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Nelson College London

Managing Food and Beverage Operations


LO1 Explore the food and beverage industry including different styles of food and beverage
service outlets, rating systems and current industry trends.............................................................5

P1 Explore different types of businesses within the food and beverage industry, profiling a
chosen business within each area of the industry........................................................................5

P2 Explain different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally and

P3 Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and beverage businesses......................8

LO2 Demonstrate professional food and beverage service standards in a real working

P4 Demonstrate professional food and beverage management skills within a food and beverage

P5 Explain the legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service
outlets must comply with, giving specific reference to the maintenance and cleaning of

LO3 Compare the ways that different food and beverage operations use technology to improve
operational efficiency....................................................................................................................12

P6 Compare and contrast different operational and marketing technology for a range of
different types of food and beverage businesses........................................................................12

P7 Investigate the factors that influence the consumers’ decision on which food and beverage
outlets they choose.....................................................................................................................14

P8 Analyse strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to attract and build a loyal
customer base.............................................................................................................................14



Food and beverage operation management is about providing variety of food and beverage
within business. The international food service industry gives a huge number of meals daily in a
wide assortment of foods. For managers in food and beverage operations, aptitudes in
advertising, staff administration, group betterment, making, consumer affiliation, commercial
administration and working activities are essential for the administration of administration
succession and the consumer procedure, and lastly for the sustainability of the organization.

Individuals require hotels with food and beverage in the event that they are away for over few
day and just food and drink in the event that they are away for a brief term. Food and beverage
service has formed into an immense industry. The number and kind of eating out foundations has
expanded immensely as providers continually endeavor to fulfill the changing requests and tastes
of the market.[ CITATION Bro94 \l 1033 ]

LO1 Explore the food and beverage industry including different styles of food
and beverage service outlets, rating systems and current industry trends
Business and organizations that deliver, control, and disseminate food and beverage contain the
food and beverage production industry. They are a fundamental piece of our surroundings.

Early social orders likewise delivered and utilized lager, wine, and other aged beverages as a
wellspring of supplements, for example, the juice of grapes and different organic products or
nectar used to produce wine, and the grains used to mix brew, and additionally for their
therapeutic and sterile properties.

Today, food and drink preparing and fabricating is one of the largest business ventures in the
USA, giving job to more than 1.5 million employees each year.

P1 Explore different types of businesses within the food and beverage industry, profiling
a chosen business within each area of the industry
While there are numerous approaches to break down the division, in this section, we take a
market-based, business-task approach dependent on the general Canadian piece of the overall
industry from the Restaurants Canada Market Review and Forecast. The accompanying areas
investigate the kinds of foodservice tasks in Canada.

How about we begin with the biggest portion of F&B activities, the business part.

 Business Operators: Business administrators make up the biggest section of F&B in

Canada with simply over 80% piece of the overall industry. It is comprised of brisk
administration restaurants, full-benefit restaurants, providing food, and drinking
foundations. We should take a gander at each of these in more detail.
 Full service restaurants: With 35% of the piece of the pie, full-benefit food selling
places are maybe the most liquid of the F&B activity types. Customer desires are higher
here than with QSRs . The menus offered are changed, however by and large mirror the
picture of the restaurant or shopper's coveted understanding. Significant sections

incorporate top notch food, family/easygoing, ethnic, and upscale easygoing.
[CITATION Bri17 \l 1033 ]

P2 Explain different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally
and internationally
Organizations associated with Food and Beverage Manufacturing work in a directed FDA
condition and deliver bunches like different process businesses.

 Scheduling needs for Food & Beverage Manufacturing: The Master Production
Schedule is guided by a figure for completed merchandise and the creation yield is put on
the racks of retail locations or in distribution centers for here and now stockpiling.
 Inventory: Stock of completed and crude material for food and Beverage fabricating
includes a few novel issues inside the Food and Beverage Vertical. Time span of
usability, for crude material or completed products, is an ever - present thought for
warehousing and is related with temperature contemplations for chilly
storerooms[ CITATION Cou02 \l 1033 ].

P3 Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and beverage businesses
Discussing the future trends affecting food and beverage business:

 Future trends: The make of food and beverage is the greatest segment of make in the
European Association. It utilizes 4 million workers, makes up 1.8 percent of the EU
GDP, and has a moderately high number of monetary substances and a colossal interest
for the work drive. The qualities of the area, when contrasted with the other financial
segments, are the accompanying: low maintenance business, youthful representatives
(matured up to 30) and a generous offer of laborers with low capabilities. The developing
rivalry, poor working conditions and stricter lawful prerequisites had an endless supply of
the part and honed the issues identified with the fascination and upkeep of staff.
 Current trends: Explaining the current trends below:
i) Enterprises: As indicated by the primer information of 2007, there were 1,094
endeavors working in the sector. Out of that number, 47 percent of undertakings had
some expertise in fabricate of food items; 23 percent of organizations were engaged
with generation, handling and protecting of meat and meat items and 11 for every
penny of undertakings fabricated drinks[ CITATION Cou18 \l 1033 ].
ii) Employees: As per the primer of 2007, the area utilized 51,700 individuals. They
represent more than 3 percent of the aggregate number of workers in the general
Lithuanian economy. Representatives in the sub-areas of other food items, meat and
journal items made up 70 percent of the aggregate number of the part representatives.
Amid the time of five years (in 2003 – 2007) the quantity of staff in little and little
undertakings was dropping.
iii) Performance indicators: Amid the ongoing five years, the turnover in the FB
segment has gone up. As indicated by the fundamental information of 2007, the
greatest turnover was in the sub-division of dairy items and other food items, trailed
by the meat and drinks sub-division. In 2003 - 2007, the dimension of profitability
ascended on the whole the FB sub-divisions. [CITATION Vil08 \l 1033 ]

LO2 Demonstrate professional food and beverage service standards in a real
working environment
Every professional food and beverage service provider should follow certain standards. It helps
the organization grow and profitable. Because every customer likes if they have been treated

The accompanying identifies the standard Food and Beverage working techniques;

1. Director will keep up a functioning obvious nearness in the restaurant while guaranteeing
consistency in item and administration conveyance.
2. All non-routine occurrences will be taken care of carefully and heightened instantly to the
administrator or director.
3. On flight, clients are expressed gratitude toward and wished a charming day or night.
4. The table will dependably be spotless, uniform and set to particulars.
5. Administration will be quick and well-disposed to both inner and outside clients.
6. Table leeway will dependably be finished with a plate and earthenware stacked by size.
7. Staff ought to dependably be as un-obstructive as conceivable to clients.
8. Working gear will dependably be spotless, very much organized and effortlessly open.
9. Restaurants workers ought to dependably tune in for suggestive offering or up-offering
open doors for instance "would you like some new squeeze or mixed drink with your
sandwich?" [ CITATION Cou02 \l 1033 ]

P4 Demonstrate professional food and beverage management skills within a food and
beverage organization

Like every other industry, management skills are also very crucial in food and beverage industry.
There are few management skills which are required for a food and beverage organization. For
those outside Hotels it might be difficult to perceive how quite a while as a Food and Beverage
Manager sets you up for nearly whatever else throughout everyday life; except obviously the
aptitudes and ascribes should have been a decent F. and B. Chief are all inclusive and set one up
for an extensive variety of different jobs.[CITATION Kot04 \l 1033 ]

 Servant heart: Food and Beverage Managers are hirelings. In the event that you didn't
realize how to serve others before beginning work, you would need to learn it soon.
Having the individual solidarity to slip among withdrawal and serving clients is a key
expertise. As a F. &B. Director, you figure out how to present with everything that is in
you, brain and body for nearly minimal money related advantage.
 Discipline: A stunning measure of self-control is required to reliably convey top quality
administration in a Hotel serving customers Food and Beverage; it takes order to
dependably be timely, to seek after and finish errands in a job as physically (and
rationally) requesting as serving Hotel visitors.
 Confidence: Who is genuinely ready to serve except if they have something to be
pleased about? As a F. and B. Administrator, you should be sure of your identity and
have the capacity to isolate your identity from society's vision of you.

P5 Explain the legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage
service outlets must comply with, giving specific reference to the maintenance and
cleaning of equipment
Every food and beverage organization should follow certain regulations and safety requirements.
Food safety standards apply to each state of food and drink, from preparing and produce to
distribution. Food wellbeing benchmarks delineated by Food Standards Australia New Zealand
(FSANZ) cover each business organization with the treatment of food applicable to be
purchased, in Australia. The most certain case is organizations combined entirely in fundamental
generation that don't make their items or offer them straightforwardly to people in general.
[ CITATION Kot04 \l 1033 ]

LO3 Compare the ways that different food and beverage operations use
technology to improve operational efficiency
As we all know, technology is very crucial for every organization. Like every organization, food
and beverage industry needs to be updated with technology.

 Robotics: Using robots or artificial intelligence is a new trend in every industry. It will
boost the production and also impress the customer. [CITATION Rog11 \l 1033 ]
 Using technology: social media and smart phones have made a big difference. They've
demonstrated customers the genuine origin of items, any potential unsafe fixings, and
how certain items are made. There's a sort of straightforwardness now — 
interconnectedness, on the off chance that you will — that wasn't there previously. Social
stages like Instagram and Snapchat have made it simple for buyers to wind up
"sustenance makers," make client created content that brands can share[ CITATION
Vil08 \l 1033 ].

P6 Compare and contrast different operational and marketing technology for a range of
different types of food and beverage businesses
From the money enroll to the kitchen, innovation is a fundamental piece of how restaurants
work. Trailblazers are continually thinking of new advanced answers for make running a
restaurant simpler, quicker, and more productive. This tech unrest has transformed once
envisioned arrangements into food benefit necessities, completely changing the restaurant
business. [ CITATION Cou02 \l 1033 ]

The following are seven advances that ought to be each brand's menu.

 Bluetooth temperature sensors: It’s a dependable fact that HACCP (food security)
agendas are a torment. That is the reason numerous restaurants have begun using
Bluetooth temperature checking frameworks to guarantee their food and hardware are
acceptable. Utilizing handheld tests and settled sensors, restaurants can physically or
naturally measure the temperatures of their key resources in as meager as four seconds.

Supervisors can program modified cutoff points for every food and gear and be cautioned
if any temperatures are past their adequate edge[ CITATION Ste16 \l 1033 ].
 Optimized schedule maker: Restaurateurs know great how troublesome planning can
be. Fortunately, there is currently programming to enable them to take care of business.
In not more than seconds, supervisors can create and disseminate a computerized week
by week calendar to all representatives. Move times and positions are enhanced by
recorded staffing designs and determined deals levels to dodge over-or under-staffing.
 Virtual reality onboarding: VR and HR meet up to make the most up to date incline
for representative administration: Virtual reality onboarding. Utilizing a headset and
tweaked programming, new contracts can take part in a genuinely one of a kind ordeal,
without the dangers and cost of a typical instructional course.

P7 Investigate the factors that influence the consumers’ decision on which food and
beverage outlets they choose
Factors that influence the customers’ decision on which food and beverage outlets they choose
are given below:

A few research had been done to determine factors that impact buyers to pick restaurants. As
indicated by Wang and Chen (2012), sustenance quality was observed to be the most essential
thought affecting restaurant choice by purchasers. In another examination, Auty's (1992)
discovered that food types were the most imperative factor in picking full-benefit restaurant. As
indicated by Auty (1992), the accompanying ten factors were found to have an impact on
restaurant determination; sustenance type (71%); food quality (59%); esteem for cash (46%);
picture and climate (33%); area (32%); speed of administration (15%); suggested (11%); new
experience (9%); and opening hours.

P8 Analyse strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to attract and build a
loyal customer base
There are few strategies that industry could use to attract and build a loyal customer base:

 Cause Marketing: also known as “Cause-related marketing”, this procedure is getting

more publicity, as an ever increasing number of buyers ar coordinating social obligation
in their buying choices. Brands that end up being socially dependable are probably going
to grab the eye of clients and build up brand mindfulness and loyalty. [ CITATION
Dav98 \l 1033 ]

In conclusion, I would like to say that food and beverage industry is growing vastly day by day.
With the touch of today’s technology, it is becoming more advanced and profitable business. The
hospitality business comprises of all organizations that give any mix of the accompanying three
main services for their clients: food, drink and convenience. While there is a reasonable cover
with the travel industry, there are a number of areas inside the cordiality business that are once in
a while viewed as separate from the travel industry, for instance modern cooking and those parts
of accommodation that draw in just the local community.[CITATION Cou18 \l 1033 ]

Brown, G., Hepner, K. & Deegan, A., 1994. Introduction to food and beverage service.
illustrated ed. s.l.:Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Cousins, J., Foskett, D. & Gillespie, C., 2002. Food and Beverage Management. Illustrated ed.
s.l.:Prentice Hall.

Cousins, J. & Weekes, S., 2018. Food and Beverage Service. 1st ed. London: Hodder Education.

Davis, B., Lockwood, A. & Stone, S., 1998. Food and Beverage Management. 3rd ed.

Kotschevar, L. H., 1973. Foodservice for the extended care facility. 1st ed. Boston:
Institutions/Volume Feeding Magazine; distributed by Cahners Books.

Kotschevar, L. H. & Chichy, R. F., 2004. Managing Beverage Service. 4th ed. s.l.:Educational
Institute, American Hotel & Lodging Association.

Kotschevar, L. H. & Terrel, M. E., 1961. Food service planning: layout and equipment. 1st ed.

Martinez, M. G., 2013. Open Innovation in the Food and Beverage Industry. 1st ed. s.l.:Elsevier

Mhlanga, O. & Tichaawa, D. T. M., 2016. What are the current factors affecting consumer
selection criteria in formal full service restaurants in Port Elizabeth, South Africa ?. 1st ed.
South Africa: s.n.

Mukherji, A., 2006. Food And Beverage Management. 2nd ed. s.l.:Gyan Publishing House.

Ninemeier, J. D., 2000. Management of Food and Beverage Operations. 3 ed. s.l.:Educational

Stokes, J. W., 1960. Food Service in Industry and Institutions. 1st ed. s.l.:W.C. Brown Company.

Strokes, J. W., 1974. How to manage a restaurant or institutional food service. 2nd ed. s.l.:W. C.
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