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| ES eae Cerro ee Lesson A ee) eis Lesson D Sec be ae LS e toey et cic Umm ech a ae ety A oT ny Cr ce ne ers Sea OL SL eam yes toagree 2.a stadium € ala | t.amall Nice places How do you like your neighborhood? People talk about the popular neighborhood called Parkview. cad ‘Amy Johnson, 32, Paul Johnson, 33, ‘Stacy King, 19, ‘medical resesrener stockbroker college student Wel, Parve Um, is rice. There are two rice Parkview is borg The convenient, Theres a big Outdoor catés and a coupe of ro place to gp. ma Supermarket and some iS movie theaters, Thee a new there's no ma ‘ez stores but there no mal. We svirsringpootn the pak- no eves eed a mal beaut ile park. Yeah, good ~just alot of expesie restaurants. Oh, anda smal ps a Getting started A tookat the map of Parkview. Check v) the places you see. What other places do you see? D anaparimemtbuiting —C) asupemartet Cama 1] enoie Tan outdoorcae O aleseiocdpiace TF) a swimming oot E] anosot B 4))213 Listen and read, Who likes Parkview?’ ‘Why? TSCM C Circle the correct words to. ‘complete the sentences. Use the posts above to help you. There’s / There are a big supermarket, There's / There are two nice outdoor cafés, There's no / some mall. 4. Parkview has a lot of expensive ‘restaurant / restaurants. 5. Ithas a couple of movie theaters / thes 54 ‘eon QA) Grammar there's and there are; quantifiers «) 2 Singular There's _ a park in my neighborhood. Adjectives before nouns There's an outdoor café. There's a small park. There’s no mall ‘There's a beautiful pool. Pirate rete etn oO acer There's a new restaurant. There are some outdoor cafés, Ma richaataatin 2 There are a couple of movie theaters. There are no clubs. There’s = There is People often say There's A What else can you say about Parkview? Look at the map on page 54 and match the two parts of the sentences, Compare with a partner. There are a lot of, 1. There’'sa_d i 4 a. expensive restaurants. 2, There’s no __ b. big apartment buildings. 3. There areno___ c. stadium. 4, There are a couple of, Saree e. clubs. 5. B ‘Add adjectives to these sentences. Change a or an if necessary. Then make the sentences true for your neighborhood. Compare ideas with a partner. good 1. There are noymovie theaters around here. (good) 4._‘There’s a museum, (interesting) 2. There are a lot of fast-food places. (cheap) 5, There's no subway station. (convenient) 3, There are a couple of clubs. (fun) 6 There's an outdoor café. (nice) “There's a big movie theater in my neighborhood.” QE Don't ade There are som a Speaking naturally Word stress e e movie stadium e. apartment A.) 218 Listen and repeat the words above. Notice the word stress. B 4) 216 Listen and repeat these words. Then write the words in the correct column, ¥ movie beautiful Le. ieee RSL NOES 7 stadium convenient move stadia cae VY apartment —_ building museum noisy expensive —_ theater _ neighborhood boring ‘0748 © pair work Use the words above to describe a perfect neighborhood. What's there? What's not there? Make alist of five places in your perfect neighborhood. Then tell the class, “Well, there: ‘are a lot of great cafés in our perfect neighborhood.” j 88 LV What time is it? a Building vocabulary A «)2 us a Listening Neighborhoods a puilding language i Listen. What time is the concert? Pra aan Hey Erin, there's a free concert atthe park tonight tin Really? That sounds like fun, What time does it start? ye Itstarts at 7:30. fin Well, lt’s go, What time is it now? gle Um, it's 5:30. What time do you finish? Erin About 6:00. So, let’s meet there about 7:00 yie Well they don't usually have a lot of seats, so Erin Oh, well, in that case, let's get there early — say, around 6:45? {FB Can you complete the conversations? Use the conversation above to help you. | Then practice with a partner, 1A _____ the concert start? | 8 itstats __7:00. 2. A Let's ______ toa movie tonight. | 8 OK. meet at the theater at 6:30. | a Grammar Questions with What time; suggestions with Let’s 4)) 220 extra practice oa") | What time is it? It's 6:30, Suggestions What time does the concert start? Itstarts at nine o'clock, Let’s go to the concert. What time do supermarkets close? (At) about 10:00 p.m. Let’s meet at 6:45. What time do you go out at night? Usually around 8:00 or 8:30, Let's get there early. A. Complete the questions using What time and do or does. fata ask peopte you don't know feces re xcuse me, do you have the time? Complete the suggestions with Let's 1. A Hey, there's a jazz concert on Saturday. 3A 80 to the pool tomorrow. 8 Really? What time does it start? 8 _____itopen? A Itstarts at 8:00 p.m. A I think it opens early, like around 7:00 a.m. 2A have dinner 4a —_—_ meet for breakfast after the concert, on Saturday. B OK. But B OK. —_ you get up restaurants close around here? on weekends? A Oh, around midnight. A Oh, Lusually get up at about 8:00. B Pair work Practice the conversations. Practice again changing the times, © Pair work Tatk about three events this week, Make plans to go to an event together, Use the conversations above to help you. A Let's goto the soccer game at the stadium tomorrow night. © OK. What time does it start? — 97 d Me neither @ Conversation strategy Me ‘00 A Look at the photo. Can you guess the topic of Omar and Cary's conversation B 4) 221 Listen. what's the café like? Omar carly Omar Do you k good places to ea Carly ‘Omar Well, there's a ney t looks kind of nice. Carly. Right. But I bet it's ex Let's try somewher Omar 1 know. But don't me today. Carly Oh. Well, in that case, les go there! C Notice how omar and Carly say Me too and Me neither to show they have something in common. Find the Bee examples in the conversation. D write me too or me neither to complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. ie dia at A I'm really hungry. 4. A Sometimes | eat at fast-food pl B Yeah, me too B Yeah, —__ 2. A {don't have a lot of money with me. 5. A Idon'toften have lunch at home. 8 a 5 eee A. | never go to expensive restaurants. 6. A Ireally like outdoor cafés. B No, = B Oh, “590 E. Pair work Make the sentences above true for you. Then take turns saying your sentences and responding. A t'm not very hungry right now. 8 Me neither, OR Really?I'm starving. 58 r - strategy plus Right ang, ce Neighborhoods WL sy Right and! know to show wpagree with Someone or that you are listening, rghtis one ofthe tp 50 words, eet know i one ofthe top 20. sg complete the sentences about th 4, Thisis amenciting / boring 2, Ther are alt of interesting bu 3, There's no mall subway / 4 5 Well, there's a new Café over there. it looks kind of nice. Right. But | bet it’s expensive. You are in right now. Circle the words ur sentences and responding. 0 interesting neighborhood. lings / museums / around here. The neighborhood needs a nice eutdoor café / swimming pool / | don't ike the elubs / movie theaters / a, ___ here. 4, There are some very cheap / expensive / __ stores, {A This isan interesting neighborhood. 8 Right. There are some nice cofés around here. OR Really? | don't think t's very interesting. | Q Listening and strategies Let's go there! ‘A 4)) 222 Listen. Where do the people decide to g0? Circle a orb. 4, Jason and Sophia choose a place shop. b.tocat. 2. Tyler and jen choose a place atohavefun. _b. to study. 3, Michaeland Anna choose aplace —a.toexercise. —_—b to eat. “aff B_)) 223 Listen to three statements from the conversations. Are you the same or diferent? Check (/) the column you agree with. Then complete the response. Cae a ferent. 1. D1 Me neither. | don't like —__—— (Really? like | 2. 1] Metoo, Ireally like ___________ 1] Yeah? don't like _ | 3. DO tknow, —_________—_ [ Realty? think. | C Pair work Choose one of these situations. Make suggestions and choose a place to go together. Isa beautiful day. Choose It's Friday night. Choosea t's noon and you're hungry. ‘aplacetositin the sun. place tohave some fun. Choose a place to eat together. A Let's go somewhere and sit inthe sun, I's o beautiful day. 5 Iknow. Wel, let's go to the park and getan ice cream. 59 a Reading 2 Tell S. A Do you know any neighborhoods with these things? Tell the clas * comedy clubs B Read the website guide to a New York ity neighborhood. What kinds of places are there? What do people do there Aon ORV en CLORCer corre tnt This “arty” neighborhood has =a eras Peet tenes een peer CS i Window-shopping othis busy ff There area lot of ree events nth beautiful park ~ concerts, mone ings, and more! t's also the place to just sit and enjoy som time and maybe pl street is fun. There are some buy books, clothes, and jewelry ‘open from early morning to 11.00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. There's a great music “vibe” inthe Village with street performers, old | record stores, and the Village's famous Jazz clubs, such as Fat Cat and the | a shows, visit the Gotham Jazz website at Note. For mote information about the year, and there i always something new to see. The galleries are open Tuesday Saturday, and admission is © Read the artcte again. Are these statements true or false? Check (7) Tue (1) or Folse (F TOF 1, Bleecker Street is a great place to go window-shopping. Oo 2. Washington Square Park opens at one o'clock in the morning. oO 0 3. Washington Square Park has free galleries, oOo 0 is a website with information on jazz clubs. BE@e) 5._The Forbes Galleries are expensive, oo : Neigiboroot a Talk about it Exciting places Group work Answer the questions below. Discuss your ideas. Agree on the best places. wats cat place to shop? 30d place to find unusual clothes? an “artsy” neighborhood? mn place to go window-shopping? i 2 fun place to people watch? ¥ a beautiful park? Where's... What's... ‘popular club? ‘good place for live music? agood place to see art exhibits? Where's... the best outdoor café? an interesting museum? an unusual building? A Shinjuku is the best place to shop. There are a lot of cool shops there. 8 Iknow. But | think Ginza is the best place. It’s expensive, but window-shopping is fun. Q Writing 4 neighborhood guide A Choose a place to include in a neighborhood guide. Write down the information you need. Think about the questions below. | Be uCe s Sree Red Nn Oh lee end ie B Read the Help note and then circle the prepositions in the neighborhood guide below. a BE Team laR Ta Prepositions + Wilson Park is on Green Street. + Its in Fairview. * Park hours are from 7:00 a.m. Wilson Park i a beautiful park@r)Green Street in Fairview. It’s a great place to play sports. ‘There's a soccer field, a couple of baseball 0 9:00 p.m. fields, and some fe tens cours There are * Call between 9:00 and 5:00. free concerts at the stadium on the weekends come nees ne aie ‘They start at 5:00 pam. There’ also anice café stadium. and it's open from 9:00 am. to 8:00 pam. | + The parkis open Tuesday ‘Tuesday through Sunday. tieoegh Senay. * There are free concerts on the weekends. * Call the Park Office at 555. 2400 for more information. Se ey ee rs ed “EC Write a neighborhood guide Use your ideas from above to help you- sides. Find an interesting place to go. like the one above. D ead your classmates’ & a Nema Coe ToT Tp ante 1 Ye] 9) Aarau AES UR) Melee) mae Learning tip Linking ideas Link ideas together. For example, you can link the time of day with the things you do. 11 When do you usually do these things each day? Write the times. 630 am get up finish work | school eat breakfast get home g0 to work / school have dinner eat lunch goto bed 2 Make a daily planner like the one below on your computer. What do you and your family usually do at different times? Crain Draw a clock face. Where are you at each time of the day? Write notes next to the hours, Feo Ie ements aboutevens EU Lo ICCRCCRMenener ee isk Cancer eee C] Saou ene er Bl agree with someone. 62. Units 4-6 a That’s not quite right. Which of these sentences are true for you? Check (/) True (1) or False (F). Correct the false sentences, Te Te 1. Our English class is in the morning. 6. We have a lot of homework. oo 2. [never come to class late. OO 7. thestudents sometimes eat in class. () 0 3. Wehave-classthreetimesaweek. [] [] 8. Ourteacherdrivesacartocass. OO 4, There are 30 students in thisroom. 1 9. Cell phones often ring in class. oo 5, There’s a coffee break at 10:30 a.m. [] [1 10. Wego outto a club after class. oa Our English class isnt in the morning OR Our English class is in the evening, a How much do you know about your partner? Complete the sentences to make guesses about a partner. Then ask your partner questions to find out if you are right or wrong. ry framed 1. _doesn't read_ a lot of books. 2 the news on TV every night. 3 with his / her parents. 4 ‘an hour a day on the internet. 5. 6 ‘at 6:00 a.m. on the weekends. tennis very well a 1a a a a A Do you read a lot of books? 8 No, Idon’t. But I read the news on the Internet. A OK. I'm right about that. Do you... ? a How well do you know your city? Complete the chart. Then use the words to tell a partner five things about your city. Does your partner agree? Co expensive a couple of restaurant Pe 2.0u alotof 4 There are alot of expensive restaurants in our city. 8 Right, but they're not very good. 63 i a Ask a question in two ways; answer more than yes or no, A. Write a second question for each question below. Start the second question with !megn, 1. What's your neighborhood like?_/_ mean, do you like it? __ 2, How often do you text your friends? 3. What kinds of sports do you watch on TV? 4. What time do you get up on the weekends?_____— 5. B 5. Who does the laundry at your house? —___—_— Pair work Take turns asking and answering the questions. Say more than yes or no in your answers. Use Well if your answer isn't a simple yes or no. ‘A What's your neighborhood like? mean, do you like it? | 8 Wel, it's not exciting, but there are alot of beautiful parks. a Are you the same or different? ‘A. Unscramble the words to find eight kinds of TV shows. ootrnac cartoon paso preoa — | megawhos = shetsenw scotmi = elarity hosw kalt oswh mucrtayenod —__ Pair work Talk about your TV habits. Use Me too and ‘Me neither if you're the same. Use Really?. .. ifyou're different. A Inever watch cartoons. B Me neither. I don’t like cartoons. OR Really? | love cartoons. a What’s your routine? Complete each question with a verb. Can you think of four more questions? Then ask and answer with a partner. a have _ breakfast? _—_____ time with your famil to work orto class? out with your friends? home at night? _—_______ to the movies? ii io, __ at the gym? ——— your homework? A What time do you have breakfast? 8 Lusually eat breakfast around seven o'clock. 64

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