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Facultad de Ciencias Humanas

Coordinación de Idiomas
English Test –Level 2

NAME Adrian Daniel Arrieta Ortega

Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant Then choose the correct answer.

1. The shop has the T-shirt in white, black, red and purple (C)
A. White, yellow, black and purple B. white, red, brown and purple C. white, black, red and purple

2. In medium the shop has black and red (B)

A. Purple and red B. black and red C. black and white D. purple and white

3. The customer buys the (B) red T-shirt

A. black B. red C. purple D. white

4. The T-shirt costs (A) £10.95

A. £10.95 B. £20.00 C. £9.95 D. £10.55

1. where did she go on vacation?
A. goed B. go C. went D.goes

2. My sister never eats junk food.

A doesn´t never eat B. doesn´t eats C. never eats D. don´t eat

3. Lucy can play baseball very well

A. can to play B. cans play C. can play D. can plays

4. I had an accident 3 days ago

A. have B. had C. didn´t had D. don´t have

5. We didn't do our homework

A. didn´t did B. don´t do C. didn´t do D. didn´t

6. Did you like the movie? Was it good?

A. Was B. were C. are D. am

7. A: These sandals are too expensive. Don´t buy them.

A. it B. they C. her D. them

8. Your father is talking to you. Listen to him.

A. he B. her C. him D. them

9. That sweatshirt is nicer than the one I´m wearing

A. nicer B. more nice C. more nicer D. nice

10. My brother is better at baseball than I am

A. more good B. better C. gooder D. good

1. My father drinks coffee once a month, so he hardly ever drinks coffee

A. never B. hardly ever C. usually D. always

2. There is a gym near my house. They usually lift weights there

A. cook dinner B. play soccer C. lift weights D. go swimming

3. My mother can´t go shopping at the mall today. She has to go to the doctor
A. athletic field B. gym C. pool D. mall

4. The trip wasn´t interesting. It was boring

A. boring B. scenic C. exciting D. nice

5. I never eat junk food. I avoid it

A. drink B. enjoy C. like D. avoid

6. The plane is already here, but the flight was canceled. It isn´t going to take off
A. land B. take off C. arrive D. come

7. I lost my watch, but someone found it 2 hours later and returned it to me.
A. drank B. ate C. found D. stole

8. If you want to buy a pair of gloves online, you have to click on bags & accessories
A. Outerwear B. Underwear C. Sleepwear D. Bags & Accessories

9. This polo shirt is too small. Could I get it in a larger size?

A. present B. brand C. price D. size

10. The opposite of tighter is looser

A. shorter B. heavier C. looser D. more expensive


1. Who is living in England now?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

2. Who is the youngest?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol
3. Who doesn´t have a job now?
A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

4. Who has the most children?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

5. Who lives near her mother?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

6. Who wants to live in Jamaica?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

7. Who is the happiest?

A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol


Write about a vacation you took. Answer these questions.

1. Where did you go?

It was a long time ago, but I remember going on vacation with my family. We went to Panamá.

2. When did you go there?

I was around 12 when that happened, so it was exactly in 2013.

3. Who did you go with?

I went there with my mother, my grandma, some aunts and cousins. It was a family trip.

4. How long did you stay here?

We stayed there for a week.

5. How was the trip?

The trip was very exciting. Everything was so beautiful, and I had a great time.

6. How was the weather?

The weather was just perfect. It was sunny, but not too hot. I enjoyed it.

7. How was the food?

The food was delicious. They offered a good variety.

8. Did you sleep well?

Yes, I did. I slept very good that week.

9. What did you do?

I visited some touristic places and walked through the city.

10. Did you have a good time?

Yes, I did. I had the best time there.

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