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Task 2

Plan for adopt the “Internet Sales”

Step 1- Budgeting week 1

To make any change in any organisation it is very much important that company can afford
that financially and objective to make that change will provides more profit then before.

Step 2- Stakeholder Analysis week 2-3

In organisation when any change took place the people involved in that change known as
stakeholders. Before implementing any it is necessary to take permission from stakeholders.

Step 3- Find helpful person/ organisation week 4-6

To make change, organisation needs some kind of support/ help to make that change.
(i.e. to make change as internet sales needs computer exports)

Step 4- Process and Implementation week 7

After found out, start working on actual change within the organisation. Once they have done
it with the change try to use that change.

Step 5- Consumer feedback after week 8

When Furniture Works launched the official web site for the business they ask their customers
about their new service. By getting feedbacks from customers company will get to know if they need
to do any more changes and how satisfied customers are?

Step 6- Work on feedback week 10-11

Getting feedback from the consumer is the best way to improve the service of the
organisation. If Furniture Works get any complaints about their new change then company must have
to work on that to rectify those mistakes.

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