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CENG 241L‐ Environmental Engineering & Science 




Section 1

Done on Thursday 9/1/2019

Due on Thursday 16/1/2019

Lab Instructor: Dr. RANIA MAROUN

 a) the measurement is 2 which means it is under range, so we
can dilute it to have a measurement =2.
 b) Pure distilled water has a pH 7.0. It has an alkalinity of
zero, because addition of even a small amount of an acid or
base will cause a change in the ph. So the low level of
alkalinity (=2) in distilled water is logical and normal.
 c) No, we will have a very low level or an under range value,
which means that we had diluted more than it needs.

 due to the table:

T=123 mg/l »0.5T=61.5

so P>1/2T:
 hydroxide=2P-T=37
 Carbonate=2(T-P) =2(123-80) =86mg/l
 bicarbonate=0

 S1: Distilled water=8mg/l >>low range (0-75)>>soft
 S2: Bottled water=180 mg/l>> (100-300)>>Hard
 S3: Tap water= 247 mg/l >> (100-300)>>Hard

SO, sample 1 is good

Sample 2 is over the range which needs to be softened ( it is 180 ) we should make it 120
mg/l max.

Sample 3 is also over range which needs to be softned (it is 247 mg/l) , we should make it
120 mg/l.

 Total hardness= 33+16=49 mg/l=4900mg/l
 Ca hardness = c*100= 86 mg/l*100 =8600 mg/l
 Total hardness= T*100=180*100=18000 mg/l
 Mg hardness= total hardness- Ca hardness
= 18000-3700=9400mg/l
 ca 2+¿=0.4008∗ca=¿ ¿
3446.88 mg/l
 mg 2+¿=0.243∗mg=¿¿
 Total hardness= 2284.2+3446.88=5731.08 mg/l.

It is lower from the value measured in the lab since the assumption is
=49 mg/l. and the measured is equal to 58 mg/l.
This is due to the non-carbonate cations that are different from

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