Studies For The Young Learner Are Chock-Full of Ideas, Sources of Materials, and Information About Contemporary Topics

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IASCE – The International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education.

This organization is a true cooperative

learning network. Members and a tiny staff coordinate their newsletter and conferences. Their conferences are scheduled
over parts of the world where there are communities of educators studying cooperative learning, K-12 and in higher
education. In 2013 the conference was in England, and in 2014 will be in Denmark, and so-on.
IRA –The International Reading Association focusses on literacy, K-12 and beyond. This is the venerable organization in 
this critical area. Its publications and concept papers are highly influential, and its conferences bring together the leading
scholar/practitioners from across the world.

The National Council for the Social Studies – Another K-12 organization. Its journals, Social Education and Social
Studies for the Young Learner are chock-full of ideas, sources of materials, and information about contemporary topics.
Middle and High School teachers of any subject will find the ideas and materials useful. Think about using the study of
maps and globes to teach algebra and the study of public utilities to teach chemistry, physics, and biology. For many
years, NCSS has worked to improve the quality and range of tradebooks nd multimedia resources for students.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics – Here again a rich source of ideas, materials, and networking
possibilities. The range is from Teaching Children Mathematics and The Arithmetic Teacher to ways of designing the
most advanced high school courses.
National Science Teachers Association – As above. This organization serves K-12 teachers in all the sciences. The
Science Teacher feeds ideas and sources of materials for all levels. NSTA’s list of best children’s books in science is an
exceptionally fine resource not only for elementary teachers and students but for middle and high school students of
modest reading ability. You will find heaps of information about science in books directed at young students–trust us on
BSCS  — The Biological Curriculum Study provides curriculum development, extensive professional development
opportunities, and excellent networking opportunities. This organization has had a major impact on research on science
teaching and curriculum. Its high standards and models of teaching improved teaching and curriculum for decades before
the CCSS were developed. In our view, BSCS is always ahead of the curve.

ASCD – Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development – is a very large organization many of whose
members are school district speaialists in curriculum and instruction. It offers a large range of supports in publications,
videos, and, recently through distance courses, chiefly online ones.

Obtain a copy of the following elements of the curriculum intent of a specific school. Analyze the
relationship among these elements.

The USHS, being a science high school, is heavily leaning towards teaching their students the rudiments and
essential components of conducting research, and how this knowledge is applied in their annual activities. The
relationship among the aims, goals, and objectives are depicted in this manner.

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