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Positive and Negative Statements

1. Positive statements : We use this to talk about things

that are true.

Examples: He is my friend.
Rajesh came home early yesterday.
2. Negative statements : We use this to talk about
things that are not true. We use the word ‘NOT’.

Examples: He is not my friend.

Rajesh did not come home early yesterday.

3. For the verb to be ( am, is, are, was, were, )

We add NOT only after the main verb.

Examples: Yasmin is not playing the flute.

The rabbits were not in the cage.

4. For other verbs, we use the verb to do ( do, does,

did) and not before the main verb.

Examples: I do not know the answer.

Mei Yin did not go to school yesterday.

Check youself 1
1. I do not know how to speak French.
2. I not know how to speak French.
3. We did not go to school yesterday
4. We not go to school yesterday.
5. Priya did not used the phone.
6. Priya did not use the phone.
7. The students did not understood the lesson.
8. The students did not understand the lesson.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words


1. Jason _is not__ (not be ) the tallest boy in the class.

2. I do not (not have) to see the dentist tomorrow.
3. This monkey_is__(to be) bigger than that one.
4. He did not_(not take) many photographs at the party.
5. This soap powder_makes_(make) the clothes very
6. He did not_(not buy) any bread because the bakery
was closed.
7. I told her my name yesterday, but she does not_(not
remember) it.
8. We were_(to be) asleep when the robber broke into
our house.

Change these negative statements into positive


1. I cannot teach you how to play congkak.

2. He was not happy to win second prize.

3. They are not in the library reading some books.

4. I am not going to watch a movie tomorrow.

5. She did not return the book that she borrowed.

6. The children do not like to eat porridge for breakfast.

7. The newspaper vendor did not deliver the newspaper


8. Laila is not afraid to talk to people she does not


Change these positive statements into negative

1. It rained heavily last night.

2. Marni peeped through the keyhole.

3. They use chopsticks to eat noodles.

4. The doctor wears a long white coat.

5. Indran and Pandian are Chandran’s cousins.

6. My mother is baking a cake for my birthday.

7. He is very good at playing chess and draughts.

8. I lost my purse in the shopping complex yesterday.

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