Kunerth and Mosley, 2011 Pg. 19-26)

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It is also notable that talent management makes all the employee levels to get focused on driving the
revenue which will lead to employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and improvement in their
performance and reduced absenteeism hence contributing to organizational success. Other organization
also make the use of talent management in order to help them in employee engagement and this has
been proofed to work in most of the organizations (Kunerth and Mosley, 2011 pg. 19-26). Talent
management also impacts on the employees by making them to feel rewarded by the organization and
hence they get satisfied and contented and they also get more engaged with the organization.

Employees are expected to be enthusiastic on the task assigned to them. When employees feel that
they are appreciated and valued there is an overall improvement on the employee’s contribution to the
organizational objectives and goals. Talented employees who are recognized by the organization feel
motivated and valued. They also feel that they belong in the environment work setting and in most
cases they fully commit themselves to organizational objectives without the need for supervision
(Thunnissen et al., 2013). Furthermore, talent management also acts as a guide that improves
employees focus on revenue generation. Consequently, the result of this is better employee
engagement, improved

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