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Martha Silva Vigo
That’s too late That’s past my
for me bedtime.

Great Perfect

Music in a Live music


What are you What’s up?


I like that better That’s more my


I don’t like that

That’s not for
See you at 7:15ª.m

El Cultural is at 125 Venezuela Ave.

I have lunch at noon.

We dance at night.

The witch comes at midnight.

Let’s meet at work.

The children play at school.

My mom is at home.

He is at the hospital.
He lives in Peru.

They are in Cuzco.

Angra’s birthday is in November.

Call me anytime, in the morning or in
the afternoon or in the evening.

I traveled to Long Beach in 2005.

They play in the bedroom.

We have an exam on Friday.

Children go trick or treat on


Christmas is on December
El Cultural is on Venezuela Ave.

The clothing store is on the

second floor.
A movie A play A concert

A talk
An art exhibit
A: Hi, Marlon! Are you free on Saturday? There
is a concert at Real Plaza
B: Really! What time is the concert?
A: Well, It’s at 10:30p.m. Would you like to go?
B: What kind of concert is it?
A: It’s a rock concert.
B: Definitely! That’s more my style. See you on
A: What kind of concert is it?
B: It’s a rock concert.
A: Sorry; I’m crazy about rock, but that’s past my
B: That’s too bad. Maybe another time.
On Clark Street

Down the street

Across the street

around the corner

On the corner of
Smith and Mark

On the right side of

the street.
On the left side of
the street.

Between King
street and South
Is music important in your life?

Yes, it is. I’m really into

music. It’s relaxing.

Of course! I’m a 80 rock


Not at all. Music is not important, I

don’t have time to listen to music.
Genre ( adv) Kind, sort of

Salsa is a nice musical genre

that latinos like to listen.

Awesome ( adj.) Great, excellent, terrific

listen to english music is awesome.

Oldies Pop songs from the past

My grandfather likes to listen to oldies.

commute Go home or work by bus

I listen to music while I commute.

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