Depth Studies Namibian History Study The Following Sources and Answer The Following Questions

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Name…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15/05/2020
Grade 11 Practical Worksheet Marks (22)
Depth Studies
Namibian History
Study the following sources and answer the following questions.
Source A
“Within the Herman borders every Herero whether armed or unarmed, with or without cattle, will be
shot. I shall not accept any more women or children. I shall order drive them back to their people-
otherwise I shall order shots to be fired at them”
General Von Trotha. 1904

Source B

The execution of Herero prisoners of war, 1907

Source C
“I do not concur with those fantastic who want to see the Herero destroyed together…..i would consider
such a move a grave mistake from an economic point of view. We need the Herero as cattle
breeders….and especially as labourers”
Governer Leutwein writing 1904

Depth Studies A: Namibia

Resistance to foreign rule
Answer all the questions, use the sources and your own knowledge as far as possible.
1. Study source A. what can you learn from this source about Germans attitudes towards
the Herero people? Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer.
2. Study source B. why was the photograph taken in 1907? Use the source and your
knowledge to explain your answer.
3. Study source C. are you surprised by the source? Use the source and your knowledge to
explain your answer.

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