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Assistant Professor
Depart of Civil Engineering
Darbhanga College of Engineering

Solution of

LibreOffice Writer Questions – Multiple Choice

1. Which of following is not a component of the office Suite?

 Writer
 Impress
 Internet Explorer
 Base
2. We can change the mistakes noticed in which of the following?

 Electronic typewriter
 Word processor software
 Simple typewriter
 Both (a) and (b)

3. Header and footer is available in which of the following menus ?

 File menu
 Insert menu
 View menu Edit menu

4. To hide or view ruler we should go to which of the following menus ?

 Tools menu
 Insert menu
 View menu
 Edit menu

5. To check the grammar we should go to which or the following menus ?

 Tools menu
 Insert menu
 view menu
 Edit menu

6. To Replace a word Bombay with Mumbai, we should go to which of the following menus?

 Tools menu
 Edit menu
 View menu
 Language Menu
7. To close an opened document, we should to go to which of the following menus ?

 File menu
 Insert menu
 View menu
 Edit menu

8. Which of the following is the default extension of the writer file ?

 .obt
 .doc
 .odt
 .docx

9. Which of the following technique selects a sentence in Writer ?

 Single click ( Pressing left button of mouse )

 Double click
 Triple click
 None of the above

10. Which of the following is a shortcut key to Redo any Operation ?

 Ctrl +R
 Ctrl +Y
 Ctrl +X
 Ctrl +Z

11. To find a word in a document we can use which of the following Function key ?

 F5
 F8
 F1
 None of the above

12. Spellings are corrected automatically in the writer because of which of the following Features ?

 Auto text
 Auto correct
 Auto Complete
 All of the above

13. The default table size is ________________________________________________.

 1 columns, 1 row
 2 columns, 1 row
 2 columns, 2 rows
 1 columns, 2 rows

14. What is the shape of the mouse pointer when drawing a table?

 Pencil
 White pointing arrow
 Black pointing arrow
 Black plus
15. Which shortcut key is used for automatic spell checking?


16. Which shortcut key is used to insert table?

 CTRL+ F12
17. Which of the following is not valid type of data source in mail merge?

 Spreadsheet
 Text files
 CSV file

18. The default orientation of a page in writer is _______________________.

 Portrait
 landscape
 book
 None of the above

19. Which of the following does not come under page formatting ?

 Setting margins
 Find and replace
 Setting header an footer
 Page orientation

20. Saving an existing document with some other name using the save As option
 replaces the current document
 leaves the current document intact
 is not possible closes
 the document

21. Keyboard shortcut to italicizes the selected text is

 Ctrl+ U
 Shift+ U
 Ctrl+ I
 Shift+ I

22. Which option should be used to type H2O, to get @ at its proper Place ?

 Bold
 Superscript
 Underline
 Subscript
23. What option should be used to to change word ‘Books’ to the word ‘Copies’ in a document ?

 Find
 Find and replace
 Spell check
 Spelling and grammar

24. What is the option to print the document so that the height of the page is less than its Width .

 Landscape
 Portrait
 Indent
 Tab setting

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