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Running head: PRODUCT LABELS 1

Product Labels


Institutional Affiliation

Results from Interview Questions

1) Are GMOs bad for your health? Why?

70% (n=7) of the respondents indicated that GMOs bad for human health. One of the
most cited problem is the fact that these foods are very harmful to the body since they are
produced using hormones other than the regular organically produced foods.

2) Would you pay $1 more for Non-GMO salt? Why?

80% (n=8) reported that they would not pay extra for salt labelled non-GMO because
genetic modification means that the modification of GMO foods is based on the genes,
but salt does not have genes.

3) How important is a "Cage-Free" label to you when you are shopping for chicken breast?

60% of the respondents indicated that a “Cage-Free" label is highly important as it

demonstrates that the chickens were allowed to go outside since it is their nature that they
should stay outside for a major part of the day.

4) Is "Grass-Fed" beef healthier for you? Why?

80% of the respondents believed that meat labels marked ‘grass fed’ is organic meat from
cows fed all natural grass that do not have antibiotics (Smith, 2018).

5) Do you feel safer or more confident when buying an "All Natural" product over a regular one?

70% of the respondents indicated that they would feel safer or more confident when
buying an "All Natural" product over a regular one.

6) Would you pay more for a product that is labeled antibiotic-free? Why?

90% of the respondents noted that they would pay more for a product that is labeled
antibiotic-free. The dominant response is the fact that antibiotics are majorly used to fight
infections, hence can trigger some level of resistance in some bacteria. It is also worth
noting that some bacteria are naturally resistance to some antibiotics.

7) Would you pay more for turkey that had a "No Added Hormones" label? Why?

70% of the respondents indicated that they would pay more for turkey that had a "No
Added Hormones" label. The dominant way of thinking was noted to be the fact that

hormones are added harmful are harmful to the human health and may have long term
effect such as other artificial additives and preservatives.

8) Would you pay more for eggs labeled "free range"? Why?

80% of the respondents noted that they would pay more for eggs labeled "free range".
This is belief is connected to the fact that such eggs have been produced in the most
humane manner and hence ethical for the consumers to pay an extra it if means ensuring
the healthy conditions of the birds in the farm.

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