Gambaran Radiologi Arthritis Septik

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 Early stage –soft tissue swelling, loss of tissue planes, pelebaran ruang sendi dan
sedikit sublaxasi karena adanya cairan pada sendi
 Gambaran udara (Pada infeksi E.coli)

 Late stage – penyempitan ruang sendi

 Periosteal reaction, bone destruction and sequestrum

Tidak hanya ditemukan pada tumor, infeksi seperti septik artritis bisa memberikan gambaran
ini juga
2. USG

 Baik dilakukan pada early stage.

 Pelebaran ruang antara kapsul dan tulang

> 2 mm menunjukkan tanda efusi.

 Echo free  transient synovitis

 Echogenic  septic arthritis
 Dapat mendeteksi pembengkakan sendi.
 USG dapat dijadikan lini pertama untuk menyingkirkan supek arthritis septik karena
terjangkau dan non invasif

CT scan:

 Early findings:
 Soft tissue swelling
 Pelebaran celah sendi
 Late findings(2-3 minggu):
 Joint space narrowing
 Blurring of fat planes
 Increased density of fatty marrow
 Periosteal reaction
 Cortical erosion or destruction
 Intraosseous gas

CT Scan demonstrating soft tissue oedema localised to the

right sternoclavicular joint (A) and appearances of an
associated joint effusion, erosion and destruction of sternal
CT of left hip joint The dd included septic arthritis/osteomyelitis joint

MRI findings:

• Synovial enhancement
• Perisynovial edema and joint effusion.
• Single or multiple radiolucent abscesses
• Assessment of the extent of tissue affected
Significance of CT and MRI:
• CT scan dan MRI kini digunakan sebagai alat diagnosis

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