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MÖRK BORG is © Ockult Örtmästare Games & Stockholm Kartell. THE BINDING OF ISAAC is © Edmund McMillen 2020.

The monster concepts are his, and are used with his permission. Art and graphic design by Johan Nohr.


TRITE HP 3, Morale 5, No armor, Bite d4. HP 15, Morale 10, Thick flesh -d2,
HP 10, Morale 10, No armor, Leap attack d6. Explodes on death, test Agility Blind slam d6 (defence is DR10).
Attacks a new target every round. DR12 or take d8 damage, also If it hits, bites for d4 (defence
Quick: attacks and defence are DR14. spawns a swarm of spiderlings DR16). Upon death, there is a 1 in
that deal 1 hp damage every round 6 chance the head will fall off and
Hideous and horrendously nimble, the trites unless removed with water, fire, it becomes a gusher.
resemble upside-down, mangled human heads with acid or magic.
Frowning gapers are undead fugitives
spidery legs growing out from beneath the corpse-
Waddlers are arachnids bloated and who miraculously (or with unholy aid)
flesh. With these, they leap great distances to latch
pregnant, ready to burst at any given escaped the basalt prison cities of the
onto the unknowing, digging their claws into faces
moment. They are the size of a rotten underworld and are now looking to feed
and ripping them apart. They don’t even seem to
watermelon and break the same way on living flesh to regain their strength.
feed on their fallen victims, but hunt for sport, or
when struck, releasing a splash of They always run, screaming with arms
lust, or greed.
tarry goo and one million starving waving, trying to find a meal. They are
spiderlings. If the spiderlings are all blind, having literally cried their eyes
allowed to grow, they will become out during their eon-long, torturous
either trites or waddlers in time. solitude in the land of the dead.

HP 3, Morale 7, No armor,
Detonates upon death or when
crashing into anyone (test
Agility DR10 to avoid). 3d6
BEGOTTEN damage to all within 20ft. GUSHER
HP 25, Morale 11, Hardened skin -d4, Test DR12 Agility to take half HP 7, Morale -, No armor, Fills a
Claws d6 (attacks twice per round). damage. Attacks whomever made 10ft cube with blood in 30 minutes.
Swift: attacks are DR14. Cumulative 5% the worse argument, or a random Melee attacks are DR16 because of the
chance every round that they break free. target. blood spray, unless a DR12 Presence
When freed, all light sources in the test is made.
room and the adjacent rooms go out, and a These suicidal insects are ashen
magical silence sets in for d4×10 minutes grey gas balloons, with stubbly skin These undead seem to simply spring into
or until the Begotten is killed.
thinly stretched around a spherical being as if birthed by the underworld, a
body with tiny bumblebee wings byproduct of a greater necromantic spell.
Infernal beings set in bondage deep in the
perplexingly keeping them aflight. They appear as decapitated children,
furthest torture-realms of hell, the begotten
They tumble around seemingly aimlessly wandering and violently spewing
can sometimes manifest into our world as a
clueless, attracted by bright lights blood from their gaping neck-holes. The
daemonological anomaly. Horns curved and
sharp, skin obsidian black and eyes raging wide and the sound of intelligent flow, which is like a spectacular crimson
with insatiable hatred. Shackled to the wall, creatures arguing. They will crash fountain, seems unending and if not dealt
into unwary travellers, exploding on with, these headless ghoul-children are
floor or ceiling they gnash, and will eventually
impact. The explosion is a burning known to fill entire dungeons with blood
break free to chase their prey. When they do,
hydrogen-cloud with splintered given time.
the lights go out, and all goes quiet.
chitin shrapnel and insect intestines.

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