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We created a scavenger hunt class for our customers as a way for them to
become engaged with their oils and with dōTERRA. It’s been SUCH a great
success, even resulting some customers to become builders!

We wanted to share this with you, our loyal followers, so you could continue to
grow and support your teams as well. When you win, we ALL win!


- A Class in a Box. I will usually order one Class in a Box and an extra set of
Magazines, for a total of 20 Magazines (be SURE it’s the current version)
- Some draw tickets (find them at the dollar store)
Each article is listed with its page number and a set of questions. You read out
one question and your attendees have to find the answer by searching through
their copy of the Magazine. Don’t tell them which article it comes from unless
minutes go by and no one is on the right page. Give small hints if needed. After
a person has found and read the answer (answers are located under each
question), then that person earns a ticket for the draw at the end of class.


1. Give everyone a Living Magazine
2. Read a question from this sheet
3. Whoever finds the answer receives a draw ticket (give them one ticket, put
the other ticket in a baggie)
4. Go through all the questions, or just the ones you can fit in your allotted time
5. At the end of the class, draw a couple of tickets and give away bottles of
Wild Orange from the Class in a Box (or anything else you desire!)

- Don’t read the questions in order, or they will know where to look and it
takes the fun out of the idea of a scavenger hunt
- Highlight each question after you’ve read it so you know what you’ve

With each new Living Magazine that is released, we will create a new
scavenger hunt. We will then offer it to you to use with your teams.

Love to you all!

Be sure to follow us on social
media to get tips and tricks on
Jennifer and Monica how to run your biz! And grab
the dōSISTERS your dōPLANNER to keep that beautiful biz OILganized!
Daily Healthy Habits - page 4-5

What are the top 6 principles that make up the dōTERRA Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid?

• Eat right, exercise, rest & manage stress, reduce toxic load, informed self care,
proactive medical care

What are some ways Dr Hill promotes rest and calmness for himself?

• Read ‘Rest and Manage Stress’ page 5

What self-care routine does Dr Hill do every morning?

• Veggie cap with 1-2 drops Frankincense and 2-3 drops On Guard

Why has reducing toxic load become so important to Dr Hill?

• Read ‘Reduce Toxic Load’ paragraph

dōTERRA Healing Hands - page 6-7

What percentage of donations to the Healing Hands Foundation goes directly to those
receiving aid? 

• 100% - dōTERRA provides all overhead and administrative costs.

Which world record was broken by dōTERRA and Days for Girls in September 2017?

• Most Personal Hygiene Kits Assembled in One Hour (over 5000). * may need to give a
hint to page 7 as it might be hard to find the answer!

What was the Haiti Disaster Relief and Repair Project?

• read answer on page 6

What was the Kenya Access Project?

• read answer on page 6

How many Wellness Advocate Partner Projects were completed in 2017?

• 37

Guide for the Essential Oil Novice - page 8-9

What are the 5 essential oils under $25? 

• Lavender, Breathe, Wild Orange, Melaleuca, Peppermint

What are some tips for Essential Oil Safety?

• Read page 9

What are the 3 ways to use essential oils?

• Aromatically, topically, internally

Ways to Beat Summer Heat - page 10-11

How can you beat the heat outdoors?

• Add oils to your spray bottle, wear the right clothes, stay hydrated, eat lighter meals

Which oils help to cool you off indoors?

• Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Breathe

What is the recipe for after sun care?

• Read from page 10.

Energize & Refresh - page 12

What is the Energize and Refresh recipe?

• Read from page 12.

New DIY Accessories  - page 13

What are the 8 new DIY accessories dōTERRA now carries?

• Read from page 13

Take It Outside - pg 14-15

What are the 6 benefits to outdoor exercise?

• Read from page 15

Why do you burn more calories when you exercise outdoors?

• A gym is a controlled environment, whereas outdoors your body needs to adjust for
various conditions and terrain, therefore burning more calories.

How does exercising outdoors improve your mood?

• It stimulates endorphins and serotonin.

Summer Roadtrip - page 16-17

What craft tip can make your car smell nice on a road trip?

• Glueing a felt ball to a clothespin and clipping it to an air vent with your favorite
essential oil.

Which dōTERRA product can you upcycle into a children’s customizable snack box?

• Old supplement containers.

Summer Roadtrip - page 16-17 (continued)

Which oil is suggested to defeat drowsy driving?

• Peppermint

How can Ginger be used in the car to combat motion sickness?

• Read paragraph on page 17.

Nature’s Diaper Bag - page 18-19

Where is the safest place to apply essential oils on your baby?

• On their feet.

What are the dōTERRA essential oils/products suggested for babies and how/why would
they be used?

• Read pink strip on page 18

How do you make a teething oil?

• Read the recipe on page 18

What are the chemicals asocial with baby products?

• Read paragraph on page 18

Herb Garden - page 20

What are the items needed to make an herb garden?

• Read list on page 20

Marjoram - page 21

How can you use Marjoram aromatically?

• Read page 21

How can you use Marjoram internally?

• Read page 21

How can you use Marjoram topically?

• Read page 21

What is the fun fact about Marjoram?

• If being used for food, it needs to be added in at the end of cooking so its fragrance
isn’t lost.

Which other oil is Marjoram a relative to?

• Oregano

dōTERRA Sloane Stephens - page 22-23

What are Sloane’s favorite dōTERRA products?

• Lavender, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Breathe, Deep Blue, Cheer, InTune

How does Sloane use Lavender?

• To support sleep, as she travels the world in different time zones.

What sport does Sloane Stephens play?  

• Tennis

Eat Well Feel Great— page 24-25

Why is it more important to focus on ingredients lists for foods rather than the nutrition facts

• Read ENTIRE paragraph on page 25 under ‘stick to the simple ingredients’

What are the 3 things that can help you to eat well and feel great?

• Educate yourself, stick to the simple ingredients, count & analyze calories

Fill in the blank: Become a label reader, but more importantly, a label _______________.

• Understander

Rest & De-Stress— page 26-27

What are the 6 ways to make over your evening routine?

• Be active, have a mini declutter session, prepare for tomorrow, take a relaxing bath,
start your diffuser, avoid screen time

What are the 3 best oils for finding peace at the end of the day?

  • Balance, Console, Serenity

In the evening, how can you prepare yourself for the next day?

• Read ‘Prepare for Tomorrow’ on page 27

Summer Bruschetta - page 28

Which oils are listed as ingredients for the various bruschetta ideas? 

• Cumin, Basil, Lemon, Lime, Rosemary, Black Pepper

Share 4 different ways to prepare bruschetta with oils.

• Allow them to share anything from page 28

Black Pepper: Essential oil spotlight - page 29

What is a fun fact about Black Pepper?

• It’s known for being the world’s most traded spice

How can you use Black Pepper aromatically?

• Read page 21

How can you use Black Pepper internally?

• Read page 21

How can you use Black Pepper topically?

• Read page 21

Where does Black Pepper come from (which plant)

• From the fruit of the black pepper plant

The Caregiver Community — page 30-31

How did Heather get introduced to dōTERRA essential oils?  

• By a friend who took her to the back of her car and handed her pamphlets and

How has Heather used essential oils to support the Caregiver Community?

• By including them in her retreats so other caregivers can learn how to care for
themselves as well

Lemon - page 32-33

What is the recipe for the fruit and veggie cleaner?

• Read from page 33

What part of the lemon does the Lemon essential oil come from?

• The peel

What are the primary benefits of Lemon oil?

• Read from page 32

Where is dōTERRA’s Lemon essential oil sourced from?

• Sicily

Instrument in Your Self-Care — page 34-35

Which technique uses essential oils and light touch that can be used for self-care?

• The AromaTouch Technique

What did human trials suggest about human touch?

• That is may alone support proper function of the immune system

dōTERRA Idea Notebook— page 36-37

How can you use a bandana as a refreshing cool down?  

• Soak it in water, add Peppermint, place in the freezer for an hour, them tie it around
your neck

How do you make Wild Orange Raspberry Chia Seed Jam?

• Read directions on page 36

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