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Today, in this modern world, there are different types of structure they
may be either a steel structure or concrete structure or the combination of
both steel and concrete or structure made up of other material. Of these
structures the Monolithic concrete dome is the latest and of great demand of
structure constructed. In 1976 Mr. David B South and his brother Barry and
Kandy South developed an effective method to develop Monolithic domes
and in 1979 first monolithic dome was constructed in Shelley Idaho. Right
now there are number of monolithic building in the world. There is a
institute (chairman. David B.South) in the Italy, which are, doing research
work on various aspect of the domes they also provide design of the
monolithic domes. The monolithic word is made up of two words
Monolithic= mono+lithic Mono means single Lithic is derived from a Greek
word Lithos which means A large single upright block of stones. Domes are
of roof shaped like the top half of ball. The Monolithic concrete dome is a
super insulated, steel reinforced concrete structure. Monolithic domes have
many advantage such as strength, permanence of the structure, energy
efficiency, cost effectiveness, attractiveness and disaster resistance.
Monolithic domes have been constructed for public buildings, schools,
gymnasiums, churches, office, and bulk storage. .. .

A common home size is 66 feet in diameter with a 32-foot

diameter center section. It definitely can be much larger. So
far, the torus has failed the cost test.. The Monolithic

Choosing a Profile and Shape

The profile of a dome determines the size of its surface area or dome shell, and the
amount of surface area significantly affects construction cost. In other words, the more
surface area there is, the more expensive it will be.

Hemisphere or Oblate Ellipse?

In a dome that is a hemisphere, the area of the floor is equal to pi (3.14159) multiplied by
the radius squared or pi X radius X radius. The surface area of that hemisphere is exactly
2 X pi X radius squared. So, the surface area of a hemisphere dome is precisely twice that
of its floor area.

But most of us live only in the bottom eight feet of a structure. Some of that space above
us may not be what we want or need. In that case, we might consider a different profile.

An oblate ellipse may better suit us. It can save a considerable amount of square footage
of the dome shell and still provide us with virtually the same amount of floor or living

For that reason, most of the homes Monolithic designs have an oblate ellipse profile. That
includes two-story domes; they go straight up and are then topped with an oblate ellipse.

Big Domes

When we design big domes with diameters of at least 200 feet, we have to be even more
cognizant of the geometry. Consider a dome that is 200 feet in diameter and 50 feet in
height. That’s a great dome! Its surface area equals 39,270 square feet; its floor area
equals 31,416 square feet. So, the surface area is only 25 percent larger than its floor area.
We have used the least amount of materials to build this dome, but we have given
ourselves a maximum amount of usable square footage.

Now consider what happens when we keep the diameter at 200 feet but raise the height
and create a dome that is 200 feet by 67.6 feet. Its floor area remains at 31,416 square
feet, but its surface area increases to 45,802 square feet. Obviously, such an increase
affects price and is not something you want to do if there is no need for it.

And here’s what happens if we design that same dome as a hemisphere, 200’ X 100’:
floor area = 31,416 square feet; surface area = 62,832 square feet.

An Appropriate Profile
Sometimes people want a dome with a profile that is not appropriate to their needs. For
example, a 200’ X 100’ hemisphere dome is not a good choice for a church. To enclose
its floor area, you must build 62,832 square feet of surface area! A church has no
practical use for all that space above the congregation.

On the other hand, that very same hemisphere is a most appropriate choice for a bulk
storage facility. If you’re storing fertilizer, for example, you want and need all that upper
space. You might even consider designing your storage dome with an integrated stemwall
of twenty, thirty or forty feet and topping it with a hemisphere.

We have illustrated three domes, each with exactly the same amount of floor area below
14 feet in height. But each has a different footprint and a different surface area. It’s
important that dome buyers understand these relationships, so they can get the maximum
benefit for their money.

At Monolithic, we are more than happy to review the geometry of any project.


Here are most of the pure geometric shapes we use in designing the Airforms that are
inflated to build Monolithic Domes. These shapes are shown individually. But they can
be intersected with each other to provide additional combinations. And their connections
can be smoothed to better define the sculptured shapes. In addition to these regular
shapes, others can be airformed as well.
Advantages of Monolithic Domes

Owing much to their design, Monolithic Domes require the smallest surface area and
employ the fewest materials to enclose space. Furthermore, three of the four structural
dome construction materials – Airform, polyurethane and concrete (excluding steel rebar)
– serve to isolate the dome’s internal environment from the outdoors. Other construction
requires significantly more material, maintenance and expense to match the long life and
energy-conserving ability of Monolithic Domes. By simply protecting the Airform from
solar radiation, Monolithic Domes will gift their communities with centuries of
sustainable living.

The dome’s 40-plus tons of thermal mass – the ancient choice for passive solar heating
and adobe-style cooling – lengthens a dome’s thermal cycle beyond conventional
buildings to a longer cycle, closer to that of the earth’s crust. If we add any available
energy to the concrete shell, it will radiate back to us – rather than outdoors – when heat
sources, like the sun, disappear. Polyurethane foam insulation, efficient windows and
doors, along with the barrier Airform, assure that we (not the ambient environment)
control the dome’s energy cycle.

Small and Simple

Smaller domes clustered or united by a common Airform minimize the demand large
domes demand for partitioning. Reduce interior construction and you climb higher on the
sustainability scale. Synthetic carpets, drywall, paint, and adhesives used in cabinetry and
countertops introduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into our otherwise healthy
buildings. Forced-air heating and cooling systems – especially decades into their use –
harbor and spread dust, mites, and possibly mold throughout an occupancy. The dome’s
hemispherical interior, unimpeded by walls and room enclosures, enables even
distribution of thermal energy via radiant and unforced convective means. Minimize
electric fans and domes get quieter and consume less fossil-fuel energy. Solar, wind or
other renewable sources easily convey their energy into (or from) the thermal mass that
conditions the internal environment.

Deep Daylighting

Open-interior domes are natural designs for deep daylighting. Like light blanketing the
retinal interior of our eyes, skylights or even automatically-controlled shutters at the
vertex of our domes could defer our use of artificial light until the sun sets. Even so, with
flexible amorphous photovoltaic panels adhering to the Airform, daily collected
electricity (even on cloudy days) could power new, more energy-efficient forms of
artificial lighting.

Low-Wattage Lighting
Compact fluorescent (CFL) replacements for Edison-style incandescent (incandesce
means to glow from extreme heat) lamps provide comparable illumination with less
electricity; their cost has steadily dropped to less than $2 per bulb. Another step or two
greener than CFLs are White Light Emitting Diodes. LEDs produce light without
noticeable heat, contain no toxic mercury as required for fluorescence, and have a
significantly longer lifespan than other lighting alternatives, all the while consuming one
tenth their electric demand. Their eventual use, along with more efficient appliances
could further simplify energy systems to power our domes. See more info regarding

Energy Star Performance

A building’s energy costs (over a very long lifespan with Monolithic Domes) are its
single biggest demand on the environment. Tankless or solar water heaters and Sunfrost
or other energy-efficient refrigerators (typically, the two greatest continuous electricity
loads in a home), lead the expanding catalog of Earth-friendly home appliances designed
for efficient operation and long life. Because natural gas is 90 percent methane, natural
gas appliances work perfectly well on the methane resulting from the natural
decomposition of organic wastes. A neighborhood-scale Monolithic Dome installed as a
bio-digester would convert a ton of garden waste and animal and human manure to
community natural gas.

The phantom loads of instant-on features of televisions, VCRs and other appliances are
active even when our electronic gear is “off.” We can sniff out those electrical drains on
our energy budget with a $40 device called a Kill-A-Watt monitor. Appointing our
energy-conserving Monolithic Domes with Energy Star-rated appliances minimizes a
dome’s ecological footprint for an entire generation. Such community-enhancing
dwellings are an inspiration for further acts of sustainability.

Harvesting Rain

The dome’s impervious Airform protects the vital layer of urethane foam from ultraviolet
rays. It is a membrane suitable for directing rainwater to a circular trough for single-point
collection of occasional or a season’s worth of precipitation. A subsurface storage tank or
a dedicated Monolithic dome could receive the 200 gallons of water falling on a 40 foot
dome with every quarter inch of rain. Whether you Xeriscape in the desert or nurture an
entire garden on your dome’s surface, naturally soft rainwater better serves our plants,
toilets, cars, appliances, and lungs than the chlorine-treated water in cities or the mineral-
laden hydraulics of country wells. Harvesting precious precipitation of the Southwest and
elsewhere preserves the less than 1 percent of freshwater otherwise available on Earth.
On the inside, translucent tanks of algae, crustaceans, plants and fish need only sunlight
to purify our wastewater. These Living Machines in water-collecting domes could further
free communities of water concerns. Fresh water is rapidly supplanting energy as the
most crucial pursuit of a sustainable planet.
Advancing Materials

Monolithic Domes will be even more sustainable when research proves that naturally-
occurring and industrial pozzolans (volcanic pumice and fly ash) can replace much of the
binder in a dome’s concrete shell. Portland cement is manufactured at 2100 degrees F and
accounts for eight percent of the world’s carbon dioxide production. Locally recycled
glass, ground to the finesse of sand and aggregate may replace sand dredged from many
miles away. Soon, industrial crops such as hemp, corn and the soybean will become the
base for organic rather than petroleum urethanes and solvents. SoyOyl has many of the
characteristics of rigid polyurethane without the fluorocarbon byproduct of its

Community Effort

While it takes significant effort to minimize the excesses of linear construction and
increasingly, deconstruction, as structures outlive their original purpose, Monolithic
Domes are easily designed for multiple roles over their long lifetime. Built as a church in
2003, in 2083 it’s a school, and a multifamily dwelling in 2183. Designing for the long-
term is, perhaps, the most sustainable act dome builders can display to a community. The
four core materials of a dome may be precisely measured – especially if you mix your
own concrete – leading to minimal residue from the project.

Imagine covering a linear rooftop with solar panels only to watch them melt when our
conventional homes (built out of fuel) catch fire. Monolithic Domes inherently resist the
wasting of more precious resources in that they sustain human life and protect our
considerable investment of time. We work to build, commune with nature and one
another, and thrive as a culture and society. If our structures are no sanctuary from stray
bullets, indiscriminate winds, devouring insects, or raging fires, then they are not
sustaining. Monolithic Domes demand our labor once to assure the security of ten
generations to follow. Building for the future involves community-wide effort to educate
public servants and economic leaders with what our grandchildren will have as common
sense: Monolithic Domes sustain all communities of Earth.


The dome, when finished, is earthquake, tornado and hurricane resistant (FEMA rates
them as "near-absolute protection" from F5 tornadoes and Category 5 Hurricanes).
Recently, a number of monolithic domes constructed using MDI techniques have
survived major disasters:

• Several monolithic domes in Florida survived direct hits by Hurricane Katrina in

• Several monolithic domes were in the path of the 2005 and 2006 wildfires in
Oklahoma and Texas, and survived with only slight charring of the exterior foam
• In 2003, a monolithic dome government building in Iraq survived a direct hit by a
5,000 lb (2,300 kg). bomb. The interior of the structure was totally destroyed, but
the dome itself remained standing (see picture).

Climate control

The monolithic dome, for a number of reasons, is very energy efficient. The spherical
sections of the dome offer minimal surface area for the volume they contain, so there is
less surface for heat transfer with the outside air. The one piece construction of the
monolithic dome also eliminates many of the seams through which air can leak, though
this is mitigated to some degree in residential domes by the addition of multiple doors
and windows. By placing the insulating foam on the outside of the concrete shell, the
concrete acts as a heat sink inside the building, reducing interior temperature fluctuations
far more than the traditional home's insulation inside of a brick or stone veneer.


Monolithic Domes are insulated with polyurethane foam sprayed on in a seamless pattern
that fills all nooks and crannies. That process eliminates air leaks and allows a Monolithic
Dome home to preserve its inner atmosphere. Thus, your home will automatically
conserve on air-conditioning and heating.

Compared to a traditional structure of the same size, a Monolithic Dome requires less air-
conditioning and heating equipment as well. That translates into savings in energy,
construction costs and equipment maintenance.

Safety and Security

Because of their shape and construction materials, Monolithic Domes can survive most
natural and man-made disasters: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, bullets,
rot, mold and termites.

The start

After working in the conventional building industry and then as manager of computer
operations for the Chicago Northwestern Railroad, David decided to move back to Idaho.
He had learned about polyurethane foam insulation, an insulation formed when two
liquid compounds are sprayed together and react to expand to 30 times their size. In
Idaho, David used this insulation to open a business which soon included his brothers,
Barry and Randy.

The technique

Workers attach a fabric Airform or skin to a circular concrete foundation and inflate it to
create the shape of the final building. Then they spray urethane foam on its interior
surface, attach steel rebar to the foam and spray concrete on the rebar and foam. The
resulting Monolithic Dome has become the hallmark of the company.

Monolithic Constructors, Inc. built its first Monolithic Dome in 1975, nearly 20 years
after David was introduced to the geodesic dome. The business took off after an article
appeared in Potato Growers Magazine. The article was reprinted worldwide in French,
Italian and even Swahili. Monolithic’s first domes were for potato storages. Soon they
were building homes, fertilizer storages and domes for many other uses.

Some of the company’s larger domes, to date, include the two automated cold storages in
Stockton, California. Each dome measures 230 feet in diameter, 115 feet in height and
covers approximately one acre of ground.

The company’s marketing team feels that one of the most important characteristics of the
Monolithic Dome is the savings in the cost of utilities and construction. The 2,600-
square-foot office is an excellent example, heated with a small 4,000-watt heater and
cooled with three motor-home units. This energy-savings feature is especially ideal for
apartment complexes with central heating. In those buildings, as in all Monolithic
Domes, the estimated heating and cooling costs are at least fifty percent less than
standard construction.

David, Barry and Randy all agree: It is rewarding and exciting to know we’re pioneering
a relatively new building concept. The Monolithic Dome provides a permanent structure
that is energy-efficient, disaster-resistant, fire-safe, cost-effective and attractive.

Modern construction differs significantly from the original concrete-over-dirt method.

The current methods were developed by three brothers from Idaho: Barry, Randy, and
David South. The first dome built using these method was constructed in Shelley, Idaho

• A rebar-reinforced concrete foundation is poured, defining the shape of the base

of the structure. [1]
• The fabric form, or airform, is attached to the foundation and inflated with an air
blower. The airform contains an airlock to allow workers to enter the form while
it is inflated.
• A four inch (102 mm) layer of polyurethane foam is sprayed inside the form. The
foam serves several purposes; it will hold the rebar in place, provide support for
spraying in the concrete mixture, and it will insulate the final structure.
• Rebar is attached to the inside foam, using clips that are attached to the foam.
• Several inches of concrete are sprayed over the rebar frame. The concrete may be
thicker at the bottom than the top of the structure.
• After the concrete has set, the blower is turned off. The airform remains in place
as an outer covering protecting the foam.
• The exposed surface of the airform may be covered with paint, stucco, wood
shingles, stone, or almost any other type of surface treatment. Some type of
covering is desirable to protect the airform from long-term degradation due to
ultraviolet radiation.
• A non-insulated version of the monolithic dome is available in which the airform
can be removed after completion and re-used to build additional domes. MDI
refers to this type of dome as an Ecoshell.



Berylex is a product that Monolithic has been using for a number of years. It is
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Easy spred is a wonderful concrete additive. “The miracle in the mortar”, as they
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Nylon Fibers in 3/4 lb. bags

The use of Nylon Fibers that are specifically designed for use in shotcrete greatly
reduce rebound and hairline cracking. Because it’s nylon, it needs to be added
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While the monolithic dome has numerous demonstrated engineering advantages, there
are also some disadvantages, both engineering and social.

5. 1. Engineering

• The techniques used in monolithic dome construction are very different from
normal construction methods, so only specially trained construction crews are
suited for building a dome using the modern techniques.
• The curved surfaces inherent to monolithic dome construction often result in
oddly shaped rooms when divided up, which can result in wasted space in narrow
corners. This effect can be minimized by constructing the dome on a stem wall, or
by using an airform of such shape as to allow for straight, vertical walls at ground
• The monolithic dome's lack of seams may make it too well sealed; dehumidifiers
are required in all but the driest climates.

5. 2. Social

Social disadvantages of monolithic domes are to a large degree shared by geodesic

domes, due to the similar shape and unorthodox construction. These disadvantages are:

• The radically different appearance of the domes also decreases the appeal for their
use as private residences--the standard circular base doesn't fit well on small lots
found in many areas, and the strange appearance and design may run afoul of
neighborhood building covenants. Depending on the situation, a large variety of
variations available from the standard circular shape can avoid some of these
• Building permits may be difficult to obtain if local officials are not familiar with
the monolithic dome.
• Resale of a monolithic dome home may be difficult because of its unconventional

Renewable and Sustainable Energy

by Ward S. Huffman May 04, 2:30 p.m. Benefits-Energy

Figure 1

A new application of the Golden Rule

The Monolithic Dome is an idea whose time has come.

It is a structure that is extremely energy efficient and sustainable without sacrificing the
quality of life that we have come to expect in our homes and buildings.

Sustainable Development

Many people and organizations that I talk to are unclear about what I mean by
sustainable. I offer the following definitions:

Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs. (United Nations, 1987)

Design Abundance and Flexibility

In size, Monolithic Dome homes range from cozy-cute to palatial and include everything
in between. So you can plan for just what you need or all that you want.

As a Monolithic Dome, your dream home can be single-story or multi-story. It could

consist of one dome or two or more interconnected domes. It could sport a basement, loft
or indoor swimming pool. It could be earth-bermed or totally underground. It can
compliment its natural environment — whether that’s a mountain, a beach, a forest, a
ranch or an urban development. And its interior and exterior can be enhanced,
embellished and decorated following the same design principles that apply to traditional

That versatility extends to shapes. Monolithic offers a variety of shapes and both high
and low profiles. Our designers work with our clients. Since a dome’s profile determines
the size of a dome’s surface area, and the surface area, in turn, affects construction costs,
we help clients make their choices.

1. "How to Build a Monolithic Dome".

design/mdconst/index.html. Retrieved on 2008-07-24.
2. Air Force Link - Week In Photos Gallery View
3. "FCCC Monolithic Dome Facts".
paint/index.html. Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
4. "Architectural Dome Facts".
id=25116&PID=125891. Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
• www.domtech .com

• Monolithic Dome Institute

• Building Monolithic Domes, by Sean Lanham, Architecture Week
• Trinity Dome Construction Log, a first-time homebuilder's experience
• R&S Lifeline Domes Contact Lifeline Domes for your own monolithic dome

The article "Monolithic dome" is part of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. It is licensed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

• "Monolithic dome" on the Wikipedia website

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