Global Path Planning Using Artificial Potential Fields

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Global Path Planning Using Artificial Potential Fields

Charles W. Warren

Mecliaiiical Engineering, The Uiiiversi ty of A1;dmiiia

considering the entire path, the problem of becoming trapped by

Abstract a local minimum is greatly reduced allowing the method t o used
This paper describes a path planning technique for robotic for global planning.
manipulators and mobile robots in the presence of stationary ob-
stacles. The planning consists of applying potential fields around 1.1 Background
C-Space obstacles and using this field t o select a safe path for
the robot t o follow. T h e advantage of using potential fields in The path planning problem has attracted quite a bit of at-
path planning is t h a t they offer a relatively fast and effective way tention in recent years. Most of the approaches t o the problem
to solve for safe paths around obstacles. In the method used t o can be classified into a few areas. T h e two main areas are graph
accomplish path planning presented here, a trial path is chosen searching and potential field methods. T h e graph searching tech-
and then modified under the influence of the potential field until niques are so named because a chart or graph is produced show-
an appropriate path is found. By considering the entire path, the ing free spaces where no collision will occur and forbidden spaces
problem of being trapped in a local minimum is greatly reduced, where a collision will occur. Based on this graph, a path is then
allowing the method t o be used for global planning. The algo- selected by piecing together the free spaces or by tracing around
rithm was tried with success on many different realistic planning the forbidden spaces.
problems. The examples in this paper illustrate the algorithm ap- A variety of potential field methods have been presented in
plied t o a two dimensional revolute manipulator, a mobile robot the past few years, but most have a common theme. These meth-
capable of translation only, and a mobile robot capable of both ods use artificial potential fields applied t o the obstacles and goal
translation and rotation. positions and use the resulting field t o influence the path of the
roljot which is subject t o this potential. Although not as thor-
ougli as the graph searching techniques, the speed of the algo-
rithms and the easy extension t o higher dimensions make them
1 Introduction
an excellent alternative t o the graph searching techniques.
This work is an examination of a technique for planning a An early researcher who used artificial potential fields is Kha-
collision free path of both fixed base revolute robots and mobile tib [3]. His strategy involves the use of potential fields in real
robots in obstacle cluttered workspaces. Artificial potential fields space as opposed t o C-Space. Positive (repulsive) potential fields
placed around the obstacles are used to influence the path of t h e are placed around t h e obstacles and points subject t o this poten-
robot so t h a t a safe path is selected. tial (PSP) are pla.ced on the manipulator links. Also, negative
The first step in the planning process is t o map the workspace (attractive) potential is placed a t the goal position which acts on
into the configuration space, (C-Space), of the robot[l,2]. Con- a PSP located a t the manipulator’s end effector. T h e result is
figuration space is a multi-dimensional space spanned by a set that the position t o be reached is an attractive pole for the end ef-
of generalized coordinates which describe the position and orien- fector and the obstacles repulsive surfaces for the manipulator
tation of a rigid body. The advantage of using C-Space is that parts. T h e sum of the potentials is then placed into a Lagrangian
the position and orientation of a moving body is represented as formulation along with the manipulator kinetic energy t o deter-
a point and the obstacles are represented by forbidden regions. mine the end effector equations of motion. These can be solved
The planning problem is then reduced t o moving the point rep- to determine a free path t o the goal position. Since the mapping
resenting the robot configuration from the initial t o the goal po- from real space t o configuration space is not performed, the total
sition without entering any of the forbidden regions. The major solution time for the algorithm is greatly reduced. Also, the di-
goal in the research presented here is path planning in config- mcnsionality of the problem is no greater than three dimensions,
uration space. It is assumed here that we have knowledge of siuce it uses real space instead of C-Space. This algorithm is
the workspace and that the configuration space has already been susceptible t o local minima in the potential field, however,
produced. \c.liich limits its usefulness.
In the technique t o be described here, once the C-Space of Other early researchers i n the application of potential fields
the robot has been created, artificial potential fields are placed t o path planning include Andrews and Hogan [4],Hogan 151,
around the obstacles and the resulting field is used to choose a.nd Newman and Hogan [GI. Andrews’ and Hogan’s work and
an appropriate path. To accomplish this, a trial path is chosen Hogan’s later works were in impedance control, which is a control
and then modified under the influence of the potential field. By scheme that considers the interaction of the manipulator and its

CH2750-8/89/0000/0316$01.00 0 1989 IEEE
environment, including external and inertial forces when plan- greatly reduced. This idea can b e readily extended into any arbi-
ning trajectories. T h e artificial potential fields were used t o im- trary C-Space of higher dimension, but the development shown
pede the movement of the manipulator in the direction of obsta- here will be in two and three-dimensional C-Space.
cles. This work differs from most others in that it is a complete Since an arbitrary initial path laid through the C-Spce will
manipulator controller and not just a path planner. Newman probably pass through the C-Space obstacles, a potential func-
and Hogan [6] extended this t o include revolute manipulators by tion must b e selected so t h a t the path is driven away from the
using the C-Space of the manipulator. obstacle. The total potential field will be broken down into two
Again, the major problem with these potential field methods parts, points inside a C-Space obstacle and points outside. The
is that they are subject t o local minima. Since the planner tends potential field selected for points inside an obstacle, U,,, is one
toward lower potential areas, it can reach a state of equilibrium, such t h a t the maximum value is inside of the C-Space obstacle
or a potential basin, and becomes trapped. Okutomi and Mori and the potential decreases linearly as the distance away from the
[7] attempted t o overcome the problem of local minima in the centroid is increased. In general, the best expression for potential
potential field when path planning. The potential fields selected inside an obstacle [21] may be written as:
were different from those previously mentioned in that they were
oval in nature and not as susceptible t o local minima. Khosla and
Volpe,[8], used a similar approach with the use of superquadric
= u m a z (1 - 2)
+ offset (1)

potential fields. The problem, however, was not eliminated. where U,, is the maximum potential allowed, R,, is the distance
Koditschek [9] presents a rigorous description of the topo- from the point in question t o the centroid, R,,, is the distance
logical considerations of the potential fields. He also introduces from the centroid t o the farthest point on the boundary of the
potential fields t h a t have only one global minimum and no local obstacle, and Ll,jfset is an additional potential applied t o all
minima, but only for very simple geometric shapes in two dimen- points on the obstacle used t o produce more of a penalty for
sions. This was extended [lo] t o include robots moving amidst crossing an obstacle. For the two dimensional case, this can be
spherically bounded obstacles in three dimensions. envisioned as a cone placed over the obstacle with the vertex of
Two attempts at using the best features of both graph search- the cone directly above the centroid of the obstacle. T h e nice
ing and potential fields were presented by Krogh and Thorpe 1111 feature of using this type of potential field is t h a t the path is
and by Tournassoud [12]. They used the geometrical solutions driven away from the centroid of the C-Space obstacle. In most
for global planning and potential fields for local planning. It has cases involving revolute manipulators, the resulting path will be
been accepted that the past potential field methods are only re- the shortest joint space path around the obstacle.
liable in local planning situations. These benefit from the global Points outside of the C-Space obstacles will b e subject t o a
planning ability of the graph searching methods, but suffer the lower potential. This is t o insure that driving the path off the
same shortcomings as well. obstacle will b e given top priority. This potential, Uout, may b e
A recent paper by Kanayama [13] presents the idea of modify- based on the inverse of the distance t o the closest boundary:
ing the entire path under the influence of “costs”. A combination
of Voronoi diagrams in configuration space [I41 and calculus of
variation are used t o select safe paths that balance the length of
the path and the safety of the path. where Rout in this case is the distance t o the closest boundary
The research t o be presented in this paper is based on the of the obstacle. This limits the influence of the potential outside
assumption t h a t the obstacles have been identified and there is of the obstacle t o the immediate vicinity of the obstacle. The
no uncertainty about their positions. There have, however, been purpose of the potential outside of the obstacle is t o provide a
several papers t h a t addressed the question of obstacle uncertainty margin of safety. Figure 1illustrates the potential field associated
[I51,[I61I ,[I81,[191, [201. with a two dimensional square C-Space obstacle.
The C-Space path is approximated by a set of connected
straight line segments. The path selection technique is based
2 Path Planning Algorithm on adjusting the endpoints of the line segments. One of the
endpoints of the first line segment is fixed a t the starting con-
Most previously reported potential function schemes have
concentrated on the potential fields affecting a point which rep- figuration and one of the endpoints of the last line segment is
fixed at the goal configuration. The remaining n endpoints of
resents the manipulator configuration. The high potentials on
the obstacles force the point into the low potential area around +
the n 1 line segments will be called nodes. The “design vari-
the goal and a path is traced out by the moving point. An al- ables” used by the minimization routine are the coordinates of
the nodes. There will be one design variable assigned t o each
ternative planning scheme has been developed in which an ar-
coordinate of each node. For an m dimensional C-Space, each
bitrary path is constructed through the potential field with all
node will have m coordinates. Since there are n nodes, there will
points along the path being subject t o the potential simultane-
be m x n separate coordinates that need t o be adjusted so that
ously. The difference t o note is that the potential affects the
the resulting path passes around the obstacles. In the case of
entire path simultaneously and not just one configuration. This
the 2-D joint space, the variables are the 01 and 02 coordinates
will be shown t o be much more effective a t global path plan-
of each node. More nodes are required if there is more direction
ning. Using optimization techniques, the path is altered so that
changing in the path, resulting in slower convergence. Although
it passes through minimum potential and, therefore, avoids the
rules of thumb have been used t o find the number of nodes, an
obstacles. Although not entirely eliminated, with careful selec-
exact number cannot be found for an arbitrary workspace with-
tion of the potential fields, the problem of local minima has been
out a priori knowledge of the correct path. Also, the number of




Figure 1: Potential Field Figure 2: Simple Path Planning Problem

nodes can be updated dynamically during optimization, but this

is also be heuristic.
The penalty function used by the minimization routine con-
sists of the potential through which individual line segments pass,
U A P F ,and the length of the line segments. The penalty due to
the segment length tends t o minimize the resulting path length.
A simplistic 2-D analogy is an elastic cord that has weight. Since
there are “peaks and valleys” associated with the potential field,
the two ends of the elastic cord can be held on the initial and
goal positions of the manipulator and the cord will naturally slip
down between the peaks into the valleys. The valleys are the free
spaces between the obstacles.
The potential function formulated for the length of each line
segment, Cilength,, is based on the potential energy stored in an -200
-200 -100 100 200
elastic cord.
Uiength, = (length; - iinit, ) 2 (3) Theta 1 (deg)

where length, is the length of the it’’ line segment and linit, is the Figure 3: Joint Space
initial length of the line segment. The difference is the “stretch”
i n the line segment. grid for a two degree of freedom revolute robot. The artificial
The total penalty function can now be written as: potential field based on the C-Space was also discrete. This was
nfl done t o speed the planning algorithm once the potential field was
1.p. = w [ma.(UAPF,)I + U l e n g t h , (4) applied. The path segments were laid through the discretized
i=l potential field using a line drawing algorithm used in raster scan
where w is a weighting constant for the artificial potential field, computer graphics. The discretization process used is conserva-
( A P F ) ,m a z ( U ~ p ~
is ,the
) maximum potential experienced by tive. That is, the discretized C-Space obstacles will be larger
the ith line segment due t o the artificial potential field, and n+ 1 is than the actual C-Space obstacles.
the number of line segments. The design parameter, w,influences As an example of the path planning algorithm, consider the
the ability t o reach a safe path and must be chosen carefully. It is simple problem shown i n Figure 2. It is desired t o travel from
included t o regulate the trade off between obstacle avoidance and configuration A t o configuration B without colliding with the ob-
path length minimization. Situations can arise where equilibrium stacle shown. The joint space map for the manipulator is shown
positions are reached which do not represent a suitable path due i n Figure 3, with the dark area representing the forbidden config-
t o a poor choice of this constant. urations that would result in a collision between the manipulator
Although the algorithm for planning the path of a manipula- and the obstacle. Configurations A and B are shown on the joint
tor is very similar t o that of planning the path of a mobile robot, space map.
there are slight differences. Examples of the use of the algorithm Figure 4 shows the joint space obstacle with the artificial
on each of these will be presented separately. potential field applied. The center of the potential field was ap-
plied at the centroid of the obstacle and the potential field varied
2.1 Revolute Manipulators linearly away from this point. The design variables that the opti-
mization routine uses are the coordinates of the node points. The
The implementation of the path planning algorithm used i n figure also shows the initial straight path before the optimization
this research discretizes the C-Space of the robot into a 101 x 101

-180 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ . . : , . , . : . . . I
-180 -100 0 100 180
Theta 1 (deg)
Figure 6: Sequence of Manipulator Moves
Figure 4: Contour Plot with Initial Path

100 . D


J 0 ’
a= ’

-100 .

’ -100 0 100 200

Theta 1 (deg)
Figure 7: Real Space
Figure 5 : Safe Path Selected
the problem of saddles in a point navigation scheme.
routine begins iterating. The coordinates of the nodes are shown The saddle problem may be avoided in a straight forward
as 01. and 02,. manner. If two or more C-Space obstacles overlap, they will b e
The minimization routine selected was a simplex method rou- treated as one obstacle when applying the potential fields. A new
tine proposed by Nelder and Mead [22]. Most gradient based total centroid of the two obstacles is then used t o compute the
searching algorithms will work. A Quasi-Newton method and a potential. Finally, all of the potentials for each separate obstacle
Conjugate Gradient routine were also tried with success. will be superimposed as before. Since there‘ is no longer any
The planning algorithm was run and the resulting safe path overlap, there will be no saddle points.
is shown in Figure 5 . The sequence of manipulator moves based As an example of multiple obstacle avoidance, a n example
011 this is shown in Figure 6. from Red a n Truong-Cao [23] is used. The real space of the
For multiple obstacles in the workspace of the robot, the po- robot is shown in Figure 7. The configuration space of the robot
tential fields of the individual C-Space obstacles are superim- and the safe path found are shown in Figure 8. The sequence of
posed t o yield a total potential field. There are some problems manipulator moves from the start t o the goal position is shown
that arise that must b e dealt with before the algorithm can be in Figure 9. This technique has also been applied t o three dimen-
applied effectively. sional revolute and redundant planner robot planning problems
It is possible for a manipulator t o collide with two or more P11.
obstacles while it is in one configuration. If this happens, then
two or more C-Space obstacles will overlap, even though the 2.2 Mobile Robots
Cartesian space obstacles could be relatively far apart. If the
individual potential fields are produced without regard to the For the most part, the path planning algorithm for mobile
overlap, “saddles” will result when the fields are superimposed. robots is the same as that for revolute manipulators. The con-
These saddles will t r a p the path that is subject t o potential, figuration space of the robot is created, the potential fields are
resulting in no safe path being found. Koditschek [9] addresses applied, and the path is planned.

3 I9







Figure 8: Safe Path Found (Joint Space) Figure 11: Safe Path (Translation and Rotation)

As an example, a robot capable of pure translation is placed in

an obstacle cluttered workspace. The solution t o this problem is
identical the previous examples shown for revolute manipulators.
Figure 10 shows the path planned for the robot from the start t o
the goal position.
As a second example, a robot capable of both rotation and
translation is t o move from one side of a obstacle t o another.
To describe translation in a plane and rotation about one axis,
three generalized coordinates are required. Therefore, the coli-
E figuration space of the robot will be three dimensional. The path
generated by the planning algorithm is shown in Figure 11. A
multiple obstacle version of this algorithm is being coded.

3 Conclusions
T h e primary goal of this research was t o develop an artificial
potential field technique for planning the path of a robot that
Figure 9: Incremental Sequence of Robot Motion was less susceptible t o local minima than other potential field
methods. This was accomplished by establishing a trial path
and then modifying the entire path under the influence of the
potential fields. This method was very successful in a large nuin-
her of revolute robot examples. One drawback to this method is
that the global workspace must be known at the time of the plan-
ning, whereas only local information is required for the potential
methods of the past. However, the benefits of global planning
outweigh this in problems with no uncertainty.
For mobile robots, the algorithm was effective in problems
involving sets of convex obstacles, or simple concave ones. The
nature of the application of the potential fields shown here, how-
ever, makes successful application of this t o “maze” type prob-
lems unlikely.
This method could be used t o solve planiiiiig problems with
cylindrical, spherical, and Cartesian geometries and moving ob-
stacle problems. Extension of this technique t o higher dimen-
sional problems is strightforward. It limited only by the compu-
tational power of the robot’s planner. For most fixed base and
simple mobile robot planning problems, this technique offers a
Figure 10: Safe P a t h for Mobile Robot (Translation) fast, effective solution t o global planning problems.

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