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It was peaceful at Nambala Avenue in Cooktown when Dan Inka was having his night

walk. It had been a long and exhausting day in the office, sorting out a mountain of
paperwork, so he was quite relieved to get out of his sweaty suit.

As he was walking and just starting to daydream, he got quite disturbed when he saw a
thick, black smoke floating in the air above an old rented house. Dan knew two young
people were renting there so he went to have a look. A raging fire was coming from the
old rented house, growing by the minute.

Without thinking, he dashed into the burning house, only thinking of those trapped
inside. The blue, wooden door leading into the house was locked, so he kicked the door
to get into the house. He ran through the burning house, trying to breathe fresh air.

Dan couldn’t stand the awful smoke filling up his lung so he ran as fast as he could to
get outside to gasp fresh air. Dan ran back as fast as he could back into the house,
determined to rescue the people trapped inside.

Dan hurried through several rooms, not finding a single person inside. He went into a
room, suspecting he had just entered the kitchen because there was a stove with tiny
sparks above it. He ran through one more room, just about to give and that’s when he
saw them. Two men were lying unconscious on the ground, only an inch away from red
hot fire.

Without thinking, he jumped over the fire and put the two
men over his shoulders. He ran as fast as he could with
sweat pouring down his face. Dan eventually got out of the
house and at the exact same moment, the house
collapsed. Dan was so shocked by what he just seen and
done, he fainted on the soft grass outside of what was left
of the house.

The very next day, Dan found his family surrounding him in hospital with burns all over
himself. After a while he got well again and was awarded a medal for bravery, with a
very proud face.

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