Assignment 2 BIO460-1

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Dear students,

You are required to produce a scrapbook regarding Kingdom Fungi. The requirements
are as follows:

1) Task must be done in groups (3 members per group).

2) Using an A4 size of a drawing book, produce a scrapbook containing all these


i) The common characteristics of fungi – lifestyle, habitats, and body plan.

ii) The origin of the fungi.
iii) FIVE (5) different phyla of fungi -characteristics, reproduction and life style.
a) Chytridiomycota
b) Zygomycota
c) Glomeromycota
d) Ascomycota
e) Basidiomycota
iv) Fungi symbiotic relationship with other organisms.
v) The ecological and economic importance of fungi.

3) Your scrapbook will be evaluated using a rubric containing several criteria including
the creativity and appearance, content facts, images, style and organization,
neatness, and teamwork.

4) Your scrapbook submission is on: 24th October 2019, before 4pm.


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