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Committee: Security Council

Country: The United States of America

Topic: Terrorism and guerrilla warfare
Delegate: Renzo Leonardo Valencia Cornejo

Beyond doubt, terrorism, its authors and organizations have shaped most of recent
international affairs, especially our own. Since the infamous 9/11 attacks, our nation has
increasingly stepped up the effort to halt terrorist activities, undermine its sources of revenue, and
bring its leaders to justice. From Paris to Damascus, from Moscow to Orlando, terror has run
(save for some isolated responses, like our own) deep and wide. The reasons behind terrorist acts
vary greatly. What doesn’t differ, though, is the unanimous condemnation and solidarity for the
victims of all civilized nations. The United States of America is confident that every country in
this Committee has taken all possible measures, even if necessarily limited to a national scope, to
deal with this most pressing matter, a true scourge for the past couple decades. Even as this
Committee sits and convenes in better a more effective ways in order to end terrorism, new and
insidious ways arise. Cyberterrorism, for one instance, can and is used to extract confidential
information on our countries’ defense capabilities, and try to cripple our defense systems, maybe
even with the purpose of passing this data to foreign powers as a means of revenue. But this is not

The United States of America have enthusiastically approved of and endorsed the creation
and actions of the Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Executive Directorate, pursuant
of Security Council Resolutions 1373 and 1535, respectively. Also, we abide by the enforcement
of Resolution 2253 and its application to those individuals and entities designated on the ISIL
(Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List. Moreover, the entire United Nations is witness to the United
States’ unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy throughout the world, and the actions
already taken and currently underway in order to ensure it wherever American military assets are
committed to this cause. In this fashion, we possess a unique insight on the actions of terrorist
entities and the most effective ways of defeating it, at least militarily. But this, as it could be
suspected, is not enough.

The extremely wide scope of the topic at hand bars us from pointing any specific solution,
as it’d be needed to identify an aspect of the problem and define its limits beforehand. However
and only to be taken as general, guiding principles, The United States of America advances these
notions: that no terrorism can be justified whatsoever, but economic and social development
(although beyond the scope of this Committee) is crucial to destroy the causes behind its
recruitment efforts; that terrorism – sponsor States can and will be toppled should they insist in
their rogue ways, that military intervention, although not outright discarded, can only be taken
when all alternative means have been exhausted, and only if a long – term commitment is
envisaged, and that progressive democratization is the most effective means to permanently
include terrorism – affected areas peacefully within its national and international community. In
any case, the United States of America will take active participation in the resolution of this
heated topic, inside the limits of International Law, yet always with the goal of reaching
international security in sight.

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