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22 Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury

Michael R. Markiewicz
| R. Bryan Bell

Soft Tissue Wound Healing Distortion of Mobile Landmarks
Principles of Wound Management Recurrent Scar Widening
Preoperative Consultation Recurrent Scar Contracture
Scar Analysis Specific Types of Scars
Incision Placement Depressed Scar
Facial Aesthetic Units Electric Burns
Scar Type, Pattern, and Color Eyelid Ectropion
Scar Location Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids
Sun-Reactive Skin Type Classification Resurfacing Procedures
Skin and Aging Preoperative Considerations
Timing of Scar Revision Patient Preparation
Surgical Options Specific Techniques
General Principles of Linear Scar Revision General Postoperative Care for All Ablative Techniques
Procedures Adjunctive Scar Revision Techniques
Complications Tissue Expansion
Hematoma Steroids
Infection Filler Materials
Necrosis Botox
Hyperpigmentation Summery

carring is a natural progression of healing following fibroblasts, resulting in granulation tissue. Epithelializa-
soft tissue injury.1-3 The primary and immediate sec- tion may be completed in 24 to 48 hours in primarily
ondary management of head and neck wounds will closed wounds or be delayed for as long as 3 to 5 days in
inevitably affect the long-term aesthetic and functional wounds healing by secondary intention The final phase
outcomes of the resulting scar. Therefore, meticulous of wound healing is the maturation phase, during
planning is needed from the initial patient encounter to which the scar gains strength and volume and erythema
ensure successful outcomes in scar healing, maturation, decreases. Complete scar maturation and final tensile
and revision. This chapter will review the evaluation and strength generally take 12 to 18 months (Fig. 22-2).
management of various post-traumatic scarring, with an In any wound, even one with adequate primary closure,
emphasis on commonly encountered clinical scenarios. the gap between wound edges is temporarily repaired in
It is meant to provide the reader with a literature-based the form of a clot consisting of platelets engrossed in a
rationale for treatment. mesh of cross-linked fibrin fibers derived from fibrino-
gen cleaved by thrombin. The platelet clot serves as a
SOFT TISSUE WOUND HEALING reservoir of cytokines and growth factors that are released
as platelets degranulate. Growth factors and cytokines
A basic understanding of wound healing is needed recruit inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, and capillary
because of its relevance to scar formation and subse- ingrowth to the wound site, which invade the clot to
quent effects on revision.3-5 Wound healing is classified form granulation tissue, leading to contraction of
into three main phases (Fig. 22-1). These include the wound margins. A connective tissue scar remains when
immediate inflammatory phase (1 to 3 days), which is wounds are closed by secondary intention—the larger
characterized by a vascular and inflammatory response the wound gap, the wider the connective tissue scar.
including local vasoconstriction for the first 5 to 10 Scar consists of a poorly constructed collagen matrix
minutes followed by a local vasodilatory response. The in dense parallel bundles, which is contrasted to the
inflammatory phase takes place the first few days after efficiently cross-linked meshwork of collagen in the
injury, during which wound strength relies mainly on the native dermis. It occurs in three phases—epithelialization
fibrin clot. The second phase, the proliferation phase (3 migration, collagenization, and angiogenesis–granulation
to 12 days), begins within 24 hours after injury and is tissue formation. Epithelialization occurs by migration of
characterized by the recruitment of blood vessels and keratinocytes over the dermis and under the clot (Fig.
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 567

Vasodilation Inflammatory phase

Cellular response

Proliferative phase
Fibroplasia: collagen synthesis
Wound contraction

Maturation / remodeling phase

Scar: collagen remodeling

Injury 30 minutes 1 day 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 6 months 1 year

FIGURE 22-1 Phases of inflammation.

Tensile strength*





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time after wounding (weeks)
*Percent of normal unwounded skin

FIGURE 22-2 Maximum scar tensile strength is obtained

approximately 12 to 18 months following injury. (Adapted from A
Goslin JB: Wound healing for the dermatologic surgeon.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol 14:959–972, 1988.)

22-3), which is facilitated by growth factors such as epi-

dermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth
factor α (TGF-α).6-8 Once a monolayer of keratinocytes
covers the denuded wound surface, epithelial migration
ceases and a new stratified epidermis with underlying
basal lamina is reestablished from the margins of the
wound inward. All aspects of a skin flap rarely touch
along all the length of the wound; migration is aided by
contraction of the underlying connective tissue. Within
3 to 4 days of injury, dermal fibroblasts around the wound
begin to proliferate and lay down a collagen-rich matrix,
a process modulated by platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF) and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β).9-12
Finally, angiogenesis of the wound and the incorporation B
of pink, capillary-filled granulation tissue is mediated by FIGURE 22-3 A, A leading front of basal epithelial cells divides and
fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and vascular endothe- migrates beneath a dried clot. B, Contact inhibition and further
lial growth factor (VEGF) released at the site of the differentiation and epithelial stratification.
wound.13 Connective tissue contraction ultimately closes
embryonic and adult wounds. The major difference
between scar-free healing and scar formation is that a initial thorough removal of foreign bodies, débridement,
scar-free wound site has significantly less inflammation and cleansing of the wound with copious pulsatile irriga-
present.5 tion. Formal scrubbing of the wound may be undertaken
if necessary but should be done sparingly to spare further
PRINCIPLES OF WOUND MANAGEMENT damage to soft tissues. All devitalized soft tissue should
be débrided and excised and sharp healthy wound
General principles of wound management should always margins should be obtained to facilitate closure, with
be followed in the traumatic setting. These include an minimal scarring.14 Devitalized tissue increases the local
568 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

inflammatory response and subsequent scarring. Undi-

luted hydrogen peroxide use in open wounds should be
avoided because it inhibits wound healing and may cause
tissue necrosis. Normal saline with or without bacitracin
is the preferred irrigant for soft tissue trauma. Although
delayed closure may be necessary in some wounds caused
by edema and/or high-velocity injuries such as gunshot
wounds, in wounds with a significant amount of devital-
ized tissue, or because of other, more urgent medical and
surgical interventions that precede the treatment of head
and neck injuries, primary closure should be attempted,
if feasible. In the case of avulsed tissue or the inability to
reapproximate local tissue under minimal tension, local
flaps, regional flaps, or free tissue transfer may be needed
to restore tissues adequately to previous form and func-
tion.15 Wounds should be closed in layers, if possible, to
place minimum tension on the superficial skin closure
and aid in the eversion of skin edges to minimize scar
widening.16 Tension across a wound decreases blood flow, FIGURE 22-4 The effects of a moist occlusion dressing on
which leads to necrosis of wound edges and increased stimulating more rapid epithelialization (left) than under a dried clot
connective tissue growth in the proliferation phase, and (right). (From Brenner MJ, Perro SA: Recontouring, resurfacing,
and scar revision in skin cancer reconstruction. Facial Plast Surg
to elongation of scars in the remodeling phase.17,18
Clin N AM 7:469–487, 2009.)
Skin flaps should be appropriately undermined so that
wound edges can be everted, which will minimize scar
depression.19 A review comparing the use of tissue adhesives versus
Meticulous attention to detail and gentle tissue han- standard wound closure in patients with traumatic lacera-
dling are important to optimize wound healing and mini- tions found that pain and procedure time were signifi-
mize scarring.1 A multivariate analysis has shown that cantly reduced in the tissue adhesive group and wound
characteristics associated with suboptimal cosmetic dehiscence and erythema were significantly reduced in
appearance following laceration and surgical incision the standard wound closure group; however, there was
closure are associated tissue trauma, use of electrocau- no difference in final cosmesis or scar appearance
tery, incomplete wound edge apposition, and increased between the two groups.27
wound width (healing by secondary intention).20 If per- Desiccated and crusted wounds heal slower than those
manent sutures are used for wound closure, they should kept moist.28 Epithelial migration follows a path of mois-
be removed in 5 days or less to prevent track marks. ture and humidity, even if this route is longer (Fig. 22-4).
Another option is to use fast, resorbing plain gut suture This often requires more energy expenditure by the cell.
(5.0 to 6.0). In a study that compared 5.0 or 6.0 nylon In addition, an apoptosis-mediated decrease in granula-
sutures versus plain gut sutures for skin closure in a tion tissue has been shown to occur in vitro in flaps that
population of pediatric patients who suffered lacera- are covered postoperatively.29 Therefore, occlusive dress-
tions, no difference in infection or wound dehiscence ings and antibiotic ointment use are recommended so
was found between the two groups; however, slightly that epithelial migration proceeds in a direct and effi-
better cosmesis was found in the plain gut suture group.21 cient manner. The use of occlusive or semiocclusive
Similar studies,22 including a meta-analysis,23 have con- dressings has also been advocated as a means of promot-
firmed these results, demonstrating no difference in ing wound healing. Commercially available dressings,
long-term cosmesis, scar hypertrophy, infection rate, such as Tegaderm (3M), Opsite (Smith & Nephew,
wound dehiscence, and wound erythema or edema London), or similar polyurethane dressings minimize
between lacerations closed with nylon versus plain gut the amount of atmospheric oxygen that is absorbed
suture. For scalp incision and laceration repair, the use directly through an open wound30,31 and have been
of staples as an alternative to suturing has been demon- shown to decrease epithelial closure time by as much as
strated in a randomized control trial to reduce proce- 50%.28,31-33 The moist environment is optimal for epithe-
dure time significantly while not demonstrating any lial migration, with minimization of connective tissue
difference in cosmesis by a blinded physician at 1 week formation, therefore expediting healing and reducing
and 6 to 18 months postrepair.24 scar formation. These effects, however, have not been
Adhesive bandages such as Steri-Strips (3M, Maple- verified in a randomized control trial.34 Antibiotic oint-
wood, Minn) should be used to reduce wound tension at ment should be applied to the wound until epithelializa-
the time of closure and to reduce the need for long-term tion occurs. Bacteria delay healing by direct cell damage,
suture placement in those wounds under increased prolonging the inflammatory phase of wound healing by
tension. The use of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate–based fast- competing for oxygen; therefore, in addition to provid-
acting skin adhesives has been shown to be just as ing a moist environment, antibiotic ointment is benefi-
effective as Steri-Strips in reducing hypertrophic scar for- cial for reducing bacterial colonization.35
mation,25 although other study results have demonstrated Wounds should be cleaned daily during the immedi-
superior cosmesis in wounds dressed with Steri-Strips.26 ate postoperative period using a mixture of 50%
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 569

hydrogen peroxide and 50% water. Sunblock should be scars, has shown only to improve scar color while not
applied to the area of wound closure to reduce irritation having an effect on scar height.55
and minimize the inflammatory response. The patient
should be instructed to massage the wound once epithe- PREOPERATIVE CONSULTATION
lialization occurs using a simple base cream twice a day,
10 minutes at a time.36,37 The effects of scar massage, Detailed explanation of possible and realistic outcomes
however, have been questioned.38 In addition, silicone at the initial encounter will help circumvent any unrea-
sheets or gels may be used after epithelialization occurs sonable expectations that the patient might have and
and may assist in better scar maturation of hypertrophic prepare the patient for the reality that further proce-
and keloid scars.39-44 Although a barrier, silicone sheets dures will be needed. Although the surgeon may have a
do allow the passage of oxygen. It has been shown in an good idea of which scar revision procedure the patient
animal model that silicone sheets cause hydration of will need at the time of initial repair, it may not be until
keratinocytes within the stratum corneum of the epider- weeks to months later, after scar maturation occurs, that
mis, which has a suppressive effect on the metabolism of the surgeon will be able to formulate a definitive treat-
underlying fibroblasts and results in decreased capillary ment plan. Depressed scars tend to contract initially and
activity, hyperemia, and collagen deposition, and there- then relax as they mature, whereas hypertrophic scars
fore decreases dermal thickness and subsequent scar and keloids will often grow as the patient ages. On
hypertrophy.45 Oxygen tension, pressure, or silicone follow-up examination, the surgeon should note scar
leakage into dermis, however, has not been shown to be tension and adjacent tissue laxity of the scar while
mechanisms for silicone effectiveness.46-49 Furthermore, attempting to predict the outcome of tissue rearrange-
silicone sheets have been found to improve pigmenta- ment. In addition, the patient’s medical history should
tion, vascularity, and reduce the height of scars after 3 be revisited because much may be left out in the emer-
months of postoperative use.50,51 Reduction of pain and gent setting. Hereditary, vascular, metabolic, and immune
pruritus has also been demonstrated to be a benefit of deficiencies may be detrimental to wound healing.
silicone sheets, but these benefits are not seen until after Finally, the patient must be compliant with postoperative
6 months of use.52 In a study that used the Vancouver care. This not only includes local care to the wound, but
Scar Scale to assess the effects of silicone gel, silicone gel maintaining proper nutrition, because vitamin and trace
sheets, and allantoin in improving postburn scarring less mineral deficiencies such as deficiencies of vitamin A, C,
than 6 months from injury, the investigators found no E, zinc, and iron can be detrimental to wound healing.31,56
significant difference in the silicone gel and gel sheet
group, but there was a significant difference in improve- SCAR ANALYSIS
ment when comparing the allantoin groups with the sili-
cone sheet and silicone gels group.53 All three groups The purpose of scar analysis is to use a reliable and valid
showed a significant improvement 6 months from base- measure for quick and efficient scar assessment, which
line. The effects of silicone sheet use have been shown requires that the surgeon have a firm understanding of
to last up to 6 months after removal; therefore, their scar terminology (Table 22-1).57 Documentation of a
benefits are maintained once they are discontinued54 standardized assessment is necessary for developing a
Onion extract, another popular topical treatment for treatment plan and for serial evaluations. Photographic

TABLE 22-1 Scar Terminology

Scar Classification Features

Mature scar A light-colored, flat scar.
Immature scar A red, sometimes itchy or painful, and slightly elevated scar in the process of remodeling. Many
of these will mature normally over time, become flat, and assume a pigmentation that is similar
to the surrounding skin, although they can be paler or slightly darker.
Linear hypertrophic (e.g., A red, raised, sometimes itchy scar confined to the border of the original surgical incision. This
surgical or traumatic) scar usually occurs within weeks after surgery. These scars may increase in size rapidly for 3-6 mo
and then, after a static phase, begin to regress. They generally mature to have an elevated,
slightly ropelike appearance with increased width, which is variable. The full maturation process
may take up to 2 yr.
Widespread hypertrophic (e.g., A widespread, red, raised, sometimes itchy scar that remains within the borders of the burn
burn) scar injury.
Minor keloid A focally raised itchy scar extending over normal tissue. This may develop up to 1 yr after injury
and does not regress on its own. Simple surgical excision is often followed by recurrence. There
may be a genetic abnormality involved in keloid scarring. Typical sites include earlobes.
Major keloid A large, raised (>0.5 cm) scar, possibly painful or pruritic and extending over normal tissue. This
often results from minor trauma and can continue to spread over years.
Adapted from Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH, et al: International clinical recommendations on scar management. Plast Reconstr Surg 110:560–571 ,
570 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

assessment using standardized lighting, spacing, posi- Vancouver scale, but relies on patient opinion (Table
tioning, camera settings, and background is beneficial 22-3).70 A number of other subjective and objective assess-
for initially assessing and serially tracking the progress of ment tools and devices have been reported in the
the scar maturation.58-65 Imaging software can be used to literature.71-76 Most indices include the clinical assess-
analyze, measure, and follow scars and can aid in surgical ment of vascularization, pigmentation, thickness, surface,
planning by almost performing the surgery before the pliability, size, reflection, distortion, texture, functional
actual procedure.66 Immediate preoperative and postop- deficits, and pain. These characteristics are often a clue
erative photographs should be taken.67 It is useful to to the cause of the scar. For example, postinflammatory
review photographs after the patient has left. It is then hyperpigmentation is often seen in scars associated with
that the surgeon will often notice subtle abnormalities acne, inherited and acquired diseases, temperature
that could affect the management of the scar. Also, pho-
tographs will document changes in following appoint-
ments often overlooked by the patient and surgeon.
Several factors must be considered when developing BOX 22-1 Factors Influencing Selection of Technique in
a treatment plan for scar revision, such as scar width, Scar Revision
length, relationship to relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs),
neighboring anatomic landmark distortion, tissue loss, Medical comorbidities
scar type, patient age and race, scar location (visible Scar width
versus nonvisible with clothing), skin type (Fitzpatrick), Scar length
Relationship to RSTLs
tissue tension and laxity, and local tissue reservoirs (Box
Distortion of anatomic landmarks
22-1). Figure 22-5 illustrates a basic template for the
Tissue or volume deficit
surgeon to use for scar revision, but this must be tailored Type of scar
to the specific patient and scar. Age of patient
The most widely used scarring index is the Vancouver Race of patient
Scar Scale, which gives the surgeon an objective measure Patient expectations
of burn scars and assists in prognosis and management. Scar location
Although some have described it as a valid research tool Skin type (Fitzpatrick)
with good interrater reliability (Table 22-2),68 others have Local tissue laxity
not.69 Another scale, the patient and observer scar assess- Adjacent tissue reservoir
ment, has an objective component comparable to the

Scar revision algorithm


Hypertrophic Wide or
Scar maturation
or keloid malpositioned

Excise Moderate width Large width

Large Small

Distorted landmark Serial excision Local flap or graft

Excision Steroid injection No
or interferon Yes
Within RSTL
or radiation Yes
Reposition scar Scar contracted
or gel sheeting
> 1 cm No Z-plasty
Depressed Effacement

G-broken line
Slight elevation or W-plasty

Collagen injection
Alloderm Dermabrasion or
Fat/dermis graft Shave excision laser resurfacing

FIGURE 22-5 Flow diagram for management of optimal scar revision. (Adapted from Thomas JR. Facial scars. In Thomas JR, Holt GR,
editors: Facial scars: Incision, revision, and camouflage, St. Louis, 1989, CV Mosby.)
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 571

extremes, sites of allergic reaction, radiation, and sun

TABLE 22-2 Vancouver Scar Scale exposure.77 Hypopigmentation often has iatrogenic
causes, such as chemical peel, dermabrasion, laser resur-
Scar Characteristic Rating facing or, with burns, trauma and infection.78,79
Vascularity Scar contour exists on a continuum, from the
Normal 0
depressed scar to the hypertrophic scar and keloid.
Hypertrophic scars typically remain confined to the
Pink 1
borders of the inciting injury and usually retain their
Red 2 shape, whereas keloids are defined as scars that extend
Purple 3 beyond the borders of the original wound, do not regress
Pigmentation spontaneously, and tend to recur following excision.80
Normal 0 Keloids present a special problem in treatment (see
Hypopigmentation 1 later). Scar depression often results from excessive
tension across the wound. Scar texture and reflection are
Mixed 2
mainly concerns of aesthetics. Scar contracture may have
Hyperpigmentation 3 functional and aesthetic ramifications in the head and
Pliability neck. Pertinent to the craniomaxillofacial skeleton, scar
Normal 0 tethering to underlying fascia, muscle, or bone may
Supple 1 occur, resulting in aesthetic and functional deficits,
Yielding 2 mainly the failure to animate or move the face and neck.
Firm 3
Painful scars, especially those associated with burns,
can severely debilitate the patient. The patient may
Ropes 4
present with allodynia, hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, or
Contracture 5 dysesthesia, often caused by tissue adhesion, surround
Height soft tissue damage, underlying skeletal damage, or
Flat 0 neuroma or perineural scar formation. An increase in
<2 mm 1 nociceptive nerve fibers following burn injury is associ-
2-5 mm 2 ated with increased cutaneous innervation and increased
density of certain neuropeptides, and may be responsible
<5 mm 3
for chronic pain in patients with burns.81-83 Excision of

TABLE 22-3 Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale


Normal Skin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worst Scar Imaginable
Vascularization 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Pigmentation 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 Hypo 䊐
Mix 䊐
Hyper 䊐
Thickness 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Relief 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Pliability 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊

Total score, Observer Scar Scale

No, no Complaints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes, Worst Imaginable
Is the scar painful? 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Is the scar itching? 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
No, As Normal Skin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes, Very Different
Is the color of the scar different? 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Is the scar more stiff?
Is the thickness of the scar different? 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊
Is the scar irregular? 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊

Total score, Patient Scar Scale

Adapted from Draaijers LJ, Tempelman FR, Botman YA, et al: The patient and observer scar assessment scale: A reliable and feasible tool for scar
evaluation. Plast Reconstr Surg 113:1960–1965, 2004.
572 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

this tissue, in addition to reconstruction using local, skin incisions for the next century. Langer’s studies were,
regional, or distant flaps, may relieve pain in some however, limited because they were performed in cadav-
patients. Scars in the midline are less likely to produce ers, showing the effects of rigor mortis. Kraissl et al pre-
pain, but may cause more scarring because of increased ferred lines perpendicular to the action of the underlying
tension.84 muscle.87-89 Borges has studied this concept in vivo and
Elevated scars present in different patterns, depend- distinguished lines that follow furrows when the skin is
ing on the thickness and integrity of the remaining relaxed from those that are produced by pinching the
dermal wound edges. Hypertrophic scars are dome- skin, and found that these lines are distinct from wrin-
shaped and have a thin epidermis, whereas partially avul- kles, creases, and Langer’s lines and that the number of
sive or oblique wounds result in contraction at the base lines and spacing varies among individuals.90,91 Numer-
of the wound, creating an elevated and inclined scar. As ous other lines of tension have been described in the past
the scar matures, wound edges of different dermal thick- by Cox, Webster, Stark, and Ogilvie, Kocher, and Kazan-
ness and elevation result in elevated scars with gradual jian, among others.87,92 These lines of tension would be
step-offs; misaligned wound edges of the same dermal called Borges’ lines, or RSTLs. They follow furrows
thickness produce elevated scars with abrupt step-offs. formed on relaxed skin. It has been demonstrated that
Depressed scars may be related to underlying tissue loss placing incisions in the direction of RSTLs will produce
or to increased tension across the wound, resulting in more aesthetic outcomes with minimal scarring. RSTLs
atrophy of the underlying dermis, which results in a and wrinkles caused by aging may not be in the same
smooth and shiny scar. location. Wrinkles are the change in overlying skin as a
result of muscle pull over time. Conversely, RSTLs of the
INCISION PLACEMENT face often run perpendicular to the underlying muscle
Understanding of the natural lines of tension of the head and, in the neck, they usually run perpendicular to areas
and neck is imperative for proper placement of skin inci- of flexion (i.e., RSTLs run horizontally on the forehead,
sions and to optimize final scar appearance (Fig. 22-6). perpendicular to the vertical frontalis muscle). Examples
Dupuytren first observed that an oval wound was created of wrinkles that do not coincide with RSTLs include gla-
when a round instrument punctured the skin.85 Karl bellar lines, crow’s feet, and bunny lines. An exception
Langer, an anatomist, further studied this change in to this rule is in the area of the circular orbicularis oculi
facial skin configuration in cadavers in rigor mortis and underlying the eyelids, where RSTLs run horizontal and
postulated that intrinsic skin tension occurred along pre- parallel to the muscle because of the rigid scaffold of the
dictable lines of cleavage.86 Later called Langer’s lines, tarsal plate. In older patients, RSTLs often run parallel
these lines of tension became the basis for elective facial with the natural creases and wrinkles of the face. RSTLs
are determined by having the patient go through a series
of facial expressions (e.g., smile, frown, laugh, squint)
and then pinching the skin. The line where the longest
straightest line results is the RSTL.93 RSTLS should be
determined prior to administration of local anesthesia.
The lines of maximum extensibility (LMEs), also
known as antitension lines (ATLs), run perpendicular to
RSTLs. When incisions are placed perpendicular to
RSTLs, an S-shaped scar will develop. Pinching the skin
perpendicular to RSTLs produces humps; incisions par-
allel to this plane should be avoided. When the areas is
too distorted for assessment, the contralateral side may
be used.94 Incisions made parallel to the RSTL will
produce a narrow scar under minimal tension, as opposed
to those placed parallel to the LME or ATL, which will
be under maximum tension and will have a significant
propensity to widen and produce broad unsightly scars.
A major factor in deciding to undertake scar revision is
whether scars are located perpendicular to RSTLs or in
ATLs. Note that the ultimate goal of scar revision is to
orient the scar parallel to RSTLs.


In trauma and reconstructive facial surgery, the face can
be divided into facial aesthetic units.95 Gonzales-Ulloa
initially described 14 aesthetic units.96-99 These include
the forehead, right and left cheeks, nose, right and left
upper lids, right and left lower lids, right and left ears,
FIGURE 22-6 The relaxed skin tension lines of the face. (From upper lip, lower lip, mental region, and the neck (Fig.
Kaminer M, Arndt K, Dover J, et al: Atlas of cosmetic surgery, ed 22-7). These aesthetic units can be further classified into
2, St. Louis, 2009 Saunders.) subunits based on skin thickness, color, elasticity, and
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 573

1B 1A 1A
1C 1B 1C
3B 3B
3C 3D 3C 3D
3A 2 3A
4B 2
4A 4B
8 8 4A
5 5
4C 5C 4D 4C 5C
4D 6B 6B
6A 6A

9 9


2C 5B 5A 5B
2D 2D 5C
FIGURE 22-7 A, Frontal and profile (B) views of the
6B face. C-E, Nasal, lip, and ear units of the face,
2F 2A 2F
6A respectively. 1, Forehead. Subunits—A, central;
2E 2E
2B B, lateral; C, eyebrow. 2, Nasal. Subunits—A, tip;
D B, columellar; C, dorsal; D, right and left dorsal
side wall; E, right and left lateral alar base; F, right
and left alar side wall. 3, Periorbital. Subunits—
A, lower eyelid; B, upper eyelid; C, lateral canthal;
8A 8C
D, medial canthal. 4, Cheek units. Subunits—
A, medial; B, zygomatic; C, lateral; D, buccal.
5, Upper lip unit. Subunits—A, philtrum; B, lateral;
C, mucosal. 6, Lower lip. Subunits—A, central;
B, mucosal. 7, Mental. 8, Auricular. Subunits—
8E A, helical; B, antihelical; C, triangular fossa;
E D, conchal; E, lobe. 9, Neck.

underlying structural support. Additional subunits within When planning excisional scar revision, care should
each facial unit have been described that delineate be taken to limit the revision to within one facial unit.
natural break lines that allow the surgeon to conceal a For example, when revising a scar of the cheek, the
scar or skin graft placement100 (Fig. 22-7). For example, revised procedure should not encroach on the upper lip
the nose can be broken down into the nasal bridge, side- or lower eyelid unit. Facial units are important in onco-
wall, tip, ala, soft triangle, and columella.101 The upper logic skin resection and in regard to tissue avulsion in
lip is divided into the philtrum column, nostril sill, alar trauma, when it is important to remove the entire unit
base, and nasolabial crease102 Placement of incisions at or subunit, even if extension of the incision is necessary.
the seams of these units or subunits, or at facial midline The subsequent reconstruction, whether it be local or
will produce the least perceivable scars. regional flaps or free tissue transfer, should span the
The division of facial aesthetic units is based on natural entire facial unit or subunit. When the avulsed or excised
breaks formed by shadows, folds, hair, and on skin thick- area of tissue encompasses an entire unit and subunit,
ness, color, and texture. Facial restoration should respect the final outcome blends with surrounding tissues and is
the boundaries of facial units and subunits. Any restora- less conspicuous.1,102
tion that includes two or more units may result in aes-
thetic and functional deficits; superior cosmetic results SCAR TYPE, PATTERN, AND COLOR
are often obtained when treatment is rendered to an It is important for the surgeon to consider the type and
entire aesthetic unit rather than to an isolated scar within pattern of scar when considering surgical revision, which
a unit. An example would be when planning for derm- also may give an indication about the type and extent of
abrasion as revision treatment to a scar of the nose. In injury. For example, flat, linear, or curved scars often
this case, the entire nasal unit should be treated to mini- result from low-energy injuries and are more easily
mize the perception of residual scarring and the final treated than depressed scars and scars resulting from
scar will blend better with the adjacent units and not high-energy avulsive tissue loss. Wide scars caused by
appear as a stand-alone patch. increased wound tension or tissue loss are often flat and
574 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

faded and are difficult to treat because of a texture mis-

match with surrounding tissues. These scars often need TABLE 22-4 Fitzpatrick Classification of Sun-Reactive
reexcision and closure. Some hypertrophic scars or Skin Type
keloids may benefit from excision or other nonsurgical Skin Type Skin Color Sunburn Tan
treatment such as intralesional steroid injection, chemo- I White Always Never
therapy, cryotherapy, radiation, laser, or silicone sheet II White Usually With difficulty
treatment.80 Atrophic or volume-depleted scars often
III White Mild Average
result from wounds not closed primarily, in stellate scars,
with inappropriate approximation of wound edges in IV Moderate Rarely Easy
primary closure, or in deep abrasions. These scars often brown
require dermal fillers, including autogenous materials V Dark brown Very rarely Very easily
such as fat transfer103,104 and synthetic fillers.1 VI Black Never Always
Scar camouflage is difficult in widened scars because
of their smooth shiny surface, which reflects light differ-
ently than adjacent tissues. Similarly, scars that cross mul-
tiple facial units and subunits are challenging to treat SKIN AND AGING
because they are usually have varying skin texture, thick- A patient’s age will often guide the surgeon to the timing
ness, and histologic makeup. For example, nasal skin is and type of treatment chosen for scar revision. Older
different than skin of surrounding facial subunits con- patients should be evaluated for the risks versus benefit
taining a thicker dermis and higher density of sebaceous in any surgical procedure in the context of complex
glands; therefore, the nearest skin is the best donor for medical comorbidities. Glogau has developed a classifica-
reconstruction.101 tion for skin wrinkling related to aging as a guide to
Red scars are often immature and turn whiter than treatment for each skin type (Table 22-5). This should be
surrounding tissues once fully matured. Erythematous taken into consideration before undertaking scar revi-
scars seen in the early stages of scar maturation are not sion procedures, because skin resurfacing techniques
good candidates for revision unless the redness is con- can be chosen to match the depth of wrinkles and degree
fined to the scar itself. The color of white scars may be of wrinkling.110
the only concern of the patient; these are often treated It has been recommended that children have a higher
successfully with tattooing, making them appear similar tendency for scar widening than adults and should
to surrounding skin. undergo scar revision after puberty because of a pro-
longed and exuberant inflammatory response, increased
SCAR LOCATION skin tension, diminished skin and dermal thickness, and
The location of the scar should be considered before higher concentration of collagen and elastin,.111 Chil-
developing a treatment plan for scar revision. Facial units dren past the age of puberty are more likely to cooperate
such as the forehead and nose are well supported by the with treatment and postoperative care than their younger
underlying skeleton and tend to result in better out- counterparts. Severe psychological or functional impair-
comes than other facial units. Areas with multiple vectors ment secondary to scar formation, however, may warrant
of muscle pull, such as the medial canthus, lateral cheek, earlier treatment.
and submandibular area, often result in suboptimal out-
comes. Scars with similar adjacent local skin color, thick- TIMING OF SCAR REVISION
ness, and texture that are easy to mobilize and transfer
without distorting the donor site area are likely to have Experience has shown that in general, the appearance of
better outcomes. A discussion of specific local and most scars tends to improve spontaneously after a period
regional flaps is beyond the discussion of this chapter. of maturation during the first year after injury, after
which time the appearance of the scar stabilizes and
SUN-REACTIVE SKIN TYPE CLASSIFICATION surgical revision may be considered.112,113 However, scars
Fitzpatrick developed the sun-reactive skin type classifica- oriented perpendicular to RSTLs or those associated
tion to describe the degree of skin reaction after sun with functional impairment may be revised earlier than
exposure105-107 (Table 22-4). Although developed as a 1 year on an individualized basis.114,115
guide for the treatment of skin rejuvenation procedures, Early scar revision may be undertaken as early as 4
this classification scheme is useful when choosing the weeks when there is severe functional impairment, such
correct management of the traumatic scar. Patients with as salivary and lacrimal gland obstruction, lip incompe-
a higher classification will often experience inflamma- tence, or lagophthalmos with corneal exposure. Early
tory changes such as dyspigmentation after soft tissue scar revision may also be advisable in well-localized scars
injury. Although hyperpigmentation is usually tempo- sustained from low-energy injuries in which adjacent skin
rary, hypopigmentation is often the permanent result of damage is minimal. Although a delay in scar revision of
a mature scar. Furthermore, patients with a very fair skin at least 6 months is generally recommended for most
(Fitzpatrick classification type I or II) will often respond adult scars, high-energy injuries may continue to remodel
better to laser resurfacing, whereas patients with very and mature over a longer period of time, and delay for
dark skin (Fitzpatrick type IV or V) may benefit from 12 months may be advisable.116
more conservative treatment, such as superficial chemi- Interventions such as dermabrasion and shave exci-
cal peels and scar excision.108,109 sion may be performed as soon as 4 weeks from the initial
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 575

TABLE 22-5 Glogau Classification of Photoaging

Group Classification Typical Age (yr) Description Skin Characteristics

I Mild 28-35 No wrinkles Early photoaging, mild pigmentary changes no keratosis, minimal
wrinkles, minimal or no makeup
II Moderate 35-50 Wrinkles in motion Early to moderate photoaging, early senile lentigines visible, keratoses
palpable but not visible, parallel smile lines beginning to appear, usually
wears some foundation
III Advanced 50-60 Wrinkles at rest Advanced photoaging, obvious dyschromia, telangiectasia visible
keratosis, wrinkles even when not moving, always wears heavy
IV Severe ≥60 Only wrinkles Severe photoaging, yellow-gray color of skin, prior skin malignancies,
wrinkled throughout, no normal skin patient age, cannot wear
makeup—“cakes and cracks”

or regional flaps, or free tissue transfer may be indicated

BOX 22-2 Steps in Scar Revision if neighboring tissue reservoirs are deficient or if ana-
tomic structures and landmarks would be distorted by
1. Shave excision (for elevated scars)
2. Tissue rearrangement The first step in any scar revision procedure is to examine
• W-plasty skin thickness, elasticity, texture, hair growth, and RSTLs.
• Z-plasty A fine-tipped marking pen should be used to plan the
• Geometric broken line closure incision, which should be measured and remeasured as
3. Surface retreatment many times as necessary before the skin is incised. Care
• Dermabrasion/microdermabrasion should be taken to avoid excess tension or forceps com-
• Chemical peels pression at wound edges because this might cause tissue
• Laser (CO2,2, erbium : YAG, 585-nm flashlamp-pumped slough because of compromised blood flow to flap
margins and distort adjacent landmarks, ultimately
causing hypertrophic or widened scars.
Most facial incisions may be made with a no. 15 or no.
wound repair, based on the high level of fibroblastic 11 blade on a no. 9 knife handle. The no. 11 blade is the
activity during this period. Because dermabrasion itself most useful for straight cuts; these should be made per-
causes erythema, early intervention may overlap with ery- pendicular to the skin in a sawing-type motion, with the
thema from initial repair, leading to less total time of tip of the blade used to make initial incision. The handle
erythema for the patient. For hypertrophic scars and of the blade is then brought down toward the skin so that
keloids, steroid injections may be considered as early as the belly of the blade cuts the middle part of the incision.
3 weeks and may be given at the time of scar revision. Finally, the blade handle is brought up again so that the
Cigarette smoking, isotretinoin, and vitamin E use are tip finishes the incision. This technique ensures that skin
injurious to wounds and scar revision should be delayed and subcutaneous layers are incised evenly throughout
until they have been discontinued.117 the entire incision. If incising a scar, the blade should be
beveled outward (Fig. 22-8A). This aids in creating a
SURGICAL OPTIONS plane for undermining skin, allowing eversion of the
wound edges and minimizing scar depression. The skin
Scar revision can be broken down into three different at the ends and sides of the incision should then be
treatment modalities—scar excision, tissue rearrange- undermined with a no. 15 blade or curved scissors at least
ment, and surface treatment (Box 22-2). The selection 2 cm in the subdermal plane to avoid motor nerves of
of treatment should be based on the individual scar and the face (see Fig. 22-8B). Undermining the scalp will not
on the needs and expectations of the patient. For aid in closure because of the tensile strength of the galea
example, conservative treatment may be warranted for a aponeurosis. Galeotomies, however, may assist with mobi-
demanding patient with unrealistic expectations. Narrow lization and eversion of scalp tissue.
scars parallel to RSTLs may have distracting features such Primary closure should be achieved, whenever possi-
as surface discoloration and texture irregularities. These ble. Healing by secondary intention may be advisable in
scars will often benefit from surface treatments. Longer some cases, however, such as the lateral canthi of the
scars, which vary more than 35 degree from neighboring eyes, where skin is thin and well-contoured and is subject
RSTLs and have a local tissue reservoir, may be improved to constant motion because of lid closure. To avoid
with tissue rearrangement such as W-plasty or geometric bunching (dog ear) at wound edges, the principle of
broken line excision and closure (GBLC). Z-plasty, local halving should be used, whereby the first suture is placed
576 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

Beveled Principles of halving

1 2

3 4
Beveling outward from lesion when creating skin incision

Undermining skin with skin
hook and no. 15 blade
Equalizing length of edges with a Burow’s triangle

1 2

3 4

Undermining skin with forceps

and scissors

FIGURE 22-9 A, The principle of halving is used to avoid a
standing cone deformity at the end of the incision. B, When an
incision is not of equal skin flap proportion at both ends, a triangle
is removed from the longer skin flap and closed primarily, making
skin flaps of equal size.
FIGURE 22-8 A, Beveling the blade outward when excising a scar.
B, Undermining skin should be done with a skin hook and no. 15
blade or forceps and scissors.
tubing or swabs may be placed under the knots of the
vertical mattress to minimize tension (see Fig. 22-10C).
at the center of the incision and the next two are placed A simple interrupted (see Fig. 22-10D) or, preferably, a
at the center of the remaining halves (Fig. 22-9A). Con- Gilles half- buried corner stitch should be used (see Fig.
tinuing this down the length of the skin margins will 22-10E) for tacking wound corners, The Gilles half-
close the wound with equal tension and eversion through- buried stich is performed by placing a subcutaneous
out. When incisions are not of equal length and shape, suture in the corner flap, finishing transcutaneously in
the principle of equalizing edges should be used (see Fig. the opposing skin edge. The most useful stitch for reliev-
22-9B). In this technique, a Burow’s triangle is removed ing skin tension and everting wound edges, however, is
from the longer skin flap and closed primarily to make the running buried subcuticular stich. However, care
the two primary skin flaps equal in length. must be taken to avoid tension and skin edge vascular
Meticulous attention to proper suturing technique is compromise ( see Fig. 22-10F). It should be noted that a
important for successful outcomes. A simple stitch pro- running subcuticular suture does not relieve tension
vides minimal wound eversion and scant relief of wound from wound edges like a simple subcuticular stich. Pref-
tension, and should be avoided in the face. Alternatively, erably, a monofilament absorbable suture on a small half-
a mattress suturing technique is best for ensuring a curved reverse cutting needle should be used. The stich
tension-free wound closure, with eversion of the skin should be placed while everting the skin edge with a skin
edges. The suture needle should be angled outward from hook at the middle finger of the surgeon and reaching
the skin edge and the knot tied as far as possible from the suture back under the dermis 2 to 3 mm from the
the wound (Fig. 22-10A). The vertical mattress suture is wound edge. The knot should be buried. The skin should
performed by placing the innermost suture first while then be closed with fast-absorbing gut or monofilament
holding up the wound edge, causing eversion of the skin to align the depth of the two skin flaps. Skin staples
flap. The wide suture should be thrown next. There are provide wound eversion, are positioned above the level
two types of vertical mattress sutures, the Donati and of the skin when placed, and are useful for scalp and
Allgower types (see Fig. 22-10B). Bolsters of silicone neck defect closure (see Fig. 22-10G).
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 577

Vertical mattress suture Vertical mattress suture

(Donati type) (Allgöwer type)


Corner stitch Corner stitch Subcuticular



FIGURE 22-10 A, For simple sutures, the needle should be inserted at an outward angle from the incision, with the knot tied as far away
from the incision as possible. B, To create more eversion of skin edges in a vertical mattress suture, a bolster may be placed between
the knot and the skin (C). D, To create maximum skin eversion, the Gilles half-buried stich is recommended. E, However, a simple
interrupted corner stich may be used for a triangular skin flap. F, A subcuticular stich is useful for creating skin eversion. G, Staples
provide good wound eversion for scalp and neck closure.

3 : 1 to limit dog ears (Fig. 22-11). It may be straight or

PROCEDURES crescent-shaped, but should always follow a long axis
Scar Excision parallel to RSTLs and be limited to scars shorter than
The fusiform, or elliptical, incision is the most common 2 cm.115,118,119 The only exception to this is the lower
incision used in the head and neck. It should be placed eyelid, where a crescent-shaped incision may leave an
within the RSTL, with a length-to-width ratio of 2.5 : 1 to unsightly scar. It should be used for short anti-RSTL
578 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

FIGURE 22-12 A, The skin edges at the end of the fusiform

incision should be no more than 30 degrees apart. B, If a larger
FIGURE 22-11 Fusiform, or elliptical, excisions are useful for small
angle is used, the risk of a standing cone deformity is more likely.
scars that lie parallel to RSTLs.
(From Robinson J, Hanke CW, Siegel D, et al: Surgery of the skin,
ed 2, Philadelphia, 2010, Mosby.)

scars, achieving a more favorable reorientation of the

lesion, or for short but widened or depressed scars. Inter-
nal angles of the planned excision may not exceed 30
degrees (Fig. 22-12).
An abundance of subcutaneous tissue in present in
areas such as the ear and nose because of loose cartilage,
which leads to loss of surface definition and results in
unpredictable wound healing. In these areas, the surgeon
may choose to debulk, inject steroids, or use local skin
flaps to obtain an optimal result as an alternative to stan-
dard incisions. Furthermore, the standard elliptical exci-
sion may lead to bunching or a standing cone deformity
at the end of a wound, which results from rotation of skin
around a pivot point. These can be predicted and pre-
vented by the excision of excess tissue parallel to RSTLs FIGURE 22-13 An M-plasty may be used to decrease the length of
(Burow’s triangle) that allows the cone to lie flat (see Fig. the incision needed, but requires additional incisions. (From
22-9B). If a shorter incision is needed, an M-plasty can Kaminer M, Arndt K, Dover J, et al: Atlas of cosmetic surgery, ed
be created at the end of the incision to decrease the 2, St. Louis, 2009 Saunders.)
volume of healthy tissue removal, with the additional
incisions functioning as Burow’s triangles (Fig. 22-13).
The limbs of an M-plasty should be less than 30 degrees creep, which involves elongation of the skin from con-
to avoid cone deformities; closure is performed using a stant tension over time.120 This is distinguished from bio-
V-Y maneuver. This shortens the scar length along its logic creep, which involves the generation of skin from
central axis and should be used when a longer fusiform constant tension over time and only occurs with tissue
excision would encroach along a landmark, such as the expansion techniques.121
lateral cantus or the vermillion. The compromise is that Initially described by Morestin,122 the technique of
an M-plasty requires additional incisions. serial excision is especially useful for larger scars closed
primarily with a skin graft, as well as burn injuries, and
Serial Excision uses the skin’s ability to stretch and accommodate. Serial
Serial excision is a technique that can be used when a excisions can be used to move scars to or away from a
scar is too large to allow closure of the surrounding skin more or less conspicuous facial unit or area, such as junc-
in one stage. Serial excision allows for the recruitment tions of facial units, hair lines, or RSTLs. Its goal is to
of adjacent skin through a process called mechanical recruit adjacent normal tissue to cover a defect in stages.
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 579

Outline of

FIGURE 22-14 A W-plasty may be used for scars with a long axis more than 35 degrees from the RSTLs.

Serial excision should only be used on scars without 22-15). The benefit of this technique is that it will break
any suspicion of malignancy and should be performed up a long scar into smaller ones that are more aligned
as early as possible, because scar elasticity decreases with parallel to RSTLs, thus improving its overall appearance.
time. All incisions should be kept within the previous scar This technique is indicated for long scars with a long axis
and wounds should be undermined and closed under more than 35 degrees from the RSTL; it is particularly
minimal tension. useful to camouflage vertical linear scars of the forehead
The initial excision removes an ellipse from within the and temples, linear horizontal scars of the chin and
body of the scar, or from along one of its edges. Wound cheeks, and scars located along a wrinkle. W-plasty is
margins are undermined and a portion of the scar is optimal around nonanimated facial units such as the
excised after advancement and the wound is closed.123 forehead (Fig. 22-16), but is contraindicated for scars
The skin of the wound is allowed to stretch for 8 to 12 with a long axis less than 30 degrees from the RSTL, and
weeks and then the procedure is repeated. For the last should be avoided around the eyelids, nose, vermillion,
excision, the remaining scar is excised and native skin and neck (Fig. 22-17).130 Furthermore, the use of W-plasty
margins are approximated in a straight line, W-plasty, or is not recommended in the presence of excess tissue
broken line closure. One drawback of this technique is tension or distorted landmarks, and in scars involving
that it may lead to wide and atrophied scars caused by two different skin types, such the cheek and lower eyelid.
the tension across the wound.124 A variety of other serial Advantages of the W-plasty technique include reduced
excision techniques have been described in the litera- tension and simple design and execution, and it can be
ture.120,125-127 One technique divides the initial scar into used for nonlinear scars. Unlike a Z-plasty, it does not
four segments along RSTLs; two of the opposing seg- lengthen a scar. For long linear scars, a GBLC is prefer-
ments are excised. The remaining flaps are advanced in able to the W-plasty, because the repeating W pattern is
a sigmoid-shaped ellipse and the remaining incision is readily noticeable by the eye.
closed in a Z pattern. This is repeated as needed and a Technique. Standard marking for a W-plasty is shown
fusiform excision is used to for final closure. in Figure 22-18. The patient’s skin should be thoroughly
cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone to remove
W-Plasty surface oils and should be allowed to dry completely
Borges initially proposed the running W-plasty, so-named before marking the skin to prevent smearing of the ink.
for it resemblance to the letter W128,129 (Figs. 22-14 and Then, 1-cm segments are marked perpendicular to the
580 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries


FIGURE 22-15 Reconstruction of post-traumatic scalp avulsion with secondary cicatricial alopecia, brow asymmetry, and hairline
deformity. Patient was managed with tissue expansion, W-plasty excision, local rotation-advancement flaps, and brow lift. A, Preoperative
appearance. B, Tissue expander in place. C, Outline of W-plasty. D, Postoperative appearance 1 year following surgery.

FIGURE 22-16 Depressed post-traumatic forehead scar in 27-year-old woman treated with W-plasty excision. A, Preoperative
appearance. B, 1 year postoperatively.
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 581

long axis of the scar and the limbs are drawn using these
marks and the RSTLs as a guide. The ideal length of
W-plasty limbs should be approximately 5 to 8 mm. If the
limbs are smaller than this, they become more noticeable
and the goal of camouflaging is lost. Limbs longer than
7 mm become aesthetically unsightly. After prepping and
draping the area, and atraumatically injecting local anes-
thetic, a no. 11 blade is used to excise the limbs. The
limbs are incised in a punch manner, directing the tip of
the blade toward the scar to help prevent undesired
Z Z damage to healthy tissue. No part of the pattern should
Z Z cross the scar. A running set of triangles, alternating with
their base toward and away from the scar, should be
drawn out. The angle between limbs should be between
W W 50 and 60 degrees and oriented as closely as possible to
the RSTLs. Wider angles will not appreciate the elasticity
throughout the excision seen with more acute angles.
Narrower angles compromise blood supply to the tip of
the triangle. To avoid a repeating pattern, the surgeon
W should slightly vary each triangle. Each proposed limb
incision should be marked as close to the scar as possible
to minimize tissue loss. Triangles along the scar should
have their points facing the midbase of the triangles on
the other side. It is easiest to begin marking each incision
centrally on one side of the scar and then its counterpart
on the other side of the scar in sequence. Unlike doing
all of one side and then the other, this maintains wound
tension and allows more efficient excision. This should
FIGURE 22-17 W-plasty (W) should be used around nonanimated continue toward the end of the incision, finishing with a
facial areas, whereas Z-plasty (Z) is more appropriate around small right triangle with its base perpendicular to the
mobile facial landmarks. long axis at the end of the scar. Incision design in this
manner will create a 30-degree closing angle of the
wound and help minimize a standing cone deformity.
Hemostasis should be obtained before closure. In
longer wounds, it may be useful to place several tempo-
W-plasty rary skin sutures to align flap edges before placing dermal
sutures. Often, a fusiform incision may be needed at the
end of a W-plasty to reorient any anti-RSTL lines that
have formed during closure or to excise any standing
cone deformity.131 It is essential to evert wound edges at
the dermal layer with interrupted absorbable sutures
placed at the midpoint of the tips of each point of the
triangles (Fig. 22-19). Alternatively, running subcuticular
monofilament absorbable sutures may be used. Skin may
be closed with running absorbable or nonabsorbable
sutures, with careful attention to evert wound edges.
Postoperative wound care (see earlier) should be used.
To prevent scar widening, Steri-Strips may be placed
across the wound for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery because
wound tensile strength progressively increases during
this period. Dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may
usually be performed 6 to 8 weeks after the W-plasty
surgery to blend the scar with adjacent tissues.132
There is debate in the literature about who reported the
Relaxed skin tension lines first Z-plasty. Many credit Denonvilliers with describing
A B the first Z-plasty in 1854 for a case of lower eyelid ectro-
pion in a patient following a shrapnel injury.133 Others
FIGURE 22-18 A, Markings for W-plasty should be in 1-cm argue that the first true Z-plasty was reported by Berger
segments drawn perpendicular to the long axis of the scar, with in 1904.134 The goal of Z-plasty is to take a scar perpen-
limbs drawn parallel to RSTLs (B). dicular to RSTLs and align the axis of the central
582 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

Scar tissue balance for optimizing flap rotation and lengthening

and for tension-free closure while limiting flap tip necro-
sis and the possibility of a standing cone deformity at
final closure. The smaller the angle between the central
and peripheral limbs, the less chance that the resultant
scar will lengthen and a smaller amount of rotation will
be achieved. Also, the chance of necrosis of the skin flap
A tip increases as the angle decreases. Therefore, the angle
should never be less than 30 degrees. With a larger angle,
more flap rotation and longer resulting scar length is
achieved; however, with larger angles, more tension is
placed on the wound at closure and may cause a standing
cone deformity. Angles that exceed 70 degree are more
likely to result in a standing cone deformity. Increase in
scar length is usually less than predicted. This angle,
B however, can vary between 30 and 90 degrees. Generally,
30-degree Z-plasty achieves a 25% increase in length of
the axis to the central limb, a 45-degree Z-plasty achieves
a 50% increase, and a 60-degree Z-plasty achieves a 75%
increase (Fig. 22-23).
Technique. Z-plasties should be planned and marked
ahead of surgery, if possible, using a set of Castroviejo
calipers.142 If the central diagonal scar is wide, it should
be preserved and transposed rather than excised to
prevent recurrent scar widening. Similar to the W-plasty,
C a no. 11 blade should be used in a punchlike fashion to
create skin flaps, moving from side to side and undermin-
ing each flap, as described earlier. Like other techniques,
eversion of wound edges and management of the stand-
ing goal deformity will optimize wound esthetics. Closure
should be started with tension-free placement of inter-
rupted, subcuticular, dermal absorbable monofilament
sutures, with eversion of the dermis. Skin is then closed
D using horizontal mattress, or running locked absorbable
FIGURE 22-19 A, The scar is excised and undermined down to gut, or nonabsorbable monofilament sutures. Like previ-
the level of the subcutaneous layer (B). C, D, The dermis is ous techniques, wound edges should be held with skin
approximated, with eversion of its edges. hooks with only minimal tension, not forceps. Hemosta-
sis must be achieved before closure and appropriate post-
operative care should be used (see earlier).143
Many variations of the traditional Z-plasty have been
diagonal limb parallel to RSTLs (Fig. 22-20). Then, using described. Standard Z-plasty is often referred to as the
triangular flaps, a contracted or webbed scar can be stereometric Z-plasty because it will often alter tissue
lengthened, a depressed scar may be leveled, or a long depths, producing elevations and depressions. Roggen-
scar may be divided into multiple shorter segments. Its dorf144 has described a planimetric Z-plasty that produces
use is optimal around the mobile parts of the head and scar lengthening without the surface irregularities accom-
neck, such as the eye,135 ear,136 lip,137,138 nose,139 and intra- panying the traditional Z-plasty.145 The planimetric
oral mucosa scars caused by trauma and tissue loss (Fig. Z-plasty include 75-degree transposition angles, a central
22-21; see Fig. 22-17). limb half the length of the lateral limbs, and a geometric
Unlike the actual letter Z, which has a diagonal longer pattern area of excision to eliminate excess scar tissue.
than the other shorter limbs, the traditional Z-plasty has Using this technique, the peripheral arms are longer
three limbs of equal length, with the central diagonal than the central limb, which is compensated for with two
representing the original scar to be revised.140 It is ideal excisions on either end of those arms. making the angles
for revision of the scar that runs parallel to ATL (see Fig. more obtuse than with a standard Z-plasty (Fig. 22-24).
22-20B and C). Its primary purposes are simply to rotate The technique can be adapted to local skin conditions,
the long axis of the scar to a favorable position within deepithelialized excess skin can be buried to provide
the RSTL, lengthen a contracted scar, and align mis- underlying wound support, and scar line can be varied
aligned scars around important facial landmarks. The more easily, as needed, than with a traditional Z-plasty,
peripheral limbs are parallel and the angles of diver- giving the surgeon more variety.
gence from the diagonal should be equal and lie as close A multiple Z-plasty is a useful scar revision for the
to RSTLs as possible. The peripheral limbs should be of trapdoor or gouge defect, curved depressed scars, when
equal length and at an angle of 60 degrees from the there is inadequate tissue for a large Z-plasty or when the
central limb (Fig. 22-22).141 This angle will give the best arms of a single Z-plasty would encroach on another
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 583

Relaxed X
skin Y




FIGURE 22-20 A, A Z-plasty is designed so that the central limb (the scar) of the Z-plasty (B) is reoriented to a plane parallel with
RSTLs (C).

FIGURE 22-21 Hypertrophic scar with lower

lip retraction. A Z-plasty is used to excise
and reorient the scar to elevate the
lower lip and improve lip competence.
A, Preoperative appearance. B, 8 weeks
postoperative appearance.
584 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

FIGURE 22-22 A, Peripheral arms designed at an angle of 60 degrees from the central limb will give the best balance for optimizing flap
rotation and lengthening (B) and tension-free closure while limiting flap tip necrosis and the possibility of a standing cone deformity at
final closure (C). (From Robinson J: Surgery of the skin, St. Louis, 2006, Mosby)

25% Scar

E (excision
75° 75°

E (excision
75% area)

FIGURE 22-23 In general, as the angle between the peripheral and

central limb increases, so does the length of the resulting scar.
FIGURE 22-24 Planimetric Z-plasty. This includes 75-degree
transposition angles, a central limb half the length of the lateral
limbs, and a geometric pattern area of excision to eliminate
facial subunit (Figs. 22-25 and 22-26). This technique has excess scar tissue.
less tension on closure and less surface depression, eleva-
tion, and lateral distortion. It may provide even more
scar lengthening and camouflage than the traditional of more scars. This may be avoided by using serial
Z-plasty because of the smaller peripheral limbs used. Z-plasties for oblique scars of equal dimensions. Serial
The surface depression, elevation, and lateral distortion Z-plasties can be arranged in continuity or can also be
seen with a large, single-unit Z-plasty are lessened when interrupted. These are particularly useful in situations in
multiple units are used. Multiple small Z-plasty units which there is not enough surrounding tissue for trans-
may achieve additional scar lengthening and result in position if one large Z-plasty were to be designed.143,146
improved scar camouflage as compared with a single For final closure, an elliptical or fusiform excision may
Z-plasty. A drawback of multiple Z-plasties is the creation be preferred to a Z-plasty if the original scar is close to
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 585

Existing scar a
to RSTLs a

c c

d d
Relaxed skin
tension lines A e
c b
b d
a e e
FIGURE 22-27 Various combinations of Z-plasties and fusiform
Alternate limbs of excisions may be used, depending on the relationship of the
Z-plasty oriented defect to the orientation of the RSTLs. A, Two fusiform excisions
along RSTLs
and three Z-plasties are used for defects perpendicular to RSTLs.
f B, One fusiform excision and four Z-plasties are used for defects
a parallel to RSTLs.

being parallel to an RSTL; this technique that will avoid

C triangular flaps with very acute angles and probable skin
FIGURE 22-25 A, B, Multiple Z-plasties may be designed with the
necrosis. Borges has described a combination Z-plasty
peripheral limbs at acute angles to the central limb, reorienting
and fusiform excision for U-shaped or semicircular trap-
multiple segments of the central limb to RSTLs of the face (C). door deformities.94 Segments of the scar parallel to
(From Arndt K: Procedures in cosmetic dermatology series: Scar RSTLs will benefit from fusiform excisions, whereas seg-
revision, Philadelphia, 2006, WB Saunders.) ments oblique or perpendicular to RSTLs benefit from
Z-plasty. An example of this technique would include two
fusiform excisions and three Z-plasties for defects per-
pendicular to RSTLs (Fig. 22-27A), or one fusiform exci-
sion and four Z-plasties for defects parallel to RSTLs (see
Fig. 22-27B).
A variation of this technique has been described in
which the distortion of small angled flaps is overcome by
converting a two-flap Z-plasty to a four-flap Z-plasty.147 It
is especially useful in the webbed and functionally con-
tracted neck. This technique involves marking a 120-
degree angle Z-plasty and dividing each flap into two
flaps, creating four equal 60-degree triangle flaps. This
then allows for maximum lengthening of the scar without
sacrificing ease of closure (Fig. 22-28). Before dividing a
two-flap Z-plasty, the surgeon must make sure that the
initial flaps are of large enough angles. Dividing flaps of
questionable size may compromise blood supply and can
result in necrosis to the flap tip. In general, 60 degrees
should be the smallest angle used.
To gain maximum length of the final scar, another set
of modifications has been described. This includes a
90-degree four-flap Z-plasty, lengthening the scar by up
to 111%, and a 120-degree four-flap Z-plasty, lengthening
the scar by 164%.148 Alternatively, a 90-degree six-flap
Z-plasty achieves 180% of flap lengthening (Fig. 22-29).
The surgeon should begin with a simple 90-degree
Z-plasty. If excess tension is encountered on transposi-
tion, converting to a four-flap Z-plasty is advisable. The
FIGURE 22-26 Final closure of multiple Z-plasties will reorient the six-flap Z-plasty may be considered when more length is
divided central limb to the RSTLs. (From Canale ST, Beaty JH, desired and performed after a four-flap Z-plasty is marked
editors: Campbell’s operative orthopaedics, ed 11, Philadelphia, and incised, or even after a 90-degree Z-plasty is designed,
2008, Mosby.) regardless of tension encountered.
586 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

d d
c’ c’
b a
a’ c


b b b’
c’ c’
c d c
d’ d’

a’ a’


FIGURE 22-28 Two 120-degree angle Z-plasties are divided into two flaps, creating four equal 60-degree triangle flaps, which maximizes
the lengthening of the scar without sacrificing ease of closure.

5 3

5 5
1 3
2 4

3 1 1
4 2
6 6

6 2

FIGURE 22-29 The peripheral arms of the six-flap Z-plasty may be up to 90 degrees from the central limb and may achieve up to 180%
of scar lengthening.
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 587

FIGURE 22-30 Vertical scar band of the

neck following neck dissection and
pectoralis major muscle flap reconstruction
treated with Z-plasty to lengthen tissue and
improve mobility. A, Preoperative
appearance. B, Postoperative appearance.

FIGURE 22-31 The GBLC technique is used for scars parallel to ATLs. The random pattern renders the scar less conspicuous. (From
Arndt K: Procedures in cosmetic dermatology series: Scar revision, Philadelphia, 2006, WB Saunders.)

As an alternative to standard two-dimensional Geometric Broken Line Closure

Z-plasties, a three-dimensional technique may be used. The regular repeating pattern of the W-plasty can detract
These types of Z-plasties are especially useful in the from its value in scar camouflage, especially in longer
webbed neck (Fig. 22-30).149 They can turn a cleft into a scars. Initially described by Webster, the GBLC is similar
peak or depress hypertrophic tissue by incorporating to a W-plasty but relies on creating a combination of
tissue wedges into the transposed flaps. Several three- various geometric shapes (e.g., crescents, squares, trian-
dimensional Z-plasties have been described, including a gles, rectangles, trapezoids) along a scar, with corre-
five-flap technique-s such as Converse’s double-opposing sponding shapes on the opposite side to allow for precise
Z-plasty, Numanoglu’s paired five-flap Z-plasty, or Mus- closure, orienting most of the scar more parallel with
tarde’s jumping man flap. Building on these flaps is a RSTLs (Fig. 22-31).153,154 In general, W-plasty and GBLC
modification by Hirschowitz that combines a five-flap techniques are identical, with similar indications and
Z-plasty with a V-Y advancement.150-152 contraindications. The resulting pattern from GBLC is
588 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

less predictable to the observer and thus is less noticeable

than that of a W-plasty. In general, rectangles and squares HEMATOMA
produce superior results when kept small and as parallel The prevention of hematoma begins with the initial
to RSTLs as possible. Crescent shapes may result in small preoperative visit, obtaining a comprehensive medical
trapdoor defects and should be used minimally in the history, history of medication, vital signs, social history,
incision design. Each shaped segment should be between psychological status, and normal activity schedule.156
5 to 7 mm in length. Smaller segments will resemble a Patients on medications affecting the coagulation cascade
straight line, whereas larger ones will result in a more or platelet function, such as acetylsalicylic acid or warfa-
unsightly scar. rin (Coumadin), are at high risk for hematoma forma-
There are several drawbacks to the GBLC technique. tion within the first 14 days after surgery.157,158 Patients
As compared with the W-plasty, it is conceptually more with cardiovascular comorbidities may forget that they
difficult to design, is significantly more time-consuming, are taking these medications. A thorough history of
and it lacks usefulness for curved scars. In addition, by bruising and bleeding should be obtained.159 Other risk
nature of the design, some segments of the resulting scar factors for hematoma include excessive alcohol intake
will be at 90 degree to the RSTLs. Some investigators and poorly controlled hypertension. These factors
have questioned whether the outcome from GLBC is should be identified and the risks and benefits of surgery
actually more aesthetically pleasing than from W-plasty.155 discussed with patient. Intraoperative factors associated
Like the W-plasty, this technique should not be used for with hematoma formation include hemodynamic
scars less than 30 degrees to RSTLs; these scars are better instability and poor wound hemostasis. Postoperative
treated with a simple fusiform excision. factors associated with hematoma formation include
Technique. Preparation for GBLC is the same as for increased postoperative activity, nausea, and vomiting
previously described techniques; incision design is the and retching.
same as for a W-plasty, except geometric shapes instead Prior to wound closure, the wound bed and skin flaps
of running W are marked out. A random pattern of geo- should be examined for any bleeding and meticulous
metric shapes, with most being rectangles and squares, hemostasis should be obtained using local techniques,
are marked on one side of the incision and then the such as ligation of vessels and electrocautery. Surgical
other to allow the original side to key into the opposing clip placement should be avoided in the face because of
side on closure. The shapes should not exceed 7 mm in the risk of their expulsion. All dead space should be
length in the case of rectangles, triangles, or squares or eliminated by compressive closure of all wound layers.
diameter in the case of crescents or circles. The design Drains should be used whenever dead space is suspected.
is finalized by placement of a right triangle at each end Finally, pressure dressings should be used to minimize
of the scar to produce a 30-degree closing angle of the dead space formation edema from fluid accumulation.
wound, minimizing a standing cone deformity. Wounds Small hematomas may be treated with needle aspira-
should be closed with technique identical to that de- tion,156 whereas large hematoma should undergo formal
scribed for a W-plasty. Wound care after surgery and wound exploration and all sources of bleeding should be
planned dermabrasion are the same as for a W-plasty. identified and stopped. Failure to treat hematomas in
Similar to patients undergoing W-plasty, patients under- promptly may result in infection, skin flap necrosis, and
going GBLC should be warned that they will experience increased scarring.
moderate to severe erythema for several months before
the scar will turn pale. Dermabrasion should be planned INFECTION
as early as 6 weeks postoperatively, just after the prolifera- Like hematoma, prevention is the best form of treatment
tive phase of wound healing and just before scar contrac- for infection. A thorough medical history that includes
ture begins.115,117,119 questions about immunologic disease and immunosup-
pressive medications should be performed in the preop-
COMPLICATIONS erative period. Infection following scar revision is rare
and follows the rate seen with other cosmetic head and
Scar revision requires meticulous planning, precision, neck procedures.160,161 Redundant tissue, electrocautery
patient cooperation, and surgical skill. Even when all char, and excess suture may act as a foreign body and
these factors are present, errors may occur; therefore, it become a nidus for infection in patients.162 When sterility
is imperative that the surgeon optimize the patient’s is compromised, such as in procedures in which the oral
chance for success. Diagnostic, planning, and execution mucosa is breached, lip and ear procedures, skin flaps
errors can result in catastrophic results following scar on the nose, skin grafts, patients with extensive inflam-
revision. The most common complications include matory skin disease, or a surgical site infection is present,
hematoma, infection, necrosis, hyperpigmentation, dis- administration of antibiotics should be considered.163,164
tortion of facial landmarks and their function, and recur- Hematoma and seroma are also risk factors for infection,
rent scar widening or contracture. Because of not only so dead space should be eliminated using the techniques
the functional and aesthetic results, but also the psycho- described earlier. The type of prep used for surgery has
logical repercussions of these adverse outcomes, the been questioned with conflicting opinions about the
surgeon is encouraged to try to prevent any unforeseen superiority of chlorhexidine- based preps165 versus
complications from occurring. Inevitably, it is not the povidone-iodine.166 Swenson and Sawyer have concluded
complication, but its management that will predict the that the use of alcohol is key for preventing surgical site
final outcome. infections, regardless of the product used.167
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 589

the treatment of hyperpigmentation.196,197 Ablative non-

NECROSIS surgical treatments include chemical peels such as
Fortunately, gross necrosis of skin following scar revision glycolic acid, salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, and Jess-
procedures is rare. Minor necrosis of skin flaps edges is ner’s solution; laser therapy such as blue light pho-
not uncommon. This can be avoided using the tech- todynamic therapy, fractional photothermolysis, and
niques described earlier. It results from skin flaps with neodymium-doped (Nd):YAG (yttrium- aluminum-
vascular compromise, including poorly designed skin garnet) laser have also been shown to be effective in
flaps such as small skin flaps or flaps designed without treating hyperpigmentation.
consideration for an adequate blood supply, skin flaps
without a broad enough base, excessive suturing of skin DISTORTION OF MOBILE LANDMARKS
flaps, and placing too much tension on a wound at final Trauma to mobile landmarks such as the lips, eyelids, or
closure.168 In addition, complications such as hematoma nose is not uncommon; scar revision is often difficult
formation from inadequate hemostasis or inadequate because of the constant muscle pull, tension, and motion
drain place and infection can also initiate skin flap necro- present. Unless there is a preexisting vertical asymmetry,
sis.169,170 Inadequate wound undermining and closure at revision in a vertical vector should be avoided. Treatment
the dermal level will help decrease wound dehiscence must be tailored to the patient. In general, W-plasty
and necrosis. Medical problems such as Raynaud’s disease should be avoided. Z-plasty is the preferred treatment
may contribute to wound-healing difficulties and skin around the eyelids, nose, vermilion, and neck because of
necrosis.171 In a landmark study by Saran et al, it was excess tissue tension in these areas.135,137-139
concluded that a single cigarette reduces mean blood
flow velocity to the fingers by 42%.172 Smokers have a RECURRENT SCAR WIDENING
higher incidence of skin flap necrosis,173-178 which has Scar widening will often take place within several months
been demonstrated to be caused by the effects of nico- after injury and may occur in a scar that appears to be
tine, a vasoconstrictor, on local capillary blood flow.179 healing without difficulty.198 It occurs when opposing
Local exposure to noradrenaline does not seem to affect forces such as muscle pull, elastic forces of skin, and
the incidence of skin flap necrosis.180 In the trauma external pressure are applied to newly formed collagen
patient, previous embolization of major vessels caused by before it reaches final maturity. It may take several
uncontrollable bleeding may compromise skin flaps in months before completion of collagen maturation.199
scar revision.181 Demographic factors associated with scar widening
Topical agents such as nifedipine, trolamine, and salic- include increased age and race. Location of the scar and
ylate have been found to help salvage failing necrotic amount of volume loss have severe implications on
skin flaps. However, the efficacy of these agents needs to scar widening. For example, scars around facial land-
be explored further.182 Other agents have been described marks in constant motion or those under constant
for skin flap salvage.183 Leech therapy has been shown to tension because of loss of local tissues are at risk for scar
be beneficial in the treatment of skin necrosis secondary widening. Patients should be screened for heritable
to venous congestion,184-193 but its use is also associated collagen diseases such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, osteo-
with complications such as Aeromonas spp. infections and genesis imperfect, cutis laxa, Marfan’s syndrome, homo-
anemia that might require a blood transfusion.194 The cystinuria, Menkes syndrome, focal dermal hypoplasia,
surgical treatment of gross skin necrosis involves débride- tuberous sclerosis, familial cutaneous collagenoma, and
ment of all compromised tissue, allowing the remaining epidermolysis bullosa, because these will contribute to
wound to heal by secondary intention. To minimize con- postoperative scar widening. When it occurs, the cause
tracture, earlier skin graft placement, a local or regional of scar widening must be determined to manage the
flap, or even free tissue transfer may be performed to deformity correctly.200
limit long-term aesthetic and functional impairment. Although there are many therapies available for hyper-
trophic scarring,201-203 there are no time- proven interven-
HYPERPIGMENTATION tions available to correct scar widening. Wide and
Sun exposure is the most common cause of hyperpig- hypertrophic scars resulting from straight linear incisions
mentation following scar revision. Hyperpigmentation are difficult to treat surgically. The most common cause
caused by sun exposure is readily preventable; all patients of scar widening is from excess skin tension caused by
should be educated to wear sunblock and protective tissue volume loss. These defects are best treated with
clothing for the first 8 weeks following surgery. First- line tissue transfer in the form of local, regional, or free tissue
treatment for hyperpigmentation includes the tyrosinase flaps, because excision and manipulation techniques
inhibitor 4% hydroquinone, twice daily.195 Hydroqui- such as fusiform scar excision, Z-plasty, or W-plasty often
none acts by blocking tyrosinase from developing melanin result in recurrent scar widening and increased scar
precursors for the production of new melanin. Essen- length. In an attempt to provide support to skin edges in
tially, it blocks new pigment formation as the new epider- the widened scar, Millard has advocated leaving a base of
mis heals following a procedure. Secondary topical scar tissue and suturing wound edges to the base to
treatments include topical retinoids such as tretinoin, diminish opposing skin flap forces on each other.204 In
adapalene, tazarotene, mequinol, azelaic acid, kojic this technique, the area of scar is deepithelialized and
acid, and arbutin.195 Over-the-counter remedies such then incised on one side down to subcutaneous tissue
as soy, licorice extracts, niacinamide, N-acetylglucosamine, (Fig. 22-32A). Using a curved scissors, the healthy wound
and green tea have been shown to be beneficial in edge away from scar is undermined to at least double the
590 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

FIGURE 22-32 A, The epithelium of the scar is excised, leaving an exposed dermal sheet. B, A vertical incision is made through one edge
of the dermal sheet, undermining that skin edge slightly more than the width of the scar. C, The dermal scar sheet is now undermined
for a greater distance in the opposite direction (see broken line in cross-sectional view). D, An incision on the bias (diagonal) is made at
the opposite edge and carried partially through the dermis to provide an edge equal to the opposite side.

width of the scar (see Fig. 22-32B). The dermal scar sheet including a single advancement, bilateral advancement,
is then undermined in the opposite direction (see Fig. and rotational, sliding, bilobed, and rhomboid flaps.217
22-32C). An incision at a diagonal is made at the opposite Scar release will often result in tissue loss and may
skin edge and carried partially through dermis to provide cause tethering of skin to deep tissues, such as bone or
an edge equal to the opposite side (see Fig. 22-32D). The muscle, severely limiting function. These scars are often
dermal scar sheet is then advanced and sutured subcuta- caused by trauma, burns, or infection and will ultimately
neously, taking tension off the new surface closure that need tissue transfer in the form of a graft or flap. Small
is now sutured in a staggered location away from the areas of scar contracture may be released with minimally
deep closure. In the case of a depressed scar, the scarred invasive procedures such as subcision (subcutaneous
dermal sheet may be advanced to fill the defect. Wilson incisionless surgery) and subsequent injection with
has shown good success with this technique in a series of autogenous or nonautogenous fillers. Scar subcision is
patients undergoing revision surgery for widened scars.199 used to treat contracted, atrophic, or depressed scars or
deep wrinkles.218-221 It should be attempted before using
RECURRENT SCAR CONTRACTURE any filler material. It is most commonly done with a
Scar contracture of the head and neck is an especially needle that acts as a scalpel and releases fibrotic strands
difficult problem because of the aesthetic changes and within a scar, elevating the surface of the scar. Briefly, the
functional disability that it may cause in the patient. needle is introduced at an angle into the skin and then
These types of scars are especially common in post- manipulated back and forth in a lateral motion to break
traumatic and burn patients. Scar release incisions should any fibrous bands. The placement of the needle should
be placed in facial unit or subunit borders to aid in the be meticulously planned in an orientation parallel to the
aesthetic placement of skin grafts. Scar release may be underside of the dermis, because the sharp cutting edge
performed by fusiform excision, Z-plasty, W-plasty, or is a threat to deeper vital head and neck structures. Care
straight line incision. must be taken by the surgeon not to rotate the needle,
Smaller areas of contracted scar may be treated by the so that its triangular tip stays horizontal to the skin
Y-V skin flap, avoiding the need for grafting.205-213 A single surface. This procedure should be avoided in the preau-
or running Y-V flap will result in scar lengthening without ricular, temporal, and mandibular areas to avoid injuries
flap transposition. The stem of the Y must be placed to the facial nerve and major vessels. Some standard
perpendicular to RSTLs. The scar release occurs at the principles include the following: individual scars should
stem of the Y and skin is then advanced, creating a be treated using separate, multiple puncture sites and,
V-shaped defect. The triangular flap of healthy skin is when multiple scars are treated, the most dependent one
advanced to fill the defects (Fig. 22-33). Alternatively, a should be treated first. This procedure may be repeated
V-Y release may be performed, in which a V is incised and multiple times, with 3 weeks between sessions, and the
the tissue inside the V is advanced and used to bulk up procedure should be ideally performed before a weekend
an area and lengthen the long axis of the scar (Fig. or holiday for working patients.222 Following subcision,
22-34).214-216 Other simple local skin flaps may be used, there is an organization of blood in the induced dermal
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 591

Running plasty
Single flap Y-V plasty Double arrows represent length gained

FIGURE 22-33 The V-Y flap can be used in single (A)

A or multiple (B) units.

FIGURE 22-34 A, A scar is lengthened by making a V-shaped incision in the area of contraction. B, The flap is then advanced in the
direction of the arrow. C, The final closure resembles the letter Y.

pocket, followed by connective tissue formation and restoring bulk to the subcutaneous and dermal soft tissue
collagenization. Patients should be counseled about tem- structures. Dermal restoration may be achieved by col-
porary hematoma formation and bluish discoloration lagen injection, including bovine (Zyderm, Zyplast,
that will occur. This procedure has the advantage that Inamed, Santa Barbara, Calif) and autologous dermal
it can be done in the outpatient setting under local collagen (Autologen, Collagenesis Corporation, Bever-
anesthesia. ley, Mass) or, less commonly, by steroid injection.223 Sub-
cutaneous restoration of facial contour defect may be
done with autologous fat transplantation,103,104,224-226
SPECIFIC TYPES OF SCARS although some have reported conflicting long-term
results using these techniques.227 Other options for soft
DEPRESSED SCAR tissue augmentation include autogenous dermal fat
Scar depression usually occurs secondary to loss or grafts and acellular dermal grafts (AlloDerm, LifeCell,
atrophy of subcutaneous or dermal layers, and therefore Branchburg, NJ). These materials may result in a
is not amenable to traditional surgical techniques (see longer lasting improvement of depressed facial scars but
earlier). Management of the depressed scar involves they are implantable rather than injectable and may be
592 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

Extended C-shaped incision and release for medial eyelid ectropion

FIGURE 22-35 A, Extended C-shaped incision and release for medial eyelid ectropion (B).

technically more difficult to use.228 The use of these mate- lamella, which consists of the skin of the eyelid and orbi-
rials will be discussed later in the chapter. Previously cularis muscle. It usually occurs as a result of facial trauma
described minimally invasive techniques, such as subci- and may be associated with orbital fractures, facial burns,
sion, are also useful for the management of depressed or chronic dermatitis, or as an iatrogenic result of exces-
scars.218 sive skin excision during cosmetic blepharoplasty. It may
involve the upper or lower eye lids, or both. It may be
ELECTRIC BURNS medial or lateral and may shorten the eyelid vertically or
The treatment of electrical burns is challenging because horizontally, or both. In general, the goal of ectropion
the resulting scar often spreads from the skin at the point repair is to restore the original size and position of dis-
of contact to the periphery and generally has an indis- torted tissues and to replace lost tissue with similar
tinct end point of collateral damage.229 In the head and tissue.240 Anterior lamellar reconstruction is best achieved
neck region, these scars often occur when a child sucks using full-thickness skin grafts or local skin flaps.
on the female end or junction of an extension cord, or Extrinsic medial ectropion may be caused by scarring
when a child chews on the end of a poorly insulated wire. of the nasal dorsum, resulting in anterior and medial pull
Generated by a temperature of up to 2500 to 3000° C of the medial canthus. The result is epicanthal folding,
(≈4500° to 5400° F), electrical burns initially appear as a exposure of the cornea, and epiphora. Scar release in
grayish-white coagulated lesion with an erythematous this area involves a C-shaped excision of scar tissue from
rim. After 2 to 4 weeks, an eschar will slough off, leaving the upper and lower eyelids and lateral nose (Fig. 22-35).
an ulcerated area. This area will slowly be replaced by The resulting defect is then grafted with a full- thickness
fibrous connective tissue and undergo maturation. In skin graft. Skin over the nose adjacent to the release inci-
addition to unsightly scarring, fibrosis and scar contrac- sion should be undermined to allow maximal release; the
ture may occur with head and neck burns, which can be periosteum overlying the frontal process of the maxilla
debilitating to the patient by causing trismus, dysphagia, is excised to allow for graft adherence to bone. The use
dysarthria, or changes in facial expression. of a full-thickness skin graft is preferred here to minimize
Early splint therapy is important to relieve and prevent contracture. In addition, medial canthopexy may be per-
microstomia for patients with perioral burns. Patients will formed, if needed.241
often need multiple débridements of scar tissue.230-236 As with other mobile facial landmarks, the Z-plasty is
The initial surgical goal is to line up the vermilion. Then, optimal for treating scarring around the eye and should
if possible, fusiform scar excision or Z-plasty may be per- be considered for the treatment of lateral ectropion (Fig.
formed. Z-plasties may be used extraorally and intraorally 22-36). The advantage of the Z-plasty is that it transposes
to relive contracture and lengthen scars. Dermabrasion retracted lower eyelid tissue superiorly and posteriorly,
of skin may follow to relieve any skin surface resulting in better adaptation of the lid margin to the
irregularities. globe (Fig. 22-37).133,242
Intrinsic contracture of either eyelid and associated
EYELID ECTROPION vertical shortening may be approached with a supracili-
There are several types of eyelid ectropion, including ary or subciliary incision.243 The incision should extend
congenital, senile, neurogenic, and cicatricial.237-239 Cica- just short of the lateral and medial canthi. Skin flaps are
tricial ectropion results from scarring of the anterior raised and the upper or lower eyelid is approximated.
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 593

The skin flap is then undermined and the underlying position of the lid crease may be limited by the position
stable pretarsal orbicularis oculi is used as a graft bed. A of the incision. The eyelids may be separated immedi-
full-thickness skin graft is applied in the area of tissue ately or in a delayed fashion. If indicated, a C-shaped
loss. The advantage of this technique is that the tarsus release of skin can be combined with the approach.241
acts as a splint, limiting contraction of the graft, and the Unlike upper eye lid ectropion, which usually is caused
by scarring in the forehead and temples and is generally
repaired with scar release and grafting, lower eye lid
ectropion repair is more complex. Restoration of its
underlying tissues is crucial to prevent recurrence. The
lower eyelid has almost no excess tissue, so only a small
degree of scarring may cause retraction of the lower
eyelid.244 A number of techniques have been described
to correct lower eyelid ectropion. Management should be
tailored to the specific injury (Fig. 22-38). One approach
involves subperiosteal release of all extrinsic and intrinsic
components, with mobilization of the lower eyelid and
grafting as necessary. A subciliary incision with a lateral
canthotomy is performed, occasionally combined with a
transoral vestibular approach, which facilitates subperi-
osteal dissection from the zygomatic arch to the pyriform
rim, down to the alveolus. After release of the lower
eyelid, a middle lamellar graft harvested from the hard
palate or conchal bowel is secured superficially and infe-
riorly to the tarsal plate, if necessary. The orbicularis oris
is then dissected, redraped over the lower eyelid, and
sutured to the lateral orbital rim and lateral nasal wall.
Medial and lateral canthopexy is completed, and a skin
graft is placed.245,246 If skin is missing, a variety of local
skin flaps may be used in lieu of skin grafts .242,247,248 In
addition, autologous or allogenic dermis–only grafts may
be used for the correction of lower lid retraction in which
a spacer is needed but stiffness is not a concern. These
FIGURE 22-36 Z-plasty for lateral lower eyelid ectropion, grafts are associated with low donor site morbidity, but
transposing the retracted lower eyelid tissue superiorly and may undergo more contracture than split-thickness skin
posteriorly, and acquiring better adaptation of the lid margin to grafts. The drawback of acellular allogenic dermis grafts
the globe. is that they are associated with significantly more

FIGURE 22-37 Post-traumatic cicatricial ectropion, managed with scar excision and primary skin grafting with Z-plasty and lateral
canthopexy. A, Initial post-traumatic appearance, age 8 years. B, Preoperative appearance, age 13 years. C, 1 year postsurgery, age 14
594 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

FIGURE 22-38 Lower eyelid ectropion and

retraction following repair of comminuted
orbital fracture and associated periorbital
lacerations. Ectropion repair consisted of
transconjunctival cantholysis and
orbitotomy, removal of previously placed
hardware, subperiosteal midface lift, and
lateral canthopexy. A, Preoperative
appearance; B, 6 months postoperatively.

contracture than full-thickness skin grafts and are show Radiation therapy with or without surgical excision
significant degration by 4 months postoperatively.249,250 has been advocated for the treatment of keloids. One
For conjunctival reconstruction, the use of amniotic reported protocol has called for keloids of the earlobe
membrane transplantation has been described, with to receive 10 Gy in two fractions over 2 days, and other
some success.251,252 The advantages of these grafts over sites of the head and neck to receive 15 Gy in three
oral mucosa grafts include less donor site morbidity and fractions over 3 days. Surgical excision is performed and
the structural arrangement of collagen and lamina is adjuvant radiation therapy is initiated on postoperative
similar to that of the conjunctiva, providing an excellent day 1 or 2. The reported recurrence rate with this proto-
scaffold for proliferating conjunctival cells. col was 14% at 18 months of follow-up. A side effect of
this procedure is hyperpigmentation of the irradiated
HYPERTROPHIC SCARS AND KELOIDS area. To prevent this complication, investigators have
Keloids are defined as scars that extend beyond the edges recommended that steroid ointments be applied to the
of the original wound or incision, invading surrounding surgical site, reducing the radiation dose, or increasing
normal tissue,253,254 and affect an estimated 1.5% to 4.5% the time between radiation sessions.264 Malignant trans-
of the population.255 Hypertrophic scars, on the other formation is rare but has been reported.
hand, are elevated scars that remain within the original The use of lasers has been advocated for the treatment
tissue injury site.256,257 Both hypertrophic scars and keloids of keloids and hypertrophic scars. Although the argon,
result from alterations in normal cutaneous wound CO2,265,266 and Nd : YAG lasers267,268 have been found to be
healing that include the proliferation of the dermal of little benefit, the flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser
tissue and excess deposition of fibroblast-derived extra- (PDL) has shown good results, with significant improve-
cellular matrix (ECM).258-260 In normal wounds, there is ments in contour, texture, color, pliability, and pain relief
a decrease in cellularity mediated by apoptosis during and minimal side effects.57,269-271 Early PDL treatment may
the transition from granulation to scar tissue. In hyper- fundamentally change the physiology of wound healing
trophic scars, however, granulation tissue does not regress by reducing scare microcirculation and preventing excess
and alpha smooth muscle actin-expressing myofibro- scar formation.272,273
blasts produce excess ECM, resulting in a red, raised Intralesional corticosteroid injection is a common
rigid scar.261,262 These scars may develop only weeks after treatment modality for keloids and hypertrophic scars.274
injury. Dark-skinned individuals are at increased risk for It has been shown to reduce scar volume significantly and
keloid formation, with the earlobe and cheek being the increase scar pliability and height while reducing symp-
areas usually affected.263 Keloids may be symptomatic and toms such as pruritus and pain in the patient with
cause pain, but hypertrophic scars may be painless and keloids.57,275 It works by three primary mechanisms: (1) by
fade over time. suppressing inflammation by inhibiting leukocyte and
Surgical excision of keloids is characterized by recur- monocyte migration and phagocytosis; (2) by causing
rence and is generally avoided in the absence of pain or vasoconstriction, therefore reducing the delivery of
dysfunction.80 If excision is performed, care should be oxygen and nutrients to the wound bed; and (3) by exhib-
taken so that the tissue is handled in an atraumatic iting an antibiotic effect on keratinocytes and fibroblasts,
manner, using skin hooks to minimize trauma to skin slowing reepithelialization and new collagen forma-
flaps, and results in a layered, tension-free closure. tion.276 Insoluble triamcinolone acetonide (10 to 40 mg/
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 595

mL) is the most common steroid used in scar treatment.268 imiquimod, tacrolimus, onion, adhesive tape support,
The use of a topical and/or local anesthetic is recom- vitamin E, and massage.256,264,269 Pressure garments have
mended prior to injection. The steroid is ideally injected been popular in the past, but studies have shown these
into the superior dermal layer, the papillary dermis, which treatments to be minimally effective.306 Furthermore,
is where steroids promote collagenase activity. Injections their use is associated with problems such as nonadher-
may be repeated twice monthly and may be combined ence, patient discomfort, eczema, rashes, pruritus, and
with surgical excision. Following surgical excision and ulceration from excessive pressure and friction.307
primary closure, steroid may be injected into the wound Massage of the scar has also been advocated as a
and its edges.277 Side effects include short-term hypopig- method of minimizing scar prominence. Keloids and
mentation and injection pain.57,278 Long-term side effects hypertrophic scars contain a considerable amount of
include skin and subcutaneous fat atrophy, telangiecta- ground substance, which is composed of glycoproteins
sias, scar widening, and rebound effects.279 Topical ste- and glycosaminoglycans. This ground substance is fluid
roids have not been shown to be effective for the treatment and can be displaced by pressure; therefore, massage of
of hypertrophic scars or keloids.280,281 these scars can reduce swelling from a reduction in ground
Silicone gel has shown some success in the treatment substance. The reported benefits of massage include
of hypertrophic scars and keloids. First used in the increased scar pliability and decreased scar banding308;
1960s,282 and rediscovered in the 1980s253,283-285 for the however, there is little evidence to support these find-
management of burn scars, silicone materials, including ings.309 Scar massage appears to have little to no effect on
creams, gel sheets, Silastic sheets, and garments, have the vascularity, pliability, and height of the hypertrophic
become popular for the prevention and treatment of hyper- scar but it has been shown to reduce pain and itching.310,311
trophic scarring and burns. Their use has been shown to Emerging nonsurgical therapies are being developed
reduce scar height and hardness, and increase scar pli- that exploit an association of TGF-β with hypertrophic
ability; they may be used for several years after injury.47,49,286- scar formation57,312,313 in an effort to alter the scar forma-
The usefulness of silicone sheeting may be greatest in tion cascade. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen causes
children because it is noninvasive and painless. Better ischemic necrosis and has shown to improve or com-
effects have been shown with early treatment and their pletely regress keloids in significantly 51% to 74% of
use should be started 2 weeks after wound healing. Treat- patients after two or more sessions.274,314-316 To avoid
ment usually lasts 6 to 12 months; patients are advised to potential drawbacks of classic cryotherapy, such as skin
wear the silicone material for the entire day and only atrophy, pain, and hyperpigmentation, intralesional
remove it for cleaning. Each sheet lasts 2 to 3 weeks and needle therapy has been developed and shown to be
the adherent types seem to work better than others.279 effective in the alleviation of symptoms.
A review and meta-analysis has assessed the effects of Shave excision has been shown to be an effective treat-
silicone sheeting in preventing and treating hypertro- ment for keloids317,318 and may be considered in elevated
phic scars and keloids following surgery, using the pooled scars.319 The purpose of shave excision is to flatten the
results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).289 The scar so that it is level with surrounding tissues, making it
investigators found that silicone sheeting reduces the less noticeable. It may be performed with a scalpel or a
incidence of keloid and scar formation by approximately razor blade (Fig. 22-39). The wound is allowed to heal by
55% in patients prone to scarring following surgery when secondary intention. It can be combined with dermabra-
compared with no treatment, and that silicone sheeting sion or laser resurfacing. It has been found to be an
produces a significant reduction in scar thickness while exceptionally effective treatment when combined with
significantly improving scar color. However, it was noted 5% imiquimod cream for keloids of the ear. Following
that most of the RCTs studied were of poor quality and shave excision, patients are treated with imiquimod 5%
possibly biased. Although most research has focused on cream nightly for 2 weeks and then three times weekly
the efficacy of gel sheets, semiliquid gels have also been under occlusion for 1 month. Shave excision is associated
evaluated. Their advantage is that they are composed with complications such as a high rate of recurrence, scar
of a clear material that adapts to the underlying skin, depression, and hyperpigmentation.320 Mustoe et al have
producing a more inconspicuous appearance than the provided an algorithm for the management of various
sheets.253 Silicone gel may be used for 12 to 24 hours, types of hypertrophic scars57 (Fig. 22-40).
washed off, and reapplied.290 Because silicone sheets have Despite much interest and a century of work on the
a water vaporization rate lower than that of skin, water problem of keloids and hypertrophic scarring, results of
accumulation may cause skin maceration.291 Other com- treatment remain generally unsatisfying. A meta-analysis
plications include pruritus, skin breakdown, skin rash, a by Leventhal et al has concluded that all currently avail-
foul smell from the gel pad, and poor durability of the able treatments for keloids and hypertrophic scars dem-
sheet.282,292 onstrate only minimal improvement when compared
Other nonsurgical options for keloids and hypertro- with no treatment.80 In addition, they found no differ-
phic scars include dermatography,268,274 intradermal epi- ence in scar improvement among any of the treatment
catechin gallate injections,293 the ThermaCool TC system, modalities assessed.
which uses radiofrequency waves (Thermage, Hayward,
Calif),294 adhesive tape support, subdermal injection of RESURFACING PROCEDURES
interferon-α2b (IFN-α2b),295,296 verapamil,296,297 hyal-
uronic acid,298-300 5-fluorouracil,301,302 collagenase,303 bleo- Facial skin resurfacing is performed to treat scarring
mycin,304 madecassol and alpha Centella cream,305 above the skin level, scars with an irregular surface area,
596 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries


No. 15 blade scalpel

FIGURE 22-39 A, An elevated scar should be anesthetized with local anesthesia at the periphery of the lesion and, using a scalpel or
razor blade (C) and forceps (D), the lesions is excised (E). (From Nouri K, Leal-Khouri S: Techniques in dermatologic surgery, St. Louis,
2003, Mosby,)

acne scars, and scars resulting from abrasions and tattoos combination of 14% salicylic acid, 14% lactic acid, and
caused by debris remaining in tissues following primary 14% resorcinol in an alcohol solution, known today as
repair. However, they may also be used to blend depressed Jessner’s solution.321
scars with surrounding normal tissue by reducing the In general, for larger treatment areas, the entire facial
height of adjacent normal tissue. Skin resurfacing proce- subunit, unit, or face should be treated to blend final
dures treat lesions no deeper than the boundary of the color and texture. These procedures are best performed
epidermis and dermis and aim to produce a smoother early in the healing process, from 6 to 9 weeks after tissue
scar that blends in with surrounding tissues. injury, because during this time there is a high degree of
The concept of facial skin resurfacing was used by the intrinsic fibroblastic activity. When treating nonfacial
ancient Egyptians as a procedure whereby they used skin, the surgeon should always be cautious and conser-
lactic and alpha-hydroxy acids to produce from sour vative with all ablative techniques because the lack of
milk, which was applied to the skin as a way to restore its pilosebaceous units outside the face and upper neck
youthful appearance321; the same concept was used later reduce the regenerative capabilities of skin throughout
in the French revolution, when aged wine was used for other areas of the body. There are a variety of resurfacing
the same purpose.322 The most significant innovation in procedures currently in use (see Box 22-2), generally
the modern era of facial resurfacing was developed by classified according to the depth of tissue affected—
Max Jessner, who reported the application of a superficial, medium, or deep. Superficial resurfacing
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 597



Immature Linear hyper-

Major high Widespread burn
hypertrophic trophic (surgical/ Minor keloid
risk keloid hypertrophic
(red, slightly traumatic) scar (red/raised)
(dark/raised) scar (red/raised)
raised) (red/raised, itchy)

Apply prevention Silicone gel sheeting (2 months)

algorithm. Progress
to treatment as a
hypertrophic scar
Initial Steroid injections 2.5 - 20 mg/mL (face)
if erythema
management 20-40 mg/mL (body). Repeat monthly.
continues for more
than 1 month

Localized pressure therapy if possible Speciality

(duration 3-12 months) burns unit

Pressure Pressure
Specific wavelength laser therapy
therapy garments and/or
silicone gel
Secondary Surgery with adjunctive silicone gel (duration 6-12
management sheeting (two months) months)

Department specializing in scar therapy

Combination / Monotherapy
Primarily: steroids, silicones, pressure therapy, surgery/grafting
Occasionally: cryotherapy, radiotherapy, laser, other therapies

FIGURE 22-40 Algorithm for the treatment of scars. (Adapted from Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH, et al: International clinical
recommendations on scar management. Plast Reconstr Surg 110:560–571, 2002.)

affects the papillary dermis, medium-depth resurfacing hypopigmentation regardless of the procedure. An
affects the upper reticular dermis, and deep tissue resur- erbium (Er):YAG laser may be better suited for types V
facing affects the midreticular dermis. and VI skin types because it is associated with less thermal
damage.325 The degree of photoaging should be consid-
PREOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS ered. The Glogau classification (see earlier, Table 22-5)
The patient’s Fitzpatrick skin type and response to sun provides a measure of photoaging that occurs as a result
exposure should be considered prior to facial of exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) radiation, specifi-
resurfacing.105-107,276,323 Hypo- and hyperpigmentation cally UVB (290 to 320 nm) and UVA (320 to 400 nm),
changes are rarely associated with skin types I and II; with wavelengths that penetrate the dermis and cause
therefore, all types of facial resurfacing procedures are photodamage.110,326 Resorption of elastin and collagen
considered safe in these patients. However, patients with leads to a prominent epidermis that rests on a thin
type I or II skin are usually best treated with lasers. Some damaged epidermis, resulting in wrinkle formation.
type III or IV patents may benefit from a medium-depth A complete medical history should be obtained and a
chemical peel. Before treating types IV to VI patients, the physical examination performed on any patient consid-
selected procedure should be performed as a test spot at ered for facial resurfacing. Patients with medical comor-
the hairline to assess pigment changes prior to a defini- bidities, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, active
tive procedure.324 The data regarding the appropriate herpetic infections, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, sclero-
treatment for type V or VI patients is conflicting because derma, vitiligo, discoid lupus, and ectodermal dysplasia,
they are always at risk for hyperpigmentation and/or are at an increased risk of scarring following facial
598 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

resurfacing.325 Patients with lupus in particular are at III or IV skin may also be pretreated with a modified
increased risk for developing Koebner reactions follow- Kligman formula (0.1% tretinoin, 4% hydroquinone,
ing a resurfacing procedure.327,328 Immunocompromised and 0.1% triamcinolone) twice daily for 6 weeks in an
patients such as those with human immunodeficiency effort to minimize the risk of pigment change.349,350 This
virus (HIV) infection or those undergoing chemother- regimen is usually resumed in 2 to 3 weeks postopera-
apy are at increased risk for developing postoperative tively. If the formula is too irritating, kojic acid can be
infections.329 Patients who have received chemotherapy substituted for hydroquinone.332,333
or radiation to skin in the past should not have surgery The patient should be advised to wear comfortable
until 6 months after therapy to ensure that dermal col- clothing on the day of the procedure. The patient should
lagen remodeling is complete. In addition, patients with remove all makeup and then wash the face and neck with
previous radiation therapy may have chronic dermatitis, an antibacterial soap such as chlorhexidine gluconate
which decreases the body’s ability to heal.330 Previous (Hibiclens). Preoperative photographs should be taken.
areas of radiation should be examined for intact hair If lasers are being used, the appropriate eyewear should
growth. The presence of hair usually correlates with be applied. For chemical peels, moist gauze should be
enough pilosebaceous glands for adequate healing after applied to both eyes and the skin should be scrubbed
medium or deep chemical peels. with acetone or other cleanser for 2 to 3 minutes to
A complete medication history is also crucial to deter- remove the stratum corneum and allow deep penetra-
mine in the patient undergoing resurfacing. Women tion. Petrolatum or other ointment is then applied with
taking birth control pills or supplemental hormones are a cotton-tipped applicator to the deep grooves or rhyt-
at increased risk for hyperpigmentation. Patients with a ides (wrinkles) of the face to prevent chemical buildup
history of isotretinoin are at increased risk for postpro- in these areas. A fan blowing on the patient will decrease
cedure scarring following ablative procedures because patient discomfort throughout this process.
the drug is thought to shut down the pilosebaceous unit
(sebostatic), which is necessary for reepithelialization,
and may contribute to delayed wound healing. It is also SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES
thought to cause loss of collagenase function, which will Chemical Peels
cause increased fibrosis and scarring.331 If patients taking Of all resurfacing procedures, chemical peels may offer
isotretinoin complain of dry skin or anhidrosis, treat- the least benefit for post-traumatic scarring. Because of
ment should be avoided for at least 6 months to 2 the irregularities of the scar, it is hard to control the
years.325,332-335 The use of vitamin E should be noted and depth of penetration using chemical peels. This tech-
its use should be discontinued prior to resurfacing. Medi- nique, however, may be a useful adjunct for blending the
cations that affect the coagulation cascade such as aspirin margins of a scar previously treated by surgical revision,
or warfarin should also be discontinued if not otherwise dermabrasion, or laser therapy.
medically contraindicated. Chemical peeling is the application of a chemical
Patients undergoing perioral resurfacing treatment or exfoliant to the epidermis and dermis for removal of
those with a history of herpes infection should receive superficial lesions. Its goal is to improve the texture of
antiviral chemoprophylaxis. This is especially important skin and remove irregularities. New epidermal growth is
in trauma patients because they are at an increased stimulated by removal of the stratum corneum with more
stress level and increased risk for viral activation. Patients superficial chemical peels. Medium chemical peels stim-
undergoing CO2 laser resurfacing are at increased risk ulate an inflammatory response, leading to new collagen
for herpes infection. Patients may be prescribed valacy- formation in the deep reticular dermis; deep chemical
clovir, 500 mg twice daily, acyclovir, 400 mg three times peels stimulate ground substance formation.351 Fitzpat-
daily, or famciclovir, 250 mg twice daily.336 Prophylaxis rick skin types I and II patients have little risk for dyspig-
should be initiated at least 24 hours before the proce- mentation, whereas type III or VI skin has an increased
dure and continued for 2 weeks, or until reepithelializa- risk for hyper- or hypopigmentation following a chemical
tion is complete. Because the virus only creates lesions peel.352,353 Pigment changes are usually not of concern
in the epidermis in the early stages of wound healing, for superficial chemical peels, but have a higher inci-
herpetic lesions will manifest as superficial erosive dence in medium and deep chemical peels. Specific
ulcers.337-339 It is best to avoid ablative procedures during areas at risk include the lips and eyelids. Patients with
the summer because there is an increased risk of postin- extensive photodamage may require stronger chemical
flammatory hyperpigmentation caused by UV damage.340 peels with greater frequency.
After skin preparation, the chemical to be used is
PATIENT PREPARATION applied with one or two cotton-tipped applicators, gauze,
Topical tretinoin has been shown to be efficacious in large swabs, or a fan-shaped sable hair brush in a rapid
the treatment of photodamaged skin by increasing type and uniform manner for approximately 1 minute. It can
I collagen formation and inhibiting collagenase,341-346 be done superior to inferior, or medial to lateral, and
and it potentiates the effects of superficial chemical should be applied to the following facial units—the man-
peels and hydroquinone in melasma treatment.347 Pre- dible, chin, temples, upper lip, cheeks, glabella, nose,
treatment with topical tretinoin in the form of 0.1% and forehead—taking care to feather the chemical into
tretinoin cream for 2 weeks prior to 35% trichloroacetic the hair and jawline. Increasing pressure and number of
acid (TCA) peels has been shown to enhance the applications increase the depth of penetration. Frosting
healing time as well.348 Patients with Fitzpatrick type of the skin often occurs and is an indication of the
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 599

evenness of the peel. Duration of chemical contact is 14 g salicylic acid in 95% ethanol to make a total of
determined by the condition being treated, patient toler- 100 mL.321,362,363 It is useful for the treatment of dyspig-
ance, desired depth, and/or predetermined end point. mentations of the head and neck. In the immediate 2 to
Skin pretreated with tretinoin will frost faster, whereas 3 days after application, pigmented tissue may appear
photodamaged and highly sebaceous skin frost slower. hyperpigmented, with peeling and flaking up to 7 days
Types of Chemical Peels. Chemical peeling agents can after treatment. After standard application, Jessner’s
be categorized based on their depth of penetration. They solution is neutralized by its chemical reaction with epi-
are classified as superficial, medium, or deep. dermal proteins. Superficial chemical peels can be per-
Superficial Chemical Peels. Superficial chemical peels formed with one to ten coats of Jessner’s solution, applied
work by exfoliating down to the level of the stratum as three coats per session in 5- to 15-minute intervals.
corneum (Table 22-6). They are of little use in the post- Other superficial chemical peels include beta-hydroxy
traumatic setting and usually need to be applied more acid, salicylic acid (o-hydroxybenzoic acid), and resor-
than once for desired effects. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs; cinol (m-dihydroxybenzene); however, their use in post-
e.g., glycolic [2-hydroxyethanoic] acid and lactic traumatic scarring is limited.
[2-hydroxypropanoic] acid) are naturally occurring com- Medium Chemical Peels. Medium-depth chemical
pounds that cause epidermolysis with discohesion of the peeling agents penetrate and destroy the epidermis, pap-
keratinocytes of the stratum corneum; they are commonly illary dermis and, in some cases, the reticular dermis.
used for superficial chemical peels.354-356 Strength and Medium-depth peeling agents are most useful for treat-
depth are dependent on the amount of buffering or neu- ing fine rhytides, hyperpigmentation, actinic keratosis,
tralization of AHA. Therefore, a solution of 30% glycolic dyschromias, Fitzpatrick type 2 photoaging, acne scars,
acid in a buffered solution may be equivalent to 15% gly- and depressed scars. Medium peels are optimal for
colic acid in a more acidic pH preparation. Immediate blending photoaged skin after deep chemical peels and
neutralization of AHA should take place after frosting, laser resurfacing. Unlike superficial chemical peels, only
followed by a water rinse. This may be repeated weekly or one treatment session is often necessary. Recovery time
monthly until desired results are obtained. Typical AHA is usually 7 to 10 days. In addition to the agents described
regimens include applying glycolic acid at a concentra- earlier, pyruvic acid, an alpha-keto acid that converts to
tion of 30% to 50% for 1 to 2 minutes. For a deeper super- lactic acid, is useful for medium-depth chemical peels.364
ficial peel, glycolic acid at a concentration of 50% to 70% It works by epidermal lysis and penetrates the dermis in
is applied for a duration of 2 to 20 minutes may be used. 1 to 2 minutes. Water may add comfort but does not
TCA is a useful treatment for superficial problems neutralize the pyruvic acid. Edema and erythema will be
such as melasma, superficial acne scarring, actinic kera- present following its application, with crusting that will
tosis, rhytides, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation last approximately 10 days. TCA at a concentration of
associated with trauma.357-361 It works by causing coagula- 50% is associated with complications such as scarring.
tion necrosis of epidermal and dermal proteins. Depth Therefore, combinations of agents are commonly used
of penetration varies with concentration. The desired for medium chemical peels, such as the following: 70%
concentration is obtained by mixing TCA crystals with glycolic acid for 3 to 30 minutes, followed by 35% TCA365;
100 mL of distilled water. For example, 15 g of TCA crys- Jessner’s solution followed by 35% TCA366,367; solid CO2
tals mixed with 10 mL of distilled water makes A 15% followed by 35% to 50% TCA or pyruvic acid363; and
TCA solution. The solution may be stored in a dark glass Jessner’s solution and glycolic acid (Box 22-3).368 Medium-
bottle for up to 6 months. After standard application, depth chemical peels may be combined with CO2 laser
neutralization with a cool water mist should take place therapy, which reduces healing time and minimizes resid-
after a frost appears. Reapplication may take place, with ual scarring.369 Within approximately 3 months after a
35 minutes between coats. For a very superficial peel, medium-depth chemical peel, thick bands of elastic
TCA at a concentration of 10% applied for 1 to 2 minutes fibers are evident in the mid to upper dermis.370 In addi-
may be used. For a deeper superficial peel, TCA at a tion, there is an increase in glycosaminoglycans and
concentration of 10% to 30% for 1 to 2 minutes may be ground substance in the dermal matrix, which hydrates
used. Concentrations may be increased by 5% with each and thickens the matrix-inhibiting wrinkling. Dermal
application and may be used weekly to monthly for
desired effect.
Jessner’s solution, which is also known as the Combes
formula consists of 14 g resorcinol, 14 g lactic acid, and
BOX 22-3 Agents Used for Medium Chemical Peels

Combination of Either:
TABLE 22-6 Agents Used for Superficial Chemical Peels • 35% TCA and Jessner’s solution
• 35% TCA and solid CO2
Agent Concentration Mechanism of Action
• 35% TCA and 70% glycolic acid
TCA 10%-30% Protein precipitation 89% phenol*
Jessner’s solution Standard formula Keratolysis TCA, 50% concentration†
Glycolic acid 30%-70% Epidermolysis
*Mainly used for deep chemical peels.
Salicylic acid 5%-15% Keratolysis †
Rarely used because of scarring.
600 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

collagen is not finished reorganizing for 60 to 90 days; Infection, which may be bacterial, viral, or fungal, may
therefore, repeat medium-depth chemical peels should result in prolonged formation of granulation tissue.
not be done for at least 3 months after the initial session. Symptoms of a postpeeling infection include fever, pain,
Deep Chemical Peels. Deep peeling agents cause and discharge. Infections may lead to significant scarring
destruction of epidermis, papillary dermis, and extend and, when suspected, the skin should be cultured and
into the reticular dermis. The primary agents used in treated without delay. Milia, or small inclusion cysts, may
deep peels are TCA at a concentration higher than 50% occur during healing and are best treated with extraction
and phenol (carbolic acid). The latter agent penetrates using a no. 11 blade. Preoperative and postoperative
to the midreticular dermis. Baker et al have used a com- tretinoin has been shown to reduce the incidence of
bination of 3 mL of 88% phenol, 2 mL of water, 8 drops milia formation.346
of hexachlorophene (Septisol) liquid soap, and 3 drops
of croton oil for deep chemical peels.371,372 Histologically, Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion
phenol-treated skin shows a thicker, more organized Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion work by mechani-
connective tissue in the dermis, and a finer network of cally removing the epidermis along with the papillary or
elastic fibers than normal skin, which contributes to less upper reticular layer of the dermis and are considered as
wrinkles.373-375 Phenol is cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic, and medium to deep resurfacing procedures.377,378 They may
nephrotoxic and is contraindicated in patients with be used as soon as 6 weeks following injury, with almost
cardiac arrhythmias.376 Preoperative electrocardiogra- complete disappearance of some scars treated at this time,
phy, complete blood count, and electrolyte panel should and have similar outcomes to the use of lasers for the
be performed before planning a phenol peel. treatment of perioral rhytides but are associated with less
To reduce toxicity, perioperative IV fluids are admin- postoperative crusting and more rapid reepithelialization
istered to the patient undergoing a phenol peel. The of the skin.379,380 They work by increasing the density of
phenol is applied until a frost appears. Each facial unit types I and III collagen and TGF-β in the papillary dermis
should be treated 10 to 15 minutes apart, for a total treat- and reorienting collagen to a more parallel plane to the
ment time of 1 hour. Immediately following the pro- axis of the epidermis, which arises from the deeper, less
cedure, a dusky erythema will develop over the initial photodamaged cells.381-384 In addition, upregulation of
12 hours, with an accentuation of pigmented lesions tenascin expression throughout the papillary dermis and
and exudative crusting forms. This crusting should be an increase in a6b4 integrin subunits of keratinocytes of
débrided with soaks, compresses, or occlusive salves. The the stratum spinosum are seen on histologic examina-
goal is to remove the crust and prevent it from hardening tion.385 They have been shown to be equally or more effec-
to form a scab. Reepithelialization after a phenol chemi- tive than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the treatment of actinic
cal peel begins after 3 days and continues until 14 days keratosis and other premalignant lesions.346,386
postoperative. Erythema may be present for 2 to 4 Indications for dermabrasion related to trauma
months. Neoangiogenesis and new collagen formation include the treatment of post-traumatic keloids, and
may take place for up to 4 months during the final stages hypertrophic or depressed scars378 Dermabrasion is con-
of fibroplasia. Patients should wait at least 1 year before traindicated in patients with a history of abnormal wound
undergoing another session. Common risks of the pro- healing, hypertrophic scarring, recent isotretinoin treat-
cedure include scarring, and hypopigmentation. ment, deep thermal injury, active herpes simplex or
Postoperative Care. Following epithelialization, patients human papilloma virus infection, and congenital ecto-
should use a moisturizer twice daily to prevent scarring. dermal defects.387 As with chemical peels, because of
Patients should be advised not to rupture any blisters or sebaceous gland atrophy, patients with a history of
pick any crusts. For major crusting, topical bacitracin or isotretinoin use may be at increased risk for scarring.331,388
bacitracin–polymyxin B (Polysporin) should be applied However, there have been reports of patients undergoing
twice daily. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory dermabrasion following isotretinoin use without any
drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided for up to 1 week after adverse effects,345,389 and laboratory studies have failed to
surgery. Erythema may last up to 4 weeks. For patients show any side effects of isotretinoin with regard to col-
with significant edema, 2.5% cortisone cream may assist lagen synthesis or fibroblast activity of the skin. Patients
with recovery. Tretinoin should be resumed 1 week after should be informed about the risks and benefits of derm-
a chemical peel. Sun block that prevents exposure to abrasion therapy and combination with other scar revi-
UVB and UVA should be used to prevent pigmentation sion techniques should be considered.390
abnormalities and further photoaging for at least the first The technique of mechanical dermabrasion includes
month following a chemical peel. After 1 month, the using a diamond fraise or wire brush burr, moved in a
daily use of a sunblock, SPF 15 to 30, is recommended. direction perpendicular to the rotating burr with a
Complications. Complications following chemical peel courser grit penetrating deeper than finer grit. It can be
usually stem from injury to the epidermis and dermis. performed using local anesthesia, nerve blocks, and/or
Hyperpigmentation may last several weeks, but treatment cryogenic freezing. Freezing the skin to −40° C (−40° F)
with tretinoin may reduce the duration. Patients with in 25 seconds produces a firm, anesthetized, bloodless
Fitzpatrick type IV or V skin and those exposed to sun surface, without distorting skin contours. The disadvan-
are at increased risk for hyperpigmentation. They are tages of freezing, however, is that it is technique-sensitive,
best treated with hydroquinone, which is especially useful with thermal injury resulting from temperatures lower
in the treatment of dyschromias in Fitzpatrick types III than 30° C inducing a frostbite type wound, leading to
and IV patients. hypopigmentation. If too much pressure is placed on the
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 601

skin with the operating handpiece sloughing of the skin Complications. Postoperative edema will usually resolve
may ensue. As an alternative to freezing, local anesthesia in 4 to 6 weeks. Complications following dermabrasion
tumescence may be used as an aid to increase skin turgor include milia, rebound oil production, and acne forma-
and rigidity to abrade.391 For larger areas, to reduce the tion, but these are usually transient. Infection, hyperpig-
risk of lidocaine toxicity, lidocaine diluted in saline, epi- mentation, persistent erythema, and scarring are also
nephrine, and bicarbonate may be used in a larger unforeseen potential risks of dermabrasion. Scarring
volume. For depressed scars, it may be helpful to paint may be operator- or patient-dependent. Histologic changes
the area with 1% gentian violet so that dermabrasion can following dermabrasion are similar to that of a deep
be carried to the greatest depth of the scar. Gentian violet chemical peel or CO2 laser treatment.395,396 Clinically,
combined with daily petrolatum dressings is also useful lasers penetrate the same depth as a phenol deep chemi-
after dermabrasion for tattoo removal, causing the cal peel and dermabrasion.397 However, when compared
pigment to leach out of the wound. This creates an with chemical peels one study has found that derm-
inflammatory response–stimulated phagocytosis of the abraded skin may be less stiff at 6-month follow-up.398 In
remaining pigment. addition, patients undergoing dermabrasion may heal
The treatment should be planned in the order of significantly faster, with less erythema, than when treated
cosmetic units performed, moving from unit to unit with with CO2 laser.
taut skin tension placed on the skin by the assistant, and Microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion involves the
using a 4 × 4 gauze soaked in 2% lidocaine with 1 : 000,000 frictional resurfacing of the epidermis and dermis by
epinephrine, with mild pressure on treated sites for circulating a stream of aluminum oxide crystals that are
hemostasis. The surgeon may begin centrally beside the pulled and blown across the skin. Other types of granules
nose, working outward and moving from just below may be used, but aluminum oxide is the most common.
the jawline up to the infraorbital area and posterior to This is useful for post-traumatic scars; patients may see
the preauricular area. Unabraded skin such as the eye- beneficial results in as little as four treatments.399 Skin
brows and first few centimeters of hair may be treated biopsies taken in patients who have undergone multiple
with 35% TCA for an even blending of the dermabrasion. aluminum oxide microdermabrasion demonstrate a
The end point for dermabrasion is the development of thicker epidermis and dermis, more hyalinization of the
uniform pinpoint bleeding, which will emanate from the papillary dermis, and more newly deposited collagen and
papillary dermis. However, some may use the superficial elastic fibers when compared with controls.381,382
reticular dermis as an end point because dermabrasion Clinically, patients show improvement in dyschromias,
at this level is less likely to produce superficial scarring. actinic changes, and fine rhytides when compared with
This level is apparent by the transition between the controls.
appearance of white parallel bands and the protrusion Before the procedure, the skin should be cleansed in
of short white fibers.392 At this level, a yellowish appear- a similar manner as for chemical peeling. No anesthesia
ance resulting from the sebaceous glands at the border is required. Each facial unit should be treated one at a
between the reticular and papillary dermis may be time. Patients may cleanse the skin and resume wearing
present.337 This endpoint may be used for more signifi- makeup and normal activities immediately after the
cant scars, however carries the risk of further scarring. procedure. As with dermabrasion, the skin should be sta-
Postoperative Care. Following hemostasis, a topical bilized with firm pressure. A potential concern of micro-
antibiotic, followed by a nonadherent dressing, absor- dermabrasion is a resulting granulomatous response from
bent gauze layer, and more rigid stabilizing layer outside deep dermal penetration of the aluminum oxide crystals;
should be applied. Patients should keep the head ele- however, this reaction has not been seen in the clinical
vated; ice packs are recommended. Patients with a history setting.399
of herpes simplex infection should begin prophylaxis 24
hours preoperatively and continue for 5 days postopera- Lasers
tively. Patients should be advised to soak their face twice Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
daily and not pick at any crusts. Epithelialization follow- (LASER) works by emitting electromagnetic radiation in
ing dermabrasion takes approximately 7 days. Following the form of a stream of photons that travels at the speed
healing after dermabrasion, the area may be blended of light. Lasers used clinically emit radiation in a fixed
with surrounding tissues using superficial dermabrasion spectrum of wavelengths (Table 22-7). Materials used
or a chemical peel. As with chemical peels, the applica- include dye, crystal, gas, or other media. They require an
tion of 0.5% tretinoin for several weeks before and after energy source in the form of radiation, electric current,
dermabrasion has been shown to accelerate wound or flashlamp, which emits the electrons at an excited,
healing in the postoperative period.346 In addition, the higher energy level. After returning to their steady state
use of occlusive dressings in dermabraded wounds has orbits, electrons release quantums of energy in the form
been shown to increase healing time by up to 40% and of photons traveling at a certain wavelength; this stimu-
may have a positive effect on collagen synthesis when lates other electrons to release photons that travel along
compared with wounds left open to air.393 Pain is also an optical axis, reflecting back and forth, and causing a
reduced with the use of occlusive dressings.394 In patients cascading effect of energy and photon release. The result-
with a history of dyschromia, topical hydroquinone and ing light is amplified and a laser beam is produced.
tretinoin may be started, with 1% hydrocortisone being Lasers allow the surgeon to select a wavelength for a
added for patients with persistent hyperpigmentation. particular targeted tissue, or chromophore. The two
The skin appears normal skin in approximately 1 month. most commonly used lasers in facial resurfacing are the
602 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

areas can tolerate deeper resurfacing, whereas other

TABLE 22-7 Lasers and Their Clinical Applications areas such as the jawline and other sharp demarcations
should undergo one pass or lighter resurfacing.
Laser Wavelength (nm) Indications CO2 lasers were the first lasers available for skin reju-
CO2 10,600 Resurfacing, atrophic venation, first being reported by Patel in 1964.402 This
scars type of laser is most useful for the correction of severe
Er : YAG 2,940 Resurfacing, atrophic photodamaged skin, sebaceous hyperplasia, fine or mod-
scars erate rhytides, and dyschromias. The mechanism of
action is by causing thermal injury and subsequent vapor-
Long pulsed ruby 694 Hair removal
ization of the dermis and epidermis, thereby leading to
Long pulsed 755 Hair removal collagen coagulation and shrinking. New collagen pro-
duction continues for up to 2 to 3 months postopera-
Long pulsed diode 800 Hair removal tively. The continuous pulse CO2 laser works at a
Long pulsed 1064 Hair removal wavelength of 10,600 nm, vaporizing approximately 50
Nd : YAG μm of tissue.323,403,404 However, it can also can result in up
Q-s Nd : YAG 1064 Pigmented skin, to 100 μm of thermal injury, which causes erythema,
lesion, or tattoo pigment changes, and scarring. The superpulsed CO2
Q-s ruby 694 Pigmented skin, laser use higher peak powers and shorter pulse duration
lesion, or tattoo to minimize collateral thermal injury while maximizing
Q-s alexandrite 755 Pigmented skin, tissue ablation. The ultrapulse CO2 laser, reported by
lesion, or tattoo Fitzpatrick in 1993, has an even shorter pulse duration
Pulsed dye 510 Pigmented skin, (1000 microseconds) than the superpulsed CO2 laser,
lesion, or tattoo leaving behind as little as 50 μm of adjacent thermal
Q-s Nd : YAG 532 Pigmented skin,
damage. Reepithelialization following CO2 laser resurfac-
(frequency- doubled) lesion, or tattoo ing takes place in approximately 7 to 14 days. Erythema,
KTP which is typical after CO2 laser treatment, tends to fade
over 1 to 6 months.338
Argon-pumped 577, 585 Vascular lesions
tunable dye
The Er : YAG has a wavelength of approximately
2940 nm and has a higher affinity for water than CO2
Flashlamp-pumped 585 Vascular lesions,
lasers, so most of its energy is focused on water vaporiza-
dye hypertrophic scars
tion, minimizing thermal damage and tissue debris.338 It
Pulsed Nd : YAG 532 Vascular lesions produces a more superficial ablation with less postopera-
(frequency-doubled) tive erythema and a shorter recovery phase than other
KTP lasers. It is useful for treating moderate to severe rhyti-
dosis associated, with moderate to severe photodamage,
and has been shown to stimulate collagen formation.404
It has an ablation depth of 10 to 40 μm and leaves a zone
of thermal spread less than 50 μm, which is less than that
CO2 and Er : YAG lasers, which are absorbed by water. of the CO2 laser. This leaves most patients with superior
Water constitutes 90% of the epidermis, so CO2 and cosmetic results with fewer side effects, such as scarring
Er : YAG are optimal for skin resurfacing procedures. and erythema. Complete reepithelialization takes place
Unfortunately, although the targeted chromophore may in 4 to 10 days; postoperative erythema usually resolves
absorb a particular wavelength, so may adjacent chromo- in 4 weeks. The use of the Er : YAG laser is most beneficial
phores. All laser energy is converted to heat in a process for Fitzpatrick types IV to VI skin and may be used as an
called photothermolysis, causing damage to adjacent adjunct in vaporizing the area of thermal necrosis follow-
tissue by heat dissipation, or thermal bleed. Type 1 col- ing ultrapulse CO2 resurfacing, resulting in faster healing
lagen denatures at 70° C (158° F); therefore, the underly- and less erythema in these areas.405 The CO2 and Er : YAG
ing dermis is susceptible to collateral thermal damage, lasers have also been combined, optimizing the advan-
which may lead to scarring. tages of both lasers.406-408 These include the precision and
Histologically, skin treated with lasers looks similar to low thermal ablation of the Er : YAG laser and deep abla-
skin treated with phenol. It demonstrates a zone of tissue tion of the CO2 laser.
vaporization and ablation of the epithelium, with an adja- The 585-nm flashlamp-pumped PDL is indicated for
cent area of a collateral basophilic zone of thermal hypertrophic scarring and keloids. It is especially useful
necrosis of the dermis. An initial pass of the laser will be in post-traumatic injuries, resulting in less recurrent scar
absorbed by the water in the epidermis but because of formation while significantly improving scar contour,
the low water content of the collagen of the dermis and height, pruritus, texture, color, and pliability.57,267,269-273,409
subsequent less absorption, more heat is produced, In addition, PDL reduces scar microcirculation, subse-
causing thermal injury with each successive pass.400,401 quently preventing excess scar formation. Its mechanism
Following laser resurfacing, regeneration of epithelium of action is by acting on hemoglobin-containing struc-
and elastic fiber in the papillary dermis occurs and gly- tures, rather than directly ablating scar tissue.
coprotein tenascin is expressed as new collagen. Facial Lasers should be used in accordance with the safety
units such as the cheeks, chin, forehead, and perioral standards of the American National Standards Institute
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 603

(ANSI).410 These include the use of protective eyewear prolonged erythema beyond 1 month, and contact
for the patient, surgeon, and staff, nonflammable drapes, dermatitis.421-423 Infections should be suspected when
smoke evacuator, and laser masks. It is safe to use an there is increased pruritus, burning, or pain in the first
aqueous-based solution for skin preparation; alcohol- 3 postoperative days.338,418 Gram staining, Tzanck smear,
based preparations should be avoided. Laser resurfacing or immunofluorescence and potassium hydroxide exam-
may be performed using general, regional, local, or ination should be done by direct smear of the areas in
topical anesthesia, or sedation. Preoperatively, pretreat- question, when indicated. Any occlusive dressing should
ment with hydroquinone, tretinoin, or glycolic acid has be removed and empirical antibiotic treatment begun,
been shown to reduce postradiation side effects, such as including gram-negative coverage and antiviral, and anti-
hyperpigmentation.411 It is important to know the end fungal therapy; this should not be delayed because of the
points with laser resurfacing. For CO2 laser resurfacing, significant long-term effects of infection. Prolonged ery-
a pink color may be seen once the papillary dermis is thema with skin thickening should be treated with intra-
entered. The use of saline gauze to remove vaporized lesional injections with triamcinolone, 5-fluorouracil,276
skin between passes is helpful for visualizing the full or a combination of both. Dermabrasion and CO2 laser
depth of treatment. Because of the hourglass shape of resurfacing should not be used in the lower two thirds
the pilosebaceous gland, pores increase in diameter as of the face because this area contains fewer adnexal
the level of ablation deepens. Variations in the thickness structures and has a higher chance of scarring. Extreme
of skin among individuals and the facial subunit of each caution should be used when considering resurfacing
individual require the surgeon to pay attention con- around the upper neck and jawline.
stantly to the laser settings with each pass and movement
to a different subunit.
Postoperative Care. Immediately following laser resur- GENERAL POSTOPERATIVE CARE FOR ALL
facing, cool gauze soaked with topical lidocaine should ABLATIVE TECHNIQUES
be applied. In the postoperative period, a semiocclusive
dressing should be used for 3 days and has been shown Postoperative care for specific procedures is discussed
to reduce pain and decrease the duration of reepitheli- earlier in this chapter. In general, occlusive dressings are
alization to as little as 5 days.412-416 Antiviral prophylaxis recommended for almost all wounds. As noted, reepithe-
should be continued for 7 to 10 days and any preopera- lialization is enhanced in a moist environment.5 Wounds
tive antibiotics, if used, may be discontinued. Antifungal with excess crusting and scarring heal more slowly than
prophylaxis with fluconazole has not been used routinely wound meticulously kept clean because epithelium
for ablative procedures; however, some believe that it travels along the most hydrated route28 (Fig. 22-40).
should be recommended to patients with a history of Granulation tissue formation is also hastened in a moist
oral, vaginal, or nail candidiasis. After reepithelialization environment.29 Therefore, occlusive dressings and anti-
is complete, sun should be avoided for 2 to 3 months. In biotic ointment use are recommended so that epithelial
patients with severe postoperative edema, corticosteroids migration proceeds in directly and efficiently. Antibiotic
have shown to be of benefit and skin moisturizers should ointment should be applied following surgical scar revi-
be used after reepithelialization. sion procedures,34 reducing pain, infection, and scar-
Complications. Excess passes of the laser will lead to an ring.424,425 Antibiotic ointment, however, may be associated
unintended depth of tissue penetration, which leads to with a higher incidence of contact dermatitis. A cold
significant scarring; this typically occurs in the area of compress on postoperative day 1 may be used. Once
excessive thermal injury or infection. Areas that remain initial healing is complete, patients should be instructed
persistently red for longer than 3 weeks should raise to use a soapless cleanser to wash the face for the next 2
concern for infection.417 These areas usually appear months. Patients may resume wearing makeup once
dusky red or red-purple, rather than the bright red ini- reepithelialization has occurred. Sunblock (SPF > 30) is
tially seen following resurfacing. For progressive scar- recommended for at least 1 year and encouraged indefi-
ring, 585-nm flashlamp-pumped PDL therapy can be nitely following resurfacing to minimize the risk of
performed every 4 weeks.418 hyperpigmentation and skin cancer. Hydroquinone is a
A variety of laser systems use a computerized scanner useful adjunct to prevent and/or treat hyperpigmenta-
generator, allowing large surface areas to be scanned in tion. This can usually be started as soon as 2 to 3 weeks
a systematic manner and minimizing overuse of the laser postresurfacing.
in one area.419 It is not uncommon to see a 2- to 6-week
period of hyperpigmentation following laser resurfacing,
especially in Fitzpatrick skin types IV to VI. Topical ste- ADJUNCTIVE SCAR REVISION PROCEDURES
roids used two or three times daily, tretinoin, or hydro-
quinone may be beneficial for treating pigmented skin. TISSUE EXPANSION
Hypopigmentation that results after laser resurfacing is Tissue expansion is indicated for scars that cannot be
often unpredictable and permanent. As depth of injury revised by immediate local or regional flap techniques
increases, more melanocytes in hair-bearing areas are without causing significant donor site morbidity and is
destroyed.417 This occurs in 10 % to 30% of patients and especially useful for post-traumatic avulsive defects sus-
is usually difficult to treat.420 taining significant tissue loss. It is most often used for the
Other side effects include acneiform eruption, herpes scalp and forehead because of the inelasticity of tissue in
simplex outbreak, bacterial infection, yeast infection, these areas. In general, the goal of tissue expansion is to
604 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

increase the size of normal tissue enough to cover a local discussion of tissue expander placement is beyond the
scarred defect. scope of this chapter.
Unlike serial scar excision, which relies on mechanical In general, incisions should be made in normal healthy
creep and tissue elongation, tissue expansion works by skin, just adjacent to the scarred area and preferably
biologic creep and tissue generation. It was popularized radial to the implant to minimize wound dehiscence.
by Radovan for mastectomy reconstruction.426 Expansion Passive placement of the implant into the cavity is essen-
of the skin results in the creation of a new epidermal tial. It should be placed within the subcutaneous plane,
layer, with thinning of the dermis and subcutaneous in the subgaleal plane in the scalp and just above the
tissues. Hair follicle morphology will remain the same, platysma in the neck. Only normal tissue should be
which is a critical advantage of scalp expansion.427 Alter- expanded and the scar should remain the same size, with
natives to tissue expansion include full- and partial- the ultimate goal of scar excision. In general, inflation
thickness skin grafting, serial scar excision, and the use of the implant begins 1 to 2 weeks after placement and
of local regional and distal flaps; however, tissue expan- increased in size at 1- to 2-week intervals. Expansion
sion can be used alone or in combination with these should not take place in the presence of excess pain or
techniques. Tissue expansion has the benefits of main- blanching on follow-up.429 When more rapid expansion
taining identical color, texture, thickness, and hair- sequences are used, it is advisable to use local pulse
bearing aspect of skin, and improves the vascularization oximetry to monitor for tissue hypoxia.433 As a general
of the native tissue bed. This proliferation of blood rule, tissue should be expanded at least 2.5 to 3 times the
vessels increases the survivability of flaps raised in desired size to allow for recoil and tension-free final
expanded tissue by 117% over flaps raised in nonex- closure after scar excision.441,442 Although lower in elastic-
panded tissue.428 Disadvantages of tissue expansion ity than neighboring skin, expanded skin may be rotated,
include the need for multiple operations, longer dura- transposed, or advanced. It is not recommended to
tion of treatment, making the patient live longer with the excise the capsule that develops during expansion
deformity, and loss of skin elasticity, along with implant because of its rich vascularity. It may, however, be scored,
capsule formation. Also, wounds treated by tissue expan- advance, and rotated. The patient should be informed
sion may experience delayed contracture of expanded that expanded skin will usually soften and skin character-
tissue; this may be associated with sensation changes of istics such as color and texture will improve usually 3
the overlying skin.429-433 months after final expansion.443
Tissue expanders should not be placed in areas of scar,
atrophied skin, or irradiated skin because of the increased STEROIDS
risk of skin breakdown and necrosis in these areas.434 Intralesional steroid injections are useful for the treat-
Complications include wound dehiscence, port failure, ment of keloids and hypertrophic scars (see earlier).276
implant exposure, seroma formation, implant rupture, They are also useful in reducing scar volume and height,
and infection.429,431 These might be avoided by using mul- pruritus, edema, and erythema and increasing scar pli-
tiple drains, avoiding custom implant use because they ability,57,274,275 and are a useful adjunct to surgical scar
tend to deflate, and using more than one expander if revision. They may be started as soon as 2 weeks postop-
space allows. In addition, expanded skin of the neck eratively.277 The most commonly used agent is insoluble
should not be advanced past the mandibular border. This triamcinolone acetonide (10 to 40 mg/mL).268 There are
could lead to scar widening, lower eyelid ectropion, or few short-term side effects; long-term side effects include
lip ectropion. Skin expanded in the neck and cheek tissue atrophy leading to skin thinning and widen-
region should not cross multiple facial units because dif- ing.57,278,279 Injections may be repeated every 3 to 4 weeks
ferences in skin characteristics may result in unsightly until the desired effect is achieved, but the dosage must
outcomes and be associated with more complications. be adjusted if side effects develop.444
Normal unexpanded cheek tissue is ultimately the best
donor for scar revision of the cheek and skin overlying FILLER MATERIALS
the mandibular body and inferior border. Inferior Filler materials are used to replace tissues below the epi-
advancement of expanded cheek skin is associated with dermis, such as dermal collagen or subcutaneous tissue.445-
a much lower risk of ectropion than superior advance- They are used to treat a variety of defects, most notably
ment than tissue of the upper facial third. Advancement the depressed scar. Xenograft fillers such as injectable
or rotational flaps used in the neck should be performed bovine collagen (Zyderm, Zyplast), which is derived from
with the neck in extension because this decreases skin cowhide and is the purified suspension of bovine dermal
tension. collagen, may be used. The antigenic potential of the
Ideally, if tissue expansion is needed, it is combined material is reduced by 95% to 98% in a series of purifica-
with other revision techniques, such as free tissue trans- tion steps.448 When these materials are used, , the double
fer,435 skin resurfacing,436 serial scar excision,437 Z-plasty,438 skin test may be performed 4 weeks apart to test patient
and W-plasty.439 Variations include endoscopic tissue sensitivity. This is done by injecting 0.1 mL of the mate-
expander placement, which allows for placement of rial in the volar forearm; if erythema or induration devel-
expanders away from the site of interest, using small inci- ops, the material should not be used. The skin test is
sions to reduce the risk of wound dehiscence.440 positive in approximately 3% of patients.449 Zyplast is col-
Technique. There are a variety of customized and stan- lagen cross-linked with glutaraldehyde which is longer
dardized implants of various sizes and shapes that can be lasting and less reactive than Zyderm, which is placed
used in the head and neck region. However, a detailed within the dermis.444 Long-term complications of bovine
Secondary Revision of Soft Tissue Injury CHAPTER 22 605

dermal fillers include local skin necrosis, granulomatous microlipoinjection, overcorrection should be done
reactions,446,450,451 and abscess formation.452-454 Other because of expected absorption.480
popular nonhuman filler materials include gelatin matrix Other permanent materials such as expanded polytet-
implants455 and hyaluronic acid fillers, such as hylan B456- rafluorethylene (e-PTFE; Gore-Tex, WL Gore, Flagstaff,
and Restylane (Medicis Aesthetics, Scottsdale, Ariz),481-483 may be used as permanent fillers in facial
Ariz).459-461 augmentation and are extremely useful in the lips
Allograft fillers include AlloDerm and/or Cymetra because they will not resorb, like other implants.484
(LifeCell). AlloDerm is available as sheets and Cymetra However, these materials are associated with side effects
as the injectable form. For post-traumatic lip scarring such as extrusion into surrounding tissue layers, espe-
secondary to deficient tissue volume, AlloDerm may be cially in the upper lip because of complex motions, with
used by creating a submucosal tunnel along the antero- the resulting implant creating a capsule of fibrosis around
inferior aspect of the lip, pulling the appropriate-sized it.485 Other synthetic permanent materials used as fillers
piece of AlloDerm through. AlloDerm may also be in the head and neck region include liquid silicone,486
injected in areas of minor defects. Although silicone is polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA),487 and a biphasic
no longer approved for use in the face, other allogenic polymer (Bioplastique).488 Although silicone has shown
fillers that may be used include homologous injectable to be inert, PMMA and Bioplastique have been associated
collagen.462 However, more studies are needed to evalu- with side effects such as granuloma formation.489-491
ate the usefulness of this material.
First described for ophthalmologic procedures,463 BOTOX
autologous dermal grafts are useful after subcision and Botulinum toxin is used for simple facial wrinkles, bleph-
undermining of scars for preventing reattachment of the arospasm, and post-traumatic muscle contraction. It
anchoring fibrous bands from the overlying skin. Dermal weakens or paralyzes muscle by binding to presynaptic
grafts should be used 2 to 6 weeks after subcision.464 cholinergic terminals and blocking the release of acetyl-
Optimal donor sites include the postauricular dermal choline at the neuromuscular junction.492 It comes in two
tissue because of its inconspicuous nature. Side effects different preparations, onabotulinumtoxinA (BTX-A)
include hematoma formation, infection, edema, pain, and rimabotulinumtoxin B (BTX-B). BTX-B is useful for
and graft migration. Grafts will mature to final size in 1 the treatment of cervical dystonias493,494 and facial
to 6 months.465 Other but less used autologous fillers spasm.495,496. BTX-A injections are useful for a variety of
include cultured human fibroblasts466-469 and autologous procedures, including the treatment of wrinkles,497 mas-
injectable collagen470-472; however, few clinical studies ticator muscle hypertrophy,498 temporomandibular disor-
have been carried out on the use of these materials. ders,499 salivary secretion disorders,500 facial nerve palsy,501
Autografts such as autologous fat graft or injection and post-traumatic scars secondary to significant muscle
may be used for severely depressed scars. These are espe- contraction.502,503
cially useful for post-traumatic defects and scarring. Botulism toxin is useful in combination with resurfac-
However, their effects are unpredictable and patients ing procedures and dermal fillers. The resulting decrease
may experience a 45% weight loss within 1 year.473 Fat in muscle pull allows for new collagen formation in areas
grafts harvested surgically maintain volume better than of treatment. In addition, BTX-A injection lengthens the
those suctioned474,475 and, because of expected absorp- duration of effect of injectable dermal fillers. Its effects
tion, overcorrection of defects by 30% to 50% is recom- are noticeable 2 to 3 days after injection, with maximal
mended.476,477 Microlipoinjection is performed by first weakness occurring 1 to 2 weeks after injection. Although
using a tumescent local anesthesia technique and then BTX-A permanently impairs neuromuscular junctions,
harvesting with a blunt-tipped microcannula or syringe. repair of muscle, axonal sprouting, and production of
After serosanguineous material is separated, the fat is new neuromuscular junctions limit its effects to 3 to 6
then washed with sterile saline. After injection, the fat is months. It is available in a vial form and must be recon-
massaged to a smooth fill. This technique is useful for stituted with sterile, nonpreserved saline prior to IM
the treatment of defects around glabellar furrows, lips, injection. Each vial contains 100 units of Clostridium
melolabial and nasolabial folds, hemifacial atrophy, or botulinum toxin type A, 0.5 mg of human albumin, and
post-traumatic head and neck scarring. As a method to 0.9 mg of sodium chloride. The 100 units of Botox
restore natural skin layers, subcutaneous fat may be used (Allergan Irvine, Calif) are significantly below the
to restore lost subcutaneous tissue and dermal fillers may median lethal dose (LD50) in an average 70-kg (150-lb)
be used to restore the deficient dermis. The epidermis human.
may then be restored as described earlier. Lipocytic Complications of Botox injection are usually revers-
dermal augmentation is a modification of fat injection; ible. These include ptosis after glabellar injection; as a
the remaining intracellular fibrous setae following adipo- result of migration of the toxin through the orbital
cyte rupture and triglyceride removal is used as collagen septum, affecting the levator muscle,504 eyebrow drop-
filler.478,479 This seems to be beneficial for atrophy around ping following forehead injection may occur. Other com-
the mouth and subcutaneous scars. The process involves plications include bruising, asymmetry, dysphagia, neck
freezing harvested fat in liquid nitrogen and then rapid weakness, perioral droop, and diplopia from lateral
thawing in warm water. The supernate is then centri- rectus involvement. Permanent side effects include globe
fuged to remove the remaining triglycerides. This mate- perforation, lagophthalmos, and keratosis. Treatment of
rial has been shown to be equal to Zyplast in lid ptosis includes eye drops consisting of 0.5% apracloni-
longevity for the treatment of atrophic skin and, like dine (Iopidine) to stimulate Müller’s muscle.505
606 PART III Management of Head and Neck Injuries

SUMMARY 23. Al-Abdullah T, Plint AC, Fergusson D: Absorbable versus nonab-

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