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Seniors’ Section

6 July 2020

John Brydon ( (Captain) partial) Andy Hill (Chair) Paul Teanby, Ian Fowler,
Paul Enderby, Cyril Moody, Andy Watson, Mike Rands.

Item Actions
1 Welcome
Apologies for Absence: Bob Freeman, Judith Mackay (Manager)

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by those attending. All
3 Matters Arising from the Last Meeting:
All Action requirements had been completed or carried forward.
Captain and Committee Monthly ‘Actions’ Check-list reviewed, no specific actions
due to current restrictions.
 14th August will be a BBQ following competition. Details and preparations to JB
be progressed by JB should this be 11th? was 14th on prev.
4 Treasurer’s Report
MR reported a balance of £2876 (including Seniors’ Open money). Charity Fund MR
stands at £1138.50, a £500 donation to Lions has already been made.

5 Captain’s Report JB
Not available at present
Competition Programme
The following weeks and general new calendar were discussed.
1. Next eight weeks (July - August):
6  Tues 7th July - Monthly Medal – Individual Stableford (qualifier)
 Tues 14th July - Individual Stableford (non-qualifier)
 Tues 21st July – Individual Stapleford, Summer Trophy (2).
 Tues 28th July – Trail Poke Trophy
 Tues 4th August – 65 Trophy and Summer Trophy (3).
 Tuesday 11th August – AM – AM
 Tuesday 18th and 19th Seniors club championship. (tbc i/c Judith) Medal. IF/AH

 Tuesday 25th August - Seniors Open

7 Website and Media

IF keeping up to date, minutes now viewable on web due to Covid-19 restriction. IF
8 Seniors Open
PE advised that we were on track although we needed some more players which will PE
hopefully come from WWGC. CM confirmed Halfway House arrangements had been
agreed with Wardle’s Butchers. CM kindly offered to man the halfway house for the CM
duration. Staffing of event to be discussed at next meeting on 3rd August.
PT will source raffle prizes nearer date once final figures confirmed. PT
9 Social Events
BBQ as above, no further progress to date. JB
10 Secretary’s Report
Ongoing, no problems.
11 Membership Report
Paul gave an update on current membership and new members, and distributed a PT
list of new members, Capt. to welcome via web site. Current membership stands at
12 Welfare report
Discussed and also that a card of condolence be sent to bereaved member’s families
in all cases form the section, Captain or nominated member to attend funeral.
Constitution to be amended to reflect this. AH
13 Items from Club Manager/JM
Nothing to report, see regular email updates re Corvid restrictions.. JM
14 AOB
 PE raised that the Monthly medal should be announced for what it actually is,
either stapleford or medal as this was causing confusion. All agreed.

Date of Next Meeting: MONDAY 3rd August 8.30am.

Constitution .pdf

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