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PERGAMON Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24

Behaviour of ordinary Portland cement during the stabilization/

solidification of synthetic heavy metal sludge: macroscopic and
microscopic aspects
J.-N. Diet at*, P. Moszkowicz a, D. Sorrentino b
aLaboratoire d’ Analyse Environnementale des Pro&d& et des Systemes Industriels (LAEPSI) - Institut National des Sciences Appliqukes de Lyon,
Bdtiment 404,20 avenue Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne Ceakx. France
bLafarge Laboratoire Central de Recherche, B.P. 15, 95 rue du Montmurier, 38291 St-Quentin Fallavier Cedex, France

Received 12 May 1997; accepted 16 January 1998


Chromium and/or zinc hydroxide sludges were mixed at variable proportions with OPC, in order to evaluate the macroscopic
and microscopic effects caused by the waste on the cement hydration process. Initial setting time, heat production during hydration,
leaching characteristics and microstructure of the samples were investigated using varied techniques. For zinc hydroxide sludge,
hydration was stopped after a few minutes, because of the precipitation of a solid hydrated phase. Since the sludge:cement ratio
remains under 2-3:1, chromium hydroxide sludge accelerated the cement hydration. For higher ratios, hydration was hindered.
Some microstructural modificatiops have been detected, such as the possible formation of a U-phase analog, related to the presence
of chromate ions in the sludge. The influence of the oxidation degree of chromium on its fixation in the matrix is discussed. 0 1998
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the annual hazardous waste production of the French

industry of mechanics (-175,000 tons), and about 1 mil-
Stabilization/solidification (S/S) technologies have lion tons for the European Union [lO,l 11. According to
first been developed to reduce waste handling and/or the recent French regulation for waste management
disposal problems (liquid, muddy or pulverulent waste, [12,13], heavy metal hydroxide sludges will have to be
mostly composed of soluble species) by their encapsula- treated by some S/S process before disposal after the 30
tion into a solid matrix as physically and/or chemically March, 1998.
stable as possible [1,2]. Research programs have often
been conducted in order to evaluate the mechanical and
leaching properties of S/S products [3-51, but the 2. Materials
understanding of physical and chemical mechanisms
involved in, e.g. cement-based processes is of more A MHS is an extremely complex system (one of our
recent interest for researchers [6-91. For instance, the recent determinations of the elementary composition of
ability of cement to hydrate normally and form a solid a MHS sample showed at least 20 components) with
and impermeable block when mixed with waste is of large variation in composition depending on where and
great importance for S/S process design. when it has been produced [ll]. For that reason we
In this study, we investigated the behaviour of OPC chose to use a laboratory-prepared synthetic sludge,
during the S/S of heavy metal hydroxide sludge (MHS), with a simple and well-known composition. Three
composed of water (65-95% w/w) and precipitated different types of sludge were prepared based on chro-
heavy metal hydroxides (Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Al). mium hydroxide, zinc hydroxide and iron, zinc and
Heavy metal hydroxide sludges represent about 20% of chromium hydroxide, using analytical grade reagents.
The chromium hydroxide sludges were obtained by
dissolving 200g of potassium dichromate in a sulfuric
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 33-4-72-43-88-41; Fax: + 33-4-72- acid solution prepared with 16Og of 98% H$04 and
43-87-1 7; e-mail: 500 mL of deionized water. Dichromate ions were totally

0956-053X/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

PII: SO956-053X(98)00003-8
18 J.-N. Diet et al.1Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24

or partially reduced into Cr3+ ions by the addition of 5cm, height: 5cm). Heat flow measurements were
610m1, (CO), 500ml (ClO) or 280mL, (CSO) of a 50% conducted according to the NF P15-436 French standard.
sodium hydrogen sulphite solution. Deionized water An adiabatic calorimeter was specifically designed fol-
was then added until the total volume reached 2.5 L. lowing the recommendations of this standard, but
The pH of the solution was raised to 8.5 with a 2OOg/L adapted to small samples of sludge and cement mixes
solution of soda in order to precipitate chromium (-30 g)*
hydroxide. The water content was finally reduced by The microstructure of solidified samples was studied
vacuum filtration. with a JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope coupled
For the zinc hydroxide sludge, 1OOg of zinc chloride with an EDAX system. Diffractograms have been made
was dissolved in a hydrochloric acid solution prepared on a Siemens 5000 Diffractometer.
by mixing 100 g of 35.5% HCl and 500 mL, of deionized Finally, a semi-dynamic leaching test was carried out on
water. The pH of the solution was raised to 9 with 200 samples that were placed in closed plastic vessels contain-
g/L soda, and the result was vacuum filtered. ing de-ionized water, without agitation, at a water:solid
The iron, zinc and chromium sludges were prepared ratio of 5:l by weight. Eight static extractions were
from two solutions. The first one contained 17 g of zinc taken by replacing leachate with new de-ionized water
dissolved in a nitric acid solution (110 g of 51% HN03 after 3, 6.5, 17, 33, 46, 68, 94 and 122h.
with 200 mL of deionized water) and 35 g of orthopho- Metal, calcium and alkali concentrations in the lea-
spheric acid 84%. The second one was made of iron chates were determined by flame atomic absorption
chloride (150 g FeC13.6H20) and 9 g of potassium spectroscopy using a Perkin-Elmer 3110 Atomic
dichromate dissolved in a sulfuric acid solution (90g of Absorption Spectrometer, and sulfate and chromate
98% H2S04 in 500 mL of deionized water). The resulting contents by ion chromatography with a Dionex 2OOOi/
solution was dechromated with 18g of 50% HNaS03. SP and an AS4A SC anion column.
The pH was raised to 8.5 with a lOOg/L suspension of
lime and the solution was vacuum filtered.
Sludge compositions are shown in Table 1. Only the 4. Results
chromium hydroxide sludges have been used in all
tests, so that they can be considered as the core of this 4.1. Initial setting time
Two different type l-Ordinary Portland Cements, Table 4 shows the initial setting times determined for
compositions of which are shown in Table 2, were mixed different samples. Results depend on the nature of the
with the sludges, without any water or sand addition. treated sludge. The chromium hydroxide sludge tends to
The pastes were placed into closed cylindrical plastic accelerate cement setting. This can be partly associated
molds, and cured without any supplementary precau- with the high sulfate content of the sludge.
tions for samples 1-12, or moist cured at room tem- The zinc hydroxide sludge has two opposite effects:
perature for samples OA, OB and 13 to 34, for at least 28 cement B is largely accelerated, while for cement A
days. The nature of the mixes is shown in Table 3. no setting had been detected after 80 days. As the
main difference between the two cements is their C3A
content, it is possible that zinc accelerates the cal-
3. Experimental cium aluminate hydration, while it has a harmful
effect on silicate hydration, as was suggested by
Two parameters were selected in order to follow the Arliguie [14].
hydration progress of the samples: the initial setting time The effect of the mixed hydroxides sludges (FCZl,
and the heat flow during cement hydration. Initial setting FCZ2 and FCZ3) depends on the sludge cement ratio
times were measured using a Vicat apparatus as described (Fig. 1). Below a ratio of 1:l by weight, the cement set-
in CEN 196-3 European standard, on mixes of sludge ting time was slightly reduced. On the other hand,
and cement placed in cylindrical plastic molds (diameter: beyond this value, setting was greatly delayed.
Table 1
Sludges composition (wt%)
Sludge Na K Cr Fe Zn Ca SO4 Cl HP04 NO3 Hz0

FCZl 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.82 0.46 2.14 1.72 0.54 0.57 1.08 88.10
FCZ2 0.04 0.03 0.09 1.45 0.75 2.62 4.91 6.06 _ 1.05 77.50
FCZ3 0.03 0.03 0.15 2.23 1.24 3.92 6.05 1.29 1.98 0.81 71.90
co 3.55 1.42 6.68 - - - 6.89 _ _ - 70.50
c50 2.37 1.42 5.82 _ _ - 5.54 - 76.10
Z 3.91 - - _ 9.78 - _ 6.12 _ _ 74.80
J.-N. Diet et al./Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24 19

Table 2
Cements composition

Composition (wt%) Phase composition (wt%)

Cement SiOz AllO3 FezOx CaO MgO K20 NazO SO3 Ti02 Cr203 1.o.i C3S C$S C,A CdAF KzSOI Na#04 CaS04 free CaO

A 24.0 2.7 2.3 67.6 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.7 0.2 0.0 1.0 68.6 17.1 3.0 7.0 0.3 0.2 2.5 0.3
B 20.7 5.5 2.4 63.0 2.1 0.6 0.1 3.3 0.3 0.0 2.5 54.8 17.9 10.4 7.3 1.2 0.2 4.5 0.5

Table 3 Table 4
Samples composition Initial setting times

Sample Cement Sludge Sample # Cement Sludge Initial setting time (h)

# Type wt% wt% 1 A FCZ 1 1.3

2 A FCZ 1 5
OA A 71.4% H20 28.6% 3 A FCZ 1 11
OB B 71.4% H20 28.6% 4 A FCZ 1 65
1 A 64.1% FCZ 1 35.9% 5 A FCZ 2 6
2 A 47.1% FCZ 1 52.9% 6 A FCZ 2 10
3 A 30.8% FCZ 1 69.2% 7 A FCZ 2 20
4 A 22.9% FCZ 1 77.1% 8 A FCZ 2 40
5 A 61.5% FCZ 2 38.5% 9 A FCZ 3 4.5
6 A 44.4% FCZ 2 55.6% 10 A FCZ 3 18.5
7 A 28.6% FCZ 2 71.4% 11 A FCZ 3 22.7
8 A 21.1% FCZ 2 78.9% 12 A FCZ 3 24
9 A 59.0% FCZ 3 41 .O% 13 A Z > 80 days
10 A 41.9% FCZ 3 58.1% 14 B 2 1.4
11 A 26.5% FCZ 3 73.5% 16 A co 1.2
12 A 19.4% FCZ 3 80.6% 19 B co 1.5
13 A 66.7% Z 33.3% 28 A c 50 1.8
14 B 66.7% Z 33.3% 31 B c 50 1.8
15 A 66.7% co 33.3%
16 A 50.0% co 50.0%
17 A 33.3% co 66.7%
18 A 20.0% co 80.0%
to sample OA which was taken as a reference. A high
19 B 66.7% co 33.3%
20 B 50.0% co 50.0% peak was observed immediately after mixing, but no
21 B 33.3% co 66.7% exothermic reaction was detected after that. This
22 B 20.0% co 80.0% indicates an inhibition of the cement hydration, which
23 A 66.7% c IO 33.3% can be associated with the absence of setting observed
24 A 50.0% c 10 50.0%
for this sample. This result may be explained by an
25 A 33.3% c 10 66.7%
26 B 66.7% c 10 33.3% initial precipitation (responsible for the initial peak) of a
27 B 50.0% c 10 50.0% solid phase that could hinder further hydration. The
28 B 33.3% c 10 66.7% rapid setting observed with sample 14 (same sludge,
29 A 66.7% c 50 33.3% cement B) may be the consequence of the same kind of
30 A 50.0% c 50 50.0%
31 A 33.3% c 50 66.7%
32 B 66.7% c 50 33.3% The influence of sludge CO on hydration depends on
33 B 50.0% c 50 50.0% the sludge:cement ratio (Fig. 3). For low sludge con-
34 B 33.3% c 50 66.7% tents, cement hydration was weakly disturbed (samples
15), even if the main peak was accelerated. When the
sludge:cement ratio increased (samples 16-18), the
initial peak was enhanced and the main peak decreased
4.2. Heat of hydration until it disappeared. When the sludge:cement ratio was
greater than 2, normal hydration did not appear to take
This part of the study was conducted on samples OA,
13 and 15 to 18, prepared by mixing the sludges Z and 4.3. Leaching tests
CO with the cement A.
Fig. 2 shows the heat flow during cement hydration Samples 1-12 (mixed hydroxides sludge and cement
for the sample 13 (sludge Z). The thin line corresponds A) showed a good retention of metals, since the
20 J.-N. Die1 et al./ Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24




50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

sludge content (Wt %)

Fig. 1. Initial setting times for samples 1-12.



0 5 10 15 20 25
time (h)

Fig. 2. Rate of heat for zinc hydroxide sludge sample.

cumulative mass of metal extracted after 10 extractions Fig. 4. The pH seemed to be controlled by the leaching
was never more than 7% of the total content. However, of sodium and potassium hydroxides. Chromium was
leaching tests were only applied to samples 15-34, pre- mostly at the oxidation state +VI in the leachates,
pared with chromium hydroxide sludges. whatever the kind of sludge we used.
The study of the leaching kinetics of the ions con- Table 5 gives the cumulative mass of different ions,
tained in the solidified matrices can be summarized: for samples OA, OB and 15-34, extracted after 10
Non-polluted samples (OA and OB) showed an ion renewings of the leaching solution, given in percent of
leaching behaviour controlled by the flow of calcium the total content before leaching. Since the leaching
hydroxide through the sample surface. Alkali ions had behaviour of most of the studied species seems not to be
only a small influence on final pH of the leachate. only controlled by diffusion phenomena, we have cho-
Chromium concentration in the leachates of samples sen not to calculate effective diffusion coefficients [ 151.It
OA and OB was near or below the detection limit (about shows two ‘very different leaching characteristics whe-
0.1 ppm), and will be neglected hereafter. ther samples contained low (33.3%) or high (66.6%)
When sludge is added, the flow of alkali ions was levels of sludge. Indeed, the cumulative extracted mass
enhanced, whereas the calcium ions flow was reduced. was proportionally much more important for the latter
When the sludge:cement ratio was high (2:1), the pH of than for the former, particularly for CrOd’-, K+, Na+
leachates was elevated (0.6 or 0.7 pH units), as shown in and SOd2- ions. Several explanations can be found: the
J.-N. Diet et al./ Waste Management 18 11998) 17-24 21

60 ~~~ OA
----- ,5
- 18

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (h)

Fig. 3. Rate of heat for chromium hydroxide sludges samples.

Samples 17,21,25,28, 31,34

E 11,5
Samples OA,OB, 15, 19,23,26,29,32

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Cumulative leaching time (hours)

Fig. 4. pH of the leachates versus leaching time.

sludge content influenced the physical characteristics of these samples is quite uncertain. However, diffracto-
the material; these species may be involved in two or grams (Fig. 5) indicated the presence of ettringite, but
more solid phases, with different solubilities; the solid no (or very little) aluminum was detected by EDAX
phase(s) which contained these species were more solu- analysis of these needles (Fig. 6 ). The presence of sili-
ble (or unstable) when pH increased (e.g. amphoteric con indicated that this phase could be thaumasite crys-
metals). tals, Ca3Si(OH)6(S04)(C03). 12H20, which has an XRD
pattern similar to ettringite. This result fits with the
4.4. A4icrostructure characteristics of cement A, which was formulated to
produce very little ettringite, and confirms the partial
SEM observations of samples l-12 have shown typi- carbonation of the samples. Since the samples have been
cal cement solid structures, as C-S-H gel, hexagonal cured in closed plastic molds, the most likely source of
plates of portlandite or AFt-like hexagonal needles, carbonate ions is the sludge itself, which contains high
which contain variable amounts of the anions of the levels of calcium hydroxide that may have turned to
sludge. In particular, the C-S-H network often con- calcium carbonate between the time the sludge was pre-
tained a few percent of chloride or phosphate ions. The pared and the time it was mixed with cement. This is
nature of the needle-like phases frequently observed in partially confirmed by another observation: the higher
22 J.-N. Diet et al.1 Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24

the sludge:cement ratio, the greater the amount of The diffractograms of the samples containing the
“thaumasite” detected by XRD. chromium hydroxide sludge (samples 15-34) are given in
We also noticed that many samples presented Fig. 7. All samples contained ettringite, even though
numerous microcracks which were probably due to cement A does not form ettringite when mixed with
drying during sample preparation for SEM, or to an water. On the other hand, the formation of portlandite
expansive growth of thaumasite. We also noticed that was reduced, despite the dissolution of the anhydrous
portlandite formation after 28 days of curing was low- calcium silicates. Finally, other work [ 16,171 suggests
ered when sludge was present. that the peaks labelled “U-phase” in these diffractograms
Finally, we did not find any solid phase with a high
level of metal. This is in accordance with a homo-
geneous distribution of metallic species in the matrix.
The crystallographic data from samples 13 and 14,
made with the zinc hydroxide sludge, have revealed the
absence of hydration products after one month of cur-
ing, except for ettringite, which is present in small
quantities especially for the cement A. This confirmed
that the setting of sample 14 was not due to a normal
hydration of cement.

Table 5
Leaching results

% leached

Sample # Cement Sludge Slu./cem Ca Cr04 K Na SO4 (a)

_ 1.26 1 25.9 26.5 3.5
15 A co 0.5 0.7 1.5 28.3 22.5 2.3
23 A c 10 0.5 0.76 0.9 29.3 28.1 2.1
29 A c 50 0.5 0.73 1.2 29.7 23.1 1.5
17 A co 2 1.52 3.1 92.8 26.6 22.2
25 A Cl0 2 1.19 9.5 92.1 41.2 12.7
31 A c50 2 1.01 14.3 100.8 41 11.3
OB B _ _ 1.13 0.9 23.3 24.4 1.3
19 B co 0.5 0.63 1.4 22.1 17.5 1.3 c E F
R w
26 B c 10 0.5 0.67 0.4 22.9 20.6 1.3
0.000 VFS I 512 10240
32 B c 50 0.5 0.65 1.3 25.7 21 1.5
21 B co 2 0.79 2.8 89.8 27.8 14.4
28 B Cl0 2 0.68 10.5 88 41.4 13.3 04
34 B c50 2 0.68 14 96.5 41.7 12.1
Fig. 6. (a) SEM Micrograph of sample 11 (b) EDAX analysis of point 1.

Fig. 5. Diffractograms for samples OA, 5, 6, 7 and 8. P = Portlandite; A = Anhydrous Silicates; T = Thaumasite.
J.-N. Diet et al.1Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24 23


Fig. 7. Diffractograms for samples OA, 16 and 30. P = Portlandite, S = anhydrous Silicates, LJ = U-phase.

may be due to a complex hydrated sulfate phase, similar systematic decrease in portlandite formation indicated
to the “U-phase” (3Ca0.A120s.CaS0~.0,5Na2S04. that calcium was consumed by some other mechanism.
15H20) first described by Doch and zur Strassen in Indeed, ettringite production was generally enhanced,
1967 [ 181.Its formation here seemed to increase with the even though it was not formed during normal cement
chromate ion content of the sludge, but it disappeared hydration (cement A). The formation of a U-phase
during leaching, whilst ettringite content was enhanced. analog was also detected in the chromium containing
However, no real evidence that could confirm the samples. Li et al. [2,22] have shown that the formation
latter results have been found by SEM observation. of this phase is possible in cement-based solidified
EDAX analysis showed a rather homogeneous wastes containing high levels of alkali. Nevertheless, we
distribution of chromium within the samples. Yet, three have found that as more chromate ions were present in
kinds of structures contained no chromium: the the sludge, more U-phase analog was produced, indi-
anhydrous grains of cement, the few portlandite plates cating a possible substitution of sulfate ions by chro-
and the C-S-H hydrates that form a ring around the mate ions, as has been demonstrated for ettringite
cement grains, and which Bonen calls “inner hydration elsewhere [24-291.
products” [19]. Besides, Li et al. [22,23] have proved that U-phase
may revert into ettringite in the presence of water and
sulfate and calcium ions, releasing alkalis that increase
5. Discussion the pH of the solution. This would explain the dis-
appearance of the U-phase during leach testing, and the
Notable modifications of the cement hydration pro- development of ettringite and corresponding increase of
cess when mixed with sludge, were shown in the first the pH of the leachate. The chromium retention cap-
part of this work, especially the precipitation of one or ability of the matrix may be affected by this variation of
more solid phases during the first moments. However, pH. According to the electrochemical equilibrium dia-
this precipitation hindered further hydration, as shown grams [30,31] based on chromium hydroxide, a pH
for the zinc hydroxide samples, even for low sludge increase may Iead to the oxidation of Cr+“’ into Cr+V1.
content (33%), or, for the other samples, when the Since the solubility of Cr+V’ is much higher than for
sludge content became too high. This last result can be Cr’“’ in high pH conditions, such an oxidation could
related to those of Hills [6,20,21] who established that explain the increase of chromium release in the leachates.
cement hydration is poisoned by industrial hydroxide Finally, the distribution of chromium in samples indi-
sludge when the waste:cement ratio is over a certain cated that this element was fixed during the early hydra-
limit. This threshold depends on the nature of the sludge tion of silicates that leads to the setting of the paste.
and, for our chromium hydroxide sludge, corresponded
to a value of 2:l (w/w).
The microstructural study has established that the 6. Conclusion
solidified wastes remained largely composed of the usual
cement hydration products, that can include small Two major conclusions result from this work:
amounts of the sludges components, especially anions. Metal hydroxide sludges affect cement hydration, in
Since the cement grains seemed to be well hydrated, the ways that depend on the nature and the amount of
24 J.-N. Diet et al.1 Waste Management 18 (1998) 17-24

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