C31 P03 CustomerEmailWithRequirements

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FROM: Andrew Rudolph (ARudolph @parallax.

TO: professor’s name (professor@icarnegie.com) (to be inserted by the professor)
SUBJECT: An uneasy feeling

Professor’s name (to be inserted by the professor),

First, I want to thank you and your students for your hard work on the new website for the ARC. You were right – you
are working with an impressive group of students, and I am very pleased with the work that they’ve done. That said,
the launch of this new website is a very important step for our client. They’re starting a new company and expanding
into new markets. The website needs to work flawlessly.

With that in mind, has the design been vetted at all? If not, I think it would be very valuable to get some feedback
from real users about what they think of the site. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not expecting to discover significant
issues. However, I’m sure there are small details of the design that could be tweaked to make the overall experience
better for the users.

Let’s get together to discuss my concerns and what we can do to help lessen them.

Thank you,

Andrew Rudolph
Director of Consumer Industries
Parallax Global Consulting
FROM: professor’s name (professor@icarnegie.com) (to be inserted by the professor)
TO: Andrew Rudolph (ARudolph@parallax.com)
SUBJECT: Re: Customer needs website for new venture

Hi Andrew,
I agree – there’s always room for improvement, no matter how well a product is designed. It’s true that we don’t
have a lot of time before the site goes live. But, in my experience I’ve found that there’s room for some form of
usability testing in every project. This one is no different.

I know this is a priority, so do you have time to talk later today? Please let me know your schedule and we’ll figure
out how to connect.


Professor’s name (to be inserted by the professor)

Manager, Special Projects
iCarnegie Consulting
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