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Case 20-01030 Doc 25 Filed 07/01/20 Entered 07/01/20 09:28:00 Desc Main

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In Re: ) Chapter 7
Debtor )
Julie McNabb ) Adversary Proceeding No.
Plaintiff ) 20-1030
v. )
John Kenneth McNabb )
Defendant )



To the Honorable Frank J. Bailey, Bankruptcy Judge:

The above captioned Debtor/Defendant, by and through his undersigned Counsel submits

the following Answer to the Amended Complaint in the above captioned adversary proceeding.

Pursuant to the Courts Order, the Answer is due on July 2, 2020.



1. The Plaintiff, Julie McNabb, is a natural person residing at 53 Pond Street, Cohasset,

Massachusetts 02025, hereinafter referred to as "Plaintiff'.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph one of the

amended complaint (“the complaint”).

2. The Defendant, John Kenneth McNabb, is a natural person residing at 16 Damon

Road Scituate, Massachusetts 02066, hereinafter "Defendant" or "Debtor".

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS some the allegations contained in paragraph two of the


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Defendant states that he has moved and his new address is 544A Nantasket Ave., Hull,

MA 02045. Notice of this address change was provided to the Court in Document 21 in the

underlying Bankruptcy Petition #: 19-14315, on April 2, 2020.


3. This is an adversary proceeding pursuant to Rule 7001(6) of the Federal Rules of

Bankruptcy Procedure to determine the dischargeability of a liability related to fraud

and fiduciary embezzlement.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the procedural allegations contained in paragraph three

of the complaint but DENIES that there is any debt nor is there any basis to assert a successful

cause of action pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §523.

4. This Court has jurisdiction over this proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1334.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph four of the


5. This adversary proceeding constitutes a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §

l 57(b)(2)(K).

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph five of the


6. This District is the proper venue for this proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1409

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph six of the



7. The Plaintiff is an elderly person within the meaning of M.G.L. c. 19A §14.

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ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph seven of the


8. The Plaintiff is the Debtor's mother.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph eight of the


The Defendant alleges that the Plaintiff has had diminished capacity since January 2018

and further alleges that her daughter Lauren Nolan (“Lauren”) has been exerting undue influence

on her since November 9, 2018. Since November 9, 2018 the Plaintiff has not had any

conversations with the Defendant or his brother Michael McNabb (“Michael”) except a few brief

times when Lauren was also present.

The Defendant states that he lived with the Plaintiff for thirty (30) years and had daily

contact and a very close relationship with her, and that he finds the alleged statements attributed

to the Plaintiff in the complaint and the Affidavit submitted with the Plaintiff’s Opposition to the

Defendants Motion to Dismiss, and her actions in purportedly revoking his DPOA and assigning

the DPOA to Lauren and throwing him out of the 53 Pond Street house, to be completely

uncharacteristic of her behavior and concludes that they were the result of undue influence by

Lauren. The Defendant states that Lauren had serious objections to his recent marriage and since

November 9 has been making many false accusations against him because of this falling out.

Since January 2018 the Plaintiff’s mental state has declined. The family had to stop her

from driving. She has been diagnosed with dementia, has been prescribed Alzheimer’s

medication, and has exhibited many serious memory issues such as:

• The Plaintiff was surprised once when the Defendant told her that Lauren was

married even though of course the Plaintiff was at the wedding decades ago.

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• The Plaintiff would frequently forget that the Defendant was her son or that

Lauren was her daughter, referring to Lauren just as her “friend.”

• Frequently the Plaintiff would say to the Defendant that she was afraid she wasn’t

in her own house, even though she was and the police would be coming for her.

The Plaintiff’s worsening condition required the Defendant in 2018 to buy all her food &

medication, pay the household bills, drive her places, take care of the house and grounds, and

perform other helpful functions during all of 2018.

9. At all relevant times the Debtor was a fiduciary for the Plaintiff in accordance

with provisions contained in the Plaintiffs Will, Durable Power of Attorney, and

the McNabb Family Trust ("the Trust").

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph nine of the complaint.

The Defendant DENIES there is a fiduciary role from the Will since that will not provide

a fiduciary role as long as the Plaintiff is alive. The Defendant DENIES there is an applicable

fiduciary role from the Trust to the Rockland Trust joint bank account the Plaintiff had with the

Defendant since the Trust fiduciary responsibilities are solely for the Trust assets which include

just the home and property at 53 Pond Street, Cohasset, Massachusetts (where the Plaintiff

resides and has a life estate). The Defendant ADMITS there is a fiduciary role from the Durable

Power of Attorney (the “DPOA”) provided that the Court rules that the Defendant has an

ascendant role over the Plaintiff due to the Plaintiff’s diminished capacity.

10. At all relevant times prior to 2018 the Debtor was instrumental in the Plaintiffs

production of estate planning documents.

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ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph ten of the


The Defendant proposed to the Plaintiff that she create the Trust and other estate planning

instruments but had no more involvement in the process until October 19, 2017 when the

Plaintiff, the Defendant, Michael, and Lauren went to the attorney’s office to sign the documents.

Michael was heavily involved with the Plaintiff’ and the attorney in the estate planning process.

11. The Debtor was designated as an agent for the Plaintiff in a Durable Power of

Attorney executed on October 19, 2017.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph eleven of the


The Defendant alleges that the DPOA provided authority for the Defendant in addition to

and independent of the authority provided by the terms of the joint account. Defendant alleges

that the DPOA is not like most other DPOAs because in this DPOA the Plaintiff did not direct

that all the attorney-in-facts actions were solely to serve her interests but also, as stated in section

I(V) of the DPOA which allowed him to make gifts to himself and or his children, to serve the

interests of the attorney-in-fact and his children.

The Defendant alleges that the DPOA was designed and written by the Plaintiff who

specifically authorized the Defendant to withdraw funds from the joint bank account, to make

gifts to himself that were not to be construed as self-dealing, and to compensate himself for

acting as the Plaintiff’s attorney-in-fact:

• Section I of the DPOA states in pertinent part “I grant to my agent and attorney-in-

fact full power and authority to do everything necessary in exercising any of the

powers herein granted as fully as I might or could do if personally present…”;

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• Section I(B) of the DPOA authorizes the Defendant to “make, receive, sign and

endorse checks and drafts, deposit and withdraw funds”;

• Section I(V) of the DPOA states in pertinent part that “it shall not be deemed to be

self-dealing on the part of my attorney-in-fact herein to make gifts, transfers or

dispositions to or for himself or his children, because they are the objects of my

bounty in harmony with my estate plans;…” and

• Section IV of the DPOA states in pertinent part that: “My attorney-in-fact named

herein shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for any expenses that are

incurred and for the time, effort and services rendered as my attorney-in-fact.”

12. Beginning in January of 2018, the Debtor began making significant and frequent cash

withdrawals from the Plaintiffs bank account.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph twelve of the


the Defendant alleges that all his withdrawals were authorized by the terms of the joint

account and the DPOA. The “Plaintiff’s bank account” was actually a joint account with the

Plaintiff and Defendant as Account Owners (and starting in November 2018 also Lauren). As an

Account Owner, the Defendant had the legal right to withdraw any or all funds from the account

and gave him legal title to all the funds in the account.

The Defendant was added to the account as an Account Owner on September 24, 2008.

The Defendant alleges that at that time the Plaintiff told him that she added him to their joint

account “just in case you need to get any money.” The Defendant alleges that the Plaintiff’s

action to add he Defendant to the joint account should have the presumption of donative intent

and is presumed to have been a gift to him of all the funds in the account. Any statements

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subsequent to that date by the Plaintiff which would contradict that presumption are

inadmissible. The Defendant alleges that the Plaintiff has given him substantial sums of money

at various times in the past and whenever he was going to buy something for the Plaintiff she

would always say “make sure you get something for yourself.”

The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account at that time

or any later time either by executing a written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a

limited or “convenience” account nor by establishing the Defendants account ownership as a

Limited Access Deposit Account pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws.

The DPOA signed by the Plaintiff on October 19, 2017 gave the Defendant authority to

withdraw funds from the account, to make gifts to himself that were not to be construed as self-

dealing, and to compensate himself for acting as the Plaintiff’s attorney-in- fact.

13. The Debtor withdrew funds from the Plaintiffs bank account by means of 255

automatic teller machines ("ATM") cash withdrawal transactions

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirteen

of the complaint. This allegation is inexplicable and contradicts the allegation in the next


14. The Debtor withdrew funds from the Plaintiffs bank account by means of 48 cash

withdrawal transactions.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph fourteen of the

complaint. There were 49 ATM withdrawals by the Defendant totaling $14,256.50 in 2018.

15. The Debtor otherwise withdrew funds from the Plaintiffs bank account.

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ANSWER: The allegation is so vague the Defendant lacks sufficient information to admit

or deny the allegations contained in paragraph fifteen of the complaint so the Defendant DENIES

the allegations.

16. The Debtor converted the money to his own use and enjoyment.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph sixteen of the


All the funds withdrawn or spent by the Defendant were authorized by the terms of the

joint account and the DPOA. The bank account was a joint account with the Plaintiff and

Defendant (and in November 2018 also included Lauren) as Account Owners, which gave the

Defendant the legal right to withdraw any or all funds from the account and which gave him title

to all the funds in the account. The Defendant was added to the account as an Account Owner on

September 24, 2008. The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account

either by executing a written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited account

nor by establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account

pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws.

The DPOA gave the Defendant authority to withdraw funds from the account, to make

gifts to himself that were not to be construed as self-dealing, and to compensate himself for

acting as the Plaintiff’s attorney-in- fact.

17. The Plaintiff knew that the Defendant had access to her bank account.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS the allegation in paragraph 17 of the complaint.

18. The Plaintiffs understanding was that the Defendant would only use her money on

demand for items and services needed by the Plaintiff.

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ANSWER: The Defendant has no knowledge of the understanding of the Plaintiff’s state

of mind and therefore DENIES the allegations in paragraph eighteen of the complaint. The

Defendant DENIES the allegation in paragraph eighteen that there was any restriction that the

funds in the joint account could only be used for items and services needed by the Plaintiff.

The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account either by

completing a written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited or “convenience”

account nor by establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit

Account pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws. The Plaintiff either did not review the

monthly bank statements or reviewed them and did not take any action, thereby waiving her right

to take any action pursuant to the equitable doctrines of waiver and equitable estoppel. The

DPOA signed by the Plaintiff on October 19, 2017 allowed the Defendant to spend money from

the account with no restrictions.

19. The Defendant did not deposit any of his own money into the Plaintiff's bank account

from which he was withdrawing funds.

ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph nineteen of the


Defendant alleges that the fact he never deposited funds in the account in no way limited

his legal authority to use some or all of the funds in the account.

20. On November 9, 2018 the Debtor moved himself and his wife into the Plaintiff's house

in Cohasset, Massachusetts.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph twenty of the complaint.

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The Defendant DENIES that he “moved himself” into the Plaintiff’s house on November

9, 2018 because he had lived in the house for about 30 years, from 1989 until December 23,

2018. The Defendant ADMITS that, after getting permission from the Plaintiff, moved his fiancé

and her two sons into the house on November 9, 2018 (the Plaintiff and his fiancé were married

on November 18). They stayed in the house for about a month after the wedding.

21. The Debtor and his wife began making alterations to the house that the Plaintiff did

not agree with.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegation in paragraph twenty-one that he made

“alterations” to the house and states that they were merely repairs. The Defendant DENIES that

his wife had any role in the repairs. The Defendant lacks sufficient information to admit or deny

the allegation contained in paragraph twenty-one of the complaint that the Plaintiff “did not

agree with” the house repairs that he was making therefore the Defendant DENIES this


There were no alterations to the house; they were only completely necessary and critical

repairs to remove clogs in the Plaintiffs bathroom and fix leaks in the kitchen, laundry room,

and the Plaintiffs former room, the faulty electrical system, and a window replacement, which as

Trustees of the Trust both the Defendant and Michael were responsible for making sure were

made. The Defendant alleges that the Plaintiff at no time made any comments to the Defendant

about the house repairs. The Trust agreement requires that the Plaintiff is responsible for paying

for house repairs. The bank records from the joint account show that the Defendant spent

$4,522.25 on house repairs from the joint account.

22. The Plaintiff approached her daughter and expressed concern for what was occurring.

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ANSWER: The Defendant has no knowledge whether the Plaintiff approached her

daughter and expressed concern, so the Defendant DENIES the allegation in paragraph twenty-

two of the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that Plaintiff never at any time in 2018 made any such concerns or

comments to him.

23. The Plaintiff expressed concern to her daughter that the Debtor was mishandling her

bank account.

ANSWER: The Defendant has no knowledge what if anything was expressed to her

daughter and therefore DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-three of the


The Defendant alleges that Plaintiff never spoke to the Defendant about any alleged

concerns about his spending in their joint bank account. Lauren has unclean hands in this matter

because she also withdrew funds from the account, totaling $9,933.29, between January –

November 2018 without any authorization. She was not an account owner and did not have a

DPOA during that time.

24. On December 4, 2018, the Plaintiff changed her Durable Power of Attorney

designation from the Debtor to her daughter.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-four

of the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that on December 4, 2018, the Plaintiff had diminished capacity

and was not competent to legally sign a DPOA or to revoke the Defendant’s prior DPOA which

was also purportedly done on that date..

25. Plaintiff's daughter obtained bank records for the Plaintiff's bank account.

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ANSWER: The Defendant has no knowledge of what, if anything, Plaintiff’s daughter

obtained and therefore DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-five of the


26. The bank records revealed that the Debtor was misappropriating funds that belonged

to the Plaintiff.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-six of

the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that he could not misappropriate funds he had the authority to use

pursuant to the terms of the joint account and the DPOA. The bank records show that the

Defendant was spending money to pay for household expenses, household repairs, medication

for he and the Plaintiff and for various other expenses. Funds were withdrawn from the joint

account to pay for household repairs because the Trust required that the Plaintiff is responsible

for those costs.

The bank records show that the “Plaintiff’s bank account” was actually the Defendant

and Plaintiff’s joint account (which included Lauren as of November 2018) and in 2018 the

Defendant spent $51,692.11 from the joint account as follows: ATM withdrawals $14,256.50;

groceries for $4,186.64; house expenses: $20,933.20; house Repairs $4,522.55; medical

expenses for the Plaintiff $740.43; other $3,352.46; pharmacy for the Defendant and Plaintiff

$2,069.73; and the Plaintiff’s tax expenses $514.60.

The Defendant alleges that the terms of the joint account gave the Defendant legal title to

all the funds in the account and allowed him to withdraw and or all funds from the account. The

Defendant was added to the account as an account owner on September 24, 2008. The Plaintiff

did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account either by executing a written or

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oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited or “convenience” account nor by

establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account. pursuant

to Massachusetts General Laws.

27. Based on a review of the records, more than $30,000 had been taken from the

Plaintiff's bank account.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-seven

of the complaint.

Defendant withdrew $51,692.11 from the joint account during 2018. The Defendant also

spent money from the account in 2017. Lauren also withdrew funds from the account, about

$9,900 in 2018. All the withdrawals by the Defendant were authorized pursuant to the terms of

the joint account and the DPOA. The statement “over $30,000” is impermissibly vague.

28. The Debtor never had authorization to use the Plaintiffs money for purposes unrelated

to her household needs.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph twenty-eight

of the complaint.

The Defendant had authorization to use funds from the joint account by the terms of the

joint account and the DPOA. The joint account with the Plaintiff and Defendant (and Lauren

who was added in November 2018) gave the Defendant legal title to all the funds in the account

and allowed him to withdraw and or all funds from the account. The Defendant was added to the

account as an account owner on September 24, 2008.

The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account either by

executing a written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited account nor by

establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account pursuant to

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Massachusetts General Laws. Defendant states that this is consistent with the Plaintiff’s

behavior in the thirty (30) years he lived with the Plaintiff because he was very generous with

him and frequently gave him money and financial support especially when he went to speak at

several computer security conferences, and would frequently ask the Defendant if he needed any


29. The Plaintiff has no recollection that any of the funds he took were used for household

needs of the Plaintiff.

ANSWER: The Defendant lacks sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations

contained in paragraph twenty-nine of the complaint therefor the Defendant DENIES the


30. At all relevant times the Debtor knew that he was a fiduciary for the Plaintiff under a

Power of Attorney and otherwise.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations contained

in paragraph thirty of the complaint. The Defendant DENIES there is a fiduciary role from the

Will since that will not provide a fiduciary role as long as the Plaintiff is alive. The Defendant

DENIES there is an applicable fiduciary role from the Trust to the joint bank account since the

Trust fiduciary responsibilities are solely for the Trust assets which include just the home and

property at 53 Pond Street, Cohasset and do not include the joint bank account. The Defendant

ADMITS there is a fiduciary role from the DPOA provided that the Court rules that Defendant

has an ascendant role over the Plaintiff due to the Plaintiff’s diminished capacity which

Defendant has alleged.

31. The Debtor knew, or reasonably should have known that he owed the Plaintiff a duty

of utmost faith and loyalty.

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ANSWER: Defendant ADMITS the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-one of the


Defendant alleges that the DPOA is not like most other DPOAs because in this DPOA

the Plaintiff did not direct that all the attorney-in-facts actions were solely to serve her interests

but also, as stated in section I(V) of the DPOA which allowed him to make gifts to himself and

or his children, to also serve the interests of the attorney-in-fact and his children.

32. After the Plaintiff hired counsel and confronted the Debtor, he filed a Chapter 7

bankruptcy petition with this Honorable Court.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-two of

the complaint.

The first time the Plaintiff in this adversary proceeding, Julie McNabb, contacted the

Defendant about this matter was when this complaint was filed on February 28, 2020. On June

10, 2019 Attorney Fein wrote a letter to the Defendant about this matter, but his client was

Lauren, not the current Plaintiff Julie McNabb, and the Plaintiff in the proposed complaint he

enclosed in the letter was not the current Plaintiff, Julie McNabb, but was in fact Lauren

(“individually and in her capacity as Durable Power of Attorney for Julie McNabb”). The

Defendant filed for Bankruptcy December 20, 2019 over six months after the June 10, 2019


COUNT ONE – Section 523(A)2

33. The Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs

(1) through (32) above as if set forth herein separately.

ANSWER: Defendant repeats and realleges his responses to each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs (1) through (32) above as if set forth herein separately.

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34. The debt owed by the Debtor to the Plaintiffs arises out of a claim for money obtained

by false pretenses, a false representation, or actual fraud.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-four of

the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that this allegation is unfounded. There is no “debt.” All of the

Defendant’s withdrawals and expenditures from the Rockland Trust joint bank account were

authorized by the terms of the joint account and the DPOA.

The Defendant alleges that there were no false pretenses, false representations, or actual


The Defendant alleges that the money was “obtained by” the Defendant by virtue of his

already existing access, since September 24, 2008, to the joint account and the authority from the

October 19, 2017 DPOA, both of which began well before the date of the alleged

misrepresentations. Since the date of the alleged misrepresentations was not at the inception of

the Defendant’s access to the bank account even if they had taken place they would not prevent

the discharge of the alleged debt.

35. On and after January 1, 2018 the Debtor knowingly lied to the Plaintiff at her

residence by telling her he required access to her money to buy her necessities before

converting Plaintiff's money to his own use and permanently depriving Plaintiff of said


ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-five of

the complaint.

The Defendant alleges there were no such lies and that this his allegation is highly

implausible because the Defendant knew he already had authorization to use the funds from the

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terms of the joint account which he was added to on September 24, 2008 and because of the

authorization from the DPOA which the Plaintiff assigned to the Defendant on October 19, 2017.

The Defendant did not “convert the Plaintiff’s money to his own use” because he already had

title to and authorized use of the all funds in the joint account.

Even if such misrepresentations has been made, the Plaintiff could have easily seen they

were lies by reviewing the bank account statements which were mailed to her monthly and which

the Defendant left for her on the kitchen table with the other mail addressed to her when they

arrived. The Plaintiff either did not review the bank statements or reviewed them and did not

take any action, until Dec. 2018, thereby waiving her right to take any action pursuant to the

equitable doctrines of waiver and equitable estoppel.

This claim should be disregarded by the Court since it was not pled with particularity and

did not include the who, what, and where and the specific content of each alleged

misrepresentation as required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).

36. The statements included, but were not limited to, verbal assurances that he would only

use Plaintiff's money to buy groceries for Plaintiff and he would only use her social

security number for her estate planning purposes before he used it to fraudulently

transfer $5,000 from Plaintiff's bank account on December 5, 2018.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-six of

the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that there were no such assurances because there was no such

restrictions on use of the funds. The Defendant alleges that he had authorization from the DPOA

and the joint account to make those withdrawals. The account was a joint account with the

Plaintiff and Defendant (Lauren who was added in November 2018) which gave the Defendant

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legal title to all the funds in the account and allowed him to withdraw and or spend all funds

from the account.

The Defendant was added to the account as an account owner on September 24, 2008.

The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account either by executing a

written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited or “convenience” account nor

by establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account

pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws.

The Defendant states that the bank transfer was actually three transfers totaling $6,010

and that he transferred the funds from a new joint account (setup by the Plaintiff and Lauren

without the Defendant’s knowledge) with the Plaintiff and Lauren as account owners to the old

joint account which on December 5, 2018 had as account owners the Plaintiff, the Defendant,

and Lauren. The amended complaint misleadingly implies that the Defendant withdrew the finds

which is incorrect. The funds were transferred from one account which the Plaintiff had access to

another account to which she also had access.

Defendant alleges that the reason he made the transfers was that on December 4, 2018

Lauren transferred $82,651.11 (the total balance) from the old joint account to the new joint

account, reducing the balance to zero ($0.00) in the old joint account. On December 5, 2018 the

Defendant transferred $6,010 in three transfers of first $10 (as a test) then $5,000 and $1,000,

back into the original account to make sure any outstanding checks and automatic payments

would be covered. However, a few checks had bounced. On December 26, 2018 Lauren

transferred $4,179.60 from the old joint account to the new joint account again reducing it to

zero, and closed the account.

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The Defendant had legal authority to make the transfer because although his DPOA,

which authorized him to make withdrawals, transfers, etc. for the Plaintiff, was purportedly

revoked on December 4, 2018, he did not receive notice of that until December 6, 2018.

This claim should be disregarded by the Court since it was not pled with particularity and

did not include the who, what, and where and the specific content of each alleged

misrepresentation as required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).

37. The Plaintiffs reasonably relied on the truth of the false statements made by the


ANSWER: The Defendant has no knowledge of what the Plaintiffs reasonably relied

upon and therefore, the allegation in paragraph thirty-seven of the complaint is DENIED.

The Defendant alleges that is not plausible that if the alleged misrepresentations stated in

paragraphs 35 and 36 were made that the Plaintiff could have had justifiable reliance in them

because any review of the monthly bank statements would have shown otherwise. Rockland

Trust sent monthly bank statements to the Plaintiffs house which the Defendant left on the

kitchen table with her other mail for her to look at if she wanted to. The Plaintiff by the equitable

doctrines of waiver and equitable estoppel, waived her claims herein by either not reviewing the

bank statements or by her continued inaction after seeing the bank statements and by not taking

any action.

38. The Debtor withdrew funds from the Plaintiffs bank account and fraudulently

converted those funds to his own use and enjoyment.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph thirty-eight of the complaint.

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The Defendant ADMITS that he did withdraw funds from the Defendant’s and Plaintiff’s

joint bank account but DENIES that there was any fraud and that he “converted these funds to

his own use and enjoyment” because he had authorization from the terms of the joint account and

the DPOA to withdraw those funds.

This claim should be disregarded by the Court since it was not pled with particularity and

did not include the who, what, and where and the specific content of each alleged

misrepresentation as required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).

39. The Plaintiffs suffered harm as a result of the Debtor's actions.

ANSWER: Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph thirty-nine of the

complaint. The Plaintiff in the DPOA authorized the Defendant to make gifts to himself that

would not be considered self-dealing, so by withdrawing the funds for many uses, including food

for the Plaintiff and Defendant and household expenses, and for his personal use, he was only

carrying out the Plaintiff’s wishes.

WHEREFORE, the Defendant respectfully requests this Honorable Court enter judgment

in his favor by determining that the alleged debt is dischargeable, and to order any further or

alternative relief that it deems just and reasonable.

COUNT TWO – Section 523(a)4

40. The Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs

(1) through (39) above as if set forth herein separately.

ANSWER: Defendant repeats and realleges his responses to each and every allegation

contained in paragraphs (1) through (39) above as if set forth herein separately.

41. The debt owed by the Debtor to the Plaintiffs arises out of a claim for money obtained

by fraud or defalcation while acting in a fiduciary capacity.

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ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph forty-one of the complaint.

The Defendant DENIES there was any debt and that he committed fraud or defalcation

and there was no breach of fiduciary duty and no breach of the duty of loyalty. All of the

withdrawals by the Defendant were authorized by the terms of the joint account and the DPOA.

The Defendant DENIES there is a fiduciary role from the Will since that will not provide

a fiduciary role as long as the Plaintiff is alive. The Defendant DENIES there is an applicable

fiduciary role from the Trust to the joint bank account since the Trust fiduciary responsibilities

are solely for the Trust assets which include just the home and property at 53 Pond Street,

Cohasset. The Defendant ADMITS there is a fiduciary role from the DPOA provided the Court

rules that the Defendant had an ascendant role over the Plaintiff due to the Plaintiff’s diminished

capacity which Defendant has alleged.

This claim should be disregarded by the Court because it was not pled with particularity

as required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).

42. At all relevant times between October 19, 2017 and December 4, 2018, the Debtor was

acting as the Plaintiffs fiduciary under a Power of Attorney and otherwise.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph forty-two of the complaint. The Defendant DENIES there is a fiduciary

role from the Will since that will not provide a fiduciary role as long as the Plaintiff is alive. The

Defendant DENIES there is an applicable fiduciary role from the Trust to the joint bank account

since the Trust fiduciary responsibilities are solely for the Trust assets which include just the

home and property at 53 Pond Street, Cohasset. The Defendant ADMITS there is a fiduciary role

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from the DPOA provided the Court rules that Defendant had an ascendant role over the Plaintiff

due to the Plaintiff’s diminished capacity which Defendant has alleged.

43. While operating as a fiduciary for the Plaintiff, the Debtor fraudulently converted

more than $30,000 of her funds to his own use and enjoyment.

ANSWER: The Defendant ADMITS in part and DENIES in part the allegations

contained in paragraph forty-three of the complaint.

The Defendant DENIES there is a fiduciary role from the Will since that will not provide

a fiduciary role as long as the Plaintiff is alive. The Defendant DENIES there is an applicable

fiduciary role from the Trust to the joint bank account since the Trust fiduciary responsibilities

are solely for the Trust assets which include just the home and property at 53 Pond Street,

Cohasset. The Defendant ADMITS there is a fiduciary role from the DPOA provided the Court

rules that the Defendant had an ascendant role over the Plaintiff due to the Plaintiff’s diminished

capacity which Defendant has alleged.

The Defendant DENIES he fraudulently converted any finds. The Defendant alleges that

he had authorization to use the funds pursuant to the DPOA and in the terms of the joint account

with the Plaintiff and Defendant (and Lauren who was added in November 2018) which gave the

Defendant legal title to all the funds in the account and allowed him to withdraw and or all funds

from the account. The Defendant was added to the account as an account owner on September

24, 2008. The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account either by

completing an written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited account nor by

establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account pursuant to

Massachusetts General Laws. The statement “over $30,000” is impermissibly vague.

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This Court should disregard this claim since it was not pled with particularity as required

by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).

44. The Debtor embezzled more than $30,000 of the Plaintiffs money with the intent to

permanently deprive her of the same.

ANSWER: The Defendant DENIES the allegations contained in paragraph forty-four of

the complaint.

The Defendant alleges that one cannot embezzle one’s own money and that his use of the

funds was not contrary to his authorization to do so. The account was a joint account with the

Plaintiff and Defendant (and Lauren who was added in December 2018) which gave the

Defendant legal title to all the funds in the account and allowed him to withdraw and or all funds

from the joint account. The Defendant was added to the account as an account owner on

September 24, 2008. The Plaintiff did not restrict the Defendant’s use of the funds in the account

either by executing a written or oral agreement with the Defendant to make it a limited account

nor by establishing the Defendants account ownership as a Limited Access Deposit Account

pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws.

This claim should be disregarded by the Court because it was not pled with particularity

as required by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9(b).


First Affirmative Defense

Waiver and Equitable Estoppel

The Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrines of waiver and equitable estoppel. The

Plaintiff waived the right to object of the alleged unauthorized nature of the Defendant’s

spending and is barred by the doctrine of equitable estoppel by either not looking at the monthly

bank statements or by reviewing them and taking no action.

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Second Affirmative Defense


The Plaintiffs claims are barred based on the doctrine of laches. The allegations of fraud

and embezzlement, which are vague because the allegations were not pled with particularity as

required by FRCP Rule 9(b), are barred if the alleged actions occurred prior to the date when the

running of the applicable statute of limitations for each alleged action began. Additionally, the

eleven month delay between January 1, 2018 when the Defendant began the withdrawals and

December 2018 when the Plaintiff suddenly cut off the Defendants access to the joint account

without notice unduly prejudiced the Defendant.

Third Affirmative Defense


The Plaintiffs claims are barred due to an express or implied license. The Defendant’s

actions were authorized by the Plaintiff in the terms of the joint account and the DPOA.

Fourth Affirmative Defense

Failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted

The Plaintiffs claims are barred for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted.

Fifth Affirmative Defense

Reserve Rights

The Defendant reserves the right to assert additional affirmative defenses based on

further investigation and discovery.

WHEREFORE, the Defendant respectfully requests this Honorable Court enter judgment

in his favor by determining that the alleged debt is dischargeable, and to order any further or

alternative relief that it deems just and reasonable.

John Kenneth McNabb

By his Counsel,

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Dated: July 1, 2020 /s/Gary W. Cruickshank, Esq.

21 Custom House Street, Suite 920
Boston MA 02110

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I, Gary W. Cruickshank, hereby certify that on July 1, 2020, I electronically filed with the Clerk

of the Bankruptcy Court, the foregoing Answer and served same in the following manner upon

the interested parties:

Email service: via the Court’s CM/ECF system which sent notification of such filing to the


• Christopher J. Fein

/s/Gary W. Cruickshank, Esq.


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