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Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past o

11261~ Listen and repeat. Then act out.
I wish I were rich. I wish
I had enough money to
buy a lot of food.

Form Use
I wish (if only) + past simple / past continuous wish/regret about a present
(wish/regret about the situation we want to be different
I wish you studied more. (It's a pity you don't.)
I wish (if only) + could + bare infinitive wish/regret in the present
(wish/regret about the concerning lack of ability
I wish I could drive a car. (But I can 't.)
I wish (if only) + past perfect regret that something happened
(regret about the past) or didn't happen in the past
I wish I had taken your advice. (But I didn 't. It's a pity I didn't take it.)
I wish (if only) + subject + would + bare info wish for a future change
(impossible wish for a (a. 'wish' and 'would' should have unlikely to happen or wish to
future change) different subjects. We never say: l express dissatisfaction; polite
wish I WQu ld, He wishes he WQuld, etG request implying dissatisfaction
b. wish + inanimate subject + would or lack of hope
is used to express the speaker's lack
of hope, or disappointment)
I wish he would drive more carefully. (But I don't think he will. - wish for a future change unlikely to happen)
I wish the children would be more co-operative. (The children have refused to co-operate. - dissatisfaction)
I wish you would be more patient with Jim. (Please be more patient with him. - request implying lack of hope)
I wish it would stop raining. (But I'm afraid it won 't stop raining . - wish implying disappointment)

• In wishes we go one tense back. This means that we use the past simple in the present or
the past perfect in the past. He 's ill. He wishes he weren't ill. (present)
I overslept yesterday. I wish I hadn't overslept yesterday. (past)
• After I wish we can use were instead of was in all persons. I wish I was/were richer.
• If only means the same as I wish but it is more dramatic. If only I was/were richer.

o Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past

15 Read what Conrad says, then write what he wishes, as in the example.

• I didn't check the forecast.

• It has been raining all day.
• My tent is leaking ; I can 't fix it.
• I didn 't buy a good tent.
• The mosquitoes are biting me.
• I didn't bring any insect repellent.

2 .................................. ..
4 ........•.•..•..........•.•...•.•....•.....•

16 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate auxiliary/modal verb.

She can 't type but she wishes she .. c'Qulc/ . .. . 9 She won 't accept help but I wish she ........ .
2 They didn 't buy the antique vase but they wish 10 They haven't got any pets but they wish they
they ....•...••. .
3 I'm not going to the concert but I wish 11 I didn't see the programme but I wish I ...... .
12 She's not qualified enough for the job but she
4 I'm not very tall but I wish I ...... .. .. . wishes she ........•. .
5 I didn 't go to the meeting but I wish 13 He can 't afford to buy her a diamond ring but he
wishes he ........... .
6 I can 't tell him the truth but I wish I ......... " . 14 I don 't live close to the office, but I wish I
7 I don't earn much money but I wish I .......... .
8 He probably won 't listen but I wish he 15 She hasn't got a fax machine but she wishes
she ........... .

17 Match the items in column A with those in column B to make complaints, using
would/wouldn't. Then, decide which person from the list is making each complaint.

• librarian • zoo-keeper • actor • doctor • shop manager • journalist • referee

~ I wish readers a (eat) healthily. •• Ji.b.rJi r.itt!') ..••..•..
[]I] If only the politician b (play) fairly. 2 ................... .
[I[J I wish my patients c (not write) on the books. 3
I3IJ If only the audience d (arrive) at work on time. 4 ................... .

[ [ [ ] I wish my staff e (not talk) during the play. 5

f (not feed) the animals. 6
@I] If only the teams
g (answer) my questions about the economy. 7 ................... ..
[f[J I wish visitors

I wish readers wouldn't write on the books.

Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past 0
18 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

A: I wish I .. .c;Qf)Jd. ~pt<CJt ... (speak) another language.

S: It's never too late. You could take an evening course.
2 A: If only I ...•......... . .... (train) harder for the race .
S: Well , you can compete again next year.
3 A: I wish I ................. (not/give) George the money.
S: Don 't worry ; he will pay you back soon.
4 A: I wish Sill .................. (tell) us why he's so sad today.
S: Maybe he just needs some time alone.
5 A: I wish you .............•.... , (take off) your dirty boots at the door.
S: Sorry. I'll try to remember next time.
6 A: I wish I .................. (wear) my heavy coat. I feel really cold now.
S: It's not your fault. The weather forecast said it would be sunny.
7 A: If only my children . . . . . .. . .......... (be) more helpful with the housework.
S: You should give them some chores to do.
8 A: If only it .. .. . . . . . ... . ..... (stop) snowing.
S: I know. It makes driving very dangerous.

19 Read the speech bubbles and make sentences, as in the example.

I wish .1.nt3.dr(t; kft. lJ1y. Wgll~t .crt;. fJ9Jt1~/ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..

If .1.nt3.dr:t l(:ft. lJ1y . wg/l~t .CJt . fJ9Jt1~/.I. lYp'[Jld hCJv~. IJ1Qr~y tP. .
.ta~ ?!, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .

I wish ................•.........•.........•..•...............
If .••......•.......•....•.••.•.•..•.••.......•.••.•••..•...•.

I wish ............................................••..•.....
If ........................................................ .

I wish .......................................•..........•..
If •.....•......•.....•.......•............................•..

o Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past

Put the verbs in capitals into the correct form.

Dear Ben,
Well, it's been two weeks since I started living in my new house, but I already w ish my family
1) •••• ha.dn't, mQYt<d. •••• here. I honestly t hought I would enjoy t he quiet life of the village, but NOT/MOVE
now I wish we 2) .•.•...••..•..•..•••••••• to our old house in the city. The problem is it's just so RETURN
quiet here. If only there 3) ...•.••..•••••••••••••••••• more people my age, then maybe I wou ldn't BE
feel so lonely. Sometimes, I really miss my friends in myoid neighbou rhood. I wish I
4) ........................ ; then I would be able to visit them more often. If only my dad DRIVE
5) ........................... hi s new job; then we wouldn't have needed to move at al l. Sorry, Ben, NOT/TAKE
I w ish I 6) ...•..•••••.••••••••••••.•• a more cheerful letter. Hopefully the next time I w rite, I wi ll feel WRIT E
better. If only I 7) •••.•.••.••••••••••••.•••••• more patient ! I look forward to hearing from you soon. BE

~12711 Listen and repeat. Then act out.
If I married your daughter, I
would make her very

Supposing she were poor, would Then, I'd rather you didn't marry
you still want to marry her? her. I don't want a fool in the family.

Unreal Past
• The past simple can be used to refer to the present (unreal present) when we talk about
imaginary, unreal or improbable situations which are contrary to facts in the present. The
past perfect can be used to refer to imaginary, unreal or improbable situations which are
contrary to facts in the past (unreal past).
Past Simple is used with: Past Perfect is used with:
• Conditionals Type 2 (unreal in the present) • Conditionals Type 3 (unreal in the past)
If I were you, I would pay. If I had seen him, I would have told you.
• wish (present) I wish he were here now. • wish (past) If only you had taken his advice
when he gave it.
• Suppose/Supposing • Suppose/Supposing
Suppose you were asked to move out, what would Suppose you had seen the crime being
you do? committed, what would you have done?
• I'd rather/sooner sb ... (present) • I'd rather/sooner sb ... (past)
I'd rather you went now. I'd rather you hadn't told all those lies.
• as if/as though (untrue situation in the present) • as if/as though (untrue situation in the past)
He isn 't French but he speaks French as if he were He hadn't been awarded the first prize but
from France. he behaved as if he haci been awarded it.
• it's (about/high) time It's time you retired.

Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past 0
had better = should
We use had better + infinitive without 'to' to give advice or to say what the best thing to do in
a particular situation is.
I had better + present infinitive without 'to' (present/future reference)
We had better stop smoking. (= We should stop smoking.)
It would have been better if + past perfect (past reference)
- - -------1
It would have been better if you hadn't lied to her. (= You shouldn't have lied to her.)
I'd (would) rather = I'd prefer

• when the subject of I'd rather + present infinitive without 'to' (present/future reference)
would rather is also the perfect infinitive without 'to' (past reference)
subject of the following I'd rather go to the shops tomorrow. I'd rather not have gone out
verb yesterday.
• when the subject of I'd rather sb + past simple (present/future reference)
would rather is different past perfect (past reference)
from the subject of the I'd rather you studied a little more.
following verb I'd rather you hadn't lied to me.

• prefer + -ing form/noun + to + -ing form/noun (general preference) I prefer (watching) TV to

(going to) the cinema.
• prefer + full infinitive + rather than + infinitive without 'to' (general preference)
I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
• would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + infinitive without 'to' (specific preference)
I'd prefer to write to him rather than call him.
• would rather + infinitive without 'to' + than + infinitive without 'to' (specific preference)
I'd rather buy a new dress than have this one taken in.

21 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

A: Would you like to go to the theatre this evening?

B: Great idea. We had better .... ...... (reserve) our seats.
2 A: I didn't enjoy the exhibition very much .
B: Me neither. I would rather they . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (display) more modern art.
3 A: Did you enjoy the concert last weekend?
B: No, I'd rather .................. (go) to the cinema.
4 A: Do you read many books?
B: No, I prefer ................... (watch) television to . . . . . . . (read) books.
5 A: You had better ................... (train) hard for the race next month .
B: I will. I want to win a medal.
6 A: I'd rather you ...•............•.. (not/wear) your shoes inside the house.
B: No problem . I'll take them off.
7 A: I'm going to walk into the city centre.
B: Then you 'd better ................... (wear) your raincoat. It's going to rain later.
8 A: Shall I take the lawnmower into the shed?
B: I'd rather you ..•...•.....•.....• (not/move) it. I'm going to use it later.

o Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past

22 Underline the correct tense.

Supposing you had seen/had been seen taking the money, what would you have done?
2 Paul acted as if he owns/owned the company.
3 I wish I went/had gone to the concert last night.
4 It's high time you learnt/had learnt how to cook.
5 Suppose you saw/had seen someone getting mugged , what would you do?
6 It's about time we replaced/had replaced the old printer.
7 I'd rather you hadn't told/didn't tell everyone my secret at the party last night.
8 I would have prepared some sandwiches if I knew/had known you were visiting .
9 I'd rather you didn't turn on/hadn't turned on the TV when I'm read ing .
10 If only I didn't break/hadn't broken my dad 's camera. He's very angry with me.

23 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 Suppose you .. ..... mt;t .......

(meet) a famous actor, would you ask him for his autograph?
2 I wish I ... .. .... . .. ......... (ask) my parents ' advice before I decided to buy the house.
3 Alan says he would rather ............ ........ .. . (prepare) the dinner by himself.
4 I'd rather you .. .. ................. (send) me a letter than an email.
5 Supposing I needed to borrow some money, ................•......... . . (you/lend) some to me?
6 She isn 't a trained ballerina but she dances as if she ........................... (be) .
7 If you hadn't left early, you ............. ........ . ... (hear) Tom playing the guitar.
8 I wish Alan .......................... (not/change) jobs; it's not the same here without him .

24 Complete the sentences, as in the example.

Your friends want to go surfing but you just want to sunbathe. What do you say?
I would prefer .t.Q ,!~/,Jn.b.qth.e. mt.fJc:r. tb~.n .6Q .f?/,Jrfil1@, .....•.................................
2 You parents want you to take out the rubbish . You want your brother to do it. What do you say?
I'd rather ... .. . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . .. ... . . .. ................. . ...•
3 Your brother has started playing the viol in. You want him to stop practising late at night. What do you s ay~
I'd rather you .................. . ..................•.....•.............................•.....
4 You friend has the flu. You think she should go to the doctor. What do you say?
You 'd better ..... .......... .. .. ...... .... . .......... . . . ................... .
5 Your parents have offered to buy you an MP3 player for your birthday rather than the computer you hac
asked for. What do you say?
I'd rather you . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . ......................................•.......
6 Your friend has asked if you 'd like to go to the beach . You want to stay at home. What do you say?
I would prefer . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• .. ......... . .................. .
7 Your friend eats a lot of junk food . You think she should eat less. What do you say?
You had better . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........................ . .•.........•..........
8 Your parents ask if you enjoyed your visit to the museum . You regret having gone. What do you say?
I'd rather ...................... .... . ..................................................... .

Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past 0
25 Choose the correct item.

I wish you .... be more careful with my laptop. I 4 you •..• speak to the manager about this issue.
A could ® would C rather A should B rather C better
2 If only the children .... make so much noise. 5 I Rachael had invited me to the dinner party.
A wouldn 't B couldn 't C shouldn't A prefer B rather C wish
3 you 'd ••.. bring your umbrella with you . 6 I wish I speak Japanese.
A better B rather C prefer A would B should C could

Speaking Activity
(giving advice - conditionals)
A friend of yours has joined a new school and is finding it difficult to make
new friends. Use the prompts to give him advice. Use a variety of

• look for other new students - looking for new friends too
• introduce yourself first - other students won 't be nervous around you
• smile - people approach you
• be yourself - students enjoy talking to you
• join an afterschool club - meet students with the same interests

e.g. If I were you , I would look for other new students in the school. They are probably
looking for new friends , too ...

Write an email to your friend based on your answers in the Speaking

Activity above.

Dear Sam ,
I'm sorry to hear you 're finding it difficult to make friends at your new school. I'd like
to give you some advice.
If I were you , I would look for other new students in the school. They are probably
looking for new friends , too . ............... .


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