "Targhib el Taleb", it is reported that The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Excessively implore forgiveness because this removes sins in the same way that fire devours
wood and that sheep eat grass. If a person's book rose up to the sky and did not contain the
request for forgiveness, then it would not have a single light, but if it rose up with the request for
forgiveness in it, it would be radiant. There is no group that sits together to distract themselves
but who closes with the request for forgiveness, without this meeting being fully counted as an
assembly seeking for forgiveness."

- According to Ibn Chaïba in "Kanz", it is reported that Abou Darda (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) said: "Blessed is he whose book contains even only a few requests for forgiveness."

- Abou Hourayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: "Since the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) I have seen no one reciting as much as him: "I ask ALLAH for
forgiveness and to Him I repent." (Ibn Asakir and Abu Yala)

- Yahya ibn Muadh said: "The one whose goal is not ALLAH's forgiveness is a not a knower."

- Ibn Wahaba said: "He who has commited sins is not searching for God's approval but His
forgiveness and yet he who has perfected his knowledge is certainly in this state."

2 – Sending Prayers (Salat ala Nabi) upon The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

ALLAH (The Glorified and the Exalted) said: "ALLAH sends His Salat on the Prophet (Muhammad
saw) and also His angels too. O you who believe! Send your Salat on him (Muhammad saw), and
salute him with a worth salutation." (Surate 33 The Combined Forces, verse 56)

- Ibn Masud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of ALLAH (peace
and blessings be upon him) said: "On the Day of Judgement, the people the most worthy of my
solicitude and my love will be those who blessed me the most in this world." (Tirmidhi)

- Abu Talha Al Ansari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of ALLAH
(peace and blessings be upon him) said: "One day, ALLAH's messenger was of good disposition

88 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


and joy was visible on his face. They said: "O Messenger of ALLAH, this morning you are of good
disposition and happyness is visible on your face." He said: "Indeed, an emissary came to me from
my Lord, The Powerful and The Glorious, and told me: "for each member of your community who
prays one prayer upon you, ALLAH will record ten good deeds on his behalf, ten sins will be
forgiven and he will be elevated by ten degrees and he will do likewise."" (Ahmed and Nissa-i).

- According to El Khatib in "Kanz", it is reported that Abu Bakr Siddiq (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) said: "Sending prayers upon The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) erases sins
more than water extinguishes fire. Saluting The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is
better than freeing slaves and the love of the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon
him) is better than freeing souls or combat by the sword in the way of ALLAH."

- The imam Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: "On the Day of Judgment, whoever sends
blessings upon The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) a hundred times on Fridays will come
with a light on his face so big that people will ask: "what deed did he accomplish?"" (Baihaqi)

3 – The Kalima "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH": "There is no God but ALLAH"

ALLAH (The Glorified and the Exalted) said:

"So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah" (Surate 47 Muhammad, verse 19)

"Indeed they, when it was said to them, "There is no deity but Allah," were arrogant." (Surate 37
Those who set the Ranks, V35)

Abu Said al Khudri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) said: "When Musa asked ALLAH to teach him a prayer to recite
whenever he remembered or called upon Him, ALLAH answered: "Say, O Musa, "There is no
god but ALLAH" Musa said: "O Lord, all your servants say these words. " ALLAH said: "O
Musa, if the seven heavens and all they hold, and the seven earths as well, if all these were
weighed against this word of "There is no god but ALLAH" the latter would outweigh the
former."(Nissa-i, Ibn Hibban and El Hakim)

- Talha ibn Ubeydullah reported that The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The
best word the prophets before me and I have said is "There is no God but ALLAH." (Malik)

- Qurtubi reported that The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The angel of death
came to a man. He looked at each one of his limbs and found not one good deed. Then, he
opened his heart and found nothing. Then, he opened his mouth and found his tongue stuck to
his palate saying: "There is no God but ALLAH". He said then: "Paradise is compulsorily your
home because of these words of sincerity i.e. "There is no God but ALLAH."

- Sahl Tustari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: "The word "There is no God but
ALLAH" has no other reward than the contemplation of The Noble Countenance of ALLAH,
whereas Paradise is the reward of good deeds."

He also said: "Upon pronunciation of the word of oneness, the darkness of disbelief will be
dissipated and the light of oneness is established in his heart. If a believer has said it a thousand
times a day, each time, it removes something, according to the Prophet (peace and blessings be

89 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


upon him) this is the best dhikr, this is the right way for the worshippers to proceed and the pilar
of the traveler, it is provision for the journey and the excellence of those who have gone ahead."

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

90 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


Conditions of Tariqa Tidjaniya




1. The disciple must follow no other spiritual path for the entire duration of his life -- The
Tidjaniya pledge is a life-long commitment (with no possibility of abandoning it)

2. The disciple must limit his visits to the saints, whether they are dead or alive to those that have
been authorized by Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), although
he must show full respect for the sanctity of all the saints. It is permitted to visit the companions
(May Allah be satisfied with them all) of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), those
who follow the Tidjaniya path, and, of course, the Prophets (peace be upon them).

3. The disciple must perform all the mandatory prayers of the Tidjaniya, i.e. the compulsory
litanies (the adhkar which are: the Lazim, Wadhifa, and Hadra on Friday), with great care and
assiduity, throughout his life. Note that when a pious vow has been taken, even though, from a
general point of view, a voluntary good deed may be considered to be commendable, it becomes
obligatory within the context of the pious vow.

4. The disciple must never express outrage, animosity or hostility towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Such disrespectable behaviour is characterized, for
example, by not heeding his recommendations and warnings.

5. The disciple must always and unceasingly show love towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

6. The disciple must never criticize Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious

7. The follower must firmly believe and never refute the words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), for they follow the Qur'aan and Sunnah. The same applies
to all of the Awliya.

The follower who disrespects any of these conditions will immediately lose his affiliation to the
Tariqa. He will only reconnect with Sheikh Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) after repenting, and, having renewed his pact with him, (with one of his Muqqaddam),
expressing profound sincerity in the desire to further his education.




1. The disciple should uphold, through knowledge and action, all the commandments of the Law
(SHARIA), among which figures the timely practise of the 5 daily prayers, in congregation when
possible, respecting their conditions, their pillars, and their different parts, in continuous
devotion. Likewise, the disciple should recite the Basmala linked to the Fatiha with a quiet or
loud voice, according to the prayer, if the context permits, without seeking divergence, which can
lead to controversy. The disciple should perform the bow (ruku) and the prostration (sajda)
calmly, whilst pronouncing the adequate formulas of glorification at least 3 times.

2. The disciple should never imagine himself safe from God’s ruse: by this we mean counting on
God’s mercy, or the intercession of His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), or that of
Seyyidina Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), meanwhile committing sins.

3. The disciple should be kind to his parents.

4. The disciple should not claim the title of Muqaddam when it is not the case. According to
some Awliya, this is a sure sign of a negative outcome.

5. The disciple should not neglect the Tidjaniya's mandatory litanies. This includes deferring them
for no valid reason.

6.The disciple should show respect to all those affiliated to Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may
ALLAH be satisfied with him) even more so to the elite among them.

7.The disciple should avoid the company of the Tidjaniya’s detractors, for this can be a cause for

8.The disciple should not sever the ties that link him to other beings except in the case of
religious necessity, and least of all with his brothers in the Tidjaniya.

9.The disciple should perform the Wadhifa and the 'Asrou (Hadra of the Friday) in congregation
whenever possible.

Whosoever fails to respect any one of these conditions should resume immediately and with
enthusiasm, in order that Allah (The Glorified and The Exalted) permits him to remain in the



1. The disciple should formulate the intention

2. The disciple should perform ablutions with water or Tayyamoun, in accordance with Sharia

3. Purification of body, clothes and space is required, in accordance with prayer rules.

92 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


4. The disciple is required to cover his body (awrah) as for salat (prayers).

5. The disciple must not speak during the mandatory litanies of the Tariqa Tidjaniya, from the
beginning to the end, except in absolute necessity, in which case he may communicate by
gestures, and if he is not understood, then he may say one or two words.

There are three exceptions to this rule: the disciple may speak freely to his parents, the wife to
her husband, and the follower to his Sheikh (his Muqaddam). The disciple must refrain from
eating and drinking during the mandatory litanies. Even a little (a sip, or what remains between
the teeth) invalidates the Lazim. As for the Wadhifa, it is a little more that invalidates it.

Whosoever disrespects any of these conditions renders his evocations invalid, and it is his duty to
perform them again.


This requires pure water (for the ablution) and a clean place that is large enough for six people,
even if it is for a single recitation. It is forbidden to recite it while mounted or on a boat. If the
follower does the Tayammum (dry ablution), or if he is unable to clean himself with water after
relieving himself, or if he has filth (najas) on his clothes or his body which he is not able to clean,
he will recite Salat El Fatihi twenty times instead of Djaouharatou-l-Kamel during the Wadhifa. If
the disciple does not meet all these special conditions for the recitation of the Djaouharatou-l-
Kamel, when performing Wadhifa, it is invalidated, and he will be required to do it again



1. The prayers should be performed in the sitting position. Standing or lying down is improper
without specific reasons. Reciting the invocations whilst walking does not lead to invalidation,
but it is emphasized that in this case, the disciple should avoid at all costs walking on filth.

2. The prayers should be recited facing the Qibla, excepting whilst travelling, even a short
distance, if this is impossible.

3. The litanies are to be pronounced in a low voice in such a way that the disciple can hear himself
reciting them. When in congregation, the litanies are to be performed out loud, but harmoniously.

4. The disciple should understand the meaning of the litanies, and to cultivate good pronunciation.

5. The disciple should visualize the image of SeYyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and, even better, the image of the Prophet himself (Peace and blessings be upon

93 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3




1. Authenticity of the Muqqadem, of the transmittal channel and of each link in the chain, all the
way up to Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

2. Validity of the candidate seeking to become a disciple on the path: he should be a Muslim with
true faith, free from any other spiritual path and any litanies from any other spiritual path. He
should be determined to remain in the Tariqa for his whole lifetime, he must agree with all the
Tidjaniya’s conditions which should be read and explained to him.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

94 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


List of the 23 conditions of the Tidjaniya path

Here follows a list of the 23 conditions of the Tidjaniya path. No need to mention that
all of them are based upon the Quran and the Sunna.
The Tidjaniya pledge is a life-long commitment --with no possibility of
abandoning it

1. The Muqaddam who bestows affiliation must be appointed by the founding Sheikh
or by one of his noteworthy representative.

2. The aspirant to the Tidjaniya Tariqa must not practice the litanies of any other
spiritual master. He is not permitted to follow any other path or perform any other
recitation in addition to the Tidjaniya.

3. It is forbidden to visit the Saints (of other spiritual paths), whether they are living or
dead, but profound consideration and respect towards them are obligatory.

4. The accomplishment of the five prayers on time is obligatory, collectively if

possible. Respect for Sharia Law is compulsory.

5. One must deeply love the Shaikh until death, and similarly his successor.

6. One must be wary of the ruse of ALLAH.

7. The aspirant must never use abusive language nor manifest hatred or animosity
with regards to the Shaikh.

8. The aspirant must accomplish the Tidjaniya litanies assiduously until the very end
of his life.

9. Belief is essential.

10. It is indispensable to abstain from criticism.

11. A person who is not affiliated to the Tidjaniya path must not recite the litanies
without the specific authorization of a Muqaddam or a Tidjani Shaikh.

12. Practitioners must gather for the recitation of the Wazifa, and every Friday, late
afternoon (after the Asr prayer), for the recitation of the Haylala.

13. The Djawharatul Kamal must never be recited without the ritual ablution and its
other necessary conditions.

14. One must never sever ties with anyone and particularly with fellow disciples.

15. Regarding the practice of litanies, all forms of negligence must be avoided such
as, for example, not performing them on time without any valid reason.

16. Permission must not be given to others to recite the Tidjani litanies without
authentic authorization legitimating this act.

17. The aspirant must respect all those who are affiliated to the Shaikh (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) and especially the foremost dignitaries of the path.

18. Body and clothing must be clean if possible.

19. The place must be clean.

20. During the recitation of the litanies, one must sit facing the Qibla, except in the
case of valid exceptions such as traveling or sitting in a circle (in congregation).

21. The recitation must never be interrupted with other words except in cases of
force majeure.

22. The practitioner should visualize the guide in front of him from the beginning of
the zikr until the end.

23. One should try to grasp the meaning of the recitation, failing which, to distinguish
the sounds of the recitation.



In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

« O ALLAH, send blessings on our Master Muhammad, who opened what was closed,
who sealed what had gone before, the helper of Truth by the Truth, the guide to Your
straight path, and on his family, may these blessings be equal to his immense position
and grandeur. »
ALLAH said :"Say (O Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to mankind) : "If
you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins.
And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"" (Surat 03 Imran, verse31)
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A person will be
with whom he loves” (Boukhari, Muslim)

Our beloved and majestic Master Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “I offer love solely for love.”
For our beloved Master Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), love was the
Sacred House (The Ka’ba) around which his kind words turned. He guided people towards
love and orientated their hearts towards ALLAH solely through the way of love.
He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to say: “Love is the origin and the
foundation of all things created.”
The beloved Master Seyyidina Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to
“The cause of the origin of love is in the contemplation of beauty and perfection.
Through this realization, the servant is lifted up until he attains the degree of faith.”
If love disappears, then the void returns and everything vanishes at the same time in the sight
of The Most High.
O seeker of The Truth, do you not see that life can only be born of love!?
Ibn Arabi, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, said (or words to that effect): “Love is my
religion and my faith (belief).”
Love is the only noble and pure provision that can lead the truthful (sincere) disciple towards
The Truth (Al Haqq).
Love can only be realized within a pure heart. When the mirror of the heart is polished and all
forms disappear, when all traces are erased and the Divine is reflected in all His Grandeur and
Majestic Splendour, then we can say that the heart is enamoured of Love.
Ibn Ata ALLAH, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, said:
« How can a heart be enlightened as long as the forms of existing things persist therein.”
O seeker of the Truth, open wide your heart and know that the best hearts are the most
receptive. Read attentively and carefully meditate on this beautiful story:

Rumi, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, said: “The intention is to learn from stories and
not to tell them.”

One day when our beloved Master Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
with one of his special disciples, in a place of spiritual retreat where he was teaching him
secrets concerning certain hidden knowledge and the oneness of Gnostics, the disciple was
seized overwhelmed by a state of love for his Master so powerful that he interrupted him
saying: “O Seyyidi, I wanted to ask you: do you love me?” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) smiled at him and answered: “If I did not love you, I
would not be here.”
The disciple said: « Is this love for the sake of ALLAH and his Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him)?”
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “Yes, for
there is no other love than that of ALLAH and his beloved Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him).”
The disciple was embarrassed by his lack of propriety regarding the presence of the great and
sublime great master, and he apologized saying: “I beg ALLAH’s forgiveness for my lack of
adeb towards you.”
As was his habit, the beloved master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) smiled at
him, which illuminated his entire being and replied: “Do not worry, love removes
everything.” And then Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
made a special invocation on his behalf.
Here are some of the words that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) liked to repeat about love (or words to that effect):
“Humble yourself before The One that you love
Passionate love is not easy
When the Beloved is satisfied, the bond with Him is permitted.
Humble yourself before Him and you will obtain the joy of contemplating His Beauty
Because in His Beautiful and Resplendent Countenance is the joy in the obligatory and
meritorious prayer”
O seeker of the Truth, most importantly, this humble advice is addressed solely to hearts
which are loving, sincere and awakened to God.
It is a blessing, a light.
Closeness and intimacy with the beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) can only be realized through pure for ALLAH and His
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).
Did you not hear or read the conditions when you took the great and blessed path!?
I remind you of the following condition, I quote:
« You must love the Master, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), with a powerful and ever-increasing love until death.”
It is written in the book Ibriz that the servant will not be rewarded with Knowledge until he
knows The Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him), and he will only know

The Master of Existence when he knows his own spiritual master, and he will only know his
spiritual master (Sheikh) when he only has eyes for him (and so considers the all the other

people as dead). As a result, he attributes no importance to all other men as if he had prayed
the funeral prayer for them.
O seeker of the Truth, from your heart, remove any covetousness for any other but he, and all
that attracts you to any other but he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
The beloved Master Seyyidina Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:
“I love no person before ALLAH and His beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) love him.”
The poor servant in the need of ALLAH Muhammad al Mansur Tidjani, may ALLAH have
mercy upon him, said:
“The love of the beloved Master Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) cannot be
bought in any way whatsoever, for he offers his love solely for love. He who gives has no
more worth than he who does not. Some believe that they give a lot but in reality they give
nothing, whereas others give little when in fact they give greatly through their love.
The path of love is unique and there is no other. Love is the only feeling that constitutes the
relationship with the beloved.
If you yearn for the noble presence, for the love of the beloved Master Seyyidina Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), know that the only vehicle that can take you there
is a truthful heart, because the noble presence has stages and stations, there are degrees in the
presence, please understand these words.” (End of quote)
The beloved Master Seyyidina Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) often
repeated the following verses: “He who said: “If your love was true, you would have
obeyed him: the lover can only be obedient to the beloved”
Many claim to love Seyyidina Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) but, seeker
of the Truth, know that the love that you have is not efficient; it is only a stage among others
(on the path).
Wisdom says that the most important is not to love but that you become beloved. This is the
May ALLAH have mercy upon who said:
“To love is to prefer the other to oneself, at the price of all sacrifice, even death.”
Muhammad al Mansur Tidjani, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, said:
“A love that make you progress is a love undivided, free from covetousness.”
A loyal adviser in the name of love,
The poor servant in the need of ALLAH Muhammad al Mansur al Muhieddine Tidjani,
may ALLAH have mercy upon him (May ALLAH be Merciful to him)
Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France.


The spiritual journey via the straightest path - part 1 - EL Madrassa

Ahmediya Fi Haqq Tariqa Tidjaniya
By Sheikh Mohammed El Mansour Mohieddine Tidjani, may ALLAH grant him his
kindness, the most insignificant of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani’s disciple (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret).

According to Tamin ibn Aws Addari (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) said: “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We
said “To whom?” He (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) responded: “To
ALLAH, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common
folk.” (Muslim)

The first step on the path towards ALLAH is veracity. He who is truthful, whose steps have
been rooted in sincere love towards Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) and who has strengthened his bond to the rope of the Tariqa, truly he will
not seek, nor covet other Awliya (Saints) - be they alive or dead – but him. And this: even if
he meets the present Pole and notices the numerous prodigies proving his particular degree of
sainthood, he will remain rooted in sincere love towards his Sheikh.

One of the members of the Tariqa reported that he met El Khadir (peace be upon him) who
said to him: “I am El Khadir, do you have any request?” He answered: “Know that ALLAH
the Most High has fulfilled me with he who is superior to you and to all others amongst the
Saints: my Sheikh and the link to my Lord, Sidi Ahmed Tidjani (May ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret)”.

ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said: “If you (really) love ALLAH then follow me,
ALLAH will love you and forgive you your sins. And ALLAH is Forgiving, Merciful.”
(Sourate 3 Al Imran, Verse 31)

You should know that the love of our beloved Master Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is the very foundation of the spiritual journey within our
Tariqa Ahmediya Mohammediya Ibrahimiya Hanifiya Tidjaniya. He (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “The Master of Existence (peace and blessings of ALLAH be
upon him) informed me that he who loves me is also loved by the Prophet (peace and
blessings of ALLAH be upon him) and that without doubt he will die a Wali.”

The Master of Existence (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said: “You are safe
and he who loves you is also safe, you are my beloved and he who loves you is also my

He said: “Receive the glad tidings that he who lives and dies within our love will be
resuscitated among the people of Salvation, whatever his situation and as long as he
does not think himself sheltered from ALLAH’s ruse.”

It was reported from Sidi Muhamed ibn Arabi Tazi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), who used to meet the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) twenty-
four times a day that he had said to him: “If it was not for your love towards Tidjani, you
would never have been able to see me. As it was also reported by Sidi Muhammad El Ghali

(may ALLAH be pleased with him), one of the pillars of this Tariqa Muhammadiya, that he
saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) in a dream saying to him:
“You are the son of the beloved and you have taken the Tariqa of the beloved.”

However, the love of our beloved Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) is conditioned by following him properly. He who does not follow him
suitably does not really love him and it becomes untruthful pretentiousness.

When he was asked (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “Would anybody lie about
you?” He replied: “Yes”. One should follow him correctly in all situations, in speech, in
movement, in immobility, in deed and in inner state. Indeed, Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) has heavily insisted on conforming to the
Law of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). He said: “If you hear anything attributed to
me, weigh it on the scales of the Sharia. If it conforms, accept it, if not reject it.” So
similarly, with regards to the Tariqa, we should weigh our deeds according to the scales of
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), we perform that
which conforms to his words and abandon that which is not.

In this regard, Imam Rifa’i (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “O my disciples! Know
that I turn away from anyone of you who insults me.” They answered: “How could we dare to
insult you when you are our Sheikh?” He said: “By claiming that which I have not said and
carrying out that which is disapproved, because if people notice what you are doing they
would say: “ If they had not seen or heard from their Sheikh they themselves would not have
done it.”

It may be observed that many Muslims claim to be on this blessed path and yet they do not
honor it due to their ignorance and error.

Imam Rifa’i (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also said: “The path cannot be appreciated
in terms of the number of disciples, but can only be appreciated through the work of the
Sheikh of the path.”

Consequently, the right path of the spiritual journey of this blessed Tariqa is defined solely
through the deeds of our beloved Master Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret). Unfortunately, much to our regret, travelling this path has been
neglected except by those who have been spared by the mercy of ALLAH. Likewise, from
what I have heard in the course of my different encounters and numerous exchanges, I have
found that everyone, through this noble Tariqa Tidjaniya, covets material or social benefit, or
the position of Sheikh or Muqaddem, or even the search to obtain the secrets of the divine
supreme names, or all these kinds of things. Therefore, because of this, they are solely
preoccupied by their passions and this leads them towards the path of selfish covetousness or
towards the illusions of worldly wishes The result of all of this is my astonishment at their
ignorance of that which those who travel the path should necessarily know in order to avoid
falling into the trap of association by seeking self-interests.

Even stranger than that, I have attended assemblies during which the topics discussed were
entirely contrary to the words of our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) although he educates us by means of this blessed Tariqa on a
path that follows entirely the perfect education that was instilled in him by our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) in a wakeful vision.

This is why it is imperative for those providing education within this Tariqa Ahmediya that
first and foremost their words are compared with those of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), we take that which is in accordance with him and

we leave aside that which is not. This is in order not to be like the one to whom our beloved
Master Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) once
said, during a gathering of the greatest scholars of his time: “Do not be like he who,
whatever the burden we give him, takes it without even looking at its content.”

Above all, we should know that this blessed path is a Sufi path whose sole purpose is
orientation towards ALLAH and abandon of all but Him. Nothing need be added or taken
away: it is, like Islam, a perfect and complete religion. ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted)
said: « This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon
you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Sourate 5 Verse 3)
Our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
did not returned to His Lord without having beforehand transmitted this wholly complete
blessed Tariqa, as clear by night as by day. Only he who is doomed to perdition can deviate
from it. This is why it is every Tidjani’s duty not to turn away from his path and his education
and only to talk, guide and educate through his noble words (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). In the same way, it is our duty to renounce all our passions and abandon all
our thoughts so as to comply, in an overall sense and also with attention to detail, with that
which Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught.

There is nothing to add to his word (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), for he speaks
with the tongue of truth and he is a guide as much for the ordinary people as for the elite, and
the elite of the elite among humans and djinns. Our models are the noble companions of the
Prophet and the followers (may ALLAH be pleased with them). Despite their immense
degrees, they have solely transmitted to us what has been related by the Prophet (may the
peace and the blessings of ALLAH be upon him), without adding or removing anything, for
fear of introducing into the religion what is not part of it. Indeed, the Prophet (may the peace
and the blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said (or words to that effect): “We must reject
everything that is said by he who brings any innovation to our religion.”

Such were - although they had attained particular degrees and had special knowledge -Abou
Bakr Siddiq (may ALLAH be satisfied with him), ‘Omar ibn el Khattab (may ALLAH be
satisfied with him), ‘Othman ibn ‘Affan (may ALLAH be satisfied with him), ‘Ali ibn Abi
Taleb (qu’ALLAH anoblisse son visage) of whom the Prophet (may the peace and the
blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said: “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door” as
well as Ibn ‘Abbas (may ALLAH be satisfied with him) and Abu Hureyra (may ALLAH be
satisfied with him) to whom the Prophet (may the peace and the blessings of ALLAH be upon
him) said: ‘If you do not wish to stop on the Sirat bridge even for the blink of an eyelid
then do not invent anything in the religion of ALLAH by following your own opinion,
and comply with the commandments of the Quran, following his injunctions and
prohibitions” - as well as others (may ALLAH be satisfied with them).

The same was true of the Companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with them),
they would not add or remove anything from this blessed Tariqa and from the education
provided by our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and this even though they had achieved particular degrees and had special
knowledge, except, of course, in the case where they had received special authorization from

We should behave respectfully and politely towards our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed

Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) as he himself used to behave with the
Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him): respectfully and with
the adequate propriety, as he described it in one of his letters:

“Know that my state with him (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) is that of
the servant with respect to the King, sitting silently beside him with propriety. He asks
for nothing and owns nothing. If the King ordains, he executes. Otherwise, he just
remains silently and with propriety sitting in the presence of the King. I cannot request
anything of him and I cannot ask any questions. I cannot take any initiative and if he
ordains, I fulfill. He has forbidden me to ask or question and has educated me in this
way for many years.”
Indeed, our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) is undoubtedly the custodian of this Tariqa Mohamadiya, he is the Hidden Pole and
the Muhamadian’s recognized heir. He is the seal of Saints who receives all that emanates
from the essence of the prophets (peace be upon them) and the irrigator of all the saints from
the beginning of creation and until the sounding of the trumpet. As for all caliphs, spiritual
masters and muqaddem, whatever their worth, they are just disciples in his holy Presence, and
it is fitting that they turn towards him only, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “My companions are one, and he who knows me knows only

Above all, none of us should think that this was only valid during his lifetime and that since
his death this has been interrupted, because our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) continues to see, to hear and to speak, and he
showers upon us his spiritual effusions, irrigations, lights, knowledge, learning and secrets.
He has not abandoned us, it is we who have forsaken him and who do not consider him
present among us, when, on the contrary, we should be certain of his presence.

As for he who wrongly thinks that his irrigation ceased at his death as for all others, this is
ignorance of his degree (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He has lacked respect
towards him, and such a concept should be feared. Indeed, ALLAH the Most High said:
“They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they
do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear.” (Surat 7 Al A'raf Verse 179)
Sherif Sidi Mohamed el Ghali Abou Taleb (may ALLAH be please with him) recounted that
he had seen Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) after his
death and that he had said to him: “O Sidi, you have gone away and left us.” And Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “I am not absent and I
have not left you, this is only a transition from the earthly abode (Tourabiya) to the
luminous abode (Nouraniya).”
Thus we should fear ALLAH within ourselves and regarding other people, we must not add
nor remove anything from this blessed path. ALLAH the Most High said: “O you who have
believed, fear ALLAH. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow -
and fear ALLAH. Indeed, ALLAH is Acquainted with what you do.” (Surat 59 Al-Hashr
Verse 18)
And ALLAH the Most High said: “O you who have believed, fear ALLAH and speak
words of appropriate justice.” (Surat 33 the confederates Verse 70)
And ALLAH the Most High said: “And We have instructed those who were given the
Scripture before you and yourselves to fear ALLAH . But if you disbelieve - then to
ALLAH belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And ever is
ALLAH Free of need and Praiseworthy.” (S4 V131)

And ALLAH the Most High said: “And fear a Day when you will be returned to ALLAH.
Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated
unjustly.” (S2 V281)

And ALLAH the Most High said: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your
families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels,
harsh and severe; they do not disobey ALLAH in what He commands them but do what
they are commanded.” (S66 V6)
Consequently, we must act respectfully, by listening to and obeying our beloved Master
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

ALLAH said : “O you who have believed, obey ALLAH and obey the Messenger and
those in authority among you.” (S4 V59)
Abu Hurayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever obeys me has obeyed ALLAH and whoever
disobeys me has disobeyed ALLAH. Whoever obeys my amir has obeyed me and whoever
disobeys my amir has disobeyed me.”” (Agreed upon)
So, it is indispensable to follow the teachings of our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) so as to not to deviate from the path. The
famous Sheikh ‘Umar Futiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) received from Sidi
Mohamed el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the companion of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the book Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani along
with the recommendation to read it attentively in order not to stray away from the path of
Likewise, this blessed path does not shape beings for prodigies or praise. Prodigies are not an
infallible criterion proving sainthood, and we should even beware of them and avoid leaning
unconsciously towards them, because this can serve as access to the devil and draw us
towards error and perdition. ALLAH said : “Then did they feel secure from the plan of
ALLAH ? But no one feels secure from the plan of Allah except the losing people.” (S7
V99) Abou Yazid Bistami (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was told: « So-and-so can go
to Mecca in one night.” He answered: “The devil can go from East to West in an instant,
cursed as he is.” He was also told: “So- and-so can walk on water.” He replied: “So what!
Birds can fly in the sky, and fish can swim in water.”
Djounaïd (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Certainly, some people have walked on
water whereas others better than them have died of thirst.”

If you understand this, you should know that the principle aim of traveling this blessed path is
solely to orientate the individual towards pure reality, and in this way to follow the path of
our elected Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) and his noble companions
(may ALLAH be pleased with them).

Ibn Ata ALLAH (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: « It is possible that someone
whose conduct is not perfect is favored with the gift of prodigies.”. But there is no bigger
prodigy than rectitude. Our beloved guide Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) would hide his prodigies and did not like to let them show in front of his
companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them). Nevertheless, he was visibly resplendent
with the perfect radiance of rectitude.

It has been said of Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), who was
among the elite of the elite of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s companions (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), famous for his great opening, that he accomplished miraculous things

which showed his particular station with ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). Once he paid
a visit to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in Fes by
means of the “prodigy of the step” until Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his

precious secret) scolded him: “If you have come to see me for ALLAH’s sake, you should
behave like ordinary people, using shoes, a stick and an escort, you should taste all that
other people feel on the path in terms of thirst, fatigue, fear and so on.”

Another time Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) performed
the Asr prayer in front of a group of eight companions. When they had finished the office and
he faced his companions, they had not noticed the presence of a bunch of dates .They looked
at Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) astonished by the
sudden miraculous apparition of these dates. Noticing this, he said to them: “This is the
doing of this man” naming him and calling him a fool or something like that. After that
when Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) met Sidi Hajj Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he reminded him what had happened and
asked: “What made you to do this?”. He answered: “O my Master, forgive me. At that
moment I was in one of my field. The workers were harvesting dates and I saw this bunch, it
pleased me and I wanted you to have it there and then. This led me to throw it up and to utter
secret words so that it would reach you.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) admonished him for that, and forbade him to ever repeat such things.

The path within this Tariqa Hanifiya prepares the disciple, by means of good behavior, to
take the straight path, the path of rectitude, the path that we continually ask of ALLAH (The
Glorified, The Exalted) in our prayers reciting the Fatiha “Guide us to the straight path”
(S1V6) Likewise, the path allows him realization in the oneness and the way of the Prophets
(peace be upon them) who have sacrificed themselves on the path of ALLAH.

ALLAH The Most High said in the Hadith Qudusi: « Bring the people closer to La ilaha
illa ALLAH, in the shade of my throne, because I love them. »

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of my sayings and of the
sayings of all Prophets before me is: “La ilaha illa ALLAH””
He (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: “"Under the welkin, there is no greater
worshiped divinity besides ALLAH than a followed passion.”
Our path encompasses the source of Ibrahimic education, which encourages us to perfect our
link with ALLAH and orientate ourselves exclusively towards Him, turning away from all
other attachment but Him. Amongst that which demonstrates the perfect servitude of
Seyyidina Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his completion of observance of the Lordly rights
is the occasion when he was catapulted to be burnt at the stake. When he refused the help of
the angel in charge of wind and rain, in turn the trustworthy Jibril (peace be upon him)
offered his help saying: “Do you need anything?” He answered: “Not from you, but from
ALLAH, of course”. Then the trustworthy Jibril said to him: “Ask Him”. He answered: “He
is all I need in the face of any request. He is aware of my situation.”

The reason why the path in this blessed Tariqa is also called Ibrahimiya Hanifiya is because it
revolves around this noble state which has its roots in the book of ALLAH the Most High and
in the pure Tradition of the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon
him) who has perfected and ennobled it.

I wish to come back to this blessed path, the path of the essence of truth, the path of the
reality of truth. We journey towards the elevated stations by means of this path and its
conditions. Our only supplies on the way are the love and the pure and exclusive devotion for

ALLAH the Most High. Our venerated and beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “ALLAH is not worshipped for any particular
reason other than because He is God, who is worthy of his divine character and worthy

of adoration because of His essence, His elevated and praiseworthy qualities, and His
glorious names. Noble adoration is to be found in this way. Similarly, we should not
keep company with the Sheikh with a view to material benefits, but in order that,
through his alliance with him, the disciple may be attracted to alliance with ALLAH.”
Hear my advice my dear friends in ALLAH! We should sincerely endeavor to put into
practice the instructions of our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) in order to genuinely follow him. We owe him attentive listening
and obedience as well as to the guides after him who do not deviate from his teaching.
Imam Ghazzali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: « Advice is easy to give, but the
biggest difficulty is following it. Above all for the hearts that follow their passions and their
whims. For them, the advice has a bitter taste because interdictions are loved by their hearts.”

I encourage each one of us to scrutinize himself in the light of the teachings of our beloved
Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) by means of the
following text and then to meditate and to question himself:

-First and foremost, am I acquainted with the conditions of the Tariqa and have I conformed
to them so as to really consider myself a Tidjani disciple?

-Then, do I truly observe the path of the hidden pole?

-Finally, am I diligent in upholding the full teaching of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) that is conveyed as follows:

Our beloved Master Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) commented in a chapter dealing with that which every traveler and devotee should
absolutely know in order to avoid association with ALLAH with selfish motivation.

Know that idolatry with personal interest is one of the six categories of association. For those
people who are simply following the exoteric Law, this means accomplishing a good deed,
not for ALLAH, but for the purpose of attracting praise or obtaining goods, warding off harm
or establishing alliance with God’s creatures, or even to work with the sole aim of obtaining
palaces or wives in Paradise and not that of obeying His Commandment.

On the one hand, if he establishes the noble face of ALLAH and obedience to his
commandments, fulfillment of His lordly rights, as well as proximity and worshipping Him
alone and not for anything else, as the intention for his adoration and deeds, and that, through
this he hopes for the grace of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted)- in that he is predisposed
to obtain Houris, palaces and so on in Paradise, not due to his adoration but exclusively
because of ALLAH’s grace and generosity and due to his trust in the true promise of ALLAH
(The Glorified, The Exalted) - then in this case there is no misdeed and no alteration in his
sincerity. On the other hand, his sincerity dissipates if he endeavors only to obtain these
blessings without yearning for ALLAH’s Sake (The Glorified and The Exalted) or adoration
for Him. This is called “the worshipper of his passions” and not only are his deeds
indubitably useless but adding to that, he accumulates sins.

He who worships ALLAH for Himself, longing for His Noble Face, seeking His Satisfaction,
complying or being faithful to His Commandment, worshipping Him with the aim of
fulfilling the duties of servitude or to satisfy the lordly rights, or to honor Him, to revere Him

or through love for Him or with modesty, that He would not see him disobeying His order, or
with burning desire or gratitude for His Blessings, is genuinely sincere and there cannot be
any ostentation as long as he sheds all the precited desires. He who draws together all these

aspects of sincerity in his adoration of ALLAH is perfectly sincere. So, for the people with
exoteric understanding of the Law there is no lack of sincerity if they only hope for the grace
of ALLAH and that because of this grace they hope for Houris, palaces and delights in
Paradise believing that ALLAH will grant that which they had disregarded when they reach

However for the Knowers of ALLAH, this also constitutes idolatry with selfish intention. For
them, sincerity is restricted to adoration with the view to the Noble Face of ALLAH, solely
for Him, removed from all hope but Him. They scorn turning, if only for an instant, towards
worlds created by their hearts, or even relying on them even briefly, or loving anything other
than The Supreme Beloved which is ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), because in reality
they love that which ALLAH loves and because of Him (The Glorified, The Exalted). Apart
from ALLAH they love nothing resulting from covetousness, from selfish interest or from the
satisfaction of a need, or even all of this together. This is what differentiates them from the
people of the exoteric Law with regards to their love for Paradise and their escape from

Indeed, people of the apparent Law love Paradise to satisfy their covetousness and flee from
Hellfire because of its desolation. This is the way they act regarding the created worlds,
coveting or fleeing them according to that which they contain. As for the Knowers, all the
created worlds are equal, the only particular distinction they make between them as to their
content is related to their Beloved (The Glorified, The Exalted).

Thus, they do not flee Hellfire nor seek to safeguard themselves from it because of what it is,
nor because of its desolation, but because it is the dwelling of ALLAH’s enemies and it is
loathsome for them to be associated with enemies even only for an instant, and needless to
mention their resolute obedience to ALLAH.

In addition, dwellers of Hellfire are unable to contemplate ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted), and contemplation of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is the summum of their
desires. It is also in order to conform to the Commandments in which ALLAH ordains them
to safeguard themselves and implore protection. ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said:
“O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire […]” (S66
V6) and He said: “[…] protect us from the punishment of the Fire […]” (S3 V191)

Consequently, they act only to conform to his Order and not because of that which Hellfire
comprises nor for its desolation. Likewise, they do not like Paradise for that which it
comprises nor even to satisfy their covetousness and schemes, but they love it because it is
the abode of ALLAH’s beloved and their place of residence and this is also the abode of the
vision of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). Similarly, ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) has chosen Paradise for his beloved by the decree of His Law and therefore they
love Paradise as the result of His Love.

Indeed, the sincere lover loves his Beloved and he who loves his Beloved, loves that which is
loved by his Beloved. This is one of the conditions of sincere love. Similarly, they comply
with His Order to claim Paradise and they love the houris, the handmaidens, the vicinity that
can be found there, for they also love ALLAH and He loves them. He who loves ALLAH,
loves those who are loved by ALLAH. Thus, their flight from Hell is for ALLAH and by
ALLAH and not for themselves nor by themselves. On the contrary, the others, when they
love and flee what is to be found there, it is solely for their own sake. Having worshipped

ALLAH, they turn towards the created worlds and all that it is not forbidden to love.

All this is not excluded from the circle of the Law, but these people cannot reach the rank of
Knowers because the love of the people who only follow the exoteric application of the Law

is the greatest sin for the Knowers. As it has been said: “Good deeds performed by pious
people are considered sins by the nearest ones to ALLAH.” Indeed, the Knowers are
consumed within the origin of the All, drowned in the ocean of Oneness, absent from the
created worlds because of their contemplation of the Supreme King. As it has been said
previously, if they look at other than Him for even an instant, this is only for Him.

They are physically with the created worlds, but separated from them by their spirit, their
secret, their heart and mind. They have no other purpose but Him. In them, there is not even a
mustard seed that aspires to other than Him. In the face of all other but Him, they are fulfilled
by their secrets, which hold them closed to Him, in His Presence, bound to a taste to such an
extent that they know no other than Him. Their souls follow in the steps of their secrets and
resisting this is unbearable to them. They are like a bird in a stunning desert, their burning
desire for their Beloved is increasing incessantly. Their hearts follow in the steps of their
souls, it is impossible to deviate.

They are constantly meditating in wonder at that which he has created, discovering in his
creation the secrets of His Wisdom, because of the extent of His Knowledge. Their soul and
bodies necessarily bow before their reason of light without ever being able to resist it. The
passions of their souls are repressed by the domination of His Immensity and their bodies
have been consumed forever in his servitude. The Beloved’s hold on them is all embracing
and not even a single atom can stray from his Will. In such a way they are for ALLAH, by
ALLAH, with ALLAH. May ALLAH, by His Grace, include us among them and grant us
that which He has granted them through the worthy intercession of our Master Muhammad
(may the prayer and the peace of ALLAH be upon him).

Useful comment:

As for the evocations for attracting subsistence or to repel poverty, for the destruction of an
oppressor or to ward off evil, to satisfy needs or any other thing that we covet for ourselves,
these evocations and adorations are considered to be idolatry because of the selfish intent and
this is unanimously forbidden.
If the intention is to obtain help in the adoration of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted),
then there are two options. If he performs the evocations and adoration solely for the Noble
Divine Face, hoping for resolution of his difficulties so that the adoration of His Lord would
be easier, then this is permitted without any restriction, but only with the firm conviction that
ALLAH is the only One who acts through His unique Choice and not because of the
influence of the evocation. At the moment of the evocation, He acts, but not under the
influence of it and this aspect is valid.

We request ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) to grants us the grace to be true followers
of our beloved Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
and to permit us to be like those who listen to the words and practice them to perfection, He is
our Ally and the Capable for this.

« O ALLAH, send blessings on our Master Muhammad, who opened what was closed,
who sealed what had gone before, the helper of Truth by the Truth, the guide to Your
straight path, and on his family, may these blessings be equal to him immense position
and grandeur. »

Written by the most insignificant of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani’s disciple (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Mohammed El Mansour El Mohieddine Tidjani, may
ALLAH grant him his kindness.

Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani ‫رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻦ‬

Life Story Of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani




In Ain Madhi, a small village a few kilometers from Laghouat, located in the
Algerian desert, there was a humble traditional earthen dwelling. In this humble
dwelling, lived a young wife who, in a corner of this house and with all the courage
for which the women of this region are known, gave birth to a son that she named
Ahmed. It is thus that in 1150 of the hegira (1737/38 ad) came into this world
Seyyidina Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Ibn Mokhtar Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret).

This isolated place, far from the turmoil of the cities, had already been reputed for
many years for its great scholars and their piety. The renowned Sheikh Abdallah ibn
Mohammed El Iyachi (dead in 1090 of the hegira) who passed through the village,
mentioned it in his book Rihlata. He also met Sidi Ahmed, the great grandfather
and namesake of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) who he described in laudatory terms as “great scolar”.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s father (may ALLAH be pleased with him), Sidi
Mohammed ibn Mokhtar, was a scrupulous, loved and respected scholar. Firmly
grounded in the Sunna, he practiced evocation a great deal and taught in the field
of exegeses and the Hadith. He appealed to the people and urged them to do good,
for the Sake of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), inciting them to practice the
Sunna, combatting all innovation, without fearing harm from others. Sometimes he
received the visits of Spiritual entities (Rouhani) who offered to satisfy his needs.
He refused their offer and turned away from them saying: “Just leave me with
ALLAH. I wish for no other tie than his. I have no need of you.” And so they left
him. He was strongly attached to ALLAH and had in his home a room dedicated to
evocation. He was also from a lineage of numerous scholars and realized saints.


We could mention, for instance, the great great grandfather of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him), Sidi Muhammad who was the first to
settle in Ain Madhi where he married a woman from the tribe of Banou Toujine.
He was also a great scholar who had in his home a room dedicated to spiritual
retreat in which no other than him had the right to enter.

He used to veil his face when he left his house to go to the mosque and remained
veiled until his return to his place of seclusion. When Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) was asked for the reason why he used to veil his face in
front of the people, he answered: “This may be because he had attained a certain
degree of sainthood. Indeed, the consequence of this degree of sainthood was that
all those who looked at him would not be able to look away for even a moment and
would risk dying. He held this particularity for twenty-three years, that is to say, the
characteristics of those who had acquired seventy-two categories of mohammedian
knowledge. It is for all these reasons that he voluntarily veiled his face.


Seyyidina Ahmed (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was brought into the
world by the pious and pure lady Aicha (may ALLAH be pleased with her),
daughter of Sidi (Mohamed Senoussi Tidjani Madaoui). Furthermore, it is from his
mother's family that he gets his name. She was a pious and devoted woman with
rare and precious qualities. She spent most of her days and nights evoking ALLAH
and praying upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). She was a caring
mother overflowing with love and mercy. She also had several other children, both
girls and boys, who died at a young age. She accepted these ordeals with resignation
and faith in the divine reward. So, of all her children, only a girl named Roqaya,
then Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and
finally a boy named Muhammad but whose was nicknamed Ibn Omar, because he
was learned in the domain of knowledge and Quran, survived.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was of
sherifian descent, that is to say, his genealogy went back as far as the beloved
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), through Seyyidina Ali and Fatima (may
ALLAH be pleased with them) via their son Hassan (may ALLAH be pleased with
him). However he did not rely on hearsay or on what was inscribed on his
genealogical certificate, until he had himself the opportunity to question the
beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) during a vision in an awakened
state. Indeed, he said (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “I questioned the
Master of Existence concerning my ancestry, was I a Sherif or not? Regarding the
tribe of the town where I was born and who claimed to be of sherifian descent,
what was the truth? He (peace and blessings be upon him) answered: “Certainly
you are my son, certainly you are my son, certainly you are my son”, he repeated it
three times and added: “Your ancestry, through Hassan, son of Ali is authentic.”

It is only following this confirmation that he introduced himself in his letters by the
name of “Ahmed ibn Mohammed Tidjani el Hassani”. As for the inhabitants of his
village, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:
“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said nothing concerning them
and did not confirm the authenticity of their ancestry.”

In fact, Seyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) did not share his origins
with them, because his ancestor had only settled among them incidentally.
Consequently, their only genealogical link is through the women. So he was linked
to them because his ancestor had settled in this village. His grandfather, Sidi Salim,
hails from the tribe of Abda near the town of Safi, on the Atlantic coast of

Thus, it is in this atmosphere of faith, knowledge and sainthood that Seyyidina

Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was born. Admittedly, he


grew up in a humble home but it was the crucible for a family that was very
attached to the Quran and the Sunnah.

The education of the holy child was entrusted to the prominent and prestigious
Muhammad Ibn Hamu Tidjani (d. in 1162 of the hegira) under whose guidance he
memorized the whole Quran at the age of seven. He was a pious man who taught
children. He received his education from Sheikh Sidi Issa Buakaz el Madaui Tidjani
who was himself a pious men well known for his sainthood and who also taught
children. He revealed that he had seen The Lord, the Most High, in a dream,
reciting the Quran to him from beginning to end, in the Warsh version, then The
Lord said: “This is the way it was revealed.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) learned islamic
jurisprudence (fiqh) according to the school of Imam Malick (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). He studied different treatises such as Khalil, the Risalat, the
Muqaddima by Ibn Ruchd and Lakhadari with the Knower of ALLAH, the scholar
sidi Mabruk Buafiya Madaui Tidjani. Sidi Mabruk died in 1166 of the hegira.

From an early age, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
distinguished himself by his intelligence and piety, as well as his virtues and his
modesty. He was diligent in his studies and had surprising willpower. He finished
everything he began and completed everything he started. No task, however
difficult, frightened him and no obstacle could turn him away from his objective,
until he had attained the pinnacle. His awareness and understanding were divine
and far surpassed what could be acquired by apprenticeship and learning. During
his lessons, he outdid all the other students in the complex issues of jurisprudence,


without ever having read books nor heard anything on these subjects. People of his
village and those from the surrounding desert as well as the scholars came to
benefit from his knowledge. Although, he was only a young man, he taught and
gave fatwa in various fields. The aura of his personality fascinated all who
contemplated him and portended an extraordinary destiny.

One day when he was still a child, arriving home, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) found a meal called “Lafet” made from salted and cooked
turnips that his mother had made for him. But, with the exception of one particular
variety, he did not like turnips so annoyed he went out. He met his neighbor Sidi
Gurid (may ALLAH be pleased with him), a man of virtue who possessed
Knowledge. After questioning him on the reason for his irritation, he invited him
home for food. Entering his home, he said to his wife: “We have an important
guest, please prepare “rfiss” which was a dish served on special occasions in Ain
Madhi. She prepared it but was curious to know the identity of this mysterious
important guest. She peeked discreetly to see this remarkable person, but she saw
only the young neighbor, Sidi Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
So, she exclaimed: “What! Your important guest is only Ahmed?! He answered:
“Keep quiet! You have no idea of the magnitude of his destiny”.

On another occasion during his childhood, when he came out from the classroom,
he saw a great light which appeared in front of him and reached as high as the sky.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) suddenly appeared in front of him
and encourage him, saying “Persevere because you are on the right path”.

He was so terrified that he ran to seek refuge in the house of his maternal aunt
which was close by. She covered and comforted him while preparing bread for him.
Her name was Jurkhum. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) loved her intensely and considered her like a mother. Later, he
revealed that she was a saint and that all the requests expressed on her tomb
whether good or bad, were inevitably granted, to such an extent it became
necessary to hide the location of her grave to the common people. Until this day
this place is unknown in Ain Madhi.

Often, the young child used to dream of his own destiny. Indeed, he saw himself
on a throne administering and commanding to a multitude of creatures. He (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “When I was still a child, I saw a royal
throne that seems to have been prepared for me and on which I sat. I had a huge
army that I commended to meet requirements just like a king.”

In another dream, He saw the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) riding a horse in Ain Madhi and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) was close behind him. He wished to request something


of him, but he preferred to wait for the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) to dismount to be more comfortable.

When the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) dismounted, He
went into a field and started to pray. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) wanted to join him and pray with him but he only
joined him in the second cycle of the prayer (rakat). He understood through this
dream that he would only achieve his goal during the second part of his life which
was represented by the second rakat.

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) related another dream: « I appeared
as a king and people pledged allegiance to me. An uncountable crowd was with me.
They prepared a Caliph throne and a royal robe for me on a rooftop. When the
time came for Dhohr prayer, I wanted to ordain someone to lead the prayer for us
as was my habit in reality, then I thought and said to myself: “Khalif should be the
one who leads the prayer.” I stepped forward and led the prayer until the end.
When I told this to one of my beloved, I said to him: “I believe that ALLAH The
Exalted wants the station of Pole for me.”

At the age of puberty, his father arranged his marriage and Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) continued to live in the family
home with his parents that he cherished tenderly.

However, a tragic event would link Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani’s destiny (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) to that of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon


him). In 1166 of the hegira (1752/53), when he was only 16 years old, his mother
and father died on the same day during a plague, leaving him orphaned. He was
taken in by his maternal aunt. Despite the suffering of the separation, this ordeal
did not affect his morale. He continued his studies in the village with even more
determination. After a year of marriage he freed his wife from the bond of
marriage. Indeed, he was so absorbed in his search for knowledge that he could not
pay her the attention that he considered necessary. He believed that his priority was
to attain the genuine fear of ALLAH in conformity with the words of ALLAH: “It
is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear ALLAH.” (Quran
S35, V28)


In 1171 of the hegira (1757/58 ad), at the age of 21, motivated by an unquenchable
thirst, he left Ain Madhi for Fes, the famous city of knowledge and notably its
renowned Mosque-University Qarawiyine.


This city was frequented by great masters and saints. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) undertook to visit them in order to benefit
from their spiritual teaching as well as their blessings (baraka). Indeed, He thought
that frequenting Sufi Masters would be a means to perfect the demands of the Law,
both exteriorly and interiorly. On this subject, he said (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret): “Know that Sufism signifies conforming to the commandments,
forsaking prohibitions, both exteriorly and interiorly, going as far as His
Satisfaction and not stopping at your own.”

Day by day, the knowledge that he acquired from the Universty Masters increased.
He attended all the circles of teaching in Quarawiyine and, in addition, he attended
those held in other mosques and zawiya. He was particularly attracted to the
knowledge of the Hadith. Later, he would say: “Knowledge can be divided into
four categories:
- Knowledge that hardens the heart: jurisprudence and rigidity towards it
- Knowledge that brings ostentation: this is knowledge of grammar and all things
- Knowledge that brings renunciation of this world: this is the knowledge of history
and all things related
- Knowledge that illuminates the heart: this is acquaintance with the Hadith
(prophetic words) and all that derives from it.


Certain specialists also taught him the knowledge of the recitation of the Quran.

He had the ability to memorize everything he heard for the first time. In this way,
he knew by heart many books of jurisprudence (Fiqh) entirely such as the
Mukhtassar of Sheikh Khalil, the Tahdhib Al Baradha'I, and also the Sahih
Boukhari, Muslim, and the Muwatta of the Imam Malik (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) He also obtained all the diplomas (qualifications) giving him the right to
teach all the Muslim knowledge of his time. However, his thirst was still not
quenched. His endeavors, his fear of ALLAH, his modesty, his love for the truth
and his aversion for the false demanded respect from all.

During these years, Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was affiliated
to six different paths and met great awliya (saints) without, however, taking their

Amongst the paths to which he was affiliated, was that of the famous well-known
Pole and Hassani Sherif Mawlana Tayeb ibn Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) from Wazzan. He was, in fact, the first master that Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) encountered. When Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) made his acquaintance,
he said: “I have heard that you have been blessed with a great gift.” Moulay Tayeb
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked: « And what is it, to which Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “He who sees
you will enter Paradise.” Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) confirmed:
“Yes indeed but I’m not the origin of this gift.” Seyyidina may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret asked him: “Who is the origin of it?” and he answered: “It is Sheikh
Tha’labi. He who sees him and he who sees who has seen him, and he who sees he
who has seen he who has seen him and this up to the 7th or the 8th or the 12th
person, will enter Paradise. As for me, I saw he who has seen he who saw him.” So
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “Testify for me
that I saw you.” and Mulay Tayeb said: “I testify that you have seen me.” Later,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also received this gift
personally, directly from the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
but it was even more complete.

Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) transmitted to him the tariqa
Wazzaniya also called Taybiya Chadiliya which is a branch of Jazouliya. It has a
large following in Morocco and Algeria and then spread to other areas towards
Egypt. When Moulay Tayeb ibn Mulay Mohamed (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) was raised to the position of Khilafa, the Tariqa Wazzania benefited from
great notoriety to such an extent that it was renamed Tariqa Taybiya. He also gave
to Seyyidina may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret the title of Muqaddam and so
granted him the authorization for the litanies, but at that time he systematically


refused this title because his elevated aspiration left him neither the time nor the
desire to dedicate himself to it. He also encountered the knower Sheikh Ahmed
Saqli (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was one of the pillars of the Tariqa
Khalwatiya, but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) did not affiliate himself to his path. He said afterwards: “Later, I learnt that,
in fact, he was a pole”.

In Fes, he also took the tariqa of Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with
them) through he who was giving the authorization for it there.

Then he took the Nassriya Tariqa from the Wali Muhammad ibn AbdAllah Tazani
also known as “Rifi” (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Also, in Fes, he took the path of the Pole of Sidi Ahmed El Habib ibn Muhammad
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) also known as El Ghamary, from he who held
the authorization. In addition, this great Pole, who had already passed on, came to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in a dream and
gave him a Name to evoke.

In Taza, he also took the path of the Wali, the malamati Sidi Ahmed (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) – dead in 1204 -- who transmitted a Name to him saying:
“You need retreat (khalwa), solitude and zikr and be patient until ALLAH grants
you the (spiritual) opening because you are going to have an immense station.”
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) disagreed, so he (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) said to him: « Stick to the practice of this zikr and be constant
in it, without retreat nor solitude. Even this way, ALLAH will grant you the

Having assimilated, the teachings and the secrets of the great masters that he (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) met and attained the expected spiritual
degrees, his thirst and desire for ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) urged him
ever further.

Certain great saints had announced that he would attain degrees that he was not
expecting. This was the case during his meeting with the great Wali endowed by
spiritual unveiling Sidi Muhammad ibn el Hassan el Wanjali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) – dead in 1185 -- in Djebel Zabib. Even before Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had said a word, he asserted that
he would reach the same degree as Sidi Abu el Hassan Chadhili (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), great Sheikh and Pole of his time, and then he revealed other
secrets to him.

In Fes, one day, he met the Wali Sidi 'Abdallah ibn Sidi 'Arbi ibn Ahmed from
Auled Ma'an el Andalussi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) – dead in 1188 --


who was the Pole of the Tariqa Shadiliya. After talking with him and when they
were about to take their leave, he exclaimed three times to Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret): “ALLAH seizes by your hand!”

His departure from Fes was precipitated by a meeting with a Sheikh who was
among the people endowed by the spiritual unveiling who encouraged him to
return to his home town. He assured that his opening would only occur in that
region of the desert. On the way, he halted at different zawiya and met numerous
men of God. From Ain Madhi, he went to El Bayadh Sidi Sheikh where the famous
Pole Abdelqader ibn Muhammad, descendant of Abu Bakr Siddiq (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) and commonly known as Sidi Sheikh was buried. He stayed there
for five years worshipping and teaching, occasionally going to Ain Madhi.

In 1181 of the hegira, when he was only 31 years old, he went to Tlemcen where he
taught the exegeses and the hadith for several years, all the while dedicating himself
to adoration and contemplation.

He was loved and respected by the scholars for the compliance of his acts together
with his vast knowledge and wisdom.

To those who questioned him on the identity of the outstanding erudite who had
transmitted such vast knowledge to him, he answered (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret): « I did not receive this knowledge from one person alone but from
all those that I have met.” His increasing notoriety and his brilliant prodigies drew a
growing population towards him. Some came to benefit from his knowledge while
others came to benefit from his blessings, considering him as a Sheikh. But he
refused categorically any title or claim and blamed them for this, saying to them:
“Note that we are equal regarding the mutual benefit. None has more merit than
another and granting me the title of Sheikh is but a bad innovation.” Indeed, he
feared the pretention of calling himself a Sheikh without beforehand having
received the specific authorization.


Here in Tlemcen, Seyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) saw the great
Wali and Pole of his time, the Gawth Sidi Abu Madian (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) in a dream in an assembly saying: “I will give whatever he requests to
whoever gives me something.” He gave the impression of someone preparing to
offer a banquet and who invited people to participate in the expenses. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) said to him: “I will give you four
mathaqil (currency unit) and guarantee me the Qutbaniya el ‘Oudhma”. He replied:
“Yes, I give you my guarantee and you will not die before having received it.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) went towards him to submit
his payment but then he woke up. After sunrise, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy
his precious secret) went to the mausoleum of the Ghawth and on arrival said to
him: “Master, here are forty Awqiya as I had promised you, I give them to you.
However, I am going to give this money to the poor and the reward will be
attributed to you.” He gave away the money to the destitute and one of them said:
“I wanted to offer a wedding banquet but I had nothing. So yesterday, I implored
the help of ALLAH through the intermediary of Sidi Abou Madian, and certainly
this is his help, may ALLAH be satisfied with him.”

Another event would confirm this dream. Indeed, one day, Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) met a man well known for seeing spiritual entities in an
awakened state, who told him what he wanted to know. Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) asked him: “I have hidden something in my heart, tell
me what it is.”

The man questioned the Ruhani and they told him that Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) was referring to the Qutbaniyya. Then, he noticed the
presence of somebody mysterious next to the spiritual entities. This stranger said to
them disapprovingly: “Who permitted you to speak of this?” The Ruhani answered:
“This request comes from him (Seyyidina)” The mysterious character retorted: “It
is I who guaranteed this Qutbaniya to him in Tlemcen before his departure, and he


will not die without having attained it. Do not intervene regarding this matter,
neither you nor any other.” Actually, this stranger was Sidi Abou Madian el Ghawth
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). The man who had the ability to speak to the
spiritual entities had never seen Seyyidina before and did not know him.

In 1186 of the hegira, at the age of 36, after many endeavors, he felt the need to
accomplish his pilgrimage and to visit the Master of Existence (peace and blessings
be upon him). During his travel, he encountered other great figures such as Sidi
Mohamad ibn 'Abderahman el Azhari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in the
area of Zwawa, near Algiers, from whom he took the Khalwatiya-Rahmaniya path.
This great Master who had a growing influence in all the Algerian regions, had
himself taken it directly from the great Sheikh of the Khalwatiya, Sheikh Al Azhar,
Sidi Sidi Mohamad ibn 'Abderahman el Azhari (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Then Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) continued his journey as
far as Tunisia where he met certain Awliya including the Wali Abdsamad Rahaoui
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), who was himself under the authority of the
Pole of the region and Seyyidina requested to meet him. However, Sidi Abdsamad
Rahaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) told him that the Pole met no one
except four people. Sidi Rahaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was counted
among these four exceptions, but these meetings only took place during the nights
of Mondays and Fridays. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) gave
him a gold coin (mahboub) to offer to the Pole on his behalf. In return, he received
the good news that he was loved in the following terms: “He who is loved has sent
a golden coin. (El Mahboub ba'atha-l-mahboub)”


In Tunisia, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) saw the well
beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who said to him: “Invoke to
obtain the Knowledge, or whatever you desire and I will say “Amine” to your
request.” So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) invoked and the
beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said “Amine” (so be it). Then
he recited the Sourate “Wa douha” and he reached the verse that states: “And your
Lord will give you (all i.e. good)”, the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) stared at Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) with his
noble gaze and then completed the recitation of the Surate.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him) stayed for one year in Tunisia,
between the towns of Tunis and Sousse. He taught diverse domains of Knowledge
as well as the Hikam of Ibn ‘Ata ALLAH (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
Ascertaining the extent of his knowledge, the Emir of Tunisia sent him a message
requesting him to settle in Tunis to teach the noble knowledge and equally attend
to religious matters. For this, he would provide a dwelling, a considerable salary and
a professorship at the famous university of Zaiytuna.

When Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret)
received the letter of the Emir, he did not say a word. The next day, he fled and
took the boat to Cairo, in Egypt. Due to a dream, he had the earnest intention of
meeting the famous Wali, the majestic Master, the Muhadith and the perfect
Knower, Sidi Mahmoud El Kurdiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who


originated from Irak. One of the particularities of this noble figure was to have met
several times Al Khadir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and obtained numerous
benefit through his intermediary.

During his first encounter with Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret), as if to confirm the fact, Sidi Mahmud (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said: “You are loved by ALLAH, both in this world and the next.” Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret): “How do you know that?” to which he
replied: “From ALLAH”. Then Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy
his precious secret) said to him: “When I was in Tunisia, I saw you and I told you:
“I am completely made of steel”. And you answered: “Yes! It is thus and will
change your steel into gold.” When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) recounted this, Sidi Mahmud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) answered:
“Yes, it is as you had seen.”

Several days later, Sidi Mahmud El Kourdiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
questionned Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret)
about his ambition. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) replied: “It is my ambition to reach the degree of the supreme poles (El
Qutbaniya el ‘Uzma).” The famous master (may ALLAH be pleased with him) gave
his confirmation, saying: “O my friend, the Most High has far more in store for

Sidi Mahmud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) received The Tariqa Khalwatiya
directly from the great Sheikh Sidi Muhammad El Hafni (may ALLAH be pleased
with him). He recounted to Seyydina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) the
circumstances of his meeting with this noble figure and also with Sheikh Mustapha
el Bakri (may ALLAH be pleased with him). So he mentioned a conversation
between himself and Sheikh Mustafa el Bakri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
who once asked him: “O Mahmud, I see no sign (trace) of opening in you, maybe
you are evoking another wird with our litany?” Sidi Mahmud answered this
question in the affirmative. Sidi Mustafa (may ALLAH be pleased with him) turned
to Sidi Muhammad el Hafni () saying: “Why are you giving him our authorization
for our wird when he has a different litany?” Sidi


Mahmud el Hafni replied: “O Master, seeing that he did not wish to forsake this
litany, I thought that a mixture of black and white is better than completely black.”
Sidi Mustafa (may ALLAH be pleased with him) spoke to Sidi Mahmud el Kurdiyu
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) again, saying: “O Mahmud, spend the night on
it, and tell me what you see.”

During the night, he saw the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) in a dream, accompanied by Sheikh Mustafa on his right and Sheikh Qassiri
on his left. Moreover, he had received his previous wird from Sheikh Qassiri. The
well beloved Prophet (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “O Mahmud,
abandon the path of Qassiri and take the path of Bakri for your opening is in his
hands.” On waking, he informed Sidi Mustafa (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
who replied: “O Mahmud, why are you embarrassing us in front of your Sheikh?”
Sidi Mahmud complied with the order of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon

Taking leave of his Sheikh, who supplicated God on his behalf, Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) left Egypt and traveled by sea to
the holy city of Mecca. He arrived there in the month of Shawwal in 1187 of the
hegira and made contact with its men of God. There again, he had an encounter of
capital importance with a leading figure, the famous Sheikh Sidi Ahmed ibn
AbdAllah el Hindi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was forbidden visitors.

So he sent a letter to Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) through
his servant in which he announced: “You are the heir to my knowledge, my secrets,
my gifts and my lights.” When Sidi Ahmed ibn AbdAllah el Hindi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) wrote this letter, he said to his servant: “This is the one that I
have been waiting, he is my heir.” The servant exclaimed: “I have been in your
service for eighteen years and today a man has arrived from the Maghreb and you
tell me that he is your heir.” Sidi AbdALLAH (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said to him: “I was waiting for no other than him and I have no part in this


decision. ALLAH, in his Mercy, choses who He wants. If I had any part in this
decision, I would have chosen my son long ago and long before you.

So he transmitted all his knowledge, secrets and lights to Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) and then entrusted him with the education of his only
son. He wrote to him: “By the right that ALLAH has granted me over you, I ask
you to take care of my son.” He then announced that his soul would be reclaimed
on the twentieth of the month of Dhul Hijja, and this was indeed what occurred.
After his burial, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) called his son and confined himself with him. At that time, he transmitted
the secret to him, in compliance with his vow regarding the instructions of the
Sheikh. Among that which Sidi AbdALLAH (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
transmitted to Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) was a great
secret that he had to accomplish for seven days following which he would have had
the opening. However, this was on the condition that he spoke to no one and that
he isolated himself, but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret) refused to accomplish it because of these conditions.

When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) prepared to leave for
mount Arafat, he wrote to Sidi AbdALLAH el Hindi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) a letter asking him to see him in order to benefit from his blessed vision.

He answered (may ALLAH be satisfied with him): “I am not authorized to meet

anyone, but you will certainly meet the Pole after me and this will suffice you.” He
was referring to the great saint and supreme Pole (Qutb Jami’), the Ghawth Sidi
Muhammad ibn AbdelKarim Samman (may ALLAH be pleased with him) --dead
in 1775 ad/ 1189 of the hegira. He also announced, as others had done previously,
that he would attain the degree of Sheikh Abu-l-Hassan Shadhili (may ALLAH be
pleased with him).

Having accomplished the precepts of the Hajj, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) went to Medina Munawara in order to pay a
visit and contemplate at the tomb of his noble ancestor, our well beloved Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) with all the propriety and respect shown by the
Knowers. Then, indeed, he met the famous Pole of marvelous prodigies Sidi
Muhammad ibn AbdelKarim Samman (may ALLAH be pleased with him). His way


is the quintessence of three eminent paths: the Khalwatiya, the Qadariya and the
Shadhiliya. He revealed the secrets and the powers of the great men of God to
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret), and he wanted him to enter a
spiritual retreat for three days in order to complete his elevation. However,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) had to decline his proposition
for certain reasons. He gave him his permission for all the Names and revealed to
him that he was in fact the Supreme Pole of this time (Qutb Jami’) and added: “Ask
whatever you want” and Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret)
submitted his requests to which Sidi Muhammad ibn AbdelKarim Samman (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) replied fully.

After Medina Munawara and the visit of the holy Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him)’s tomb, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) returned to
Cairo to visit Sidi Mahmud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was happy to
see him again. He asked him to visit every day.

During this further stay, Sidi Mahmud el Kurdiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) submitted several different problems exposing various topics and asked him
to resolve them. The scholars of Egypt were astonished at his answers which
unraveled all kind of complexity without any ambiguity in the different domains of
knowledge. Sidi Mahmud el Kurdiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) awarded
him with a (ijaza) diploma of authorization in the Hadith including the different
Sahih in a chain linking him back to the Imam Bukhari as well as the Sunan and
other works. Before his departure, he also transmitted the path of Khalwatiyya to
him, issuing him a diploma authorizing him to initiate, educate and train his
disciples to this path. However, as usual, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret) was reticent and refused the fact of initiating and educating
disciples. Sidi Mahmud el Kurdiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reassured
him saying: “Be satisfied with transmitting the authorization and I will take
responsibility for the rest.” And this, he accepted.



During the same year that he accomplished his pilgrimage, in 1188 of the hegira, he
finally returned to the Maghreb and settled in Tlemcen. Here, he met the first of his
future disciples, the great scholar Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). He transmited the Tariqa Khalwatiya to him and appointed him
to lead the prayer, because Seyyidina (may Allah be pleased with him) did not like
to take this responsibility. Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may Allah be pleased with
him) remained his faithful companion until his death in 1224 of the hegira.

During this time in Tlemcen, certain people came to visit Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) to take him as a Sheikh and to put themselves in his
hands. However, he would say to all those to whom he gave authorization: “We are
just companions, and there is no Sheikh between us.”

In 1191 of the hegira, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
undertook a journey to Fes to pay a pious visit to Mulay Idriss (may Allah be
pleased with him). Passing through Oujda, he met one of his greatest companion,
Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him) who had joined a caravan
going to Fes and he met Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who
introduced himself to him. Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him)
had seen him in a dream two years previously, and he knew that he would become
his companion but he had forgotten. After spending two or three days together,
through his prodigy of unveiling, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) reminded him with accuracy of his dream. So his travelling companion was
impressed and Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “Know that
this encounter is all I wished for, praise be to ALLAH.”

Upon reaching Fes, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) settled
here for a while in order to visit the tomb of Sidi Mulay Idriss (may Allah be
pleased with him). During this time, he also transmitted the Khalwatiyya path to


Sidi Hajj Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and taught that which ALLAH had
revealed to him of the knowledge and the secrets of the Sunnah. When the
moment to return to Tlemcen came, and having bade farewell to Sidi Hajj Ali
Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him), he instructed him: “Hold tight to the
covenant and to love until you attain spiritual opening.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) also announced that he planned to leave Tlemcen for
another place that ALLAH would choose for him, because his spiritual state could
not be in accordance with this place where he found himself to be in a tightened
spiritual state.

So he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) returned to Tlemcen, and stayed
there for some time, until his growing reputation came to preoccupy the Bey
Muhammed ibn ‘Uthman who undertook to intimidate all those who came to him
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and particularly since he was at the head
of a great army in order to attack the cities of Laghouat and Ain Madhi. Thus,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) went towards the desert in
1196 of the hegira and stayed in the ancestral village of Bussemghun.

This ksar is named after a Pole who resided in the city where he is buried. Some say
that forty Poles lived here and that Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) would have been the fortieth. From there, he went to visit certain virtuous
Awliya in the town of Touat, with whom he exchanged knowledge and secrets,
particularly with the Knower Sidi Muhammed ibn Fudil (may Allah be pleased with
him). Then he returned to Bussemghun.

It was in this very village, when he was 46 years old, that Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) received his most precious and most majestic prodigy.
When he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had withdrawn, as was his
habit, in one of the rooms of his house, in broad daylight, he experienced his Great
Opening. At this very moment and during the awakened state, the noble Prophet
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) came to him.


In his awakened state, the Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him)
announced to him: “From now on I will be you Initiator, your Master, no other
human being can claim to be your initiator. Consequently you must abandon
everything that you have previously taken from all the paths. Nobody will be able
to reproach you for anything for it is I who will be your intermediary with ALLAH
and also your help.”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) became the custodian of the spiritual
path of the beloved Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him), the
“mother path”, i.e. the quintessence which encompasses all the other paths. It is the
Tariqa Ahmediya, Muhammadiya, Ibrahimiya, Hanifiya which contains immense
blessings never obtained within the other paths, in the same way that the
community of the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has
blessings never obtained by any other community before Islam. This is because this
path originates and receives its irrigation from the Seal of the prophets and the
messengers. Sheikh Muhieddine ibn Arabi (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“Awliya follow in the footsteps of the prophets. Each wali is following in the
footsteps of a prophet.”

Thus, each Sheikh drinks from the spiritual source of one of the prophet of
ALLAH. Of course the highest spiritual station for the Shouyoukh is that which
drinks from the highest station of the prophets which is without doubt that of the
Seal, our Master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He is the mother
source and the origin of all spiritual sources. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) went from a spiritual chain encompassing numerous masters back
to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) over several centuries, to a single,
unique and precious chain linking him directly to him (peace and blessings be upon

The merits of the path of the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) and his Caliph Sidi Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
are countless.

The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) the wird that he should transmit containing


the lights of his particular station and then he dictated the inherent conditions of
his path. He (peace and blessings be upon him) also granted him the litanies of
which the content was secret that had been specifically reserved for him, as well as
their implementation.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: « I recite no evocation if
it has not been planned and specified by the Messenger of ALLAH.”

Among the immense gifts that he receives for himself (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) as well as for his disciples, is a prayer upon the beloved Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) called Salat Fatihi.

Although he had learned and had accomplished this prayer before receiving directly
from the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in reality Salat
Fatihi and its merits had been reserved for his time. Thus, he, his disciples and
those who have received the authorization alone can benefit from the extent of its
special merits. He said: “I was performing Salat Fatihi from the time of my return
from pilgrimage until I reached Tlemcen, because I had come to know the merits
that it contained. Indeed, a single recitation of Salat Fatihi is equivalent to the
recitation of 600 000 other prayers as it has been stated in Ouird Jouyoub. Its
author narrated that it had been mentioned by Sidi Muhammad El Bakri Siddiq
(may Allah be pleased with him) who was a Pole and who had said: “Any person
who has recited it even once and who does not enter Paradise, may He catch me
and bring me before ALLAH on the Day of Judgment.” And so I evoked it
continually until I left Tlemcen for Bussemghun.

Then, I noticed another prayer that was the equivalent of 70000 recitations of
Dalail El Khayrat so I abandonned Salat Fatihi and concentrated entirely on this
prayer because of its blessings. Then, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) ordained me to continue Salat Fatihi and I asked him what were its merits. He
told me that a single recitation of Salat Fatihi was equivalent to all the glorifications
of all creation as well as all the formulas of evocation and supplication be they large
or small.

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said : Salat Fatihi is a divine act (i.e a
divine blessing) that leaves no room for human reason… Suppose there were a


hundred thousand communities and each one comprised a 100000 tribes and that
each tribe comprised 100000 men and that each one of those men lived 100 000
years and recited 100 000 prayers on the Prophet –other than Salat Fatihi- every
day. Suppose now that we gather together all the rewards of all these communities
of all this time. They would not be equivalent to the reward that comes from the
evocation of one single Salat Fatihi.

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also received another special prayer
upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) known as Djawharatul Kamal,
whose majestic formulation is a concentrate of the knowledge of the Muhamadian
Reality. Its merits and secrets are numerous. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) mentioned in a letter: “Know that ALLAH has graced us with
immense generosity by the gift of the prayer called Djawharatul Kamal. Indeed, for
all who recite it twelve times having performed complete ablutions, and then say:
“This is a gift for you O Messenger of ALLAH”, it is the same as visiting the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in his Rawda Sherifa --a place in the
mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in Medina, called the
heavenly garden-- and the same as visiting all the Awliya that have ever lived since
the exile of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) until the
accomplishment of this dhikr. Note, may ALLAH have mercy upon you, these
great favors, these invaluable precious stones that ALLAH The Generous has given
us and of which all other peoples were deprived […]”

The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave him several
specific recommendations and advice concerning the code of conduct to follow:
“Remain in this Tariqa, without withdrawing from the world nor ceasing
relationships with others men until you attain the spiritual station that is promised
to you, keeping your state, without excessive discomfort, nor difficulty, nor
excessive worship. From now on, renounce all the Saints.”

Later, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: « Indeed, we have
taken from numerous Shouyoukh, may ALLAH be satisfied with them, but
ALLAH has decreed that none of them would lead me to my goal. Thus, our chain
and our Master in this path go all the way back to the Master of Existence (peace
and blessings be upon him) and ALLAH has also decreed that our opening as well


as all that we obtain would only be realized in his hands. No other Shouyoukh hold
sway over us. And that is sufficient.”

Although until now he refused the role of Sheikh, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) became the beloved Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon
him) representative in the transmission of his path. As soon as he became the noble
depository of this heavy burden, he was filled with the sentiment of fear but also of
hope so as to be a cause of salvation for the members of the community of the well
beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). So he made it known to the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who confirmed this and revealed: “You
are the door to Salvation for all who disobey and bring harm upon themselves.”

Infused with the same state of mind, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) wrote his requests for assurance to the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him), for himself and his companions, as follows: “I request,
by the grace of our Master, the Messenger of ALLAH, assurance for me and all
those ones that I and every living person among them die in Islam and Faith. I
request that ALLAH the Most High preserve us from His Chastisement, from fear,
apprehension and fright, from all evil, from the moment of death until we are
established in Paradise and also that He forgives me and them for all our previous
sins and all those yet to come. I request that ALLAH The Most High shades us
with His throne on the Day of Judgment and that ALLAH The Most High leads us
to drink at the pool of our Master The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings
be upon him). I request that our Lord admits us to Paradise without judgement or
punishment, in the first group to enter and that our Lord establishes all in the
Iliyine of Firdaws and Adnane Paradise. I also request the Messenger of ALLAH
for assurance from ALLAH The Most High that everything that has been
mentioned in these notes for myself and all my companions be granted and that
ALLAH grants both me and them all that I have requested here and its entirety, by
a promise of Him that enable us to achieve everything that has been mentioned in
this letter.[…].”

This document was then delivered to the blessed hands of the well beloved
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in an awakened state, not in a dream.
He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Know that I assure all the requests


contained in this letter, with an infallible promise to you and them, until you are all
with me in the highest degree of Iliyine. I confirm this commitment, without fail,
for all your requests. Peace be upon you.”

During the time that he had spent in this region, Seyyidina (may Allah be pleased
with him) first resided, from 1196 to 1199 of the hegira, in the small neighboring
village of Chellala Gueblia and then, from 1199 to 1213 of the hegira, in the Ksar
of Bussemghun. The remains of the places where he used to isolate himself for
spiritual practices are still to be found in Chellala. In fact, it is here that he received
the prodigy of vision.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) related: « It
was during this famous year that the prodigy of vision was granted to me. » He was
asked to explain what was the prodigy of vision and he (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) replied: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon
him) said to me: “He who sees you on Fridays and Mondays will enter Paradise
without Judgment and without chastisement.””

Then Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) added: “I was in Chellala
when a man came to ask me: “We heard say that he who sees you on Friday or
Monday will enter Paradise without Judgment and without chastisement. Is this
true?” “It is the truth” I replied. He asked me: « Even he who sees you is changed
(altered)? » I asked him: “Did he see me?” He answered me: « Yes » So I said :
« Then he will also be admited. »” Then Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) was asked about the meaning of the word “changed” and he
answered: “It is a person who lacks rectitude.” ”

Over the years, he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) received initiation
directly from the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as well as


the order and authorization to call people to this path. To his surprising mastery of
common knowledge, an ever increasing divine knowledge was added. So then came
a period of propagation that lasted thirteen years, in this region and elsewhere,
through certain companions including Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may Allah be
pleased with him) and Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may Allah be pleased with him). People
came from far and wide to benefit from his Baraka and from that amanah with
which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had entrusted him. All
villages and tribes came to receive affiliation from him ((may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret)), whether they were virtuous people or bandits who had come to
repent and to be reformed by the grace of his lights. Thus, the knower Sidi
Muhammad ibn Fudeel (may Allah be pleased with him) who he had known at
Touat, came for affiliation to the Tariqa. Other Awliya from Oued Souf (in East
Algeria, close to Tunisian border) did likewise.

In 1201 of the hegira, when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
was visiting Ain Madhi, a group of ten people come from Oued Souf to see him.
Nine of them came from the village of Guemar and the tenth from Tazghout, a
place close to their village. Their guide was one of Seyyidina’s disciple, Sidi
Muhammad Sassi (may Allah be pleased with him) who had been affiliated to him
three years before. When they set out, Seyydina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) enjoined them to build a zawiya in Guemar. Upon reaching home, they did
their best to realize Seyyidina’s instruction.

They agreed upon a location in Tazghout. The following year, they again visited
Seyyidina who asked them: “Have you built the Zawiya?” And they replied:”Yes we
have”. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) then asked them:
“Where?” to which they replied: «In Tazghout ». Seeing Seyyidina’s insistence that
the Zawiya be built in Guemar they said to him: « Tazghout and Guemar are like
one single town.” Seyyidina answered: “ALLAH and His Prophet refuse the zawiya
to be built elsewhere than East of Guemar”. Finally, on the orders of Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi (may Allah be


pleased with him) joined them in order to designate the desired place and thus in
1204 of the hegira, the first zawiya in the history of this noble Tariqa Tidjaniya was
constructed in Guemar.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) often traveled to Ain Madhi to
visit his family, and also to Taza to see one of his young and yet so devoted and
pious companion, Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi Damraui (may Allah be pleased with
him). It was, in particular, he who, in the beginning, served as intermediary between
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Indeed, because of his great modesty,
Seyyidina was not able to speak in front of the beloved Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) and forgot everything. Finally, Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi
Damraui (may Allah be pleased with him) settled in Bussemghun, then in Ain
Madhi where he passed away in 1204 of the hegira.

The same year, on the occasion of Eid el Adha in Ain Madhi, another young man,
equally meritorious, originating from Tamacine, came to visit him accompanied by
the group from Guemar. His name was Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may Allah be
pleased with him), and upon meeting Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), he observed in him a dimension much larger than that which the ordinary
and elite could perceive. He decided to offer his life to this man who exuded this
special emanation of Divine proximity, by devoting himself at his sides and leaving
wife and children behind him with no regret.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) knew that he would confine
the responsibility for the tariqa to him after his death, and the good tidings
concerning him were numerous. So, after some time, he sent him home to prepare
his destiny, saying to him: “When you return in peace to Tamacine, busy yourself
with extending your house and prepare a place for prayer and zikr. Reserve also
places for visitors and increase construction of buildings, for you will attain an
objective such that people will come to see you from far and wide. Do not fear any
restriction from the Throne Holder, seek the help of ALLAH for this.”

His companion Sidi Hajj Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him) came frequently
from Fes to visit him and was astonished to observe the depth and breadth of his


lordly knowledge which increased from one visit to the next. He contemplated the
effect of divine effusions in him and was amazed by his face that lit up and his
speech that charmed those who listened with knowledge imperceptible even for the
most awakened minds. Those who came to him with doubt and uncertainties left
having met him with certainties and conviction. Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah
be pleased with him) also assumed the role of intermediary six months after the
death of Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi (may Allah be pleased with him) on the
authorization of the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

In Bussemghun, two of Seyyidina’s young sons, Sidi Ismail and Sidi Mukhtar (may
ALLAH be pleased with them), died at a young age. Another son, Sidi Muhammad
el Kebir (may Allah be pleased with him) whose mother was the pious lady
Mabruka, a freed servant that Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
had married, was also born here. He also married Mubarika (M’barika) another of
his freed servants. He particularly appreciated their piety and devotion. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “Blessed is the house where
Mabruka and Mubarika are.”

This order expanded considerably and rapidly, fanning the jealousy of certain
people and provoking concern for the Turkish authorities of the time who impose
unjust laws. Once again, Seyyidina’s destiny would resemble that of the well
beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Just as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had to leave Mecca and go
into exile in Medina, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) was forced to leave Bussemghun and go into exile in Fes. So, the
seventeenth of Rabi’ el Awal in the year of 1213 of the hegira, he prepared to set
out accompanied by his family via the village of Figuig, identical ksar to that of
Bussemghun. He was accompanied by Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased
with him) and Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may Allah be pleased with him). On
this sad occasion, the inhabitants of Bussemghun, men, women and children
wanted to abandon their beautiful village and follow him, but Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) consoled and requested them to


stay. Then he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “You have
my entire approval, whatever your situation, O people of Bussemghun. May
ALLAH grant you his approval.”

On this subject, the following verses were proclaimed:

“On the seventeenth day on the month of Rabi’ el Awwal, 1213 of the hegira,
Bussemghun cried
The loss of the breath of the Pole Tidjani who, of all creatures, is without doubt the
perfect irrigator,
Fes rejoiced in the arrival of Tidjani
On the sixth of Rabi’ Thani, the same year.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left his
homeland, that was suffering the oppression and the unjust law of Turkish
authorities at that time, to go to the famous town of Fes, the sanctuary of
knowledge, governed according to the Divine Law (Sharia). He took with him the
precious legacy of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): The Tariqa
Ahmediya, Muhammediya, Ibrahimiya Hanifiya.

They reached Fes on the six of Rabi Thani and Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) was sixty-three years old. On the first night, his pack animals slept
in the great courtyard of the magnificent University-Mosque of Qarawiyine. People
criticized and objected saying that they would soil the place with their urine and
their excrements. However, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
solemnly promised that this would not occur. This seemed impossible to them, by
the next day, they were surprised to see that indeed no animal had soiled the
courtyard which was nothing short of a prodigy.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was welcomed
into the parents’ house of his faithful companion Sidi Haj Harazim (may Allah be
pleased with him). Rapidly, the magnitude of his particular knowledge, the depth of


his teaching and the authentic manifestations of his prodigies would conquer more
and more hearts. The teaching that he offered sometimes at the Diwan mosque and
sometimes at Qarawiyine mosque was greatly sought after. This simple man whose
facial features were weathered by the harsh climate of the desert intrigued the
inhabitants of Fes and its scholars with their delicate and elegant appearance. Style
shortly gave way to content and the scholars of Fes had no choice but to bow
before the extent of his particular knowledge and the perspicacity of his meditation.

In the three dimensions of religion, that is to say, Islam, Iman, Ihsan, he excelled in
his mastery, his understanding and practice. Because of this, those who came across
him and had the opportunity to examine his words and deeds were filled with
admiration before what they considered to be living manifestation and realization
of the prophetic teaching. One day, one of the greatest scholars in Fes, whose
assembly was attended by people who came from far and wide, Sidi Abdrahman
ibn Ahmed Chinguiti (may Allah be pleased with him), descendant of Abu Bakr
Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) scolded a pupil who lacked respect towards
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saying: “Hush! My child, I
swear by ALLAH, the One whom there is no deity worthy of worship except He,
that I know no greater scholar than him in this world.”

Before his growing popularity, certain people felt jealous of him and frequently
denigrated him. More than anything else, they wished for him to be chased out of
Fes and began strategies aiming at accomplishing this evil scheme. Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) paid no attention for he
knew that it is by and for ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) that he had reached
there and that He was the only one who could chase him out. One day, the Sultan
at that time Mawlana Sultan Suleyman (may Allah be pleased with him), grand
guardian of the orthodoxy of religion and himself a great scholar, began to show
interest in Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He
questioned influential people around him about Seyyidina, but these people were
among the plotters and criticized him for fear that the Sultan would invite him to
attend his prestigious assembly of scholars. This assembly brought together only
the greatest shcolars in the kingdom and took place before the Sultan himself. So
however ALLAH decreed the presence, at that moment, near the Sultan, of one of
the most famous and reputable scholar of Fes and his Qadi, Sidi Abdelqader ibn
Chaqroun dead in 1219 of the hegira. He defended Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He listed his merits and


particularities of his knowledge to such an extent that the Sultan became impatient
to meet him. He also wished to shed light on the rumor claiming that he was the
direct depository of the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
and also his disciple and that he saw him in awakened state.

So, he invited him to join the scholars who formed the elite in all fields of
knowledge and to take his place in this congregation. During the exegesis of the
Sourate Nas by one the most prestigious specialist in the field, the Sultan asked
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) for his opinion
on the different statements and explanations that were being so brilliantly
presented. But Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
refuted certain words despite the objection of the speaker and presented a clear and
substantiated commentary with ample proof.

At first, the noble assembly was speechless and astonished before such prowess
and exclaimed: “By ALLAH, this is indeed the brilliant Truth!” How could a man
coming from the desert effortlessly compete with and even surprise such an
exceptional gathering of great scholars and leading figures? After his departure, the
Sultan was so full of admiration that he said to those still present: “You know the
degree and majesty of Sidi Ahmed Tidjani’s outer knowledge. Now know that in
terms of hidden knowledge, he is the mother, the father and their children at the
same time. What do you think?” They answered: “These words are true. Truth has
manifested devoid of any falsehood and all are able to see the Truth clearly.”

Then, Mawlana Suleyman (may Allah be pleased with him) knew with certainty that
the rumor claiming that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) saw the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in
a awakened state was true and he requested him persistently for a chance to meet
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also. Despite his warnings regarding
the impossibility of bearing such an encounter, the Sultan insisted until Seyyidina
yielded and gave him the conditions that needed to be met. According to his
wishes, on the day of the meeting, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) stayed with him to keep him company, but Mawlana Suleyman
was unable to bear the intense light preceding the manifestation of the well beloved


Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and he fainted before such radiance.
Upon awakening, he felt even more respect towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and asked his authorization for affiliation to
his Tariqa that had been entrusted to him by the beloved Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him).

The Sultan wished fervently for Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) to settle in Fes and offered him a beautiful dwelling known as the “dwelling
of mirrors” Dar Miraya who was among his possessions. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) hesitated and at first he declined the
Sultan’s offer, fearing that his house was part of the common heritage of the
crown. The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) authorized
him to live there and in exchange every month he would give the equivalent of the
rent in bread to the poor and this for as long as his stay in this house would last up
until his death. This is what he did.

Previously, this house had belonged to the Pole Mulay Tayeb ibn Muhammad (may
Allah be pleased with him) who was buried in Wazan. The Sultan (may Allah be
pleased with him) had bought it from the inheritors with his personal fortune that
he himself had inherited. He had renovated it and offered it to a noble person of
Fes. The lawyers at that time had witnessed this transaction, accomplished by
means of his personal wealth and it was clear that he preferred to use his own
resources. During the outbreak of plague in 1213 of the hegira, the noble to whom
it had been offered died. The Sultan (may Allah be pleased with him) shrewdly
understood that the monetary value of the house would be of more benefit to his
inheritors than the building itself and so he offered to purchase it from them. After
that, it remained empty for some time until he gifted it to Seyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret).

Two months after settling in Fes, that is to say, at the beginning of Shawwal,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) ordain Sidi
Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him) to compose this famous book
known as Djawahirou-l-Ma'ani. Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with


him) had been taking notes whilst attending Seyyidina’s teaching as had had other
companions. He had started to compile them in a book. However, at that time,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), because of the intensity of his
modesty, instructed him to destroy all the notes and and throw them away. So Sidi
Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him) complied with his instruction.
Then the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) intervened and
ordered him to restore it and reassured him thus: “This is my book and it is I who
wrote it.” So again, Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may Allah be pleased with him) collected
the notes of certain companions that were still available and this work was
completed one year later in the month of Dhul Qada in 1214 of the hegira

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) validated and certified its
content whilst he was at the Diwan mosque. The work received the title of
“Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani wa Bulugh al Amani fi Faydhi Sidi Abu-l-'Abbas Tidjani” (The
quintessence of understanding and the accomplishment of all hopes through the
effusion of Sidi Abu-l-'Abbas Tidjani). This noble book is a concentrate of both
subtle and vast knowledge dealing with dogma, exegesis, hadith, jurisprudence,
sufism as well as education and other disciplines that forever quench those who
thirst for knowledge.

In this house, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
bestowed initiation and education on his disciples. He taught and explained the
Quran and the prophetic tradition to a growing number of students of which an
impressive number of scholars, perfect awliya and spiritual masters. Many among
them were descendants of the well beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him).

Seyyidina (may Allah be pleased with him) lived in his house together with his
family and several servants to whom he was extremely attentive and showed
clemency and kindness to them. Although he himself wore clothes of average
quality, he gave clothes of best quality to his servants. He provided for their needs


with care, even more than if they had been servants of the king himself. This
consideration was noticeable and so when other citizens came across them, they
deduced: “That is surely one of Seyyidina’s servants.” For the same reasons, he
never liberated nor dismissed a servant who had lived so pleasantly in his house.
Indeed, he feared causing harm to them. Regarding this, he said: if we dismissed
this servant, he would lose the benefit that he used to enjoy with us and thus we
would be the cause of his distress.”

One day, while walking in the streets of Fes, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) noticed some badly dressed slaves, who appeared to be unhealthy
and their clothes shabby, although it was the middle of winter. So he said: “It
would not be pleasing to ALLAH that the masters of these servants would even
smell the scent of Paradise.”

When he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wanted to liberate servants,
which he frequently did in large numbers, he purchased them and then having
established the sales documents, he immediately drew up the acts of liberation
without them entering his home.

Then he provided to each freed slave with a sum of money so that he would be
able to begin a new life. One day, in this way, he freed twenty-five people. On
another occasion, in the space of one day, he acquired seventeen slaves that he
liberated immediately.


One day, a man who was among a group of liberated slaves, asked: « Where is he
who bought and then liberated me? » Seyyidina was informed of this and said:
« Bring him to me ». When he came before him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), this recently liberated slave asked: « Is it actually you who liberated me?
Seyyidina said yes. The person declared: « I give myself to your service ». And
Seyyidina accepted his request. As a result of his company and his sincere service to
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he obtained vast spiritual
favours and in particular the possibility to see the beloved Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him). When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
appeared in front of him, he would say: « Know that I am Muhammad ibn
AbdALLAH, Allah’s messenger. This servant was actually the well-known Sidi
Boujama (may Allah be pleased with him) who, like all of Seyyidina’s servants had
received the Tariqa from his hands and obtained the opening of the doors to

Also among Seyyidina’s servants were Sidi Bilal, Sidi Mess’ud, Sidi Baraka, Sidi
Mehdi, Sidi Salim Seghir, Sidi ‘AbdAllah…

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was so attentive to their
wellbeing that he married each of them to one of the female servants of the
household and this preoccupation included the domestic animals, for he never left
a male or a female without a partner. He warned his disciples on this matter saying:
« The man who owns a servant that he does not want, but does not allow her to
marry someone else, may just as well put aside his rosary, nothing connects us
anymore. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was gentle and
lenient with their mistakes, mindful of repairing their errors with justice when
required. Once, one of his young servants hit someone and broke his tooth. The
affaire was brought before the Judge who told them: « Seyyidina has more right
than me to judge this incident and so I urge to go and see him. » The official took
them both and entered Seyyidina’s house. Seyyidina took out fifty-two big riyals
saying to the victim : « Take this and if you want more, you will have more ».

But he refused and said: « I forgive him for you ». Seyyidina repeatedly requested
him to accept and each time he answered: « I forgive him for you. » until finally he
accepted two riyals and gave them to the official. Then they returned to see the
judge and informed him of the situation. The judge exclaimed: « May ALLAH be
satisfied with Seyyidina who is most fitting to bring justice. Then he instructed the
man to go to the judicial officer and registered the transaction and to address the
receipt to Seyyidina, who following this incident did not admonish him.


Daily provisions of Seyyidina’s household were considerable to the extent that

people who did not know him thought that these provisions were intended for
several households. He stocked commodities for a whole year: cereals, oil, honey
and fruits in sufficient quantity for all his family and his guests, so as to offer
abundant meals with generosity and magnanimity. His aim was to satisfy them and
to shower upon them the blessings of their Lord, and not with a view to luxury and
refinement. He sometimes said that if it was not for his consideration for them and
his willingness to put himself at their level of understanding, by protecting them
from the desire to own that which belongs to others, he would have no provision.
He himself took one meal per day in the middle of the morning. He ate a little and
gave the rest away.

He provided for the needs of his guests, the weak and the needy in search of
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) among those who kept his company, and in
addition to this, those whose expenses he covered, and all those who came to his

He provided for the needs of countless people. Speaking of ALLAH’s blessing on

him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he once said: « If I wanted to
provide seventy thousand households, then, no doubt, I would have done it. »

A full load of wheat hardly sufficed for two or three days, and when large
delegations of visitors attended there was no way to quantify. Despite this, he never
worried however many visitors he had. It was his habit to satisfy people of his
household before offering to his guests. On the other hand, if he had reserved a
dish for his guests and there was not enough for his family, he never failed to


prepare more for them. Indeed he was careful not to favour one duty over another.
If any food remained, he looked for someone to finish it immediately. If he sent
food outside that had been intended for his guests and that they had not finished,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave the rest as alms. In this
way, none of the food that he offered for the sake of ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) came back to his house.

He spoke about giving and receiving. He emphasized that this should be

performed solely by ALLAH and for ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). He
also stipulated that giving and receiving for any other than ALLAH would result in
misfortune. Then he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) claimed:
“Whosoever gives me something for my own sake will only reap misfortune.”

One time, he was questioned on the reason why he frequently refused donations
whereas the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself accepted them and
he said: “Before, donations were donations, but these days they become bribes.”

One day, a man came to him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and said :
« O my Master! I offer you this part of my money, out of love for you and as a
ransom.” Seyyidina accepted his offer and held it in his hands. Then, the man
whispered in his ear: “O my Master, please do this and that for me!” Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “Take back your
money!” and he refused.

It was his habit to give alms both day and night. Every week, he distributed wheat
to the needy in the area, of which the weak, the orphans, the widows, all the
destitute according to their situation. In the same way, in the early morning of the
festival of Eid, he used to give away bread to the children on his doorstep. He did
the same for all those among his companions who were unable to provide for
themselves and help them financially. He spent fortunes and considerable
donations far more than any rich merchant and this was only a glimpse of the many
signs and prodigies of ALLAH and Muhammadiyan blessing among those inherited
from the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). People who were
afflicted by the disease of doubt spread the rumour that he was using alchemy and
when they saw the huge pile of coal needed to provide for the household, they
claimed that he was transforming it into gold.


So Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah be pleased with him) was constantly caring
to all. Whether they were townsfolk or Bedouins, he considered them like his own
children, or like his brothers or like friends. Even the animals received their part of
his generosity, for every evening he sent one of his servants out to feed the
neighbourhood cats.

When the treasurer of the household passed away, his children came to return a
considerable sum of gold that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) had entrusted to their father. He refused to take it back and offered
all of it to them saying: “Your father, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, stayed
with us for many years. Keep this money for you, it is of no importance.”

He considered everything he possessed as a deposit from ALLAH for which he

was responsible and he used to say: “Money is the exclusive property of ALLAH! I
am but his treasurer, compelled to manage and administrate His Wealth.

He encouraged his disciples to be generous saying to them: “Among the best

voluntary deeds a servant can accomplish is daily alms, however little.” He was
extremely discrete and most of the time he did not want the beneficiaries to know
that he was the author of the donation. Often, he would assign someone to convey
it, instructed him to say nothing on this matter. This attitude intended to preserve
the needy and to uplift his aspiration. In this way, he would give thanks to his Lord
and would not be attached to the person through whom ALLAH had sent this gift.

Each and every one of his companions had at one moment or another, benefited
from his donations, gifts, favours and blessings. In every act, every word, every
impetus of the heart, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) carefully purified their intention. Once in an assembly, Seyyidina said: “He
who loves me for ALLAH The Most High and his messenger may love me thus, as
for he who loves me for his own interest, then, by ALLAH, and there is no other


God but Him, I have nothing more than an ordinary man, and nothing else.” Then
Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may Allah be pleased with him) seized the opportunity
to kiss his foot while he was distracted saying: “Welcome to this ordinary man
thanks to whom his companions have surpassed the greatest Poles.” Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “That is true but what is this to

For himself and his family, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
judged according to the Sunnah, he made it his reference for each and every act and
state. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to say: “All good comes
from following the Sunnah, and all evil comes from disobeying it.”

In his house, no act disrespectful of the Sunnah was committed. He turned his
family away from all the customs and innovations that were fashionable at that
time. Similarly, when he noticed behaviour that was not in accordance with the
Law, he informed the person concerned or scolded him if he had done it
deliberately, saying: “Is this what we are taught by the Sunnah?”

One day, someone came to greet him and once in Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) presence, threw himself on the floor to kiss the ground
in an act of veneration. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to
him: “You have just committed and act of disbelief.” You must say: “I affirm that
there is no God other than ALLAH and that Muhammad is the Messenger of

In all his exhortations and everything that he wrote, he reminded the necessity to
follow the Sunna, as per the following advice: “I advise you to fear ALLAH both
interiorly and exteriorly and to follow the Sunnah whether it is near or far or
exceptional, in words and deeds and to take the Sunnah for authority in each
situation […].”

For those who follow him, at all times, he left the following golden rule: “Weigh
the words that are attributed to me on the scales of the Sharia. Accept what is in
conformity and reject what is not.”


He received immeasurable strength, accomplishing prophetic actions, equal to the

abundance of his lights and the intensity of his state which is the very origin of the
Knowledge. “As for knowledge, the method of accessing it is to follow the Prophet
(peace and blessing be upon him) in all his words, acts, states, characteristics,
observing the Divine Rights in public and in private, accomplishing everything
sincerely for ALLAH, with no alteration from things of this world or the Hereafter.
All this should be accomplished solely in order to exalt ALLAH and magnify Him,
with approval [“on the mat of approval”] and submission, relying on Him, counting
on Him (may he be glorified) for everything, turning to Him for everything.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) once spoke about the case of a
group of well-known innovators who dishonestly claimed to be Sufis, saying:
“ALLAH has prescribed for them deceit in this world and Fire in the next.”

Through his spiritual state and his words, he made sure to eliminate pretention and
curiosity and constantly oriented people in this way.

He accomplished all the obligatory and voluntary deeds, including the best of them,
without any distraction or negligence. He was careful to perform the prayers at the
appropriate time and in congregation, attentive to the perfection of the bow and
the prostration. He accomplished them sublimely, in the most perfect manner
peacefully, with serenity and properness towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted), like the prayer of all respectful knowers. One day, a scholar came to meet
him and when he arrived, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
performing the prayers with his companions. He was so fascinated/captivated by
their manners and attitude that he said: “By ALLAH, certainly, this is the prayer of
the pious ancestors (Salaf Salih) that is no longer to be found.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) advised : « Be extremely

careful not to fall into perdition into which careless people who do not pay
attention to the perfect performance of their prayer fall.”

He was especially vigilant regarding sincerity while performing deeds and more
particularly the prayer. One day, in a desert village, during the Friday prayer,


because of Seyyidina’s presence in the ranks, the presiding Imam extended the
recitation considerably. When the Imam had completed the prayer, Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked him: “Is this the way you usually pray?”
He replied: “No.” So Seyyidina said to him: “You should begin your prayer again.”
And so he did.

To illustrate the evil side of receiving a salary in return for leading the prayer, or any
other pious deed such as the Azan, bearing witness, teaching knowledge, and
issuing legal pronouncement (Fatwa), Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) said: “There was an Imam who used to receive a salary for the prayer and
gave it to the poor as alms. When he died, the questioning angels came to him but
he remained petrified and voiceless, not knowing what he should answer to them
and it seemed to be inevitable that he was on the point of undergoing terrible
hardships. At this critical moment, a good looking person appeared to him and
dictated the answers. Then, when the two angels left, he asked: “By ALLAH, who
are you?” The person answered: “I am your pious deeds.” So the Imam said:
“Where were you?” and the person replied: “It is because you received a salary for
your role as Imam.” The Imam answered: “I swear by ALLAH that I did not use it
for myself one single time in my whole life, I gave it as alms.” So the person
explained to him: “Know that if you had used it, you would never have seen me.””

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) once said: “Even if I was
offered everything I wanted, I would not have accomplished a single prayer in
return for a salary.”

He who knew Seyyidina’s state did not dare to stand next to him in the prayer line
for fear of disturbing him. He often incited people to celebrate the prayer on time
in congregation and also encouraged them to remain awake at night to perform
adoration, especially its last part (in the pre-dawn). He insisted on this matter and
motivated them to put into practice the following advice: “This is the moment
when mercy descends and it is in this period that the opportunities for salvation
arise. He who ALLAH awakens during this period of time is certainly invited to
benefit from His Mercy. ”


Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was kind-hearted and showed
clemency to all Muslims, and smiled at everyone he met. Each and every person felt
himself to be closest to him because of his consideration, his kind words and
thoughtful attitude to such an extent that the unfortunate person meeting him
forgot his sadness which disappeared in his presence.

He encouraged sincere love and brotherhood, warning against verbal pretention,

saying: “A hunter caught three partridges. He tied two up and sacrificed the third
and began to pluck it. Now a disease caused his eyes to weep. One of the partridges
looked at him and said to the other: “This poor man’s heart has softened for us,
maybe he will release us.” The other one answered: “How do you know that?” And
it replied: “I have just seen him crying” So the other one said: “Look at what he is
doing with his hands and do not look at his eyes.””

He gave of himself without counting and put himself at his family’s service,
accomplishing every task however difficult. He also did not like to be treated
differently and considered himself equal to others. He used to say: “Maybe ALLAH
will grant us His Mercy along with all Muslims.”

Once, somebody praised him, saying: “You see the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) in an awakened state and you said this and that…” Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “Indeed, that is true. However our
aspiration to be Muslim never ceases, and by ALLAH, we have not yet truly tasted

A famous poet from Tlemcen also wrote him a letter containing a laudatory poem.
He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) hastened to answer the following:
“Know, O Sidi, I am far from the praise with which you have honoured me. By
ALLAH, and there is no other divinity than Him, we have none of that. ”


I even consider myself drowning in the ocean of disobedience and ignorance. But,
ALLAH the Highest has taken hold of me with His Grace and His Mercy without
which they would be no bigger loss than ours. As for you, may ALLAH reward you
for your kind thought towards us.

He recognised the right of people over him, and on this matter, he (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) said: “We have never been able to entirely offer their
rights to those that we know, and this we would never be able to do.”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: « The true believer
perceives the rights of creation over him and observes that he has no right over
others. »

His behaviour towards those whose intention was to harm him, was to forgive
them and to hold no grudge. He found excuses for them all the time watching
them with the eye of Truth. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to
say: “When I see people I consider that they are subject to the unfolding of
ALLAH’s decrees, so I forgive them.” Indeed, these reproaches are the
consequences of a lack of contemplation of the order of the instruction coming
from ALLAH which is undoubtedly accomplished. ”

He had so much compassion towards them that he sent a letter to the well beloved
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) through the intermediary of the noble
Muhammad ibn Arabi Damraoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in which he
expressed the following request: “In the name of ALLAH The Most Gracious, The
Most Merciful and may be the prayer of ALLAH be upon our Master Muhammad
and his family. O my Master, I beseech your total protection for ever and eternally
from your anger for all those who hate me, or for all those with whom I have been
angry and for all those who are irritated with me, or with whom I could be irritated
because, my dear Master, I’m very afflicted by your anger towards these people
because of me.” The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
answered him through the intermediary of Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi Damraoui
(may ALLAH be pleased with him): “Know that I will only be angry with he who
insults you, you and Tidjani, wishing for your downfall. On the Day of Judgement,
I will show anger for he who does this or who demonstrates hostility towards you.
As for he who loves you, he is among the people of Salvation. He will be the first
for whom I will intercede on the Day of Judgment and he will not be judged […]”


When one of his companions complained about an injustice caused by another, he

appeased this disagreement and encouraged indulgence and forgiveness. He also
encouraged him to concentrate on himself and whatever concerned him. Indeed he
disapproved of the obstinate self-protection of certain people; similarly he disliked
those who spent their time slandering. He also reproved the ingrained brutality and
insensitivity of some people. One day, somebody misappropriated a thousand riyals
belonging to him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and as a result, this
person was humiliated by the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) because of this. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) took a leaf of paper and wrote: “Praise be to ALLAH, Ahmed ibn
Muhammed Tidjani, certifies himself that he has taken so and so as a beloved
which no sin can break, and no deed can separate whatever he may have done.”
Then he gave this to the person who was the object of the mockery who became
the envy of all present.

Undoubtedly, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) always sought to
be discrete and proned to discretion and reserve. He gave himself up to oblivion
and detachment, paying no attention to the creation whether it rushed towards him
or, on the contrary, it showed him total indifference. He avoided meeting
distinguished men and holders of authority and warned against seeking their
company, saying: “Indeed, this is one of the test of religion.” He disliked intensely
being known except by he who was sincere and whose visit was solely for the Sake
of ALLAH. In this case, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
wished him well, encouraged and advised him. Among the examples of his
renunciation of honours was his categorical refusal to meet certain governors who
had requested his presence.

Among the evident characteristics of his inner propriety with regards to His Lord
and Master The Most High, manifested in all his words and deeds, was that he left
all decisions to ALLAH. And he demonstrated this to such an extent that when he
invoked ALLAH for himself or on behalf of another about a case for which the


outcome was unknown or unsure, his invocation consisted in requesting the

general good from ALLAH.

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) often said: « I invoke solely with my
tongue, as for my heart, it is submitted to ALLAH.”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also used to say: « I desire nothing! I
ask for nothing! Do as you wish! And decree what you want!

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asserted: « Indeed, with my tongue,
I’m only satisfying the request of the creatures and nothing more, so as not to
break their hearts.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught his companions that
what ALLAH chooses for his servant was certainly preferable to that which the
servant would choose for himself. »

Concerning the invocations stipulated by the Revelation and the exhortation,

disapproval, proximity and connection to ALLAH that they contain, or those that
encompass the qualities of servitude such as the manifestation of great need,
adulation, supplication, submission to ALLAH The Glorified, and those that
concern the request for repentance, pardon, mercy, acceptance of all that comes
from ALLAH The Highest, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
incessantly recited them verbally and wholeheartedly saying: “Indeed, the choice is
none other than ALLAH’s, because its accomplishment is ordained by the
Revelation.” He often repeated this invocation: “May ALLAH accept you through
His Grace and Approval.”

As a matter of propriety, he never engaged discussion about the orientations that

are relative to the Decrees of ALLAH, The Glorifed and The Most High, nor
opposed whatever occurred, or ever hoped that something occurring would not.
He considered this behaviour to be an opposition to ALLAH, and a lack of
politeness towards Him. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used
to recount a well-known story about a king in times gone by as follows:
« A king had a young servant who was very dear to him and so his officers
questioned him. Consequently, he wanted to demonstrate his superiority. He took
out an immensely precious stone and ordered them to break it. All of them advised
him to keep it. Then, he ordered the young servant to break the stone which he did
there and then with no hesitation. Following this act, the king strongly scolded him,
but the servant’s only reaction was to implore the king, saying: “O my lord! O my
master!” At that moment, the Sultan said to the others: “As for you, first of all, I
gave you this order and you sought to reason with me but if you had broken it and
then I had blamed you, you would undoubtedly have contested me saying: “But it is
you who ordered us to do it.” Whereas this servant obeyed first and implored me


afterwards. That is why I love him.” And such was the inner propriety of Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).


Thus, since his encounter with the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be
upon him), in Bussemghun, He constantly followed his teachings and education
throughout the following years in all circumstances until the day that had been
announced and predicted so often during the course of his life, when he was raised
up to the supreme rank of the Qutbaniya el ‘Oudhma, in the month of Muharam in
the year 1214 of the hegira.

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was present at his
sides for this prodigious event wrote a brief description. He said: “After the
mention of the name of ALLAH and the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) and the praise, then, among the facts that I witnessed in the
company of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) on the night of
Sunday the 12th Muharam in the year 1214 of the hegira, approximately one and a


half hours into the second part of the night, occurred Seyyidina’s elevation to the
station of Grand Caliph.

This happened on month Arafat (near Makkah) shortly before dawn. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) took my hand and we walked a few steps
(prodigious steps) and we arrived at Mount Arafat. No one else was present with
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) except his Caliph (that is to say
himself). At this moment, a green light descended from the True like an enormous
lamp until a sort of green chechia was posed upon his head. He has worn it ever
since and this is the sign that he has been raised to his specific station.” Then, they
left mount Arafat and returned in as short a time.

One of the characteristics of this station is the gift to the Pole of the Supreme
Absolute Name of ALLAH, which is the particular name of the Divine Essence,
and this protects him against the dispossession that is so much feared by the
knowers and awliya.

Preceding this consecration and despite an exemplary path worthy of the greatest
heirs of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and in spite of the
good tidings from the greatest knowers and masters, he was saddened because he
did not feel up to his aspiration. He said (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret):
“I have wasted my life without benefit.” When he said this to his faithful
companions Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), he answered: “How could be you sorrowful when since the very beginning
you have received confirmation that you would attain the Qutbaniya el ‘Udhma?”
He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “That is true but I saw
nothing in myself that could reassure me until I received the Absolute Supreme
Name.” Sidi Muhammed ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked
him: “Is this the one that you received from so-and-so or such-and-such?”
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “No, this is the one that
has been given to me by the Master of Existence who informed me of its great

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) explained that the Pole is the
supreme representative of ALLAH the Most High, his absolute emissary for the
entirety of creation, globally and in all its detail, in each most infinite particle. He is
in charge of the accomplishment of the True, in total inner and outer servitude.


Indeed, it is through him that each one of his servants is able to glorify ALLAH, to
adore Him and prostrate before Him, and it is also thanks to him that the other
secret orientation took place. In other words, the pole is to all creatures that which
the soul is to the body. This strength comes from the secret of the Supreme Name
and the flux of this Name in the whole universe. It is through this Secret that he
obtained audience at the divine high court, wholly respectful of that which he owes
Him and at all times fulfilling all the rights inherent to the sublime manifestations
of the Names, Attributes and Essence of ALLAH. It is to the Pole that ALLAH
manifested Himself through His Reality, because he is the veil, by delegation of
Muhammadian Reality, between divine reality and the whole of creation. ALLAH
irrigates him with the knowledge of pre-existence and infinite pre-eternity and he is
the depository of the divine Law (Shari’a) in ever age.

Hence, no veil could ever come between him and the well beloved Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him). In every part of the visible world where the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) moves, this perfectly stable vision of him is
never hidden from the Pole of Poles.

The station of Supreme Pole is unique to each era and has different degrees: all
those who have attained it are not equal. The highest level is the sceal of degrees
(Khatm al Maqamat) that ALLAH grants solely to His chosen one among the
Muhammadian Pole. Several Supreme Poles have attained the seal of degrees of the
Supreme Qutbaniya during and for their time, but only one of them attained this
degree for all times and this is the Great Sceal of Muhammadian Sainthood.

The holder of this unique station could only appear in Fes because it is in this holy
city that the continuous emanations of his essence that had been sensed and
encountered by Sheikh ibn ‘Arabi el Hatimi (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
were to be found. In particular, he declared: “The Sceal of Muhammadian
sainthood belongs to an occidental man of noble origin. He is present at this time, I
met him in Fes in the year 595 of the hegira.” I noticed that the sign characterizing
him was hidden from his servants by ALLAH.”


Following this, Sheikh ibn ‘Arabi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) wrote a book
on the subject of the exceptional characteristics of the Seal of Muhammadian
Sainthood entitled « 'Anqaou Maghreb fi khatmi Aouliya wa Chams el Maghreb »
specifying his Kuniya (nickname) was Aboul Abbas. This kuniya is used by Arab
writers and poets preceding the name “Ahmed”. He also explained that the Seal of
Muhammadian Sainthood would be tested by a great number of his detractors just
as was the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was tested by
the hypocrites. Obviously, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
achieved two unique stations in the spiritual hierarchy of the saints in this city: that
of the Khatmiya (The Seal of the Saints which closes/seals definitively the degrees
of sainthood) and that of Katmiya which he attained on the 18th day of the month
of Safar in the same year. He is the spiritual intermediary between the prophets and
the awliya.

Here is an explanation of Sidi ‘Arbi ibn Saih (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
who was one of the great scholars and renowned knower of the Tidjaniya tariqa.

« As for the Khatmiya: this is a station above all other stations of sainthood. There
is no other station of sainthood above this. The holder of this station is the irrigator
of all the saints (awliya) and each and every one of them draws only from his ocean
and obtains lights only from his source.

So he is the one who irrigates all the saints and this even before, as well as after, his
relative existence was extracted from his real existence, in the same way that all the
prophets are irrigated by the Master of Existence even though their relative
existence preceded his.

This is because the irrigation comes from his reality as he (peace and blessings be
upon him) has said: « I was already a Prophet when Adam was between water and
clay”, that is to say that he was already a Prophet working in the spirit world, aware
of his prophetic mission.

Thus, the spirits of the prophets were irrigated in that world by his perfect and
sanctified Ahmediyan Reality when they themselves were not conscious of their
prophecy and were unable to act. He was certainly already prophet in the
knowledge of ALLAH.


The same applies to /goes for the Muhammadian heir of perfect inheritance. He
was already a wali working in the spirit world and aware of his station of sainthood,
whereas the other awliya only became aware of their sainthood after having attained
it in this world, having obtained their body and their relative existence, henceforth
characterized through him.

The katmiya signifies that its holder possesses a hidden reality, characterized by that
which constitutes the summum of saintly qualities. This reality is known by no
other than ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), his Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) and by the holder who was himself informed by the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him).

Indeed, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) narrated: « He told me
that I was the hidden Pole: this came directly from him to me in an awakened state
and not in a dream.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
asked: “What does the hidden pole mean?” and he (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) answered: “He is the one that ALLAH has hidden from all His
creatures up to and including the angels and the prophets, with the exception of
the Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him) who knows him and his

Then Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asserted that he himself
held all that has been obtained by the awliya with regard to divine perfections and
who gathers them together […]. »

Similarly, regarding his station, (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had
revealed, as instructed by the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him): “The poles are to me what ordinary people are to the poles.”

Thus Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is at the top of the
spiritual ladder and above him are only the prophets and the companions of our
generous Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He is the hidden
pole who will be revealed to all the saints on the Day of Judgment through a voice
claiming: “O people gathered here! Here is the guide through whom you have been
irrigated since the beginning of creation and until now. ”

He explained as follows the role of the hidden pole: « Every saint drinks and is
irrigated only from our ocean, from the time of creation, until the day when the
trumpet of the last judgement will be blown.”


He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: « All the fluxes that
emanate from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are gathered by the
essences of the Prophets and all that emanates and arises from those essences are
gathered into my essence and from me it is divided among all the creatures, from
the beginning of the world until the day when the trumpet will be blown. I have
also received particular knowledge from the Prophet without any intermediary.”

In one of his letters, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) wrote: “By his Grace and Kindness, ALLAH The Most High, may He be
glorified, has granted me – although I have no merit (before Him) – that which he
has not granted to any other Shouyoukh nor anyone else after us. This was decreed
by Him in Pre-existence, praise and profuse gratitude to Him: “And ALLAH gives
His Blessings to whom He wills without account.” (Surat 02, verse 212)

These words were stated with the intention of offering the disciple the possibility to
understand the importance and the worth of the blessings that ALLAH has granted
to the owner of this spiritual degree, attained by no other saints, and thus to be
grateful to ALLAH.

ALLAH, The Glorified, The Exalted, said: “And proclaim the Grace of your Lord”
(Surat 93, verse 11)

In the same way, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said: “I was
already a Prophet when Adam was between water and clay.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: « I will be the first to be
resuscitated on the Day of resurrection. I will be the orator before the gathering of
the resuscitated and the bringer of the good tiding when they have lost hope.
Without any pretention, I hold the banner of praise to God. I will be the first to ask
and to obtain intercession. I will be the first to knock on the door of Paradise and
to receive authorization to enter and I will enter with the impoverished believers.
Without any pretention, I am the most meritorious of all the children of Adam with
my Lord.”


Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: « These two feet of mine
are on every nape of the neck of each wali.”

His eminent companion Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) pointed out that Sidi Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) had said something very similar to which Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) answered: “He was perfectly right but he was referring
to the awliya of his time. As for me I am saying that these two feet of mine have
never ceased to be on the nape of the neck of each wali.”
Concerning the role and the degree of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: « All of
the saints receive the influx of the Prophets through his intermediary without being
aware of it.”


Before the blessed Zawiya was built, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and his companions gathered in the corridor in front of
the door to his house and sometimes in certain mosques to perform the Wazifa
together. Then, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordain to Seyyidina
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) to build the blessed zawiya and for that he
should choose the best and most pure location.

Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (qu’Allah sanctifie son précieux secret) inspecta une ruine se
trouvant dans un quartier nommé Dardas et qui, de nos jours, porte le nom de
Blida. Il s'agissait d'une ruine où il y avait un grand figuier. Cette ruine était si
effrayante que personne n'osait y entrer seul à l'intérieur. Il est dit, qu'à certains
moments, il était possible d'y entendre des voix dont l'écho pouvait être assimilé à
une assemblée récitant du Dhikr. C'était également le lieu de visite des Majadhib
(Les ravis en Dieu). Le célèbre Majdhoub Sidi Lahbi (qu’Allah l’agrée) accolait son


oreille sur la porte et disait aux passants : « Venez écouter le Dhikr ». Seïdina
(qu’Allah sanctifie son précieux secret) a choisi donc cet endroit qu'il acheta avec
son argent, pur et licite.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) visited a ruin in
a quarter known as Dardas and which is nowadays called Blida. In the ruin, there
was a large fig tree. This ruin was so scary that nobody dared to enter it alone. It is
said that at certain times, it was possible to hear voices of which the echo sounded
like a gathering reciting the zikr. The Majadhib also visited this place. The
renowned Majdhoub Sidi Lahbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) put his ear to
the door and said to the passers-by: “Come and hear the zikr.” So Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) chose this place and purchased it with his own
personal and lawfully acquired funds.

When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) decided to begin the
construction, certain people of Fes gathered to prevent him and brought the matter
before the emir Maoulana Souleïman (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the emir
of the believers. He (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had witnessed the
prodigies of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and consequently,
not only did he ordain the construction but in addition he sent two pouches of
money and all the necessary for this undertaking. Seyyidina refused this gift and
sent it back (return it) to the Sultan explaining that he had no need of it and said:
“The matter of the Zawiya is taken care of by ALLAH directly.” Nonetheless, the
noble Sultan insisted that he keep the pouches of money and so Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) accepted them but refused to use
them for the expenses of the Zawiya and gave all the money to the poor and the

The construction of the Zawiya began the 4th of Rabi’ el Awwal in the year 1214 of
the hegira (1799 ad).

At the beginning of the construction, Seyyidina forbade access and then,

accompanied by some of the elite among his companions, he engraved the greatest
of Supreme Names on the stone and just after it he wrote: “O my God I beseech


you, O my Master by the Truth of the greatest of Your Supreme Name, to protect
my companions from Qaf to Qaf.” Then he instructed for it to be buried in the
foundation of one of the pillar which has since be known as the golden pillar.

During the work, Seyidina was informed that some of the construction workers,
who hated him, were wasting the building material by exaggerating the quantities.
The intention was to generate supplementary expenses and sabotage the
completion of the construction. Seyyidina paid no attention to their actions as if he
had seen nothing. When certain companion, who had also noticed this, questioned
Seyyidina about this situation, he answered: “Let them do it, because by thinking
that they are deceiving us, in truth, they are being of service to us, and the Zawiya is
taken care of by ALLAH Himself.” With every increase of their action, Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) became more joyful and spent even
more. The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed four
of the companions to supervise the building of the blessed Zawiya of Fes. They
were not to leave it, except in case of need or necessity for the full duration of the

When the Zawiya was built, the majdoub Sidi Lahbi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) said: “Fes, and especially Dardas, has been reinforced.” Later, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) bought the surrounding
land and among his acquisitions was a house which belonged to a woman. When
this lady was solicited by people jealous of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) seeking to prevent her from conceding anything to Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he compensated her generously. The Prophet
instructed (peace and blessings be upon him) that she should be largely
compensated and he (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Seyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “I want nobody else to take
ownership of this place.”


It is said that ,once, when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
sitting in the blessed Zawiya with some companions, he stood up, and so did they,
then Seyyidina stood on the doorstep and looked out to the left and to the right
then he smiled and returned inside the Zawiya. His companions asked the reason
for his smile to which Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) replied: “I was looking at the size of the Zawiya and its extent to the left and
to the right. It will expand on the right as far as Djiniyara road and on the left as far
as Larandja Mosque and it will have eight doors.” Since this prediction, the Zawiya
has been extended more than four times because of the ever increasing number of
those who joined the Tariqa and, on the right, it has reached the road in question,
and already has three doors.

It should be known that this blessed place has merits that place it above any other
Zawiya. Speaking of its merits, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “If the great knowers knew the merit contained in this Zawiya, they would
come and erect their tents here.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) would often speak of the worth of the Zawiya, encouraging people to come
and pray here. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “The prayer in
the Zawiya is accepted without any doubt.” Among the particularities of this
blessed Zawiya is the fact that it is forbidden to burry anyone here through respect
and in order to preserve its purity. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) strongly emphasized this point going as far as to say: “He who is buried in
the Zawiya will be devoured by Fire.” It should be known also that five wells were
dug in the Zawiya, there was also a library belonging to Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and a room where he prepared medicinal potions from

In the year 1215 of the hegira, Seyyidina’s second son, Sidi Muhammad Seghir (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), commonly called “Muhammad el Habib” was born.
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) lost other children in Fes of
which a boy, Sidi Khalifa, and a girl, Sayda Fatima. In the face of trials (ordeals) and
difficulties that even well anchored mountains would be unable to bear, his
patience and tolerance were uncheckable; regarding the spiritual attitude and the


propriety of the elite, he used to say: “The great one (the man of God) sees the
divine gift coming from far away. He prepares the most beautiful the most
attractive finery and embellishments with which he welcomes and adorns it. Then
this returns to ALLAH in the most perfect of situations.” So, the terms “the most
attractive finery and embellishments” express acceptance, approval, patience, and
the most beautiful propriety required by the adab, in accordance to that which is
station allows him to accomplish and realize. As for the term “divine gift”, this
expresses great misfortunes and physical diseases, effusions that correspond to his

In his household, diseases roamed incessantly, night and day, to which he himself,
and the children and other members of his household fell victim. His conduct
served as an exhortation for those who came to complain to him, he comforted
them and advised them patience, explaining to them that this temporary abode had
only been created with a view to trials and tribulations.

In his eightieth year, in 1230 of the hegira, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) knew that he had reached the end of his life, as he had been
informed by the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
However, one task remained to be accomplished, that of marrying his two noble
children. He instructed one his closest companion: “Call our friends tomorrow and
if ALLAH wishes, you will arrange the marriage between Muhammad el Kebir and
my brother’s daughter Fatima.” You will represent me for both of them. Likewise,
call Sidi Ahmed ibn Mussa Turki and his sister Hasna. You will conclude her
marriage to Sidi Muhammad Seghir. Sayda Fatima was the daugher of his younger
brother Sidi Muhammad.

She lived in Fes with her uncle as his ward. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) has also welcomed into his home and taken responsibility for Sayda
Hasna following the death of her father who was one of his special companions.

Only a few days after this happy event, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) was affected by a disease that would bring about his death. He
asked for the Daliya of Boussairi to be brought to him, but this poem could not be


found in Fes. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) ordained
some of the elite among his companions to go to the town of Meknes. When they
found it and brought it back, Seyyidina instructed them to read it to him. After the
reading, he did not speak to anybody.

Three days before passing away, during the night, he called for two of his greatest
caliph Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and Sidi Hajj Ali ibn
Hajj Issa Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who had come to visit him.
He requested them to be accompanied by the illustrious Muqaddam Sidi Tahar ibn
AbdSadaq (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and Sidi Ahmed ibn Suleiman
Tazghuti (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and one other person.
He announced his imminent departure and Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) was moved: “I am your servant, I have become attached to your
company, and I cannot bear to be separated from you. Your words are heavy and
terrible and they break my heart.” He broke into tears before Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who answered him: “Why are you crying. This
verdict is inevitable and it is impossible for any creature to escape it. Be patient and
your patience comes only from ALLAH. Be strong in yourself. I have established
you as my lieutenant and substitute. I make you heir to my secret and I have
delegated to you all my instructions concerning my children, my wives, my servants,
my companions and my beloved among the people of the path. Our Lord will
sustain you for this, may He be glorified and exalted.” He also said: “Our concern
(Tariqa) is transmited from living being to living being and you are my lieutenant
for this when I am gone.”

Finally, he ordained them on that day that the following day, without delay, they
should go from Fes to the Mount Zabib. In this way, Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) received his direct inheritance (khilafat) and an
unlimited diploma, contrary to that which he had been authorized so far. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wrote this by his own blessed hand, as
well as his instructions concerning his children and all the people of the path.

On his penultimate day, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked
one of his companions: “Bring me five companions to spend the night with me”
but he changed his mind and specified: “I cannot do without my servant girl
tonight and it is inappropriate to encourage promiscuity between men and

He also asked them to bring him the poem of Imam Ghazzali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), he put it under his pillow the day before his passing as Imam
Ghazzali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had done. Here are the first verses of
this poem:
Ask the brothers who have seen me dead,


Who have wept and have sorrowfully recited the funeral litany for me

Is your sorrow for he who has gone

Or for he who remains present among you

Do you truly believe that I am this corpse ?

No, by God ! This dead body is not me.

In this shape, this body

Was my clothes, my tunic for a while.

I am a pearl enclosed in a shell

Which was for me a prison to which I was accustomed.

I am a bird and this is my cage

I have flown and this body has stayed behind to perish

I give thanks to ALLAH who has freed me

And who has built an abode for me on high

Before today I was dead among you

I have relived and I have removed my shroud

Today I talk with the noble assemblies

And I see the truth with my own eyes.


I am standing before the well-guarded tablet

On which I read and I see

All that was, all that will be and all that is imminent

Because of the intensity of what was descending upon him, in the penultimate
moment of his life, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:
“ALLAH, ALLAH, the light is burning my heart.” He repeated it all through the
night. Then, as dawn (Fajr) approached, Seyyidina turned towards the people
present and said: “The Prophet and the four Khoulafa are present, then rise and

Only a few of the elite remained with him. Only one hour later, he performed the
Subh prayer, and laid down on his side and requested a glass of water. After
drinking, he laid down once more and left this world. It was Thursday the 17th of
Shawwal in 1230 of the hegira (1815 ad). He was 80 years old. The news of his
death spread everywhere and even the djinns believers were to be heard conveying
their condolences following his departure.

The funeral washing was accomplished at his home by three of his companions
coming from the desert, among the first, Sidi Sidi Ahmed ibn Souleïman Taghzouti,
Sidi 'Ali ibn Hanich el Guemari and Sidi Tahar ibn Abdsaddaq el Guemari (may
ALLAH be pleased with them).

The funeral prayer took place in Qarawiyin in the presence of an impressive

number of scholars, pious men, saints and emirs. The prince of all believers,
Mawlana Suleiman (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was unable to attend, for he
was in Marrakesh at that time. The Qadi of Fes, the illustrious Sidi Mohammed ibn
Mohammad ibn Ibrahim Doukali el Khayyat (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
performed the funeral prayer upon the blessed body of Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret). It was an intensely emotional moment and tears were


abundant. He was buried in the garden next to the walls of the blessed Zawiya.
Later on, as the Zawiya was extended, this parcel was included within it.

Following his departure from earth to the luminous abode, the light that he had
inherited from the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never
ceased to spread. It continues to fill the heart of the people of bliss, throughout
countries and continents, welcoming the most desperate, purifying hearts and souls,
orientating those who err in their search for The Truth.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) reassured one of his
companions eaten by the pain of the separation, by appearing to him after his
death. He said to Seyyidina: “O Sidi, you have gone and left us.” Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “I am not absent and I have not left
you: this is but a passage from the earthly to the luminous abode (Nuraniya).”

Here is a glimpse of the portrait of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) by the poor slave of ALLAH, Muhammad El Mansur El Muhieddine
Tidjani, may ALLAH preserve him:
Although he was most humble, the fine features of his radiant face, his fair complexion and
princely appearance are the demonstration of his high lineage. Emulating the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) in all his deeds and in all circumstances, from his beard sprinkled with
resplendent white hairs, flowed a mysterious light. Rich by God, asking nothing of anyone, he was
honoured with the blessing by which he relied solely on God. He unveiled that which was
authorized and hide all that could disturb the mind. By Taha, his master and companion, just as
the sun and the moon, none could ever separate these two seals of the same family in the love that
they have for Him.


Lineage of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani ‫رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻦ‬

The Hidden Pole (Qutb) and Seal of Sainthood Seyidina Ahmed

Tijani, May ALLAH Be Satisfied With Him (MABSWH),

Son of Muhammad (MABSWH),

Son of Mokhtar (MABSWH),

Son of Ahmed (MABSWH),

Son of Muhammad (MABSWH),

Son of Salim (MABSWH),

Son of Abi-l-'Ayd (MABSWH),

Son of Salim (MABSWH),

Son of Ahmed 'Alwani (MABSWH),

Son of Ahmed (MABSWH),

Son of 'Ali (MABSWH),

Son of 'Abdallah (MABSWH),

Son of 'Abbas (MABSWH),

Son of 'Abdeljabbar (MABSWH),

Son of Idriss (MABSWH),

Son of Idriss (MABSWH),

Son of Ishaq (MABSWH),

Son of Ali Zeyn el Abidine (MABSWH),

Son of Ahmed (MABSWH),

Son of Muhammad Nefs Zakkiya (MABSWH),

Son of 'Abdallah (MABSWH),

Son of Hassan Mouthana (MABSWH),

Son of Hassan Sabat (MABSWH),

170 1

Son of 'Ali (MABSWH) and of Sayda Fatima (MABSWH), Queen of all women of Paradise
and daughter of ALLAH's best creature (THE EXALTED AND THE GLORIFIED): OUR

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

171 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Caliphs who succeeded Sheikh Ahmed Tijani

(may ALLAH be pleased with him)

Before his death, Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), entrusted
the responsability of the Tariqa to the Pole (Qutb) Sidi Hajj Ali Tamasini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). He also confided the guardianship of his two heirs, Sidi Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir and his brother Muhammad El Habib (May God be satisfied with them both), to Sidi Hajj
Ali Tamasini (May ALLAH be pleased with him) since they were still too young.

When Sidi Hajj Ali Tamasini died, the Caliphate was returned to Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani's
descendance : Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) , who died about 8
years after him.

When Sidi Muhammad El Habib died, his son Sidi Ahmed Ammar who was only 3 years old.
While still in his teens, he faced many difficulties with the French colonizers who had no qualms
putting him under home arrest in Bordeaux (France).

During these times of trouble, responsibility for the Tariqa was temporarily assumed by the
Caliph of Tamasine, Sidi Muhammad El 'Ayd. Upon Sidi Ahmed Ammar's return to Ain Madhi,
the authority of the Tariqa was returned definitively to Seyydina Ahmed Tidjani's descendants
and the Caliphs who succeeded thereafter are:

Sidi Bachir Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1896 to 1910
Sidi 'Allal Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1910 to 1919
Sidi Mohamed El Kebir Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1919 to 1931
Sidi Mahmoud Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1931 to 1934
Sidi Taïeb Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1934 to 1973
Sidi 'Ali Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1973 to 1990
Sidi 'Abdeljabbar Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him): from 1991 to 2005
Sidi El Hadj M'hammed Tidjani(May God be satisfied with him): from 2006 to 2010
Sidi 'Ali Tijani, better known by the name of Sidi Bel 'Arbi Tijani, since October 2010,
may Allah prolong his life, he is the current Caliph (the 12th).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Descendants of Sheikh Ahmed Tijani ‫رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻦ‬

Sidi Sherif Bel Arbi Tijani in Algeria

Sidi Sherif 'Ali Tijani better known as Sidi Bel 'Arbi Tijani, the current World Caliph of The Tijaniyya (in Algeria, Ain
Madhi), Descendant of Sidi Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be satisfied with them)

Sidi Sheikh Muhammad El Kabir Tijani in Marrakech (Morocco)

Sidi Sheikh Muhammad El Kabir Tijani, Descendant of Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be satisfied with
them). He is the Representative of the Tariqa Tijaniyya and the Chief of the Tijani Family in Morocco

Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya

Sidi Sherif Zoubir Tijani in Fes (Morocco)

Sidi Sherif Zoubir Tijani, Descendant of Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be satisfied with them) and his
Representative at the blessed Zaouia of Fes

Sidi Sherif Abdul Muttalib Tijani in Senegal

Sidi Sherif Abdul Muttalib Tidjani, Descendant of Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani and his Representative (may ALLAH
be satisfied with them) in Sub-Saharan Africa (in Pikine near Dakar in SENEGAL)

174 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya


Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him)

I - His origins

It is unanimously recognised among both the elite and the common scholars of this Tariqa that
Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is of noble and purified prophetic
descent (lineage). The elite and the special saints such as Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH
be pleased with him), son of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
bore witness to this. When Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) wrote
to him, after the laudatory salutations, praised him in this way: “Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini el Hassani
(that is to say the descendant of Hassan, son of Ali and Fatima, may ALLAH be pleased with
them).” This testimony from the beloved Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) who had received the warranty of the divine knowledge from the Prophet himself
(peace and blessings be upon him) is sufficient. Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), the pious scholar and great companion of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret), also referred to his status as “Sherif” in a poem:

“The Sabt of the best creature upholds him

Through both a spiritual and physical lineage”

His status as Sherif was confirmed, among other things, by the fact that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) established him at the station known Ghawth
(Supreme Succour or Supreme Pole) and that of great Calipha of the Tidjaniya for approximately
thirty years. Had he not been of noble prophetic descent, he would not have been able to bear
this heavy burden for such a long time.

Indeed, the spiritual scholars and the virtuous know that whoever attains the station of the Great
Qutbaniya without being of Sherifian descent, would not be able to assume this task for any
length of time, because he would die and leave this earthly life for the hereafter. The reason for
this is that his earthly body does not contain the fragrance of Muhammadian secret which is
specific to his noble and purified descendants. Likewise, it is because of this particular prophetic
secret that our Masters, the Poles who are descendants of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), were able to attain that which the Poles who were not of Sherifian ancestry were
unable to attain. Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was able to remain at
this station for such a long time by the grace of this specificity.

Hereafter follows the genealogy of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
The virtuous Wali Sidi Hajj ‘Ali is the son of Hajj ‘Issa, who is the son of Hajj Muhammad,
himself son of Hajj Muhammad, who is son of Moussa, son of Yahya, who is son of Isma’il,
himself son of Muhammad, who is son of Ahmed, son of ‘Ali, himself son of Muhammad, son of
‘Ali, who is son of Hasan, himself son of Qacem – who was known as « the sower » son of
Muhammad, who is son of Abou-l-Qacem, himself son of Muhammad, son of Hasan, who is of
‘Abdallah, son of Muhammad, who is of ‘Arafa, himself son of Hasan, son of Abou Bakr, who is
son of ‘Ali, himself son of Hasan, son of Ahmed, himself son of Isma’il, son of Qacem, who is

son of Muhammad Nafs Zakkiya (at this point his lineage joins that of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani

(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and our Master Muhammad otherwise known as
« Nafs Zakkiya » is the son of our Master ‘Abdallah el Kamil, son of our Master Hasan Mouthana,
himself son of our Master the Pole Hassan Sabt son of our ‘Ali ibn Abi Taleb and son of our
Lady Fatima Zahra, may the peace and the approval of ALLAH be upon their pure souls.

It was related that once, during a meeting attended by Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) mentioned the case
of noble prophetic descent and he asked: “O my Master, am I a sheriff or not?” Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “Know that you are among the people
who are closest to the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him): yes, you are
indeed a Sherif.”

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) ancestors hailed from the region of
Yanbou’ Nakhl in the Hijaz. A long time ago, this region was the place of residence of the
Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) descendants. In fact, the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) had given a parcel of this land to Sidi Ali ibn Abi Taleb (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) and consequently some of his descendants settled there and thrived in this area.
Later, some of them moved to the Maghreb and were dispersed in several places. Through them,
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) brought forth goodness and grace, awliya, great kings and
elite scholars arose from their noble descent. The first of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali’s (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) ancestors to leave the region of Yanbou’ for the Maghreb was Sidi Moussa ibn Yahya
who was the great great grandfather of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with
him). He stayed in Bougie, in Tunis and also in the Djerid without ever settling there. He moved
towards the desert and finally settled in a village in the Wed Righ, near Touggourt. His
grandfather, Sidi Muhammad came to settle in Tamacine where he passed away. His son, Hajj Issa
– the father of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) succeeded him.

Before the birth of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), Sidi Hajj Issa was
a devoted servant to the Wali Sidi Touati, son of Sidi Ahmed, himself son of the reputed Wali
Sidi Muhammad Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Sidi Muhammad Sa-ih was the great
grandfather of the great companion Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with
him). Sidi Hajj ‘Issa had sincere love and deep faith in his Sheikh. He was devoted to
maintenance of the date palms in his garden as if it had been his own property. When Sidi Touati
realized the sincerity of his intention with regards to this service and the depth of his conviction
and love, he called him saying: “ALLAH will bring forth a moon from your loins and my children
will be the servants of your child.” The moon is the symbol of the Ghawth through whom
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) brings forth his lights. Indeed, since the time of Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the descendants of the Wali Muhammad Sa-ih
Sherif (may ALLAH be pleased with him) remain at the service of the Zawiya of Tamacine.

II - His childhood and his encounter with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

Since his childhood, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was recognized
by all as a virtuous person loved by ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and his Messenger
(peace and blessings be upon him). As a child he enjoyed solitude to the extent that people
thought that he was seized by authentic divine states. Sometimes his relatives worried about his
absence and asked his father about him. He answered: “This Majdhoub! Go and see him, you will
find him near the tombs.” As a matter of fact, during his childhood, he preferred the company of

176 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


the tombs to that of people. Later, after having attained his station, he admitted: “During my
childhood, the dead always used to talk to me, but these days, they don’t.” This is the proof that,
even as a small child, he had attained sainthood, prodigies and spiritual opening as it has been
related by the virtuous Saints. One of them said that, when Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) passed close to the tombs, he heard the dead calling out to him: “Peace be
upon you O ‘Ali Tamacini.” And he ran away like any other fearful child.

(His meeting with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and his
affiliation to the noble Tariqa Mohammediya Ahmadiya happened as follows:)

The first time he met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
through the intermediary of Sidi Mohamed ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had confided a trust to Sidi
Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and instructed him to only give it to
the person who asked for it. First of all, Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) approached the people of his own tribe, thinking that the person who would obtain
this gift could be among them, but this was not the case. So then he went to another region and
then to Tamacine where he met Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) coming out of
his garden. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) greeted him and offered
him hospitality during his stay. They agreed to meet at the mosque after the ‘Isha prayer. When
the prayer was over, they went together to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini’s (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) house and dined together. Then, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
asked for the trust that the great Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had sent him.
Since Sidi Mohamed ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had never met him before,
he hesitated to give it to him thinking that he would not be able to bear such a great secret.
However, seeing the benevolence and the insistence of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), he knew without doubt that he was well and truly the person for whom the
trust was intended, and gave it to him saying: “No deprivation for he to whom ALLAH gives.”
This occurred in the year of 1203 of the Hegira when Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was 23 years old.

In those days, he was in the service of virtuous wali among the men of God who came from
Tamacine, whose name was Sidi Ahmed Boudarham el Hachani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him). Then the news about Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
and his Tariqa became known, he felt within his heart such love towards him and a deep desire
meet him, and so he requested permission from his Sheikh, Sidi Hachani, to go and meet him.
Thus he set out to meet the Sheikh and Master Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret).

It was related by one of his near and dear that Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) had said: “My first encounter with Seyyidina Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) occurred in the same year of the death of Sidi Muhammad ibn ‘Arabi Damrawi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him).” This happened in the year 1204 of the hegira, about nine years
before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left for Fes.

Before that, he met the companion Sidi Muhammad Sassi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
with a group of disciples who were traveling from Guemar to Ain Madhi and who had halted
near Tamacine. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) made acquaintance
with them and took care for them. At that time, he was poor, married and father of two children.
Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked them where they were going,
and they replied: “We wish to visit the great Wali known as Sidi Ahmed Tidjani Sherif.” He said:

177 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


“I also wish to meet him, but this year it will not be possible. If ALLAH, The Most High, wishes
it, next year I will accompany you if you return to visit him.”

Despite his poverty, he insisted upon inviting the whole caravan to his home. He went home, he
slaughtered his goat and ground the grain himself which he, then, gave to his wife so that she
could prepare the meal while his two children attended the fire, in haste to invite the caravan
before they moved out. When the meal was ready, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) came towards them but, seeing him, the group leader, the Wali Sidi
Muhammad Sassi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), knew his intention through unveiling and
said to the other brothers: “This person from Tamacine has prepared a meal for you and invites
you all.” They all replied to his invitation with joy and happiness. After which, they set off
towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and benefited from
his blessed company.

On the way home, they passed through Tamacine, and the group leader said to them: « O people!
This man from Tamacine who had invited you on the way there, is endowed with great blessings.
You have noticed his high aspiration when he invited you, as well as that of his wife and his
children, their joy and happiness although he lives in utter simplicity. You must gather whatever
is needed to reward him for the kindness and generosity that he has shown you. From now on,
when you are traveling to see the perfect Wali (Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret)) stop at his house, on the way there and on the way back.” So they gathered
easily all the food, the wool and other gifts and went to offer them to him. Ever since this day,
the house of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) has become a blessed
and noble halting place for all those from this region on their way to visit Ain Madhi. The
following year, he waited for a group coming from Guemar and who were going to visit
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in order to celebrate El ‘Aïd
El Adha, and joined them.

When they reached Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) sat shoulder to shoulder with Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who covered him with a part of his own cloth
and kept him sitting by his side when the rest of the group were a certain distance away from him.
This occurred in the year 1204 of the Hegira. His love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) totally overwhelmed Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) to the extent that he was incapable of leaving his master, and returning home. When his
traveling companions reminded him of his family and his young children, he answered: “they are
in his care and he knows their situation.”

He remains in Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) company for
many years, only returning to Tamacine as a guest during the season of the date harvest. After
which he returned to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He did
this until he had attained the station that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) had chosen for
him. Several times, with the permission of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had informed him of his particular

Once, he was sitting with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in
the company of the greatest elite among the companions, after the recitation of the Hadra on a
Friday (Haylalah), one of the companion stood up with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) permission and order and shouted: “Is it not true that this era
belongs to ALLAH and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as well as to Ahmed

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Tidjani and the Caliph ‘Ali ?” Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) quickly
added: “Ali Harazim” and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said nothing. Then, the person repeated the same words and Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) repeated also the same words. This time, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) turns towards him, and although he was quite far from
him, he threw his rosary at him and said disapprovingly: “ALLAH and His Messenger (peace and
blessings be upon him) both say: “Ali Tamacini” and yet you say “Ali Harazim””. Ever since that
day, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) has kept the rosary and to this
day it is preserved in the Zawiya in Tamacine along with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) walking stick and other personal effects. This event
occurred after the death of Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed him to return to
Tamacine saying: “When you return in peace to Tamacine, focus on extending your house and
prepare a place for prayer and zikr. Reserve also places for visitors and increase construction of
buildings, for you will attain an objective such that people will come to see you from far and wide.
Do not fear any restriction from the Throne Holder, seek the help of ALLAH for this.” As for
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he went with his family into
exile in Fes in the company of Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) travelling
through the village of Figuig.

III - Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim and Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with them)

It is unanimously recognized both by the commoners and the elite among the people of the path
that Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini has never met Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with them)
in this world, although opportunities and gatherings where they could have crossed paths and
met were numerous, because Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) often
went to Fes to visit his Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious

In fact, when Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) left his home town with
the intention of visiting Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the
latter, through his unveiling, knew this and followed him. As he approached, Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called his great companion Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and instructed him to depart for a designated place
entrusting him with a mission. Then, he welcomed Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) upon his arrival and attended to him. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) benefited from the blessed sight of his Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) delighting in his words until Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) saw through unveiling that Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) had completed his mission and was preparing to return. Then he instructed his companion
from Tamacine to return home. As soon as he had left, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) welcomed his Khalif Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) and in this way the two of them never met. This went on until Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) left for the Hijaz. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) never revealed the spiritual secret which prevented these two
particular companions from meeting in the same place during their lifetime.

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However, although it was impossible for them to meet, they both loved and greatly respected
each other, and used to send each other their fraternal greetings. Once, in the days of Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), one of the noble brothers from Fes
wanted to go to Tamacine. As he was leaving Fes, he met Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) who accompanied him to the gate of the city in order to bid him farewell. As
they were walking together, Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) spoke of
the perfect grace that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) had bestowed on their Imam, the
Hidden Pole (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and the supreme particularities with
which he had honoured him. At the moment, looking down, the noble brother saw the earth
moving beneath their feet at an incredible speed. Although they only just left the city of Fes,
Tamacine appeared before them. The brother asked Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be
pleased with him): “Where are we now?” He answered: “You have reached Tamacine.” Then, he
bid him farewell saying: “Convey my greetings to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him)” and disappeared. The distance between Fes and Tamacine via the desert
requires about one month of traveling.

Concerning the inheritance that his great grandfather had received from Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) at the moment of his death, one of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini’s
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) descendants said: “When the great Khalif Sheikh Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Harazim was seized by ALLAH and reached the abode of the Hereafter, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini took over his station.” This refers to that which Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had said was one of his most important virtues: “Nothing
will come from me except through the intermediary of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be
pleased with him).”

IV- The testimony of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) regarding Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him).

It is unanimously recognized by those who lived alongside the Perfect and Hidden Pole,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), that he loved Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) completely. He respected and honoured him and
spoke of his particular rank to the other elite among his companions (may ALLAH be pleased
with them). When Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to visit
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the latter informed his elite
among his companions to prepare for his arrival. When the group of the travellers approached,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) himself with the elite among
his companions went to the gates of the city to welcome him.

Among other signs of respect for Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) demonstrated in the
presence of his companions, he made him lead the prayer at the Zawiya, despite the large number
of scholars and virtuous companions. On occasions such as this, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) testified to his spiritual opening. As a matter of fact, Sidi
Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had the typical accent of his region, and so
when he recited the Fatiha, he pronounced the ‫( ض‬Dad) as ‫( د‬dal). So, instead of pronouncing
« …wa la Dallin. », he pronounced « …wa la dallin » and for this reason, after the prayer,
somebody asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), if the
prayer was valid according to the Law (Shari’a), and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH

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sanctify his precious secret) answered: “This man has the Fath (The Spiritual Opening), and
praying behind a person who has the Fath is accepted.” This is sufficient testimony from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who emphasizes the great
worth of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Concerning Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answer
regarding the prayer behind he who has the Fath, it was related by the Master Abu-l-Qacem-
Qucheiri, in his famous epistle about a story from Sidi Hassan Basri (may ALLAH be pleased
with them) who said: “A Master entered the mosque to accomplish the Maghreb prayer and
noticed that the Imam was not Arab and did not wish to pray behind him. Indeed, he feared
mispronunciation because of his foreign accent. But, during the night, he dreamt that someone
said: “Why did you not pray behind him? Know that if you had prayed behind him, then all your
past sins would have been forgiven.””

The book Nuzhat el ‘Uyun contains the story of some jurists who went to visit a virtuous
person. When they prayed behind him, they noticed that his pronunciation was mistaken and their
opinion about him was altered. At night time, they went to sleep and during that night, they woke
up needing to perform the major ablutions. At dawn, they went out to accomplish their major
ablutions, they hung their clothes near to a spring and plunged in. At that moment, a lion came
and laid down on their clothes. Paralysed by fear, they greatly suffered from the cold and then the
virtuous man came and pulled the lion’s ears, reproaching him saying: “Did I not tell you not to
cross the path of my guests?!” And the lion went away. Then the holy man said to them: “You
have been preoccupied with your outer appearance but you are afraid of the lion. We, on the
other hand, are concerned with our inner appearance and the lion is afraid of us.”

The Knower and Sheikh Abdelwahhab Cha’rani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Be
very careful not to criticize the Saints (Awliya). If you hear mistakes in the recitation of the
Quran and the Hadith, in reality it is not their pronunciation but your hearing which is mistaken.”

Here is another story about the merit of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) companion, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him). One day,
the blessed Muqaddam, the majestic Sherif, the servant of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Tayeb ibn Muhammad Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), who was in charge of the household expenses, was questioned concerning a woman servant
who was sick. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked him:
“Have you bought medicine for her?” Sidi Tayeb ibn Muhammad Sefiani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) answered: “We did buy some medicine for her, but they were of no use. Maybe
it would be better to perfom Ruqiya.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said: “Who could perform this for her?” And then he added: “The only person
that I know for this is Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini, if he is present.” Sidi Tayeb ibn Muhammad Sefiani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “I would have liked you to authorize me ; O my
Master! But you only give your authorization to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) did not accept and repeated incessantly: “But who
equals Sidi Hajj ‘Ali, O such and such!” And then he reprimanded him continuously until he
regretted ever having said it.

One day, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) noticed a subtle
desire among certain of his companions with regards to the station of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), because of the honour and the particular worth that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) granted him, and of the
precedence that he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) accorded him over all others.

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Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) rectified this, declaring: “A
single hair on the leg of ‘Ali Tamacini has more worth than forty Wali.”

Similarly, the first time that Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) came to
visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he was sitting in front
of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani's (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) tent, while Seyyidina was
inside. A woman brought some milk to offer to Seyyidina and came across Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) whom she mistook for a doorkeeper. “O servant!” she called
out to him. “Yes! Yes!” He hastened to reply. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) overheard his answer and said to the woman: “O such and such, he is not a
servant, he is a Sherif.” Then, he turned towards Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) and gently rebuked him: “You hold a certain degree with ALLAH The Most High, so
what is this station in which you place yourself. Do you mean to take hold of my secret although
I am still alive?”

On another ocasion, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
walking with a sublime group of his companions and Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was with them. He was right at the back of the group because he liked to go
unnoticed when he was in the presence of his Master. Suddenly Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was seized by a divine state and he called out for Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) at the top of his voice. Although he was right at
the back of the caravan, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) rushed
towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who turned towards
his companions and, pointing to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali, said: “My situation and the situation of this person
– pointing him out - is like a man who has spent a great deal of time requesting ALLAH The
Most High to grant him a child. Then, reaching old age and despairing of ever having this child,
the breath of Mercy of His Generous Lord grants him the child that he had so deeply desired and
requested of His Master. Such is my situation and that of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali.” By this he was alluding
to the station of the Qutbaniya that he was going to inherit from him.

When Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) came to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in Fes with a group of men, among other signs of
honor that Seyyidina granted him, he used to secretly receive him in his retreat room for the
length of his stay without informing anyone. When certain particular companions asked for the
reason, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied through
spiritual allusion understandable only to those who had tasted this spiritual experience: “I have
kept him close to me in order to deal with certain concerns belonging to me which are under his

This is a glimpse of the care and attention that the Hidden Pole Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) demonstrated towards his special companion Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

The elite among the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) also showed him great deference and signs of respect. For example Sidi
Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) respected him deeply and always
gave precedence over himself. Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) did the
same. These two worthy companions were among the senior disciples in the company of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

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It is said that as the death of the Perfect Knower and accomplished Saint Sidi Abdelqader Bouti
Sa-ihi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) approached, he was asked: “To whom do you confide
your children?” In this case, the word “children” refers to his spiritual station. He replied: “I
entrust them to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him).” This noble figure
was among the elite of the elite and among the first disciples who were in the company of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). His sainthood was greatly
valued and recognized by the members of the Tribe of the Shourafa of Bani Sa-ih living in the
desert. He passed away before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) settled permanently in Fes.

Numerous other elites and saints, among those of the region of Oued Righ and Oued Souf such
as the deep-rooted Wali Sidi Muhammad Sassi el Guemari and the truthful and perfect Wali Sidi
Ahmed ibn Souleïman who is buried in Taghzout in the region of Souf, and also the pious
Knower Sidi Tahar ibn Abdelsadaq who is buried in Tozeur, and the holder of great spiritual
governance, the Wali Sidi Ali ibn Hanich, all bore witness to the elevated degree of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him). The afore-mentioned noble persons received
affiliation directly from the Great Imam, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), following the apparition of his first lights.

Other witnesses among the elite of the companions of the Hadra Ahmediya included the holder
of the radiating authentic opening, Sidi Hajj Ahmed ibn Khalid who was buried in Kouinine in
the region of Souf, who was also among the first disciples, as well as the pious Wali deeply rooted
in compassion, Sidi ‘Abdallah Badah who was buried in Guemar. These persons are deeply rooted
in Sainthood and this was recognized unanimously by both the common folk and the elite.

Abou Hafs Sidi ‘Omar ibn Kachkach Turki Qasantini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the
Lordly Wali, endowed with numerous prodigies, one of the great Knowers of the sacred
Ahmedian circle, used to call Master Tamacini “The Desert Lion”. Noble Sidi Omar was among
the seniors in the Tariqa. Among his prodigies, he attended Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wazifa every day in Fes while at the same time attending the
wazifa morning and evening with the brothers in Constantine. He was present when Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away, along with those of the
world of mysteries. That very day, he returned to Constantine to inform the brothers of
Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passing.

V- Some of his sublime prodigies

Among his prodigies, we are told that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) spoke with him from his blessed tomb. Since the Hidden Pole (Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani, may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left for the abode of the Hereafther, some of
the elite among the companions in Fes continued to converse with him before his tomb, and
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered clearly from his
grave as if he were not dead, but simply sitting beside them. This lasted for several months until
Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was in Tamacine was informed.

He left immediately for Fes, and upon arrival, went directly to the blessed Zawiya. He faced the
tomb and spoke the following words out loud: “Peace be upon my Master and the Mercy and
Approval of ALLAH.” And Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

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returned the greetings clearly and audibly and then questioned him about his situation just as a
person who meets a companion after a long absence would do.

Then Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) humbly requested Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to grant death its due, because he
feared the possible consequences if people came to know. When Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) had finished speaking, he heard Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) say: “Know that I have consented to your request.” Then Sidi Hajj
Ali returned home. From this moment on, when the particular companions approached the tomb
of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to speak with him as usual,
they noticed that he did not reply, even a single word, and understood what had happened.

Another prodigy is the grievance of a palm tree. One day, when Sidi Hajj Ali was visiting some of
his palm groves in Tamacine in the company of the perferct Knower Sidi Ahmed ibn Souleïman
Soufi Taghzouti (may ALLAH be pleased with them). As they were striding through the grove,
they went past a palm tree. Suddenly, Sidi Haj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) turned
around and went to cover it with his robe. Then, with his own hands, he dug an irrigation canal
to bring the water to the palm tree and explained to his companion: “The tree told me that it was
thirsty because the servants had not watered it.”

Another prodigy is the return to life of his wife after her death. The wife in question was the
noble Lady, the Sherifa, Saydat Khalwiya Sa-ihiya (may ALLAH be pleased with her). Sidi Hajj
Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) held her in a high esteem because, amongst others, of her
pure lineage among the descendants (Ahlou-l-Bayt) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him), originating from the Knower Sidi Muhammed Sayah. She was the mother of two of his
children, Sidi Muhammad Seghir and Sidi Muhammad Lakhdar. She fell ill when her two children
were very young and succumbed. Members of the household prepared for ghasl 'l- mayyit (the
ritual purification of the body with clean and scented water) when Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) entered and found that his wife had passed away. He saw his two infants crying
by her side, rolling on the floor with grief. Distressed by this sight and unable to bear seeing them
in such grief, he withdrew hastily to his retreat room. Within a few moments, his wife’s body
began to move and then came entirely back to life, and then she called her children.

Sidi Haj ‘Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) left his seclusion and said: “I swear by ALLAH
that she has only return from the Barzakh with the permission and intercession of the Messenger
of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him). I requested this of him because it was unbearable
to see the children lamenting in this way.” Subsequently, she lived even longer than her noble
husband Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him), saw her children grow up and become
great men.

On another occasion, he saw and heard sublime Angels. Once he said to one of his close friends:
“Since then, three times, an Angel came to me from ALLAH The Most High and said: “ALLAH
is satisfied with you.””

Another time, one of his brother on the path lacked propriety towards one of the walis of
ALLAH as a result of which the wrath of Sidi Hajj Ali’s station rained down upon him. Indeed,
one of the members of the Tariqa Ahmediya who hailed from Souf came to Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) after the death of the Knower and Wali Sidi Ali ibn
Umar Toulaqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), who was the Sheikh of the Tariqa Khalwatiyya
at that time, to inform him of this. He said contemptuously to Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) : “O my Master, I came all the way here to give you some good news. Ali ibn

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Umar is dead.” Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) turned to him and said: “O
conceited one, you give me the good news that one of the pillars of Islam has collapsed ? I
announce blindness and poverty for you and your descendants as long as you live in this world.”
And indeed, this came to be because of his lack of respect and propriety for the Allies of ALLAH,
although the recommendations of our Master The Hidden Pole (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) that stipulated: “We must not scoff the sacred nature of our Masters, The Walys,
we should not disregard their worth. Honour the sacred character of all Walys whether dead or
alive, because he who honours their sacred nature, ALLAH will honour his. He who distains
them, ALLAH will bring him down and be angry with him. Do not depreciate the sacred
character of the Saints.”

In the Book “The Boughiya”, Sidi ‘Arbi ibn Sa-ih tells the story of the scholar who had joined
the path of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and who had
manifested signs of spiritual Opening. Later, he dared to harm some virtuous people living in his
city. One day, he visited Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who
did not even look at him, saying: “Get away from me.” And he chased him out. Even when he
knocked repeatedly on the door, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) refused him for ever. May ALLAH protect us.

There is also “the prodigy of the step” and the story about the bunch of dates which was told by
the Wali and Knower Sidi ‘Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him):

It is widely known that after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
had settled in Fes, Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to visit him
using “the prodigy of the step” (that is to say that with one step he reached his chosen
destination) But Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade him
to perform such prodigies saying to him: “If you came to see me for ALLAH, you must come in
the same way as ordinary people: with shoes, a walking stick and an escort. In this way, you
experience the thirst, the fatigue and the fear that they do”. In fact he performed this prodigy
several times. But this time, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
scolded him, maybe in the sense that he should not do this in front of people, and ALLAH
knows best.

At the time when Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
building the blessed Zawiya in Fes, Sidi Hajj Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used
this prodigy to come and work on the construction alongside the labourers, as if he were one of
them, and then he returned home in the same way.

One year, the special companion Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi (may ALLAH pleased with him) travelled
to Tunis via the desert of Tamacine. A group of local thieves came to still his supplies. He became
angry and went to complain about them to Seyydina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) using “the prodigy of the step”. At the same moment, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) came to hear about this. He knew that Sidi Mahmoud had used this prodigy
to go to Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He was moved by compassion for
the people of his region and he feared that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) would invoke God against them and knew that they would be entirely lost
including himself. So, he used the same prodigy to implore his Master (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) to show pity on his people before his invocation befell them.

By ALLAH’s decree, he reached Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) before Sidi
Mahmoud. He said to him: “O Master, some people from my region have stolen some of Sidi

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Mahmoud’s supplies and he is coming to you to complain about them. If you invoke against
them, my house will no longer have any influence, because they are the symbol and the
fortification of my house” Then Sidi Mahmoud arrived, angry, and furious with the people of
Tamacine who had been so malicious towards him. When Seyyidina saw him, he said: “Ukasha
has preceded you.”

In the story of the bunch of dates, this famous prodigy comes under the category of the
miraculous contraction of the Earth that ALLAH accomplishes for some of His Allies to such an
extent that the distance separating Tamicine in Algeria from Fes in Morocco was no more than a
cubit. Ever since this miraculous event and even during Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) lifetime, the disciples of Fes said when they saw Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) arriving: “Here comes the man with the bunch of dates.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) performed the Asr prayer in
front of a group of eight companions. When they had finished the office and he faced his
companions, they had not noticed the presence of a bunch of dates. They looked at Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) astonished by the sudden miraculous
apparition of these dates. Noticing this, he said to them: “This is the doing of this man” naming
him and calling him a fool or something like that. After that when Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) met Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), he reminded him what had happened and asked: “What made you to do this?”. He
answered: “O my Master, forgive me. At that moment I was in one of my field. The workers
were harvesting dates and I saw this bunch, it pleased me and I wanted you to have it there and
then. This led me to throw it up and to utter secret words so that it would reach you.” Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) admonished him for that, and forbade
him to ever repeat such things.

Once, he also eliminated and epidemic from the entire Algerian territory. This occurred when
disciples from Oued Souf answered the call of Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) to come and defend Tamacine during incidents with oppressors from Touggourt.
When they reached Tamacine, it was very hot. The air became unhealthy and affected their health,
leaving them unable to fulfil their mission until they went to complain to Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him).

After hearing their grievances, he was overwhelmed by an authentic divine state. He seized a
vessel in which water was boiling and swallowed its contents and said to them: “I have just drunk
the disease that you feared.” According to another narration, he said: “Know that I have just
eaten it.”

From that moment on, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) did not only lift the outbreak that
had befallen them, but also all sickness in the entire Algerian territory for the whole year. They
only reappeared after the end of that year. This was announced by people endowed with
clairvoyance and some people were surprised at the disappearance of the epidemics. One day,
one of the great virtuous Saints and authentic Majdoub (Enraptured by God) who lived in Souk
Ahras answered their surprise saying: “Know that the diseases of this current year have been
swalled by the Sultan of the desert.”

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VI. Some examples of his sincere love and intense attachment to our Perfect
Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

If it were possible to penetrate the inner secret of Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) regarding his love for his Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), it
would be difficult to describe it and impossible to write about. How could it be otherwise when it
was an integral part of his nature and was manifest in his every state ? In every place, he evoked
his unique and hidden guide and emphasized the quality of his special characteristics. Those
sitting in his gatherings could only here remembrances of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), of his rank, his prodigies, his spiritual gifts and his perfection, and
they experienced the light.

He considered all his worldly possessions as if they belong to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and behaved like a servant taking care of his Masters’
possessions. Sometimes, he even brought his wifes’s clothes to him, and considered that
Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) home took priority over his own. On
numerous occasions, he took all his belongings to his perfect Sheikh, keeping nothing for himself
or his children. Each time he gathered considerable worldly goods, he went to his beloved Master
and gave him everything. He made his journey fourteen times, despite the difficulties and dangers
en route, forcing him to leave home his land and his family for many months, which is a sign the
intensity and authenticity of his love.

The enthusiasm of his love was recognizable by his states of divine majesty with regards to his
beloved Master which were so profound that he was overwhelmed by them. So he began to sweat
profusely and his eyes became red. This lasted for about three days during which time he was
numb. It was impossible to go near him at this time and afterwards knowledge from among the
great secrets unveiling the elevated station of the Hidden Pole (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), the particularities of this noble Muhammadian Path and the merits of his companions, his
beloved and those who are affiliated to the path, sprang from him. This sublime knowledge and
these sacred secrets were not to be found elsewhere, in any book or manuscript, and it was
impossible to write them down. Once, in the sway of one of his states of divine majesty, he said:
“Only the part destined for Hellfire remains in this world, except for the followers of Tidjani or
he who is an authentic and true Sherif.”

On another occasion when he was overwhelmed by this spiritual state as if he had lost
consciousness, in the throes of mystical ecstasy, he said: “How knowledgeable is he who knows
Seyyidina Ahmed, how loving is he who loves Seyyidina Ahmed, how eloquent is he who speaks
of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).”

And when he spoke during assemblies, submerged in love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), evoking his majesty, incomparable worth, and the
particularities of his superior station, he would say to his companions: “Know that the merit of
the Sheikh is far superior to anything that we may be able to say about it.”

An event demonstrated the signs of his authentic seat at the spiritual Ahmedian station and his
jealous protection of it One day, he heard of the case of a famous Wali in the area of Touggourt
by the name of Sidi Bouqafa Hachani (may ALLAH be satisfied with him). He lived before the
Tariqa of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) arrived in the
region, and before his death, he left instructions for his family and his beloved so that they could

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benefit from his power of spiritual governance after his death. With the permission of ALLAH,
all who called upon this method of mediation with this Majdhoub would inevitably see their
requests granted and their problems resolved prodigiously. When the case of this illustrious Wali
was spoken of before Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he exclaimed: “I
tell you that this era belongs unquestionably to Tidjani, until the day of the Last Judgement,
assistance and spiritual governance in these times belong only to Tidjani until the day of the Last
Judgement. No spiritual governance remains in the territory of Tidjani for them.” Since that day,
the prodigy of this Wali disappeared for ever and nobody was ever again able to benefit from this
mediation which had nevertheless been so famous.

Among other signs of his love and specific knowledge, once during a gathering, after having
warned of the difficulties of the times and the extent to which evil was spreading among the
people, he said: « In this day and age, only the part destined for Hellfire remains, and everybody is
drowning in the ocean of their sins except for he who is a certified Sherif or those who are
protected by The Generous Divine Help thanks to which they are able to hold on tightly to this
Tariqa Ahmediya. »

On another occasion, he was in the company of certain companions and beloved among the
brothers, he looked up to the sky and said : « Everyone has been granted the Opening.” The
group rejoiced at this good news. But he added: “I am talking about the demonic Opening and
not that of the Entirely Merciful ” He was silent for a while and then said: “Indeed, these days,
ALLAH –The Glorified, the Exalted- has received all his creatures with the whip of His Anger.
Thus they cannot obtain a single benefit neither in this world nor the Hereafter. These days, only
two categories of people can escape Divine Wrath: a person who is tied to the Tariqa Ahmediya
and who practices it, or a person who is truly a descendant of the Messenger of ALLAH (peace
and blessings be upon him).”

Among other things that he said is to be found his written reply to Sidi Muhammad Seghir El
Achhab (may ALLAH be pleased with him), otherwise known as Ibn Mechri, in answer to his
request for advice: “You have requested advice for the sake of ALLAH and his Messenger (peace
and blessings be upon him). However, in this day and age, there is no longer any advice to give or
deed to do (because advice is necessary when it is beneficial and not when it is detrimental).
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) has decided for his slaves that the Earth would be
corrupted along with those who live there. Remain only the deeds of he to whom ALLAH has
granted the love of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
both outwardly and inwardly. We request ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and to the Lord
of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him) to grant us the blessing of the love of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the love of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). May we, may you, and may all the brothers be gathered in
group. Ameen.”

Among the particular signs of Divine Love attributed to those who are truly affiliated to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he mentioned that the
Awliya of The End of Time to whom ALLAH refers in his words: “Indeed, those for whom the
best [reward] has preceded from Us” (Sourah 21 The Prophets, verse 101) are the companions of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

The blessings mentioned in the verse: “The best reward (al housna)” refers to the station of
absolute love preceded for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Through his supreme blessings, this sanctified love has been extended to all those who are

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affiliated or connected to him, those to whom it is promised that: “They will not be grieved by
the greatest terror, and the angels will meet them, [saying], "This is your Day which you have
been promised"” (Sourah 21 The Prophets, verse 103)

Sidi Hajj Belqacem ibn Sayd Madani (may ALLAH be pleased with him), Imam of the great
mosque of Kouinine, who was among the virtuous Saints who accomplished twelve thousand
Salatoul Fatihi each day, related the following: “One year, I joined a caravan of brothers in the
Tariqa hailing from Souf who were traveling to Tamacine to visit Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him). This was during his lifetime and we were blessed to meet him. …”

« …. One day he came to sit with us and broadcast joy and good news. He spoke of the superior
station of our Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the
merits of his companions and beloved and also the great worth of the Tariqa Ahmediya. At that
moment he was surrounded by a large number of people who were listening to him. However, I
was some distance from him. At that same moment, the thought of Sheikh Djilani (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) crossed my mind. If The Truth, The Glorified, wants to reveal that which is
hidden, then He brings about the causes of its revealing. In my mind, I requested Sidi Hajj Ali
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) to reveal to me the reason why I was disturbed: “O Sidi Hajj
Ali, at this very time, I recognize only as the ultimate Wali, my Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). I request that you inform us concerning the degree of
the Pole Sheikh Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with him).”

Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had his back to me and I continued to repeat
this request in my heart while he spoke. But, at the very moment when this request within me
became overwhelming and ALLAH wanted to reveal that which was hidden, Sidi Hajj Ali (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) turned towards me and starred as if he had just noticed my state
that I was in. Then he turned back, nodded, and lifted his head and said loudly: “O assembly of
beloved, know that Sheikh Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is the Imam of
the Saints.” Then he remained silent. Then Sidi ‘Ali ibn Hanich el Guemari (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) quickly stood up from among the group and said out loud: “No, no O Sidi,
you, you are our Imam.” Then Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him:
“Gently. Be gentle with yourself my dear. He is without doubt the Imam of the Saints of his day.”
Speaking of Sheikh Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Then, he was seized by a divine spiritual state which went from that of beauty to that of majesty
and he began to perspire abundantly between the eyes, which was a sign that those close to him
recognize when he was overcome by the spiritual state. He began to speak in a loud and powerful

« At this very moment, the great Pole Sheikh Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) seats in the highest Firdaws of Paradise, dwelling in truth and eternal blessings. He is
surrounded by countless Houri who are all his wives and who are all at his bidding, in an attitude
of utter subservience and propriety, awaiting his orders and fulfilling his least desires. And yet, at
the same time, he is preoccupied by something other, weeping and wailing profusely in their
presence. The houri asked him: “O our master, we are all at your disposal. Our Lord created us
for you and placed us under your orders and your authority. If you instructed one of us to put
even a single piece of one finger of one hand in the human world, then without doubt, the light
of this finger would consume everything there just like a hair in the fire. But, despite this, o our
master, you are weeping before us. What saddens you so when you are surrounded by the
marvellous and pure blessings that ALLAH has granted you and by which He has singled you
out.” When Sheikh Abdelqader Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) heard this, he replied:

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“Mind your own business o Houri, leave-me alone, leave-me alone. I do not need any of you, and
I am not interested in your merits.” »

They asked him: « Why not O Master? » He said to them: “Know that if my Lord had not given
me any of you and instead of all of you he had given me a single degree of the last and most
insignificant of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), this, for me, would have been better, preferable and more perfect than all of the blessings
and beauty that you represent.”

Upon hearing the words our Master Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), Sidi ‘Ali
Hanich Guemari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was overwhelmed by intense joy and
happiness. He began to dance and shout: “What bliss! What bliss!” As for the rest of the
assembly, they were immobilized in awe. Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was
distant and silent while Sidi Hanich continued to dance, unaware. Then, as if he had regained his
spirits, Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) instructed for Sidi Hanich to be brought
to him and to be covered. Then, Sidi Hanich became calm and emerged from his spiritual state.
Regaining consciousness, he said: “O master, when I heard you speak of the merit of our great
masters’ companions, I was unable to contain myself, and because of this I did what I did
without being aware.” I felt so light that I thought I would fly up into the sky, such was the
intensity of the joy that I experienced upon hearing this good news. So Sidi Hajj Ali (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “Know, my poor fellow that because of your love for
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and your affiliation to him, the most
beautiful joy and enduring bliss will be yours, not today but on the day of the Last Judgement.”

It is important to warn those who have had the honour to follow a spiritual path within this
sublime Tariqa Mohammediya, and in particular with regards to hearing these immense and
magnificent blessings which make the Poles weep.

Guard against transgressing the noble Law and disobeying The True without modesty and fear.
Above all, vigilance is required, not to say: “With the love of Sheikh Tidjani, I’m fearless” or “I
belong to Tidjani’s group, I need have no fear” or “Through Tidjani I am sure of entering
Paradise, nothing can harm me” or “I am the son of a Muqaddam of the Way, therefore I fear
not difficulty or adversity” despite warnings and exhortations to fear ALLAH (The Glorified,
The Exalted) and to renounce passions the soul. This is great deceit and deception on the part of
the devil.

Indeed the fact that you boast about following Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) when in reality you disobey him in many ways, is the cause of going astray, of
rejection and of insult to him.

On the contrary, you expose yourself to a great number of difficulties by claiming to be affiliated
to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) all the while not meeting
the conditions that tie you to him.

These pretentions are lies and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
himself will bear witness to the extent to which you have strayed from him, a distance as wide as
that which separates the Earth from the Sky. His warnings about this are numerous and repeated.
Therefore, in these dark times, he who claims to love Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), although his heart is empty and he is careless in following his
instructions and recommendations, must cleanse and purify his heart, because this is the only way
to purify his love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

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If not, he should beware of the ruse of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) against him, even if with his mouth he claims to love with a love which is higher
than the sky.

Here is a very clear warning that was given by Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) which illustrates this perfectly. One day, during harvesting season, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was walking in his date grove when he saw a bunch
of dates fall from the tree. When he took hold of the bunch, most of the dates came off and just
a few dates stayed attached. So he said: “The situation of Seyyidina Sheikh’s (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) disciples, at the end of time, will be the same as this. Those who will
have sincerely and firmly held on to their covenant and who will have persisted in true love
without falling away from the origin will be like these few dates that have remained attached to
the branch. As for those whose intention is corrupted, whose determination is faltering, whose
love is untrue, even if they are affiliated to Seyyidina Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), will become detached from their origin, even after some time.”

This is what Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) meant by the following
words: “Those who have taken the covenant of the Tariqa Ahmediya Tidjaniya and who are thus
marked by the noble Ahmedian Seal, will not be able to leave it even if they are characterized by
such and such shortcomings. If they should stray, their master will take hold of them through
their appearance and keep them there. If he should stray a second time, then his master will seize
his heart and he will never again be able to break away even if he has committed certain sins, with
two exceptions, by which he would be completely cut off from both the Sheikh and the Tariqa.
These two exceptions are visiting the Saints with the attention of seeking blessings through them
and provoking harm for other members of the Tariqa. He who is tested by the two
aforementioned exceptions –we seek refuge with ALLAH- even if he may be connected to them,
we fear terribly for him “the very origin to which he is linked.””

For this reason, before he left this worldly life, he said to his children (may ALLAH be pleased
with them): « Beware! Beware of believing that you are superior to his servants, because you and
they are equally servants of ALLAH. Beware of thinking that this house belong to you, because it
is the property of the Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). All of these possessions
are his, nothing is mine, and so know that all those who are affiliated to Sheikh (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) are entitled to this house. »

He (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was entirely possessed by the love of his beloved Master
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He considered that nothing, be it knowledge, secrets
or worldly wealth belonged to him and that everything belonged to Seyyidina Sheikh (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), both during his lifetime and following his departure for the

One day, one of his close companions by the name of Sidi Lakhdar ibn Hamani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) asked him to point out Laylatul Qadr. Through respect for his beloved Master,
Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “O my dear, Sheikh knows.”
On another occasion, he sent a letter to the disciples in the town of Souf in which he gave the
following recommendation regarding the Saints who have the power of spiritual governance:
“Fear nobody, nor creature of this world, whoever they may be and whatever they may have
achieved. Fear only ALLAH The Exalted, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and
Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).”

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Likewise, ever since he met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
he turned to no other but him. He did not even visit the tomb of his own father, Sidi Hajj Issa
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was a Saint and whose tomb was frequently visited. He
even erased all traces indicating the whereabouts of his tomb out of fear that his children after
him would visit it, considering that they needed no one else but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and that everything was to be found at his door.

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) vigorously ensured that the deeds of
the Tariqa were carried out properly. At that time, the Wazifa in his zawiya was accomplished in
four different places at the same time, that is to say that while the Wazifa was being performed in
the zawiya, three other gatherings were also performing the Wazifa, among which a group
including his wives and women servants who were in the women’s quarters, all in a single row,
led by his son Sidi Mohamed Seghir (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Another surprising example of his great respect for these noble formulas of evocation is the story
of one of his servants named Said. Said consumed intoxicating drink made from dates, and this
was a test for him. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) forbade him on
numerous occasions, but he did not stop. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) decided to send him to some particular people in the town of Souf, hoping that he would be
guided and would repentant thanks to them.

However, the servant secretly persisted. So they informed Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) suggesting: “Because he persists, it woud be preferable to sell him”. Sidi
Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) objected immediately : « Know that this
servant knows the Fatiha, the Salatoul Fatihi and Djaouharatou-l-Kamel and his name is Said (the
blissful). Nothing in this world has his value. Send him to the region of Djerid.»

So, in accordance with these recommendations, they sent him there. However, on the way, the
servant was touched by Divine Help. He sincerely repented to ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) and vowed never to such things again. He was then sent back to his master who was so
happy that he organised a feast to announce the good news that he had repented to the Lord.

VII - His enlightened claivoyance

Among the stories on this subject, it is said that one of his companions had a mother who held a
bad opinion of the Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He left his home and went
to see Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to ask him to request guidance
to his mother. When he sat in his presence, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) looked at him and before he had the time to say a word, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “O so and so, read the words of ALLAH The Most High
which say: “You do not guide whom you love but ALLAH guides whom He wills.””

On another occasion, the wife of Sidi Tahar ibn AbdSaddaq el Guemari (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) recounted: “Once I went to Tamacine with my husband to visit Sidi Hajj ‘Ali (may
ALLAH be pleased with him). At that time, he was still alive. We stayed in a room in the zawiya,

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and every day he sent us morning and evening all the food we needed. We got used to this, and
then my nafs made me unsatisfied with the quantity of food that the Sheikh sent us. I mention
this to my husband who became angry with me and then he left to visit the Sheikh and stayed
with him. At lunchtime, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) instructed his
servants to prepare a large dish overflowing with food and told them: “Put this in the room of
Sidi Tahar ibn AbdSaddaq el Guemari.” At that time Sidi Tahar ibn AbdSaddaq el Guemari was
with him and saw he thought “Maybe some other guests have arrived and he has put them in the
same room as us and this copious meal is for them.” However, when he returned to his room,
they were no other guests, only us. I ate until I was entirely satiated and we were satisfied, and so
my husband gave away a large quantity of leftover. At dinner time, the Sheikh sent us as much
food as at lunch time, and subsequently this huge amount of food continued to be sent to us,
morning and evening. Sidi Tahar ibn AbdSaddaq el Guemari went to see Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) and said: “O Sidi, we have eaten and shared the rest, but
there is still too much food let over”. By this he wanted to suggest that he would reduce the
quantity and send us just enough to meet our needs.” Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) spoke to him by unveiling about what I had said: “Women are diminished and
are only satisfied by a large quantity food.” My husband came and scolded me saying: “Here we
are, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali heard your words about the lack of food.””

Again, there is the story of the pious wali and vertuous Muqaddam Sidi Ahmed ibn Tayeb aslo
known as Ibn Charqi el Qansantini (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He was among the elite
of his truthful disciples and he travelled to Constantine to meet him, before the French took over
his town. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) clearly announced to him
that the French were going to take over Constantine and he said: “Beware of fleeing when the
French take hold of the city because if you leave the city, you will have to return.”

When ALLAH’s (The Glorified, The Exalted) decree and destiny were accomplished and the city
was conquered, Sidi Ahmed Charqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and his family, went into
exile in Tunis in order to escape the colonizers. However, his situation in Tunis deteriorated to
such an extent that the only solution he could find to his difficulties was to return to his home
town Constantine. Indeed, once he had returned home, his situation improved and he stayed
there until his decease and burial.

It is said that, once, he called one of his particular companions and said: “Heed my
recommendations. A plate of food will be placed in front of you. Poke your index finger in the
middle of it and say: “Wrath and ire against the meal of he who denigrates. Wrath and ire against
the meal of he who denigrates. Wrath and ire against the meal of he who denigrates.”” A long
moment passed and then. This particular companion met a person from a different soufi path
than that of Seyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). This person
detains authentic secrets which allowed him to have a certain power over things. He had a large
dish which he would fill with food and then recite certain Names and particular evocations after
which he would offer it to people who could it their fill although the dish remained full. Even
when more than a hundred people ate, the meal remained intact.

One day, this person said to this disciple with the intention of confusing him (because he knew
that this disciple was following the Tidjaniya Path): “O so and so, are you ready for me to show
you my dish that nothing can change. If ever you can eat all the food that it contains, then this
the proof that your path is the most perfect and the noblest as you believe.” The disciple replied:
“Bring me your dish.” He ordered for the dish full of food to be placed in front of the disciple,
who suddenly remembered the recommendations given to him by Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him). He poked his index finger into the middle of the food and said:

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“With your authorization O Sidi Hajj ‘Ali, wrath and ire against the meal of he who denigrates”
and he repeated it three times, as instructed by the Sheikh.

Then he began to eat. All the while the other person stood reciting his evocation so that his dish
would be covered with blessings. But the disciple ate absolutely everything and then asked: “Do
you have another dish? If so, please bring to me.” The other person was dumbfounded and
amazed that his secret had been swallowed in one go by this Tidjani disciple.

On another occasion, a person travelled from his town to visit Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) and, on the way, he fancied grilled fish with semolina bread that
was to be found in the big cities. When he reached Tamacine, and was blessed by meeting Sidi
Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the latter instructed one of his servant to
bring him the meal of his house. It was grilled fish with semolina bread just as his visitor had
desired, although fish was nowhere to be found in this desert region.

He also predicted by subtle allusion certain events connected to the death of Sidi Ahmed Ammar
son of Sidi Muhammad el Habib Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with them) in the region of
Souf. People only understood the meaning of this allusion when Sidi Ahmed Ammar (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) was exhumed in the town of Guemar and then buried in the village
of his ancestors in Ain Madhi, although this event occurred more than fifty years after his

He also predicted several times, long before it happened, sometimes explicitly and sometimes by
allusion, the taking of Alger and the surroundings area by the French.

On another occasion, he announced that in a certain part of Tamacine, the body of a descendant
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had been buried long ago. He strongly warned
people against walking in this place. There was no visible trace of a tomb whatsoever, but, many
years after the death of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the
unblemished body of a man which had suffered no alteration was exhumed from this very place.
It is possible that this person was someone who held a high spiritual station with Divine Presence
and this is the reason why Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) warned
against walking in this place.

Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) possessed great knowledge of spiritual
unveiling (Mukachafa) that he fully mastered. He saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) frequently. On this subject, a discussion that he had concerning the vision of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) experienced by the Wali is related. One day, he was evoking
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) with some brothers when he said: “O so and so, some of
those present here with you at this time do nothing however big or small without the permission
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) through spiritual unveiling and vision. They do
not even go to sleep without the permission of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”
Those who heard him understood that he was speaking of himself.

Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said that once he was with Sidi Hajj Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and wished to request the title of Muqaddam so
that he would be able to transmit the noble Wird. He said: “At the moment when this intention
crossed my mind, Sidi Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) turned to me and said:
“you are authorised to give the Tariqa to anyone who requests it.” I gave thanks to ALLAH for
this great blessing. It was in this way that he unveiled that which was hidden.”

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VIII- The healing of sickness and other ailments, with ALLAH’s permission

A man hailing from Guemar who was afflicted with a boil due to the plague on his testicles which
swelled and caused him intense suffering. He was poor and did not have the means to pay for
treatment, so, he formulated the intention to visit Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) on his behalf, hoping that, through
his blessing, ALLAH would heal him.

When he arrived, He found Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) sitting on
his mat outside the door of the Zawiya, and before he had time to speak of his problem, two
donkeys came towards them. The two donkeys began to rub against each other and one of them
mounted the other. Then Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to the
man: “Get up and separate them.” Some people who were present said: “O Sidi, he is very sick
and does not have the strength to separate them, order one of us to do it in his stead.” But Sidi
Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “No, no, he must do it himself.”
Despite his pain, the sick man stood up and walked towards the donkeys. When he tried to
separate them, one of the donkeys kicked him directly in the painful swelling.

The man screamed and fainted. When he woke up, he saw that his boil had burst due to the
powerful kick of the donkey. The pus came out, the intense pain subsided and the swelling
diminished. Through the blessings of the master, even before the man reached home, he was
entirely cured and suffered no after-effects.

Another time, a man was brought to him who was unable to leave his bed and who had to
provide for his family. When Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) entered
his room, the man began to shout requesting the Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) to save him from the misfortune that had befallen him. Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “O my poor fellow, what do you want me to do, we
are all under the protection of the Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), go and
consult a doctor and receive treatment.” He repeated the same thing several times as was his
wont in such circumstances. Indeed, in the first place, he pointed all those who sought healing
from him in the direction of the doctors.

The sick man continued to plea for help, lying beside him, until he succumbed to sleep. Seeing
that he was in a deep sleep, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
approached him and shouted loudly. The sick man woke up suddenly, startled by the loud shout
of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who said to him: “Get up and walk.”
The man got up and was able to walk.

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) added: “Do you feel any pain?” The
sick man replied: “I feel no pain, O Sidi!” Then Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) said to him: “Go now and know that pain and diseases will no longer afflict you with
the exception of that which precedes your death.” The man returned home in good health and
vitality as if this disease had never occurred. After that, he leaved many years during which he

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knew no sickness until, just before his death, he fell slightly sick and then died, just as Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had predicted.

On another occasion, a man who suffering greatly from a sickness that the doctors were unable
to cure was brought to him. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) ordered
for him to seat beside him and placed his hand on the place which was ailing him, upon which
the man fainted. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked his servants to
carry him into a room, to cover him and to leave him alone. When the man awoke, he stood up
immediately as if he had never been sick. Afterwards, he was asked about the reason for which he
had fainted to which he answered: “When Sidi Hajj ‘Ali placed his hand upon me, I saw him
become bigger and bigger until he had reached an impressive size and then I lost consciousness.”

One of the sublime prodigies that he demonstrated when he was helping people who implored
him from far away is that of one of his truly near and dear who hailed from a tribe in Nememcha.
This man was imprisoned, falsely accused of a serious crime. He was sentenced to twenty years in
prison and was sent to France to serve his sentence. Shortly after his imprisonment, ALLAH
(The Glorified, The Exalted) gave him the idea to implore His Help through the intermediary of
Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), which he did, imploring ALLAH to
deliver him from this situation. Then he fell asleep and dreamt of his master Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who said to him: “Know that you will leave this
prison tomorrow by the permission of Your Lord.” When he woke up, he told this to some of
his cell mates who moked him saying: “How could you leave this prison tomorrow when you are
condemned to spend twenty years in this gloomy place. In your dreams!” Then next day, after the
sun had risen, the jailer called his name and said to him: “The judge has ordered us to let you out
today and allow you to join your family and your country.” This is actually what happened.

Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was present when Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away. Three days before Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away, when Sidi Hajj Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was fifty-one, he visited him to pay his last respects
and received the Caliphate (the succession) directly from him, written by his blessed hand, as well
as his recommendations concerning his children and all the people of the path. On that day,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed him that the following day he
should leave Fes for his planned destination without delay. Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) was moved and replied: “I am your servant, I have become attached to your
company. I cannot bear to be separated from you, what you are saying is terrible and heart-

He broke into tears before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
who said: “Why are you crying? This verdict is inevitable. It is impossible for the creatures to
escape it. Be patient and your patience is but from ALLAH and be strong in yourself. I have
appointed you as my Caliph and my replacement, I bequeath you my secrets, I delegate to you my
recommendations for my children, my wives, my servants, my companions and my beloved
among the people of the path. Our Lord will sustain you in all this, may He be Glorified and
Exalted.” He also said: “Our Tariqa is transmitted from living being to living being and you are
my successor in this Tariqa.” Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi, Sidi Ahmed ibn Souleïman Taghzouti and

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Sidi Tahar ibn AbdeSaddaq (may ALLAH be pleased with them) were all present when these
instructions were given.

Upon the death of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) manifested the incomparable signs of the great
Fath. People began to arrive from far and wide to take the Baraka of the Tariqa through his
intermediary. On one occasion, two hundred people affiliated to him who came from far away
arrived at the same time to request the Taqdim (Title of Muqaddam allowing the transmission of
the authorization to practice the Tariqa) in order to convey the litanies.

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away in 1260 of the Hegira at
the age of eighty and was buried in his home town of Tamacine (South-east Algeria). His tomb is
incessantly irrigated with mercy. Such was the life of this man of many blessings.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Lalla Mannana
(May ALLAH be pleased with her)

The renowned Majdhouba (enraptured by ALLAH) Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with
her), may ALLAH grant His Mercy, was among those whose feet were rooted in the Moukachafa
(unveiling) and she was sometimes overwhelmed by her spiritual state divine rapture (Jadhb).

She (may ALLAH be pleased with her) often used to visit Sidi Ahmed ibn Mohamed El Bannani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). When he came to consult her regarding his wish to enter the
Tariqa, she welcomed him hospitably and advised him to take the Tariqa of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) rapidly. She told him of his merits and all that
she had lived with him. It is said that at that time, she said to Sidi Bannani, before he had said a
single word: “O Sidi Ahmed! You have come for my advice concerning your commitment to the
path to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani. If you accept my advice, hasten to submit yourself to him
because he is most certainly the Sultan. Events occurred with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjan, here is
one: one day I was sitting at home when two people came and said: “Get up in order to speak to
the Sultan.” I thought: “They meant Sultan Suleiman.” Indeed Sultan Suleiman often sent
messages to her and likewise she often visited him. He was particularly fond of her.”

She continued: « So I followed them as far as the Gate El Ftouh (one of the Gate of the city of
Fes). I moved towards the Sultan and realized that it was not Mawlana Suleiman, but it was
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) who I did not know before.
Then, Sultan Sidi Ahmed Tidjani asked me: “What do you think about the plague that has
assailed our city. Certainly, it could not have been otherwise given this kind of people
characterized by this kind of deeds. ” And he named a number of misdeeds. »

Sidi Ahmed Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) continued: “When she heard this from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret), she answered: “Although all
existing Saints have not been able to confront this trouble, I am able to lift away this calamity
from people.” He said to her: “Are you able to bear and endure this?” She replied: “Yes.”
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) instructed her to return
home and as she was entering the gate of the city, she was affected by an explosion that she heard
behind her. She fell on her face and remained there until some people carried her home. These
people heard the sound of the deflagration resounding within her and this state she cried out until
ALLAH decreed the lifting of the calamity that had befallen this town. ”

In the past, the Majadhib (plural of Madjoub) often spoke of the calamities, hardships and
changing circumstances that were to come. Coming to know that the situation was most serious,
Sidi Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was inspired to undertake a spiritual retreat in
his house. He invoked by The Name “El Latif” (The Most Gentle) with the intention of warding
off the misfortune that was descending upon them and he continued to invoke for many days.

One day, when he was perfoming his Zikr, Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) came to
his house: she often came to visit. She came in and went directly to the place when Sidi Bannani (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had isolated himself to accomplish his duty, without speaking to
anybody. When she saw him, she said: “We have recognized you, O Sidi Ahmed Bannani!” Then she
returned from whence she came. Another time when she came back and spoke with the household
members, they asked her: “The other day, you did this and that and you spoke to no one. What is the
reason for this?” So, she replied: “I saw a calamity descending upon this region


from the skies and only a small gap remained between the chastisement and the city. I saw people
full of fear and regret.” And she recited the following poem:

« In truth, only the virtuous are true men

All othes are but children”

She continued: « Then I saw this calamity rising up until it was out of sight. I looked for the
reason why this misfortune had moved away, but I was unable to know or uncover it despite my
considerable efforts (through her unveiling). Unable to know the reason, I performed the
ablutions during the night and then I recited prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) and I requested ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) to clarify. While I was sleeping,
two angels came to me. They took me by the hand and transported me to the place where Sidi
Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was in retreat, performing Zikr. When I awoke, I
went to meet him, and found that he was the reason why the misfortune threatening the Muslims
had been averted. May Allah reward him for his good deeds.

The noble lady had attended the burial of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret). Three days prior to his passing, she had informed The Fqih Sidi Bannani (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), and some of the most meritorious, that Seidina would pass away
in two or three days. When the day of the funeral of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani's (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret) came, they asked, "Didn't you tell us that the Sultan was going to
die?" She answered, "Yes, this is the Sultan".

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) sent some of his
companions to consult her in certain circumstances and she informed them of the truth in those
given circumstances. She died shortly after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret). Her tomb is not far from the presses close to the main street, in a derelict
mosque in the city of Fez.

After consulting Lalla Manana (may ALLAH be pleased with her), Sidi Bannani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) rushed towards the great benefit: he took the Tariqa Muhammadiya from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret). After he took the Tariqa,
Seyidina kept him close to his side, and enquired about him when he did not see him among the

He enjoyed talking and discussing with him, and when he was in a spiritual state of contraction
(Qabdh), he used to call him and to discuss. Seyyidina used to say to him: “What do interpreters
say about such and such verses?” And he used to say the words of the interpreters to him.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) authenticated the words of
some and refuted those of others which had strayed from accuracy and he justified the truth of
his words with logical and revealed proof.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) used to say to him: “What
the researchers among the scholars of outer knowledge mean is this, but the profound meaning
of this verse is this and also that.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) used to talk to him about the noble prophetic words with equal knowledge.

The Fqih Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) always left Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) with new knowledge that dazzles reason and which can only be
only grasped by those gifted with great knowledge. Among Sidi Bannani’s qualities is his exceptional
memory. Indeed, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) had given him a deeply rooted

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and perfect memory, such that he had never experienced forgetfulness. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) addressed him as “Master” and when he spoke with
him, Sidi Bannani surprised the assembly with his deep understanding of Seyyidina’s words.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

200 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sidi Abdelwahab Banis, the blind companion

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The master Abdelwahab Banis (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the perfect knower and pious wali
was one of the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), and also among those whose Spiritual Opening was such that Seyyidina declared:
“You are to me what Ibn Um Maktum (may ALLAH be pleased with him) (famous companion who
was also afflicted with blindness) was to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”

He was well devoted to his religion that he maintained eagerly, always occupied with performing
good deeds with great effort, determination and perseverance. He was blind but saw with his heart’s
eye. Indeed, it was he who had heard spirits exchanging condolences upon the death of Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He was returning from the Subh prayer,
which he had performed in a mosque neighbouring Seyyidina’s home. While he was walking on the
road, he heard the spirits talking to each other. Of this, he said: “When I heard this, I wanted to
clarify, so I went to Seyyidina’s house and found that his blessed spirit had just left his body.”

Among the many things that have been said of him is the following: “I heard Seyyidina saying: “If
you notice that someone is carrying tobacco on his person when he is in the Wazifa gathering, you
should send him out.”” Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that Sidi
Abdelwahab Banis (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had told him: “The Muqaddam authorization
that Seyyidina assigned me concerning the transmission of the wird is conditioned by the fact that I
am forbidden to give it to users of these impure substances, whether nasally, orally or smoking.” The
Muqaddam Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also said that he had read the title
of Muqaddam and the conditions of transmission of Sidi AbdelWahab Banis (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), in the following terms or words to that effect: “He must not give the wird to users
of these impure substances, whether nasally, orally or smoking. This applies equally to the use of
hashish, tobacco and opium. On the other hand, he can transmit to a person that consumes
intoxicating beverages, because it is possible to hope that this person could repent, whereas most of
the others do not repent for their misdeeds.”

Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also said: “I noticed that this condition
concerning the transmission of the litanies was exceptional, except in the case of Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) who also did not gave the Tariqa to a user of tobacco.”

When the Muqaddem Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to Tunisia to settle
some matters, he was invited by some brothers. Some people present at the gathering, praised
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the Tariqa. Aspiring to join,
they declared: “The scholar Sidi Ibraim Riyahi forbade us to enter the Tariqa because we use and
smoke tobacco. He has conditioned our entry in the Tariqa by the fact that we renounced, but we are
unable to stop.” Then Sidi Tayeb said to them: “If you are determined to take this Tariqa, then, even
if you use tobacco, I will give it to you.” He transmitted the noble path to them and they felt
immense joy. Then, when they left the house, they threw away their matches, exclaiming: “No good
can come from these things that have prevented certain Muqaddam to transmit the Tariqa to us.”
They swore a solemn oath to ALLAH never to use them again.

The Sherif Sidi Mussa ibn Ma’zuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) personally excluded any
person carrying tobacco on their person from the Wazifa gathering. Regarding tobacco, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) declared: “Consumption of tobacco is

forbidden and this prohibition originates in the following words of the Prophet (peace and

blessings be upon him): “Anything that provokes a state of weakness is forbidden.” Tobacco is
taken into account in this hadith because of the addiction that it leads to.” On another occasion,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said (or words to that
effect): “A person who does not repent for his consumption (here we are speaking of tobacco
and other similar substances) will not have the best of death.”

Sidi Hajj AbdelWahhab ibn El Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said that, one day, one of
Seyydina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) servants was seriously ill. When he was in his
death throes, he uttered vulgarities and he was incapable of saying the declaration of faith even
though it had been repeated to him. The brothers were surprised at this and some of them declared:
“How can this happen to this servant when Seyyidina is alive?” They went to report the incident to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), who said to them: “Ask his wife
about what he used to do.” When they questioned her, she described his numerous religious qualities,
his steadfast obedience to his Lord with the exception that he consumed tobacco. Upon hearing this,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) confirmed: “This is because of
this repulsive herbs. Go to him and ask him to repent to ALLAH.” So they went to the servant and
told him what Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had said. He repented and was
finally able to pronounce the testimony of faith before his spirit left his body.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

202 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn El Ahmar

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ben Tawidi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), better known as Ibn El Ahmar
was a Muqaddem endowed with a very high level of sainthood, holding the blessing of coming to the
help to numerous creatures, and who had lost all desire to sleep since his separation from Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) until he died.

This master, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, was one of the pillars of this Tariqa, and among the
elite of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them), those who
accompanied him regularly, both at home and during his travels, until he attained the highest
objectives. He was among the ten companions to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) had promised the great opening (Fathou-l-Akbar) as Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) had announced. Indeed, when they had accomplished an important
mission, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani was asked: “Will they be rewarded for this?” To which Seyyidina
replied: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) assured them of the Great Opening.”

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the coffer of Seyyidina’s (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) secrets as well as those of the Caliph Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim
Berada (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Indeed, Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
had instructed him to travel with the great Caliph when he went to Hijez in Arabia. And so he
accompanied him until his death in Badr, the place where our Master and Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) was victorious, in about 1218 of the hegira. Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) buried him there and then, receiving his approval, returned to Fes.

Among the events that he lived with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounted the
following: “We were going to Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) house on the
blessed night of the celebration of Mawlud. It was our habit on religious celebrations to go to
him after dusk, to receive his instructions for this blessed night. ”

We had not prepared the lanterns, the candles and so on in the Zawiya because we have done so for
the celebration of the 27th night of Ramadan and he had instructed us to put them out and to close
Zawiya. So, we thought that he might do the same on this night and so we had no preparation.
However when we prepared to take our leave, he asked us where we were going. We answered: “We
are going home.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked: “Are
you not going to the Zawiya?” And we answered: “To do what, Oh our Master?” He said: “This is the
noble night of celebration, you must go and revivify the night by praying upon him and praising him.
Recite the Hamziya of Bussairi.” Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with
him): « Oh my Master, should we recite the Hamziya singing it out loud like the religious singers do?
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: « Yes, do it like that ». Sidi Hajj
Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked him
: « Oh Master, when we have finished, should we recite other evocations or not (that is to say in
the way that the zikr is performed on Fridays)? He said: “No, do not do that because this night is
for praying upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and chanting songs of praise
and not for any other reason. This is not the time to perform zikr.”

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was pure of heart, following

the religious way, by means of its straightest path. He hastened to accomplish good deeds attaining

the best realization of his intention. His heart was so pure and so far from the afflictions of
passion, that he desired good for all.

He said: “The Tidjaniya Tariqa has three supports which are both its core and secret: constant
love for the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), performing the prayers on
time, the abundance of the prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”
Among the deeds that he recommended is the accomplishment of Salat Tasbih, of which is said:
“I would like all of the companions to accomplish this.”

Special gifts, that had been granted by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), distinguished him from others. Among the prodigies of Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), he frequently saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
in his dreams. Once, he told some of those closed to him who had inquired (of him) on this subject,
the following: he had seen the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with Abu Bakr (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) and Umar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and Sidi Hajj
Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was joining them. The Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) turns to his two companions and said: “Write his name on your list of
companions”, pointing to Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
This vision confirmed and corroborate the following words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “The Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him)
said to me: “Your companions are my companions and your disciples are my disciples.””

After the death of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Hajj
Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) often sat near the noble Mihrab in
the blessed Zawiya to perform his zikr. One day, when he was busy performing his zikr as usual,
he saw Seyyidina leaving his tomb and coming towards him. Seyyidina said to him: “Get up!” He
rose and took two or three steps in his company when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) appeared. Upon this manifestation, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said to him: “Now you are with your Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him).” Weeping, Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) kiss the
Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) hand. Then, he came out of his state of absence and
found himself sitting in his original place.

The following is among the prodigies demonstrating his perfect spiritual power of governance

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was acompanying a
caravan that was transporting Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) possessions when thieves appeared and seized everything.

In the case of this agression, Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) warned the thieves saying: “Oh people fear ALLAH: This caravan belongs to the Wali of
ALLAH Sidi Ahmed Tidjani.” They answered: “So what! We do not know him and we will not
relinquish even if you die or we do.” They pointed their weapons and seized all the goods. At that
moment, (a weight) a sensation of heaviness (overcame their bodies) took hold of their bodies,
suffocating them and leaving them helpless (powerless) to such an extent that they could not
even walk as if the earth was sucking them down. So the thieves exclaimed: “O people! Please
come and take back your possessions, free us from this misfortune!”

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to them: « You were
warned. These goods belong to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious

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secret), so repent now to ALLAH for what you have done or you or it will be the ruin of you. We
repented to ALLAH and returned all the goods that they had stolen. Then, they accompanied the
caravan and went to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and took
the Tariqa benefiting from his Baraka. Thus, they returned to their country having repented for their
misdeeds, henceforth attached to the rope of guidance whereas, previously, their tribe was infamous
as a hub lawlessness. Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn el Ahmar was the cause of all of that by the grace of
the powerful spiritual force of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

He died in the morning on a Friday, the second day of Ramadan in the year 1269 of the Hegira.
It is said that he had attained the station of the Qutbaniya, sixteen months before his passing.
Upon his death, the famous Fqih Muhammad Kenssousi declared: “The secrets of the Tariqa
have died with him.”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

205 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sidi Abdelwahid Bughalib

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The honorable Sherif Abou Muhammad Sidi Abdelwahid Bughalib (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) was the sublime Muqaddam, the perfect guide of extraordinary blessing, and one of the
elite whose Great Opening was recognized. He maintained his religious practice with great
diligence and was always to be found praying or evoking, devoted to the accomplishment of the
five prayers at the blessed Zawiya, using all his energy to benefit from good deeds, following the
straightest path of the Tariqa, and all called upon him. He was deeply moved by a great fear of
his Lord. He was quickly seized by a spiritual state when evoking, and his spiritual state was an
exhortation for the people, and his words were an orientation towards ALLAH (The Glorified,
The Exalted).

He dug two tombs and then Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the
beloved of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), holder of the
great opening, and himself, promised each other that the first to die would be buried in one of
the tombs and the second in the other. Thus, when Sidi Mahmoud Tounsi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) passed away, he was buried in one of the tombs, and later Sidi Abdelwahid
Bughalib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was buried in the other one.

On their instructions, a group of companions were buried on the same burial ground. Among
them are the sublime Mouqadem Sidi Abdelwahhab Ibn El Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) whose tomb is at their feet and in front of them, Sidi Moussa ibn Ma’zouz (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), and also Sidi Muhammad Ibn Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and
others, may ALLAH have mercy upon them.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Ahmed ibn Muhammad Bannani Fesi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

He was among the elite and the best of his time. He was learned. His high spiritual aspiration was
manifest in his generosity and kindness. He received knowledge and secrets from Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) and benefited from his lights. In this
way, He took the essence from the Shari’a, and the contemplation from the Haqiqa. In the
Tariqa, he sat in the holy Tidjani presence on the mat of inner circle. Thus, he absorbed both
knowledge and deed. Seeing the Baraka of the Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret),
and feeling deep affection for him, Sidi Ahmed Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) took
the Tariqa directly from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret)
even before his own father.

It is said that one day, he fell and bruised both his legs. With great sadness, the people took him
home. His father, Sidi Muhammad went to fetch the doctors who included the famous
Bissantissi. Bissantissi applied a plaster cast and instructed him to lie down and refrain from all
movement, advising his father to take care that he remained thus, for fear of losing the use of his
legs. Sidi Ahmed Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was afflicted because he thought
that the doctor’s advice was very difficult to follow, and so he begged for Help from ALLAH
through the intermediary of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret).
Due to the intense pain, he fell drowsy. He saw Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy
his precious secret) accompanied by a man to whom he said: “O Ali, prepare some medicine for
him.” He placed his blessed hands on Sidi Ahmed Bannani’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
legs and said to him: “Take my hand, stand up and walk.” Then, he felt the freshness of relief and
was sure that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had healed him
through the famous Wali, doctor of Awliya, Moulay ‘Ali Boughaleb (may ALLAH be pleased
with him). The pain subsided. He moved his legs and wanted to stand up.

Those who were present feared for him, but he paid no attention to them. Using a walking stick, he
got up. Informed of his intention to get up, his father rushed to his side to prevent him. But he found
him feeling no pain. He wanted to scold him for disobeying the doctor’s orders and Sidi Ahmed (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) told his father about his vision. His father, Sidi Muhammad (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) calmed down and knew for sure that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was present as was the manifestation of his bakara. The doctor
was surprised by this sudden recovery because he had not thought it possible. He realized that this
was one of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) prodigies. Thus, Sidi
Ahmed Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) fully recovered. This is one of the reasons that
led Sidi Ahmed’s father to take the Tariqa from Seyyidina.

Sidi Ahmed Bannani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was very attached to Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Since he had met him, except in case of
necessity, he spent most of his time in his company at the Zawiya. He had access to the opening
of doors of Knowledge and also to secrets from the Lordly Spiritual Opening overflowing from
The Holy Muhammadian Presence that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) transmitted. Although he was highly intelligent and possessing of crystal clear
knowledge, when he discussed a verse or a hadith with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), he was astonished and amazed by the depth of words that emanated
from the ocean of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) seccrets.

It was related that he said: “Sometimes, in the presence of Seyyidina, I understood nothing of his

infused spiritual irrigations or of the knowledge and spiritual openings that he manifested, and
find myself to be barbaric.”

Once, he went on pilgrimage, and during his journey, he met a group who had the spiritual
opening in the Tariqa Ahmediya and while he was traveling through the Hijaz with one of his
traveling companions, he passed nearby a place where he had been told of the presence of the
tomb of Sidi so and so, one companion. He approached the tomb with the intention of obtaining
the Baraka (it is not prohibited for the Tidjani disciple to visit the Prophets (peace and blessings
be upon him), the companions, and the brothers on the Tidjaniya path). Having accomplished his
visit, he had travelled a certain distance when somebody informed him that the tomb was not
that of a companion but that of a wali.

He was affected by this, and felt bound to return to apologize to the wali as if he were alive,
saying: “O Wali! I visited thinking that you were a companion. Since this is not the case, I retrace
my steps regarding both content and form. I have no desire to receive an influx through your
intermediary as a result of this visit. If I had known that you were not a companion, I would not
have visited you for fear of breaking with my path.” He spoke these words softly, thus showing
the respect that is due to the awliya, presenting excuses worthy of a sincere disciple with respect
to the pact of the Shouyoukh.

Then, he returned to the caravan and informed them of what he had done. In this way, he was at
the origin of a teaching for the brothers who were in his company who observed not only words
but also deeds. Sidi Ahmed Bannani’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) attitude in this
situation is proof of his sincerity regarding his dedication to the covenant with his Sheikh on the
path, because on Tidjani path, visiting awliya from other path is prohibited. It is well-known that
this is a cause of a rupture in the irrigation that comes from the Sheikh to the disciple. It could be
answered that he could have simply formulating the intention to retrace his steps which would
have been sufficient and so there would be no need to return to the tomb or, he could have
refrained from retracing his steps because in reality he had not visited this particular wali, given
that he had visited him thinking that he was a companion: therefore his visit does not constitute a
prohibited visit.

What is the secret that motivates his conduct? The answer is that he did this in order to emphasize to
the Tidjani disciples present the illicit character of visiting awliya other than the companions because
in such circumstances some of them may have thought that it was authorized. Thus, his deed has
highlighted the prohibition of such visits in the eyes of each and every one.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

208 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Sidi Arbi El Ashhab

(may ALLAH be pleased with him)

Sidi Arbi El Ashhab (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a pious wali of sincere love,
astonishing prodigies, elevated worth and holder of immense praise. This master was among the
elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He was
among the nearest ones and contemplated by all with great affection. Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) trusted him with all his important and special affairs so much so that
he did not leave Seyyidina’s doorstep without authorization.

Once, Seyydina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called him when the latter
was in the toilets, so he hurried out without taking the time to wash. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) asked him: “Why do you not take the time to wash with water?” He answered:
“O Sidi! I can change my clothes and wash them but I do not want the Sheikh to change what he
thinks about me.” He was subject to spiritual states. Another time, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called him when he was on the roof. Without hesitation, Sidi
Arbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) jumped of the roof, but he immerged unscathed. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade him to do such things.

On another occasion, Sidi Arbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) crossed a road in Fes on his ways
to Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) house. He was bringing eight loads of coal
destined for the daily cooking in Seyyidina’s household. Each time, he crossed a road, some of the
nosy people of Fes said scornfully: “This coal is used by Sidi Ahmed Tidjani for alchemy and elixirs.”
Sidi Arbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) did not reply. He joined Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who was in his house with a group of companions. Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked him: “O Sidi Arbi! What did those people say to
you?” So he repeated their comments. Then, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said to him: “We request ALLAH to forgive them.”

It is not true that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) practiced
alchemy, but many people credited him with this art because of the great wealth that he
possessed despite his tremendous expenses. Unable to see where his wealth could come from
and noticing distillery utensils and other instruments, they peddled this unfounded accusation
about him. In reality, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used all of this
equipment for the extraction of therapeutic oils used in the treatment of certain diseases.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) discretely gave oil to the
merchant Hajj Taleb Benjaloun which he used to heal sick pilgrims. Actually, people thought that
the merchant donated medicine that he had bought abroad, until one day he told them that it was
in fact Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who gave it to him.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) held Sidi El Ashhab (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) in great esteem, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) himself recommended that he take great care of him. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said about him: “He is of me and I am of him, I love him so much that no sin
could change anything.” He accomplished ten thousand Salatoul Fatihi each day and
accompanied Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) both during his
travels and in residence for twenty years.


Here follows a letter that Seyyidina had sent through his intermediary:

« After praise to ALLAH, the Exalted, Sanctified are His Names, Immense are His Nobility and
Majesty; may the peace of ALLAH, His Mercy and His blessings be upon you; from he who
loves you, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani, the following:

Praise be to ALLAH, The Owner of blessings through which you are well and in good health.
We beseech ALLAH to grant you His Approval and submission to Him regarding what He has
predestined for you. May He accept you through His Grace and Approval both in this world and
the Hereafter. May He hold your hand whenever you stumble and may He grant you access to
the highest level, ahead of those that he has blessed with His love, with His favours, and with His
prodigies. May he inscribe you among the people of the Iliyine in the vicinity of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him). Ameen.

We had sent advice through the intermediary of our beloved Sidi Arbi El Ashhab in which you will
find help for this world and for the Hereafter. Receive them favourably and put them into practice.
You would be spared the fatigue when enduring the troubles and sadness of this world. Submit every
situation to He who controls them. He does with them as He wishes and as He chooses. Show mercy
to each other and help each other to do good and to be pious. Do not help each other to commit sins
and demonstrate aggression. Be sure that, one day, you will have to leave, naked, just as your family
and your money. Inevitably, the day will come when the amanah must be given back. So, do not be
jealous, and do not argue. Be servants of ALLAH, brothers. He who loves his brother in ALLAH
because he is a believer should take his hand and help him, because this is the fruitful transaction, the
elevated degree, the approved path and pure and honourable virtue […].

When he passed away, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said of
him: “Oh such an excellent partner, such an excellent companion, such an excellent trusty!” He
attended his funeral and after the burial, some of the elite among the companions of Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) came to offer their condolences. One of them said to him: “O
Sidi, even if he is dead, we are here and we are all the same as him.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “There is nobody like him and nor can they be.” With
this, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) bears witness to the respect
that he has for Sidi Arbi El Ashhab (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Sidi Arbi El Ashhab (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was buried near Bab Ftouh (One of the
gates to Fes), and during the burial, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) came to lean in the shade of an olive tree which was renowned among the disciples of
Fes, because people came here to take blessings. It is said that whosoever suffers from back pain
should lean against this tree and he will be healed, with the permission of ALLAH.

On this subject, Imam Sukeyrj (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Once, I was attending a
burial near the tomb of Sidi Arbi and I asked about this tree in order to understand. A jurist
critically and excessively replied (and we were a large group sitting there in the shade of that tree):
“Whatever result we may obtain (through its blessing), it is the duty of the scholars of the Tariqa
Tidjaniya to order for this tree to be cut down, in the same way that the tree of the covenant of
(God’s) approval was felled so that it would not be adored.””

So, I answered: « This comparison is invalid and useless. As a matter of fact, is-it not recognized by
both the ordinary man and also the elite among the people of the Sunna that seeking blessings from
the tracks that have been left by the virtuous ones is praiseworthy and in no way to be feared, for
ordinary Muslims, their faith cannot be corrupted by this act. What is the value of your opinion

210 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


over that of all others? I think that, by speaking in this way, you seek only to prove your
knowledge. What then can be said of other tracks that have been left by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) which, based on your opinion, one should fear more
that it would become an object of adoration, such as the cave of Hira where the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) stayed, or the black stone or all the other places of pious visit?
According to your reasoning, these places should be the first to be destroyed and to disappear.

The man in question received the disapprobation of the rest of the group and went away hanging
his head (in shame).

Note: The companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) were particularly
fervent in their pursuit of blessings. Some of them drank the blood or the urine of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him), they collected his spit and spread it on their own skin, and
drank the water from his ablutions. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave them
his hair when he cut it, and so on. There are many authentic stories on this subject.

It was related by Bukhari that AbdALLAH ibn Mess’ud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had
said: “For us, the Divine signs were a blessing when you think that they are a threat from
ALLAH. One day, we were traveling with the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be
upon him). Water was scarce and so he (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Find me a small
amount of water.” They brought him a vessel containing a little water. He put his hand in the
water and said: “Come to the blessed purification and the blessings of ALLAH.” I saw the water
ran between the fingers of the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) and we
heard the food glorifying ALLAH as we ate it.

It is related by Tabarani that Ja’far ibn Abdallah ibn El Hakam had said: “Khalid ibn El Walid had
lost his chechia at the battle of Yarmuk and said: “Find it!” They found it, but it was very shabby.
Khalid said: “the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him)” had performed a
Umra and so he had shaved his head. The Muslims rushed to get the hair from the side of his
head, and I took the head from the front of his head and put them in this chechia. Every time I
fought a battle wearing it, I have been victorious.”” El Haythami said: “This was related by
Tabarani and Abu Ya’la and the chain of transmission is authentic.”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

211 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim Berada

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the perfect wali who has been
attained knowledge (Marifa), the great caliph endowed with the elevated station (Maqam), the
gatherer of knowledge and secrets, at the highest summit of superior degrees, sun of joy that
illuminated the horizon of superior degrees, unequalled by any.

He was among those who had attained perfect knowledge and sainthood. He detained high rank
with Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who held him in
high esteem. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) spoke of his
high rank to his companions to such an extent that he was envied by all, both near and far.

Of him, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to say: “Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) said to me: “He holds with you the rank that Abu Bakr holds with me.””

The following words are among those that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “O Ahmed! Seek advice
from your servant and beloved, the highly reputed ‘Ali Harazim, for he holds with you the rank
that Harun held with Musa.” ALLAH is The Greatest, The Most Glorious, The Highest; I have
no better advice for you concerning him than this. May peace be upon you.””

The circumstances and causes that lead Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) to join Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) are as follows:
when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left Tlemcen in 1191 in order to pay a
pious visit to Mulay Idriss (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in Fes, he met Sidi ‘Ali Harazim
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) in Oujda. They did not know each other prior to this.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) revealed through unveiling
(Mukachafa) the vision concerning him that Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) had several years before and had forgotten. When in fact he remembered it and realized that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was telling the truth, he
knew with certainty that ALLAH had really shown him reality through this vision.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “Fear not that I
have over-exerted myself looking for you, for this meeting is all that I desired, praise be to
ALLAH for that.”

Then Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “I praised ALLAH and
gave thanks to him. Now that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) had assured me of this, I knew that ALLAH had granted me a great blessing and that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would be my guardian and
that he would take care of my situation.”

They went to Fes together, and having reached there, they stayed a while to visit the tomb of Sidi
Mulay Idriss (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) gave him the transmission of the Khalwatiyya path and taught him some of
the knowledge and secrets of the Sunnah that ALLAH had revealed to him.


When Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) decided to return to
Tlemcen, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) wanted to join him, but
Seyyidina advised him to go to a different region that ALLAH would choose for him. Having bid
him farewell, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “Hold firm onto the
covenant and the love (Mahaba) until you attain spiritual opening (Fath).”

Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the Caliph of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) during his lifetime. This conversation, which
occurred during their very first encounter demonstrates the perfect specificity of this companion
and the care that ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) took of him.

He had many virtues. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had
informed him that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) loved him in a special way, a love
that surpassed even the love of a father for his children. Speaking about him, Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: “Whatever the Caliph said, I also said.”

Referring to one of his greatest blessing, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:
“Nothing will come from me if not trough the intermediary of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim.”

Certain people endowed with insight as well as all those people and companions who had tasted
the secret of the Tariqa said that belief in this was valid as much during his lifetime as after his

Consequently, it may be thought that the continuous help of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), whether in general or in particular, may only be received through the intermediary of
Sidi ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and that the latter represents Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in both the visible and invisible worlds, after his death.
However, there is no reason why he should not be replaced in his role. ALLAH only knows. We
should have full faith in both of them and know that we can only benefit by taking into consideration
both the first invisible intermediary (Seyyidina) and the second, or any other who would take his
place, having been appointed by Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). The grace of
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is immense and He alone knows.

His particularity is also illustrated by his meeting with the companion of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) and judge (Qadi): Abu Muhammad Chamharuche (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), a king among the Djins. With the permission of Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), the latter gave him the oral transmission of Hizbu Saifi as was
customary among the elite of the companions.

His participation in the drafting of the renowned and noble Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, of which the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “This book is mine and it is I who composed
it”, shows that singularity which shows his important station.

Indeed, two months after having settled in Fes, city protected by ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted), obeying the Prophet’s order (peace and blessings be upon him), Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed his most intimate disciple, Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), to bring together and compose Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, organize
its chapters, clarify certain subjects, establish the structure.

Previously, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had instructed him to
tear into pieces all of the remarkable and sunni texts that had been gathered, resulting from the

213 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


majestic states (hal) that he experienced at that time, and which were the consequences of his
elevated aspirations and sincerity towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).

At that time, despite the surprise of the elite among the companions and those who follow them, and
their insistence that he reconsider the situation, Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) obeyed the order of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

He left only a few notes at the homes of certain companions and when he was authorized to
recompose the book, he made good use of his notes in many chapters of the book.

In Fes, at the beginning of the month of Sha’ban, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) began drafting the book: compiling and organizing, composing the subjects and the
chapters. The book was completed one year later, in the middle of the holy month of Dhul Qada,
during Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) lifetime, and bestow clouds of
Approval upon him.

When his work was finished, he took it to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) in the Mosque of Diwan. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
approved everything it contained and certified it from beginning to end with his blessed hand. By
the grace of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), the book was met, all over the land, in all
countries with joy and happiness and recognition for its fame and great reputation.

Concerning this noble book, the brothers were told, inciting them to read it: “O beloved
brethren, you should always read this book because it will ensure that he who reads it diligently,
by the grace of The Sovereign Bestower, and through sincere love, will reach the Ma’rifa
(Knowledge) of the Master of the masters. He will also perceive the most beautiful truths and the
rarest subtleties and fine details, and to attain the divine Presence through all its doors.
Whosoever exerts himself with regards to this book would lose his head if ever he lost it. As for
he who does not read it properly, he only has himself to blame.”

In order to eliminate any doubt regarding the nobility of this extraordinary book, it is enough to
know that its composition came from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and that it
was ennobled, enhanced, distinguished and increased in worth due to the greatness of Seyyidina’s
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) degree. As for he who wishes to realize the splendour
of its rank and worth, for this he must attain the pinnacle of his effort.

Whoever reads it and examines its content in depth will know for certain that the sublime and
perfect qualities of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) surpassed
those of all others. Nobody can contradict this, even in his absence, except those among the
heedless who have been forbidden access to his baraka and his benevolence because their minds
are full of hesitation and doubt.

Sidi 'Ali Harazim (May Allah be pleased with him), by the Master of creation, attested to the
status of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah sanctify his precious secret), which is evidence of
his particular love and his exceptional sincerity.

The writing of Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani is a miracle that bears witness to its particularity given that
Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had no mastery of the methods
employed in literary writing.

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One of the baraka of this marvelous book is the large number of people who joined this Tariqa
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) having read it or even only having leafed
through it.

I often used to hear one of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s companions- an honourable scholar,
illustrious and noble holder of secrets- say: “It has been certified that this book will guarantee
protection, great material wealth, joy and improvement of character in the place where it is kept,
only an imbecile or a rebel would deny or underestimate this.

Another resplendent blessing of his book lies in the fact that, having instructed Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to compose this book, the Master of Existence
(peace and blessings be upon him) advised him to keep it safe in order that all the Awliya (Saints)
to come may benefit from it.

Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is also the author of an epistle entitled
“Rissalat el Fadl wal Imtinan…” Here is a short extract that benefits and blesses:

« Know that the spiritual opening and access to ALLAH and the station of Knowledge will only
be given by ALLAH through the intermediary of people who have received specific
authorization (Iznu l khass) just as a specific authorization was necessary for the prophetic
message. If there is no specific authorization, there will be neither spiritual opening nor access
from ALLAH, there will be only exhaustion.

A person who wishes to get connected simply by reading Sufi books and who wishes to journey
towards ALLAH, quoting them, extracting from them, associating with them and relating only to
them, will only reap fatigue and he will receive nothing from ALLAH.

By “access” we mean reaching the Presence of Knowledge and particularities. As for the rewards,
they will be granted according to his sincerity. The beginning of uprightness in obedience, and
diligence in obedience, as well as adoration, can only be correct and be a source of success through
the Knowledge. He who is deprived of the Knowledge is deprived of all benefit and all good.

Then you should know that seven things are needed in order for adoration to be valid:

- Intention
- Instruction
- Knowledge
- Law
- Truth
- Sunna
- Sheikh.”

Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also wrote: “My brother, I warn you
against finding the access slow, even after having remained on the path for some time. This is the
cause that prevents you from attaining The One for whom you hope. Even if you travelled for a
time equal to one thousand times the duration of this world and only obtain an atom’s worth
from ALLAH, know that what you have achieved is greater than all the traveling that you have
done to obtain it even if you manage only to achieve endurance in your servitude, this is a great
blessing for you. I request ALLAH to grant you the keys of wisdom and to be Gracious and
Merciful towards us.”

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When the great opening (Fath) was given to Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) ordered him to leave the
country and travel as he had already instructed every person who had attained this spiritual station.

It was related that one day Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “If ALLAH grants the opening (Fath) to any of my companions and if any of them live the
country where I am, they must leave for fear that troubles would befall them.”

Some of his companions asked him: “Does this (order) come from you?”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: « It comes from ALLAH, without
any will on my part.” Then, he added: “The fear only concerns he who I have been ordered to
travel and to educate people. Any other has nothing to fear from me.”

This was the reason for Sidi Ali Harazim’s departure to the Hijaz where he remained until he
died. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed him to begin
teaching some of his companions who were in Egypt as soon as he arrived.

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also informed Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) that he would reach a great degree and considerable station on the
condition that he went to visit the noble tomb of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) desired this so intensely that he nearly
lost his mind.

Before he reached the Prophet’s tomb (peace and blessings be upon him), he recited some
important names that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught
him specifying that they should only be recited before the tomb of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him).

So he saw what he saw and he fainted. His travelling companions thought that he was dead and
buried him alive in Badr, in 1218 of the Hegira. After this event, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) declared: “If they had not buried him, they would have
heard knowledge and secrets from him that they could never have conceived and that they could
never have found in any text.”

Sidi Hajj Abdelwahab ibn El Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among those who
accompanied him on this journey. He recounted: “When Sidi Harazim recited the Supreme
Name of ALLAH which Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani had taught him on the condition that he only
would read it before the Sherif Tomb (of the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him),
his life force left him and his body collapsed. So I gave him some milk to drink which he exuded
just as he had drunk it. ”

Among all those that Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) met on his
journey, was the famous knower, Sheikh El Islam from Tunisia, Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) to whom he gave the transmission of the Tariqa. The latter,
impressed by the holy man, wrote a poem praising his numerous qualities.

When the poem was recited to him, Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was in
a state that cannot be described. He cried profusely, and after the reading he requested a leaf of paper
and a pen and, in front of the people sitting with him, he wrote the following: “Our Master the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says to you: “I request ALLAH to reward you. You

216 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 5


have my entire love and that of ALLAH. You are on the right path. You have full approval. I
hereby declare for you knowledge, secrets and joy. Peace be upon you.””

When Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) arrived in Tunisia, following the
instruction that he had received from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he married
a Sherifa (a descendant of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)) before he went to Fes.
Later on, his situation forced to divorce her.

Reportedly, on this matter, before he left, the noble caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) had told someone closed to him all that the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) had announced in detail concerning this Sherifa including her name and that of her
father. When he reached Tunisia, he found everything as the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) had informed him.

Later on, when this person learnt of the divorce, he was disturbed and surprised because the
order for this marriage had come from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and when
he was unoccupied, he was assailed by satanic whispering about that matter.

One day, he came over to sit with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret). They were alone together and spoke for some time until his heart became tender and his
body was appeased. He felt no more pain.

Then the thought of this matter crossed his mind and his purity was disturbed. Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) looked at him and nodded, saying: “She was not performing
the prayers”, and nothing more. Then I knew that this had been approved by the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him).

Thus concludes this brief glimpse of the life of the noble Caliph Sidi Hajj 'Ali Harazim Berada
(may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

217 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 6


Sidi Hajj Budjama

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Sidi Hajj Budjama (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was pious, always remembering ALLAH
(The Glorified, The Exalted), the grateful blessed servant of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

He was one of the best among the elite, one of those who were far away from all betrayal
regarding The Ahmedian Majesty, who held all goodness within them and who had the great
spiritual opening.

He often saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and for this, he used the same prayer as
the great intermediary Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi (may ALLAH be pleased with him). When he saw
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used
to say to him: “I am Muhammad ibn AbdAllah.” Many of those in service to Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and also many of those in service to other people
experienced the spiritual opening coming directly from Seyyidina’s own hand. It has been said that
Sidi Hajj Budjama (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to read Dalail el Khairate on the eve of
every Friday and Monday and also in congregation in a mosque near to his home.

One evening, he did not come to join them as was his habit but he followed the reading from his
home until he went to sleep. While he was sleeping, he saw a member of the group who came to
tell him: “Get up to see the Prophet, he is coming here” and then that person left to continue his
recitation. Sidi Hajj Boujama (may ALLAH be pleased with him) stood respectfully on the path
and saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) accompanied by Abu Bakr Siddiq (may
ALLAH be pleased with him).

He spoke about it in these words: “When I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), I
threw myself upon him: “May I benefit from the mark of the seal of the Prophecy?” and I
repeated it several times. Abu Bakr (may ALLAH be pleased with him) showed me the place
where the seal of the Prophecy was to be found and replied: “This part is sick” and added: “Do
not come closer.” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) turned to him and said: “Let
him enjoy.” Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) removed his coat and
uncovered his shoulder saying: “Look.” I saw the seal of the Prophecy between his blessed
shoulders. It looked like the palm of a hand with fingers joined, pointing downwards and at the
extremity there was a circle like a red stamp. ”

I kissed it and looked at it until the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “That is
enough” and covered himself (peace and blessings be upon him). When I moved away, he called
me and said: “Can I you hear me?” I answered: “Yes, O my Master, O Messenger of ALLAH!”
Then he said: “You are of those who have truly seen me.” Hearing this, I was filled with such
great joy that I woke up and then I heard that the group who was in the nearby mosque had
reached the part which says: “O ALLAH, pray upon the holder of goodness, beauty, splendour
and perfection.” I rose, performed my ablutions and went to tell them my vision.

I was sure that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had come to attend the end of the
recitation. They were immensely joyful upon hearing this and were motivated to overcome their


Later, he left this group because most of them had passed on. He himself died about twenty
years after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

219 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Sidi Mahmud Tunsi

(may ALLAH be pleased with him)

The renowned Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is the the perfect Wali, the
Knower linked to ALLAH, bestowed with great Fath and blessings. This sublime man is among the
elite of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) companions, he was
among those closest to him, who were touched by the care that he took of them. Sidi Mahmud
Tunsi’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) was strong and everything he undertook for Seyyidina, he did so with perfect
sincerity, whether traveling or in his presence. He conscientiously performed everything that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed to do.

The Mouqadem Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said that Sidi Mahmud
Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) possessed vast wealth. One day, he heard that
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was in a nearby region and
travelled with the intention of meeting him and when Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) found Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he requested him
to invoke ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) on his behalf, and Seyyidina granted his request.
Then, he asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to teach him
the science of alchemy, but on hearing this, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) dismissed him saying: “Leave this region immediately and beware not to spend
the night here because this and that will happen…” Embarrassed, he obeyed Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) order.

The next day, he came back to offer his apologies and his total submission, like that of the dead
body in the hands of the washer. At that moment, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) took care of him and taught the Tariqa Muhammadiya. Since that
day, Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) has devoted himself in the service
of his beloved Master, renouncing his wealthy possessions. He said: “I renounced all my worldly
possessions at the green door (that is to say Tunis) when I left.”

This Knower in ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), was among the special companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), among those whose station of sainthood and great fath were
testified. It is also he who was appointed by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) to travel to Guemar in 1204 of the Hegira to establish the first Zawiya in the
history of this noble Tariqa Tidjaniya.

It is also said that he was among those who were called by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) only days before his death in the company of Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) and the renowned Muqaddam Sidi Tahar ibn ‘Abdsadeq and Sidi
Ahmed ibn Souleïman Taghzouti (may ALLAH be pleased with them both). Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) informed them of his imminent departure and
requested them not to attend the funeral, and to leave the city. He also appointed Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) as his successor at the head of the Tariqa.

Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had also inherited some secrets from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and on the death of our Master,
a great spiritual state overwhelmed Sidi Mahmoud creating an intense physical heat. People thought

that it was due to the secrets he held. He remained in this state until he went to join

Seyyidina, just one mont and eighteen days later.

He was among those to whom Seyyidina confided his trusts. On this subject, Seyyidina said: “Every
person who has been responsible for my money has turned out to be irresponsible or indicted with
the exception of Sidi Mahmoud.” It was also said that Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) worked for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), managing
his properties in the Sahara. Each and every time he came to visit, he brought the money and
everything he had collected, such as wool, butter, fruit, poultry, bovine and ovine. He was never
tempted by all this wealth, and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
affirmed that he was worthy of his responsibilities and that his virtues were numerous.

He passed away in the middle of the night preceding Tuesday 5th of the Dhul Hijja, the last
month of the year 1230 of the hegira. He was buried at the Bab el Ftouh graveyard, one of the
famous gate to Fes. His tomb is well known and visited by people who seek for the Baraka. The
sublime Sherif, Muqaddam of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), Sidi Abdelwahid Abou Ghalib (may ALLAH be pleased with him), and also the sublime
Master, the ascetic, the Wali of ALLAH Sidi El Hajj Abdelwahhab Ben Taouadi, otherwise
known as d’Ibn El Ahmar El Fesi are also buried here. May ALLAH have mercy upon them and
grant them all His Approval.

Here follows a letter that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
sent to Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with him):

“In the name of ALLAH, The Beneficent, The Merciful and may ALLAH pray upon Our Master
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), his family and his companions, bestowing upon
them his blessed greetings. After praising ALLAH, The Magnificient in His Majesty, the Exalted
in his Greatness and Elevated in His Power, we are sending this letter to our beloved and sincere
friend Sidi Mahmud Tunsi. May the peace of ALLAH upon you, His Mercy and His blessings.
Here is the answer to the question you asked me:

As for the wazifa, I strongly warn you against neglecting it. Those of my companions who
neglect it, have lost a great wealth that they cannot retrieve. It is better and more elevated to find
the wazifa with other disciples in a group. If not, you must recite it alone but never neglect it.
You must recite it once a day, and note that whosoever finds the recitiaton with a group of
disciples but prefers to do it alone is wrong.

Concerning your question regarding the Shaf’ and Witr prayers, if the sleeping man does not
wake up before sunrise, he should leave aside the Shaf’, the Witr and the Fajr to perform only the
obligatory prayer. Afterwards, he performs the Fajr before Zawwal (Zenith). As for Shaf’ and
Witr, if the sun has risen, they are worthless, and he cannot do them again or make up for them.

To make up for a prayer which suspended between Earth and Sky due to our abandonment, one
should perform a prayer of four units after the Friday prayer. It is accomplished for all obligatory and
additional prayers abandoned since the beginning of the negligence and up until the day when these
four units of prayer (rak’a) are accomplished. This is an expiation (Kaffara) for this whole period of
time. The accomplishment of these rak’as is common practice. We will leave it at that.

If a person is sick, if he has lost consciousness, a part from during sleep, like a coma, there is no
need to make up for all the obligatory and additional prayers that he missed during this state of
unconsciousness (a part from during sleep). He only makes up for the obligatory prayers that he
had neglected before when he was partly in control of his faculties, and not for the additional

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prayers. After the person wakes up from his loss of consciousness, if it is time for Nafila
(additional prayer) then he should perform it. As-Salam. May ALLAH pray upon Our Master
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), his family and his companions, bestowing upon
them his blessed greetings.”

Note: Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) mentioned the
obligation to perform the obligatory deeds that had been abandoned. The accomplishment of
these four rak’as are expiation (kaffara) for the sin of negligence, but they are not a substitute for
the acquittal (Qada) of the obligatory deeds.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

222 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sidi Muhammad Ben Abi Nasr El Alawi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The majestic Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), the great Wali, famous knower, endowed with prodigies of great importance, renowned for
his piety, perfection among both the knowers and the ignorant, hailed from Fes where he was
brought up and educated. He is well-known for his merit to such an extent that his sainthood
was recognized both among the elite and the ordinary men alike.

This master was among both the greatest Knowers and the elite of the elite. He was also one of
the ten companions to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had promised
knowledge of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and the great spiritual opening, as it had
been announced by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He was
a member of the close company of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) elite for many years. During all this time, Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El
Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) only left his side for a short instant, when necessary as
much by day and by night. He did not neglect a single obligation behind Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) during the sixteen years that he spent with him
and he manifested too many prodigies to count.

Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to
say that, in the beginning, he only frequented Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) because of his stomach: that is to say he only sought Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) company because he had a lot of food in his house. At
the time, Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
enjoyed eating, and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave him
more food than he could hope for. Eventually, love for Seyyidina took root in his heart and
through this love, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) granted him the spiritual opening in this
Tariqa. In this way, he obtained what he obtained and achieved what he achieved in his role as
Caliph and his great mastery of the Tariqa. He was sometimes overcome by strange states which
led the ordinary and the elite to believe that he was following the path of the Malamati, and this
provided him with a way to hide his secrets. Most of those to whom ALLAH has granted the
spiritual opening on this path demonstrate similar states and this was confirmed by Sidi Mulay
Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Many have told of his states and it is said, that one day, he was leaving Fes for the Oued,
accompanied by the scholar Sidi Muhammad Kensoussi (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
They passed through one of the city gates (of Fes) and stopped in front of the shop of a fruit
seller. Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked
the seller: “What is the price of these nuts and fruits?” pointing to something behind him. The
fruit seller turn round to see what Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
was speaking of, and Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used this
opportunity to take what was in front of him and put it in his pocket without the seller noticing.

The scholar accompanying him was ashamed of this behaviour although he knew pertinently that it
was motivated by Divine wisdom. Then, Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said to the fruit seller that it was not what he was looking for and they left. When they had passed the
gateway to the city, the Fiqh Kensoussi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked him to explain his
gesture. Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “ALLAH said: Take

from their wealth a charity by which you purify them.” The Fiqh Kensoussi said to

himself: “Then I knew that the fruit seller was not donating the zakat and that Sidi Mulay
Muhammad, like many other awliya (plural of wali, i.e a Saint), had done this to avoid misfortune
falling upon him.”

The knower of God, Mawlana Tahar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounted that once he
had seen his father Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) cleaning the drains and asked him: “O father! What are you doing?” Mulay Muhammad
answered: “My son, my nafs nearly destroyed me with its insinuating whispers because it said to
me: “you are the descendant of one of the most famous household in the kingdom, you possess
great wealth and a noble lineage. In addition to this, you have met the Hidden Pole, you are like
this and like that.” So I did what was most repulsive in order to dominate and weakened it and
show it the contrary to its expectation.” Sidi Tahar also told of the day when his father said to
him: “I asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) about the state
of a knower of ALLAH and his knowledge.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) answered: “The Knower is like a flayed animal: he feels everything that falls upon
him and suffers”

Among the events between Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) known
by both the elite and the common men, it is said that, one day, Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr
El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to the Zawiya, as usual, to meet Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), but he did not find him and inquired. He was told:
“He has gone to Sebou Oued and warned that nobody should come with him.” Sidi Mulay
Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) thought to himself: “By
ALLAH, I must go and see him.” And he caught up Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) on the bridge of Meleh Oued. When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) saw him, he said: “Did nobody warn you that I had forbidden anybody to accompany me at
this time?” Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) answered: “O My Master! I
desired so deeply to meet you that I could not wait to see you.” Then he walked with Seyyidina who
became loquacious than ever before. Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) thought
to himself: “I must make the most of this moment alone with Seyyidina and his opening towards me
to ask about Ismu ALLAH el A’dham (The Supreme Name).” He asked his question upon which
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) attitude changed. He shook
him and scolded him for this.

When Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) realized that he had lacked
propriety towards our Master, he deeply regretted it and felt ashamed. He apologized insisting
that he had only made this request with a view to ALLAH’s countenance and with no other aim.

While he was in this state, accompanying Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), he noticed, that with each step, our Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) horse left a golden footprint on the ground. In surprise,
Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) picked up one of these golden leaves to
examine it and seeing that it was truly gold he threw it down.

He thought to himself: « Most certainly, the Sheikh is testing me. » He caught the stirrup and
humbled himself in front of Seyyidina saying: “O Master! May it be ALLAH’s wish that the chance I
have to be with you is not for the sake of this world. By ALLAH! Do not attach any importance to
what I said.” At that moment, our Master became like before and invoked ALLAH to bring him
good. In this way Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) regained Seyyidina Ahmed

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Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) esteem and received from him the teaching
of the Noble Supreme Name.

Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was very close to Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Once, he came to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and said: “O Sidi, I am in debt and I have reached its
term. I am afraid that I will go to prison if this comes before the judge. O Sidi! Please save me.”
His debt amounted to approximately one hundred and sixty-five dirhams. Our Master Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught him a zikr that he should recite
a specific number of times and said to him: “Without doubt, the servant will come and gave you
whatever you need but never do this again.”

After Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave him the specific
authorization (iznou el khass) for this zikr, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) while reciting, experienced great heat in particular in the throat accompanied by intense
thirst. He was overwhelmed by this sensation during the zikr and began to drink water a lot more
than usual. After completing his zikr, he found more than one thousand five hundred dirhams
underneath the mat on which he was sitting. Thus, through the blessings of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he was able to reimburse his debt and
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) relieved him of his worries.

Among other things, he sold his share of his father’s inheritance and gave a sum of money to a
merchant in Fes. The latter had also taken a great deal of money from other inhabitants of Fes
and went to Sudan and settled there with no plan to return to his homeland. At that time, Mulay
Muhammad’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) mother and father were against Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and conscequently, when this
occurred, they criticised him saying: “We warned you about the path of Tidjani and now you have
lost everything and have become impoverished.”

When their reproaches increased, he went to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and told him about the situation and the ordeal he was enduring. So Seyyidina said to
him: “Go to such and such a house which is on the end of such and such an alley and knock on the
door. The man who took your money will open it and ask him to return the money he owes you.”
Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to the house that Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) pointed out and knocked on the door.

Immediately, the merchant came out and reimbursed everything he owed, and also gave him two
servants. When the other creditors heard this, they asked him to show them where to find the
merchant. He said: “He is in such and such a house in such and such a place.” But when they
went there, they found that there was no house at all in this place.

Another time, when he was leaving his house on his donkey, ALLAH made everything between
heaven and earth appear as if made of gold such as the trees, the stones, the mud and even the
saddle he was sitting on appear as if made of gold. Seeing this, he exclaimed: “ALLAH!” and then
he went to tell Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who was
delighted that he had turned away from this manifestation.

On another occasion, he asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
for one of the names of ALLAH The Most High. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) agreed to grant it to him and instructed him to recite it a certain number of times at a
precise moment for three days. On the third day, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be

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pleased with him) received the opening and following this, he began to contemplated the whole
world and its inhabitants as if it was a dish before him.

His mother feared that he would lose his mind and so she took a bull to Seyyidina’s house and
sacrificed it outside the front door. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) veiled
him again spiritually and waited until he was able to bear the weight of the secret.

His love for our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was exemplary. It was related
that Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to say: “By ALLAH! I only have
consideration for my rank of Sherif, that is to say descending from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), because it has been said by Seyyidina.” Indeed, one day, when he was
passing near the garden where his father was buried, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) said to our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “O Sidi, please invoke
ALLAH on behalf of my father for he is buried in this garden.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) turned towards him and said: “Your father is a Sherif, all is well for him.” After
the death of the great Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the elite
among the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) considered Mulay
Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to be a great Caliph and intermediary, in order to
bring the disciples into the Presence (Hadra) of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret).

One day, when Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) entered the blessed Zawiya,
he found a group of companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) discussing the inheritance of our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the
station of certain great companions. Speaking of ALLAH’s blessings upon him, after entering one of
his customary spiritual state, he said: “Sidi Hajj Ali has departed and has left me alone in a vast land.”
This certified the fact that Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had inherited this
station of intermediary as had Sidi Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) before him. In
addition, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), once, said to him, as he
had said previously to the Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him):
“Certainly, for me you are at the same level as Harun was for Musa.”

It is impossible to recount all the blessings and graces that Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) received. Our Master transmitted to him inconceivable secrets and
knowledge. In his journal, the great scholar Sidi Muhammad El Habib Daoudi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) mentions the secrets of great worth that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had given to Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased
with him). Extracts from this journal can be found in the book “Naïlou el Amani fi Tabi Rouhani
wa Jasmani” (Achieving expectations in the field of spiritual and physical medicine) that gathers
the words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and certain
close companions. Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “I heard, from
Mawlana Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), things that are not even to be found
in the hidden journal (Kunache Maktum).”

It is also said that, in 1259 of the hegira, Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had
decided to go from Ain Madhi to Fes to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). During that year, the enemy decided to colonize the region of Ain Madhi. So Sidi
Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was preoccupied by this. He was sad and worried.
When he was about to leave, the noble son of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) advised him as follows: “When you

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reach Fes, question somebody endowed with spiritual unveiling about this painful ordeal because
Fes can never be without Awliya.”

Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounted: “When I reached Fes, I met some
brothers from the Tariqa and I asked them if they knew of anyone having authentic spiritual
unveiling among those who had the spiritual opening in the region.

The Fqih Sa’id ‘Abbas Charaïbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was one of the elite of
Seyyidina’s companions, answered: “We have heard you speak of so and so” and he named a person
from Touat who was a specialist in this field at that time. I asked: “Take us to him so that we may
know his state and in order for him to inform us about something that our Master Muhammad El
Habib had instructed.” He replied: “How can we go to him when we are Tidjanis?” I replied: “This is
not important because we are not visiting him with the intention of obtaining a blessing but with the
aforementioned intention.” We went to meet him and as soon as we arrived at his home, he said:
“Buy some fodder for my animal.” I answered: “Of course, I will.” And I sent some servants with
some money to buy what he had asked for. Then I questioned him but he did not give me the answer
I required. Thus, I knew that this man had no knowledge of that for which I was seeking.

I left his house and I was preoccupied to such an extent that my soul was cleaved a sunder. So I
went to the tomb of our venerable Sidi Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
and requested ALLAH through the intermediary of his worth with Him to show me someone
who could relieve me of the pain that burdened my heart. It was a Thursday and so I went to the
souk (market) to relax and on the way back I met the noble Sherif Mulay Muhammad (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) with whom I was not acquainted at the time, at the entrance to the
Bled. When he saw me, he came towards me and took my hand. He began to question me about
Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and his state, and also about the
household of our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in Ain Madhi.

Thus, I made his acquaintance. So I spoke to him at great length and so I asked him if he knew
of anybody having authentic spiritual unveiling who I could ask for the answer to the question
that I had carried all the way with me from our Master Muhammad el Habib (may ALLAH be
pleased with him).

He replied: « I do know such a person and I will introduce you to him. Tonight, you are my guest.
» I went to his house and spent the night there, where I saw extraordinary things from his
spiritual states. When I left his house, he said to me: “It is very important that you come again so
that I can introduce you to the person you seek.” So I returned once more and insisted that he
introduced me to this person because this situation was making me dizzy.

He welcomed me into his home with even more warmth and generosity than before and came quickly
to the point. He asked: “What is your reason for wanting to meet one of the people of the spiritual
unveiling” I answered: “I would only be able to tell you that after having met him and asked him
about the reality of this situation […]” He said to me: “Would you be satisfied if it was I that give you
this information” I replied: “This would be the best thing […]” Then he said: “You want to ask me
about the enemy.” I exclaimed: “Yes, exactly! But there is something else.” He said: «You want to ask
me whether our Master Sidi Muhammad el Habib will have a son or not. Again, I agreed: “Yes,
indeed!” Then he said: “As for the house (Ain Madhi) is not at risk from the enemy on the contrary, it
will continue to be venerated and its sacred character will not be violated. Our Master Muhammad El
Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) will only leave this world after fathering children and that
which will happen will happen. These are the answers to your questions.

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When I saw that he had informed me sincerely, I had two other thoughts and so I said to him: “O
my Master, there is something else.” He replied: “You want to know about Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani’s daughters.” “Yes” I said again because I wondered what would become of them: they
had grown up and our Master Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) did
not like that we married people of Ain Madhi. I also wondered how my relationship with
Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) son would evolve and how it would be
when I leave this world.

So he said to me: «They will soon be married.” Then he told me: “You want to ask me about your
situation with Seyyidina’s son.” Again, for the last time, I answered: “Yes.” He said to me: “You will
have a good relationship with him when you leave this world. There will be no problem.” I praised
ALLAH The Most High for the good news from this sublime man and thanked Him for having
decreed the encounter with this special Wali who was able to answer the questions that were
tormenting me. Afterwards, he said to me: “Keep your secret hidden and come to see me again.
When you reached Ain Madhi safely, convey my greetings to the son of Seyyidina.” So I visited him
often and stayed with him. Up until his death, I saw him manifesting astonishing prodigies.

Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died in the month of Shawal in the year
1273 of the hegira. He was buried in the garden of Sidi Touati which is near to the majestic
garden, close to the gates of Fes. His son, Sidi Tahar (may ALLAH be pleased with him), a great
man who commanded respect, whose sainthood was without doubt and whose prodigies were
obvious and whose spiritual unveiling was brilliant, inherited some of his father’s states.

Amongst other unusual states, each month, he fell unconscious for one or two weeks during
which time he slept, without food or drink. Then, he awoke and was in a powerful state and
returned gradually to his normal state until again he felt unconscious. His prodigies are countless
and his spiritual states too many to mention.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Sidi Muhammad Ben Abi Nasr El Alawi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The majestic Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), the great Wali, famous knower, endowed with prodigies of great importance, renowned for
his piety, perfection among both the knowers and the ignorant, hailed from Fes where he was
brought up and educated. He is well-known for his merit to such an extent that his sainthood
was recognized both among the elite and the ordinary men alike.

This master was among both the greatest Knowers and the elite of the elite. He was also one of
the ten companions to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had promised
knowledge of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and the great spiritual opening, as it had
been announced by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He was
a member of the close company of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) elite for many years. During all this time, Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El
Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) only left his side for a short instant, when necessary as
much by day and by night. He did not neglect a single obligation behind Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) during the sixteen years that he spent with him
and he manifested too many prodigies to count.

Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to
say that, in the beginning, he only frequented Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) because of his stomach: that is to say he only sought Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) company because he had a lot of food in his house. At
the time, Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
enjoyed eating, and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave him
more food than he could hope for. Eventually, love for Seyyidina took root in his heart and
through this love, ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) granted him the spiritual opening in this
Tariqa. In this way, he obtained what he obtained and achieved what he achieved in his role as
Caliph and his great mastery of the Tariqa. He was sometimes overcome by strange states which
led the ordinary and the elite to believe that he was following the path of the Malamati, and this
provided him with a way to hide his secrets. Most of those to whom ALLAH has granted the
spiritual opening on this path demonstrate similar states and this was confirmed by Sidi Mulay
Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Many have told of his states and it is said, that one day, he was leaving Fes for the Oued,
accompanied by the scholar Sidi Muhammad Kensoussi (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
They passed through one of the city gates (of Fes) and stopped in front of the shop of a fruit
seller. Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked
the seller: “What is the price of these nuts and fruits?” pointing to something behind him. The
fruit seller turn round to see what Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
was speaking of, and Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used this
opportunity to take what was in front of him and put it in his pocket without the seller noticing.

The scholar accompanying him was ashamed of this behaviour although he knew pertinently that it
was motivated by Divine wisdom. Then, Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said to the fruit seller that it was not what he was looking for and they left. When they had passed the
gateway to the city, the Fiqh Kensoussi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked him to explain his
gesture. Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “ALLAH said: Take

from their wealth a charity by which you purify them.” The Fiqh Kensoussi said to

himself: “Then I knew that the fruit seller was not donating the zakat and that Sidi Mulay
Muhammad, like many other awliya (plural of wali, i.e a Saint), had done this to avoid misfortune
falling upon him.”

The knower of God, Mawlana Tahar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounted that once he
had seen his father Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) cleaning the drains and asked him: “O father! What are you doing?” Mulay Muhammad
answered: “My son, my nafs nearly destroyed me with its insinuating whispers because it said to
me: “you are the descendant of one of the most famous household in the kingdom, you possess
great wealth and a noble lineage. In addition to this, you have met the Hidden Pole, you are like
this and like that.” So I did what was most repulsive in order to dominate and weakened it and
show it the contrary to its expectation.” Sidi Tahar also told of the day when his father said to
him: “I asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) about the state
of a knower of ALLAH and his knowledge.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) answered: “The Knower is like a flayed animal: he feels everything that falls upon
him and suffers”

Among the events between Sherif Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) known
by both the elite and the common men, it is said that, one day, Sidi Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr
El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to the Zawiya, as usual, to meet Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), but he did not find him and inquired. He was told:
“He has gone to Sebou Oued and warned that nobody should come with him.” Sidi Mulay
Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El Alawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) thought to himself: “By
ALLAH, I must go and see him.” And he caught up Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) on the bridge of Meleh Oued. When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) saw him, he said: “Did nobody warn you that I had forbidden anybody to accompany me at
this time?” Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) answered: “O My Master! I
desired so deeply to meet you that I could not wait to see you.” Then he walked with Seyyidina who
became loquacious than ever before. Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) thought
to himself: “I must make the most of this moment alone with Seyyidina and his opening towards me
to ask about Ismu ALLAH el A’dham (The Supreme Name).” He asked his question upon which
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) attitude changed. He shook
him and scolded him for this.

When Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) realized that he had lacked
propriety towards our Master, he deeply regretted it and felt ashamed. He apologized insisting
that he had only made this request with a view to ALLAH’s countenance and with no other aim.

While he was in this state, accompanying Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), he noticed, that with each step, our Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) horse left a golden footprint on the ground. In surprise,
Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) picked up one of these golden leaves to
examine it and seeing that it was truly gold he threw it down.

He thought to himself: « Most certainly, the Sheikh is testing me. » He caught the stirrup and
humbled himself in front of Seyyidina saying: “O Master! May it be ALLAH’s wish that the chance I
have to be with you is not for the sake of this world. By ALLAH! Do not attach any importance to
what I said.” At that moment, our Master became like before and invoked ALLAH to bring him
good. In this way Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) regained Seyyidina Ahmed

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Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) esteem and received from him the teaching
of the Noble Supreme Name.

Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was very close to Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Once, he came to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and said: “O Sidi, I am in debt and I have reached its
term. I am afraid that I will go to prison if this comes before the judge. O Sidi! Please save me.”
His debt amounted to approximately one hundred and sixty-five dirhams. Our Master Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught him a zikr that he should recite
a specific number of times and said to him: “Without doubt, the servant will come and gave you
whatever you need but never do this again.”

After Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave him the specific
authorization (iznou el khass) for this zikr, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) while reciting, experienced great heat in particular in the throat accompanied by intense
thirst. He was overwhelmed by this sensation during the zikr and began to drink water a lot more
than usual. After completing his zikr, he found more than one thousand five hundred dirhams
underneath the mat on which he was sitting. Thus, through the blessings of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he was able to reimburse his debt and
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) relieved him of his worries.

Among other things, he sold his share of his father’s inheritance and gave a sum of money to a
merchant in Fes. The latter had also taken a great deal of money from other inhabitants of Fes
and went to Sudan and settled there with no plan to return to his homeland. At that time, Mulay
Muhammad’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) mother and father were against Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and conscequently, when this
occurred, they criticised him saying: “We warned you about the path of Tidjani and now you have
lost everything and have become impoverished.”

When their reproaches increased, he went to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and told him about the situation and the ordeal he was enduring. So Seyyidina said to
him: “Go to such and such a house which is on the end of such and such an alley and knock on the
door. The man who took your money will open it and ask him to return the money he owes you.”
Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to the house that Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) pointed out and knocked on the door.

Immediately, the merchant came out and reimbursed everything he owed, and also gave him two
servants. When the other creditors heard this, they asked him to show them where to find the
merchant. He said: “He is in such and such a house in such and such a place.” But when they
went there, they found that there was no house at all in this place.

Another time, when he was leaving his house on his donkey, ALLAH made everything between
heaven and earth appear as if made of gold such as the trees, the stones, the mud and even the
saddle he was sitting on appear as if made of gold. Seeing this, he exclaimed: “ALLAH!” and then
he went to tell Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who was
delighted that he had turned away from this manifestation.

On another occasion, he asked Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
for one of the names of ALLAH The Most High. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) agreed to grant it to him and instructed him to recite it a certain number of times at a
precise moment for three days. On the third day, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be

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pleased with him) received the opening and following this, he began to contemplated the whole
world and its inhabitants as if it was a dish before him.

His mother feared that he would lose his mind and so she took a bull to Seyyidina’s house and
sacrificed it outside the front door. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) veiled
him again spiritually and waited until he was able to bear the weight of the secret.

His love for our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was exemplary. It was related
that Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to say: “By ALLAH! I only have
consideration for my rank of Sherif, that is to say descending from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), because it has been said by Seyyidina.” Indeed, one day, when he was
passing near the garden where his father was buried, Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) said to our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “O Sidi, please invoke
ALLAH on behalf of my father for he is buried in this garden.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) turned towards him and said: “Your father is a Sherif, all is well for him.” After
the death of the great Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the elite
among the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) considered Mulay
Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to be a great Caliph and intermediary, in order to
bring the disciples into the Presence (Hadra) of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret).

One day, when Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) entered the blessed Zawiya,
he found a group of companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) discussing the inheritance of our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the
station of certain great companions. Speaking of ALLAH’s blessings upon him, after entering one of
his customary spiritual state, he said: “Sidi Hajj Ali has departed and has left me alone in a vast land.”
This certified the fact that Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had inherited this
station of intermediary as had Sidi Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) before him. In
addition, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), once, said to him, as he
had said previously to the Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him):
“Certainly, for me you are at the same level as Harun was for Musa.”

It is impossible to recount all the blessings and graces that Sidi Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) received. Our Master transmitted to him inconceivable secrets and
knowledge. In his journal, the great scholar Sidi Muhammad El Habib Daoudi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) mentions the secrets of great worth that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had given to Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased
with him). Extracts from this journal can be found in the book “Naïlou el Amani fi Tabi Rouhani
wa Jasmani” (Achieving expectations in the field of spiritual and physical medicine) that gathers
the words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and certain
close companions. Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “I heard, from
Mawlana Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), things that are not even to be found
in the hidden journal (Kunache Maktum).”

It is also said that, in 1259 of the hegira, Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had
decided to go from Ain Madhi to Fes to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). During that year, the enemy decided to colonize the region of Ain Madhi. So Sidi
Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was preoccupied by this. He was sad and worried.
When he was about to leave, the noble son of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) advised him as follows: “When you

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reach Fes, question somebody endowed with spiritual unveiling about this painful ordeal because
Fes can never be without Awliya.”

Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounted: “When I reached Fes, I met some
brothers from the Tariqa and I asked them if they knew of anyone having authentic spiritual
unveiling among those who had the spiritual opening in the region.

The Fqih Sa’id ‘Abbas Charaïbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was one of the elite of
Seyyidina’s companions, answered: “We have heard you speak of so and so” and he named a person
from Touat who was a specialist in this field at that time. I asked: “Take us to him so that we may
know his state and in order for him to inform us about something that our Master Muhammad El
Habib had instructed.” He replied: “How can we go to him when we are Tidjanis?” I replied: “This is
not important because we are not visiting him with the intention of obtaining a blessing but with the
aforementioned intention.” We went to meet him and as soon as we arrived at his home, he said:
“Buy some fodder for my animal.” I answered: “Of course, I will.” And I sent some servants with
some money to buy what he had asked for. Then I questioned him but he did not give me the answer
I required. Thus, I knew that this man had no knowledge of that for which I was seeking.

I left his house and I was preoccupied to such an extent that my soul was cleaved a sunder. So I
went to the tomb of our venerable Sidi Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
and requested ALLAH through the intermediary of his worth with Him to show me someone
who could relieve me of the pain that burdened my heart. It was a Thursday and so I went to the
souk (market) to relax and on the way back I met the noble Sherif Mulay Muhammad (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) with whom I was not acquainted at the time, at the entrance to the
Bled. When he saw me, he came towards me and took my hand. He began to question me about
Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and his state, and also about the
household of our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in Ain Madhi.

Thus, I made his acquaintance. So I spoke to him at great length and so I asked him if he knew
of anybody having authentic spiritual unveiling who I could ask for the answer to the question
that I had carried all the way with me from our Master Muhammad el Habib (may ALLAH be
pleased with him).

He replied: « I do know such a person and I will introduce you to him. Tonight, you are my guest.
» I went to his house and spent the night there, where I saw extraordinary things from his
spiritual states. When I left his house, he said to me: “It is very important that you come again so
that I can introduce you to the person you seek.” So I returned once more and insisted that he
introduced me to this person because this situation was making me dizzy.

He welcomed me into his home with even more warmth and generosity than before and came quickly
to the point. He asked: “What is your reason for wanting to meet one of the people of the spiritual
unveiling” I answered: “I would only be able to tell you that after having met him and asked him
about the reality of this situation […]” He said to me: “Would you be satisfied if it was I that give you
this information” I replied: “This would be the best thing […]” Then he said: “You want to ask me
about the enemy.” I exclaimed: “Yes, exactly! But there is something else.” He said: «You want to ask
me whether our Master Sidi Muhammad el Habib will have a son or not. Again, I agreed: “Yes,
indeed!” Then he said: “As for the house (Ain Madhi) is not at risk from the enemy on the contrary, it
will continue to be venerated and its sacred character will not be violated. Our Master Muhammad El
Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) will only leave this world after fathering children and that
which will happen will happen. These are the answers to your questions.

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When I saw that he had informed me sincerely, I had two other thoughts and so I said to him: “O
my Master, there is something else.” He replied: “You want to know about Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani’s daughters.” “Yes” I said again because I wondered what would become of them: they
had grown up and our Master Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) did
not like that we married people of Ain Madhi. I also wondered how my relationship with
Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) son would evolve and how it would be
when I leave this world.

So he said to me: «They will soon be married.” Then he told me: “You want to ask me about your
situation with Seyyidina’s son.” Again, for the last time, I answered: “Yes.” He said to me: “You will
have a good relationship with him when you leave this world. There will be no problem.” I praised
ALLAH The Most High for the good news from this sublime man and thanked Him for having
decreed the encounter with this special Wali who was able to answer the questions that were
tormenting me. Afterwards, he said to me: “Keep your secret hidden and come to see me again.
When you reached Ain Madhi safely, convey my greetings to the son of Seyyidina.” So I visited him
often and stayed with him. Up until his death, I saw him manifesting astonishing prodigies.

Mulay Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died in the month of Shawal in the year
1273 of the hegira. He was buried in the garden of Sidi Touati which is near to the majestic
garden, close to the gates of Fes. His son, Sidi Tahar (may ALLAH be pleased with him), a great
man who commanded respect, whose sainthood was without doubt and whose prodigies were
obvious and whose spiritual unveiling was brilliant, inherited some of his father’s states.

Amongst other unusual states, each month, he fell unconscious for one or two weeks during
which time he slept, without food or drink. Then, he awoke and was in a powerful state and
returned gradually to his normal state until again he felt unconscious. His prodigies are countless
and his spiritual states too many to mention.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The honoured and noble Sherif Hassanite Abu Abdallah Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El
Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a knower who had attained the highest degrees
of elevation, his spiritual station was equaled by none. He was the perfect Wali, recognized by his
allies and his ennemies. He was the sunshine of happiness rising in the sky of safeguarding, the
light that illuminated the path of guidance. He was among the greatest of the elite of the elite of
the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

His son Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounts that, having
met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and joined the Tariqa
Ahmediya, his father came back to his tribe which counted fifty people. He spoke to them of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and of his numerous
prodigies such that they all wished to see him, to accompany him, to know his secrets, and to
receive his lights. Thus, they all traveled to meet Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) and to receive the Tariqa Ahmediya, then they returned home with this
invaluable treasure which then spread throughout the region.

Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) often visited
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and when he traveled to Ain
Madhi or other places, he visited Fes. Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
also recounts that on the day of his birth, his father was preparing to travel with some of his
companions to visit our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) :

« My father welcomed his companions in his home until the end of seventh day following my
birth and then they went to Fes. At that time Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) was ailing, preceding his death. » However, obstacles on the way delayed their
arrival to Fes. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called upon
the virtuous Saint Lalla Mannana to unveil the reason for their delay. She informed him that the
Turkish authority from Tlemcen had requisitioned their mounts for their own needs, and then
that they have been returned in perfect condition and so they would be arriving soon.

Ten days after the caravan arrived in Fes, Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) sent someone to Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) to ask: « We
want to leave with our caravan, what do you think? » She replied: « If you want to leave within two or
three days, this seems to be propitious, but if you tary, there will be an impediment due to the death
of the Sultan. » Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
questioned his emissary concerning the identity of the Sultan and sent him again to Lalla Mannana
(may ALLAH be pleased with her). The emissary again requested Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be
pleased with her) explaining that they could not leave at that time, but she repeated the same words.
Then, as she had predicted, afther two or three days, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) passed away. Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) attended his
funeral and was asked: “Did you not say that it was the Sultan who was going to die?” to which she
replied: “Yes! Indeed, this is the Sultan.”

Sidi Muhammad ben Quider (may ALLAH be pleased with him) maintained his effort, following
the path of perfect guidance until he passed away, six years after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). His noble son said that, when the jurist, who had taken

responsibility for washing the body of his father, recited Salat el Fathi with some of the brothers,

they heard a voice reciting with them. The voice came from the deceased, although his tongue
was not moving. This was one of his prodigies. He also said that his father and some companions
had written to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) concerning an
outbreak of disease in the area, to request his authorization to leave for the region inhabited by
the children of El Masabi and to settle there.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “For he who has
been guided by ALLAH, it is not appropriate to stay in this region because its inhabitants, its
earth and its sky are dark. They will enter The Fire because this is the land of a lost sect, which
leads other astray and has even dared to hate Seyyidina Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him).”
Then he added: “They are followers of the school of Ibn Mouljam (the assassin of the Imam Ali
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), who was among the dissident group called Kharijites) may
ALLAH bridle him with fire.”

In accordance with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
recommendation, they built a village on their land that they called ‘Aliya, and went to live there
with their children until they died.

His son Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is the knower of
ALLAH, the famous Wali and holder of numerous qualities and manifest prodigies. He was born
two months before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed
away and spent all his childhood in his house.

On the seventh day after his birth, many famous companions were present, and among them was
the Pole Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him). On the day of his birth, the
Spirit of the famous Wali, the great Knower of surprising prodigies and unusual spiritual states,
the companion of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the Sherif
Sidi Abou-l-Hassan Chtioui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) came to his father and said:
“This is my son. Whosoever doubts this should fear for himself.” Then, he left as he had come,
without anybody knowing how he could have arrived. It was clear that he had only come to make
this announcement and to emphasize the merit of Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). He was raised in a holy environment, protected and cared for by people near
and far. Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) considered him as a
brother, a friend, a beloved and a companion. Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) was the holder of his secrets and his companion in every gathering, day and night until
the death of the son of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
who was satisfied with him. He had a privileged relationship with him.

Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also said: “When Sidi Muhammad El
Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away, his children were very young, and I was
afraid of losing the secrets of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). I
discussed this with several specific and close people and together we went to the house of Sidi
Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and requested permission from his elder
daughter to enter the room where the box was contained. She granted this permission, and on
entering, I opened the blessed casket and found within three full rows of booklets. The first thing
that I saw was a card that was different from the other pages of these booklets which was placed on
top. I picked it up and read it, noticing the handwriting of Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH
be pleased with him): “The person who picks up this page should now that these are the Hidden
Books (Kunache Maktum) which contains that which is between Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) our father and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
They were written entirely by our father, the intermediary Sidi Muhammead ibn ‘Arabi and

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the Caliph Sidi Ali Harazim; and I warn you not to read it nor to show it to the scholars: this
would cause your loss and theirs.” Having read this, I dropped the card and then I saw a part of
page of this book because sometimes the eyes stray. On this page, it was written: “Know that this
great wird is for the people of the great bliss, those who have emerged from the circle of flattery
and selfishness.” So I concealed what I had seen and closed the casket in obedience with the

A scholar heard about these books and declared: “The books were made to be read!” Then, he
went to casket, opened it and took something out and read it. Not more than two days later, he
became blind and ten days after this, he died of a terrible fever. Since then, this casket is locked
and only be opened by the awaited Imam, and only ALLAH knows the truth.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Sidi Muhammad El Habib Tidjani, son of Seyyidina Ahmedi Tidjani

(May ALLAH be pleased with them)

Our master Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him), ALLAH’s servant of
high aspiration, the virtuous and distinguished son of the Hidden Pole, Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), was chosen to perpetuate his noble posterity.

He spent his days and his nights absorbed in acts of adoration for ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) that he only interrupted in order to accomplish similar or better deeds. The Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) had assured him and his brother perfection in the Knowledge
of ALLAH. Sidi Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with them) related facts about him that was
so surprising of which it was impossible to conceive by means of reason. He was holder of the
Great Opening, and the Knower Mulay Muhammad Ben Abi Nasr El ‘Alawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with them) affirmed that Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
was in possession of the Supreme Name.

He gathered the secrets and was the source of extraordinary prodigies, with the apparent power
to administer. He meticulously protected his secrets, as well as those of his father Sidi Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Sidi Muhammad El Habib was born in Fes
and his mother was called Mubaraka. His brother was born in Bussemghun and his mother was
Mabruka. He was 15 years old when his father passed away. So he left Fes and went to Ain Madhi
with his brother, both accompanied by the Pole Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him), in accordance with the last instructions of their noble father.

It would appear that he undertook two pilgrimages: one with his brother Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) by sea, in the year 1240 of the hegira, and the other in
1265 of the hegira (1848 ad), four years before his death. During the first pilgrimage, he brought
back the servant Zahra, the mother of his son Sidi Ahmed ibn Salim otherwise known as Ibn El
Habachiya. He married him to his cousin Lalla Ruqayya, daughter of Sidi Muhammad el Kebir
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). Sidi Ahmed Salim died during Sidi Muhammad el Habib’s
lifetime, and after the funeral, he said: “All those who have attended my son’s funeral ceremony
will enter Paradise.” When somebody pointed out that Ali Zalat, a drug user and Chemha the
Jewess had attended the ceremony, he answered: “Even them.” Later, it was found that Ali Zalat
had stopped taking drugs and he obtained the opening. As for Chemha, she fell sick after the
death of Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and asked her children to
bring her to Ain Madhi. As soon as she arrived near the tomb of Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), she proclaimed the testimony of faith out loud, despite the beating
inflicted by her children, she repeated it continuously until her death.

Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) undertook his second pilgrimage by
land accompanied by some of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH be pleased with them)
companions. Among them was the Master Suleiman ibn Sa’d (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
When they arrived in Egypt, the scholars came to visit him, but he spoke to none of them and gave
all his attention to his litanies. He did this out of fear that these people would harm themselves by
noticing that Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) did not master the Arabic
language. On returning to Ain Madhi, he took the time to grammar and knowledge, as befits the sons
of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), so that they may ennoble themselves both
physically and spiritually, although they are already noble due to their high degree of faith and
perfection. This allows for the people to benefit from them both exteriorly and interiorly, given that

knowledge attracts the elite, and the commoners will also benefit.

Among all that has been told on this subject is the story related by his intimate companion Sidi
Ahmed Abdelaoui: “Once, I was learning grammatical texts, when our Master Sidi Muhammad
El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) saw me and said: “Abandon that and read that
which would be of benefit to you.” I abandon this reading in obedience with his command.
Then, another day, when I was sitting with him, he said to me: “O Sidi Ahmed! I have some
hidden litanies belonging to Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him) which no other but me
is authorized to see. I would like to recite them, but I am afraid of making mistakes. I would like
to learn grammar. We should study the Alfiya.” Thereafter, each day, I wrote ten verses and
learned them, whereas Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) only wrote
four verses. When I reached the chapter concerning prepositions, I looked at his slate, and to my
surprise, I saw that he had already reached the end of the Alfiya. I said to him: ‘’O Sidi, how is
that possible?” To which he answered: “I am not like you, sleeping all night: I only sleep one
hour and then I do what I have to do.” Then, we recited it alongside with the scholar Sidi Ahmed
ibn ‘Achur (may ALLAH be pleased with him) until he died.”

Sidi Muhammad el Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) often wrote letters to the Zawiya
that were far away, urging them to maintain the propriety required by the noble Law. He
encouraged them also to conform with the attitude of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) pursuing the purified Sunnah in all things. Here is an extract from a
letter that he sent to the Zawiya of Fes:

“After mentioning the Name of ALLAH and the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), the poor servant in His Lord who has no need of him, Muhammad ibn Ahmed Tidjani,

To all the brothers on the path, and to our brothers in ALLAH of the town of Fes, may ALLAH
protect it, may the peace, the mercy and the blessings of ALLAH be upon you.

I praise ALLAH for you, there is no other God but Him , We request ALLAH, for each and every
one of you, for your elderly and for your youth, for your men and for your women: may He
illuminates your clairvoyance, may He purifies your outside and inside, may He removes all hatred
from your heart, as well as jealousy, resentment, controversy and argument, may He protect you from
misfortune and fear, may He elevate your deeds and accept them through His Grace, may He remove
the lack of propriety therein, may He grant you repentance for all inadequacies in terms of propriety
in all things and for all previous regrettable deeds, may He perpetuate the love for the Sheikh in you,
and obedience to his instructions as well as the most perfect propriety during the litanies and in all
your behaviour until you reach His Proximity and that of His Messenger, may the prayers of ALLAH
be upon our Master Muhammad and his family. Ameen.

Know that I received news of you that gave rise to compassion and so I am obliged to send you
this advice to benefit you and serve as a reminder to all those to whom ALLAH destines good.

I heard that some of you talk during the recitation of the Wazifa, and do not take part in this
assembly according to the propriety and the respect that it requires. I also heard of states of
jealousy, hatred, and arguments and things like these which some of you have with others. O my
brothers, this is what severs and prevents us from attaining the promised stations…”

Sidi Ahmed Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related: « Sidi Muhammad El Habib’s
enemies sent him a letter containing the following: “You must come to Algiers so that we can benefit
from your blessing. Having personally opened this letter, he went into the garden and asked me to
follow. Then, he ordered a servant to close the door and not to allow anyone in. Once we

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were seated, he alluded: “O Ahmed! The donkey has just given birth” So I said to him: “What is
the matter?” He explained to me and then said: “Answer him that I will never go to see him and
that if my presence in this country disturbs him, then the land of ALLAH is vast.” Then, I left
him. Usually, I dined with him in the evening, but not that particular evening because I was
worried about this situation. The next day, he sent for me and when I reached him, one of his
servants asked me: “Why did you not come for dinner yesterday, Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) son has eaten nothing until now and I do not know the reason why.” Then, I
went to meet him, he said: “I beseech ALLAH never to show me the face of the Christians (that
is to say the colonialists) and never to receive from them.” Not more than four days had passed
when ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) reclaimed his soul”.

Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away in Ain Madhi on a
Saturday at the beginning of the month of Jumada Thani in the year 1269 of the hegira, at the age
of fifty-four. In accordance with his recommendation, he was buried in the same tomb as his son,
Sidi Ahmed ibn El Habachiya (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had many children of which
fifteen girls who were all married to the descendants of Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him).

He had four sons of which two left no inheritors: Sidi Ahmed ibn el Habachiya that we
mentioned previously, and Sidi Khalifa who was born shortly after the death of his father and
died at the age of four.

From the two remaining sons, that is to say Sidi Muhammad el Bachir and Sidi Ahmad ‘Ammar
(may ALLAH be pleased with them), the two blessed branches of Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) descendants flourished until this day.

Sidi Muhammad El Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was born in 1265 of the hegira
and his mother was a servant called Fariha. When his father, Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), died, he was only four years old.

His younger half-brother, Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with him), was born in
1266 of the hegira, and his mother was also a concubine among the servants, by the name of
Afiya who was from the Haussa tribe (principally from Niger and Nigeria) who Sidi Muhammad
El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) particularly treasured.

Due to the hardships of pregnancy and the jealousy of certain members of the household, she left
the house and Ain Madhi when she was pregnant with Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). She went to the region of Constantine and was taken in by the Shawi tribe.
The chief, a pious man called ‘Ammar, took great care of her, and when the child was born, his
mother named him Ahmed after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), and Ammar after the chief of the tribe that had taken her in. Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) never knew his father and was about three years old when he died.

One day, the Imam of ‘Atiq mosque in Ain Madhi had a vision of Sidi Muhammad El Habib
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). In this vision, Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) ordered him to inform Sidi Muhammad El Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) that he had another brother and that he should seek him out.

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With the desire to find him, Sidi Muhammad El Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) sent
many people looking for him throughout Algeria, but to no end.

In the meantime, Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) experienced many
extraordinary events, although he was still a child, and his reputation spread with the rumours
that he was the descendant of a great wali.

Notably, once, when he was shepherd, he lost one of his flock who had strayed onto the land of
a French colonialist and trampled his crops. When the colonist realised the extent of the damage,
and seeing Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) coming to retrieve his sheep,
he raised his hand to slap him but his hand remained paralysed. He knew that this child was
special and let him go, with his apologies.

Sidi Muhammad el Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had heard rumours of a prodigious
child and so he sent for him and his mother when they were in the area of Annaba. Craftiness was
necessary to bring them to Ain Madhi because anyone who tried to force them met with problems.

When Sidi Muhammad el Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) saw him, he recognized
through unveiling a distinctive sign indicating the offspring of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Then Sidi Muhammad el Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) handed him the Khilafa of the Tariqa and took special care of him and his well-being.

Then, he stayed with him until he was deported by the French to Algiers, and then to Bordeaux
in France, until his return to Ain Madhi. Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
established his authority from the palace of Kourdan, and Sidi Muhammad El Bashir (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) remained to watch over Ain Madhi. Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar was so
pious that he commanded reverential fear in all those who contemplated him, and possessed an
enlightened awareness of things apparent and hidden. He faced adversity with firm conviction in
His Lord, courage and wisdom.

The French government closely monitored this future chief of Saharan tribes and they left him
no opportunity to cease the reins of the authority that was his by right. At an early age, they
distanced him from his home and placed him under house arrest in the town of Algiers although
he was not even sixteen years old. Even this was not sufficient to reassure them and so without
hesitation they deported him to France, to the town of Bordeaux. They wanted to destroy any
desire or capacity to govern in him, but in His Infinite Knowledge and Ultimate Wisdom, God
wanted to provide him assistance and a loyal and devoted adviser, embodied in the person of the
young Aurélie Picard which gave him a unique and unthinkable advantage for that time.

On the one hand, a Muslim religious chief and dignitary hailing from the vast desert, and held
under house arrest in a grand hotel in Bordeaux in enemy territory, and on the other hand, a
young French woman that he married. She was indeed very young, but experienced, courageous
and devoted, although she knew nothing of the culture of these people from far away who were
frequently reputed to be barbarians by her own people.

Two opposing worlds that would be joined by ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) through a
special alchemy and harmony that was able to face all hostility and objections. The arrival of this lady
in Ain Madhi was a revolution for its inhabitants. The young lady who converted to Islam was now
known as Lalla Yamina. She worked to educate the illiterate men and women and gave precious
advice concerning public hygiene in order to combat the epidemics of plague and cholera, and
moreover, she was of tireless and providential support against the administration of the

241 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 4


colonial authorities and the harassments to which they subjected her noble husband Sidi Ahmed
‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with them).

It was also she who advised him to build the palace of Kurdan in order to quash the rumours of
his declining authority in this troubled times: a unique palace, one of its kind in all the desert,
housing more than three thousand subjects, which enabled him to maintain peace and cordiality
between the different tribes. He often left the comfort of this sumptuous palace in order to
isolate himself in the harsh mountains nearby that were so difficult to reach, for weeks, or even
months, devoting himself to adoration and intimacy with ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).

Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away in Guemar (near
Tamacine) and was buried there. Later his noble body was brought to Kurdan by his brother Sidi
Muhammad Bachir and Lalla Yamina (may ALLAH be pleased with them), and he was buried
beside the tree under which he used to like accomplishing his adoration.

Sidi Muhammad El Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was very pious, patient, truthful
and humble. He recited seventy thousand Salat el Fatihi each day and he is renowned for having
remained in the Station of el Qutbaniya el Udhma for thirty years. Among his numerous
prodigies, is the fact that during the years of scarcity, he used to increase the food in the plates
just by passing his hand over them. Following the death of his brother in 1314 of the hegira, he
assumed the role of general Caliph in the Tariqa and was careful to leave a written document
appointing Sidi Allal (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the son of Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar, as his
successor, in order to avoid any disputes over the succession between him and his own son Sidi
Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) although he who was older.

This was an additional show of consideration towards Sidi Ahmed ‘Ammar (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) and his descendants. Sidi Muhammad El Bachir (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) passed away one Saturday in Jumada Thani in the year 1329 of the hegira in Kurdan.

The ritual funeral washing and the prayer was performed by Sidi Ali ibn Sidi Lakhdar (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), Imam of the Zawiya and descendant of Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). Then he was transported to Ain Madhi and buried beside his
noble father Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

242 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 5


Sidi Muhammad El Kebir Tidjani, son of Seyyidina Ahmedi Tidjani

(May ALLAH be pleased with them)

It is he who brought together the stations of knowledge and piousness, firmly anchored to the
rope of the Sharia, the follower of the straightest path and the holder of the most rare and
precious qualities: Sidi Muhammad el Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him), son of the
Hidden Pole Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

He was born in Bussemghun in 1212 of the hegira and his mother was the honourable lady
Mabruka. He took the Tariqa from our master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) but according to our information, he was not authorized to transmit the
noble wird. However, Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) gave him his
authorization for certain special evocations. Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) has never named a Muqaddam and those who claimed to have been appointed by him
have no basis for their claim.

He is among those who survived Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani along with his brother Sidi
Muhammad El Habib As-Seghir (may ALLAH be pleased with them), for although Seyyidina
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had many children, both
boys and girls, most of them died in Fes. Among them was a daughter, Sayda Fatima, who was
buried in the cemetery of Bab El Ftouh near the town.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) took great care of both him
and Muhammed El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him), watching over them with his
approval and he directly requested the guaranty of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
for them. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) announced to him that
they would receive the supreme secret and that they would be his heirs after his death. Indeed,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “The Prophet has given
recommendations concerning my son Sidi Muhammad El Kebir and his brother, Sidi
Muhammad El Habib. He has guaranteed them Knowledge of ALLAH and has also guaranteed
them great blessings.”

In the course of his lifetime, he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) married both of his
children and he drew up the marriage contract himself in the presence of the elite among his
great companions.

Before his death, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) express
several wishes, including the wish that, following his death, his companion Sidi Muhammad El
Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) would perform the funeral prayer, although he was not
present because he was traveling. Another of his wishes was that the custody of his two noble
children would be entrusted to his great companion and recently appointed Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) with the mission to bring them back to their
homeland in Ain Madhi. In fact, Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) has said: “Nothing but the desert is suitable for my sons.”

When Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left this worldly life,
the Pole Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him), accompanied by some of his
companions that were from the desert, wanted to take the children there, but they were so happy
in Fes that they refuse to follow him, and decided to stay in Dar el Miraya, their dwelling in Fes.


Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) could not force them and so he left.
Then, on leaving the town, he instructed his men, of which there were about two hundred, to
stop and to lift up their hands. Then he supplicated ALLAH: “I request ALLAH that the Sultan
repossess Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) house so that his children will
become tired and wish to leave the country. Then he concluded his supplication and they resume
their journey to Ain Madhi.”

Subsequently, according to the decree of ALLAH, the following incident occurred: Sidi
Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went down one of the roads in Fes on
the back of a mule that belongs to his noble father. He was seen by Mulay Ibrahim, one of the
sons of the Sultan Suleiman, who said to him: “I want you to send me this mule so that I can ride
it and look at it because I like it. Then I will return it to you”. Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had understood his real aim, and that in reality it was just a ruse to
get hold of the mule and so he did not send it to him.

So, the Sultan’s son was upset and he sent a letter to his father who had retired to Marrakech,
informing him that Seyyidina’s children (may ALLAH be pleased with them) wanted to leave the
country, so he asked his father what was to become of Dar Miraya once they had left it empty.
The Sultan (may ALLAH be pleased with him) instructed his son to give the house to a Sherif
who was a member of his family and Mulay Ibrahim received this reply on the day of El Eid El
Adha. Then, Mulay Ibrahim sent a message to Seyyidina’s children (may ALLAH be pleased with
them) informing them that they should leave the house immediately, that very day, on the pretext
that the house needed some maintenance.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had predicted before his
death that this house would always belong to them. It is mentioned in the book El Ifadat-al-
Ahmediya that he had said (in the sense of his words), on the subject of Dar Miraya: “This
dwelling is our family’s perennial heritage.” Indeed the house was later bought back by a disciple
of the path and offered to Seyyidina’s noble descendants (may ALLAH be pleased with them).

Seyyidina’s children (may ALLAH be pleased with them) went with all their possessions to the
blessed Zawiya. In this uncomfortable situation, they began to feel cramped. In this way, they
waited for Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) so that they could leave
with him to Ain Madhi. When finally he came back and wanted to take them with him, they were
prevented by the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) who lived in Fes, and who could not bear to see the only descendants of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) leave. The situation seemed to have reached a
dead end to such an extent that the only solution was to bring the case before the prince of that
time, Mawlana Sultan Suleiman (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He left the choice to the
children of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with them) whose decision was
final for both of them wished to return to Ain Madhi.

Following this departure, the blessed body of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) was discretely exhumed by his children, some servants and some inhabitants of
the Sahara on the 21st of the month of Safar in the year 1231 of the hegira, just over four months
after his death. He seemed as if he was sleeping. His body was not rigid like the body of a dead
person. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was placed in a deep wooden coffin which was
not long enough to lay out the body and so it was necessary to bend his blessed body. Also, while his
blessed body was being placed there, he was scratched by a nail and warm blood came out. This
wooden coffin is still preserved in the great Zawiya of Fes. Then, they hid it in the Djiniyara road
(not far from the Zawiya) awaiting the departure for the Sahara the next day

244 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


or the day after that. On the night when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
removed from his tomb, he visited 50 of his companions in a dream and said to each of them: “I
am preparing to travel.”

When they gathered in the blessed Zawiya the day following the exhumation, and all recounted
the same vision, they understood that Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had
been removed from his tomb. They looked for him and found him in the street in question
where he had spent the night with his children.

At this precise moment, Seyyidina’s companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them) realized
that the prediction that Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had made before he
died, wishing for his companion Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to
perform the funeral prayer for him, had been accomplished.

He was traveling when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away, but
since this unexpected event had coincided with his return, he was able to perform the prayer for
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

When they put him back in the tomb, an indescribable fragrance emanated and the perfume was
so intoxicating that it was feared that the people present would swoon. In addition, they noticed
that the vegetation at his feet was luscious and glossy. It was as if he had just died. As a
precaution, the inhabitants of Fes built something heavy and solid on his tomb.

Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was able to depart definitively with
Sidi Muhammad El Kebir and his younger brother (may ALLAH be pleased with them), leaving
the disciples in tears and heart-broken by this separation behind them.

Sidi Muhammad el Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had attained a high station in the
knowledge of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) and the Pole Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) was himself at his service and personally took care of his affairs.
When he ascertained the spiritual opening (Fath) of the son of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and realized his great hidden power for spiritual governance,
he was afraid and so he appointed several trustworthy people to take care of Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir’s (may ALLAH be pleased with him) affairs.

Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) moved to Tamacine and Sidi
Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) stayed in Ain Madhi in the house of
Sidi Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) with his brother Sidi
Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and their family. They were respected
by all and received numerous visits from both the elite and the common folk who wanted to
benefit from their complete lights, and many people were able to benefit through their
intermediary. Indeed, Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the
intermediary in their covenant (with Seyyidina) and their guiding light. The impoverished found
refuge in him and the rich sought his protection.

In the year 1240 of the hegira, following the instructions that Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had received from Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), he left accompanied by his brother to accomplish the pilgrimage, probably by sea. In Egypt,
they met a group of brothers. It is related that the Governor (Bey) of Algiers had written to the
governor of Tunisia requesting that he capture them on their return from the pilgrimage. When they
arrived in Tunis, the Bey advised him to go to Ain Madhi via the desert and warned him

245 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


against the inhabitants of Algiers because his enemies were inciting all the governors of Algeria
against him and his brother. The governor of Oran had written to the inhabitants of Laghouat, after
having taken captive about four hundred of their people demanding that they hand over Seyyidina’s
children (may ALLAH be pleased with them) in exchange for the hostages. Among them was the son
of Buchaiba and the son of Ahmed Lakdar (may ALLAH be pleased with them), old companions of
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

The companions gathered to discuss the problem with Sidi Ahmed Lakhdar, Sidi Buchaiba, Sidi
Ahmed ibn Salam (may ALLAH be pleased with them). Although he had not been called, The
Pole Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was also present.

A companion was present at this gathering who, the previous night, had seen Seyyidina Sheikh
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in a dream saying to him: “Muhammad
El Kebir is going East and Muhamad Es-Seghir is going West. Without having been informed by
this companion of this vision, Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to
him: “What did Seyyidina say to you last night?” This companion answered: “He said to me do
this and do that.” Then, the Pole Hajj Ali declared to the gathering: “How can we give the sons
of Seyyidina to the Turks to play with?” Then he ordered Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may
ALLAH be pleased with them) to leave for Bussemghun via the desert route, which he did.
Meanwhile, the Pole Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) took Sidi
Muhammad El Kebir to Tamacine and married him to his daughter. In this way, ALLAH
protected them from Turks’ stratagem. Sidi Muhammad El Kebir stayed for some time in
Tamacine and then he returned to Bussemghun.

He fought on the path of Truth to defend the oppress until he died a martyr during the great
battle in which three hundred of his companions and loved ones were also martyred on the
plains of Ghriss near the town of Mascara in Algeria.

Some of his enemies sought to discredit him by claiming that he was only interested in taking
hold of the power of the dead governor. In reality, the only reason that compelled him to go to
war was the call for help from the people of Mascara and the neighbouring tribes against the
injustice of the Turkish governor, Muhammad Bey, who imposed exorbitant taxes upon them as
he had done in Ain Madhi. Sidi Muhammad El Kebir helped the people to pay these unfair debts
in order to protect them from the governor’s bad treatment and had often express the wish to
fight him but Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had always opposed this.

He only went to war after having repeatedly heard the call to defend the weak during a spiritual
retreat in the village of Shelalla, near Bussemghun. He consulted the wali Sidi Belqacem (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) as well as his brother concerning this situation and they gave their
approval for him to answer this call. He raised an army comprised of his near and dear and
people from Bussemghune and the Sahara.

Sidi Belqacem (may ALLAH be pleased with them) suggested to him to leave half of his army
with Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and to take the other half to
fight, in case ALLAH decreed that they should all died during this confrontation. He also
encouraged Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to bid his brother and
the people accompanying him an ultimate farewell and revealed to him: “The outcome has
already been established, and we are all under the inevitable domination of His Manifestation, we
can only conform to the decision that ALLAH has decided to accomplish. Know that only four
members of this group will return home alive.”

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Thus, in 1242 of the hegira (1827 ad), Sidi Muhammad el Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
set off, accompanied by the section of the army that was entirely formed of men from Bussemghun.
When he reached the oppressed people, the Bey sent a huge army and at the moment of the
confrontation, the people turned against Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) and all but four men who were able to take the sad news home died martyred.

The population of the village of Bussemghun was reduced to its women and children, until the
children grew up because all its men had died in the battle. The destiny of Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was similar to that of the grandson of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him), our Master Hussein, son of Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) and just like him, the sacrilege of the oppressor went as far as beheading Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and taking his noble head as a trophy. This act sealed
the destiny of the Turkish authorities in the country and brought down the wrath of ALLAH
upon them.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had alluded to this event that
would befall his noble son. Indeed, one day when he was leaving Ain Madhi on a walk, Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saw Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) in front of him. He stared at him in surprise and, still looking at him, shook his
head and said: “Huwari” and sighing from the bottom of his heart. At that moment, everyone felt
the immense sadness of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and
understood that Sidi Muhammad el Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) would have the
same end as the Saint Sidi Huwari (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who had also been
betrayed in the same circumstances.

In the face of this excessive injustice and oppression by the Turkish regency of Algiers, Seyyidina
Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) invoked God against them: “As
He confiscated Andalusia, may ALLAH also confiscate this before their very eyes.”

At the time of this tragic event for the son of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), someone said to the Khalife Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him): «
O my master, Mulay, the son of the Sheikh has gone (that is to say he is dead), Sidi Hajj Ali
Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied : “And I tell you that consequently the
Turks will leave the whole country.”

When the Pole Sidi Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was informed, he
reproached the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with them) for having let him
leave and he added that they should even have cut the girth of his saddle (of his mount). The
companions replied that if Sidi Muhammad El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) wished
for vengeance, they would be at his side at any price. Thus, Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini was witness to
the sincerity of their love and said: “ALLAH may order people to do certain things which
subsequently turn against them because ALLAH’s order is a predestined decree.”

It is also said that when the Pole Sidi Hajj Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) heard the
news he began to cry like never before, and for three days, he neither ate nor drank nor attended the
Wazifa. He only left his home for the obligatory prayers and spoke to no one. He cried so much that
his eyes swollen. After three days, he left his house and took place in the gathering with the brothers
and overwhelmed by a sublime state, he proclaimed three times: “Indeed when my Lord begins, He
begins at the head”, emphasizing the word “head”. At that particular moment, his companions did
not understand to what he was alluding: but as it turned out, in the same year that Sidi Muhammad El
Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was killed, occurred the famous

247 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 5


incident of the “fan” between the Dey Hussein and the consul of France Mr Pierre Deval. In
fact, following the misunderstanding with him, the Dey slapped the French representative with
his fan. This diplomatic incident was the pretext used by the French for a military offensive
against the Turkish authorities. This offensive began with the blockade of the port of Algiers in
1242 of the hegira (1827 ad). Three years later, they took hold of Algiers, the “head of the
country” where the Dey resided. He capitulated the same day. In this way, more than three
hundred years of Turkish governance in Algeria finally ended.

The wrong caused to Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the
spiritual cause for this historical overturning. Therefore the order of ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) was a predestined decree.

Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may ALLAH be pleased with him) left only two descendants, his
daughters, Lalla Fatima and Lalla Roqayya, who was later buried in the tomb that had been prepared
for her noble father in Ain Madhi since his noble body had not been found after the battle.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

248 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 6


Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Among the great companions endowed with knowledge and prodigies, holder of high degrees of
sainthood, elite among the elite, is Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) who hails from Morocco.

At the beginning, he was the intermediary between Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) because when Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) wished to speak to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him),
he was overwhelmed with modesty. This is a well-known characteristic among the great saints of
the community, who always used an intermediary between themselves and the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) for their request, because in his presence, they forgot everything and
were unable to speak to him. Although he was very young, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) often met the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in
an awaken state. Sid Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said of him that he used to
meet the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) twenty-four times a day. Also, the
Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) adivised Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) to take great care of him.

During the time that our master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) spent in
Bussemghune, he often traveled to Taza to meet his eminent companion and pupil, the great
Knower Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him). At this time,
he was one of his special companions, part of the circle of his beloved. According to the
recommendation of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Seyyidina watched over him
more on more. Thus, he visited him often during his lifetime and even after his death to the
extent that it was not necessary to mention it in the book entitled Djawhiroul Ma’ani.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “The Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) advised me to watch over Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) and told me that he had a right over me.” He also specified that he
was a sherif from Idmar, a tribe of the region of Taza. Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had many virtues of which the most important was that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had assured him of his love and it is with his consent
that he became the intermediary between the Seal of the Prophets and the Seal of Sainthood.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “By ALLAH, I have
never seen the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) take as much care of someone as he
does of Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi and Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim. By ALLAH, he loves them both as
if they were his own children.”

After his death, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) appointed
the Caliph of great worth Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in his place,
according to the order of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among the pure
Shourafa (descendant of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) and he was assassinated.

After he had settled in Ain Madhi, the virtuous qualities that were attributed to him spread
among the people. This became a subject of discussion among the women in the whole province

who talked about that to their husbands, provoking jealousy among his enemies who finally

incited an individual to assassinate him. Preceding this terrible act, the individual in question
often visited Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and
requested dua of him, but Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi chased him away saying: “Get
away from me, doer son of doer, because my enemies will induce you to kill me!” And in fact,
this prediction was accomplished. One day, this man arrived whilst Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi
Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was busy and he used this moment of distraction to
shoot him. According to the predestine decree of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), he
collapsed. Through spiritual unveiling, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was aware of the scheming of his enemies as well as what was going to happen
to him.

ALLAH chastised these conspirators as well as his assassin. They group was scattered and
dispersed and their descendants nearly disappeared. Those who remained in the region were
completely ruined and their faces were marked by the horror because of ALLAH’s intense
revenge. May ALLAH protect us from repeating the same error: that is opposing our masters the
Awliya, because this leads undoubtedly to perdition. ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) said in
a qudusi hadith: “I will declare war on whosoever attacks one of my wali.” (Bukhari)

Hearing the death of Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), a
certain wali of Tunisia, who was not a member of the Tariqa Tidjaniya, wanted to take revenge
on the inhabitants of Ain Madhi. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) wrote him a letter warning him against the consequences of such an act. He sent six
delegates to convey the message of which the great scholar Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may
ALLAH be satisfied with him). His only option was to conform to these orders and to lay down
his arms.

Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the prodigy of his time due to
what was known of his secrets and knowledge. He received gifts from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) both in dreams and awakened states, enough to astonish minds and
graspable only by the greatest masters. One day, in a dream, he received a poem by the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him). When he woke up, he saw the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) and asked him for his commentary on this poem. The Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) explained to him that it is through the love of the Sheikh that he was able to obtain
these blessings and that, without this love, he would never have seen him (peace and blessings be
upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed him to convey the poem
and its commentary to Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He also received
from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) a prayer called “The Pearl…” (Yaqutati-l-
Muhataj…), which contains great blessings for the believers who read it, as it was said by the
Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him).

Concerning the beneficial effect of propriety and presence of heart during the prayer upon the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) said: « He who accomplished the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), should do so with the intention of conforming to the order of ALLAH,
and with reverence, respect and love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He
should visualize him (peace and blessings be upon him) in the best way possible, and in his
meditation, see his noble image as if he was present and recite the prayer upon him (peace and
blessings be upon him) with presence, contemplation and propriety. If he performed it this way
even once a day, he will be counted among those who pray profusely upon him.”

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He also said regarding the presence of the heart during the prayer: « If, during the prayer, a
person’s heart is divided into ninety-nine parts, and only one of those parts is present, then,
because of the presence of this single part, all of the dispersed parts will be gathered and
accepted. If the person who is praying does not keep even a single part, and he realizes the
absence of the presence of the heart only after finishing the prayer, then he should return to the
place of his prayer and pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with the
intention of repairing his prayer. Without doubt, his prayer will be repaired and accepted because
of the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Before entering the Tariqa of our Master Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (peace and blessings be upon him) was
part of the Tariqa Bel Ben ‘Azuz. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) had said, concerning this tariqa, that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had
said to him: “Bel Ben ‘Azuz is a daemon of this community.” When he met Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and noticing all his prodigies, he requested his
Baraka to follow his Tariqa. Following the recommendation of the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him), Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) made him his
intimate companion.

Among the events that are recorded about him, it is said that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had sent someone to invite him to come and visit. For this,
he assigned his companion Sidi Hajj Musaqam (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who brought
for him a horse belonging to another companion. He found Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) in Taza and gave him the message from the Sheikh. Sidi
Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi jumped up immediately to answer this summons. During the
journey, the horse died, and so Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi ordered some ruhaniyun
(spiritual entities) to enter the horse so that it could travel as far as Bussemghun. As they were
journeying, his travelling companion said to him: “O master, the bad smell of this horse is
disturbing me.” And so he gave the order to step up the pace. As soon as he arrived at his
destination and dismounted, the horse fell to the ground and maggots emerged from it. Thus, he
met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) with whom he talked
about secrets.

On the instruction of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) reserved a room knows as “Bayt Sirr” (the room of the
secrets) in each of his dwellings. When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was
building his blessing dwelling in Bussemghun and also in Ain Madhi, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi
Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) told him that the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) had said: “When you have built this house, keep one room and call it “Bayt sir”,
perform your litanies and your evocations and all that I have instructed you to do there. Nobody
but you should enter this room. In this way, you will see the blessings and the graces increase
upon you and you will attain all your goals.”

This room was divided by sheets of hardwood and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) would sit on one side whilst the noble intermediary Sidi Muhammad
Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) would sit on the other.

It is said than one day, when Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) was performing zikr in this room, a ruhani (spiritual entity) came to him with a glass
containing a drink of such intense luminosity that it lit up the room where he was sitting. The
ruhani told him: “Drink!” But Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased

251 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


with him) thought to himself: “I do not wish any other but Seyyidina Sheikh to drink this glass.”
Then he called Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saying: “O
father” and repeated this from time to time. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) did not answer because at that moment he was immersed in his zikr. When
finally he had finished and answered, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) told him: “O father, the ruhani came to me with a glass in order to drink and
so I called you in order to give it to you, but because it took so long, the ruhani went away.”
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “We have much
hope that ALLAH will bring it back.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said that among all the
blessings that Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) received
was that, one day, his wife in Ain Madhi had a craving for honey although it was not the season.
Her husband was inclined to refuse her nothing, but at that time he apologized that he was
unable to satisfy her craving. However, she did not accept his excuses and insisted, so he said to
her: « Go into the courtyard because Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) has sent some for you. So she went out and found upon a skin a large quantity of
honey. His wife often boasted about her husband to the other women in the neighbourhood to
such an extent that they made their husbands jealous with their gossip and this was to a large
degree the reason for their plot to assassinate him.”

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) son also said that Sidi
Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had plantations and that
when they needed watering, clouds formed to shower his field without showering the
neighbouring land. This is among the extraordinary blessings granted to our masters the Awliya.

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had misunderstandings
with the chiefs of certain tribes that planned to capture him and to fight all those who opposed

When they reached Ain Mahi, they left no other choice to the inhabitants but that of handing
over Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) upon pain of
destroying the whole village, sparing nothing. They were so numerous that it was not possible to
ward them off. The inhabitants of Ain Mahdi had no other alternative but to beg him to give
himself up and according to ALLAH would have decreed. Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) did not even raise his head and began to draw on the earth
with his finger on the ground something that resembled writing and then he took a small piece of
paper and drew letters upon it. Then he tore the paper in two and threw it towards the men who
had come to capture him.

The two pieces of paper floated around until they came together and according to ALLAH’s
decree, the army quarrelled and fought among themselves breaking down their unity and this
hostility continued.

Sidi Ahmed Abdeloui (may Allah be pleased with him) had said that because of the strength of
his spiritual opening and despite his young age, Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) envied and desired to reach the degree that was reserved to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He wrote him a letter in
which he revealed that he had seen a station (maqam) situated between that of Prophecy and that
of the Poles which is not possible to inherit and which is reserved for a single member of this
community. He admitted that he envied this station for himself but he did not dare to ask the

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Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in case it had not been reserved for him and out of
fear that everything would be taken away from him.

Indeed, he was informed that this immense blessing was reserved for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and so he rushed to inform him. Sidi Muhammad Ibn
Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) requested Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to give him, in return for this news, the reward of ten times
Ismu Allah El A'dham, ten times Salatul Fatihi and ten times Miftahul Qutbaniya, because he had
noticed that one single word of evocation pronounces by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) surpassed what his children, his ancestors, and himself could evoke
in the course of seventy years.

He loved Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) intensely and even
more so when he came to know more about the unique and special station that he held with
ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). Once, he said: “One of the most eminent and elevated
angels came to me and said: “Know that, simply upon hearing my name, the angels tremble with
reverential fear because with my proximity with ALLAH, but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) has more merits than me with ALLAH.””

Among the stories that have been told by trustworthy people, one tells of a visit to Sidi
Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) by a group which included
Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may Allah be pleased with him), Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may Allah
be pleased with him). They asked him the following question: “When animals died, do they go to
Paradise or not?” He thought to himself: “They think that I am wise but I am not. Despite this,
he who loves me will go to Heaven, and he who hates me will go to Hell. I was puzzled by that
question and did not know what to answer until I met the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) and asked him about it. He said that some animals go to Paradise: that is to say those that
belong to the Prophets, the Messengers and the Saints, and also those that die during combat,
those on which Hajj is performed, and all those that die on the Way of ALLAH. There is a
Paradise for those animals which is not the one of the creatures endowed with reason: there are
no buildings and it is full of the kind of vegetation that they like and desire.”

He was also questioned about the hadith which states that the stingiest of all men is the one who
does not pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when he hears his name.
Does this concern saying his name when talking about him (peace and blessings be upon him) or
also saying his name when speaking of someone else? Because there is a divergence on the
subject. Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) answered: “
What is meant by this is that this refers to the name when it designates our Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him). Therefore, a person who hears his name and does not pray upon him is
considered to be stingy. If we are referring to a person other than the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), we should not pray when we hear his name.”

Once, he said: « When a servant disobeys, the scribe angel on the left says to the scribe angel on
the right: “Should I inscribe this for him?” He answers: “Do not inscribe it because ALLAH, The
Exalted and The Honored, has generously granted his Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
only to inscribe disobedience commited by the believers of his community after three days. If
they repent, then this disobedience will not be inscribed, but if they do not, it will.” The angel
answers: “May ALLAH grant us relief.”

Another time, he was questioned about the fulfilment of obligations of which we are unaware
with regards to the right of creatures over us. Sidi Muhammad (may ALLAH be pleased with

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him) wrote to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to ask him and
he get the following answer: “You must perform Salat Fatihi and then say: “I offer the reward of
this prayer as a compensation for all those to whom I have obligations, those who have suffered
an injustice on my behalf, those who have a right over me and those to whom I am indebted and
who will claim their debt on the day of Judgement in front of You, from the moment that my
mother gave birth to me up until the day I will be buried in the ground.” O ALLAH, accept this
from me and convey the reward to them so that it may be shared among all my beneficiaries
according to the obligations, injustices, debts and the rights that I owe them.”

Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died in Ain Madhi (Algeria) at the
age of 28 and leaving two daughters behind him. He passed away several months before
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left for Fes. His tomb, which
is famous and often visited for the Baraka, is in Ain Madhi.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Sidi Muhammad ibn Ghazi

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)
The excellent Master Sidi Muhammad ibn Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a man
of pure heart, the follower of the path of truth and holder of great Baraka. He was among the ten
people to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had guaranteed the Great
Opening, and he was among the beloved of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret) because of the purity of his love.

Sometimes his behavious was strange and in this way he was able to hide his secrets. He was
renowned for his generosity and kindness towards the brothers. The qualities that ALLAH
granted him included the blessings (baraka) upon everything he undertook in terms of buying and
selling, food and drink, and in all circumstances. Seeing his Baraka, the brothers requested his
presence at their festivities. When they desired his Baraka for something specific, even when Sidi
Muhammad ibn Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was not among them, they would say:
“O ALLAH we beseech you with the Name with which Muhammad ibn Ghazi has invoked you,
grant us the Baraka for this or that.” And they received the blessings.

At the beginning of his journey with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret), after having taken the Tariqa, he neglected to attend the recitation of the Wazifa
in congregation in the blessed Zawiya because of his commerce. One Friday Sidi Muhammad ibn
Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was walking in the souk of Fes when Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret), on his way back from the Zawiya, after the
Zikr saw him. Sidi Muhammad ibn Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to himself:
“There is no might nor power except in Allah, we have abandoned the reward of the Hereafter
and busied ourselves with the reward of this life obtained through commercial transactions. I
wonder whether I am a beloved or a loser for this Sheikh to whom ALLAH has allowed me to be
close, because of what I have just done?” When they met, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) said: “How are you fairing O so and so? You are among the
particular beloved but you do not attend the Zikr, why is this?” Since that day, he has not
neglected to sit with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) until
their separation and his spiritual state expressed: “If we had had the choice, we would not have
been separated, but there is no choice with destiny.”

One day, after the death of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret),
when he was sitting outside his house, a thought crossed his mind concerning visiting the Saints
and he thought that this prohibition should only be limited to Seyyidina’s lifetime. At that very
moment, he saw the virtuous Wali, the noble Majdhub Sidi Hafid ben ‘Adwa (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) who came towards him and said: “He is not dead.” And they left. At that very
instant, he realized what he was thinking and repented. He knew that he was enveloped in God’s
protection because of his sincere love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret).

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad Lahlu

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The blessed Master Abou Tayib Sidi Hajj Muhammad ibn Muhammad Lahlu, immersed in
Divine Succour, both mobile and immobile, was meritorious, experienced and perfectly obedient
to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). He was among the good people of firm religion,
following the path of guidance.

He had taken the Tariqa from the blessed hands of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctifiy his precious secret). He was among the emissaries companions of Seyyidina.
Occasionally, Seyyidina sent him to Ain Madhi as emissary. He also dispensed the salaries and the
lime during the construction of the blessed Zawiya in Fes in order to receive some blessings.

One day, Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad Lahlu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) invited
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) and some of his companions to
the celebration of a birth, but when the time came to serve the meal, he discreetly approached
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and said quietly: “O My Master,
the meal we have prepared with never suffice to feed all these people.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) gave him his coat saying: “Cover the dish with this, and then fill a second
dish with the content of the first without uncovering it.” He did as he was told and brought dishes in
succession to the companions until they were completely replete. When the meal was finished, he
removed Seyyidina’s coat from the main dish and found it untouched.

Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad Lahlu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died in 1250 of the
Hegira and was buried at Bab Ftuh.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Among the companions, the great scholar, perspicacious and endowed with understanding, the
Malikite, practitioner of the most righteous knowledge, custodian of secrets and knowledge,
pundit of the Tariqa Tidjaniya, the sherif of great worth Abu Abdallah Sidi Muhammad Ibn
Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He was one of the elite among the elite of the
companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), among those
who inherited from the source of revealed knowledge and who had access to certain secrets of
the world of mysteries.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) nominated him Imam for the
prayer, and scribe to compose his letters and answers, to write what he heard or what was
dictated to him. His first encounter with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) was in 1188, the year that he returned from pilgrimage to Tlemcen. Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) transmitted the khalwatiya path to his
companion, custodian of his secrets, the great scholar Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri El Hassani
As-sa-ihi At-Touqourti (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also gave him other secrets and other azkar and he stayed
with him until he died in 1224.

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) devoted his whole life to the
service Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the Tariqa, and
he died six years before Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret). The most famous precursors among the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) took the Tariqa Khalwatiyya from him, as did Sidi Hajj ‘Ali
Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him).

Indeed, the latter mentioned his lineage of affiliation to the Khalwatiyya in the book Djawahiru-l-
Ma’ani and specified that he received it from Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) who himself had received it from Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) prior to
receiving the Tariqa Tidjaniyya. Then, when Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) transmitted the special authorization in the Tariqa Tidjaniyya, he authorized Sidi
Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him), in turn, to transmit the Tariqa.

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) returned to the East of Algeria
and transmited the Tariqa to the people of his tribe, the Awlad Sayah, and also to the great
companions of the Sheikh in that region, and so the Tariqa spread from the region of Souf as far
as Tunisia. Among those to whom he granted his authorization in Constantine, was Sheikh ibn

For his whole life, he never did anything for his own benefit, he made himself completely available in
order to accompany the Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He left
neither money, nor children, nor wife. He was buried in Ain Madhi next to the parents of the Sheikh
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He was an intimate friend of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and when he died, Sheikh (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) wrote the following letter of condolence to his family:


« In the Name of ALLAH, The Beneficient, The Merciful,

And may the prayer and the salutation of ALLAH be upon our master Muhammad, his family
and his companions,

After praising ALLAH, His Majesty is Exalted, His Greatness is Powerful, His Glory is Most
High, His Magnificence and Generosity are Sanctified,

This letter is intended for our loved ones and our friends, all who hold a special place in our
hearts, members of the tribe of Awlad Sidi Muhammad Sayah, to each and every one of you in
person, individually […], may the Peace, the Mercy, the Blessing of ALLAH The Most High be
upon you and upon all your children and your beloved, from the poor servant in ALLAH,
Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani,

We request ALLAH to increase our retribution and yours, and to grant us and you the deepest
condolences (formula used to offer condolences), and to relieve us and you of our pain upon the
loss of Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri. You should know that our pain upon this loss is greater than
yours […].”

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is the author of the book El
Jami’ which is a collection of various knowledge. He also wrote a book called Nousra El
Chourafa Fi rad ‘ala ahlou jafa (Supportive response for the shourafa to arrogant people), also
known as Mawahib el Minan which was the first book ever written in the Tariqa.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) appointed him Imam to lead the
prayer, because at that time, he didn’t want to take the role of Imam except when he was at home
with his family. In 1208, He was obliged to take on this role due to circumstances. This was narrated
in Djawahirou-l-Ma'ani. It was handed down by the companions that Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) became Imam upon the authorization of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) and fulfilled this noble function for about fifteen years. Later, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “He who I cannot contradict
instructed me to never pray behind anyone except the prayer on Friday.” If he was obliged to
perform dry ablutions (tayamum) and it was time for the prayer and he was with his companions, he
led the prayer nonetheless although they had performed their ablutions with water. But he warned
them in advance: “I am obliged to perform tayamum. If you wish you may pray behind a different
Imam.” And he did not blame those who did. The prayer of those who performed it behind him was
perfect according to the Qadi Abu Bakr ibn Arabi and Ibm Majichouche. In addition, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had said the same thing concerning the
merits of performing the prayer behind people of high rank.

The spiritual states of love (Mahaba) of Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may Allah be pleased with
him) was powerful.

Among the events proving this, it has been said that one day Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) was riding his mare in the desert when he passed the tomb of a famous
wali endowed with the power of governance (Tasrif), who happened also to be his ancestor. Out of
love to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he had not wanted to
visit the tomb, but the mare’s hooves suddenly sunk into the sand. He turned towards the tomb and
said: “I swear upon ALLAH, if you do not release my mare, I will complain Seyyidina

258 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Ahmed Tidjani who will take action against you. The mare was immediately released, as if
nothing had occurred.”

It is said in Djawahirou-l-Ma'ani, praising the qualities of Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) only prayed behind Imams if they were not subject to reprobation according the Law
(Shari’a). For example, if someone accepted bribes, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) would not pray behind him. Therefore Seyyidina’s Imam was the
perspicacious scholar endowed with understanding who had gathered together the Haqiqa and
the Shari’a and the knowledge of the Tariqa, who was the guardian of his secret and his covenant,
place of his compassion, his intimate companion: Abu Abdallah Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri , the
Sherif of high rank.

He originated from Toggourt, in Algeria, a city famed for its knowledge and its Saints, its scholars
and well-guided Imams. All the inhabitants of the town had taken the Tariqa. They would visit
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and the journey to meet him
would take more than 20 days. They brought for him monetary gifts as well as dates and clothing.
They could often be found at Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) house and
their behaviour, their religion and knowledge was unequalled. Indeed, they were already scholars
before meeting Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and groups
bringing gifts came from all over the region. No one was more worthy than them, nobody’s
intention was better. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) paid
special intention to them, more so than to his near and dear. When questioned about this, He
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “They are unlike others because they seek
the highest degrees and all the aspects of the Sunna. May ALLAH be pleased with them.”

Sidi Mechri stayed with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) from
1188 to 1213, and joined Seyyidina’s journey from Bussemghum to Fes. He was among those
who attained the spiritual opening in this tariqa Muhammadiya during Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) lifetime, and this is the reason why he was instructed to leave the
country. He (may ALLAH be pleased with him) wrote in his book El Jami’: “One day, I heard
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saying: “If ALLAH grants
spiritual opening to one of my companions who resides in the same region as me and who fears
for his personal loss should leave.” Some of his companions asked: “Does this come from you or
from ALLAH?” To which he answered: “This comes from ALLAH, without any personal
choice.” Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to Tlemcen as he
had been instructed and then to Bussemghun and finally to Ain Madhi and after presenting his
apologies to the brothers in Fes. He succumbed to disease in Ain Madhi. Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) instructed all those who had received the wird
from him, wherever their origins, to renew their affiliation.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

259 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sidi El Muhib ben Qadur Zarhuni

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)
Among the elite of the companions of Seyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and those who experienced prodigies in his company, was the jurist, the ascetic,
the follower of the path of truth, endowed with the mastery of the knowledge of Law and of the
truth, known for his conviction in the Tariqa, Abu Muhammad Sidi Abdelqader Zarhuni,
nicknamed El Muhib ibn Qadur (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) sent him the following letter:

« After mentioning the name of ALLAH, we request Him through His immense Majesty and His
sacred Names, that, as of this moment, he makes you to travel the path of his virtuous saints. May
you be in his hands in the situation of his beloved and knowers, in this world as well as the HereAfter
because He is capable of this. Next, you asked for my authorization for additional formulas of
evocation. Know that I authorize all the evocation and Names, verses and invocations that you wish
for wherever they are and however they are formulated, except for those pertaining to the obligatory
litanies of the Shouyoukh in their affiliation to their path. Know that all the evocation, invocation,
and prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), that you can accomplish in a
hundred thousand years would not equal the reward of one single Salatul Fatihi. If you want to be
among the winners in the Hereafter, practice it according to your capacities, because for he who
accomplishes it, this is the great treasure of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). Add it to all your
evocations and litanies, this is preferable for you and It advise it for

Concerning the difficulties of which you have informed me, that you find difficulty in submiting
your soul (Nafs) before the orders of ALLAH and its continual and persistent disobedience,
know that this is a tradition (established) of ALLAH upon His creatures who have neglected their
soul (Nafs) and abandoned it to their passion. Consequently, it is difficult for them to follow the
path of obedience to the orders of ALLAH because the ruses of their Nafs lead them to sin and
disobedience. Anyone who wants to rectify the deformation of his soul should prevent it from
following its passion. He should continually strive for isolations, maintain silence, reduce food
intake, increase practicing remembrance of ALLAH, evolving with the presence of the heart, and
rejecting all thought, desire and love for worldly affairs. You should also drive out of you heart all
kind of will, choice or thought regarding our own affairs and move away from any desire for
information concerning God’s creatures. Lastly, we should impose satisfaction with ALLAH’s
destiny from our heart. By persevering in this way, the Nafs will be purified and emerges from its
ruse to follow the orders of ALLAH. This has been always the Tradition of ALLAH upon His
creatures and will never find any alteration. In this field, the Sheikh is a guide as well as a helper
and not a creator or a doer, because creation and action belong to ALLAH, whereas the
Shouyoukh indicate the direction. Peace be upon you and may the salutation and the prayer and
the prayer of ALLAH be upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), his family and his
companions. Here ends this letter written by this poor servant of ALLAH, Ahmed ibn
Muhammad Tidjani, may ALLAH be kind to him. »

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The Sherif and Muqaddam Sidi Abou Abdallah Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) was one of pillars of this Tariqa. His feet were firmly rooted in this noble path. He was
holder of elevated aspiration. He had an authentic spiritual opening and powerful unveiling. He
was among the ten people to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had
guaranteed the Great Opening, as Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) had announced.

It is said that Sidi Musa Ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked many questions of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) because he was earnestly
researching, and some of the elite among the companions feared for him for this lack of
propriety (Adeb). One day, when he rose from sitting with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret), the sincere beloved Sidi Muhammad Salassi (may ALLAH
be pleased with him), who was older than Sidi Musa Ibn Mazuz, said to him: “O Sidi Musa, I fear
for you when you are setting with Seyyidina because of your persistent questions, which is a lack
of propriety for a disciple regarding his Sheikh.” He continued in the same way until Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) called them both before him. They
obeyed this order immediately and when they came before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret), he said to Sidi Muhammad Salassi (may ALLAH be pleased
with him): “What have you got against Sidi Musa? Know that he is loved by us whatever his
situation.” Since that day, everytime he met him, he used to say: “O Sidi Musa, have no fear, for
you are among the beloved.”

Numerous prodigies and wonders have been related about him. One day, he was sitting at home
in Fes, a kitten came through the door and began to mew pacing up and down and backwards
and forwards. So Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to his son: “Get
up son and take this kitten back to such and such house in Sa’oud street that it is where it comes
from, it told me so.” He was surprised but obeyed his father. He left the kitten in front of the
house in question the kitten was happy. As he was leaving, the house, the son heard a voice
coming from inside the house: “This is the kitten that we had abandoned in such and such place
and here it is again. How has it been able to find its way home despite the great distance?”

Sidi Ghali, the son of Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with them both) said that
his father had told him: “There are people who hear every single hair on their body evoking
ALLAH The Most High, and when they sleep, their spirit go to join the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him).” When his father died, he told this to the knower Sidi Muhammad ibn
Ghazi (may ALLAH be pleased with them both) who revealed: “Know that in reality he was
referring to himself and I was aware of his situation.”

Sidi Musa Ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was firm and determined. He never allowed
anyone who was not in a pure state sit in the Wazifa line. He used to say: “I heard Mawlana Sheikh
saying: “Keep people in a state of impurity away from the ranks of the Wazifa.”” Likewise, Sidi Musa
allowed no one to sleep in the Zawiya except visitors or guests, but not more than three days. If a
merchant wanted to stay longer, He would sent him to the fondouq (Hotel reserved for the
merchants). If a student wanted to stay more, and wanted to learn knowledge, he sent him to the
madrassa. If he saw someone in possession of tobacco, he removed him from the Wazifa circle, in
accordance with the following words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his


precious secret): “If you find a person in possession of tobacco whilst attending the Wazifa
gathering, take him outside.”

Sidi Musa Ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) scrupulously avoided stretching out his
legs towards poetic verses, paying homage to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy
his precious secret), engraved on certain walls of the Zawiya, and he reprimanded those who did.
One of the great companions said to him: “O Sidi, they are high-ranking.” He replied: “And even
if they are?”

Sidi Musa Ibn Mazuz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among those who travelled to the
desert to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious secret) before he
emigrated to Fes. He passed away in 1257 of the hegira.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

262 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Sidi Tahar Butayba

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

The perfect Wali, the knower of ALLAH (al Arif al wasil) deeply-rooted in sainthood and
enveloped by an attentive regard, and renowned for his attainment of great spiritual opening and
immense blessings, Abu AbdAllah Sidi Tahar Butayba Tilimsani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him). He was among the elite of the holders of the spiritual opening within the Tariqa Tijaniyya

He was one of the radiant signs of ALLAH (The Glorified and The Exalted), famous for
prodigies so numerous that it is not possible to mention them all. His attainment of Great
Mastery (Khilafa) in this Tariqa Ahmediya Tijaniyya was certified.

During his lifetime he received a limited Muqaddam diploma (ijaza) from Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) himself, and later, Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) gave him unlimited authorization. Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) only gave unlimited authorization to those who were at the station (maqam) of
Khilafa and specific education. The Tariqa was known in the region of Tlemcen thanks to Sidi
Tahar (may ALLAH be pleased with him). The disciples from Tlemcen reported incredible
events concerning Sidi Tahar and his degree (maqam).

The authorization to join the Tariqa was given to Sidi Bachir son of Sidi Muhammad El Habib
son of Sidi Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be satisfied with them all) by Sidi Tahar.

Sidi Tahar had a strong love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and
so it was his intention, that, if he had daughters, he would offer them in the service of the family
of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Indeed, he had
only girls, and when he wanted to dedicate them to serving the Sheikh’s family, they refused to
take them as servants and so three of his daughters became the noble wives of Seyyidina Sheikh
Ahmed Tijani’s descendants (may ALLAH be pleased with them all). One of them married the
Caliph Sidi Ahmed Ammar Tijani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and then became the
mother of the knower (‘Arif) Sidi Muhammad Tahar Tijani (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
famous for his remarkable spiritual states.

Sidi Ahmed Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported a personal experience with
Sidi Tahar when he was in Tlemcen. In fact, he wanted to renew his affiliation to the Tariqa with
him. He said: “I thought to myself: how can I renew my Tijaniyya pledge with this Muqaddam
when I have already obtained my affiliation from the greatest companions of Seyyidina Sheikh
such as the Pole (Qutb) Sidi Hajj Ali Tamasini? Then I gave no further thoughts to this. While I
was sitting in front of a brother’s shop in Tlemcen, Sidi Tahar Butayba came to me and said
through unveiling (kashf): “A person wished to receive authorization directly from Seyyidina with
no intermediary and so Seyyidina says to this person bringing the news: Go and tell him that
authorization is granted” and then Sidi Tahar proceeded.

It was also reported that a neighbour began a construction above Sidi Tahar’s home resulting in
disturbance of the intimity for the occupants. So Sidi Tahar sent him someone to express his
displeasure and to request him to stop his work. Not only did this man refuse to consider his
request but he also called him an idiot. When the messenger brought him back this information,
Sidi Tahar exclaimed: “I will completely destroy his home from the foundations up.” And the

neighbor’s home collapsed immediately.

Sidi Tahar Butayba Tilimsani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) left this world on Monday Jumada
Thani 2 1295 A.H./june 3 1878 ad. He is buried in Tlemcen near a place called “El Eubbad”.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

264 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Sidi Tayeb Sefiani

(May ALLAH be pleased with him)

Our Master Tayeb El Hassani, the sublime jurist of sherifian origin, otherwise known as Sefiani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), is the great knower and famous Wali, holder of blessings,
lights, knowledge and secrets.

He is among the elite of the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), he is the author of the book “El Ifadat el Ahmediya” compiling
some of Seyyidina’s words, taking great care to mention the reasons and circumstances in which
they were pronounced. He had great spiritual power. He was absorbed in the universe of
knowledge and (spiritual) secrets. He was also among the great scholars well versed in religion,
one of the perfect Walis. He had complete knowledge of the Tajweed, that is to say the rules
governing pronunciation during the recitation of the Quran.

One of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) companions related
that he had seen Sidi Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) after his death and had asked
him what ALLAH had done with him. Sidi Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) answered
that ALLAH had granted him immense blessings and that he had only received good. In addition
he had met the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who offered him a big garden in
Paradise so that he could teach the Quran to the children.

Another story recounts the circumstances of his first meeting with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Sidi Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was going
through Egypt on his way to Hidjez (Arabic peninsula) when he met the sublime Muqaddam and
companion of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), our Master Sidi Muhammad
ibn AbdelWahid Banani El Misri (may ALLAH be pleased with him). The latter showed him the
book “Djawahirou-l-Ma'ani” which Sidi Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) consulted.
This event gave rise to an irresistible desire to meet Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret). He deeply regretted being in the same as him without having the
blessing of meeting him.

When he returned from Hidjez, he went to see Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
but he hesitated to take the Tariqa. Wishing to underline the distinctive characteristics of Sidi Sefiani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) said to him: “Why do you hesitate, oh such and such? And what prevents you from taking the
Tariqa immediately when in fact I was your (instructor) educator and tutor even before your mother
gave birth to you? During her pregnancy, you mother stumbled and was nearly pierced by an object
which would have harmed you. I caught her gently with ALLAH’s permission and the authorization
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and this saved your body from harm, except for
the top of your head where there is a mark that proves this.” Indeed Sidi Tayeb had a small whole in
his head but did not know its origin. This reinforced his certainty, his love and his attachment to
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). When he asked his mother about this event, she
told him the same story as Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). After
that, he immediately took the Tariqa.

One day, he was going to the blessed Zawiya to perform one of the five prayers and he met one
of his friends (who was Sheikh from another path) who hailed from the Wazan region. They

conversed at length and during this time, Seyyidina’s companion, Sidi Mussa ibn Ma’zuz (may

ALLAH be pleased with him) passed by. He forcefully caught Sidi Tayeb’s hand saying: “You
have missed the prayer with Seyyidina!” Then he took him to the Zawiya where they found
Seyyidina praying. When Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had
finished his prayer, through spiritual unveiling, he said to Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) directly: “Leave the people of Wazan alone because they will bring you nothing but
trouble.” And he repeated it many times.

Indeed, this is a teaching from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), for fear that Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) would fall into error which
would lead to his loss, which is to say to neglect Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) for someone else. What Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) meant by “bring you nothing but trouble” was that, in order to complete your education,
as it is recognized by the educator, any encounter with another Sheikh cannot occur without
authorization. For Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the blessing that came from
this situation with this (spiritual) unveiling is that he became aware of the omnipresent gaze of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

Previously, Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had been member of the Tariqa of the
masters of Wazzan. He had been entirely devoted to their service, and had not turned to any
other for this whole time. When he devoted himself in the service of Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and renounced the company of those of his previous path, worried
about him, they came to visit him.

He received them warmly and sometimes he went with them to their place, hiding his secret, not
wanting to reveal it. Once, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
sent him to the region of Wazzan to take care of some matters. When he returned, he was not
present in Seyyidina’s company for several days. When they met, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked him the reason he had not seen him since his return,
his intention being to reveal the secret of his education. Sidi Tayeb answered: “Oh Sidi,
something prevented me from coming.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “Has something happened within you (because of your trip) as a result of your journey to
Wazzan?” He answered: “May ALLAH protect us from this.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “Question your heart?” At that moment, his certainty in Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was renewed and he blamed himself
for the confusion that had arisen within him and repented to ALLAH for this.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) especially and dearly loved
Sidi Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He praised him to his companions and certified
his rank as Sherif. On many occasions, he rose respectfully to welcome him in order to honour
him. It is known that Seyydina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
multiplied his marks of respect when he met a descendant of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) going as far as welcoming him at the door. In this way, his companions would know
for sure that the person was really a Sherif.

Usually, no one was able to kiss his hand and especially if the person was a Sherif. But, one day, Sidi
Tayeb kissed Seyyidina’s hand when he was distracted. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) immediately ordered him to hold out his hand so that he could kiss it, but
Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “Oh Sidi, it would be easier for me
to cut off my hand than to let you kiss it.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) replied: “By ALLAH you must hold out your hand.” And finally he kissed it.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sa nctify his precious secret) behave in this way towards

266 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


the noble descendants of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He never stretched out
his leg in front of a Sherif. If a Sherif came in when his legs were stretched out, he folded them
immediately even if he was asleep. Once, a Sherif picked up Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) sandals and handed them to him, he was so troubled that he went out barefoot
and all this because of his deep respect for the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him). Nobody at that time respected them as much as he did.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: « I conceded all rights
over my dignity to the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). » He only ever
offered them gold and anything of lesser value was unheard of. He also said: “The disobedient
descendants of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) follow the same path of the
people of Badr. They will be told: “Do whatever you like, you will be forgiven.” As for the
successful ones, none other among them can attain their level of merit (the merit of Ahlu-l-Bayt,
i.e. the descendants of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him).” This is because the
people of Realization consider that a genuine Sherif will surely die in a state of repentance
according to the words of The Most High: “Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity
[of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification.”
(Sourah 33 The Combined Forces, verse 33) Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his
precious secret) strongly recommended respect for them as well as for the Saints, whether they
are dead or alive, and the best behaviour towards them.

Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) lived in a room facing the tomb of Sidi
Mulay Idriss (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Once, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) asked him about the place he lived, concerned about him. Sidi Tayeb
spoke well of his living-quarters precisely because they were facing the noble tomb of Mulay
Idriss (may ALLAH be pleased with him). So Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said to him: “Do not stretch out in his direction out of respect for him.” One of
the surprising things that happened to Sidi Sefiani when he was with Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) is the following: Sidi Sefiani had asked him to invoke ALLAH so that
he could die loving the Sheikh. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) granted his request and said: “Prepare yourself for poverty.” In fact Sidi Tayeb (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) possessed great wealth. As his heart was soothed by certainty in the
love of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) so did his wealth progressively
diminished. In poverty, his love accrued up until his death.

During the sickness that preceded his death, Sidi Tayeb received the visit of a person who was
unaware of his state. The visitor said to him: “So and so (mentioning a companion of Seyidina,
renowned for his spiritual opening) asked me to tell you: “You will not die before attaining the
spiritual opening (Fath).”” Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) raised his head towards
him and said: “Indeed, I had obtained the Opening.” After that he passed away on Wednesday
6th Jumada Thani in the year 1259 of the Hegira.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

267 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Sultan Suleyman

Sultan Sulayman (may ALLAH pleased with him) was a

righteous Imam and diligent scholar who received the Tariqa
from Seïdina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
having received the authorization from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) asserted that Sultan Sulayman was indeed one of his
Sultan Sulayman (may ALLAH pleased with him) witnessed
the prodigies of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) which reinforced his faith in him.
In addition, the Sultan rejected the words of those who
opposed Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) (who were numerous at that time).
It has been related that he often requested Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to enable
him to see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in an
awakened state. Our master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would reply: “I fear
that you are unable to bear this. ”
Sultan Sulayman (may ALLAH pleased with him) was so persistent that Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) could not convince him to renounce, and
so, ultimately, he granted his request. For this purpose, first and foremost, Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) recommended secrecy, then to dedicate a pure and
totally empty place, exclusively for this, and lastly, to be alone.
Sultan Sulayman (may ALLAH pleased with him), prepared everything according to the
instructions, and when he decided to enter the place, he was overwhelmed by hayba
(tremendous pious reverential fear). Due to this, he was incapable of remaining alone inside to
recite the special zikr that he had received . Seeing his considerable emotions, he requested
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to accompany him in
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) granted his wish, and
together they entered the place that was dedicated to the reception of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him). While he was reciting, an intense light appeared that filled the room
with Muhammadian Lights (Anwar al Muhammadiya). The intensity was such that Sultan
Sulayman (may ALLAH be pleased with him) fainted.
When he woke up, he found that Seyyidina’s hand (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
was placed on his chest; and then Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said: “You are fine, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
has ensured you this and that. ” Sultan Sulayman (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
replied: “May ALLAH reward you, for indeed, you had warned me that I would not be able to
endure this and now I have seen for myself.”
Here follows one of the letters that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) had sent to the Sultan (or words to that effect):


“In the Name of God, and may the prayer and the peace be upon the Prophet, he who
holds the most honorable and respectable station, the accomplishment of majesty and
the attainment of generosity, the Master who has attained the pinnacle of glory.
This letter is addressed to our master of noble descent, of gentle character and perfect
morality, he who honors and uplifts the Khalifa of Islam, the Muhammadiyan
practitioner, source of refuge for both city dwellers and nomads, Mawlana prince of
believers, the master Sulayman ben Muhammad, may ALLAH come to his aid and grant
him glorious victory, may he be elevated to the highest eternal bliss, may he forever
stroll in the gardens of divine gifts.

We request ALLAH, may He be glorified, to register you among the blessed both here on
Earth and in the Hereafter, may He look upon you through a gaze of benevolence and
love, may He grant you His special gifts, victory and protection in this world and in the
eternal life. We ask Him that the day of reunion with Him be a day of celebration, of
happiness, and of divine hospitality. We beseech ALLAH to act towards you with His
Grace and His Approval both on this Earth and in the Hereafter. We beg Him that His
soldiers surround you, wherever you are, and help you.
We appeal to Him to purify through you both His servants and the country, to
strengthen, through you, the pillars of faith and religion, and, through you, to bring
forth peace and blessings for all Muslims, to be your Ally, Succor, Help and protection.
We supplicate ALLAH to enhance the state of your heart to the degree of the awakening
in ALLAH so that your body may be (entirely) devoted to the servitude to ALLAH.
I advise you to respect both the orders and the interdictions of ALLAH, as He said:
« O you who have believed, fear Allah . And let every soul look to what it has put forth
for tomorrow - and fear Allah . Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. And be
not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the
defiantly disobedient. Not equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of
Paradise. The companions of Paradise - they are the attainers [of success]. » Surat 59
«He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys
Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. » Surat 33 v70-71
« And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah . Then every soul will be
compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly. » Surat2 v281
«And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And We
have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you and yourselves to fear
Allah. But if you disbelieve - then to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and
whatever is on the earth. And ever is Allah Free of need and Praiseworthy. » Surat 4
« O mankind, fear your Lord and fear a Day when no father will avail his son, nor will a
son avail his father at all. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life
delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver. » Surat 31 v33
In the meditation of the verses of ALLAH, there is guidance, advice, food for thought
and lessons for you. Nourish yourself with “a treatment of” patience and (inner)

reinforcement. Indeed, this is the cure for he who habitually follows his passions,
abandoning himself to them, and defying the divine prescriptions.

May peace and mercy be upon our master and all those in his service, his kith and kin,
his servants, his friends and his companions, “on behalf of the intimate friend who is
writing this to you”, the poor servant in ALLAH, Ahmed ibn Muhammad Tidjani, may
ALLAH grant him grace in both this world and the hereafter.
I have a serious and important matter to transmit to you from the Master of Existence,
source (“river”) of generosity, Seyyidina Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him),
who said:
“Write a letter to our son Sulayman ibn Muhammad, prince of believers, tell him that
there is nothing of greater merit and worth on this Earth than my wird which I have
dictated to you. Tell him to recite it because it is through this recitation that ALLAH will
take charge of purifying his life both in this world and the hereafter. Inform him that
there is nothing more meritorious and more important on this Earth than my invocation
that I had dictated to Ali ibn Abi Taleeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) known as
Sayfiyu. It is through the reading of this invocation that ALLAH dispels all calamities
both apparent and internal and brings good fortune both on this Earth and in the
Teach him Salat al-Istikharah (prayer requesting guidance/prayer seeking goodness
from ALLAH) that I taught you, and also the reading of the Fatiha seven times placing
the intention on the Name, after all the prayers. He should endeavour to recite the
prayer upon me with Salatul Fatihi as often as possible. It is through continuous effort in
this that ALLAH will purify his situation both internally and externally. Teach him as
far as possible the merits of Salatul Fatihi.”
Thus, concludes the words that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed
me to transmit to you. Know that my spiritual state with him is that of a servant and his
king. He cannot request anything, neither does he have the right to question, and he
owns nothing of the king. If the king ordains, he merely executes, with no personal
initiative. He simply sits in his presence in silence and with adab. For many years, while
educating me, he has forbidden me to ask or question him.
The wird that he dictated to me (and that he ordered me to transmit to others), is as
- one hundred times Istigfar
- one hundred times Salatul Fatihi
- one hundred times La ilaha illa ALLAH
So recite this once in the morning and once in the evening. In the morning, it is between
the Subh prayer and the Duha prayer, and in the evening, it is between Asr prayer and
Isha prayer. He had told me that whosoever recites his wird assiduity, ALLAH will
admit him to Paradise, as well as his parents, his wives and his children without
judgement and without chastisement. He will suffer no chastisement from the hour of his
death until he abides in Paradise. As for his message concerning Salatul Fatihi, the
reading of the Fatiha placing the intention on the Name, Sayfiyu and Salat al-Istikharah
(prayer requesting guidance/prayer seeking goodness from ALLAH), I will advise you in
another letter.
May the prayers of ALLAH be upon His Prophet. Salam “

It has been said that when they met, Sultan Suleyman (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
elevated his honor and offered him a residence known in Fes as “the house of mirrors”, but
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) refused it because of a certain feeling of

annoyance. The Sultan noticed this and spoke to him so as to alleviate his hesitation, and
assuage any problem in this regard.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) informed his close
companions, that having received the authorization from the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), he would indeed live in this property and that the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) had also instructed him to donate the equivalent of the rent to the poor. Thus, until
he passed away, every month he distributed the equivalent of the rent in bread.
When Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) received the official authorization
from the Sultan (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to build the Zawiya in Fes, the Sultan sent
him two pouches, each containing one thousand riyals and said: “Use this for the
construction.” However Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) returned them
saying: “The matter of the Zawiya is taken care of by ALLAH directly.” Nonetheless, the
noble Sultan insisted that he keep the pouches of money and so Seyyidina Ahmed (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) accepted them but refuse to use them for the expenses of
the Zawiya and gave away all the money to the poor and the needy.
Sultan Suleyman passed away in Marrakesh on Thursday 13th Rabi’ el Awwal 1238 and his
tomb is famous there.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi 'Arbi ibn Sa-ih

1. His origins

Sidi Muhammad El ‘Arbi was the son of Muhammad, who was son of Muhammad Sa-ih,
himself son of Muhammad, who was son of Dawud, son of Muhammad, who was son of
Abdelqadir, himself son of the Pole Sidi Muhammad Sharqi El ‘Umar El Faruqi, and his
ancestry goes back to the second rightly guided Caliph, our Master Abu-l-Hafs ‘Umar ibn El
Khattab (may ALLAH be pleased with him). His father Sidi Muhammad was among the
hardworking scholars and virtuous Saints of elevated rank among the people of the town of

2. His birth and childhood

He was born at the dawn of Eid el Ad-ha in the year 1229 of the hegira (1813 ad) in their
home which was opposite the great mosque of the city of Meknes. His birth brought joy,
happiness, gladness and satisfaction to his parents because his aging father was, until then,
without male issue. He had humbly begged ALLAH, Glorified and Exalted, to grant him a
pious child who would delight him and to this end, he tried everything that people advised
him, including both material and spiritual remedies. Thus, he used to visit the Saints, both
dead and alive, invoking ALLAH, without losing heart, through their intermediary in order to
obtain this gift.
So, when he had reached the age of seventy-five years old, ALLAH granted his request and
gave him a child, as he had done for his Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him). He named the
child Muhammad el ‘Arbi, after two virtuous Awliya (plural of Wali, i.e. Saint) who had
announced the coming birth: Sidi Muhammed ‘Arbi ibn Mu’ti ibn Salih Charqi and Sidi
Muhammad ‘Arbi El Wazzani (may ALLAH be pleased with them). Sidi Muhammad el ‘Arbi
was born twenty years old before his father returned to ALLAH. During these years, his father
gave him all attention and affection and the best of educations, careful to provide him with
teaching and instruction in keeping with the high rank of his origins. Thus, this sublime being
grew up in a virtuous environment, bathed in faith, knowledge, virtue and love for the
Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him), his pure family and the virtuous

3. His quest for knowledge

Even before he reached the age of reason, his father insured that he knew how to write and
that he memorized perfectly the book of ALLAH. Then, he was instructed in the classical
studies that were taught in the city of Meknes at that time. Later, he was able to join the circles
of teachings in Meknes, which included grammar, jurisprudence, meter, rhetoric, legal
foundations and logic until he had mastered and excelled in everything that he had been
taught. Then, he went to Fes and continued to study with the greatest scholars. Finally, having
shone in numerous subjects, he returned to Meknes where he provided teaching and education,
thus allowing for numerous well-known students of the time to benefit from his knowledge.
Then, temporarily, he worked as a judicial witness in order to provide for his worldly needs.


4. His teachers

He had numerous teachers, some of whom were in Meknes and others in Fes.
The following were among his teachers from the city of Meknes:
- The scholar Sidi Muhammad Badiya son of Shafi’i Badu Meknessi
- The scholar Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad Fqirah Meknessi
- The scholar Sidi ‘Umar ibn Makki El Mu’ti ibn Salih Sharqi
- The Qadi and scholar Sidi ‘Abbas ibn Kirane El Fesi…

The following were among his teachers from the city of Fes:
- The scholar Sherif Sidi Walid El ‘Iraqi El Fesi.
- The scholar Sherif Sidi Muhammad Badrdin El Hamumy El Fesi…
He inherited his knowledge of Hadith from the contemporary master Sidi Abdelqadir ibn Abi
Jayda, also known as Kuhan El Fesi, who is buried in Madina The Radiant. In the year 1281
of the Hegira, he also received a diploma from the scholar Sheikh AbdRahman Nabulsy when
the latter came to visit Morocco.

5. His affiliation to the Tariqa

In the year 1256 of the Hegira, he joined the Tariqa Tidjaniya. He was twenty-seven years old
and the story of his affiliation demonstrates how special he was. At that time, he was inhabited
by an intense desire to see the Master of Existence (peace and blessings be upon him) and to
this end, he used one the prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). His
mother had dedicated a room for him that she used to clean and perfume so that he could
perform his evocations and meditate in solitary isolation. He persevered until, one night, he
saw his father Sidi Muhammad in a dream saying: “Are you seeking to meet the Messenger of
ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him)?” He answered: “Yes, o my Master.” Pointing out
a group of disciples who were evoking in the mosque, Sidi Muhammad said to him: “If you so
desire, then ask those noble people because the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be
upon him) is attending with them.”
When he woke up, he knew that the noble people whom his father had pointed out were none
other than the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) who, in the days before the Zawiya of Meknes was built, used to gather in the great
mosque to perform the Wazifa and the Haylalah in congregation. He understood the allusion
and that this was a sign for him to join the Tariqa. Thus, he took the Tariqa from the person in
authority at that time: it is likely that this person was the Muqaddam Sidi Muhammad
Belqacem Basri (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He received confirmation of this when
reading the words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Later, he sat in the circles held by the scholars of the Tariqa and their elite and he examined
the books that have been written about the Tariqa as well as private notes. He fervently
researched everything to do with its custodian, its companions, its rules, its profundity, its

secrets, its knowledge, its lights and everything else about it. With this aim, he travelled to
Fes, to Marrakesh and to Rabat, to meet the great disciples of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and who had received directly from him. But that is not
all: he also wrote to those who were outside of Morocco.

In this way he became acquainted with numerous companions during his lifetime –
approximately eighty of them- from whom he benefited greatly. He collected so much
information that he became a key reference for all matters pertaining to the Tariqa, to its
custodian (Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani, may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), to its people,
such that all those who came after him, took him, his book “Bughiyat el Mustafid”, his
diplomas and his letters as a reference.
The following are some of the noble figures from whom he received knowledge and
blessings (may ALLAH be pleased with them):
- The scholar and preacher, the Muqaddam Sidi Muhammad Belqacem Basri Meknessi
- The Sherif, the Knower, the Muqaddam Mulay Tayeb Sefiani Fesi
- The Knower, the Muqaddam Sidi Abdelwahhab ibn El Ahmar Fesi
- The great Knower, the Sherif Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El ‘Alawi
- The scholar, the Knower Sidi Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Fqirah Meknessi
- The scholar, the Knower Sidi ‘Abbas ibn Kiran
- The scholar, the great Knower Sidi Muhammad ibn Hafian Sharqawi Rabati
- His companion and friend, the scholar Abu ‘Abdallah Sidi Muhammad ibn Ahmed
Kensoussi, otherwise known as “the speech of the Tariqa” from whom he received great
blessings. He remained for two years in his service at his home when he was young. He spent
sixteen years in his company.

He received an Ijaza in the Tariqa from the following:

- The Caliph and Pole Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in writing
- The Muqaddam, the Knower Sidi Muhammad Hachimi Sarghini (may ALLAH be pleased
with him)
- The Knower, the teacher Sidi ‘Ubeyda ibn Muhammad Seghir ibn Anbuja Tichiti Shinqiti
(may ALLAH be pleased with him), author of the book “Mizab Rahma Rabbaniya fi Tarbiya
fi Tariqa Tidjaniya.”

6. His relocation to the city of Rabat

At the age of forty, he moved to the city of Rabat in order to marry the noble lady Aicha, the
daughter of his Sheikh, the scholar and knower Sidi Muhammad Hafian Sharqawi (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) after his death. Sidi Arbi ibn Hafian, brother of this lady, was
entrusted with taking care of her and among the conditions of the marriage, Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-
ih had to settle in the city of Rabat. This coincided with the prediction that he received
following his spiritual opening which indicated that he should settle near the ocean which he
did in 1270 of the Hegira.
This pious wife was the reason for his relocation to the coastal city of Rabat. Here, he busied
himself teaching and training students, transmitting the education and knowledge of the Tariqa

Tidjaniya. He also supervised the completion of the construction of the Zawiya Tidjaniya that
had been initiated by his brother in law, Sidi Arbi Hafian (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
which was in the Harrarine Quarter. It was completed in 1280 of the Hegira. He used to sit in
a garden near his home and where he would be buried several years later.

Here, he welcomed all who came to benefit from him. He gave both public and private lessons
concerning the “Sahih Bukhari” or other volumes of Hadith, as well as the education of the
Tariqa. Scholars, dignitaries, students and disciples all attended his gatherings. His reputation
spread so far that people came from all over Morocco, from neighbouring countries and also
from the Middle-East and the holy cities, drawn by his spiritual power and his special and
exceptional knowledge. He also received letters from far and wide to which he replied in a
very clear style granted all his attention to each topic and providing knowledge such that his
replies constitute substantial and significant volumes.

7. His wife and his children

When he died, he left behind his virtuous wife, the rare pearl, the Knower, lady ‘Aisha,
daughter of the scholar and Imam, the learned Sidi Muhammad Hafian Sharqawi El ‘Umari
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). This noble person was one of the great treasures of the
Tariqa Tidjaniya and source of Knowledge in the region. Well-known scholars from Rabat
and Salé were taught by him. He was the representative of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and transmitted the Tariqa. He died on the 10th of
Ramadan 1246 of the Hegira and was buried in the Zawiya Mu’tawiya in Rabat.
The noble lady ‘Aisha Hafiyaniya (may ALLAH be pleased with her) was a virtuous wife.
Her adoration was devoted and sincere, she was a Knower of ALLAH. She had great
compassion and love for her husband. She took care of his every need, respected and
honoured him, and was always eager to satisfy and help him until his death separated them, at
which time he was entirely satisfied by her. She was endowed with great merits and great
prodigies. This is illustrated by the following words of her noble husband: “I have left you
everything (in terms of spiritual gifts).” She passed away during the night on Friday 15th Safar
in the year 1319 of the Hegira and was buried next to her husband so that she would be his
companion under the ground as she had been in life. ALLAH granted him through her, two
boys and a girl but they all died at a young age.

8. His disciples and students

Although ALLAH (The Glorified and The Exalted) had not granted him descendants, he
honoured him with many students both of the Tariqa and of knowledge. Because of him,
eminent scholars, knowers and poles and eloquent poets emerged. Every single person who
attended his circles and join the Tariqa by his intermediary obtained the spiritual Opening and
all those who learned from him attained the success that they desired.
Here is a short glance at some of his most well-known scholars:
- Sidi Abdallah Tadali Rabati
- Sidi Muhammad ibn Yahya Bilaminu Rabati
These two masters were constantly with him towards the end of his life and they never left his
- Sidi Ahmed ibn Qacem Jassus.

- Sidi Muhammad ibn El Husni El Alami Rabati.
- His brother Sidi Ghazi, father of the well-known Hafiz, our El Madani.

- Sidi Abdelqader Lubris.

- The nobles of the Benabdallah tribe : Hajj Ahmed, Hajj ‘Ali et Hajj ‘Arbi.
- Sidi Muhammad Makki Zawawi, Muqadam of the Zawiya of Salé.
- Sidi Ahmed ibn Musa, the scholar of the town of Salé.
- Sidi Hajj Tayeb ‘Awwad Salawi.
- Sidi Hajj Muhammad ibn Abdsalem Kanun El Fesi.
- The Pole Sidi Hajj Huseyn El Ifrani, buried in the town of Tiznit.
- Sidi Ahmed Mahmud buried in Rahamina.
- Mulay Arbi Muhib El Alawi.
- Sidi Muhammad Fall ibn Baba El Alawi Chinqitti
- The Mufti of Tunisia, Sidi Salah Nifari.
- The Mufti of the city of Oran, Sidi Ali ibn Abdrahman.
- The traveller Sidi Muhammad ibn Khalifat Madani Tunsi, buried in Meknes

All of the above received directly from him both knowledge and Tariqa. Those who
received only knowledge but also a large part of Lordly Knowledge included:
- Sidi Ahmed Bannani, The Qadi of Rabat.
- The scholar Muhammad Sanhaji.
- The scholar Serif Mulay Kamel Amrani.
All of the aforementioned and many others witnessed prodigies and extraordinary deeds
performed by Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may be pleased with him). The Sultan Mulay Hassan 1st was
among those who benefited from his gatherings and Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may be pleased with
him) had granted him authorization to accomplish a certain number of Salat el Fatihi.

9. His writings

His written work included:

- A commentary of a poem written by Sidi Tidjani ibn Baba about the wives and the daughters
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). However, this written piece has
- A commentary on a verse written by Imam Bussayri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
- A text concerning Salat el Fatihi which was lost during his lifetime.
- “Miftah Sa’ad Abadiya” which was intended to be complementary to his book
“Bughiya…” but only the introduction to his book can be found today.

- A text entitled “Jawab el Kafi” which is a response to the scholar Sidi Saleh Nifari, who
was the Mufti Malikite of Tunisia
- A commentary of one chapter of the conclusion of the “Sahih Bukhari”

- The well-known “Bughiyat el Mustafid” which is the most important book in the Tariqa
after “Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani” and which is indispensable reference for all those who wrote
about the Tariqa after him. He was inspired by the famous poem “Muniyat el Murid” (a
metric poem about the knowledge of the Tariqa) written by Sidi Ahmed Tidjani ibn Baba el
Alawi, who was an illustrious scholar, jurist and educator from Mauritania. He died in 1266 of
the Hegira and was buried in the Baqi graveyard in Medina.
One day, Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) talked with Ibn Baba about
the method that he used to compose “Muniyat el Murid” wishing to know whether he
preferred the words contained in “Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani” written by Sidi Ali Harazim, or those
contained in the “Jama’” written by Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased
with them). Ibn Baba replied that he preferred the words of Ibn Mechri because he was
actually more knowledgeable about the content of “Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani” and also because
the author of “Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani” was illiterate. Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) agreed.
Following this conversation, Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih saw Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) sitting with a group and holding the “Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani” in his
hands, encouraging them to read it. Then he said: “if you can sleep even after reading only
one line, then do so.” And then he said: “You must pay attention to this book.”
On the other hand, Ibn Baba, author of “Muniyat”, saw Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) in a dream who reproached him as follows: “You speak inappropriately
about my book.” His beard was so long that it was folded over several times. The next time
they met, Sheikh ibn Baba smiled at Sidi Arbi and they exchanged their dreams. For this
reason, Ibn Baba wrote in his book “Muniyat”: “My dear brothers, as long as you live, you
must pay careful attention to this book.”
As we have already mentioned, in addition to these writings should be added his letters, his
replies, the impressive quantity of diplomas that he bestowed and numerous poems.
He used to utter verses whose meaning was large and deep as naturally as one would speak.
Once, he humbly presented himself at the door of the Zawiya in Fes to visit Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Without daring to enter the Zawiya, he
recited some verses of which the first are as follows:
“In fear, I came to your door,
I have no other refuge than you…”
Then, from the tomb he heard a voice authorising him to enter. He stood in front of the tomb
and uttered long verses of which the first is as follows:
“O deep joy! I have reached the door of the generous one whose hospitality is acknowledged.”

10. The praise of the scholars about him

We will only give a few examples among all that was said by the scholars:
- The great Knower Abu AbdAllah Sidi Muhammad ibn Ahmed Kensoussi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), “the speech of the Tariqa”, Imam of the people of the Law and of the
Truth, his friend and beloved brother, when asked about certain mysterious words proffered

by the Pole Sidi AbdAllah Ghazwani (may ALLAH be pleased with him), replied the
following: “[…] If Allah honours you and fills you with joy; if he leads you towards success
and attainment and away from failure; if He takes you by the hand and the scruff of your neck
until you sit still in the presence of our master Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased

with him ) – source of Realities, radiance of lights of secrets and of subtleties, jurist and
scholar, the authority, the blessing the virtuous Knower, the provider of those who come and
go – then your thoughts will be healed and your requests will be answered, your diseases will
disappear, because ALLAH in His Mercy has placed the key to the treasure in his hands and
has granted him the gift of understanding the mysteries. May ALLAH include both you and
our self among those who harvest abundantly from the fruits of his plantations and who will
be illuminated by his light.”
- The enlightened scholar, Sidi Ahmed Benmoussa Salawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said of him: “He had perfect mastery of all disciplines and particularly of knowledge of
Hadith, jurisprudence, Arabic and meter. Regarding Sufism, he was an exception in his day
and his book “Bughiyat el Mustafid” is the clearest and most convincing of its sort, as can be
confirmed by those who study the books of the sufi Masters.”
- The learned scholar, Sidi Ahmed ibn Qacem Jassus Rabati (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) said: “He was endowed with profound understanding. He was one of the signs of
ALLAH because of his memorization and the universality of his explanations. He could
develop any topic without thinking and without hesitation, drawing upon the best of
knowledge and religious Law as well as subtleties of the education, linking together the
prescribed rules and the inspired knowledge.”
In his book “Majaliss Asbat”, the historian from Rabat, Sidi Muhammad ibn ‘Ali Diniya
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) wrote: “As a scholar, he was very well versed in
intellectual knowledge and writing, traveling on the path of the rightly guided, following the
steps of the virtuous. He was a skilful writer, adorned with all the characteristics of
excellence, he was lenient and kind, well-mannered, dignified and grateful. He had great
mastery of various fields of knowledge and specifically of the knowledge of Hadith, of
Sufism, of Arabic, of meter, of jurisprudence…”
He also said: “… In conclusion, Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih was a great Imam, a hardworking scholar,
a renowned Knower, a skilful writer and composer, all the fields of education and fine
subtleties were beautified by his own extraordinary personal touch. He was one of the radiant
sign of ALLAH, and one of the abundant ocean of knowledge and understanding.”

11. His rank and his prodigies

Indeed, ALLAH (Glorified and Exalted) grants exceptional gifts to his chosen and intimate
ones, sublime prodigies which fulfil them and incite people to love them, respect them, and
have faith in their specificities and their worth with ALLAH. These elected ones inherit their
prodigies from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as a support in order to follow
him (peace and blessings be upon him) perfectly. ALLAH granted Sidi Arbi ibn-sa-ih (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) a station and prodigies demonstrating his elevated position and
the noble character of his worth with ALLAH. His prodigies were numerous due to the fact
that they took place throughout his life and even after his death. Here follows some relevant
- He was an eminent figure among those who followed the Prophetic Sunnah, following the
teachings with determination in order to reform himself. The people of God agree
unanimously that this is a true prodigy constituting the most important of them all, because it
is the proof of the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and this special love
leads to a perfect faith as it is indicated in the following hadith: “None of you will be a true

believer until he loves me more than his children, parents and all other people.”
- As a result of his devotion, he was able to see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
frequently both in an awakened state and in his dreams.

- Consequently, he was granted the highest rank known to the Men of God which is called
“The Supreme Pole”. For he who is granted this station, the prophetic essence is no longer
hidden from him wherever it may manifest, be it on Earth or in Heaven.
- He was also granted the banner of the Khilafat of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and the station of the special education within the Tariqa
- Another reason for his fame is that he had a spiritual unveiling which was brighter that the
dawn. He never spoke of any event without it happening exactly as he had announced and
nobody would come to him without him speaking of what was in their heart before they
themselves had the time to speak.
- He also had a powerful and remarkably efficient capacity for spiritual governance which
continued to increase even after his death.
- In addition to all these extraordinary gifts, others, for which he was well-known, included
sufficient blessed sustenance (abundant subsistence), the fulfilment of his supplications, the
contraction of time whether accomplishing zikr or covering long distances, the healing of
apparent and hidden diseases, miraculous relief for the afflicted and many more.
Visiting his noble tomb for the sake of ALLAH is also a demonstration of his prodigies. Not a
single distressed person has visited him without ALLAH granting relief, not a single
oppressed person without the source of his oppression disappearing; not a single indebted
person without ALLAH relieving his debt, not a single sick person without ALLAH healing
him and taking away his disease and so on whatever the situation the person who visits him
for the sake of ALLAH, with sincere intention and pure heart and with no personal desire.
During his lifetime, he had alluded to this prodigy which would be granted to him after his

12. His passing

Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be please with him) continued to benefit creatures and
courageously devote himself in obedience and servitude to ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted). He educated disciples and orientated them towards the right path and the perfect way
until he was called back to his Lord and tasted the certainty of death. He died at eleven
o’clock in the night on Sunday 29 Rajab in the year 1309 of the Hegira. He was about eighty
years old. His death occurred following sixteen days of sickness due to urine retention. During
this time, he did not eat nor drink and was entirely absorbed in the zikr without ever putting
down his rosary. No one was aware of his sickness because he received visitors until his very
last day, smiling and serene and amiable as usual.
When the sun rose and the news of his passing spread, a considerable crowd of people from
far and wide came to his funeral. The funeral prayer was led by his student, the Qadi of Rabat,
the scholar Ahmed Bannani Rabati. He was then buried in the garden where he used to teach.
Laudatory poems were offered by many poets, scholars, disciples and friends. Sherif Mulay
Ahmed Wadghiry Zaliji, who was responsible for the building of the Sherifian Royal Palaces
built a splendid dome on top of his noble tomb. Later, around 1340 of the hegira, local
disciples built a Zawiya near to his tomb in order to pray and accomplish the litanies of the
Tariqa Tidjaniya and to impart knowledge.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Sidi Muhammad El Ghali

Among them is Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the knower,
the guide towards God, the example of perfect conduct, the well-known Wali of great
apparent prodigies, of noble character, of exemplary disposition. This remarkable man was
among the elite of the elite of the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). He was also one of the ten people who had received from the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) the guarantee of the great opening, and one of the pillars of the
Before his departure to the holy places, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
had qualified him in the Tariqa and instructed him to appoint four Muqaddam : each one of
them, in turn, would appoint four others and not more. This special status was only valid
during Tidjani’s lifetime. When he returned from the holy lands the restriction in the number
of muqaddam was lifted.
Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among those who spread
the Tariqa both in the East and in the West, and it is he who brought it to Sub-Saharan Africa
(Formerly West Sudan) due to his encounter with his well-beloved disciple, the warrior of the
faith Sidi Hajj Omar Futiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him). The latter had recounted the
circumstances surrounding their meeting in his famous book “Rimah”:
« Upon reaching a certain region, I heard that Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was there, staying at the Noble city of Mecca and so I was overwhelmed
with great joy. I begged ALLAH The Most High to allow me to meet him, and through His
Grace, ALLAH granted my request. And thus ALLAH reunited me with him in the majestic
city of Mecca, after the Asr prayer, in front of the Station of Ibrahim.
We made acquaintance, he rejoiced greatly to meet me and he paid tribute to me due to the
truth that he perceived in me. He offered me the book Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani that I still have
today so that I can refer to it. I stayed with him until the completion of the pilgrimage rituals.
Having accomplished these acts of devotion, I left with him for Medina the Radiant, may the
best prayers and the purest salutations be upon its noble inhabitant. We reached there on the
first day of the month of Muharram. That year I stayed with him in the Medina the Radiant,
may the best prayers and the purest salutations be upon its noble inhabitant, putting myself
and all my wealth at his disposition, devoting myself entirely to him. I remain at his service
for about three years.
I renewed my affiliation through him and he transmitted the essential litanies to me. He
corrected my practice for my progression on the path of the people of the way and he
ceaselessly conveyed the azkar to me and entrusted me with secrets. I obtained the lights from
him in accordance with the fields of Law and spiritual Realities… »
On this subject, he also related: « Often He would (Sidi Mohammed el Ghali) watch me when
I was sitting near him and would say: “By ALLAH, I testify that you love Sheikh.”” For this
reason, he loved me intensely to such an extent that when he visited the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him), he remained seated there for the time needed to read five parts of the
Quran (Hizb of the Quran) and then he would say to me: “By ALLAH, and there is no other
God but Him; know that I only remain seated before the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) in order to perform invocations in your favour. »

He also said: « I stayed continuously in Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased
with him)’s company in Medina the Radiant until, through His Grace, ALLAH brought about
the intervention of our Sheikh, our master and our link to The Lord, Seyyidina (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret).” Indeed, he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to

Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “I have already granted Sheikh
Omar ibn Said all that he needs in terms of azkar and secrets from this Tariqa, it remains only
for you to transmit them to him. »
Thus, he complied with the instruction of the Sheikh and after the Isha prayer, in the Prophet’s
mosque, he took my hand and placed me in front of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) facing his noble tomb. He gave me all that the Sheikh has asked him to transmit to me in
the presence of our generous Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in order for him to
bear witness that he had in fact perfectly conveyed that which had been ordained by his child,
our Sheikh Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), may he receive from us the
best things that a Sheikh can receive from his disciple. In this way, I am able to say that I
received it from Sheikh Tidjani himself (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).»
On completion of his educaiton, Sidi Muhammad el Ghali appointed him Caliph of Seïdina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saying: «We have appointed
certain people Muqaddam in order to transmit the noble wird but you have been appointed
Caliph among the Caliphs of the Sheikh and not as a simple Muqaddam. »
Many other people of great worth such as Sidi Abu Yaza, the son of the great Caliph Sidi Hajj
‘Ali Harazim, and Sidi Mohammed Kensoussi (may ALLAH be pleased with them) among
others received the Tariqa and the Taqdim from his blessed hands.
Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was renowned for endeavouring
to obey ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). One day, while he was absorbed in his zikr
before the Divine Presence, his daughter fell off the roof of the house but this has no effect on
him. He remained where he was until he had completed his wird. The psalmody of his
adoration was unequalled. It is said that with one single prostration or bow, he glorified
ALLAH for as long as it would have taken to recite twenty-seven Salatoul Fatihi and he did
this for each bow and prostration. It has been said that he used to accomplish the Isha prayer
and then he performed his lazim for two full hours, chanting it overwhelmed by the Divine
He saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) also after his death, and questioned them regarding certain matters. It was
related that one time he saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in a dream saying
to him: “You are the son of the beloved and you have taken the Tariqa of the beloved.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also told him that whoever saw his face would
be forgiven. Sidi Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) told some of his special
companions that he had seen Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) after his
death and that he had said to him: “O Sidi, you have gone, and you have left us.” Seyyidina
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “I have not gone and I have not left you:
this is only the passage from the earthly dwelling to the luminous dwelling (nuraniya).”
He reserved a special place to which he withdrew at specific moments for specific zikr. If he
was overwhelmed by a spiritual state, he instructed people to wait at the door of his retreat
room until he had finished his zikr. One time, when he had finished, he invited his companion
to come in. The latter found him so hot that one would have thought that he was in a
hammam. When he asked Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) for
the reason, he smiled and said: “Put your finger here” showing him the back of his hand. The
companion said: “When I put my finger on his hand, it was as if I touched a burning coal. I
immediately removed my finger and saw that I had been burnt.”

In the case of the Truthful Ones, this not unusual, considering that which they have received
the authorization to recite. Some people may burn their own tongue when reciting the Majestic
Name. Others among them experience other kinds of manifestation of the effects of Zikr. It is

also said that certain people experience a sugary taste when reciting the prayer upon the
Prophet (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Sidi Muhamma el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) held an honorable place and
degree with Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who often made
compliments about him and demonstrated sincere love for him. He stayed for thirty years in
Seyyidina’s company and Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) granted him
the Supreme Name. He was also well-known for his governing power. Seyyidina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) loved his speech. He used to inquire of him when he was
not present with the brothers.
One night, Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked the
gathering: “Where is Sidi Muhammad El Ghali?” When the latter arrived, Seïdina (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “Both of my feet are on the shoulders of each
Wali.” So Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: “O
Master, are you in a state of knowing and of presence, or in a state of bliss and extinction?”
He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “I am in a state of knowing, praise
be to ALLAH”
Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “What do you think
about the words of Sidi Abdul Qadr Djilani (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “My foot is
on the shoulders of every saints?”” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
answered: “It is true but he was speaking of the saints of his time. However, in my case, I
say: “My two feet are on the shoulders of all the Wali since Adam and until the end of
the world.””
Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to him: «O Sidi, what
would you say if someone after you said the same thing?” Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) anwered: “No one after me will say this.” Sidi Ghali
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “O Master, you are limiting that which is vast. Is
ALLAH not able to grant a flux in terms of divine manifestation, acts of grace, elevated rank,
knowledge, secrets, elevation and state to a wali superior to what you have received?”
Seïdina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered him: “Yes, ALLAH is able. He
is able to do much more, but He will not because He does not want to. Is He not able to
make someone else a Prophet and send him among men, granting him more than He had
given to Muhammad (peace ans blessings be upon him)? » Muhammad El Ghali (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “Of course, but he had not wanted it in the pre-
existence.” Then Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said:
“These two things are similar. He had not wanted in the pre-existence and His
Knowledge did not decree it.”
Following his spiritual opening, Sidi Muhammed el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
settled in the holy land, in accordance with Seyyidina’s order. During his journey, travelling
overland to Hijez, he experienced numerous prodigies. This road was the most feared because
there were many bandits and only the poorest of pilgrims resigned themselves to travel in this
way. Sidi Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) chose this route, accompanied by his
children, his wives, his mounts and his money.
When the bandits fell upon them, Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) simply waved his hand signalling them to move aside and the thieves cleared the road. In
some places, people vigorously warned against spending the night there, but Sidi Ghali (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) did just this. One time, in one of these places, thieves came and

mingled with them but ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) deprived them of their sight and
so they could not see them.

Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away in 1244 of the
Hegira in Mecca, and was buried in the cemetery of Khadija (may ALLAH be pleased with
her), mother of the believers. Among the strange things that happened to him, Seïdina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) informed some of the companions that it
was indispensable that Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
performed the funeral prayer upon him at the moment of his death.
However, Sidi Muhammad el Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was traveling at that
time, and so he was not able to be present at the time of S’s passing nor during the prayer
upon him, nor at his burial. But, according to the decree of ALLAH, Seïdina’s children
unearthed the blessed body several months later in order to take it to Algeria*, but the
disciples from Fes managed to bring it back and put it back in the noble tomb. At that time,
Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was present and prayed upon
him. In this way, the prediction of Seïdina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) was accomplished.
* The wooden box that was used as a coffin to transport the blessed body of Seïdina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is, to this day, conserved in the blessed
Zawiya of Fes.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Muhammad ibn Hirzullah

The Muqaddam of obvious merits, who always hastened to perform good deeds, Sidi
Muhammad ibn Hirzullah (may ALLAH pleased with him), was originally from Algeria. His
aspiration was truly elevated and he was firmly attached to the rope of the Tariqa.
Among the events that he lived with Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), it
is said that once he was riding his mount to visit Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). He wanted to ask him three questions. The first concerned wet cupping by
night. The second concerned holding the beads (subha) in the left hand and the last concerned
Imam Mehdi, the Sultan of Truth.
It just so happened that when he reached Seyyidina’s house (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), night had already fallen. He requested permission to enter and permission
was granted. At the time when he was preparing to join Seyyidina, even before having met
him, he heard him say: “Bring me the person who applies the cups so that he can bleed
me.” Sidi Hirzullah (may ALLAH be pleased with him) thought to himself: « Here is the
answer to my first question. »
Then, when he entered the room, he saw Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) evoking holding his rosary in his left hand. He said to himself: “Here is the
answer of my second question.”
Once in the presence of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), having paid his
respects in accordance with Seyyidina’s station, he heard him speak about the Imam Mahdi
and what he was going to do to those who disobeyed Muhamadian Law and when he heard
him say: “Then, the Sultan of Truth will come, he will gather together the scholars and
he will kill them all at once”, he had received the answer to his three questions without
needing to ask them. In fact these scholars are wrongdoers, more harmful to people than the
daemon himself due to using religion in their own worldly interests and opposing those who
are well-guided.
In the book Rimah, Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that
one of the companions said to another, in the presence of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) : “If Imam Mehdi comes, he will kill us.” Then,
Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “He will not kill you
because he is your brother on the path, but he will kill the wrongdoing scholars.”
He also said (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) : “When El Muntadhar comes, he
will ask our companions the Fatiha.” It is also written that Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “All the Walis enter our group, take our wird and comply to our
path from the beginning of existence and until the day of Judgement. At the end of time,
the Imam Mehdi will take from us and join our group; we, ourselves, will have died and
journeyed to the eternal abode.”
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Muhammad ibn Abbas Semghuni

Sidi Muhammad ibn Abbas Semghouni (may ALLAH pleased with him) was one of his
special Muqaddam who had received the authorization to transmit the litanies of this Tariqa
Muhammadiya (at his time). Due to his love, compassion and deep-rootedness, he was raised
to a respectable rank with Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
He is among the meritorious whose station collided with that of Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri
(may ALLAH pleased with him) and so both of them were afflicted with excessive mutual
jealousy and rivalry so much that this impacted the brothers in Bussemghun and consequently
they divided into two groups. When this information reached Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he asked them for the reason and they answered:
“Muhammad ibn Abbas is jealous of Ibn Mechri and Ibn Mechri is jealous of Muhammad ibn
Abass, this jealousy has spread to the followers of both.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “My companions are one, and he who
knows me, must know me alone.” From then on, the brothers were united as one and this
jealousy turned away from them. Of course, we should avoid having a bad opinion of them
because these circumstances appeared in order to throw light on the secret of this education
and the proper way to follow it.
All the inhabitants of Bussemghun, felt deep love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) so much so, that when he left the village, they all wanted to leave
their region and go with him, wishing only to live in the place that he would have chosen.
Regarding this, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “Know
that a Wali only leaves a place if his heart has changed regarding the inhabitants of that
place. For you, if I leave your place, it is not for this reason, but for another. Your old
and your young are all my beloved, you will always be so, and if you were all in a basket
without handles, I would take you into my arms and carry you across the Sirat Bridge.”
Then, he instructed them to stay in their town and they complied with his order.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Abdallah Sufi

Abu Muhammad Sidi Abdallah Sufi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), sublime Muqaddam
of noble character, was among the deserving Muqaddam of the Tariqa, and those who were
appointed by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to transmit
this Tariqa Muhammadiya.
He was honoured and respected by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and by all his companions both during Seyyidina’s lifetime and after his
death. He died in the town of Souf in Algeria.
Here is a letter written by the great Wali Sidi Mahmud Tunsi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) to the disciples residing in the town of Souf, in which he formally denies an untrue
rumour which was spreading, purporting to the death of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret):
« To all our beloved and friends, companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) in the town of Souf, this poor servant of ALLAH, prisoners of his
sins, Mahmoud Tounsi, greets you “completely, perfectly, wholly and absolutely.”
For those who are wondering about our guide, essence of truth among his servants, our master
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), may ALLAH give us to
drink from his ocean with the largest vessels, know that he is well as are his children, his
servants and Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri. Concerning what has been spread by despicable
and repulsive idiots at this time with regards to the so called death of the spirit of the special
ones, the heart of the incomparable, know that this is a lie, a fraud and a slander and nothing
As a matter of fact, the Master of Existence (may the prayer and the peace be upon him) had
informed him through a truthful and indisputable promise that he would spend the rest of his
life in the Qutbaniya that it is to say eighty years during which through him some would
succeed and others would not. He irrigates the whole of existence as has been mentioned. The
headstrong persons will suffer the consequences of their acts and nobody will be able to
oppose these consequences, because ALLAH has angels scribes who record all words and acts
for each creature whether good or bad.
He who has done good will be rewarded and the others will be punished to such an extent that
the masters’ opponents (opponents of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani, may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) would say « Woe upon me! It would have been better to be a pig than an
opponent (of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani, may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). »
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) lived for eighty years: he
was born in 1150 of the Hegira and passed away in 1230 of the Hegira.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) looked upon Sidi
Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) with satisfaction throughout his
life. Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was punctual and
assiduous regarding the accomplishment of the prayers in the blessed zawiya except in case of
exceptional impediment. Every time he was obliged to perform the prayer elsewhere, he
would then accomplish the same number of meritorious (nawafil) prayers at the zawiya. He
prayed a great deal in this blessed place because he was certain that his prayers would be
accepted as Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had
affirmed: “Undoubtedly, prayers are accepted in our Zawiya.”
He lived in a house situated in Tawil Street and on the way to the zawiya, there was always a
pack of dogs roaming around at night and frightening the passers-by if they were not
restrained. Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) never missed
the Subh prayer (i.e. the morning prayer) at the zawiya and he used to leave his house one
hour before the beginning of the prayer in order to reach there. Every day, as he left, he saw a
dog opposite his house as if it were waiting for him and then it followed him. When he
encountered the pack of dogs in question, this particular dog confronted them furiously
although it was surrounded. In this way, Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was able to go on his way and reach the Zawiya safely. The same thing
occurred every day, and he did not know from where the dog had come. It is possible however
that this dog was actually a Ruhani (spiritual entity) who had been given the responsibility to
protect him by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) because
of the sincerity of his intention.
Sidi Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was merciful towards the
poor. Mindful of their happiness, he did good for all both near and far, both in public and in
secret. It is related that there was a lady who, having lost her husband, found herself alone
with four daughters. She was certain that they were going to be very poor because nobody
wanted to take on such a great responsibility and this situation made her very sad. Sidi
Abdelwahab Tazi El Fesi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) heard about her, asked for her
hand in marriage, and took great care of her daughters, may ALLAH have mercy upon him.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Abdsalem Abu Taleb

The noble Sidi Abu Abdallah Sidi Abdsalem Abu Taleb (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
was endowed with the qualities approved by God, of praiseworthy and pure conduct, he was a
source of secrets, knowledge and sacred divine gifts, of sherifian origin (descendant of the
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him). He was among the elite of the companions of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the long-time
disciples who had the privilege of accompanying him from the beginning and drew from his
niche of light until he attained radiant spiritual opening. His station of sainthood was steadfast.
The Muqaddam Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and many others
related the story of a pious man who used to pray in the Andalous Mosque in Fes. One night,
he dreamt that he was going to the mosque when suddenly he saw a spring of milk. He was
surprised at this vision, and a man appeared in front of him who he asked: “By ALLAH,
please explain to me the origin of this spring.” The man replied: “Follow it and enter the
garden from where it comes, because it is flowing from the tomb of a great saint.” Thus, he
followed the source, entered the garden and finally found from where it came.
When he woke up, he went to the exact spot of which he had dreamt, but found no tomb.
Then, several days later, Sidi AbdSalam (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died. The prayer
was performed upon him in the Andalous Mosque and he was carried to this garden. The man,
who had had this dream, followed them and noticed that they were burying him in the place of
his dream. Thus, his sainthood was confirmed by this authentic dream.
Every Friday, Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) visited him and
observed the beneficial effect of his visit. One day, he scolded a vagabond who was urinating
on the tomb: “You who are defiling and desecrating this tomb, do you not fear ALLAH?” The
vagabond replied: “Mind your own business” and raised his hand in protest. His hand
remained paralysed and he suffered physical damage which caused his death.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Ahmed Dadouch El Moussaoui Semghouni

Sidi Ahmed Dadouch (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among the beloved of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), those who have taken
the Tariqa from him at its beginning.
His love for Seyyidina was sincere both in his presence and in his absence and he dismissed
Seyyidina’s adversaries without hesitation. He was strongly bound to the Tariqa and spent day
and night performing his litanies.
He often used to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
traveling from the village Awled Mussa to Ain Madhi, although the inhabitants of his village
criticized him for this.
One day, his detractors went to see some people who had stored part of their harvest at his
home bearing accusations against him. They claimed that Sidi Ahmed Dadouch (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) had consumed it and as a result these people came to reclaim their
goods. But, he had consumed almost all of it intending to borrow it and restore it at the time of
Actually, he was convinced that the people had given him their authorization to use it but now
they were expressly demanding him to return their harvest. Faced with this awkward situation,
Sidi Ahmed Dadouch (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to inform Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) gave him some stones
and ordained him to put them in the harvest. After that, he was instructed to weigh everything
that had been stored at his home, without any other presence, and then to refuse to take it
back. He acted according to the instructions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and returned the whole harvest. His adversaries were amazed to
see that he had not consumed any of it and said: “So what has he been eating?”.
The owners of the harvest recognised that the detractors were lying and they requested Sidi
Ahmed Dadouch (may ALLAH be pleased with him) to keep their harvest but he refused.
Later, he went to see Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and
found him in the company of some companions. He began to dance manifesting his joy for the
prodigy that he had experienced, made by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret); and his companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them) smiled. Some
of the brothers asked him what had happened and he replied: “I did not put much on the
scales, but I had the impression that the harvest had increased.”
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Ahmed ibn Asaker El Djaza-iri

Abu-l-Abbas Sidi Ahmed ibn Asaker El Djaza-iri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a
holder of great mastery, of high station. He was immersed in the love of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) whose love reciprocated (it was given
back) his own sincere and full love.He often used to ask Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to guarantee him the acquisition of the same station of
that of the renowned and great knower, the wali Abu Zayd Sidi AbdRahman (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
warned him against this.
Finally, one day, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) granted
his request, saying: “You will have it on one condition: you must accept the ordeals of his
station.” He answered: “O Master, certainly, I accept.” In accordance with ALLAH’s decree,
as a result of occurrences between the Turks and himself, he was executed. Once, when he
visited Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in Fes, he also
met the renowned Majdouba (i.e. attracted by ALLAH) Lalla Manana (may ALLAH be
pleased with her).
At this encounter, she knew his name from the start through spiritual unveiling. Then, she told
him many things, of which: “Harm will come to you in your garden.” As a matter of fact,
when he returned to Algiers, Turks passing through his garden found reason to kill him by
mistake, may ALLAH be merciful upon him.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Sidi Ahmed ibn Ismail El Laghouati

Sidi Sherif Ahmed ibn Ismail El Laghouati (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a jurist, a
clairvoyant scholar and his soul was virtuous. He was beloved by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who often used to praise him.
Among the events related about him, it is said that one day, before fajr, he was in the old
mosque of Laghouat and was unobtrusively reading the Quran. Another companion Sidi Issa
Sharraz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was performing zikr next to him. Suddenly, the
latter saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who said to him: “Tell Ahmed ibn
Ismail to raise his voice when reciting the Quran.” Sidi Issa Sharraz (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) approached Sidi Ahmed Issa El Laghouati (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) and told him what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordained. So Sidi Issa
Sharraz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) began to read the Quran out loud in accordance
with the sublime order and his recitation sounded like one of Seyyidina Dawud’s flute (peace
be upon him).
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Ahmed ibn Kirane

Sidi Abu-l-Abbas Sidi Ahmed ibn Kirane (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the meritorious
and grateful knower and dhakir (i.e. he who remembers ALLAH very often) was among the
close beloved of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
He was among those who used to perform the Azan in the zawiya towards the end of
Seyyidina’s life and even afterwards. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) had said to him: “All those who see your face and also those who see those
who have seen you will enter Paradise.”
He often used to sit at the door of the zawiya saying (or words to that effect): “Look at my
face so that you will be successful because this is what my master told me.”
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Sidi Arbi El Iraqi

Abu Walid Sidi ‘Arbi El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), noble Sherif, respected
scholar and source of blessings was one of the holders of the spiritual opening among the elite
of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
He was among his closest companions, those upon who he looked with reverence.
Sidi ‘Arbi El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was one of those who had the honour
to sit in the presence of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
during his meals. Once, they were joined by the son of Sidi ‘Arbi El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), scholar of the time and master of great value, learned in the knowledge of
the hadith, Sidi Walid El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who was but a child at the
time. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) sat him on his knee
and fed him mouthfuls of couscous with his blessed hand while evoking the spiritual opening
for him.
Indeed, outstanding spiritual openings in terms of apparent and hidden knowledge and an
exceptional memory were manifest as a result of the blessings of Seyyidina’s evocations.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Ahmed Maghbar

From the age of sixteen, the noble Sidi Ahmed ibn Hajj Arbi Maghbar (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) often used to sit in the blessed Zawiya throughout Seyyidina’s lifetime.
His father had the Tariqa of other Knowers, but he had strong faith in Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and a special love for him so, whenever
anything (untoward) happened, he used to go to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) for him to remove it, and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) used to satisfy his requests. Sidi Ahmed Maghbar (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) took the Tariqa of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) through the intermediary of the great Wali Mulay ben Abi Nasr El Alawi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) and he was always close to him.
It is related that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to
perform the Friday prayer at the Qarawiyyine. At the time of the construction of the great
Zawiya, the inhabitants of Fes spoke rudely to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret). One of them mimicked the spiritual ecstasy of the Majdhoubs
(those enraptured by God) and as soon as he saw Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) he shouted malicious comments at him, under the influence of
those who were opposed to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied the following
verse (or words to that effect): “Indeed, detractors have ordained that I be insulted but I
say that I have been ordained: “that is none of my concern.”
At that time, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade his
companions to answer back to these people. Once, after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), finished to pray, this same man raised his voice, and
said facetiously: “Every Bedouin in the desert is your cousin, o my beauty, they want to build
a zawiya but, given their skills, they will harm themselves.”
One of the companions said to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret): “O Master, did you hear what he just said?” Seized by a spiritual state Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) mounted and dismounted his horse
several times and then said: “By ALLAH, not before the guts of the betrayer have been
It turned out that, on returning home, this man was afflicted by the plague. He sought deliverance
through the intermediary of the Saints, but he was not relieved. Then, ALLAH wanted wanted good for
him, he gave him to understand that he had been affected because of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He began to beg and call upon Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to forgive him, requesting those who went past his house to
intercede on his behalf with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Those jealous people who had encouraged him to loosen his tongue towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) were there and were listening. Some of them went to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and begged him to lift the ill that
had befallen him through the intermediary of his sacred ancestor, the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) so that he would be forgiven.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “What has
happened has happened but his faith will be safe.” So, then, the man was able to utter the

testimony of faith and then died. May ALLAH grant us the adab (i.e. propriety) that we owe
to our masters the Wali. Sidi Ahmed Maghbar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) died in the
year 1268 of the Hegira and was buried in Bab Ftouh.

Sidi Bouziane

Abu AbdALLAH Sidi Bouziane (may ALLAH be pleased with him), holder of secrets and
apparent spiritual opening, was “the key to goodness and success”. He was among those
closest to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and loved by
him. He was also among those who, during his lifetime, had accessed to his special secrets,
although he was very young. He was unable to control his nafs and began to use his power of
spiritual of governance for things whose worth he could not estimate. Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) removed this power until he had grown up
and reached maturity.
He received these secrets because his father wanted, more than anything, for Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to transmit them to him but
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “He is still
young and I fear that he will not be able to assume this charge.” However, despite this
reply, the father insisted and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) instructed him to go and see a certain Wali who was to be found near Ajissa gate, who
would transmit the secret to him, but he warned him against causing harm to his companions
or flaunting his prodigies.
When the Wali heard his request, he scolded him saying: “Go away!” to which he answered:
“Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani sent me to you.” Then the Wali said to him: “Go to Tuwat where
you will find so-and-so. He will give it to you.” When he reached this other Wali in Tuwat, he
requested the secret and the Wali also scolded him. So he said to him: “I came with the
authorization of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani.” The Wali said: “Open your mouth.” When he
opened his mouth, the Wali blew into it and at that precise moment the veils were lifted, and
he saw what he saw. The Wali warned him to protect these secrets and forbade harming
people and especially the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret).
Sidi Bouziane (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was not successful in following these
recommendations at that time and began to demonstrate his prodigies and to be constantly
preoccupied by them (day and night).
As soon as he wanted something, he obtained it immediately and as soon as he approached
someone to hurt him, he instantly inflicted harm upon him. He became famous for his spiritual
unveiling. One day, he was with a caravan in the desert and the people were thirsty. He said to
them: “Dig at this precise place and you will find a freshwater spring.” Indeed, they did find
the spring just as he had said. While he was busy with his spiritual unveiling, inattentive to the
advice of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he saw a ray
of light coming out of his mouth which returned to the hands of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). When the light ceased, he immediately lost his
spiritual unveiling.
This occured when he was in the desert and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) was in Fes. Sidi Bouziane (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to his
father: “Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani has taken back his entrustment (amana) trust and left us
with nothing.” The latter travelled to Fes and when he met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said to him: “We had warned you that he would not be able to assume
these secrets.” The father begged Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) to give them again, promising not to allow him to commit such acts, but

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “It is no longer
possible to give them again, but if ALLAH wills, he will be a “key” (cause) of good.”

After that, he (may ALLAH be pleased with him) conducted negotiations between the Turks
and the inhabitants of the desert with the blessings of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) until he died peacefully a fine (religious) death having held the
Tariqa firmly whether in residence or traveling, may ALLAH be merciful upon him.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Sidi Lakhdar
The worthy Sidi Abu Abdallah Sidi Lakhdar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was walking
the spiritual path within the Tariqa Muhammadiya. Like his father, he was among the elite of
the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Sidi Lakhdar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that he had heard Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) saying: “Give authorization to people to
recite Salat Fatihi even if they do not take the litanies (that is to say without affiliation)
so that they can die with faith. ”
Sidi Ahmed Abdelaoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Without the recitation of
the litanies (of the Tidjaniya) [i.e actually without affiliation], authorization for the recitation
of Salatul Fatihi may be given to recite up to one thousand Salatul Fatihi, according to the
capacities of the person who receives the authorization, even if he is member of a different
Tariqa, and he can remain constant in the recitations that he has already received.”
Sidi Lakhdar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was buried in the village of Aliya.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas

Abu-l-Hassan Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the holder of the
radiant secret, chosen and virtuous one, great knower, the most renowned example, he who
loves Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and was loved by
him (in return).
He attended his assemblies and was his companion. Abu-l-Hassan Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) was among the elite of the elite, very close to Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and was in his company whether he was
physically present or absent, which was not granted to all companions.
He was an apothecary and used to prepare beneficial substances to heal certain diseases. One
day, he was at the blessed Zawiya where he was extracting a particular substance with the
authorization of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). While
he was working, the Wali and Sherif Sidi El Hafiz Ben Adwa (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) knocked on the door of the blessed Zawiya and called for Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) by his name.
When Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) opened the door, the Wali said
to him: “By the grace of ALLAH, I want you to give me the oil (fat) that you are making.”
Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “O Master, I am not
authorized to grant your request.” Sidi Hafiz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) insisted and
made invocations on his behalf but Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
answered: “I swear by ALLAH that I will only give it to you with Seyyidina’s authorization.”
Sidi Hafiz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Please request authorization” and gave
him the wick of a lantern.
Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to tell Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and found him as if he were waiting for him. Sidi
Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): “O Master, Mejdhoub Sidi Hafiz has asked me to grease
this wick for him.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
replied: “Do not do it. Return the wick to him and above all do not grease it with this
substance.” Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) returned the wick
saying: “Seyyidina has forbidden me to grease it with this substance.” Sidi Hafiz (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “As he wishes” and he left.
Later, Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) the reason why he had forbidden him to
grease the wick. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied
(or words to that effect): “Even without oiling the wick, he has achieved that which other
people have not succeeded in attaining, so what then if you had done it?”
This reveals that in reality this wick was the symbol of his prestigious spiritual governance
and controlover things (Tasrif: particular elevated spiritual station of certain saints) with
which Sidi Hafiz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was endowed. With this act, he was in
fact requesting the completion of his spiritual governance but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade this.
Fqih Sidi AbdSalam Banani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that once, Sidi Hafiz
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) went into the blessed Zawiya and proceeded to
accomplish his ablutions. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious

secret) was with some of his companions and he was informed that Sidi Hafiz Ben Adwa
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) has gone to perform his ablutions. Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) turned towards him, and when he saw him,

said to his companions (or words to that effect): “I saw him in the hidden assembly of saints
but I did not know his name.”
Sidi Hafiz (may ALLAH be pleased with him) obtained the spiritual opening (Fath) by
singing profusely the praises of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) until the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to him. He gave him a glass of milk which
he drank and then he received the spiritual opening.
Also, because of his station, the Pole’s authority does not apply to him. It was related by
certain companions who had obtained the spiritual opening that Sidi Hafiz (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) asserted that he had attained a spiritual station accessible only to three
people every thousand years and that this station had not been attained for many ages. One of
his prodigies (karamat) was to prepare coffee to which he added poison, drink it and offer it to
his companions without any harm coming to them.
Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) held an honourable and respected
place with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) always addressed him
by the title “Master”.
Once, when Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani’s home (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the hairdresser was cutting
his hair. He saw Seyyidina’s turban lying on the floor, so he picked it up and placed it on his
head to receive the blessings (baraka). By the simple contact with his head, he felt that his
eyes were going to pop out of their sockets because of the secrets of this turban, due to the
contact that it had with the noble head of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret).
He placed his hands on it and screamed. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) saw this and said to him: “You cannot withstand this” and remove the
turban from his head invoking the kindness of ALLAH so that he would not lose his sight as a
result of this radiant manifestation. Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
was unwell for some time until ALLAH healed him.
Once Sidi Hajj Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) requested Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) to invoke blessings on behalf of one of his
children. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) caressed his
hair with his noble hand and said: “From us he came and to us he will return, both he and
his children, and his children’s children until the Day of Resurrection.” He is among the
most senior (long-time) companion of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). Each time Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) wrote to the disciples in Fes, he always sent special greetings and blessings to Sidi Hajj
Ali Amlas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and his children.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji

Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is a man of God whose
love for our Master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was passionate. Before
meeting Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he was
searching for the person who would take his hand on the path. Committed to the fulfilment of
his wishes, he wore the robe of the disciple who had submitted to his master. Every time he
heard speak of a Sheikh, he travelled to meet him and to benefit from him until he heard that
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was in Fes.
He left the region of Tanja to meet him. He reached Fes on a Friday at noon (zawwal) and
entered the Qarawiyin Mosque to accomplish the Jumua. He approached the mihrab and found
a place in the first row, near to where a kind of rug had been placed. He performed the Salaah
of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid (the prayer of greeting the mosque) beside this rug and then Seyyidina
Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) came to pray at this very
place which had been prepared for him. Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) was overwhelmed by an intense and unfamiliar spiritual state. He had never
seen Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) before and
did not know him.
Even after the end of his prayer, his spiritual state continued. He did not raise his head or turn
to Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) because of his
majestic reverential fear.
Having concluded his prayer Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) began to recite the Quran from the very beginning but he concluded when the
people was still waiting for the preacher.
Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji (may ALLAH be pleased with him) listened to the recitation
of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) from
beginning to end and was sure that he had heard all of it, and was very surprised that
Seyyidina’s reading had been accomplished in such a short time. He thought that this was
what he was looking for. This was the first of Seyyidina’s prodigies that he had seen. When
the sermon and the prayer were finished, the people came to greet and “visit” Seyyidina
Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) as was their habit when
they saw him.
Sidi Hajj Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji (may ALLAH be pleased with him) questioned the people
regarding the identity of the Sheikh that they had come to greet and they replied that this was
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Sidi Hajj
Ahmed Djawiyed Tanji (may ALLAH be pleased with him) approached him with perfect
conduct and introduced himself, begging him to accept him among his disciples. At that
moment, he took the Tariqa and was irrigated by his ocean. Then he returned to his homeland,
victorious to have achieved his objective.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Hajj Daoudi

Abou-l-Abbas Sidi Hajj Daoudi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a scholar hailing
from Tlemcen, who greatly benefited the people of his time. He was a beacon of religion in
this world, father of grace and gifts, endowed with great nobility and evident worthiness.
He lived in Fes, where he was unanimously recognised by all scholars who drew the light of
knowledge from his niche and followed the path towards Truth both in the Sharia and the
Tariqa under his guidance, a path on which many people endowed with understanding have
stumbled. Sidi Hajj Daoudi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) took the Baraka (i.e. took the
Tariqa) in his youth directly from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). It is known that Sidi Hajj Daoudi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) deeply
loved our masters, the Nassiriya people, may ALLAH preserved their secrets. This love was
so renowned that, seeing him in their company, some thought that he was affiliated to their
path, which was not the case.
It has been proved by trustworthy people that, during the lifetime of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), Sidi Hajj Daoudi (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) was constantly in the company of the majestic scholar and companion of Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret): Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may
ALLAH be pleased with him). So Sidi Hajj Daoudi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) only
left the sublime and blessed Zawiya of Fes in case of necessity.
He sought the baraka through the vision of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) and delighted in the exquisite taste of his sermons and enchanting words.
He attended his circles in order to benefit from his presence.
One of the teachers of the Qarawiyine said: “I left Tlemcen in my youth in order to study in
Fes. Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri was one of my teachers. When I decided to return to my
country, I went to greet my Masters and to request their advice and prayers. Sidi Muhammad
ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him) advised me, saying insistently: “If you have
any difficulty ask for help trough the intermediary of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani.” Upon my
return, I went on pilgrimage by sea but destiny decreed that the boat would sink and I
remained with seven survivors, floating upon the boards of the wreck until we saw an island to
which we headed.
Nobody spoke; each and every one expected to die. I meditated and ALLAH (The Exalted)
reminded me of Fes and its scholars, as well as the advice that Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) had given to me. So I begged for ALLAH’s help through
the intermediary of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Then, while I was drowsing, I saw Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) in front of me and he said to me (or words to that effect): “Repeat after me:
“Oh All-Knowing kindness, save us from that which we fear.” I regained consciousness
and repeated these words. Shortly afterwards, a boat appeared. The captain spotted us and
came to deliver us to safety. Later, I returned to Fes to inquire of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and I learnt of his death. Through some research, I
came to know the exact date of his death and noticed with surprise that this was the precise
day on which this event had occurred.”

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Hajj Mohamed ibn Moussa El Turki

Sidi Hajj Mohamed ibn Moussa El Turki (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the great wali
and renowned knower was among those who loved Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and he was perfectly devoted in his service complying to his will
both while traveling with him and his absence. He was inundated with love for Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), who had requested the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) to insure protection for his companion.
At the beginning, when Seyyidina’s companions came to ask him for protection, he granted
their wishes, until the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordained him to only
guarantee the protection of those whose love was confirmed as is mentioned in
the Machahid of Sidi Hajj Ali Harazeem (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
Indeed, in reply to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he
said: “O Sidi, may ALLAH be satisfied with you, know that in answer to your question
concerning the protection of the brothers, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“I am told that you place under protection the entire village and all that it contains, the
group and all it members, and the complete tribe. You know that each of these groups
includes those who love and those who hate. Even if you grant protection to all of them
without exception, the noxiousness of those who hate will affect those that you have
protected and therefore they no longer benefit from its fulfilment. Consequently, from
now on, grant protection only to those whose perfect sincerity, closeness and love for you
is sure.””
Since that day, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) acted
accordingly. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) totally
distanced himself from those who hated him because this wrong affected the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him). He also warned his companions saying (or words to that effect):
“Sitting with our detractors is a poison which spreads over all those who are in their
From the moment when Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
was entrusted with the task of guiding people to the Truth and to transmit the Tariqa
Muhammadiya to all those who requested it, although he was above such infamy, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was the object of jealousy and
annoyance. He tactfully avoided his opponents because he knew that this grudge was due to
the Muhamadiyan inheritance that had manifested within him. As a result, when they attacked
him and he realized that their actions would lead to their downfall, both in this world and the
next, because this was wronging the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); his
compassion for them prevailed. He did his best and redoubled his efforts in order to spare
them the Prophet’s anger (peace and blessings be upon him).
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) addressed a letter to the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) through the intermediary of the noble Sidi
Muhammad ibn Arabi Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) expressing the following
request: “In the Name of ALLAH, The Most Merciful, The Entirely Merciful, and may
the prayer of ALLAH be upon our Master Muhammad and his family. O Master, I
request eternally and for ever complete protection from your anger for all those who
hate me or with whom I have been angry, and for those who are irritated with me or
with whom I may be irritated, because, o Master, I am afflicted that you are angry with

them because of me.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied to Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi
Damrawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “I will only be angry with he who insults you
and Tidjani, wishing for your perdition. On the Day of Judgement, I will be angry with
whoever insult or is hostile to you and Tidjani. As for he who loves you both, he is among
the people of Salvation and is the first to benefit from my intercession and will not be
judged. The actions of all those who see Tidjani on Mondays and Fridays will be
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Sidi Hajj Taleb El Labar

Sidi Hajj Taleb El Labar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was an enlightened and
exemplary scholar of his time, endowed with radiant merit and who drew the most perfect
lights of Knowledge. He was cloaked in the most beautiful mantle of piety, and both the elite
and the commoners regarded him highly. He took the tariqa in his youth and Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) loved him very much. He was also one of
the eminent poets of the Tariqa.

Sidi Hajj Taleb El Labar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a benevolent merchant. He
used to send his personal money to the brothers to be spent extending the Zawiya or on other
purchases. He died towards the end of the year 1264 of the Hegira in Genoa, Italy. The pious
Wali Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was deeply saddened that he had
died in a non-Muslim country although he was one of the people that Seyyidina Sheikh
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) loved most. However, he had a
dream which brought him relief in this regard.
In this dream, he saw Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) who said to him: “You say that Taleb El Labar has died in a Christian country but
he is here with me.” Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctifiy his precious
secret) stood up and indeed, Sidi Hajj Taleb El Labar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was
there. Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) awoke happy and joyful from
this reassuring dream.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Hajj Mussa ibn Ahmed ibn Bettoun Semghuni

Sidi Hajj Musa ibn Ahmed ibn Bettoun Semghuni (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among
the elite of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s companions (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
among those who knew him before he had obtained the authorization to transmit and who
followed him afterwards, receiving, through his intermediary, secrets and lights. The eminent
intermediary Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damraoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) considered
him of great worth and recognized that he had the blessings of perfect knowledge. He considered
that Sidi Hajj Musa ibn Ahmed ibn Bettoun Semghuni (may ALLAH be pleased with him) held the
same spiritual degree as Sidi AbdAllah ibn Sad (may ALLAH be pleased with him), one of the elite
among the Seyyidina’s beloved.

Sidi Hajj Musa ibn Ahmed ibn Bettoun Semghuni (may ALLAH be pleased with him) sent a letter
to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) requesting authorization for
himself and his companion to evoke the two names “Ya Rahman, ya rahim” (according to a
specific method) at any and all moment. Since then, they recited every Wednesday night from
Isha until sunrise on Thursday morning until their prayers were fulfilled. Subsequently, when they
wanted something, they used to evoke these two names a certain number of times and then say:
“Answer us oh servant of these two noble names and do this or that for us.” They used to burn
jaoui incense on that night (on the eve of Thursday) without addition of any other incense at the

Before he attained the “Fath”, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
authorized the evocation of Names to his beloved as well as his closed among those who were
strongly bound to him. These evocations were intended to procure a beneficial outcome in terms
of specific blessings which helped them to attain The Truth or to repel harm from creatures.

After having attained the « Fath », Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) completely turned away from the recitation of Names and was only preoccupied with what
was beneficial to the commoners. Meanwhile, the elite continued the recitation of Names. Then,
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) forbade this practice going as
far as forbidding the noble intermediary Sidi Muhammad Ibn Arabi Damraui (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) to utilize a particular secret which he used to accomplish in the presence of the
brothers. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “If ever
you do this again, the relationship between you and me will be severed.” Sidi Muhammad
Ibn Arabi Damraui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) renounced this practice on the spot and its

It was related that Sidi Hajj Musa (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had a garden, and one day
he found a bunch of grapes of exceptional size and quality. Seeing this, he hid it from sight,
fearing the “evil eye”, covering the bunch with a branch of the vine. He used to water the garden
himself, and each time he looked at this exceptional bunch of grapes, he inwardly desired for it to
be in the hands of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
Unfortunately, the latter was in Fes while he himself was in Bussemghun. Nevertheless, his desire
persisted until one day, upon entering his garden, he was sorry to see that the exceptional bunch
of grapes had disappeared.

Several days later, some travellers who were returning from Fes, came to visit Sidi Hajj Musa
(may ALLAH be pleased with him). They greeted him on behalf of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and added that he wanted him to know that the bunch of
grapes had reached him, and that it had not been stolen, as he had thought. Sidi Hajj Musa (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) rejoiced that it had reached his Master miraculously and he gave
thanks to ALLAH.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Sidi Madani Charaibi

Abu Sada Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was among the
companions of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
endowed with clairvoyant spiritual opening, steadfast religious practice and unquestionable
spiritual unveiling. He was among the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). He acceded to the spiritual opening within
the Tariqa Muhammadiya. Sidi Ahmed Abdalawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had met
him and observed numerous prodigies that go beyond reason.
One day, Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
predicted: “You are going to live in Fes” although Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) had no such intention. Indeed, this is what happened.
It is related that Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
had been informed that certain inhabitants of Fes among the influential people of the city,
encouraged by Satan, were plotting to have him banned from Fes and to this end they went to
complain to the King. Some of his companions were worried about him and one day when he
was with them and Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he became
intensely angry: upon hearing these words, he was seized by a majestic spiritual state; he went
home and stayed there for some time and when he came back he said to his companions: “I
heard from the Holy Presence that no one can ever harm me”.
Abu Sada Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) took the blessed Tariqa
because of a vision: in this vision, he saw the Day of Judgement and a procession of terrified
people. He saw some Shuyukh (plural of Shaikh) and some of them were rejecting people
although they were among their own disciples. Then he saw a place that looked like a huge
mountain and people were coming from all directions to gather as far as the eye could see.
Then the whole place began to move and transported the crowd over the Sirat Bridge in a
flash. Somebody asked: “Who is that?” And somebody answered: “It is Sidi Ahmed Tidjani!”
When Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) heard this words, he placed
his hand on his heart saying: “I will take the Tariqa from this Sheikh!” He awoke repeating
these words and went to visit Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) to tell him his vision. Thus, he took the Tariqa from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), who loved and praised him. According to certain
companions, Sidi Madani Sharaibi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) held an elevated
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France


Question : What is the Faydu? Did Sheikh Tidjani talk about this? What should we
believe, and who is concerned?

Answer :
Fayda refers to an arabic term signifying « outpouring». In spiritual terms, this refers to a spiritual
over-abundance. With regards to the Tariqa Tidjaniya, and specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa, this
term is often used to refer to one or several particular people.

In order to understand the meaning of the Tidjani Faydu, we need to know that this had been
mentioned in El Ifadatou-l-Ahmediya by Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
where Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “The Fayda will
come upon my companions and then people will enter our Tariqa by successive waves (in
multitudes) and this outpouring will occur when people will be in the most difficult and tight

On this, Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) commented: “By this spiritual
outpouring, he meantthat many of his companions will receive the spiritual opening and this time
is not far away.”

Most of the scholars of the Tariqa commented that this Fayda represents a period of great
expansion of the Tariqa, when others considers that this refers to a specific person.

Those who affirm that this refers to a specific person are alluding to the person who is the
specific intermediary between the station of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and all creatures – as is mentioned in the Kachfu el Hijab regarding the life
story of Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) - who was indeed this

“Referring to one of his greatest blessing, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) said: “Nothing will come from me if not trough the intermediary of Sidi Hajj Ali

Certain people endowed with insight (basira) as well as all those people and companions who had
tasted the secret of the Tariqa said that belief in this was valid as much during his lifetime as after
his death.

Consequently, it may be thought that the continuous help of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), whether in general or in particular, may only be received through the
intermediary of Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and that the latter represents
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in both the visible and
invisible worlds, after his death.

However, there is no reason why he should not be replaced in his role. ALLAH only knows. We
should have full faith in both of them and know that we can only benefit by taking into
consideration both the first invisible intermediary (Seyyidina) and the second, or any other who
would take his place, having been appointed by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret). The grace of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is immense and He alone


In fact, even in this particular case, the aim is not to find or no the Faydu, the aim is to find
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) through love, preferring him
to no other. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “He who knows me, should
know me alone.”

If the Faydu represents the specific intermediary in the irrigation of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), his aim is not to be known and followed but uniquely
to make known Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and to
encourage love for him, entirely effacing himself in front of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). In the same way, he is not there to have a reputation and to
have disciples, because his function concerns everybody and he is in the service of everyone.

Likewise, it is not possible or admissible for any Tidjani disciple to think that a Faydu (a special
intermediary of the irrigation) could equal or surpass the degree of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) or that his teaching could be the only valid teaching within
the Tariqa Tidjaniya, or that only those who have been affiliated through him could attain
Knowledge and be considered as true disciples of the Tidjaniya.

This is according to the teachings of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), the people of spiritual opening among his companions, his Caliphs among his
descendants and the scholars and the elite of the Tariqa Tidjaniya. Certain specificities regarding
certain elite, concerning the irrigation and education within this path are granted but this is an
integral part of Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) authentic representation as
well as a confirmation of what he received from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The specific status of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and the
Tariqa Tidjaniya compared with other spiritual paths is similar to that of Islam compared with the
religionsthat preceded it.

Thus, this Tariqa is one, and should remain so. In fact, it is not permissible to change one single
condition, to add or remove anything from the essential litanies. After Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), nobody has the right or the authority to modify it.

In the same way, for this reason, the term “branch” is not suitable, although this would be
possible in other spiritual paths, because the only aim of all Tidjani practitioners is to conform as
perfectly as possible with the teachings of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret). Thus, there is no reason to change the name of the Tariqa Tidjaniya, adding the
name of another person, whatever his worth, because this is purely, simply and exclusively the
Tariqa Tidjaniya.

Any Muqaddam, Caliph or descendant of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani depend entirely on him (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and their only role is to represent him and to be in his
service. Imam Soukeïrij (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Whatever particular degree the
Muqaddam in this Tariqa Ahmediyya Tidjaniya may have attained, he is but a representative of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), and has no particular
distinction apart from that.” (Rafa’ niqab)

How could it be otherwise, considering his unique spiritual station? Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “My station with ALLAH in the Hereafter is
unattainable by any Awliya (Saints) and no person, whether they worth is great or small, can even

304 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


approach it. Among all the Awliya, from the time of the companions until the Day when the
trumpet will be blown, no one is able to reach our station. (Rimah)”

And thus, you will understand that we cannot disclaim whosoever believes that the Faydu
mentioned by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is a person
and thinks that we are talking about Sheikh Umar Futiyu or Sheikh Muhammad El Hafidh
Shinguiti or Sheikh Ibrahim Niass (may ALLAH be pleased with them) any other virtuous person
who was the cause of great irrigation within the Tariqa Tidjaniya. However, this is a personal
opinion and should not be a reason for division between disciples. This does not change the
evolution of the noble Tariqa, because everything comes from and depends on the irrigation of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

Research and translation by ZawiyaTidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

305 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 3


Question: Is it true that Tidjani practitionners claim that the prayer called Salat Fatihi is superior
to reading the noble Quran?

Answer: This affirmation is absolutely wrong. In the book Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani, Seyyidina

Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said :

“The prominence of the Quran over all other words, whether they are formulas of Zikr or
prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), including Salat Fatihi, is more
radiant than the sun. This radiance is implementing in the very principles of the Shari’a itself
(Quran and the authentic prophetic hadith).

This prominence has two main reasons:

1- Firstly, because the Quran is the very word of the Supreme Being, and thus is superior to all
other words.

2- Secondly, because the Quranic commandments are unique and above all other

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) classifies the benefit of
reading the noble Quran in four categories according to the state of the reader:

The first category concerns holy people who live in the ocean of Divine Truth, those who extract
all the merit from the reading of the Quran. For this category, reading the Quran is above all zikr.

The second category includes those who perfectly understand the meaning of the Quran and
who, when reading it, are moved to such an extent that they believe that they are hearing the
Supreme Being HimSelf dictating it, and whose life is a realization of the Sacred Texts. The
benefits that he gains from reading it are almost the same as those of the first category.

The third category includes those who attentively read the noble Quran but do not understand it
and who are moved by this reading to the point of believing that they hear The Lord and they
scrupulously follow the commandments taught by the Holy Book while inquiring, consequently
these people benefit greatly from reading it but not as much as those of the two preceding

The fourth category includes those who read the noble Quran without paying any attention,
whether they understand or not the reading, and indulge in bad deeds with no care for the
commandments of the Quran, the work of these people leads to their loss and they commit a sin
every time they read it as is said in the following passages of the Quran:

“And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord but turns away
from them and forgets what his hands have put forth? Indeed, We have placed over their hearts
coverings, lest they understand it, and in their ears deafness. And if you invite them to guidance -
they will never be guided, then - ever.” (Surate 18 The Cave, verse 57)

“And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We
will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind. He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me
blind while I was [once] seeing?" [Allah] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you
forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten.”” (Surate 20 TA-HA, verses 124,125,126)

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Only for the fourth category of people, the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) is more beneficial than reading the Quran, because from this kind of reading they only
attract the wrath of The Lord.

On the other hand, every time they recite the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), The Lord, the angels and all creation pray upon them 10 times. Because of this, they
have everything to gain by praying upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and
everything to lose by reading the noble Quran.”

The famous « tabi’i » (follower), the pious salaf Hassan Bassri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said: “Some of the worst people are those who read the Quran and do not put its principles into
practice and do not follow its path, these people are cursed by ALLAH and cursed by the

As for Hassan Basri (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he had classified the readers of the
Quran as follows:

“The readers of the Quran are classified into three categories:

- Those who consider it like merchandise with which they seek to acquire the possessions of
other people.

- Those who are masters of recitation and ignore its instructions, who use it to extort money
from the authorities and in order to flatter their own pride in front of others –many of these
people know the Quran by heart - May ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) limit their

- And lastly, those who read the Quran and meditate on its verses, who heal themselves with its
remedies, who look to its remedies for a cure, and who apply it the ills of their heart. By their
intermediary, we request the rain, and it is thanks to them that blessings are obtained, and it is
through their invocation that misfortune is repelled. They represent the party of ALLAH and the
party of ALLAH will be victorious.”

We should understand the following words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) in the light of these explanations: “One recitation of Salat Fatihi is the
equivalent of six thousand times the merit of reading the Quran.” What is meant by this is that
for one recitation of Salat el Fatithi, ALLAH inscribes for the servant six thousand times the
reward for reading the entire Quran.

Similarly, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said :

« For the servant who recites Surah Yasin, ALLAH inscribes ten times the reward of reading the
entire Quran. »

What is meant by this is that for one recitation of Surah Yasin, ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) inscribes for the servant the reward for reading the Quran ten times.

Consequently, given that reading a single letter of the Quran is equivalent to at least ten good
deeds, as it is stated in the Hadith related by Tirmidhi in which the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) said : « Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allaah will earn thereby one

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good action. One good deed is equal to ten good deeds the like of it. I do not say that ALIF-
LAM-MIM is one letter, but ALIF is one letter, LAAM is one letter and MEEM is one letter. »

It suffices, therefore, to multiply the number of letters of the Quran by at least ten to obtain the
basic reward of the reading of the wole Quran.

This reward is then multiplied by ten for he who recites the Surah Yasin and is inscribed for this
person according to the prophetic hadith. The same method applies to Salat el Fatihi, except that,
in this case, the reward for the reading of the entire Quran should be multiplied by six thousand.

On this subject, it is written in Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) said:

« It is highly possible that ALLAH shows the reward of Salat el Fatihi to some of those narrow-
minded people, who do not know the immensity of Divine Grace and Generosity, the reward of
Salat Fatihi.”

So he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was asked: « If this is the case, given the
importance of Salat el Fathi, should we concentrate all our efforts on it to the detriment of all
other forms of Zikr and even the reading of Quran?

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: « No! The reading of the Quran takes
priority and is required by the revelation. The Quran is the container of grace, the foundation of
the Shari’a and the basis for the connection with the Divine, and one must not forget the strict
interdiction to neglect the reading of it. It is therefore strictly forbidden to forsake the recitation
of it. As for the blessings of Salat el Fatihi that we have mentioned, neglecting it is without
consequences because it is considered as a meritorious act. »

In another passage of Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)

“The noble Quran is the best Zikr provided that, when reading it, the follower considers
inwardly that, in fact, ALLAH Himself is talking to him. If the follower remains in this state and
ultimately realizes this, he will have access to complete spiritual annihilation. Then, he will reach
the door of Divine Proximity. ”

Our Master Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said:

« For he whose deeds and states have been purified with a view to God, the Quran is certainly
the best way to approach ALLAH. »

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also asserted:

« If you reply: « The reward for reading the Quran is accounted for independently of the reader,
and this reward is even granted to the sinful” then this is my answer: “It is possible that ALLAH
grants him the reward for the reading of the Quran, but on the other hand this reward will be
cancelled because he has not acted in conformity with the precepts of the Quran.”

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Reciting the Quran without putting it into practice is a situation which falls within the scope of
the parable that ALLAH gave in his book concerning the people of the Torah: “The example of
those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who
carries volumes [of books].” (Surate The congregation Friday 62, verse 5)”

Evidently, the donkey does not benefit from carrying the books on its back. Then, know that
when He says: “and then did not take it on” means that they have not acted in conformity with
the instructions of the Torah.

ALLAH also said : « Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital. They
[are the ones who] believe in it. » (Surate 2 The Cow, verse 121)

Reciting it properly implies acting upon these instructions. He who turns away from this, has not
really read it. »

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said :

« If you want to know how much love for ALLAH and His Messenger you actually have, look at
the love you have in your heart for the Quran, [and see] whether the pleasure you have listening
to it is superior to that of listening to distractions, songs and melodies. » Djawahirou-l-Ma’ani

What right do you have to affirm unscrupulously that by means of Salat el Fatihi, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wanted to turn Muslims away from
reading and studying the Quran? Is this not a shameless lie ?

It is totally false and culpable, as some have tried to make others to believe that Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would have claimed that the merit of Salat
Fatihi is superior to the merit of the Quran and that he would have encouraged his disciples to
forsake the recitation of the Divine words. The aforementioned words of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) demonstrate the contrary. Seyyidina himself
was diligent and very attached to the recitation of the Quran which he has memorized since the
age of seven.

It is related in the El Ifadat-l-Ahmediya that when Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) paused during the recitation, he began the verse again and when he was questioned about
the reason for this, he replied (or words to that effect): “ALLAH has allowed me to realize what
each and every letter is accountable for, and so I cannot overlook it.”

In El Ifadat el Ahmediya, it is also related that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “The holder (who knows the Quran by heart) of the Quran should recite
at least two sections (hizbayne) everyday” thus conforming to the words of the two Sheikhs
according to AbdALLAH ibn Amrou (may ALLAH be pleased with them): “Read the whole
Quran in one month.”

No disciple of the Tariqa Tidjaniya and its teachings neglect reading and studying the Quran. On
the contrary, the Zawiyas Tidjaniya throughout the world are centers for the study and meditation
of the noble words of ALLAH.

The merit of all deeds belongs to ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted). ALLAH can grant more
merits to a certain thing without this meaning that this deed is superior to or can replace another

309 4

one. Thus, as we will demonstrate, some have received specificities in certain fields without this
necessarily implying that they are superior to those who have not received these specificities.

Similarly, with regards to the merits of deeds, some hadiths could emphasize prayer, some of
them emphasize combat in the path of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), some of them
could emphasize evocation and so and so forth… In fact everything depends on the context and
the situation. Indeed, when confronting the enemy, Jihad becomes the best deed. In other
circumstances, it is prayer, and so on…

This is exemplified in the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

« Whoever accomplishes the dawn prayer in congregation and then sits to evoke ALLAH until
sunrise and then performs two rak’at of prayer, receives a reward equals to that of a perfect,
perfect, perfect Hajj and a perfect, perfect, perfect Umra » (Tirmidhi, according to Anas, may
ALLAH be pleased with them - Sahih)

« An Umra (performed) during Ramadan is equivalent to a Hajj » (Bukhari - Sahih)

This merit does not mean that the Umra is the same as the Hajj and that it exempts us from the
obligation of accomplishing it. Equally, it does not mean that if we have accomplish the deeds
mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the first hadith, we have no need
to accomplish the Hajj, nor that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) encourages us to
neglect the accomplishment of the Hajj, because he rewards us for a perfect Hajj and Umra. Only
an ignorant person could come to such conclusion.

Then, some people affirmed that it is only allowed to pray upon the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) with the Ibrahimiya prayer, because this is the prayer that he taught to his
companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them).

When his companions asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): « How can we pray
upon you”, he (peace and blessings be upon him) taught them a way of praying upon him (using
Salat Ibrahimiya), but this does not signify that it is forbidden to pray upon the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) in a different way.

He who upholds this ignorant stance, opposes the instruction of ALLAH (The Glorified, The
Exalted) when He says: “Indeed ALLAH and His angels pray upon the Prophet, o you who
believe pray upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation”. ALLAH never says: “… and
only pray upon him in this particular way…” Likewise, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) never forbade anyone to pray upon him differently, he just taught the companions who
asked him, one way of praying upon him.

The instruction concerning the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is
presented generally in the following verse: “Indeed ALLAH and His angels pray upon the
Prophet, o you who believe pray upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation” (Surate 33
The Combined forces, verse 56), and this is the only verse which mentions this order.

Likewise, in the hadiths, the instructions concerning the prayer upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) are all presented in a general and universal manner. It is said by the
scholars of Oussoul (foundation) that the (basic) rule is as follows: everything that is presented as
a generality in the Book and the Sunnah should stay that way until its specific aspect has been

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In other words, as long as it has not been proved that this instruction can only be obeyed by
means of a sole specific formula, then it is permissible to pray upon the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) with any formula.

Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

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Question : Why do you spread a white sheet (cloth) in the middle of your gathering for the
evocation (sitting for the wazifa)? What do you reply to people who says this practice is a
bid’a (innovation)?

Answer :
The reason for this cloth during the recitation of the wazifa in congregation is that before the
blessed zawiya of Fes was built, the zikr assembly took place in a corridor in the house of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Because many people used
this corridor, in order to guarantee the purity of the place, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to put a cloth upon which he and his companions
would sit.

Subsquently, this custom was maintain, even after the construction of the blessed Zawiya, and
became a meritorious act during the recitation in congregation. It is not a condition of validity:
that is to say whether we put a cloth or not has no consequences on the validity of the zikr.
Laying a cloth also symbolizes honouring the presence of the angels by putting that which brings
additional purity and, for the Tidjani disciple, it also honours the presence of the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) and the four Caliphs (may ALLAH be pleased to them) because he
believes that at the seventh bead (of the recitation of the Djawharatou-l-Kamel), their spirits are
present, by the grace of Divine Power.

The honorific gesture of laying a cloth was performing by the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) and his companions (may ALLAH be pleased to them). Indeed, it is a fact that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) spread out his noble “rida” (the cloth used to cover
the upper part of the body) for his “milk sister”, Shayma, when she came to visit him. In the
same wayt, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did the same thing for Dahiya El
Kelbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) when he came in search of Islam.

It is also a fact that Abu Bakr Siddiq (may ALLAH be pleased with him) spread out a cloth for
the angels as is related by Sha’rani in the book “AhoudMohamediyya”. He also recounted in the
book “Tanbiyh El Moughtarine” that Ibrahim ibn Adham (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said: “It has been said that ‘Othman ibn Affan (may ALLAH be pleased with him) used to spread
out his “rida” outside the door of the toilet: “Please sit here until I return (talking the scribe

Thus, spreading a cloth (sheet) to honour the presence of pure and noble beings, such as angels
who attend these circles of evocations is not reprehensible, neither from the logical point of view,
nor from the point of the Law, as it is related by Muslim that, according to Abu Hurayrah (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said (or words to
that effect): “ALLAH has roaming angels of great merit. They are constantly searchingforcircles
evoking God. As soon as they find a gathering where God is evoked, they sit down with them.”

However, are the people who claim to be disturbed, really worried about innovation or is it
sickness of the heart that leads them to reject without trying to understand. They should meditate
the words of Imam Shafi’i (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who said rejection or opposition
without profound knowledge is a form of association (Shirk).”

If they are truly sincere, then why do they worry about a cloth being spread out during a
meritorious act and not about the carpets and mats upon which they pray during the obligatory
prayers, when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself and his companions (may

312 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 1


ALLAH be pleased with them) performed their prayers on the bare earth directly on the ground
and explained that it was preferable, saying (or words to that effect): “The worshipper is never
more loved by God than when He sees him prostrated with his face to the earth (on the
ground).”(Related by Tabarani in Mou’jam El Aousat according to Houdheyfa (may ALLAH be
pleased with them).

In the same way, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reprimanded a servant who did
not want to put his forehead on the ground.

Actually, Oum Salama (may ALLAH be pleased with her) declared: « The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) saw one of our servants by the name of Aflah sighing during the
prostration and said to him: “O Aflah, may your face be covered with earth!” (Reported by
Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban) For this reason, in the Shiite school of Law, it is preferable to
prostrate on material of natural origin such as stones, and so they would be justified in saying of
us (Sunni people) that we innovate when we prostrate on mats and carpets.

In addition, why do they not question the tradition of changing the cover of the Ka’ba, because
Ibn Ishaq mentioned that the Ka’ba had first been covered during the pre-Islamic period
(Jahiliya) by Toubbaa, As’ad el Himyari who had dreamt that he should covered it. And so he
covered it with leather. Later, he dreamt that he should cover it with a red, striped, Yemenite
(Akhbar Makkah d’Al Azraki) cloth. Following the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) did not change the cloth of the Ka’ba, leaving it as it was, but a woman
accidently burnt it with incense and this is the only for which he covered it with a Yemenite
cloth. Later, the Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (may ALLAH be pleased with them)
covered it with Kibati (a thin white cloth).

It is said that, twice a year, Mu’awiya used to cover the Ka’ba. On the day of ‘Achura, he covered
it with an embroidered cloth and at the end of Ramadan, with Kibati. Over the course of time,
the Ka’ba has been covered with white, green and black cloth and this is still the case today. In
fact, King Saoud ibn Abdou-l-Aziz implemented the creation of a special institution in charge of
the cover for the Ka’ba, worthy of its honourable status, and a factory was built for this purpose,
although there is no prophetic recommendation on this subject.

Consequently, those who want to criticize and judge should be very careful not to be themselves
criticisable and reprehensible regarding this issue, because the Law (Shari’a) has rules that each
and every one must respect in order not to judge and condemn according to their own unhealthy
inclinations and before using words such as “innovation” they should know the meaning,
implications and consequences of this. No need to elaborate on this subject, this is amply
sufficient for anybody endowed with understanding.

Research and translation by ZawiyaTidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

313 Copyright ©, the official website of the Tariqa Tidjaniya 2


Question: Is it true that the Tidjani disciples claim that the status of the Djawharatu-l-
Kamal is greater than that of the Holy Quran?

Question: Is it true that the Tidjani disciples claim that the status of the Djawharatu-l-Kamal is greater than
that of the Holy Quran?

This claim is false. It is indisputable that the status of the Quran is more important than that
of Djawharatu-l-Kamal for the following three reasons:

1. The Quran is the Word of The Divine Essence. Therefore, it is the most important form of Zikr.

In Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) said: “The prominence of the Quran over all other words, whether they are
formulas of Zikr or prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him),
including Salat Fatihi, is more radiant than the sun. This radiance is implementing in
the very principles of the Shari’a itself (Quran and the authentic prophetic hadith)”.

2. The specific condition which is that of using only water for the ablution in order to recite
Djawharatu-l-Kamal does not demonstrate its superiority over the Quran because specificity does
not necessarily imply superiority.

This can be illustrated by two prophetic hadith in one of which Aisha, the mother of believers,
(may ALLAH be pleased with her), related that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) had said
“I assure you that I see the devils, whether they are of the djinns species or of the
Human Beings species, fleeing before Umar.”
In the other hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told (or words to that
effect) his companions that the previous night a demon had thrown itself upon him whilst he
was praying. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) threw it to the ground and bound
it and then he liberated it.
Does this imply that Umar (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is superior to the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) because demons do not dare to approach Umar (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) but one of them did not hesitate to attack the Prophet (peace
and blessing be upon him)? Nothing could be further from the truth. It is just a specificity
which does not in any way imply superiority.
Mu'adh (bin Jabal) (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Messenger of Allah (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has said: 'For those who love one
another for the sake of My Glory, there will be seats of light (on the Day of
Resurrection), and they will be envied by the Prophets and martyrs". [At- Tirmidhi –
Hadith hassan sahih].
“Surely, among the slaves of God, there are the ones whom prophets and martyrs will
envy. The companions said, O Messenger of God, who are they; inform us so that we

love them. Upon their wish, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, they are
such a community that although they have no property (transaction) and kinship
between themselves, they love each other. Their faces are full of light. They are on seats
of light. They continue not to fear when the public fears. They do not grieve when the

public grieves. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) then recited the verse:
“Know well that the friends (saintly servants) of God – they will have no fear, nor will
they grieve.” Tefsirul Kuranil-Azim II, 422; Hak Dini IV, 2731; Riyazus-Salihin p. 874.
The belief of those who would claim that these slaves of God would be superior to the
Prophets (peace be upon them) is corrupted. The Prophets (peace be upon them) are without
doubt the most superior creatures of ALLAH.
The following Hadith is related by the two Shaikh:
Ibn Messud (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said:
“By ALLAH! The companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) know that,
among us all, I am the one who knows best the book of ALLAH although I am not any better
than them. ”

3. How can we claim that Djawharatu-l-Kamal is superior to the Quran when we can actually replace
twelve recitations of Djawharatu-l-Kamal by twenty Salatul Fatihi during the Wazifa, whilst the
recitation of the Quran cannot be replaced?

And ALLAH warns strongly against abandoning the recitation of the Quran.

I stopped reciting the tidjani litanies and now want to resume, what shall I do?

Question: I stopped reciting the Tidjani litanies and now want to resume, what shall I do?

As regards neglecting Tidjaniya compulsory litanies, you need to know that:
- Giving them up in the case of rejecting Tariqa Tidjaniya, or being sceptical about it
(thinking that Tijaniyya is not a straight path...), needs re-affiliation.
- However, if this is due to laziness --so without rejecting the way-- then your affiliation is
still valid but you have to make up all the missed compulsory litanies i.e. 2 lazim and 1
wadhifa per day (hadhra of the Friday can't be made up, so missing it is a loss of great
benefits and blessings), at your own pace.
If you do not know exactly how many lazim and wadhifa you missed out, for example you
hesitate between 10 or 15 wadhifa, you do 15 wadhifa to remove any doubt.
If you do not remember at all how many lazim and wadhifa you missed : a very long period of
time or you feel completely unable to make them up, then in this case and only in this case
you can re-affiliate yourself (tajdid with your muqaddam) and you will start from scratch
You need to be aware of the importance of the pact (Baya: pledge for Tidjaniya). The Prophet
(peace and blessing be upon him) said to Sidi Ahmed Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him):
"He who takes from us the wird and then abandon it completely or neglect it will be
punished and chastised."

Sidi Ahmed Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "He who gives up the wird after
taking it will reap the loss in this world and the hereafter."
ALLAH The Glorified and the Exalted said:

"And fulfill their vows" (s22, v29)

"O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations" (s5, v1)
"And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it" (s16, v91)
"and fulfill the Covenant of Allah" (s6, v152)"
"Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do" (s61, v3)

Q: Is it authorized to appoint Women Muqaddam in the Tidjaniya Tariqa?

Question: Is it authorized to appoint Women Muqaddam in the Tidjaniya Tariqa?


Taqdim for women has indeed been the object of diverging opinions. Some forbid it, others
allow it, although their role may be limited to women; however others authorize their role to
include both women and men unconditionally.
This divergence is due to the fact that there does not seem to be any clear and precise example
of a woman being appointed to this role at the time of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). However, an allusion is to be found in a letter from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) written by Sidi
Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH be pleased with him). In this letter, he greets a group of
disciples from Fez, including a woman. Here is the relevant passage: “[…] Our words are
addressed to our beloved, to those who are most dear to us, holders of pure qualities and
enlightened states, our dear friend and sincere beloved Sidi Hajj Tayeb Qabab, his son,
our beloved Abu AbdALLAH Sidi Muhammad and his children, and the pure, eminent
and noble lady, The Muqaddima Fatima […]” (Kashf el Hijab - Sidi Hajj Tayeb Qabab)
Among the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), Sidi Muhammad El Hafiz Shinguitti (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who had
been educated in the palms of his noble hands for two consecutive years, was the only one to
appoint his wife to the role of Muqqadam. She was a saintly woman, renowned for her
spiritual opening, and she was among the ten Muqaddam that her husband was authorized to
appoint. This does not mean that others did not do so, but there are no precise references.
Sheikh Umar Futiyu (may ALLAH be pleased with him) appointed his eldest daughter, the
pious knower of ALLAH, Fatima Madaniya to this position.
The renowned Alfa Hashim el Futi, who lived and died in Medina, was also among the
scholars and luminaries who had nominated female Muqaddam. In the blessed and prophetic
city of Medina, he appointed a woman known as “ALLAH HAYYU” because she repeated
these words incessantly and this is mentioned in Kashf el Hijab.
In addition the Knower Sheikh Muhammad Fall nominated the saintly lady Khadija el
Qara’at. There are other cases which are more or less known.

However, certain people, considering that these were exceptional cases for exceptional
women, forbade this practice, arguing that a woman cannot take their responsibility of leading

the prayers (Imama) and so, by analogy, they consider that it is not possible to appoint a
woman to the role of Muqaddam.
Nonetheless, this analogy cannot be used in this particular case, because the role of Imam has
nothing to do with the role of Muqaddam. Since there is neither restriction nor indication from
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) or from his companions,
forbidding the role of Muqaddam to women or limiting it to men, we cannot, on our own
initiative, decree that it is forbidden.
To this day, there is no mention, in the abundant literature written by the scholars of the
Tariqa and the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) that the conditions for the taqdim are reserved for men and forbidden for women.
This role is accessible to any person possessing the requisite qualities to assume this
responsibility be they man or woman. In one of his replies, Sidi Hajj Ahmed Sukeyrj (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “It is clearly established in our Tariqa that a woman can
become Muqaddam and can give authorization for the litanies in compliance with Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and his representatives […]”
furthermore he added: “Certain women received absolute authorization to nominate both
women and men endowed with the requisite qualities to the role of Muqaddam. This has been
related by trustworthy people and we have been blessed to ascertain this fact in certain letters
from Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). The fact that in
his letters, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called the
noble Tidjani ladies by this title is sufficient proof of its validity. Consequently, we confirm
that there is no condition limiting the title of Muqaddam to men. It is attributed to those
having the requisite qualities, be they women or men, old or young, free or enslaved […]”
Others consider that it is permissible, but that women can only give transmission to other
women in order to avoid promiscuity and temptation between the two sexes. Here again, it has
been established, as stated by Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in
his Bughiya, that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
himself transmitted the Tariqa to women (meeting the conditions of Shari’a that we will
mention), and his companions did likewise. Therefore, given that men had already given
transmission to women, we cannot use the argument of physical contact between men and
women in order to limit the role of a female Muqaddam to women only.
Thus, it is clear that nothing prevents a woman from conveying to both women and men
insofar as she has received authorization and her spiritual affiliation is authentic.
However, the conditions of the Sharia forbidding physical contact between people of opposite
sexes (except if the person is a Muhram that is to say to whom one cannot be married such as
a nephew, a son or an uncle) must be respected. It is in this way that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) conducted himself. If he met a lady, he gave her
the oral transmission without physical contact and placed her behind him, covering his own
face with a part of his cloak. He answered their questions and taught them whatever they
needed to know about the Tariqa.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also stipulated in the
conditions that he had given to one of his companions by the name of Abu Salim El Iyashi
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) when he appointed him Muqaddem, not to touch the hand
of the women to whom he transmitted authorization for the wird, with the exception of those
who were Muhram.

Furthermore, women cannot lead or attend* the assembly of men of the wazifa and the
heilalla. Apart from this, there is no obstacle for the transmission, the teaching and the
learning of the Tariqa by a woman to men. Indeed, female scholars teaching the Quran,

Hadiths and the varied knowledge of Islam, until this day, have always been a well-known
part of Muslim history.
The companions and their followers (may ALLAH be pleased with him) have drawn
knowledge as much from the men as from the women of their time. Renowned scholars such
as Imam Shafi’I, Qatada, Al-Subki, Al-Dhahabi, Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Asaker, Jalaleddine
Suyuti and thousands of others have all had female teachers from whom they have received
knowledge and authorization.
Examples of women who have achieved spiritual mastery and who have guided men on the
path of God are numerous: the renowned Knower Ibn Arabi el Hatimi (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) is among the disciples of these exemplary women.
These days, we know of certain cases of women who are appointed Muqaddam in our noble
Tariqa. As far as we are concerned, if the conditions of the Sharia are respected and if the
women satisfy the rigorous criteria required in order to acquire this title, as is the case for
men, we see no objection.
Lastly, although it is lawful, it is preferable to avoid unnecessary controversy in a community
which will vary according to context, custom and mentality from one country to another.
* Women may attend the Wazifa if two conditions are met:
- Being in separate places where men and women cannot see each other
- Women must not recite aloud (as for the five daily Prayers)
Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France

Q: Is it true that Tidjani disciples should visualize the Sheikh when performing their litanies,
and why?

Is it true that Tidjani disciples should Visualize the Sheikh when performing litanies, and why?

This is one of the two conditions required to perfect the accomplishment of the litanies in
order to reap as many of the lights that descends during the performance of the litanies.
On this subject, Sidi Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him), eminent scholar of
Morocco who was aquainted with the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and who was affiliated to the Tariqa by their intermediary said:
The requisite conditions for the perfection of the litanies include being conscious of the
presence of the guide, and that we are sitting before him drawing his irrigation. This should
put into practice from the beginning of the zikr until the end. He who is not able to visualize
perfectly should try his best from the beginning and then return to the visualization according
to his capacities and possibilities. This presence should be practiced by visualizing his
physical aspect, for he who has seen him. Otherwise, he should visualize the image of his
perfection cloaked in fear and reverence. This visualization should be accompanied by utmost


The other condition is to be as aware as possible of the meaning of our recitation, if we are
able to understand it. If not, we should listen carefully to our diction while reciting the zikr.
The perfection of this condition is reciting distinctly (tartil).
Text of Zawiya Tidjaniya El Kubra of Europe, in Lyon, France

May I remind you that when the Prophet (saw) spoke of his family,
he was not referring to the blood relationships. He was speaking of
all people who followed his path. These are the people who belong
to his true family (...)

First and foremost, allow me to glorify your great work that you are accomplishing for the development of
the Tariqa Tidjaniya. Please allow me to make several remarks: reading your articles, we notice that you
favour the descendants of the sheikh over other muqaddam. May I remind you that when the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) spoke of his family, he was not referring to the blood relationships. He
was speaking of all people who followed his path. These are the people who belong to his true family.
Nowhere have I seen written the names of Abdulay Niass or El Hadj Malick Sy or even Sheikh Ibrahim Niass
who is actually the holder of the Faydu Tidjaniya. And yet, we have noticed in your articles that Sheikh
Tidjani had indeed spoken of the Faydu Tidjaniya. It is not possible to be Tidjani while refusing to admit that
Sheikh Ibrahim Niass is the “Sahibul Fayda”. Thank you in advance.
First of all, we are grateful for your encouragement and we request ALLAH to accept
us through His Grace and His Approval.
Your remarks raise several different reactions.
The first reaction is to bring clarification concerning the fact that the descendants of Sheikh
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) would seem to be favoured. In
reality, the privilege and the rank that we grant to the noble descendants of Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) within the Tariqa Tidjaniya are largely
beneath their true worth and the place of honour that ALLAH has granted them. Even if your
remark appears to be a criticism, we consider it to be a compliment and a cause of pride.
Please understand that the aim of this site is to present and share this Tariqa of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) and his noble representative, the hidden pole Sheikh
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). For this, we have return to the
source and reclaimed from oblivion the precious teaching of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), emphasizing those who had been first to receive, that is
to say, his descendants and the direct companions who lived with him and thrived under his
blessed hand.
Thus, our mission is to revive the very source of this Tariqa. This lack is noticeable: question
as many Tidjani disciples as you know and ask, for example, a disciple who is affiliated to the
Tariqa through the Niass Family, or through the Sy Family: “Where did Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) received his great spiritual opening?” or
“Which one of his companions did Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) consider of equal rank to Abu Bakr with respect to the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him)?” or “Which of his companions saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
twenty-four times daily?” or “Which of his companions was of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani’s (may

ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) designated Imam?” or “Which companions served as
intermediary between Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in his beginnings” or “What were the name of

the two Sons that Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) left
behind after his passing…?” Then question one of the disciples affiliated through the Niass
Family about Sheikh Ibrahim Niass and his family. Likewise with a disciple affiliated through
the Sy family, or any other well-known family of Masters, and you will see for yourself the
need for this aim.
If this is not sufficient to convince you, then consult all the websites based on the Tariqa
Tidjaniya through the families Sy and Niass. Further to your question, browse the information
available on Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) both in French
and English. You may find small references. Then browse the information about his
companions: you will find little or no information about them.
Then if you look for information concerning his noble descendants, you will find next to
nothing, neither about his two noble children and heirs, nor his successive Caliphs or even the
present Caliph.
What is left of the Tariqa Tidjaniya if the knowledge of Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), that of his companions and his descendants is removed, when
initially it is through them that this knowledge came, has been assimilated, understood,
safeguarded and transmitted. Is there even one single chain of affiliation to the Tariqa
Tidjaniya in the world without Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) or one of his companions or descendants? This is impossible: such a chain would be
invalid and baseless.
This entire path, its benefits, blessings and rewards are all dependant on Sheikh Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) the Hidden Pole himself. Each and every
Muqaddam, Caliph or descendant depend on Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret), and their only role is to represent him and to be in his service.
Imam Sukeyrij (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “In this Tariqa Ahmediya Tidjaniya,
whatever particular degree he may have achieved, the Muqaddam is but the representative of
Seyyidina and has no other distinct particularity.” It is a great deficiency for any person who
is affiliated to this blessed path, whatever his rank or function, not to know those who
followed and loved Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and
who were loved by him.
The particular status of the descendants has always been recognized by the companions of
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and those who
succeeded them. To illustrate this point, refer to what has been written by the scholar and
knower Sidi Ahmed Sukeyrij (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in his book “Kachf el
Hijab” in the story of Sidi Ahmed in Abdrahman Semghuni (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) (p. 284).
In fact, after the death of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), his disciples in Fes questioned Caliph Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH
be pleased with him) concerning the identity of the followers of the Tariqa Muhammadiya of
whom Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had said (or words
to that effect): “With regards to certain of my companions: if we were to gather all of the
poles of this community they would be insignificant compared to the vast expanse of one
single hair of their oceans.” And he also said that one of them has emerged and that both his
mother and father were from Fes, but he hid him.
Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “What would you do if

you saw him?” They answered: “We would honour and comply with his instructions.” The
Caliph said to them: “But wouldn’t he be just the servant of Seyyidina and his children?”
They said “Yes, indeed.” Then he said: “Because of the implications in terms of observing the

specific instructions of Seyyidina, it is appropriate to honour the children of Seyyidina (may

ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and to comply with their orders first and foremost.”
We do not intend to minimize the worth and the great efforts of the aforementioned noble
persons: Hajj Malick Sy and his family (may ALLAH be satisfied with them) or Sheikh
Ibrahim Niass and his family (may ALLAH be satisfied with them) but simply to establish
certain priorities. They themselves worked to represent Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) fittingly, at his service and under his orders and
subsequently under those of his descendants who assumed responsibility, respecting their
particular rank which was recognised by all his companions. They assumed their role as
intermediary so that people could know Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret) and so that his disciples could follow him, by teaching them
everything regarding his education, his life, his descendants and his companions. This is the
path taken by the authentic Shouyoukh and Masters who have attained high degrees thanks to
their sincere devotion.
To claim to follow such masters means to follow their examples. It does not suffice to quote
them or boast about their merits.
We plan to present such noble figures that have marked the history of this noble Tariqa with
their commitment as well as other great figures from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal,
Mali, Egypt, Indonesia and elsewhere, who, by the grace and the blessings of Our Lord, are
Having clarified this, know that our second reaction to your comments concerning the
“Faydu”, is indignation.
We have thoroughly/extensively replied to this question in this
article: We have pointed out the fact
that this remains personal and should not be a cause for division, and in fact this has no effect
upon the progression on the path of the noble Tariqa. It is inaccurate to claim that one cannot
be a Tidjani disciple if one does not recognize Sheikh Ibrahim Niass (May ALLAH be
pleased with him) of holder of the Faydu. To be considered a Tidjani disciple, it suffices
simply to respect the conditions of affiliation to the Tariqa that must be read and understood
before affiliation to the path.
The particular worth of one or another is not taken into consideration in this affiliation, in the
same way that, in order to be considered a Muslim, it is not necessary to recognize Seyyidina
Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) as the Seal of Sainthood.
In addition, with such declarations, you expose the noble Sheikh Ibrahim Niass (May ALLAH
be pleased with him) to criticism and disapproval, when he is in fact innocent of such
allegations. He has never claimed that anyone who did not recognize him as the Faydu was
not a Tidjani disciple. These are rumours spread by certain ignorant disciples and even
muqaddam. This is a lack of propriety in his regard.
Concerning this, Imam Rifa’i (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “O my disciples! I
reject whosoever insults me.” They answered: “How could we dare to insult you when you are
our Sheikh?” He replied: “By claiming things that I have not said and by doing what is
reprehensible because if people see you they would say: “Had they not seen or heard this from
their Sheikh, they would not do it.””
So beware not to repeat and moreover not to believe this sort of rumour. Learn to know

Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and his Tariqa
better, you will avoid falling into such deep precipice.

Lastly, our final reaction to your remark is a warning. By affirming that when the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) spoke of “his family”, he (peace and blessings be upon
him) was not referring to the blood relationship, you are crossing a line which takes you away
from the people of the Sunna. The people of the Sunna recognize unanimously that family of
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are his blood relations, and that it is a duty for
all Muslims to recognize their particular status, to respect and to love them. Otherwise, they
incur the wrath and the chastisement of ALLAH.
In fact, a dissident sect of Islam had claimed that “the family” of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) did not refer to his blood line, and therefore, they interpreted the
verses and prophetic words in their own interest by dispossessing the family of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) of any particular status and worth. This sect is known as
the Kharidjites of which the assassin of Imam Ali (May ALLAH be pleased with him) was a
One day, some companions asked the advice of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) about settling in a certain region in Algeria, and
Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied as
follows:“For he who ALLAH has guided, it is not appropriate to reside in this region
because its inhabitants, its sky and and its earth are dark. They will be entering Hellfire
because this region is inhabited by a lost sect which misleads others and they dare to
hate Seyyidina Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him).”
And he added: “They follow the school of ibn Muljam (the assassin of Imam Ali, may
ALLAH be pleased with him) who was among the dissident group known as Kharijite,
may ALLAH inflict a bridle of fire upon him.”
Even if it is possible, by means of extensive interpretation to consider the pious as part of the family
of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), this, in no way, deprives his family and his
descendants of the particular status that ALLAH has granted them, and of the duty to respect and love
them, and never cause them harm as is clearly shown in the book of ALLAH: “Allah intends only to
remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with
[extensive] purification”(Surate 33 The combined forces, verse 33)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Love God for the blessings that He
grants you. Love me for the love of God and love my family for the love that you have
for me.” (Related by Tirmidhi, according to Abdullah ibn Abbas who said that this hadith is
Sahih; also reported by Tabarani, in El Kebir, by El Hakim, in El Mustadrak, who said that
the chain of this hadith is authentic, and this was confirmed by Dhahabi; Bahaiqi has also
reported this hadith in Shoub El Iman).
Zayd ibn el Arqam (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said (or words to that effect): “The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) addressed us. Having praised God, he said: “I am
but a human being and soon the Angel of God will call and I will answer the call. But I
bequeath two magnificent things to you. First, the book of God which enlightens the
path. Follow it and hold on to it and secondly my descendants, I remind you of God, be
attached to my family””(Muslim)
Ibn Abbas (may ALLAH be pleased with them both) said: “Safiyya bint ‘Abdelmutalib lost a
son and cried for him.” The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) said to her:
“O Aunt, why are you weeping? In Islam, whoever loses a child will enjoy an abode in

When she left his house, she met a man who said to her: “In reality, your close family ties
(qaraba) with Muhammad will be of no use against God’s will!” She began to cry, and
hearing her voice, the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) was alarmed
and came out. He respected her, he was good to her and he held her dearly. He (peace and

blessings be upon him) said: “O aunty, you are still crying despite what I have just told
you.” She replied: “This is not the reason for my tears.” She told him what the man had said.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) became angry and said: “O Bilal! Call for
prayer. ”
When Bilal have done this, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stood up and
praised God and said: “What those people who claim that being a close member of my
family serves no purpose are thinking? All bonds of kinship whether by alliance or
through bloodline will be dissolved on the Day of Resurrection, with the exception of
mine. My family bonds (rahim) is respected both on Earth and in the hereafter.”
Umar ibn al Khatab (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said (or words to that effect):
“Having heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) speak on that day, and because
I desired a relationship with him by alliance, I married Um Kulthum (daughter of Ali and
Fatima).” Hadith related by Tabari and alternatively by Ibn Hanbal and also by Abu Said el
Mutalib ibn Rabi’a related: « One day, Al ‘Abbas arrived, very angry, at the Prophet’s house
(peace and blessings be upon him) and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked
him: “What is the matter?” He answered: “O Messenger of ALLAH, what is our situation
with Quraysh?” And the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked: “What is your
situation with them?” Al ‘Abbas said (or words to that effect): “They meet one another with
radiant faces” (they are friendly among themselves) but not with us (by us, he means the
family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)).”
So the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) became so angry that the
vein between his eyes was sticking out. When he calmed down, he said: “By the name of he
who holds the soul of Muhammad in his hand! Faith cannot penetrate the heart of a
person until he loves you both for ALLAH and his Messenger!” Then he added: “How
can people afflict me by offending Al ‘Abbas? A person’s uncle is the same as his
It was related by Tabarani El Kebir and by El Hakem in El Mustadrak, and this was
authenticated according to the criteria of Muslim, and also corroborated by Dhahabi: Ibn
Abbas said: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “O Bani
AbdelMutalib! For you, I have requested three things from ALLAH: That He
strengthens your hearts, that He teaches your ignorant people and that He guides those
who went astray among you. I also requested Him to make you generous, courageous
and compassionate. Even if a person was between the corner (of the Ka’ba) and the
Station (of Ibrahim), praying and fasting, and then he died all the while hating the
descendants of Muhammad, he would enter the Fire.””
Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) related that: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and
blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever does not recognize the entitlement of my
descendants is one of three categories: either he is a hypocrite or he is an illegitimate
child or he originates from a state of impurity” that is to say that his mother carried him
without being in a state of purity. (This was reported by ibn ‘Ady in El Kamil and also by
Daylami in El Musnad)”
Tabarani related in El Kebir that ibn Abbas (may ALLAH be satisfied with them both)
said: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is disbelief to
hate the Banu Hachim and the Ansar, and hypocrisy to hate Arabs.””

Ibn ‘Ady related in El Iklil that Abu Said el Khudri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever hates
people of my family is a hypocrite.””

Daylami related in Musnad Firdaws that Jabir testified: “We recognise hypocrites by their
hatred for Ali.”” (related by Ahmed and Tirmidhi)
It is related by ibn Hibban in his Sahih that Abu Said (may ALLAH be pleased with him):
“The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said (or words to that
effect): “Whoever hates the people of My Family will undoubtedly be sent to Hell by
It is said in the Mustadrak that this hadith is authentic according to the criteria of Muslim, and
Dhahabi has not commented on the subject.
Tabarani related in El Awsat that Jabir ibn AbdALLAH (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said: “The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said to us during a
sermon: “O people know that whoever hates my family will be resuscitated as a Jew by
ALLAH The Most High on the Day of Judgement.” I asked him: “O Messenger of
ALLAH, even if he fasts and prays?” and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
answered: “Even if he fasts and prays and claims to be Muslim.””
Dalaymi related that Abu Said (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of
ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The wrath of ALLAH will be unleashed
upon those who harm me by harming my family.”” (related in Kanz el ‘Oumal by El
Dalaymi related that Abu Hurayra (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger
of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ALLAH is angered by those who
continue to eat when they are already satiated, those who are careless regarding
obedience to the Lord, those who forsake the Sunna of their Prophet […], those who
hate the family of their Prophet and those who harm their neighbours.”” (Kanz el Umal)
El Hakim and Dalaymi related that Abu Said (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The
Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ALLAH will protect the
religion and worldly life of he who respects these three sanctities and ALLAH will
protect nothing for he who disrespects them: the sanctity of Islam, my own sanctity and
the sanctity of my descendants.” Related by Tabarani in El Kebir el Awsat.
El Khatib related that Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of
ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “My intercession is given to those in my
community who love the people of my household.”
Tabarani related in El Kebir that Ibn ‘Abbas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The
Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or words to that effect: “The
servant will be obliged to face four questions: How has he spent his life? How has he
used his body? How did he acquire his money and how did he spend it? How did he love
us and our family?”
Dalaymi related that Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of
ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or words to that effect: “Educate your
children following three points: Love for the Prophet, Love for his family and the
recitation of the Quran because those who know the Quran, with the Prophets and the
Elect, will be shaded [by the throne of] ALLAH on the Day when there will be no other
shade but His.” (Kanz el Umal)
Dalaymi related that Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of

ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or words to that effect: “There are four
categories of people for whom I will intercede on the Day of Judgement: those who
honour my descendants, those who fulfil their needs, those who obey their orders

dutifully, and those who cherish them both in heart and speech.” Zubaydi related it in El
Tirmidhi, El Hakem in his Mustadrak, and Bayhaqi in Shoub el Iman related that, according
to Aisha (may ALLAH be pleased with her), who held this from the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) himself (or words to that effect): “There are six categories of people
which ALLAH and all the Prophets whose requests are always granted have cursed:
those who add anything to the book of ALLAH, those who deny Destiny, those who
behave tyrannically, by honouring those who ALLAH has humiliated, and by
humiliating those who ALLAH has honoured, those who render licit that which ALLAH
has made illicit, those who behave in a way that ALLAH has prohibited with regards to
my descendants and those who renounce my Sunna”
Dalaymi related that Abu Said (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of
ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or words to that effect: “The wrath of
ALLAH is unleashed upon whosoever harm me by harming my descendants.”” This is
mentioned in Kanz el Umal.
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said, or words to that
effect: “Uphold your affection for my family. He who meets ALLAH by loving us will
enter Paradise through our intercession. By He who holds my soul in His Hands, the
action of the servant will only be considered if he himself have consideration for our
rights” (Reported by Tabarani in El Awsat according to Hasan ibn ‘Ali – May ALLAH be
pleased with them).
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “My descendants are
among you like the Noa’s arch: he who embarks will be safe, and those who do not will
drown.” (Related by El Bazzar in El Kashf according to Ibn Abbas, Tabarani in El Kebir,
Abu Nu’aym in El Hilya).”
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “For you, my
descendants are the same as Noa’s arch: he who boards will be safe, and those who do
not will drown. For you, my descendants are the same as the door to Remission for the
children of Israel. Those who pass through it are forgiven.” (Reported by Tabarani in El
Awsat according to Abi Said el Khoudri (May ALLAH be pleased with them)
The Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “In the same way that
the stars “protect travellers from drowning”, my descendants are a refuge for my nation
in times of religious discord. Should one of the Arab tribes oppose them, they would be
diverging and thus become partisans of Iblis” (Reported by El Hakem according to Ibn
‘Abbas, may ALLAH be pleased with them.)
It is not possible to relate everything with regards to the particular status of the Prophet’s
descendants (peace and blessings be upon him). Although this only provides a glimpse, it is
the duty of the Tidjani disciples to recognize their merits. The great companion Sidi
Abdelwahhab ibn El Ahmar (may ALLAH be pleased with him), among the elite of the elite
and one of the pillars of this blessed Tariqa, beloved by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), said:
« The heart secret of the Tariqa is based on three things:
- Constant love for the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

- Praying on time
- Abundant prayers upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) »

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was immensely
respectful regarding the noble descendants of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
to the extent that his companions would know if the honoured person was or not a Sherif.
It was related in El Ifadatu-l-Ahmediya that He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
said: “The descendants of the Prophet (ahlu bayt) who disobey take the same path as the
people of Badr, they will be told: “Do as you wish, you are already forgiven.” On the
other hand, the merit of those who succeed can be equalled by no one.”
This is because realized masters consider that, in accordance with the verse of the
Quran: “Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the
[Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification” (Surah 33 The
combined forces, verse 33), an authentic Sherif (a descendant of the Prophet, peace and
blessings be upon him) will be in a state of repentance at the moment of his death.
Therefore, dear brother, is it not time to question ourselves and to evaluate our obedience to
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)? Are we going to
continue ignoring his teachings, behaving as if he were absent and could not see us?
Let us learn a lesson from the words of Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) who told certain companions that he had seen Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) after his death and he had said to him: “O Sidi, you have
gone and you have left us.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret) answered: “I am not absent and I have not left you. This is but a passage from the
earthly abode to the abode of light (Nouraniya).».”
Is it not up to us to honour him by demonstrating that our love for him is stronger than any
cleavage? That our only desire is to satisfy him entirely? That we form a single body with a
single heart, unified with respect for all respectable people in the spiritual sense of the words?
Or would we rather turn a blind eye and a death ear, stubbornly wanting to be right, preferring
the pride of passion to the humility of reason? If we behave in this way, is it not we ourselves
who harm this blessed path the most from the inside, in fact much more than the enemies of
the Tariqa can do from the outside?
We know that this is not the case and that your wish is to know better this noble path in order
that you may comply with it and we encourage you to persevere on this path because all
beneficial knowledge is a light which chase away the darkness of ignorance. We hope greatly
that each disciple will find the hand of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret) and hold tightly to it.
Zawiya Tidjaniya El Kubra of EuropeLyon, France


For the recitation of Djawharatul-l-kamal, what is the difference between 11 beads and 12 beads
given that the Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani mentions 11 beads?

Question: For the recitation of Djawharatul-l-kamal, What is the difference between 11 beads and 12 beads
given that the Djawahiru-l-Ma'ani mentions 11 beads? Also, what should a new comer who joins the Tariqa
chose? Or are they the same?
Regarding the clarifications requested on the subject of Djawharatul-l-kamal and the exact
number to be recited, a short historical summary is necessary.
Above all, we should know that during Seyyidina’s lifetime (may ALLAH be pleased with
him and sanctify his precious secret), he and his companions recited Djawharatul-l-kamal 11
times, and it is in fact this number which is written in the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani (which was
written about fifteen years before he passed away).
Later, towards the end of his life (in 1815), this was rescinded and replaced by 12 recitations
of Djawharatul-l-kamal. Thus, little by little, all the disciples, who had been informed of the
change, recited it 12 times instead of 11, but because the disciples were spread over numerous
countries, the news of the abrogation took time to reach the Muqaddam.
In the case where certain people today recite it 11 times, this has an historical link with Sheikh
Ahmed Hamahullah (may ALLAH be pleased with him).
He was born in 1883 in Kamba Sagho, Mali. His father was a scholar from Tichit in
Mauritania and his mother was a Fulani from Mali.
He became a controversial Master of the Tariqa: several events are the reason for this:
- He was recognised by those around him (his entourage) as a holy man and as a scholar by
certain dignitaries of that time.
- He was also known to be a resistance fighter during colonisation. At first he was affiliated to
the Tariqa Tidjaniya through a chain which went back to Sheikh Omar Futiyu Tall (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), and then he re-affiliated himself through Sidi Mohamed Ibn
Abdallah (dead in 1909) who had arrived from Tuwat in Algeria and had settled in Nioro in
the Sahel in 1900. According to sources close to Sheikh Hamahullah (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdallah had been affiliated by the hand of Sidi Tahar
Buteyba (may ALLAH be pleased with him), a great companion of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret).
Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdallah gave the transmission of the Tariqa having 11 recitations
of Djawharatul-l-kamal instead of 12 such that Sheikh Hamahullah (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) had received it through Sheikh Omar Foutiyou Tall (may ALLAH be
pleased with him). Sheikh Hamahullah had criticized the fraudulent practice of the 12
recitations as being contrary to the teaching of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret).
This event gave rise to a serious and disproportioned conflict between the Tidjani disciples of
different affiliations. This conflict brought about offensive words and unjust behaviour
towards Sheikh Hamahullah (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and his disciples, which are
forbidden by the Tariqa in particular, and Islam in general. At present, in the face of these
events, three different opinions have developed regarding the recitation of Djawharatul-l-
kamal which are as follows:

1. The opinion which upholds that the only true recitation of Djawharatul-l-kamal is the 11
recitations (and the 12 recitations are “tolerated”). This is the minority opinion of certain
zealous Muqaddam affiliated to the branch of Sheikh Hamahullah.

They argue that, on the one hand, this is the number written in the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani,
reference book for the Tariqa, written by the famous Khalife Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may
ALLAH be pleased with him), and on the other, they highlight the esoteric precedence of the
mystical value of the number 11. Therefore, for them, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani himself (may
ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) did not repeal the 11
recitations. The addition of the twelfth bead was a gratuitous act from certain companions and
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret)
had tolerated this act without fully adhering to it.
We have used the expression “zealous Muqaddam” because, in order to win the argument,
they do not hesitate to rewrite history without justification, with the sole aim of appearing
more enlightened and better guided. For example, in the book written by Aliyune Traore
“Sheikh Hamahullah, man of faith and resistance fighter”, there is a clear demonstration
which makes the adepts of the twelve recitations appear to be passive and complacent with
regards to the colonial presence.
This implicated the highest dignitaries of the Tariqa, that is to say: Sidi Muhammed El Habib,
son of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious
secret), who lived in Ain Madhi, and Sidi Hajj Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
official Caliph of Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious
secret) who lived in Tamacine, going as far as fabricating a fictive exile in Fes of Seyyidina’s
son including the dates. Inversely, the advocates of the 11 recitations are described as heroes
of the resistance to the colonizers.
In fact, this opinion is not only inadmissible, but also reprehensible because the argument is
not based on any authentic proven fact. The only reference was a so-called “oral tradition”
which had never been mentioned by any of Seyyidina’s companions (may ALLAH be pleased
with them) or by any other scholars of the Tariqa who had frequented them.
It should not be necessary to remind you that, unfortunately, unfounded far-fetched stories
abound in the Tariqa, as do false texts containing words that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) never even said that damage his
dignity as well as that of the Tariqa. The scholars of the Tariqa have adequately warned
against trusting and peddling them.
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious
secret) answered “yes” when he was asked: “if a person could lie about him” and so he gave
the following golden rule: “When you hear something that is attributed to me, weigh it on
the scales of The Shari’a. If it complies with the Shari’a then take it, and if not, reject it.”
In Ifadat-al-Ahmediya, Sheikh Mohamed El Hafidh Misri Tidjani (may Allah be pleased
with him) commented:
«This means that the only understanding of the words attributed to him and that should be
retained is that which follows the Sunna, because any comprehension that does not follow the
Sunna, does not have the proper meaning. This applies if it is established that these words are
really his. If it is not established that they are his, they should be entirely rejected.”
Likewise in the tariqa, it is a duty to refer to the authentic words of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret), of his companions (may
ALLAH be pleased with them) and of the scholars in the Tariqa who followed them, in order
to establish a true opinion.

In fact, those who hold this point of view wish, at any price, to assert their opinion despite all
the genuine proof to the contrary that could be presented. They would not take this proof into
consideration because this would be the same as depreciating the value of Sheikh Hamahullah
(may ALLAH be pleased with him) to the advantage of his adversaries and opponents at that

time. Therefore, you will remark that we are far from the neutral and impartial character of a
seeker of Truth.
In addition, paying tribute to stories that have no basis is no way to honour Sheikh
Hamahullah, because they are not in compliance with the practice of Seyyidina’s companions
(may ALLAH be pleased with them) and his descendants -- in the past and the present --
because this would imply that they would have voluntarily modified that which the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) had entrusted to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) in terms of essential litanies of the
practice of his own Tariqa.
In the same way, it is inconceivable that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased
with him and sanctify his precious secret) would have authorized even the slightest
modification of any of the Prophet’s litanies without his permission (peace and blessings be
upon him) or that he would have allowed modification without objecting.
This proves the lack of awareness of Seyyidina’s respect and total submission to his beloved
Master, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
Seyyidina who, out of love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), could not
remain silent when confronted with the slightest infringement of even a single Prophetic
Sunna, would never have authorized his disciples to change, in his presence, a wird that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself had entrusted to him.
It is written in the book Ifadat-l-Ahmediya that, during the zikr in assembly, Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) heard
some of the disciples modifying the pronunciation of the formula « Lê ilêha ila Allah » and so
exclaimed: “What is this? What is this? « Lê ilêha ila Allah ! » « Lê ilêha ila Allah ! » If
he did not remain silent faced with this bad pronunciation then, how could he knowingly
remain silent faced with an addition to the Prophetic teaching?! This also proves they lack of
knowledge of the education of Seyyidina’s companions that were with him like a dead body
in the hands of the person who washes it.
Regarding the fact that it is the number 11 which is written in the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, this
is because this modification was made more than ten years after Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) had written it. It is neither the only change nor the only
modification to have been made.
The same applies regarding authorization to visit the Saints, which was allowed for those who
were dead, but not for those who were alive. Thus it is written in the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani.
Later, this prohibition was also applied by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased
with him and sanctify his precious secret) to the dead Saints at the risk of losing affiliation as
all the scholars of the Tariqa well know. Nevertheless, this modification was not reported in
this book. There were also other cases of modification…
Undoubtly, the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani is a reference for the followers of the Tariqa for its
sublime commentaries on verses of the Quran, and Prophetic hadiths and also for its
clarifications of the difficulties encountered by the scholars and the masters. However, in
certain areas, the commentaries and any modifications which have been made must be taken
into account.
For this reason, the scholars of this Tariqa Tidjaniya advised the reading of Boughiya El
Moustafid written by Sidi ‘Arbi ibn Sa-ih (may ALLAH be pleased with him) because it is a

reliable and precise commentary of Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani, taking into consideration events
that took place after it was written.

In the same way that, in order to understand the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him), Muslims should consult the scholars, because the scholars have
learnt what has been abolished and what has not, what has a specific character and what has a
more general character, and all other subtleties of knowledge that are necessary in order to
understand correctly, likewise followers of the Tariqa should consult the Boughiya El
Moustafid in order to understand Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani.
Concerning the esoteric value of the number eleven, it should be made quite clear that the
knowledge concerning the esoteric and mystical properties of Arabic figures and letters is
used in order to refine (affine) understanding, but not to abolish facts and deeds relative to
practices that have been confirmed by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased
with him and sanctify his precious secret) or his companions (may ALLAH be pleased with
them). Therefore, this argument cannot be used as proof.
Lastly, in the case of the mysterious muqaddam Sidi Mohammed ibn AbdAllah hailing from
Touwat, (even if he held a general diploma in the Tariqa, known as Ijaza Mutlaq and Itlaq
which authorized him to appoint as many muqaddam as he wished, and to give permission to
recite essential and non-essential litanies), this does not give him the right to legislate and
confirm that the recitation of the 11 Djawharatul-l-kamal is authentic and that the recitation
of the 12 Djawharatul-l-kamal is an innovation, which goes beyond his role of Muqaddam.
In fact, any muqaddam, khalife or even descendant of Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased
with him and sanctify his precious secret), depends entirely on Seyyidina and their role is only
to represent him, to serve him, and to follow his teachings.
Imam Sukeyrj (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: « In the Tariqa Ahmediya Tidjaniya,
whatever particular degree a muqaddam may have attained, he is but a representative of
Seyyidina and has no other specific distinction.» (Rafa’ Niqab)
Considering Seyyidina’s unique spiritual station, how could this be otherwise? Seyyidina
(may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) said:
« My station with ALLAH in the hereafter is such that no other Awliya (Saints) can
attain it, and whether he is of great or small worth, nobody can even approach it.
Among the Awliya (Saints/plural of Wali), after the time of the companions (of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)) and until the trumpet is blown, not a single
one will be able to attain our station.” (Rimah)
Once, Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) asked
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) what was the reason for all the merits and the
blessings contained in this path, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered:
« It is because of you”. The Prophet also said: “You are the door to success for all the
disobedient that are connected to you.” (Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani)
As Sheikh Omar Foutiyou (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said so well: “The merit that is
granted to those who follow relies entirely on the merit that is held by he who is followed.”
Therefore, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his
precious secret) alone is entitled to confirm whether there is innovation or not. We remind you
that the modification from 11 to 12 times was made during Seyyidina’s lifetime (may ALLAH
be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret), about a year before his passing. During
this time, the Wazifa was recited with 12 Djawharatul-l-kamal.

After his death, every official « Sheikh Zawiya » and Imam that were appointed at the great
zawiya of Fes continued to practice exactly as had Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) during his lifetime. The companions never
asked why the recitation had been modified from 11 to 12 because they were just emulating

Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret)’s deeds,
exactly as he had performed them himself.
This leads to another opinion:
2. This opinion upholds that the 12 recitations are valid, and that the 11 recitations had been
abolished and therefore no longer valid. Several eminent scholars of the Tariqa uphold this
opinion among whom the well-known and reputed Master of the Tariqa, scholar from the
Mosque of Qarawiyyine, Sheikh Idriss El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH have mercy upon him) who
was one of the Sheikh and Imam of the Zawiya el Kubra in Fes.
Among the arguments put forward, Sheikh Idriss El ‘Iraqi (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
said he was in possession of a diploma drawn up and signed by Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) in which the necessity to recite 12 Djawharatul-l-kamaland
not 11 was mentioned. Sidi Hajj Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was
officially nominated by Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his
precious secret) as his successor at the head of the Tariqa Tidjaniya, and tutor for his two
noble children. He was unanimously recognized as the Pole (Qutb), his merits are recognized,
and there is no need to linger upon the depth of his excellence.
Among the arguments that confirms this abolition without ambiguity is the unanimous
practice of the great companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him and sanctify his precious secret) and pillars of this Tariqa, such as Mulay Mohamed ben
Abi Nasr el Alawi, Sidi Hajj Abdelwahhab ibn El Ahmar, Sidi Mohamed El Ghali, Sidi Taïeb
Sefiani, Sidi Ibrahim Riyahi (may ALLAH be pleased with them).
Thus, all of Seyyidina’s companions (may ALLAH be pleased with them) that outlived him,
his two noble children, all of the Muqaddam who were appointed by Seyyidina (may ALLAH
be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) or by one of his great companions, all of
the great renowned scholars of the Tariqa that came after the companions, from that time until
now, have unanimously agreed that, towards the end of his life, Seyyidina (may ALLAH be
pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) replaced the 11 recitations by 12.
All of them followed and accomplished his teachings, with the exception of the mysterious
Muqaddam from Tuwat who had affirmed the contrary. None of them objected to the fact that
11 recitations are mentioned in the Djawahiru-l-Ma’ani because they all knew that Seyyidina
had replaced the 11 recitations by 12, and had followed as usual.
Even if the information given by this mysterious Muqaddam of Tuwat concerning the 11
recitations was authentic, there is no doubt that the information concerning the 12 recitations
is also authentic. In this case of two authentic and opposing sources, as is sometimes the case
regarding prophetic words, the rule is to opt for the more authentic of the two. In this case, on
the one hand, there is hearsay from a person who did not frequent Seyyidina (may ALLAH be
pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) and did not know him, and on the other
hand, thousands of well-known and undeniable sources of whom Seyyidina’s own children,
the elite of the elite of his companions and the highest scholars of the Tariqa.
It is an easy choice for anyone who is not blinded by passion and who seeks only the truth.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the other muqaddam who had been authorized by Sidi
Tahar Bouteyba (may ALLAH be pleased with him) from Tlemcen, all accomplish the
recitation of 12 Djawharatul-l-kamal contrary to our mysterious Muqaddam from Tuwat
who would have received the 11 recitations from the same companion.

Last but not least is the uninterrupted chain of Shouyoukh and Imam nominated in the Zawiya
el Kubra of Fes, since the time of Seyyidina’s passing (may ALLAH be pleased with him and
sanctify his precious secret), who are in charge of perpetuating the work and the authentic

teaching of Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret)
such as it was at the time of his death.
This is the chain of guardians who have prevented innovation, which sometimes occurred in
remote areas. Thus, the Zawiya Tidjaniya el kubra of Fes has always been a reference of
authenticity for numerous scholars. Indeed, the chains of guardians are the particularity of our
noble religion, which covers all fields of knowledge, and which guarantee the authenticity of
Firstly, here is the lineage of the Imams:
- From the construction of the Zawiya in 1215 of the hegira until his death in 1230, Seyyidina
(may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) led the prayers.
- Then, the majestic Sherif Sidi Tayeb Wadghiry, otherwise known as Sefiani, led the prayers
until his death in 1259 of the hegira.
- Then Sherif Mulay Tahar, son of the great knower Mulay Muhammad ben Abi Nasr El
Alawi led the prayers until 1300 of the hegira.
- Then Ahmed ibn Ahmed Kala Bannani led the prayers until 1306 of the hegira.
- Then Hajj AbdSalam Kanun led the prayers until 1326 of the hegira.
- Then Sherif Ahmed Khayyat led the prayers until 1365 of the hegira.
- Then Sheikh Idriss El Iraqi (May ALLAH have mercy upon him) led the prayers until he
resigned for personal reasons.
Secondly, here is the chain of the Shuyukh of the Zawiya el Kubra of Fes:

Machayikh de la Zaouiya El Koubra de Fès :

After Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious
secret), Sidi Abu Ya’za, son of Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim was nominated until his death in 1273
of the hegira
- Then Mulay Tahar El Alawi was nominated until his death in 1300 of the hegira
- Then, Sidi Ghali, son of Sidi Musa ibn Mazuz, was nominated until his death in 1316 of the
- Then, Sidi Mulay Tayeb, son of Sidi Ahmed, son of Sidi Tayeb Sefiani, was nominated until
his death in 1357 of the hegira.
- Then Mulay Ghali Sefiani was nominated until his death in the month of Rajab in 1367 of
the hegira
- Then Sheikh Idriss El Iraqi (May ALLAH have mercy upon him) was nominated until he
resigned for personal reasons.
This function is now assumed by Seyyidina’s descendants (may ALLAH be pleased with

3. The last opinion -- which is the one which we personally uphold- maintains the authenticity
of 12 recitations, but does not invalidate the 11 recitations and tolerate this.

This opinion is instigated in order to avoid the marginalisation of a part of our brothers on the
path and in order to appease untoward tension and conflict that had arisen between disciples
of this same path. In fact, it is the least harmful option. Indeed, this discrepancy between 11
and 12 recitations does not, under any circumstances, justify the violation of the sacred
character of a Muslim.
Given that, on the one hand, the 11 recitations had indeed been performed in the Tariqa at
some time, and that on the other hand, even though it was due to a lack of information, some
people thought that they should performed 11 recitations in order to prove their conformity to
the teaching of the path, because of this intention it is preferable to tolerate the
accomplishment of the 11 recitations. Having said this, this point of view is not an invitation
to choose indifferently between the 11 and the 12 recitations, because the disciple is duty-
bound to learn on the path in order to follow the most authentic instructions.
In addition, the sole concern of the educated disciple is not to take a partial position relying on
his own choice, that is to say thinking that if he chooses to perform 11 recitations, this would
show his support for Sheikh Hamahullah (may ALLAH be pleased with him), and on the
contrary, by performing 12 recitations, he would be opposing him. This kind of attitude is
incompatible with the pure teaching of this prophetic path. For us, there is no doubt that by
reverting to the practice of the 11 recitations, the only concern of Sheikh Hamahullah (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) was to comply with what he thought to be the most authentic at
that time, according to the mysterious muqaddam of Tuwat. He would not have hesitated to
change his point of view today and to revert to the 12 recitations if he had come to know that
this was the last deed of his beloved Master Seyyidina (may ALLAH be pleased with him and
sanctify his precious secret) before his death.
He was not following a blind passion dominated by the need to be right. In fact, his only
concern was to be as faithful as possible to he who had been chosen to be the custodian of this
blessed Tariqa Ahmediya, our Master the Hidden Pole, holder of the unequalled station
unreachable by any Wali (Saint person) until the end of Time, Seyyidina (may ALLAH be
pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret).
Unfortunately, these days, few people have a sincere love towards Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH be pleased with him and sanctify his precious secret) so much so that they have
no hesitation in happily complying with his teaching without allowing pride, partiality,
arrogance, tribal customs and other aberrations to intrude, which has nothing to do with the
teachings of the great masters such as Sheikh Hamahullah (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), nor with those who want to travel towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted).
Dear brother, I hope to have been as clear as possible, receive our greetings and we remind
you that you may contact us at any time for any questions.
Text of Zawiya Tidjaniya El Kubra of Europe, in Lyon, France


Why did Shaikh Ahmed Tidjani, may ALLAH be pleased with him,
advise us to recite Surat el Fatiha in this way: the "Basmala" linked
with Surat el Fatiha?

Question: Why did Shaikh Ahmed Tidjani, may ALLAH be pleased with him, Advised us to recite Surat el Fatiha
in this way: the "Basmala" linked with Surat el Fatiha?
The following Hadith Qudsi is one of the reasons why our beloved Master Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) advised us to read it this way:
Abu Bakr As Sadiq (may ALLAH be satisfied with him) related:
“By ALLAH The Most High, Muhammad al Mustafa related to me:
By ALLAH The Most High, Jibril (peace be upon him) related to me:
By ALLAH The Most High, Israfil (peace be upon him) related to me:
ALLAH, may HE be exalted, said: “ O Israfil, by MY ALMIGHTY POWER, MY
MAJESTY, MY GENEROSITY and MY NOBLENESS, he who recites: “In the Name
of ALLAH, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” immediately followed by the
Fatiha of The Book one single time, bear witness that I have forgiven him, that I have
accepted his good deeds and rejected his bad deeds. I will not burn his tongue in the fire,
I will protect him from the chastisement of Hell, from the chastisement of Resurrection
and from the great fear. He will meet with Me before the Prophets and the Saints!””
So we read it as it is pronounced in the following audio files: audio1 -
during obligatory and non-obligatory prayers (Salat), and when accomplishing lazim, wazifa,
hadra, etc...
Note: For example, if a person leads the congregational prayer and knows that linking
the "Basmala" with the Fatiha could be a cause of argument, then of course avoiding any
polemic is preferable and so in such circumstances we do not link them with one another.

Why do you spread a white sheet (cloth) in the middle of your

gathering for the evocation (sitting for the wazifa)? What do you
reply to people who says this practice is a bid’a (innovation)?

Question : Why do you spread a white sheet (cloth) in the middle of your gathering for the evocation (sitting
for the wazifa)? What do you reply to people who says spreading white cloth is a bid’a (innovation)?
Answer :
The reason for this cloth during the recitation of the wazifa in congregation is that before the
blessed zawiya of Fes was built, the zikr assembly took place in a corridor in the house of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). Because many people

used this corridor, in order to guarantee the purity of the place, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to put a cloth upon which he and his
companions would sit.

Subsquently, this custom was maintain, even after the construction of the blessed Zawiya, and
became a meritorious act during the recitation in congregation. It is not a condition of validity:
that is to say whether we put a cloth or not has no consequences on the validity of the zikr.
Laying a cloth also symbolizes honouring the presence of the angels by putting that which
brings additional purity and, for the Tidjani disciple, it also honours the presence of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the four Caliphs (may ALLAH be pleased to
them) because he believes that at the seventh bead (of the recitation of the Djawharatou-l-
Kamel), their spirits are present, by the grace of Divine Power.
The honorific gesture of laying a cloth was performing by the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) and his companions (may ALLAH be pleased to them). Indeed, it is a fact that the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) spread out his noble “rida” (the cloth used to cover
the upper part of the body) for his “milk sister”, Shayma, when she came to visit him. In the
same wayt, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did the same thing for Dahiya El
Kelbi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) when he came in search of Islam.
It is also a fact that Abu Bakr Siddiq (may ALLAH be pleased with him) spread out a cloth
for the angels as is related by Sha’rani in the book “AhoudMohamediyya”. He also
recounted in the book “Tanbiyh El Moughtarine” that Ibrahim ibn Adham (may ALLAH be
pleased with him) said: “It has been said that ‘Othman ibn Affan (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) used to spread out his “rida” outside the door of the toilet: “Please sit here until I
return (talking the scribe angels).””
Thus, spreading a cloth (sheet) to honour the presence of pure and noble beings, such as
angels who attend these circles of evocations is not reprehensible, neither from the logical
point of view, nor from the point of the Law, as it is related by Muslim that, according to Abu
Hurayrah (may ALLAH be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
said (or words to that effect): “ALLAH has roaming angels of great merit. They are
constantly searchingforcircles evoking God. As soon as they find a gathering where God
is evoked, they sit down with them.”
However, are the people who claim to be disturbed, really worried about innovation or is it
sickness of the heart that leads them to reject without trying to understand. They should
meditate the words of Imam Shafi’i (may ALLAH be pleased with him) who said rejection or
opposition without profound knowledge is a form of association (Shirk).”
If they are truly sincere, then why do they worry about a cloth being spread out during a
meritorious act and not about the carpets and mats upon which they pray during the obligatory
prayers, when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself and his companions
(may ALLAH be pleased with them) performed their prayers on the bare earth directly on the
ground and explained that it was preferable, saying (or words to that effect): “The
worshipper is never more loved by God than when He sees him prostrated with his face
to the earth (on the ground).”(Related by Tabarani in Mou’jam El Aousat according to
Houdheyfa (may ALLAH be pleased with them).
In the same way, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reprimanded a servant who
did not want to put his forehead on the ground.
Actually, Oum Salama (may ALLAH be pleased with her) declared: « The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) saw one of our servants by the name of Aflah sighing during the
prostration and said to him: “O Aflah, may your face be covered with earth!” (Reported by
Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban) For this reason, in the Shiite school of Law, it is preferable to

prostrate on material of natural origin such as stones, and so they would be justified in saying
of us (Sunni people) that we innovate when we prostrate on mats and carpets.

In addition, why do they not question the tradition of changing the cover of the Ka’ba,
because Ibn Ishaq mentioned that the Ka’ba had first been covered during the pre-Islamic
period (Jahiliya) by Toubbaa, As’ad el Himyari who had dreamt that he should covered it.
And so he covered it with leather. Later, he dreamt that he should cover it with a red, striped,
Yemenite (Akhbar Makkah d’Al Azraki) cloth. Following the conquest of Mecca, the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not change the cloth of the Ka’ba, leaving it as
it was, but a woman accidently burnt it with incense and this is the only for which he covered
it with a Yemenite cloth. Later, the Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (may ALLAH be
pleased with them) covered it with Kibati (a thin white cloth).
It is said that, twice a year, Mu’awiya used to cover the Ka’ba. On the day of ‘Achura, he
covered it with an embroidered cloth and at the end of Ramadan, with Kibati. Over the course
of time, the Ka’ba has been covered with white, green and black cloth and this is still the case
today. In fact, King Saoud ibn Abdou-l-Aziz implemented the creation of a special institution
in charge of the cover for the Ka’ba, worthy of its honourable status, and a factory was built
for this purpose, although there is no prophetic recommendation on this subject.
Consequently, those who want to criticize and judge should be very careful not to be
themselves criticisable and reprehensible regarding this issue, because the Law (Shari’a) has
rules that each and every one must respect in order not to judge and condemn according to
their own unhealthy inclinations and before using words such as “innovation” they should
know the meaning, implications and consequences of this. No need to elaborate on this
subject, this is amply sufficient for anybody endowed with understanding.

What is the Faydu? Did Sheikh Tidjani talk about this?

What should we believe, and who is concerned?

Question : What is the Faydu? Did Sheikh Tidjani talk about this? What should we
believe, and who is concerned?
Answer :
Fayda refers to an arabic term signifying « outpouring». In spiritual terms, this refers to a
spiritual over-abundance. With regards to the Tariqa Tidjaniya, and specifically in Sub-
Saharan Africa, this term is often used to refer to one or several particular people.
In order to understand the meaning of the Tidjani Faydu, we need to know that this had been
mentioned in El Ifadatou-l-Ahmediya by Sidi Tayeb Sefiani (may ALLAH be pleased with
him) where Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “The
Fayda will come upon my companions and then people will enter our Tariqa by
successive waves (in multitudes) and this outpouring will occur when people will be in
the most difficult and tight situations.”
On this, Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) commented: “By this spiritual
outpouring, he meant that many of his companions will receive the spiritual opening and this
time is not far away.”

Most of the scholars of the Tariqa commented that this Fayda represents a period of great
expansion of the Tariqa, when others considers that this refers to a specific person.

Those who affirm that this refers to a specific person are alluding to the person who is the
specific intermediary between the station of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) and all creatures – as is mentioned in the Kachfu el Hijab regarding the
life story of Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) - who was indeed this
“Referring to one of his greatest blessing, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret) said: “Nothing will come from me if not trough the intermediary of
Sidi Hajj Ali Harazim.”
Certain people endowed with insight (basira) as well as all those people and companions who
had tasted the secret of the Tariqa said that belief in this was valid as much during his
lifetime as after his death.
Consequently, it may be thought that the continuous help of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret), whether in general or in particular, may only be received through the
intermediary of Sidi Ali Harazim (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and that the latter
represents Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) in both the
visible and invisible worlds, after his death.

However, there is no reason why he should not be replaced in his role. ALLAH only knows.
We should have full faith in both of them and know that we can only benefit by taking into
consideration both the first invisible intermediary (Seyyidina) and the second, or any other
who would take his place, having been appointed by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH
sanctify his precious secret). The grace of ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted) is immense
and He alone knows.”
In fact, even in this particular case, the aim is not to find or no the Faydu, the aim is to find
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) through love, preferring
him to no other. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “He who knows me,
should know me alone.”
If the Faydu represents the specific intermediary in the irrigation of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), his aim is not to be known and followed but
uniquely to make known Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious
secret), and to encourage love for him, entirely effacing himself in front of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). In the same way, he is not there to have a
reputation and to have disciples, because his function concerns everybody and he is in the
service of everyone.
Likewise, it is not possible or admissible for any Tidjani disciple to think that a Faydu (a
special intermediary of the irrigation) could equal or surpass the degree of Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) or that his teaching could be the only valid
teaching within the Tariqa Tidjaniya, or that only those who have been affiliated through him
could attain Knowledge and be considered as true disciples of the Tidjaniya.
This is according to the teachings of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his
precious secret), the people of spiritual opening among his companions, his Caliphs among
his descendants and the scholars and the elite of the Tariqa Tidjaniya. Certain specificities
regarding certain elite, concerning the irrigation and education within this path are granted but
this is an integral part of Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) authentic
representation as well as a confirmation of what he received from the Prophet (peace and

blessings be upon him).

The specific status of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret)
and the Tariqa Tidjaniya compared with other spiritual paths is similar to that of Islam
compared with the religionsthat preceded it.
Thus, this Tariqa is one, and should remain so. In fact, it is not permissible to change one
single condition, to add or remove anything from the essential litanies. After Seyyidina
Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), nobody has the right or the
authority to modify it.
In the same way, for this reason, the term “branch” is not suitable, although this would be
possible in other spiritual paths, because the only aim of all Tidjani practitioners is to conform
as perfectly as possible with the teachings of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify
his precious secret). Thus, there is no reason to change the name of the Tariqa Tidjaniya,
adding the name of another person, whatever his worth, because this is purely, simply and
exclusively the Tariqa Tidjaniya.
Any Muqaddam, Caliph or descendant of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani depend entirely on him
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and their only role is to represent him and to be in
his service. Imam Soukeïrij (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: “Whatever particular
degree the Muqaddam in this Tariqa Ahmediyya Tidjaniya may have attained, he is but
a representative of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret),
and has no particular distinction apart from that.” (Rafa’ niqab)
How could it be otherwise, considering his unique spiritual station? Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “My station with ALLAH in the Hereafter
is unattainable by any Awliya (Saints) and no person, whether they worth is great or
small, can even approach it. Among all the Awliya, from the time of the companions
until the Day when the trumpet will be blown, no one is able to reach our
station. (Rimah)”
And thus, you will understand that we cannot disclaim whosoever believes that the Faydu
mentioned by Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) is a
person and thinks that we are talking about Sheikh Umar Futiyu or Sheikh Muhammad El
Hafidh Shinguiti or Sheikh Ibrahim Niass (may ALLAH be pleased with them) any other
virtuous person who was the cause of great irrigation within the Tariqa Tidjaniya. However,
this is a personal opinion and should not be a reason for division between disciples. This does
not change the evolution of the noble Tariqa, because everything comes from and depends on
the irrigation of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).


Question: Is it true that Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani said that all those who
see him on Mondays and Fridays will enter Paradise?
Question: Is it True that Sheikh Ahmed Tidjani ‫ رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻨﻪ‬said that All those who see him
‫ رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻨﮫ‬on Mondays and Fridays will enter Paradise?

Yes indeed, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (May Allah sanctify his precious secret) received
this immense grace directly from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in
an awakened state. He (peace and blessings be upon him) said (or words to that

"By the Power of my Lord! On Mondays and Fridays, I do not leave you,
even for a moment, from Fajr to Maghrib; and with me there are 7 angels,
and for all those who see you during these two days, the 7 angels write
their names on a gold tablet and so, they are considered people of Paradise
and I will witness that. Busy yourselves with abundant prayers upon me
during these two days. I hear and answer every prayer you pray upon me
and so it is for each of your deeds that are exposed to me, and may Peace
be upon you."

It is reported by the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased

with him), who had reached the spiritual opening, that the particular blessing of
these two days reaches only those who had been chosen by ALLAH The All Knower
to be among the people of bliss. So only those people will see him. Even if they are
non-believers when they see him, they will die as believers.

It was reported by the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may
ALLAH be pleased with him) that a Jew was sewing clothes for Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Some companions sat next to the Jew and
began discussing amongst themselves the immense blessing of the vision of
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) during these two days.
They did not notice, but the Jew had heard all their discussion. The Jewish tailor
made sure he finished his sewing on one of the two days, Monday or Friday. He
sought permission to show his work to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be
pleased with him), saying that he wanted to obtain dua from Seyyidina Ahmed
Tidjani (may ALLAH be pleased with him). Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah
sanctify his precious secret) was consulted about the request and he accepted. So
the tailor entered and sat down beside him, looking at his face for a long time, and
said to him, "O Sidi! I looked at your face on this day!"
Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah sanctify his precious secret) made dua on his
behalf. After Seidina's death (may Allah sanctify his precious secret), it turned out
that the tailor converted to Islam and that he died a Muslim.


On the other hand, it does not mean that the non-believers who saw him will enter
Paradise if they died as non-believers. The author of Rimah related: ""A sultan visited
the tomb of Abu Yazid Bistami (may Allah be pleased with him) and asked: "Is there
anyone who met and knew Abu Yazid?" An elderly man who was present nearby was
pointed out and the Sultan asked him: "Did you hear some of his words?" He replied:
"Yes, indeed, he said: "He who saw me, hellfire will not touch him."" The Sultan was
astonished and said to him: "How could Abu Yazid say that when Abu Jahal saw the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and yet the fire will burn him?» This
sheikh explained to the Sultan: "Abu Jahal did not see the Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings be upon him), he saw the orphan of Abu Taleb, if he had seen the
Messenger of Allah (may prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) the fire would not
have burned him." The Sultan was amazed again by his answer.
So, in fact, Abu Jahal did not see Seyyidina Muhammad (may peace and blessings be
upon him) with respect, honour and the belief that he is the Messenger of Allah (may
peace and blessings be upon him). If he had seen him with that gaze, the fire would
not have burned him. Rather, he looked at him with contempt and the belief that he
(peace and blessings be upon him) was the orphan of Abu Taleb and so this vision
was of no benefit to him.

Therefore, the blessing of the vision has two conditions:

- The first is to believe in it
- The second is sincere love
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "You will be with the one
you loved" and certainly sincere love gives the one who loves the desire to follow.

He who does not fulfill these two conditions, will not be able to benefit from this
vision, just as unbelievers did not benefit from seeing the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him).
This vision is part of the divine blessings. ALLAH said: "[all] bounty is in the hand
of ALLAH; He gives it to whom He wills. And ALLAH is the possessor of
great bounty" (S57, v29)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Awliya are the ones
who when they are seen, ALLAH is mentioned" (Reported by El Hakim Tirmidhi
according to Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him).
ALLAH said: "Remember me, I will remember you."
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked: "Who are the Awliya? He
replied: "The Awliya are the ones who when they are seen, ALLAH is
mentioned. "(Reported by El Bazzar and the reporters are trustworthy, and
reported by Abu Nouaim according to Saad ibn Abi Waqqas - may Allah be pleased
with him).
Seeing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is one of the greatest
blessings and so is seeing those who have seen him, such as Seidina Ahmed Tidjani
(may Allah sanctify his precious secret) who saw him in an awakened state. Indeed,

the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Blessed are those who have seen me and believed
in me and blessed are those who have seen those who have seen me."
(Reported by Ahmed and others.)

The Prophet (PBUH) also said (or words to that effect): "Blessed is he who has
seen me and believed in me, and blessed is he who has seen whoever has
seen me and also blessed is he who has seen whoever has seen him who
has seen me and believed in me, what a blessing." (Tabarani, El Hakem
according to Abdallah ibn Bosr (may Allah be pleased with him) - authentic-SAHIH)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The fire will not touch a
Muslim who has seen me or who has seen whoever has seen me." (Reported
by Tirmidhi in his Sunan and Dhiya El Maqdasi with an authentic chain). The pious
ancestors (Salaf Salih) would understand this hadith literally and they certainly hoped
for this blessing, indeed Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I saw Jabir."
And Musa said, "I saw Talha." And Yahya said: "Musa told me: "You saw me and we
have hope in ALLAH."


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