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Supply Planning Cloud
Plan with Telescoping Time Buckets

Cherry Bruns
Senior Principal Product Manager, Product Management
Oracle Supply Chain Planning
April 4, 2019

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for
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Plan with Telescoping Time Buckets
• Allows you to specify a planning horizon comprised of days, weeks, periods
or months or a combination of daily time buckets and less granular time
buckets such as weekly, monthly or period time buckets.
• Supported combinations
– Days Only – Days + Weeks
– Weeks Only – Days + Periods
– Periods Only – Days + Months
– Months Only

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Plan with Telescoping Time Buckets
• The supplies and demands planned within the Supply Plan will reflect the
granularity you specified for the planning time buckets
– Order modifers
• In buckets larger than days, dates calculated on supply and demand orders
will be bucketed to the last working day of the bucket. The working days
specification is based on the Supply Planning calendar
• Firm dates and dates specified by the users such as Implement dates and
dates in input data such as scheduled ship date or requested ship date are
not subject to the bucketing logic

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Benefits of Telescoping Time Buckets
• Improve plan explainability by eliminating unnecessary precision and detail
within the plan in the later part of the planning horizon
• Improve plan run time performance by only calculating detailed plan
information for a shorter time horizon
• Improve UI response time since there is lesser detail to be calculated and
displayed in the later parts of the planning horizon

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Net Forecast and Telescoping Time Buckets

• Forecasts within weekly, monthly and period time buckets are aggregated to the planning time
bucket level and placed on the last working day of the week as determined by the Supply Planning
Calendar, even if the forecasts themselves are at a more granular level.
• The aggregation is performed for each combination of Item, Organization, Demand Schedule,
Demand Class, Customer and Customer Site. This aggregation is performed after forecast spreading
and forecast consumption
Net Forecast for an item and organization planned with daily time buckets in the supply plan
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Demand Class 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Demand Class 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Net Forecasts for an item and organization planned with weekly time buckets in the supply plan
Weekly Time Bucket 1 Weekly Time Bucket 2
Demand Class 1 50 50
Demand Class 2 50 50

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Order Modifiers and Telescoping Time Buckets

• Order modifiers (Fixed Order Quantity, Fixed Lot Multiple, Minimum Order Quantity, Maximum
Order Quantity, Fixed Days of Supply) are only respected for orders created in daily time buckets.
Orders created in weekly, monthly or period time buckets will not respect order modifiers
• The item attribute “Rounding” will be respected in all planning time buckets
• For items with “Fixed Days of Supply” order modifier, if the value of this attribute is such that it
spans both daily and weekly buckets, a pro-rated demand will be calculated for the weekly bucket
to determine the order quantity in the daily buckets
Item with Fixed Days of Supply = 8 Days in a plan
with 5 daily buckets followed by weekly buckets
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 1 Week 2
Demand 10 30 25 120 140

Planned Orders 116.5 68.5 140

Projected Available Balance 106.5 106.5 76.5 76.5 51.5 0 0

Sum { Demands Days 1 5 + (3/7)*demand in Week 1 }

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Safety Stock Days of Cover and Telescoping Time Buckets

Target safety stock for an item with Safety Stock Planning Method = “Days of Cover”
and Demand Period = Days of Cover = 4 days and an organization calendar with 7
working days in each week. The plan has 7 daily buckets followed by weekly buckets.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Demand 10 20 10 30 5 5 10 70 90 50
Safety Stock 70 65 50 60 30 35 40 40 51.4 28.6

Sum { demands Days 1  4 }

Sum { demands Days 5  7 + (1/7) * Demand in Week 1 }

Sum { Demand on Day 7 + (3/7) * Demand in Week 1 }

(4/7) * Demand in Week 2

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Exceptions and Telescoping Time Buckets
Exception Calculation in time buckets larger than days
Exception Type Calculation logic
These exceptions are only calculated if the supply orders are rescheduled across
• Orders to be rescheduled in
planning time buckets. Reschedules within a planning time bucket will not generate the
• Orders to be rescheduled out
exception message.
• Late Supply pegged to Sales Order
These exception messages are only calculated if the suggested due date of the supply is
• Late Supply pegged to Forecast
in a planning time bucket later than the planning time bucket that contains the
• Late Replenishment for Sales Order
suggested due date of the demand that it pegs to.
• Late Replenishment for Forecast
These exceptions are calculated at the planning time bucket level. Daily fluctuations
• Items with a shortage within the planning time bucket are ignored. For example, a resource will have an
• Items below safety stock overload exception only if the total requirements within a week exceed the total
• Items with excess inventory available capacity for the week. Overloads on certain days of the week will not generate
• Resource Overloaded an exception if the utilization at the week level is less than 100%. Similarly, Item
• Supplier Capacity Overloaded shortages and excesses are evaluated using the projected available balance on the last
day of the planning time bucket.

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Releasing Orders and Telescoping Time Buckets
• Make and Transfer planned orders created in buckets larger than days
when released have an implement date corresponding to the last working
day of the bucket
• Buy planned orders created in buckets larger than days when released have
an implement date corresponding to the first working day of the bucket
(even though the suggested due date of these orders is the last working
– This ensure that inbound shipments from suppliers will arrive in time to meet the
entire planning time bucket’s demands

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Additional Information (Coming Soon)
• Transfer of Information presentation can be found on the Oracle Cloud
Release Readiness Supply Chain Planning Page

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Safe Harbor Statement
The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for
information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon
in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, timing, and pricing of any
features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the
sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.

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