Hunger's NCE Genestealer Cult Rules

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Genestealer Cults

Rules for Genestealer Cults in Necromunda Community Edition. Based on the

original works of Brian Ansell, Paul Murphy, Nigel Stillman, Tim Huckleberry
and Anthony Case. Compiled and updated for NCE by Chris Dixon (Hunger).


In the depths of the great Hive Cities of In times of strife, the brotherhood is a
Necromunda, a nightmarish cult lurks in stalwart defender of the people, and its
the shadow of society. In the back rooms courageous members are ready to take up
of drinking dens and gambling houses, arms to defend the community against
behind the curtained windows of meeting marauding outlaws and violent gangs that
halls and private residences, its robed threaten the peace. Their philanthropic
members convene in secret and observe efforts continue to strengthen and improve
solemn ceremonies. Their clandestine the community, but despite their selfless
brotherhood, however, has no need for a work they are modest and insular men, and
secret handshake or spoken password. Its their furtive meetings are seen as quaint
members share a psychic familial bond that and comical eccentricities. Elsewhere in
unites them in their singular purpose. Hive City, were life is more strictly
regimented by the codes of house and hive,
Around the town, their charitable works and lived under the scrupulous gaze of the
and good deeds are well known. The creed Imperial authorities, such behaviour might
they adhere to promotes clean-living and arouse suspicion, but the Underhive is an
an ardent, ecclesiastical work ethic. Their egalitarian place, and receives outcasts and
followers have contributed positively to the those with secrets to hide with open arms.
area, from small things like regular litter The community is welcoming of their good
sweeps to the financial donations made work, and though they number just a
toward repairing the defensive palisade, to handful of brothers, the osmotic spread of
the spiritual advice centres and alms houses their humanitarian ideology appears to
they helped set up. bode well for the settlement.
Beneath this wholesome façade, however,
under the pallid skin of its members, the
organisation conceals a disturbing, sinister
truth. The kindly brothers who walk
amongst the settlement’s populace, tidy its
streets and defend its interests are but the Image
outermost echelons of a dark, inhumanly
terrible society. If an outsider were able to
peel back the onion and see through the
elaborate web of subterfuge that has been
woven around his hometown, he would
find a core of horrifying alien monsters,
psychic mind-control, and an unimaginable
fate awaiting him and his entire world.
Around the patriarch are gathered its
The industrious samaritans working to enthralled children; human mothers
better his home town are a single cell in a lovingly caring for hideous, clawed infants;
wider network. Perhaps they are the first, skulking hybrids cloaked in cowls that hide
or perhaps they are one of many such their bestial visages; robed hierarchs
sleeper cells, biding their time until they studying blueprints of local settlements and
reveal their terrible secret. If the man could facilities; devoted servants tending to the
follow the brothers as they silently slip out personal care of their monstrous father,
of the settlement when the dimming and all in a calm and unsettling silence, for
floodlights herald the Underhive’s night the telepathic brothers and sisters have little
hours, he would trace a path out into the use for the spoken word.
badzones, far from civilisation, to the cult’s
hidden lair. Yet even if the man could see all this, he
would still be unable to comprehend the
He would descend into long-forgotten true horror of the cult, or the true scale of
catacombs, lit by sickly glowing fungi and the danger it poses, for the cult’s higher
pale flickering torches, into the brood’s purpose is perhaps unknown even to itself.
inner sanctum. Here he would find a At the heart of its insular fraternity is the
creature from his darkest nightmares – a worship of the Father, and of the
clawed, fang-toothed monster, its chitinous transcendental rebirth he will grant them
skin grown tough and gnarled from age, its when he calls down the ancient gods from
bottomless pool-like eyes reflecting an heaven. If such concepts are ever spoken of
intelligence of unfathomable depth and amongst non-brothers, they are likely to be
origin. This spine-chilling creature may dismissed as eccentric facets of the society’s
have lain dormant in its deep, dark warren seemingly innocent, if quirky and
for untold decades, even centuries, arrived idiosyncratic faith, however the truth is that
from some distant world a lifetime ago, the sky gods are very real, and the cult’s
hidden away in the bowels of a merchant final glorious ascent to heaven in their
freighter or civilian transport, and secreted starships will be a literal one if it ever
itself here to await the call of its masters. comes to pass.
The alien’s lightning speed and superhuman
Phase 1: Inception
strength are more than a match for any
First Contact adversary that resists, and its powerful,
Out in the cold void of interstellar space, diamond-hard claws can cut through tank
beyond the understanding and imagination armour, however the Genestealer does not
of those raised within the hermetic walls of hunt to kill, but to capture. The monster’s
the hive city, drift the vast shoals of the unfortunate victims are brought back to its
Father’s primogenitor. The Great Devourer lair, where they are subjected to the
moves silently and relentlessly toward the ‘Genestealer’s kiss’. The creature cows its
cult’s psychic beacon. Across a thousand struggling captive into a state of passive
worlds where its children land, similar cults compliance with its hypnotic gaze, and then
arise, and the great hive fleets home in on implants the docile host with material from
these beacons like moths to candles in the an ovipositor in its prehensile tongue. Over
darkness. the course of several hours, the substance
gradually works its way through the victim’s
A single Genestealer is sometimes all it bloodstream, subverting the host’s genetic
takes to bring about the doom of a whole composition and reproductive system.
world. Dispersed throughout the galaxy on
space hulks, or secreted in the cargo holds When the host later regains consciousness,
of transport vessels, the Tyranid vanguard it has no memory of the horrifying ordeal,
creatures go to ground once they make and the changes wrought by the
planetfall, seeking out hidden places close Genestealer’s seed bond it psychically to
to population centres, or laying in a state of the creature. The Genestealer is no longer
indefinite torpor if the planet is viewed as a terrible monster, but as a
uninhabited, to await the arrival of cherished idol. The victim is released and
unsuspecting colonists before rousing to returns to its community, where it is driven
fulfil their deadly purpose. to reproduce by the biological and psychic
imperatives of its altered body.
The monster hunts at night, preying on
isolated settlements, homesteads or Establishment
travellers, using its supreme intelligence and In time the Genestealer will acquire a small
stealth to lay cunning ambushes. The prey enclave of implanted thralls. A prolific
stands no chance. creature may range tens of miles from its
lair to establish its presence throughout a
cluster of adjacent settlements, creating
several cells of its followers who pass
among the general populace without
detection, each cell at a different stage of its
developmental growth. When a cell reaches
Image a critical mass relative to the population
density of the settlement, the cult begins to
form. Some of its members may leave the
settlement permanently, venturing to the
monster’s secluded lair to tend to the
Father and join others of their kind.
Some remain behind in the settlement to
continue the cult’s work there. Outwardly
these individuals are seen to be upstanding
members of the community, often
promoting a cover for the cult’s activities in
the form of a new faith, secular tradition, Image
artisans’ guild or the like. The cover acts as
a legitimate reason for the cult to meet, and
may aid the brotherhood in recruiting new
members. The cult must be careful to
ensure that its cover subscribes to the
prevailing political and ideological climate
of their world – worlds with a significant Further down the line, when these hybrids
Imperial presence are typically suspicious of reach adulthood, they too are able to
unorthodox religions and political reproduce. A hybrid retains the sexual
movements, and with good reason. In the physiology of the host species, and is able
more lawless regions of a world, or on a to breed true with other hybrids, or with
world with less Imperial control, the cult other members of its parent’s race.
may have more licence to operate freely Enthralled brood brothers and sisters are
under its cover, spreading its message of attracted to the monstrous hybrids in the
freedom and enlightenment with ease. same way they may be attracted to natural-
born men or women of their race, and as
Genestealer Lifecycle with the raising of their aberrant children,
As a cell grows, its members will eventually these otherwise-human people appear to be
reproduce, giving birth to hideously unaware that their partner is an horrifically
malformed offspring bearing extra arms, corrupted monster.
clawed hands, needle-sharp fangs and pale
skin. These abominations are lovingly Successive generations of the cult’s children
raised by the doting parents, who tend breed closer to the appearance of the host
them and coo over them like any other species, so that the third generation appears
infant. Children born to pairings where one less bestial and more human-looking than
parent has not received the Genestealer’s the second. The fourth generation can
implant are equally cherished by both easily pass for a member of its great-great-
parents; the non-cultist appears incapable grandparents’ species, although a closer
of seeing the monstrous nature of its inspection may reveal a pallid skin tone,
offspring, such is the power of the infant’s slightly pointed teeth and a cold, unsettling
psychic dominion over the parent. Pregnant stare. These features are easily hidden
mothers instinctively gravitate to the though, and these individuals are capable of
Genestealer’s lair before or soon after the walking freely among the local populace
birth of their deformed child, sub- without detection. These hybrids represent
consciously driven to move away from the the cult’s most chilling aspect – on the
prying eyes of neighbours and into the surface they are indistinguishable from any
security of the familial group. In this way, ordinary human, but underneath the skin
the Father’s children are drawn to him, and they are utterly inhuman, as alien as the
the cult begins to muster at his side. original Genestealer itself.
Genestealer cults rarely grow beyond the A pairing between a fourth generation (F4)
initial stage before they are exposed and hybrid and a standard human genotype may
destroyed. Most commonly, the cult’s true produce a typically bestial-looking F2,
nature is never revealed, and instead it is however the pairing of two F4 hybrids
the cover which proves to be its undoing. marks a significant milestone in the cult’s
Imperial authorities are quick to stamp out rise to power, for such a pairing gives birth
divergent religious thinking, and quick to to a Purestrain Genestealer, which quickly
put down political groups, lest they incite a grows to maturity. This development
revolt against the rule of the planetary completes the loop of the Genestealer’s
governor. The fledgling brotherhood is lifecycle, and allows the cult to proliferate,
persecuted to the point of annihilation, and spreading further afield as new
the aging Father of the cult is left to die Genestealers are born and make their way
alone or move on. A Genestealer cult in to new settlements or offworld and begin
Necromunda represents a cult in this first the process once more.
formative stage – a single sleeper cell
consisting of a small number of brothers
and sisters in the thrall of the Genestealer
patriarch – for once a cult is fully Image
established, the planet is already on the
road to outright rebellion and eventual
oblivion, and is a long way beyond the
scope of the Underhive’s setting.
Phase 2: Subversion
Closing The Loop Closer to home, the cult begins to prepare
If, however, the cult’s cover was to remain for its eventual rise to dominance. This
intact, and the movement allowed to stage may take decades, even lifetimes to
mature, the first stages of the world’s bear fruit, and its members run a daily risk
ultimate demise would be set in motion. As of discovery and reprisal. Since its birth, the
the fourth generation of hybrids is born, cult has been slowly and steadily insinuating
the cult is stable, and its agreeable cloak of itself into local affairs. The brotherhood’s
religious ideology, enlightened thinking or selfless charitable and community-building
harmless eccentricity is accepted in the efforts grant local authorities a positive
wider society. Like their fellow brothers, disposition toward it, and its members’
fourth generation hybrids also breed true. good standing and subtle hypnotic gaze
help them manoeuvre into positions of
power. Cult members are promoted to key
roles in political organisations, religious
institutions, public services, military
Image command chains and other strategically
powerful systems without their true
allegiance ever being known. Individuals
outside the cult follow their orders or are
brought into the fold until the cult has full
control over local state affairs.
The cult’s power steadily increases, and as Phase 3: revolution
its movement gathers momentum, it begins
to draw together the resources it will need The Magus Arises
for conquest. Cult members who have Across the planet, the cult’s numerous
infiltrated local organisations and sleeper cells steadily expand their influence
bureaucratic systems divert public funds and subvert their locales in the same way.
from their intended projects, and siphon As the cult’s network grows, the planet
money from the treasuries of banks, private gradually falls under the cult’s sway. The
companies and religious institutions. direction the cult takes could now go one
of several ways. With so many influential
Cargoes arriving at starports and land figures subscribing to the cult’s cover, the
terminals are expunged from manifest cover itself may become a planet-wide
documents and vanish in transit. Military religious or political movement.
vehicles and weapons go missing from Enthusiastic followers preach its credo,
heavily guarded arsenals. Suspicious handing out pamphlets on street corners
investigators find themselves stonewalled and delivering sermons to growing
when they ask questions, or disappear congregations until the movement reaches
without trace. Forces that may oppose the a fervent tipping point and becomes the
cult with violence are systematically dominant ideology across the world.
undermined, as the brood infiltrates Opposition to the ‘new faith’ may be
military structures, police forces and strong, and the cult may face a stubborn
organised crime syndicates, or gradually backlash from powerful quarters of society,
bleeds them dry by shutting down their or it may be hampered by a weak but
funding or other income streams. determined partisan movement, resisting its
efforts with guerrilla attacks and the
spreading of conspiracy theories.

What is needed is a leader around which

the cult will rally, a general to lead its
armies in battle, a prophet to speak the
words of the Father. When the cult’s
psychic presence reaches critical mass, the
magus arises. A fourth generation hybrid,
the magus is a supremely powerful psyker,
able to hold whole populations under his
Image sway with his hypnotic presence and
powerful, inspiring oratory. The magus is
the leader for the time and place, the
prophesied one spoken of in the scriptures.
His public persona could take any number
of forms – a prominent and respected
business tycoon, religious or military leader,
benevolent governor or entertainment
superstar. However he presents himself, his
coming signals the beginning of the end.
Now a powerful worldwide movement in
possession of stockpiles of weapons and a
strong fighting force, the time is ripe for
the cult to light the fire of the rebellion it
has fomented for tens, hundreds, or even Image
thousands of years. The cult may have
reached its zenith in a whirlwind of
spectacular public approval, its globe-
spanning ideology having swept across the
world like wildfire in a matter of short
years. Equally, the origins of its faith may
be shrouded in history, having existed for
millennia and been a staple religion of the
world since ancient times. The forces of order that oppose them find
the rug pulled from under their feet as the
Once the cult attains this level of full extent of the cult’s infiltration into the
integration into the planet’s discourse, the existing powerbase becomes clear. Military
fate of the world is sealed. Its human resistance to the coup crumbles as whole
inhabitants cannot possibly apprehend the regiments of soldiers defect to the cult’s
scale of the cult’s control, and even if the banner; police fight police; friends fight
truth were discovered it would scarcely be former allies. Long-standing rivalries
believable. The average Imperial human between religions, ethnic groups and entire
knows little of the horrors that dwell nations are revealed to be contrived,
beyond the upper atmosphere of his world, orchestrated by their leaders to misdirect
and such a man could simply not accept the masses and mask the true agenda.
that a mind-controlling alien cult had
corrupted the leaders of his planet. Even Under the magus’s gestalt leadership, the
faced with the continual newsfeeds of cult acts as one to seize control of the
genocide, religious fanaticism and divisive world as it spirals into disorder. Its war
warfare perpetrated in their names, the man machine is pressed into action to crush any
will dismiss such thoughts and return to the opposition amid the chaos, and when the
reality of sporting events, popular dust finally settles the planet is wrested
entertainment and the daily grind of his job. from its previous masters and brought
under the cult’s absolute control. The
With the arrival of the magus, the cult is planet’s human inhabitants may at last see
galvanised into action. Under the great through the veil of political manipulation
leader’s banner, the worldwide movement and subterfuge that has confounded them
makes its bid for global domination. Its for so long, or they may greet the new
armies of freedom fighters – largely world order with cheering and celebrations.
composed of non-cultists fighting for It matters not. Either way their world is
noble, altruistic principles in the interests of utterly and irrevocably condemned to
their fellow men – take up arms and fight extinction, and in one form or another the
to cast off the historical oppression of the final glorious ascension that the cult’s credo
old regime. preaches will certainly befall them.
Phase 4: Sublimation The cult’s psychic signature is not only
visible to the Tyranid fleets; it is also visible
As the cult grows larger and larger to human astropaths and other powerful
throughout the course of its life, its psychic psykers capable of detecting its presence in
presence grows proportionally with every the warp. If caught early, Imperial
implanted brood brother or birthed hybrid authorities in nearby star systems may be
that swells its ranks. Each one is a psychic able to intervene. More than one desperate
node on the cult’s network that adds its resistance movement has looked upward
power to the combined signal, which shines with joyous relief to see Imperial ships
like a beacon in the warp. Far out, across descending into low orbit, cheering their
the distant reaches of interstellar space, the saviours and praying for deliverance until
Genestealers’ primogenitor hears the call of the virus bombs begin to fall.
its children. Arrayed before it in the warp
like an illuminated city at night, the Great If the world is not visited by Imperial
Devourer senses these psychic beacons forces and subjected to Exterminatus, the
burning like torches in the darkness. Its only other visitors to the world will be of
fleets gravitate toward the brightest lights, another, entirely more sinister origin. In the
drifting from one to another like waypoints void between the stars, the hive ships of
as they crawl across the void, for the
the Great Devourer drift slowly but
brightest nodes indicate the greatest
inexorably onward at sub-light speeds, their
concentrations of biomass and the places
where it will find the least resistance. relentless progress measured on timescales
unimaginable to humans. Homing in on the
beacon that may have been lit millennia
Image ago, the cult’s monstrous kin finally arrive
to complete the cult’s long-awaited
apotheosis. Despite their alien longevity,
With the cult triumphant, and the world the original Genestealer patriarch, and even
under its iron grip, the brotherhood’s cover the magus too, may be long dead by the
can finally be dropped. The cult’s inner time the mycetic spores begin to rain from
circle can finally reveal its true face, and as the sky. Embattled resistance fighters,
hybrids and Genestealers emerge from their struggling for centuries against their
lairs the population is systematically horrifying masters, may present a
enslaved and implanted. Any pockets of determined last stand, but before the
resistance that remain are mercilessly endless swarms of the Eternal Hunger they
hunted down by broods of roving cannot hope to survive. The cult’s own
Genestealers, and in time the planet’s entire brothers may finally understand that their
population will be forced into submission –
cause was false, and turn against the sky
either implanted and added to the psychic
gods who come to claim them. More often
beacon or slaughtered where they fight
back. What condition the planet is in when than not though, the cult’s victory is
the inevitable apocalypse finally arrives is consummate, and its members calmly
dependent on the time to day-zero, and on board the hive ships and walk into the
the totality of the cult’s dominion relative digestion pools to become one with their
to the human inhabitants when it comes. creator in the final, glorious rapture.
Special Rules
Lawful Captured Enemies: Genestealer’s Kiss
Genestealer Cults start a campaign as a Captured enemies who may be useful to
lawful gang, composed of apparently the cult can never be ransomed or sold into
ordinary individuals. Unless superseded by slavery, and are instead subjected to the
this document, all rules for standard house Genestealer’s Kiss. The captive is brought
gangs apply to Cults at start-up. to the cult’s secret lair, where a Purestrain
implants the unfortunate individual with its
Hired Guns seed. Hours later the captive recovers from
Lawful Cults can recruit any Hired Guns the ordeal with no memory of the event.
except Bounty Hunters. Outlawed cults Roll a Ld test for the model. If it fails, it
cannot recruit any Hired Guns, as a result joins the cult, and is immediately added to
of their worrisome reputation. the cult’s roster together with its skills &
equipment, however it retains no special
Scenarios rules such as the Leader ability or a
Genestealer Cults may roll on either the Ratskin’s Resilience trait.
Standard Scenario Table on page 109 of
Necromunda Community Edition, or the If the Ld test is passed, the model is
Outlaw Scenario Table on page 27 of allowed to ‘escape’ back to its gang
Outlanders Community Edition. unharmed. No ransom may be collected for
the captured fighter, and he may not be
Captured Cultists sold into slavery. The returned captive
Captured cult members may be ransomed gains the trait ‘Genestealer Implant’.
back to the cult or sold into slavery as
normal. If a Hybrid or the Hierarch is Only humans may be implanted by the
captured and is to be sold into slavery, the Genestealer’s Kiss - Scalies and other
cult must always attempt a rescue mission, genetic aberrations are automatically slain.
however Brood Brothers are not subject to Spyrers, possessing technology that could
this requirement. give away the cult, must also be killed, and
may never be implanted, ransomed or sold.
Sump Dynamo All other humans, including Enforcers,
Note that the cult can use a Sump Dynamo Ratskins, Ash Waste Nomads and other
acquired from the Outlaw Rare Trade outlaws, are either assimilated into the cult
Chart to convert any of its Outlaw or allowed to return to their gang and
territories, but may never convert its Cult report their daring escape.
Lair or its Settlement.
Genestealer Implant
Fresh Blood An infected gang member with this trait
After the starting gang is recruited, a Cult must roll a D6 before each battle. On a 1
may only gain new members via a ‘6’ result he leaves the gang together with all his
for Settlement income, a ‘6’ for Cult Lair equipment to venture off alone, psychically
income, or via the Genestealer’s Kiss. directed to spread the cult further afield.
Brood Telepathy Synapse Collapse
All members of a Genestealer Cult are If the Hierarch is taken Out Of Action,
bonded together under the psychic every model in the cult except Purestrains
dominion of the Patriarch, which is and Hired Guns must take a Nerve test
disseminated through the Hierarchs of each using their own Ld. All Ld based tests
of its sleeper cells. All Genestealer Cult taken by cult members except Purestrains
members may re-roll any failed nerve, fear and Hired Guns must be taken on models’
or terror tests if they are within 8” of the own Ld. Bottle tests are taken on the Ld of
Hierarch. the model with the next highest Ld who is
not a Hired Gun or a Purestrain.
Defend The Hierarch
If the Hierarch goes Down, all friendly Leadership Disputes
models within 16” except Purestrains and Hierarchs are chosen to lead the cult by the
Hired Guns must use their following Patriarch, and their brothers and sisters are
movement phase(s) to attempt to move to psychically bound to follow the Hierarch’s
an item of cover that is within 8” of the will. He can never be challenged for
Hierarch, unless this move would take leadership of the gang. If the Hierarch is
them past the Hierarch. killed, the Hybrid with the highest Ld (roll
off if there is a tie) becomes the cult’s new
Models that are Pinned, Down or in hand- leader, and gains the Brood Telepathy,
to-hand combat may ignore this rule, unless Defend The Hierarch and Synapse Collapse
their status changes and the Hierarch traits, but not the original Hierarch’s
remains Down. Models subject to this psychic powers, if any.
compulsory move may still move
intelligently, using cover and moving Secrecy
around difficult terrain, but they must not The cult’s need for secrecy is paramount,
deviate more than 2” from the most direct however its Hybrids are often required to
path, and will climb up or down if leave the lair to fight. Clad in cowls and
necessary. robes, they are usually assumed to be
deformed mutants, and although their true
If there are enemies who are not down, nature is likely to remain a secret, the
broken or in hard cover within the model’s ‘mutants’ can nevertheless attract unwanted
line of sight before this move is made, then attention. Whenever making a roll on the
the model may choose to fall back up to 4”, Outlaw Table, the cult must apply the
and may turn to face them and fire its following additional modifiers:
ranged weapon(s) if desired. If no viable
targets (i.e. those not down, broken or in -1 if any Hybrids took part in the previous
hard cover) are within the models LOS battle.
before the move is made, then the model
must Run instead. -1 if a Purestrain took part in the previous

Image Image
Territory and Income
Cult Lair
Genestealer Cults automatically start
with their unique Cult Lair territory. The Image
Cult Lair is an Outlaw Territory, and
takes a single Brood Brother to work. If
the Cult Lair is ever captured it instantly Cult Lair Territory
becomes a Wastes. D6 Result
1 The cult’s activities are attracting
Extra Territories
In addition, they must roll up a further suspicion. No income is generated
three Outlaw territories from page 7 of from the Lair this turn, and the cult
Outlanders Community Edition. gains an additional permanent -1
modifier against its roll on the
Outlaw Cults Outlaw Table. This modifier is
If outlawed, the cult loses all territories, cumulative with any other modifiers
except the Cult Lair. gained through this result.

Income & Profits 2 A local arms dealer or tech trader

All Genestealer Cult income is washed supplies a shipment of goods. Any
through the standard income chart on number of the items may be kept or
page 93 of Necromunda Community sold for their base value. Roll a
Edition, as the cult stockpiles in further D6:
preparation for its revolt. Only Brood
1:- One common Special Weapon,
Brothers can work territories.
rolled randomly.
Captured Territories 2:- Three common Pistols of the
Genestealer Cults may capture any same type, rolled randomly.
standard or Outlaw territories in the
usual way, and may collect income from 3:- Three common Basic Weapons
them in addition to any other territories of the same type, rolled randomly.
they possess. Income from captured
4:- Three supplies of Grenades of
Lawful territories is halved before
washing. In the case of Guilder the same type, either rare or
Contacts, Drinking Holes and the like, common, rolled randomly.
the territory represents the cult 5:- One item from the Outlaw Rare
infiltrating local services and amenities. Trade Chart, rolled randomly.
Reroll results of 61 and over.
Settlement Juves
Instead of recruiting free juves from the 6:- One item from the Rare Trade
settlement, a cult recruits free Brood Chart, rolled randomly..
brothers on the roll of a 6.
Cult Lair Territory
D6 Result
3 The cult receives a charitable
donation from a benefactor. The
territory generates D6x10 creds. In
addition, the brothers’ good deeds Image
around the town have garnered
some goodwill among its people,
and you may add +1 to your roll on
the Outlaw Table during this post-
game phase
4 The cult collects the take from its
many legitimate business fronts. Recruiting The Cult
The territory generates D6x10
creds. A Genestealer Cult is recruited in the
same way as a normal gang. You have
5 The cult’s agents divert funds from 1000 credits to spend on recruitment
the treasuries of local businesses and armament within the following
and Guilder interests. The territory guidelines:
generates 2D6x10 creds. If a double
is rolled, the cult’s activities are • Minimum of 3 fighters – Your cult
spotted, and an investigator is put must include no less than 3 fighters.
on the trail in the form of a Bounty • 1 Hierarch – The cult must include a
Hunter. The next gang that fights Hierarch.
the cult may be joined by a free
Bounty Hunter for that battle. • 0-1 Purestrains – The cult may
include up to one Purestrain
6 The cult’s recruiting drive bears Genestealer.
fruit, as new members join the
brotherhood. The territory • Any number of Hybrids, as long as
generates a free Brood Brother, the following criteria is met.
who may be added to the cult’s • The cult must include at least one
roster if you wish. Otherwise this Brood Brother for every Hybrid it
result has no effect. includes, plus one for the Hierarch.
• If, for example, due to deaths or
retirement, the number of Brood
Brothers falls below 50%, then any
excess Hybrids may not take part in
future battles until the balance has
been restored, lest the proportion of
‘mutants’ attracts too much attention.
Hierarch - 130 Hybrid - 75
Hierarchs are the vassals through which the Hybrids are the cult’s inner sanctum – the
Patriarch directs the cult’s constituent cells. awful, visceral truth behind the cult’s
A vicious, intelligent and psychically agreeable outer facade. Hybrids are the
attuned hybrid, the Hierarch commands his personified image of what lies beneath the
cell of brothers without question or skin of every cultist, as alien in body and
recourse. mind as the Genestealer itself, a mockery
of the former humanity that gave rise to
their existence. Hybrids are savage fighters,
and though their physiques vary between
specimens, most possess additional arms
Weapons: The Hierarch is equipped with a
with grasping hands or razor sharp talons;
F2s tend to be more animalistic, while F3s
Equipment: The Hierarch may select often possess the dexterity and intelligence
items from the Close Combat, Pistol, Basic, to use firearms.
Hierarch Only, and the Extras and
Miscellaneous lists.
Extra Arm: When recruited, the Hierarch
may be given up to one extra arm at a cost Weapons: The Hybrid is equipped with a
of +10 creds. The arm grants the Hierarch knife.
+1 Attack in close combat, and may either
Equipment: A Hybrid may select items
be used to hold a weapon, or may be
from the Pistols, Close Combat, Basic,
equipped with a Genestealer Claw at a
Special, Heavy and Extras and
further cost of +15 creds.
Miscellaneous lists.
Psychic Powers: The Hierarch has the
Weapon Limits: Your cult may only ever
psychic power Hypnotic Gaze. He may
have a total of 2 special or heavy weapons
purchase up to one extra Wyrd Minor
(or one of each), as all surplus equipment is
power from pages 25-26 of Outlanders
stockpiled in secret caches away from the
Community Edition at a cost of +20 creds.
cult’s lair in preparation for the revolution.
Hierarchs never need to make Perils Of
The Warp rolls when using psychic powers. Extra Arm: When recruited, the Hybrid
may be given up to one extra arm at a cost
Hypnotic Gaze: When the Hierarch
of +10 creds. The arm grants the Hybrid
charges into close combat he can attempt
+1 Attack in close combat, and may either
to transfix one opponent. Both models roll
be used to hold a weapon, or may be
a D6 and add their Ld. If the Hierarch
equipped with a Genestealer Claw at a
wins, the opponent’s WS is reduced to 1
further cost of +15 creds.
for that round.
Brood Brother - 35 Purestrain - 200

Brood brothers are ordinarily civilians, Few things in the galaxy make the blood
untrained in the ways of combat, but driven run cold quite like the Genestealer. Such
to fight ferociously by the Hierarch’s creatures are the epitome of man’s most
unwavering will. In battle they are relentless primal fear, lurking in the depths of the
and unnerving adversaries, fighting in psyche as the unnameable, hair-raising
silence with a cold, inhuman focus and terror that steers us away from dark places
distant stare. and makes us cower from strange sounds
in the still night hours. They are the alien
incarnate; impossible to reason with,
impossible to outrun, cold and calculating
and without fear or remorse. Their
Weapons: A Brood Brother is armed with superhuman stealth and agility combined
a knife. with their intelligence make them the
Equipment: A Brood Brother may select perfect ambush predator. The first inkling
weapons and equipment from the Pistols, the victim has of his stalking assailant is of
Close Combat, Basic, Extras and the monster silently dropping from its
Miscellaneous lists. ceiling duct, or wrenching the grating from
beneath his feet, moments before its razor
sharp claws eviscerate his body in a bloody
shower of heart-stopping violence.
The cult may have up to one Purestrain
Genestealer – the cult’s revered Patriarch.
In time the monster will become aged
beyond its natural lifespan, and retire to its
lair to live out its twilight years in the care
of its family. For now though, in the cult’s
infancy, it must venture beyond its sanctum
to secure its territory and ensnare new
Image thralls.

Weapons: Genestealers fight with their

lethal teeth and claws, all stat increases for
which are already included in their profile.
Equipment: Genestealers may never use
or carry any equipment. They cannot pick
up or carry loot counters or similar tokens.
Purestrain Special Rules
Scenarios Psychic Fortitude
Genestealers can only be used in scenarios Genestealers are immune to psychic assaults
where the Cult player is the attacker. that attack the mind. If they are targeted or
Furthermore, they may not be used in any otherwise hit by the effects of any of the
scenario that takes place in a settlement, such following psychic powers, the Genestealer
as a Shootout, Bar Room Brawl, Hunters or ignores the effect, and the psyker instead
The Hit. They may take part in Gang Fight, suffers a S2 hit: Mind Control, Terrify,
Scavengers, Hit & Run, Raid, Rescue Invisibility, Mental Assault, Hallucinations,
Mission, Ambush, The Hoard, Blind Fight, Assail, You Can Fly, Mirror Image. Psychic
Caravan, Loot & Pillage, and Heist scenarios, powers from other sources (i.e. not those
in addition to other scenarios based around from pages 23-26 of Outlanders Community
outlying territories, badzones, holesteads etc. Edition) that target the mind have no effect
on a Genestealer but do not cause damage.
Monster Rolls
Genestealers can never be the target of a Bio-Scanners & Sense Presence
Monster Roll attack. They are the monster! Bio-scanners work normally against
Genestealers, and will detect them in the
Fearless & Cause Terror same way they would detect other fighters.
Genestealers cause Terror, never need to An enemy model equipped with a Bio-
take nerve tests, and can never be pinned. Scanner automatically converts all blips
within 16” of him at the end of his turn.
Night Vision In the same way, the Wyrd power Sense
Genestealers can see normally in all light Presence also works normally, and will force
levels, including pitch black darkness. blips within 12” to convert automatically.

Cold IR Trace Serious Injuries

Genestealers emit no heat signature. Infra- Genestealers ignore the following effects on
red sights do not reduce the to hit penalty the Serious Injury Chart on page 84 of
when shooting at a Genestealer in cover. Necromunda Community Edition: Infected
Infra-red sights and goggles do not confer Wound (21), Shell Shock (32) and all results
any advantage to see them, and the wearer of 56+. Treat these results as Full Recovery
must instead use his normal Initiative range instead.
or vision range when attempting to detect
them. Enemy Injuries
Genestealers are among the most lethal of
Alien Metabolism adversaries, and their victims are frequently
Genestealers are immune to all drugs, torn limb from limb by the monster’s
including Icrotic Slime and Wildsnake, all formidable claws. Enemy fighters who are
Hallucinogenic effects, Choke and Scare gas, taken Out Of Action by a Genestealer roll
poisoned attacks including Blade Venom and twice on the Serious Injuries chart and apply
hits from needle weapons. the result with the lowest score.
Blips Climb
Genestealers are not placed on the board to Genestealers are supremely agile, and can use
begin with. Instead the Cult player has three their claws and multiple arms to climb sheer
blip counters, each the size of a 25mm base, surfaces at speed. They suffer no movement
which deploy and move as if they were penalties for climbing, and can traverse any
normal fighters. These blips represent vertical surface, even those without ladders.
shifting shadows that spook enemy gangers,
pings and interference on electronics, noises, Hit & Run
silhouettes and other nerve-jangling Once the Genestealer is on the board, all
indications that something fearful stalks the remaining blips are revealed to be decoys and
area. Two blips are decoys, while the third are removed. The Genestealer can move,
represents the Genestealer’s true position, declare charges, and otherwise fight
which is known only to the Cult player. normally.

Blips must be deployed at least 8” away from If the Genestealer is reduced to 0 wounds,
other blips. Each blip may move up to 10” in place the model as if it were Down. At the
the Cult player’s movement phase, and may start of the Cult player’s next turn the
climb any vertical surface. The blip must end Genestealer is automatically removed from
its move at least 8” away from all other blips, play, and is considered Out Of Action. The
either out of sight of enemy gang members, monster is assumed to have darted into the
or in cover, where it can legitimately Hide shadows and disappeared from the battle via
from enemy fighters, although it may cross any one of the numerous ducts or crawlways
open ground to get there, as the signal flits that dot the area.
from place to place.
If the Genestealer takes all of its hand-to-
Blips may not declare charges, and must hand opponents Out Of Action, and there is
remain Hidden until they are converted. At another enemy fighter within 5”, the
the end of his movement phase, an enemy Genestealer must immediately Follow Up
fighter must attempt to convert any blip that and engage the enemy.
is within a distance equal to his Initiative x3
in inches. To convert the blip, the fighter If, at any point during the battle, the
must pass an Initiative check at his base Genestealer has taken at least one enemy
Initiative. Blips are automatically converted if model Out Of Action, and cannot reach any
they are ever within an enemy model’s base enemies with its Follow Up move, then at
Initiative distance in inches. Once converted, the start of the Cult player’s next turn the
the blip is then revealed, and the model must Genestealer is removed from the board, and
take a Terror test if within 8” of a revealed is assumed to have exited the area, although
Genestealer. The player’s turn then continues in this case it is not counted as being Out Of
as normal – either the Cult player continues Action.
his turn, and the revealed Genestealer may
continue its movement or declare a charge Follow Up Move
against an enemy within charge range, or the A Genestealer’s lightning fast reflexes grant it
enemy gang may attempt to shoot or charge a 5” Follow Up.
the Genestealer if it is their turn and they are
able to do so.
House Weapons List
Cost Cost
Hierarch Only Extras
Bolt Pistol 25 Frag Grenades 25
Plasma Pistol 30 Krak Grenades 40
Frag Missiles 35
Close Combat Super Krak Missiles 50
Knife (first knife free) 5 Bolt Shells 15
Club 10 Hot Shot Shells 5
Sword 15 Manstopper Shells 5
Massive Weapon 15 Dum-Dum Bullets 5
Genestealer Claw (Hybrid) 15*
Pistols Clip Harness 10
Stub Gun 10 Filter Plugs 10
Autopistol 15 Lobo Chip 20
Laspistol 15 Photo Contacts 15
Hand Flamer 25 Weapon Reload Weapon ÷ 2

Basic Hierarch Only Weapons

Autogun 20
Shotgun (solid + scatter) 20 As per Necromunda Community Edition
Lasgun 25 (page 78), when the gang is first created,
the Hierarch (being the leader) can be
Special recruited with up to two Hierarch Only
Autoslugger 45 Weapons and must be equipped with them
Grenade Launcher 60 for the first game. After the first game the
Flamer 80 Hierarch Only section of the weapon list is
removed. Any fighter can buy and use such
Heavy weapons after the first game.
Heavy Stubber 120
Autocannon 260
Lascannon 300
Genestealer Claw

Strength Dam Save Mod

User +1 1 -3
Special: If a 6 is rolled to wound, the hit
instead causes D2 damage.
Skills and Experience
Experience Advance Table
Genestealer Cults are recruited with the Experience Points
following experience points: 0-5 Initiate
6-10 Initiate
Hierarch 60 + D6 11-15 Initiate
Hybrid 60 + D6 16-20 Initiate
Brood Brother 20 + D6 21-30 Brother
31-40 Brother
Genestealers do not gain XP or advances. 41-50 Brother
51-60 Brother
61-80 Brother
81-100 Brother
101-120 Brother
Image 141-160 Master
161-180 Master
181-200 Grand Master
201-240 Grand Master
241-280 Grand Master
Maximum Stats 281-320 Grand Master
321-360 Venerable Master
361-400 Venerable Master
401+ Illuminati
Skill Tables
Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth Techno
Hierarch Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Hybrid - Yes Yes Yes - Yes -
Brother - - Yes - Yes Yes -

Back Page Image

Resources, Copyright and Editorial Notes

These rules have been developed to bring the Genestealer Cult in line with Necromunda
Community Edition. Original rules and background for Genestealer Cults can be found in
Confrontation supplements, Gang War magazine, Citadel Journals, White Dwarf articles and
Necromunda Magazine. These rules have been developed with input from the online
Necromunda community, and thanks go to everyone who has contributed to their

Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Citadel and the Citadel Castle, Necromunda,
the Necromunda stencil logo, the Necromunda plate logo, Underhive and all associated
marks, logos, devices, names, characters, illustrations and images from the Necromunda
world and Warhammer 40,00 universe are either ®, TM or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-
2003, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All rights
reserved. No challenge to their status is intended.

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