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Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery
By Dr Jon Mendelsohn, December 2016

Modern plastic surgery began in the First World War by Harold Gillies. Now it is available for
many around the world. For instance, in the United States alone, approximately 15 million
cosmetic procedures are performed every year. Some plastic surgery can be a solution to
health problems, while others are considered drastic measures.


There are plenty of pros to cosmetic surgery, particularly in certain instances where a person
can be made looking better after undergoing it. Many people are born with imperfections and
medical technology has reached a place where people are able to get the help that they need.

1. Better Appearance

Cosmetic surgery has the ability to enhance appearance. There are various types of
surgeries that can help to correct different issues. People with large noses can get
rhinoplasty, those with thin lips can get Botox injections, and those who have trouble
losing weight in the midsection can get liposuction or a tummy tuck. There are countless
other surgeries that can be booked with a professional cosmetic surgeon to improve

2. More Self Esteem

If someone is unhappy with their appearance, it can result in a lack of confidence as well
as low self-esteem. Hence they can get assistance from plastic surgeons to boost the
self-esteem. The higher level of esteem is going to have a positive impact on virtually
every aspect of a person’s life. Everyone should be given the opportunity to look in the
mirror and be happy with what they see. Plastic surgery can help boost the confidence
level, though there may be deeper issues going on as well, which is important to explore
at the same time.


3. Stronger Relationships

Often, people who are not happy with their appearances are also unhappy in
relationships. Even though their partners tell them that they look beautiful, there is that
constant doubt that they feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Hence in this case, plastic
surgery may help them change their looks and become more sociable as they feel more
comfortable with themselves. This can lead to better social relationships as well as
romantic ones.

Plastic surgery is always a personal decision and people need to determine whether it is right
for them. If you look at the pros and cons, you can make a better decision as to whether you
want to go forward with such a surgery.


Drawback of Plastic Surgery
By Colin Holley, 2013

For some, plastic surgery is a way to regain a normal appearance after an accident. For others,
it is a way to correct perceived cosmetic flaws. Regardless of the reason for the plastic surgery,
there are serious drawbacks of the procedures that must be considered prior to having one.

Medical Risks
Plastic surgery, like any surgery, carries a risk of medical complications, including death. Some
of its common risks are infection, severe bleeding, nerve damage that may lead to numbness,
tissue death (necrosis), fluid collecting around the site (seroma) and bruising in the area
(hematoma). Blood clots and deep vein thrombosis are also possible.

Unsightly scarring is a possible outcome of plastic surgery. These scars, which are called
hypertrophic scars, are thick and red. They usually don't fade like most surgical scarring.
Bruising and swelling for a period of time after the surgery are often difficult to hide, especially
when the work was done in the facial area. Ptosis, or drooping and sagging in the surgical area,
are also other possible disadvantages. Additionally, some patients find the results of the
procedure aren't what they expected.

Many plastic surgery procedures are costly. According to the American Society for Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery, as of 2008, microdermabrasion was the least expensive procedure. It costs an
average of $139 per procedure. With a cost of $7,976, a lower body lift was the most expensive
plastic surgery procedure listed. These costs are only the base cost of the procedure. Fees for
surgeon, hospital and anaesthesia, along with lost wages, medication and after care costs must
also be considered when considering the cost of plastic surgery.


Some people become addicted to plastic surgery. Ease of access to plastic surgeons, low self-
esteem and body dysmorphic disorder are some of the factors that make one addicted to it.
Once addicted, a person is often willing to have any perceived flaw in his appearance corrected
at a moment's notice, even if it means taking money from other areas, such as rent or utility


What Are the Pros & Cons of Cosmetic Surgery?
 By Berne Coila, 2013

Millions of people, both male and female, undergo cosmetic surgery every year. Modern plastic
surgeons can alter almost any aspect of physical appearance, from facial features to body
shape. While some cosmetic surgery is done for medical reasons, such as reconstructing facial
features after an accident, many other procedures are voluntary. Weighing the pros and cons
before having cosmetic surgery can help individuals make a decision whether it is the right
choice for them.

Confidence Levels
For some, having cosmetic surgery can boost confidence levels and self-image. If you have a
physical feature that you may not like or that has a recognizable impact on your life or health,
this is usually an indication that it is something you truly desire to change, as opposed to a
sudden dislike for something about yourself that recently became an issue. However,
obsession over a specific facial or body feature can indicate mental health issues, and therapy
might be a better option than surgery.

One of the big benefits of plastic surgery relates to the appearance issues of a person. For
instance, some women with very large breasts experience excruciating back pain that a breast
reduction can eliminate or reduce significantly. A nose job can potentially reduce sinus
infections, and the removal of breast tissue in men can lower the risk of cancer in that tissue.
These are just a few of the health problems that can be alleviated through cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is still surgery and shouldn't be taken lightly. The potential for complications
exists, just as for any other operation. Pain is its significant drawback, and recovery times can
be as long as six months in some cases. Some patients may be at risk for severe reactions to
anaesthesia or may develop health problems such as haemorrhaging after the surgery.


Sometimes cosmetic surgery doesn't produce the results the patient desires. This is often a
problem with expectations, not with the skill of the surgeon. Expecting unrealistic results, such
as that surgery will make you look like a movie star or automatically solve all of your dating
problems, can be a significant drawback to having cosmetic procedures. People who consult
with a doctor before the procedure and develop a realistic idea of what the end result will look
like often have better experiences.

Cosmetic surgery can be expensive and is usually not covered by medical insurance. There
may also be a financial loss due to time taken off work for recovery. However, in some cases, if
there is a medical condition related to the surgery, there may be some form of insurance
compensation available. This sometimes occurs when cosmetic surgery is used to repair birth
defects, reconstructive surgery after an accident or in cases such as severe recurrent sinus
infections that can be fixed via rhinoplasty, which is plastic surgery of the nose.


Thanet Gazette  (2014)

Cosmetic surgery is seen as the solution to imperfections of the face and body for many in the
UK. But what are the pros and cons of going under the knife? It was once the domain of the
rich and famous. However, now it is increasingly being used by people from all walks of life to
alter the way they look. The reason many people, predominantly women, decide to have
surgery is complex. Low self-esteem and the pressure imposed by images of glamorous
celebrities in the media often play a crucial part. Whatever the reason, before anyone opts for a
surgery to change the way one looks, it is important to weigh the pros and cons.

• Cosmetic surgery can make one more beautiful and attractive. It can positively change
features that may have made a person unhappy for much of his or her life. For example, a large
nose or any unattractive features can cause a woman to feel self-conscious and knock her
confidence. Through cosmetic surgery, she can transform her physical appearance as she

• The effects of surgery are not limited to changes in appearance. If you love the way you look,
your self-esteem and confidence will increase. People have reported improvements in their
social lives and personal relationships after surgery. The way they are treated by others can
also alter, with some studies relating appearance to professional development.

• For someone who has worked tirelessly to lose a large amount of weight, the loose folds of
skin left behind can be demoralising. A tummy tuck can remove this excess skin, altering a
person’s shape and, in turn, their confidence.

We have heard the horror stories about cosmetic surgery going wrong. In reality, most
procedures go ahead without any problems but, as with any surgery, there are risks, such as
infection, haemorrhaging, paralysis and nerve damage. Scarring, pain, discomfort or reduced
sensation in the area where the procedure was carried out may also be experienced.


• Be realistic about what you are going to look like. No amount of surgery is going to make you
look the mirror image of your celebrity idol. You will also need to prepare yourself for the
surgery not going as planned.

• Keeping your looks just the way you want them can be expensive. Cosmetic procedures can
require upkeep, so you might need more surgery in the months and years that follow the initial
procedure. The cost and toll of this should be taken into consideration.
detail/story.html (17 August 2015)

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