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Give your insights on how you can put into practice SDG 13

GOAL 13: Climate Action

For me, it is important that we give attention to the climate change that has
been happening in our world. We need to have resilience and adaptive capacity to
deal with the climate change. To be honest, I can help in SDG 13 by planting trees.
Moreover, I can practice sustainable living. In that way it will lessen my consumption
and my waste. Also, I can invest in renewables and divest from fossil fuels. Also, an
easy way to help is to speak up and be an advocate for climate change because not
all people are aware of it. I can help by using my own platform to spread news and
facts about climate change. As of the moment, the practice that I am doing is having
sustainable life and lessening my waste production. Also, not wasting even in my
food consumption. I am also reducing my water waste by not always showering
instead I am using “balde” at “tabo.” In that way, I am minimizing my water
consumption and I am saving a lot of water.

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