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Hello this is a tutorial

Thank you guys for taking your time to read this have a nice day

i am now becoming a super upgraded original hybrid

you are now becoming a super upgraded original hybrid

i am now a super upgraded original hybrid

you are now a super upgraded original hybrid

i am now developing and manifesting vampire-werewolf hybrid physiology instantly

you are now developing and manifesting vampire-werewolf hybrid physiology instantly

i am now developing and manifesting half vampire half werewolf d.n.a instantly

you are now developing and manifesting half vampire half werewolf d.n.a instantly

i am now developing and manifesting the combined characteristics of an original hybrid and an
upgraded original vampire as depicted in the originals instantly

you are now developing and manifesting the combined characteristics of an original hybrid and
an upgraded original vampire as depicted in the originals instantly

i am now developing and manifesting true face instantly

you are now developing and manifesting true face instantly

my true face hides underneath my normal human appearance

your true face hides underneath your normal human appearance

my true face includes black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under
my eyes to my cheeks, and retractable wolf - like teeth

your true face includes black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under
your eyes to your cheeks, and retractable wolf - like teeth

i can access my true face whenever i want

you can access your true face whenever you want

i am now developing and manifesting retractable wolf - like teeth instantly

you are now developing and manifesting retractable wolf - like teeth instantly

i am able to extend and retract my wolf - like teeth whenever i want

you are able to extend and retract your wolf - like teeth whenever you want

i am now developing and manifesting retractable claws instantly

you are now developing and manifesting retractable claws instantly

i am able to extend and retract my claws whenever i want

you are able to extend and retract your claws whenever you want
i am now developing and manifesting supernaturally high super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid testosterone and have 6 percent body fat and weigh 190 pounds and grow as
tall as six feet and three inches and have more muscle mass and getting stronger more toned
without working out fast and lean, toned, strong, muscular arms, legs, back, chest and 6 pack
abs instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernaturally high super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid testosterone and have 6 percent body fat and weigh 190 pounds and grow as
tall as six feet and three inches and have more muscle mass and getting stronger more toned
without working out fast and lean, toned, strong, muscular arms, legs, back, chest and 6 pack
abs instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernaturally fast super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid Metabolism and have 6 percent body fat and weigh 190 pounds and grow as
tall as six feet and three inches and have more muscle mass and getting stronger more toned
without working out fast and lean, toned, strong, muscular arms, legs, back, chest and 6 pack
abs instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernaturally fast super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid Metabolism and have 6 percent body fat and weigh 190 pounds and grow as
tall as six feet and three inches and have more muscle mass and getting stronger more toned
without working out fast and lean, toned, strong, muscular arms, legs, back, chest and 6 pack
abs instantly

i am now developing and manifesting male supernatural super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid beauty and super upgraded original Vampire Werewolf Hybrid attractiveness

you are now developing and manifesting male supernatural super upgraded original Vampire
Werewolf Hybrid beauty and super upgraded original Vampire Werewolf Hybrid attractiveness

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural beauty instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural beauty instantly

i am extraordinarily beautiful

you are extraordinarily beautiful

my beauty is angelic and god like

your beauty is angelic and god like

i am now developing and manifesting the combined powers and abilities of an original hybrid
and an upgraded original vampire instantly

you are now developing and manifesting the combined powers and abilities of an original
hybrid and an upgraded original vampire instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural condition instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural condition instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural Cells instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural Cells instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural strength instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural strength instantly

i am much stronger than what is humanly possible

you are much stronger than what is humanly possible

i can lift a 999 googolplexian pounds

you can lift a 999 googolplexian pounds

i can lift fully-grown adults off the ground by their neck, send them flying across the room with
a punch, and tear them apart with their bare hands

you can lift fully-grown adults off the ground by their neck, send them flying across the room
with a punch, and tear them apart with their bare hands

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural speed instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural speed instantly

i can fight, move, and run at speeds that are much faster than what is humanly possible

you can fight, move, and run at speeds that are much faster than what is humanly possible

i can safely move at speeds of up to 999 googolplexian miles per hour

you can safely move at speeds of up to 999 googolplexian miles per hour

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural agility and reflexes instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural agility and reflexes instantly

i am more agile and can react faster than what is humanly possible

you are more agile and can react faster than what is humanly possible

i am an excellent acrobat

you are an excellent acrobat

i can perform a multitude of acrobatic, gymnastic and martial feats such as flips, handsprings,
and spinning kicks

you can perform a multitude of acrobatic, gymnastic and martial feats such as flips,
handsprings, and spinning kicks

i can jump from a height of 999 googolplexian feet and land lightly on my feet, jump across
large ravines, and jump 999 googolplexian feet into the air

you can jump from a height of 999 googolplexian feet and land lightly on your feet, jump
across large ravines, and jump 999 googolplexian feet into the air

my supernatural reflexes allow me to catch arrows in mid-air and quickly dodge punches or
your supernatural reflexes allow you to catch arrows in mid-air and quickly dodge punches or

i am now developing and manifesting accelerated perception instantly

you are now developing and manifesting accelerated perception instantly

my perception of time slows when i use my supernatural reflexes instantly

your perception of time slows when i use my supernatural reflexes instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural senses instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural senses instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural sight instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural sight instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural smell instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural smell instantly

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural hearing instantly

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural hearing instantly

all of my senses are supernaturally heightened

all of your senses are supernaturally heightened

my senses are better than a wolf’s

your senses are better than a wolf’s

i can hear frequencies outside the normal range

you can hear frequencies outside the normal range

i can track people by the sound of their heartbeat

you can track people by the sound of their heartbeat

i can hear whispered conversations from hundreds of feet away

you can hear whispered conversations from hundreds of feet away

i can track animals, humans, and other supernatural creatures across long distances solely by

you can track animals, humans, and other supernatural creatures across long distances solely
by scent

i can track a single scent in places filled with hundreds of scents

you can track a single scent in places filled with hundreds of scents

i am able to discern the emotional state of others by interpreting the chemo signals in their
you are able to discern the emotional state of others by interpreting the chemo signals in their

i can see with greater clarity and at greater distances than what is humanly possible

you can see with greater clarity and at greater distances than what is humanly possible

i have night vision

you have night vision

i am now developing and manifesting supernatural durability

you are now developing and manifesting supernatural durability

i am indestructible

you are indestructible

i am much more durable and resistant to blunt force trauma than what is humanly possible

you are much more durable and resistant to blunt force trauma than what is humanly possible

my skin, muscles, and bones are denser and tougher than what is humanly possible

your skin, muscles, and bones are denser and tougher than what is humanly possible

my skin is as tough as diamonds

your skin is as tough as diamonds

my skin is able to defect bullets, resist fire, and survive point blank explosions

your skin is able to defect bullets, resist fire, and survive point blank explosions

my bones are virtually indestructible

your bones are virtually indestructible

my bones can under go 999 googolplexian tons of pressure without breaking

your bones can under go 999 googolplexian tons of pressure without breaking

i am highly resistant to pain and can take a great amount of physical damage without
succumbing to physical injury

you are highly resistant to pain and can take a great amount of physical damage without
succumbing to physical injury

i feel no pain

you feel no pain

extreme temperatures don’t affect me

extreme temperatures don’t affect you

i am now developing and manifesting accelerated healing instantly

you are now developing and manifesting accelerated healing instantly

i am able to heal from any injury much faster than what is humanly possible

you are able to heal from any injury much faster than what is humanly possible

i am able to perfectly and quickly recover from any physical injury instantly

you are able to perfectly and quickly recover from any physical injury instantly

my bones snap back into place after being broken

your bones snap back into place after being broken

i am able to reattach any missing limbs

you are able to reattach any missing limbs

i am now developing and manifesting contaminant immunity instantly

you are now developing and manifesting contaminant immunity instantly

i am immune to all known poisons, diseases, toxins, venoms, viruses, harmful bacteria, and

you are immune to all known poisons, diseases, toxins, venoms, viruses, harmful bacteria, and

i am now developing and manifesting immortality instantly

you are now developing and manifesting immortality instantly

i possess an infinite life span and cannot be killed by any means

you possess an infinite life span and cannot be killed by any means

i am immune to the effects of aging

you are immune to the effects of aging

i am truly and unconditionally immortal

you are truly and unconditionally immortal

i stop aging once i reach my physical prime

you stop aging once i reach my physical prime

i am now developing and manifesting telepathy instantly

you are now developing and manifesting telepathy instantly

i am able to enter into the minds of others in order to read their thoughts and access their
memories just by being in the same vicinity as them

you are able to enter into the minds of others in order to read their thoughts and access their
memories just by being in the same vicinity as them

i am able to control, project, and change decisions and thoughts of others by using my
you are able to control, project, and change decisions and thoughts of others by using my

i am now developing and manifesting mind compulsion instantly

you are now developing and manifesting mind compulsion instantly

i am able to control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, actions and memories of
anyone through verbal commands

you are able to control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, actions and memories
of anyone through verbal commands

i can control thoughts, plague dreams, and erase memories of anyone

you can control thoughts, plague dreams, and erase memories of anyone

i am able to compel entire crowds of people at once with ease

you are able to compel entire crowds of people at once with ease

i am able to compel original vampires

you are able to compel original vampires

i am now developing and manifesting illusion casting instantly

you are now developing and manifesting illusion casting instantly

i can project extremely realistic illusions into the minds of others by altering their perceptions
of reality

you can project extremely realistic illusions into the minds of others by altering their
perceptions of reality

i can cast illusions that trick the minds of others into seeing and feeling things that aren’t
actually happening

you can cast illusions that trick the minds of others into seeing and feeling things that aren’t
actually happening

i am now developing and manifesting dream manipulation instantly

you are now developing and manifesting dream manipulation instantly

i have the ability to produce and modify the dreams of others, bestow nightmares, or lucid

you have the ability to produce and modify the dreams of others, bestow nightmares, or lucid

i have enhanced emotions

you have enhanced emotions

i am able to feel emotions much more intensely than what is humanly possible

you are able to feel emotions much more intensely than what is humanly possible
i am now developing and manifesting emotion control instantly

you are now developing and manifesting emotion control instantly

i have limited control over my emotions

you have limited control over your emotions

i can turn my emotions on and off

you can turn your emotions on and off

i am now developing and manifesting Blood enhancement

you are now developing and manifesting blood enhancement

when i drink blood my abilities and powers increase and become more powerful

when you drink blood your abilities and powers increase and become more powerful

i am now developing and manifesting lycanthrope enhancement

you are now developing and manifesting lycanthrope enhancement

i can access my werewolf abilities whenever i want

you can access your werewolf abilities whenever you want

using my lycanthrope enhancement boosts my physical abilities and powers

using your lycanthrope enhancement boosts your physical abilities and powers

i can fight an entire army of vampires and werewolf and hybrid and humans when using my
lycanthrope enhancement

you can fight an entire army of vampires and werewolf and hybrid and humans when using
your lycanthrope enhancement

my black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under your eyes to your
cheeks when using my lycanthrope enhancement

your black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under your eyes to your
cheeks when using my lycanthrope enhancement

i am now developing and manifesting Anger enhancement

you are now developing and manifesting Anger enhancement

my Anger enhancement boosts my physical abilities and powers

your Anger enhancement boosts your physical abilities and powers

my black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under your eyes to your
cheeks when using my anger enhancement

your black sclera, glowing crimson red irises, dark veins that run from under your eyes to your
cheeks when using my anger enhancement

i can fight an entire army of vampires and werewolf and hybrid and humans when using my
lycanthrope enhancement
you can fight an entire army of vampires and werewolf and hybrid and humans when using
your lycanthrope enhancement

i am now developing and manifesting shapeshifting control

you are now developing and manifesting shapeshifting control

i can shapeshift into a giant wolf

you can shapeshift into a giant wolf

i am a natural shapeshifter and can shapeshift into my werewolf form whenever i want

you are a natural shapeshifter and can shapeshift into your werewolf form whenever you want

i possess ultimate mastery over my shifting and can shift into my werewolf form with ease

you possess ultimate mastery over my shifting and can shift into my werewolf form with ease

i possess full conscious control over my werewolf form

you possess full conscious control over your werewolf form

my eyes glow crimson red when in my wolf form

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