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Nelson College London

Managing Food and Beverage Operations

LO1 Exploring the food and beverage industry including different styles of food and beverage
service outlets, rating systems and current industry trends.............................................................4
P1 Exploring different types of business within the food and beverage industry and profiling a
chosen business within each area of the industry........................................................................4
P2 Explaining different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally and
P3 Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and beverage businesses......................6
LO2 Demonstrating professional food and beverage service standards in a real working
P4 Demonstrating professional food and beverage skills within a food and beverage
P5 Explaining the legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service
outlets must comply with given specific reference to the maintenance and cleaning of
LO3 Comparing the ways that different and food and beverage operations use technology to
improve operational efficiency........................................................................................................9
P6 Comparing and contrasting different operational and marketing technology for a range of
different types of food and beverage business.............................................................................9
P7 Investigating the factors that influence the consumer’s decision on which food and
beverage outlets they choose.....................................................................................................11
P8 Analysing strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to attract and build a
loyal customer base....................................................................................................................12

Food and beverage services are one of the most important employment generating sector which
consist of a broad array of activities related to providing the customer with food and beverages to
satisfy their need (Davis et al., 2018). In almost every country, the significance of hospitality
industry is growing and with that, the operation of managing food and beverage services is rising
too. Ranging from receiving the orders from customers to serving them the food items, all
actions are included in food and beverage service operations. The main objectives of these
operations are to help achieving organizational goals by providing better service facilities.

LO1 Exploring the food and beverage industry including different styles of
food and beverage service outlets, rating systems and current industry trends.
P1 Exploring different types of business within the food and beverage industry and profiling a
chosen business within each area of the industry.

There are various types of food and beverage services around the world. Restaurants selects from
a wide range of such types according to their need and organizational settings. The following
table contains some of the most used types of food and beverage system along with their both
merits and demerits.

Sector Description Advantage Disadvantage Employee

Here the waiter
Personal or direct There might some
English brings food items
communication is problem related to By staff
service asking approval
established. waiter.
from the guests.
This expensive and
elaborate service
Give personalized Not applicable to
French offers guests by
and private all class of Several
Service providing foods
services. customers.
near to their table
to choose from.
The food is
prepared alongside Problem may incur
Russian service for some
the table in cart and while preparing Several
Service group of VIPs to
then served from food.
choose own food.
left side.
Customers order
Easier to order Longer waiting
from the table with
Table service from the menu time can cause By staff
the help of menu
card. dissatisfaction.
card provided.
Assisted After entering the Customers get to A number of items By staff
Service dining area, the choose for their may be confusing
guests take their own. for them

own plates and
help themselves.
By advancing the
payment in first
front, the Customers can
Easier and less
Self service customers take have problem Several
time consuming.
their own ordered without assistance.
items without any
Customers pays,
orders and gets the Convenient for Large line can
Single point
food items from a taking home waste time for the Several
single point of delivery service. customers.
Special services
Customers do not
provide foods for Immediate served
Special have to waste any
the locations set dishes may lose its By staff
service time for going to
other than the quality.
the restaurant.
restaurant itself.

P2 Explaining different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally and
Food rating system is used to distinguish different kinds of product of food items to help the
customer chose for their own consumption easily. It shows alike foods or beverages in the same

category so that no confusion may arise and the purchasing decision can be made without any
type of hassles (SCHUTZ, 1965). The system of food rating differs across countries according to
their law and standardization process. The following kinds of food ratings are the most common.

Food safety rating: In this rating system, foods are categorized according to their safety level
for the consumer health. It shown from hazardous to safe, which is classified again by a
predetermined set of rules that should be included as a feature of some product.

Food standard rating: Generally, a governmental body set the standard of food items and
select which food items to go under what specific category. The standardization process is
benchmarked through a previously discussed guidelines known to all.

Alcohol rating: This rating is aimed to classify the food and beverage items according to the
limit of alcohol it consists. Then it is used to limit the age-based access to certain type of product
items considering it not certified.

P3 Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and beverage businesses
The current market of food and beverage sector is changing making it more widespread and
accessible. This trend raises newer concerns regarding the management of food and beverage
system management to be ready for the coming times. Some importance circumstances of this
trend are discussed below.

Change in customer preferences: At present, the demand of customers regarding food and
beverage items is more versatile than ever before. With enough consideration regarding safety
and standard, customers now want high quality product in reasonable price also in their
accessible areas (Riley, 2005).

Merger and acquisition: Big companies throughout the world seeking to strengthen their
capability of influencing the markets though merging with local firms. This new trend, at the
same time, triggers a new rage of competitive environments among the market leaders objected
to mainly reduction of price or improvement in quality.

Food safety: People are now more concerned about the safety of what they consume and the
information about these factors are readily available to them. So, any compromise regarding
health safety of the concerned product specially in food and beverage services can act as a tool to
reduce the demand of that product line.

Digital transformation: Inclusion of technology in global market styles it in a more competitive

and information sector which is also true for the food and beverage items. Market size is
increasing with the global expansion in lower cost like widespread use of online shopping
services in some major markets.

Corporate responsibility and sustainability: The latest trend of food and beverage business is
the eco friendliness or optimizing production with less environmental damages. As a result, the
productive and distributive decisions of such items is now looking to change towards a more
sustainable way.

LO2 Demonstrating professional food and beverage service standards in a
real working environment
P4 Demonstrating professional food and beverage skills within a food and beverage organization

Food and beverage management services are a practical branch of knowledge which needs to
work in the real working environment (Allam, 1978). The within organization settings of such
successful management is as follows-

Food and beverage service in hotel: Star ranked hotel offers food and beverage service in
various segments of their structure. For example- bar, lounge, room service and coffee shop.

Structure of food and beverage service department: Proper management of food and
beverage service is a must to provide comfortable experience for the guests. The responsible
agents for this work are-

Food and beverage service manage and Assistant manager: The main responsibility of a
smooth food and beverage service in hospitality management is to the manager of this respective
section whereas the assistant manager is the one to help him implementing the final policies from
purchasing of necessary equipment to serving for the ease of their customers.

Restaurant manager: The activities of restaurant manager include- controlling dining room
functions, managing the budgets and preparing report related to overall activities.

Room service manager: The room service manager is related to satisfying special request of the
guest along with handling complaints or any discrepancies occurs from there.

Bar Manager: Bar manager is related to the direct selling of the food and beverage items along
with considering and registering the flux of demand to select perfect amount of supply.

P5 explaining the legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service
outlets must comply with given specific reference to the maintenance and cleaning of equipment

The food and beverage industry owners often face different challenging situations regarding their
business. There are different agreement issues for like the united food and drug administration
(FDA) and United States department of agriculture (USDA). These women's help to keep the
food and beverage in the perfect way possible. They have to balance their supply and demand
and create opportunities for these products. The services that are provided are mentioned below-

Food and beverage industry regulatory compliance and enforcement: geyser regulatory
system that shows the client how the FDA and USDA works. They work with different
agreements related to headquarters, districts and regional level and other offices. They also
illustrate and monitor all the actions regarding the food and beverage arguments.

Food beverage and dietary supplements: there are some basic dietary supplements that are
needed to be included in the food and beverage products. The inclusion of this nutrient contents
are a must and the food also needs to have organic labelling. This ensures the food quality and
the quality of inputs that are given in production.

Food and beverage related congressional activities: this includes the choice and interest of
customers in the food and beverage products. The government has several food drug and other
cosmetic products that are monitored by federal system. These are done to make this product
more accessible for general people.

Food and beverage industry strategic planning: there are many partitions and agreements with
the construction of an industry. Many pre-agreements and precautionary actions should be
assigned with this planning and the committees are responsible for this.

LO3 Comparing the ways that different and food and beverage operations use
technology to improve operational efficiency
P6 Comparing and contrasting different operational and marketing technology for a range of
different types of food and beverage business
Technology is one of the most enhancing and empowering factors that has made the food and
beverage operation very easy. With the emerging technology and rising demand, it is very
difficult now a days to keep up with the growing environment without the help of advanced
mechanism. The technology is helping the industry to raise its production and supply the speed
of growth and introducing new products and variations. Even to have a knowledge about the
market and to keep trace of sales and Management, technology is a very helpful tool.

Different technologies are being used to mobilize the food and beverage segment and its
management. To produce and preserve the food and beverage items different technologies like
warehouse, accuracy of harvesting and precautionary actions are needed. The type of
technologies that are used are explained below-

Flow through sortation: Flow through sortation is the way to keep the products in a sorted way.
The products that are produced needs to be stored for a very long time after it is produced.
Different carrying system catalogue stocks legs and sequence facilities are needed to storing and
sorting the food and beverage items. It is a storage system that is mechanised and automated in a
way that makes the work very easy. The structure is automated by using different technologies.
This customisation also helps to keep the food according to their date of production and for how
long they can be kept.

This technology helps the operator to make the act of storing very easy and effective. It is very
human friendly as well as easy to operate. Also it is time efficient and less labour is needed. The
stores are built with high quality products and materials so that they can be used for a very long
time with no harms. The cells are made with lifelong materials and I highly accessible for the
employees. Also there other partition technologies that makes the overall food and beverage
system very easy and efficient.

Equipment innovation: the innovation and introduction of new technologies and new
equipment has made the food and beverage system very advanced. With the help of different
equipment and machinery is the production has been very fast and innovative. Also variations of
products have been introduced by the use of these new equipment. Because of this the food
industry is getting very popular day by day and the demand is also increasing at a great extent.

Also the competency of food and beverage industry has been increasing because of this
innovation of equipment. The mixture of skilled labour with advanced machineries has made it
possible to produce the products in a large amount with great taste. Also the vertical and
horizontal expansion of the industry is possible only because of different equipment.

New era of voice technology: Voice technology and voice command is a new but emerging
facility that has made all the operations very easy. With the help of this voice technology all the
commands and works are now done by only voice and without the help of physical labour. Also,
accuracy and precision is done with the help of this.

This voice command technology is time and cost saving and it is mobilizing various investments
in this industry. It has declined the excessive demand of labors and increased the demand of
skills labor. With the help of skilled and efficient labor the industry is growing even faster and
having its own value. To work with the new technology of voice command the employee needs
different training than exercises which is making them more efficient as a human resource.

Increase in AVG technology: AVG technology has made the transportation more trustable. The
owners of the companies were not very familiar with this and they had not trust on this
automated driving system. But the AVG system has turned more effective day by day which has
increased its uses and food and beverage companies are caning because of this.

The computerized an automated storage and y position system with the help of AVG has
influenced the growth of food and beverage industry. Also, many new technologies are being
incorporated with the help of AVG.

P7 Investigating the factors that influence the consumer’s decision on which food and beverage
outlets they choose

Nowadays there are some common factors that influence the decision of choosing the food and
beverage. In the era of social networking it is not only the taste and presentation of the food that
attracts a customer but also its brand value and quality (Rey et al., 1985). Also, there other
factors which are explained below-

Monetary factors: The main influence factor will be the price of product. If the price of a
product is not worth its quality and quantity the product will not have much demand. Also it
depends on their purchasing power and willingness to pay. Though different people have their
different aspects it is only the monetary factor that is common within all of them.

Mental factors: People will only consume a product food and beverage only if they feel like
having it. It includes the importance of product its quality and the condition of a restaurant.
Mental condition and issues have a great impact on the decision since they will choose the
product depending on their choice. There will be many situations when the same person will act
differently because of their mood. So the greatest and finest quality of the food and beverage will
have the highest possibility to be chosen.

Spiritual factors: religion is a big factor in case of choosing a product of food and beverage.
Usually Muslim people prefer halal food which means the processing and production of the food
is done in the permitted way of the religion. It is a matter of belief that people has great influence
of days in their choice of food. Usually the Muslim people always look for halal nutrient food
stations and also Hindu Brahmin people look for vegetarian food whenever they feel like eating.
So it is another big factor in case of choice of food and beverage.

Meal forms: The meals at a restaurant provide have a great impact on its demand. Usually the
way it looks and the way it is presented in front of the customers usually attracts or distracts
them. And also specialise restaurants have their own demand since they only sale the single type
of food with different variations. For example Pizza hut. The only cell pizza with different
ingredients and flavours. So when customers are is like eating a pizza they will certainly go to
Pizza hut.

P8 Analysing strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to attract and build a loyal
customer base
Customise usually get attracted to the food and beverage outlet by various factors. the pattern of
customers and the preference should be analysed and then the outlet should be presented in such
a way that more and more customers come and buy food and beverage from them. The tactics are
given below-

Upholding moral value: the excellent quality of food and the environment of outlet will show
the moral value of that product. Customers feel more likely to choose that outlet if excellence of
food is assured. They will be coming to that restaurant again and again if every time they get
what they need. Also the class and value of the outlet should be maintained.

Improved customer package: the regular customers can be honoured with different packages
and supplementary drink. Also they can be given discounts and offers for next purchases in
which they will intend to come more and more.

Line maintenance approach: the regular and new clients should be maintained with different
strategies and systems. Best quality service and good presentation of food will always attract the

Become complex in native Civic: the company of food and beverage should be available in
different Civic such as cricket tournament beach ball tournament badminton tournament and
other functions of carnival. They can work as the food and beverage provider and also, they can
act as a sponsor. This will attract customers and create value among them.

Upselling methods: This method include the production and supply of those foods and beverage
that are mainly consumed by customers. Also, many new products can be available depending on
the choice of the consumers. When a salesperson promotes and helps the customer to decide
which product use the client gets very happy. Swap selling method is very important to make the
customer get in comfort and choose the products according to the choice.

Food and beverage management operation is a very amazing but popular one. Nowadays
different kinds of methods and systems are used to make this industry more efficient in
production and sales management. This industry is growing in a great way and serving the client
and customer in the most prominent way possible. Still the company and industries need to have
more effort in rendering their food and beverages and also creating more demand for them. They
should always follow what a customer wants and provide their best service to attend customer

 ALLAM, Y. H. 1978. Food and beverage management.
 DAVIS, B., LOCKWOOD, A., ALCOTT, P. & PANTELIDIS, I. S. 2018. Food and
beverage management, Routledge.
 REY, A. M., WIELAND, F. & NINEMEIER, J. D. 1985. Managing service in food and
beverage operations, Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association.
 RILEY, M. 2005. Food and beverage management: A review of change. International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 17, 88-93.
 SCHUTZ, H. G. 1965. Food action rating scale for measuring food acceptance. Journal
of Food Science, 30, 365-374.


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