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Classroom Language Teacher instructions Chssroom Language ae eed SS Tre es CONVERSATION My name is Joshua Brown. © A Listen and practice e [ sso, eee t CEE [Nicctomectyou.t00 CD Ltsmactns B PAIR WORK Introduce yourself to your partner SNAPSHOT © Listen and practice. ‘Nicholas Hoult What are some popular names and nicknames in your country? Do you have a nickname? What is it? & Ejcrammar Focus 1a What's yourname? My name's Carlos. What's = What is What's his name? His name's Joshua. What'sher name? Her name's Isabella, ‘A Complete the conversations. Use my, your, his, or her. 1. At Hello. What's your __ name? 2. A: What's name? B Hi _— name is Carlos. B name is Ethan. What's name? ind what's name? A name is Akina — name is Caroline B PAIR WORK Practice the conversations with a partner. a SPEAKING ‘Spelling names © A Listen and practice. BOGOGERODEEEOORROOsEoone Be. :-Be+ ORG See: - oe « © B CLASS ACTIVITY Listen and practice. Then practice with your own names. Make a list of your classmates’ names. ‘As What's your name? My name is Akina Hayashi My classmates As Is that AKI-N-A? kira Haya B: Yes, that’s right. e ‘A: How do you spell your last name? HAYA-S-H-Y? B: No, it's HAY-AS-H-L GB LISTENING Your name, please? © How do you spell the names? Listen and check () the correct answers. 4. Kate 2 Clerk . 3.) Sophia 4. LD zachary Di cae Desc Li sofia Ei Zochary ‘What's your nam WORD POWER Titles males) Ms. Yong (single or married females) females) Mr. Rodriguez (single or married males) B Listen and write the titles Ross 1 Santos 2, Wilson 3. Pak = & SPEAKING Saying hello and practice, Go around the class. Greet your classmates and informally (without titles) : ic formally ith titles) === Unit 1 CONVERSATION Are you Andrea Clark’ © A Listen and practice =e | Andrea Clark? q SED La tinnct shes overthere Mat? Ths is your book [Oh thank you. You're cs ED | cry mathclas righer ‘Yes, am tin Lena Gara, He's in our history clas. ec B GROUP WORK Greet a classmate. Then introduce him or her to another classmate “Hey, Eduardo, this is GRAMMAR FOCUS oz Vm Lena Garza, ‘Are you Andrea Clark? | I'm-= Lam You're in my clas. Yes, tam. (Yes-t#m) | You're = You are ‘She's overtheve. Andreas over there) No, 'mnot Ho's = Ho's He's in our class. (Ben isin our class) She's = She's Ws Garza. (My last name is Garza) How are you? Ire = itis 1m fine, thanks. | ‘A. Complete the conversation with the correct words in parentheses, Then practice with a partner Ben Hello, Christy. How __are__(are/is) you? Christy ("mm / 13) fine, thanks, (mst) sorry ~ what's your name again? Ben (ls / fs) Ben ~ Ben Durant Christy. That's right! Ben, this (is /it'9) Joshua Brown, ____ (He's / She's) in our history class. Ben ______(I'm/’s)nice to meet you. Joshua Hi, Ben. | think _'m / you're ) in my English class, too. Ben Oh, right! Yes, | (am /'m) What's your name? B Complete the conversations. Then practice in groups. Cara Excuse me. An you Alex Lane? James No, not, My name James Harris, Alex over there Cara Oh, sorry. Cara you Alex Lane? Alex Yes, Cara Hi Cara Rui . Alex Ob ____in my history class, right? Cara Yes, Alex nice to meet you, Cara © CLASS ACTIVITY Write your name on apiece of paper. Put the papers in a bag. Then take a different paper. Find the other student. ‘As Excuse me. Are you Min,ji Cho? B: No, I'm not. She's over there. A: Hi, Are you Mini Cho? © Listen and practice. Notice the linked sounds. V'msabella. She's over there. You're jn my class a SPEAKING Personal information © A tsten and practice. ° Ai ayaa ieee eee 8 9 10, zero one two. three. «four five six seven eight nine tert (oh) © B PAIRWORK Practice these phone numbers and email addresses. Then listen and check your answers Jessica Adams work phone) (cellphone) (email address) ere at oa dash underscore ‘Her name is Jessica Adams. Her work phone number is four-oh-tao, five-five-five, two-three-oh-one. Her cell..." Unit 1 B LISTENING Contact information © A isabella and Joshua are making alist of classmates’ phone ‘numbers and email addresses. Listen and complete the list. B CLASS ACTIVITY Make a lst of your classmates’ names, phone numbers, and email addresses. What's your name? ‘A: And what's your phine number? B: I'm Maria Ventura B: Is 323-555-7392, & INTERCHANGE 1 Celebrity classmates Meet some "famous classmates.” Go to Interchange 1 on page 114. -| SPEAKING Sayi © A Listen and practice, good-bye Thank you, Mr. Flores, You, 00, B CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the room. Say good-bye to your classmates and teacher. What's your name? 1 Mare em col marl Wg E J complete the conversations. : Hello, __Mn___ Wilson. morning, David. are you? A: OK, thank you. 2. A: Hi. How are Mrs. Turner? B: I'm just __, thank you. How about os Smith? A: Pretty . thanks. 3. A: How’sit_—_—_ Ken? Great ____ are you doing? A: Pretty good. Unit 1 4. As Hi, Tony. 4, A: How do you spell your last name? Hello, B: Hello, + ROGERS. + It’s nice to meet you. + It’s Rogers 2. A: My name is Ellen Miler. 5. A: I'm Rich Martinez. B B ‘I's Willams. ‘Nice to meet you, too. *#'m Rob Williams, ‘lv’s nice to meet you. : 3. A: Hello, Carol. How's it going? + Fine, thanks * Nice to meet you, too. 5 | Spell the numbers. not wo. 25 aoe a3. PR 8.6. ioe cea ae s 9.0 4 10.9 5.7 we k SE 1.4 6.10 What's your name? 6115 i 4: tno-onu-0, Ses, six-one-ene-ive f 2. ANY dash LOP-EZ eight two at CUP dot ORG anv -lopezB2@cuporg 2: sbvoh-ou, five. fve Five, furseverthee-one {cine founrine,fveive-v,three-eight-oh-two 5. BRIAN dot OHNS.ON zerothree-nine at CUP dot O.8G 6 sever-seventivee, fvervecve, one-sever-sever nine 7. MARLABRAD-Y underscore seven at C-U-P dot ORG : 8, TINA dath F-0.X underscore rine-fveswo at C-U-P dot O-8-G E J comp conversations. Write ‘m, ‘re, or 's. 1. At What's your name? 3. A: What his name? Momoko Sato. Chris Allen, ‘A: It__nice to meet you, Momoko. ¢ He __ in our English class 2. At Hello.|_. Josh Brown. __ in your fight! English class, B: Yes, and you_in my math class, too. [ifeomplete the conversations. Use th Llbes Edimrct Els Eyes Om Dee 4. Amy: Carlos: O Compl conversation. Us Ise the questions in the box. s. Use the words in the box. Om Ow Excuse me No, Oh, Excuse me. Alex Walker? Yes, f Hi, Alex. My name Amy Clark Oh, That's right. Nice to meet you, too, 1 wats your name? [Ara how do you spell your last name? [SE] What's your phone number? ‘Are you Andrea Nelson? A: Hi. Are you Andrea Nelson? B: No, I'm ‘As Oh, Im rot. sorry, B: Kerry Moore, A B KERRY, ra B MOORE, A B: Its 618-555-7120. A B: It's, me El youre Are ‘Alex Walker? over there. sorry, you in my English class, nice to meet you. Are what’ your email adress? 1 How do you spell your frst name? What's your name? fi Seen ec a Pact [| (0) Hello and good-bye! | | ‘A Complete the conversations. Use the words in parentheses, 1. A Hi th BAD eat (Hi, / Excuse me.) How are you? (Excuse me. / Thank you.) Are you B: I'm fine, thanks. Min-ji Park? 2A B: Yes, | am. It's nice to meet you. 4. A: (Good evening. / Geod night.) B: Hello, @ 8: Se you tomorow " B Match the pictures with the conversations in part A.

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