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1/1/2011 Lindsay Lohan at no-frills rehab; Charli…

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Lindsay Lohan at no-frills

rehab; Charlie Sheen continues
on at rehab 'ritz'
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Friday, August 13th 2010, 4:00 AM
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Reality TV 'star' practices for
tonight's ball drop (love the
Granitz/WireImage; Pool plastic cup, Snooks!)
Charlie Sheen is going to rehab at the ritzy Promises center, w hile Lindsay Lohan is in the much
simpler Westw ood facility.
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DR. DAVE: An ABC news feature called of wife Katy Perry with no make-
Promises the Ritz of Rehab . Their web up on and quickly deleted it.
portal opens to a sun-bathing "patient"
reading her therapy book, atop a rock wall
What is she 'do-ing?!
overlooking a panorama of Malibu Beach.
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BILL: I think I saw the same patient reading her book overlooking the bay at a different Reality TV starlet is
rehab on Newport Beach! photographed wearing tight
cornrows. VOTE: Hot or not?
DR. DAVE: That may be why Judge Marsha Revel made a last minute switch in Lindsay
Lohan?a>??s choice of rehabs, ordering the wayward star to UCLA’s famously no-frills,
The most notorious
medical model, substance abuse program in Westwood. Specializing in combined
Twitt er moment s of 2010
psychiatric and substance abuse disorders, they treated Britney Spears after her 2008
breakdown. Demi Moore tweeting of pics
herself in a bikini was a
BILL: A decision that was widely applauded, especially by Lohan’s own physicians. But milestone in stupidity.
Dave, I’ve been in a lot of groups where many of had gone into rehab to avoid jail
sentences. The fact that some people can pay to make court-ordered rehab a plush
experience arouses the Puritan in me – the fear "that someone, somehow, somewhere
is having a good time, and it shouldn’t be allowed."

DR. DAVE: Fand there are many people who would join in that, particularly those who…/2010-08-13_lindsa… 1/3
1/1/2011 Lindsay Lohan at no-frills rehab; Charli…
mouth the words that 'addiction is a disease' —but secretly want a pound of flesh more Mom, daughter accused of
than treatment and recovery. OK, then Bill -- what do you propose as a model for molesting same teen boy
treatment? for 3 y ears
Police say the pair did it without
BILL: Rehabs are supposed to be non-judgmental but there is one moral law that is knowing about each other’s
omnipresent. The conscience of the rehab group itself. And that’s in the air, whether you relationship with him.
are in a swimming pool or mopping the floor. I remember in mine, we were constantly
speculating on who was going "to make it" or not. What works is the steady
internalization of the groups’ bitter knowledge that to go back to booze or dope is to be a
loser. But Dave, since you once headed a famous rehab yourself, what do you think is the
mark of a good rehab – one that does the job, rather than furnishing a luxurious place to
hide out until the law (or your spouse) is off your back?

DR. DAVE: I’m not a big fan of playing to the retribution side of society by making all
treatment facilities into boot camps. But I also cringe at the seaside Malibu Model, one
that symbolically rewards you BEFORE you’ve even begun to change your internal view of

BILL: Admirable -- but what does that look like in real life, Doc?

DR. DAVE: I’ll boil it down to four things for you. First, you can throw away most of the court
evaluations that conclude with the statement that somebody should complete X amount
of days of Y type of treatment. Then, before you go any further, the program should be run
on what is called the American Society of Addiction Medicine, or ASAM, model.

BILL: Our readers could look at the same online slideshow you pointed me at when I
was trying to understand what the six dimensions of ASAM were--at a website put
together by Elizabeth Kotkin.
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DR. DAVE: Thanks for the reminder. There are six ASAM areas of treatment planning and I
split after 18 y ears
would also want to see what were the treatment objectives in all six areas, and how they’
be achieved. Finally, I would want to know where in the program the patients would learn The Grammy-winning singer, 59,
to work each of the 12 Steps and how they would be reinforced for making them part of and former supermodel Elaine
their daily lives. Irwin have two sons.

BILL: Maybe by a trip to the beach?

Forget Four Loko! Booze-
DR. DAVE: Or like at many centers, after you reach a certain level, community trips to 12 infused chocolat e milk
Step meetings, recovery clubs and other clean and sober venues. updates kid classic

BILL: Point taken Dave. Puerta Vallarta can wait. Adult Chocolate Milk mixes
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10:51:58 PM Enablizers surround them, forgive and cover up for them. Does The most outrageous
Aug 13, 2010 anyone think either one of these two people will finally grow up and moment s of 2010
take personal responsibility for their actions? Do they know how many PHOTOS: Smoking babies,
people have been hurt by them? Sure, they have been the money bedbugs and Katy Perry flashing
makers for their families, especially in Lindsays' case. In her case, Elmo... what a year!
her family should be ordered to permanently stay away from her. In
Charlie's case, he has children- he needs to grow up. They are both
spoiled brats and frankly, the media needs to ignore them. Perhaps
the lack of publicity will finally get them to straighten up. Get off the MORE FROM DR. DAVID MOORE
booze and the drugs and maybe they might have a chance. AND BILL MANVILLE…/2010-08-13_lindsa… 2/3
1/1/2011 Lindsay Lohan at no-frills rehab; Charli…
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4:47:08 PM I looked at Elizabeth Kotkin's website, and I see nothing about the 12 addiction to porn'
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Don't let 2010 hangover into 2011
10:00:25 AM "one moral law that is omnipresent. The conscience of the rehab
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the Midtown Group, n'est pas? alcoholics -- denial in a bottle?
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