Week 17 English Activities

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ENGLISH – Reading Compehension

Week 17

Name: ___________________________ Class: Y5__________________

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Snow White

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Snow White, who lived with her vain
stepmother. Every day the stepmother would ask her magic mirror, “Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the
fairest of them all?” As long as the mirror answered, “You fair Queen.” Snow White was safe from Queen’s
Unfortunately, one day the mirror answered, “Snow White”. The Queen sent her huntsman to kill
Snow White in the forest. However, he1 couldn’t do it and told Snow White to run far away. She2 ran into the
forest. She was very scared but the animals helped her and they took her to a small house. The house was the
home of the seven dwarfs. When they3 saw Snow White they were very happy, so she stayed with them to
look after their house.
One morning, after the dwarfs had gone to work, the Queen came to the house. She was disguised as
an old woman, so Snow White did not recognize her. Snow White talked to her and ate the red apple, which
the Queen gave her. However, it was poisonous and soon Snow White into a deep, deep sleep.
The animals saw what happened and went to get the dwarfs. The dwarfs found the Queen and chased
her up the mountain. She4 was so frightened that she fell of the mountain and died.
The dwarfs put the sleeping Snow White in a glass box and sat beside her. Eventually, a prince heard
about her and came to see her. He kissed the beautiful girl, Snow White, and she5 immediately woke up. They
all lived happily ever after.

Look at the words which are numbered in the passage. What or who do they refer to?

1. he ____________________________ 4. She ____________________________

2. she ____________________________ 5. She ____________________________
3. they ____________________________

Underline the correct answer

6. ‘vain’ means a. beautiful c. happy

b. clean d. proud of your appearance
7. ‘fairest’ means a. very ugly c. interested
b. boring d. the most beautiful
8. ‘disguised’ means a. badly behaved c. wearing beautiful clothes
b. reflected d. dressed to look like someone else.
9. ‘poisonous’ means a. smelly c. make you very sick
b. red d. hard
10. ‘eventually’ means a. frequently c. after a short time.
b. in a few hours d. after a long time.
Answer the questions in complete sentences.

11. Who did the Queen ask to kill Snow White?

12. Who took Snow White to a small house?
13. Why did Snow White fall into a deep sleep?
14. How did the Queen die?
15. Do you think that Snow White would have forgiven her wicked stepmother if she was still alive?

Section B
Read about Encik Saiful and complete his profile below.

I was born in Tutong on 20th June 1972. I have two brothers and a sister whom I love very dearly. After
my form 5 examinations, I then furthered my studies in Britain and graduated from the University of Oxford
in 1990. I am now currently working with the government as an English Teacher. I enjoy teaching the students
and love helping them in their work. My hobbies are fishing, reading and playing badminton. My favourite
food is roasted chicken. I can eat it all by myself and still feel hungry after that! I dislike fizzy drinks because I
think that it’s not good for one’s health. Instead, I like drinking mineral water and fresh juices from fruits. I
also enjoy watching my favourite television programme which is “Discovery Channel”. I have learnt a lot
about different types of animals and even our past history. During my free time, I usually go jogging with my
best friend, Ali.

Profile of Encik Saiful

Date of birth: 16.

Age in 2015: 17.
Number of siblings: 18.
Occupation: 19.
University attended: 20.
Hobbies: 21.
Favourite food: 22.
Favourite television programme: 23.
Name of best friend: 24.
Activity during free time: 25.
ENGLISH – Grammar and Vocabulary
Week 17

Name: ___________________________ Class: Y5__________________

Topic: Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb consists of two words: a verb and a preposition or a verb and an adverb.
(Select 10 phrasal verbs from the list below and use them to make sentences. Write on a separate
sheet of paper.)
ENGLISH – Writing
Week 17

Name: ___________________________ Class: Y5__________________

Topic: Narrative Story Writing

Study the pictures carefully then write a story about them. You may use the helping words under
each picture to help you. (Write on a separate sheet of paper)

The Brave Old Lady

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