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13. SWOT analysis identifies and analyzes an organization's ________.

A) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

B) strategy for competing in the market
C) human resource assets
D) long-term goals

14. In a means-ends chain, a goal at a lower level ________.

A) is the bridge to a goal at the next higher level
B) is attained only after higher level goals are fulfilled
C) is separate from the goal at the next higher level
D) is ignored if goals at higher levels are attained

15. Which of the following is NOT something that a company would be

likely to do as a part of a competitive intelligence program?
A) buy competitors' products
B) attend trade shows
C) have employees evaluate competing products
D) buy stock in a competitor's company

16. Organizational design requires a manager to ________.

A) organize groups within an organization
B) change the culture of an organization
C) change or develop the structure of an organization
D) change the logo of an organization

17. Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic

A) wide span of control
B) empowered employees
C) decentralized responsibility
D) standardized jobs

Which of the following areas has opened up new possibilities for how and
where employees work?
A) information technology
B) human resources
C) organizational design
D) global competition

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