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a] ce) ea oe am ‘Ask How about you? Po eats Err et ee SS Casa eo one application form eee cents Resear Ks WE Good morning ris Pee Hello and good-bye TREASURE a Getting started A Look at the photos. Guess the words in the conversations. Check (7) the boxes. O. Good-bye. D tetto, O Thanks. Ohi. CO. Good moming, B_ ) 102 Listen, Are Matt and Sarah friends? How about Rob and Sandra? Practice the conversations, Matt Good morning, Sarah. How are you? Rob Hello. 'm Rob Jones. Sarah Good. How are you, Matt? Sandra Hi,l'm Sandra Davis. Nice to meet you. Matt I'm fine, thanks. . Rob Nice to meet you, canyou complete these conversations? Use the conversations above to help you. Then practice with a partner, Use your own names. These people are friends: These people meet forthe firs time 1. A Hi, Pat, How are you? 3. A Hello, ___ Chris Evans, B_ I'mfine, How are you? B_Hi.1'm Grace Song. A Good, A ____to meet you, Grace. 2, A Good___—, Anna, 4. A. Hello, ('m Sarah. B Hi, Dan.____are you? B_ Nice to meet__. 'm Alan, Atm __, thanks. A. Niceto you. Q, Building vocabulary ‘A 4) 142 Listen. Are these people saying “hello” or “good-bye”? Practice the conversations, . Erly_ cond night Tom Bye a \, Shawn Good night. Have a good evening, Rita _ Bye. See you, Emily Thank you. You too, B_)) 108 Read the conversations and check (V) the correct responses. Listen and check your answers. Then practice with a partner. 1. Good-bye. Have a nice evening. 3. See you later. 5. Good morning. 1 Thank you. You too. 1 Thanks. You too. 1 ti. How are you? CO. Gooa, thanks. C1 0k. Haveagoodday. [) Bye. See you. 2. Hey, Oscar. How are you? 4, Hello. 'm Emma, 6. Good night. Have a good weekend. D2 Good, thanks. O See you later. Good. How are you? 0 See you tomorrow. O Nice to meet you. D Bye. See you next week. “24 C Look at the conversations above. Which expressions mean “hello”? Which expressions mean “good-bye”? Complete the chart. Breed ” to five classmates using the expressions above, D Class activity Say “hello” and “good-by My eee’ t a Saying names in English A 4) 105 Listen to these people give their names. Then complete the information. @ ui, my name is Don. My full name is Don Allan Ray Tanner. My nickname is Dart Um Liz. Liz Kim, (My first name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz, mm. Don Ray Tanne TST DLE LAST Tlsnaie FJnaries Kim rietio. rm Ana Sanchez, My first name is Maria ‘Ana is my middle name Sanchez es. Maria. Fast WOE Dsinsie [Afmaries He Diss ssi iat woo UT a | | tizkim is singe > Ms. Kim or Miss Kim hse Clmaiea has sui tented 9 (6) maisuncheror in Sanches J Don fannerissingle. Mr. Tanner - Ana's husband s married. > _ Mr. Sanchee “asl B_ Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner. 1. My first name is_ = 4, My middle name is 2. Everyone calls me 5. Mynickname is _ 3. Mylastname is 6. My teacher's name is C 4) 106 Listen and say the alphabet. Circle all the letters in your name. Aa Bb ce Dd fe ff Gg Hh Wii Lea Nn Oo Pp Qq R ss T UW W Ww & Wz D 4) 107 Listen. How do you spelt Catherine's last name? Then practice the conversation with a partner. Use your own names, A. What's your name? B Catherine Ravel A. How do you spell Catherine? B CATHERINE. A. Thanks, And your last name? } B RAVELL ; ‘GABE Class activity Ask your classmates their names. Make alist. i o Bern Vuvuuveveveveren~e~ a Building language Al aboot yoo A 4) 198 Listen. Which classroom is Carmen in this year? cas What about Jenny? Practice the conversation. Registration Mr. Martin Good morning. Are you here for an English class? a Carmen Yes, | am. I'm Carmen Rivera. Mr. Martin OK. You're in Room B. Jenny And/'m Jenny. Mr. Martin Are you Jenny Loo? Jenny No, I'm not. I'm Jenny Lim. Am | in Room B, too? Mr. Martin. Yes. ... Wait - no, you're not. You're in Room 6 Jenny Oh, no! Carmen, we're not in the same class! Fieve B Can you complete the conversations? Use the conversation above to help you. 1, A __Are _ you Jenny Loo? B No, |______not, |___Lucy. 2A you here for an English class? B Yes,1 1 Carmen Rivera. 3A __1in your class? B Yes. in my class. a Grammar The verb be: |, you, and we) 199 enna ‘Statements Contractions Fm Jenny. Vm not Carmen. Vm=lom You're in Room 6G. You're not in Room 8. you're = you are Ware inaifferent classes. We'renot inthesame class. weve= we are Questions and short answers ‘areyoujenny? —AmIin Room B?_-—_Arewein the same class? Yes, 1am. Yes, you are. Yes, we are. No, I'm not. No, you're not. No, we're not. COMMON eTTOTS Use the fll form of the verb bein short ansers with yes. Yes, !am, (NOT Yes, #) Yes, we are. (NOT Yes, were) ‘A. complete the conversations. Then practice witha partner- 1. A Are you Chris? ; Yon tae Se __weinthe same class? 1___ Dino. Yes, we Hi, Dino. Nice to meet you. ____you here for an English class? A B 2. A Hey, Amy. 8 Aer Snot, tare fora French cass A. OK. See you later. practice it. Use your own information. es airwork choose conversation and Lesson C Personal informatio! @ Numbers 0-10 A. 4) 110 Listen and say the numbers. tTelel? pels le] Tour | fe [sie [seven | eg eS three ° [aero [one 1/12 — B 4) 111 Listen. Then practice. @ try cet phone number is 216-555-7708. My email address is dsmith6@cup.or. Ory 10 number's 59-62-1883 STATE UNIVERSITY yy passport number's 649:321508, Numbers and email addresses 216-555.7708 = "tworone-sin, ive-fve five, seven-seven-oh aero)ight” désmithéocup 01g ="d-smithsixat-cu-p-dot rg” 9 HOONNONKNOODNDDDDOOCOCOOOOOOHOHA A 4) 122 Listen. What is Victor's phone number? Practice the conversation. Receptionist Victor Receptionist Victor Receptionist Hil Are you a member? No, I'm just here for the day. OK. So, what's your name, please? Vietor Lopez. ‘And what's your phone number? pongang Victor i's 646-555-3048. Receptionist And your email address? Victor Um... it's “| Receptionist OK. So it's $10 for today. Here's your pass. ‘a Victor Thanks. e| sgl B_ Can you complete these questions and answers? Use the conversation above to help you. - Then practice with a partner. 4 4. A What'syourname? 2, A What’syour_______ 3. A What's oy B_ Joe Garret. a 8 joe B It's 646-555-4628. SRT. FY VPVEPECVYVYVVVVVVVVVVVUVVUVUUV UU VU UU UU UUUUUUUUYU Ail sboct you Wa a Grammar what's... ?/t’s...4) 19 COI What's your name? My name's Victor Lopez. What's youremail address? t's ‘What's your phone number? I's 646-555-3048. What's=Whatis name's Itis A. Write a question for each answer. Compare with a partner. Then practice. 1. A What's your first name __? 4A 2 My first name's Haley - HALEY. B It's 2A ? 5. A __ sregieaies ie B_ My last name? Osman ~ 0-S-M-A-N. B My teacher's name? It's Ms. Rossi. eee 2 6A zs ? 8 347-555-2801 8 Mystudent ID number? Wait ~ it's 36-88-972. “SNS B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own answers. CRU A What's your firstname? Dontstartan answer with B Ws Silvia ~ SLLVLA, wt | hae yournome? Is Silvia. (NOY +r) a Listening and speaking Memberships ‘A. 4) 136 Listen tothe conversations. Complete the membership cards. 1 (eye ee ensess Aa FITNESS GYM 4— os ne Mr MS Mss Ms aoe en aaa : ; ey " 2810 B Pair work Now complete this form for a partner. Ask questions. ‘A What's your first name? B Rashid. A How do you spelt that? Lesson D Ses Are you here for the concert? @ Conversation strategy How about you? A Lookat the photo. Adam and Alicia are strangers. Guess three things they say. B_{) 115 Listen, Who’s on vacation? Who's a student? Who's here for the concert? Alicia Hi, How are you doing? ‘Adam Pretty good. How about you? ‘Alicia Good, thanks. It’s a beautiful day. ‘Adam Yeah, it is. Are you here for the concert? Alicia Yes. How about you? ‘Adam Well, yeah, but I'm a student here, too. So are you on vacation? Alicia Yes, 1am. By the way, I'm Alicia. ‘Adam I'm Adam. Nice to meet you Well, have a nice day. Alicia Thanks. You too. Ce Ra ca © Notice how Adam and Alicia say How about you? to SCTE Mee a eee ‘ask the same questions. D complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. 4, A. it’s beautiful day. Are you on vacation? 1. A Hello, Are you here for the festival? \ ‘ ‘ B Yeah,lam, Yea) oe jest _? BB Yes, am, ee A Yeah. Me too A No. I'm a student here ‘ 2. A Hi. How are you doing? 5. A tmbereon business. How aboutyou? B Good, thanks. How about you? BpiNorstitamecesiee sacs a dum % see A. Nice. Well, have a great vacation. ‘ 3, A Areyou a student? ‘ B No, "ma teacher. € A. ma teacher, too. 3 ? > ? > > > > ? 2 > > 2 . . 2 . > . A 00 Oo OO a Strategy plus Everyday expressions Some everyday expressions are more formal. More formal Yes. Thank you. Hello, How are you? I'm fine. Good-bye. Less formal Yeah. Thanks. N Hi How are you doing? OK. / Pretty good. / Good. Bye. / See you. / See you later. Yeah is 1 times more c es res J “SSE Complete these conversations with expressions from the box above, Then practice with » partner 1. Formal conversation the park @ Strategies “SOB Par eon Loot he pcm 2 here goa? 3 Gina thon Stator you? 4 Peete pooc See wos tee for fe moe 2. Less formal conversation Hi, Mike, 1 How abiowd yas? ‘aw you here Sor n Learning tip Learning expressions People say Ml and Bye more than Hell and Goodbye. ae Wie =, Hoos. \Write new expressions with their responses, like this: Write a response for each expression. See you tomorrow. ——), i ———— 2. ( Good morning. ; 4 Goode Hi. How) Ys re you?, Before your next class, say hello and good-bye (in English!) to three people. HOON HNNONONONHNONNHDHNDFNDKODDDAODDODDOD Fm Caen 1 ce Pere ong Peru and Hl complete an application form. Pine Peete ees Peoria Pech ean tke Thanks and Thankyou Teen eee Ey eur es Direc one cee Sones on cs 10

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