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Due to the development of society, the demand for electric power has increased and the quality control
of electric power has become an important issue. In order to efficiently perform such power

characteristics of digital signal processing (DSP) technology are introduced, and their application status
and development prospects in power system data acquisition and measurement, power quality
monitoring, power grid reactive power compensation, harmonic suppression and relay protection are
discussed respectively. Finally, its typical hardware implementation is described

Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) have been used in power systems for more than fifteen years and have
largely contributed to the evolution towards digital technology it is not a recent research field, but has
become a powerful technology to solve engineering problems in the last few decades. Fast digital signal
processors have quickly become a cornerstone of high-performance electrical drives, where power
electronic conversion systems have heavy online computation burdens and must be controlled using
complex control algorithms. In this sense, multiphase drives represent a particularly interesting case of
study, where the computational cost highly increases with each extra phase.

This technology has been recognized in recent times as an attractive electrical drive due to its usefulness
in traction, electric applications systems such as machine protection, diagnostics and control of beams,
power supply and motors.

This report aims to study application of DSP in power system and machine

Digital Signal Processing in Power systemand machine is an
important research area which mainly covers problems
concerning the design and realization of algorithms using
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). A wide variety of solutions can
be found at industry and in research fields involving DSP
applications, mostly in accordance to conventional three-phase
systems. This area has significantly accelerated in the last
decade due to their intrinsic features like higher fault tolerance,
reduced torque ripple or better power splitting. With the
number of conventional electrical drives continuously growing,
the interest in multiphase ones is also rising, although they are
not yet so common due to their complexity. The development
of modern power electronic switches and the ability of modern
DSPs to implement complex algorithms are allowing the control
of multiphase drives in applications such as aerospace
actuators, wind energy conversion systems, oil pumping or
ultrahigh-speed elevators.

Power systems are composed of different electrical and

electronic components that need to be managed following
specific constraints depending on the final application.
Moreover, such systems are designed to work under different
conditions and states; thus, several control algorithms can be
found in a single DSP, and the designed control unit (based on
the DSP) must be able to change between these different
states, considering measured components and actuating on the
overall equipment to work as desired. For this purpose, Digital
Signal Processing based on DSPs must be done considering not
only the inner control algorithm implementation, but also the
proper signal adaptation going in or out the DSP.
The Digital signal processor (DSP) processors are having much
capabilities of controlling devices; DSP when
compared with general processors delivers batter performance
& resolution. Now-a-days DSP processors are used in almost
every field either to develop mobile phones or to control some
devices and instruments. Digital signal processor (DSP) basically
process analog signals in the digital domain. Real-world signals,
such as voltage is converted to its digital equivalent at discrete
time intervals for processing by the CPU of a digital computer. A
digital signal processor (DSP) is a type of microprocessor (one
that is incredibly fast and powerful). DSP is useful in almost
every application that requires the high-speed processing of a
large amount of numerical data. The data can be anything from
position and velocity information for a closed loop control
system. A DSP is unique because it processes data in real time.
This real-time capability makes a DSP perfect for applications
where we won't tolerate any delays. Since the availability of
computers, power supplies have relied on digital technology in
some way, from such simple tasks as turning the supplies on
and off to the supplying of computer-controlled references.
This coupled with increasing demand for higher performance
and monitoring capabilities, has made it appealing to integrate
such technology into power supply designs.
The DSPs high-speed arithmetic and logical hardware is programmed to rapidly execute algorithms like
modeling the filter transformation.

Main advantages of digital signal processing over analog processing are:

1. Powerful: can do more things than one can do using analog hardware.

2. Cheap: similar to microprocessors, but lot of different functions into one chip.

we use digital signal processing because They are flexible and it is easy to make changes to the

1. Digital systems are easy to design because they use switching circuits in which the actual value
of the signal is not significant but their range (high or low) is important.

2. It is easy to store information in digital format.

3. They have higher accuracy and can be increased by increasing the number of switching circuits.

4. The operation can be programmed with the help of a computer.

5. Noise effect is less in digital systems.

6. Digital circuits are built on the IC (Intergrated Circuit).

7. On digital communication of the signal, it is possible to detect and correct the errors that occur
in them.

8. Digital communication of signals is more secure.

10. Digital circuits are more reliabl


Electrical signals are everywhere, since they are used in communications, in entertainment devices,
in measuring instruments, in imaging devices, in control systems, and in computers. Such signals are
of two types: analog, where the signals are carried by continuously varying quantities, and digital,
where the signals are restricted to a finite set of discrete values (often just two, symbolized by 0 and
1). The traditional telephone uses analog signals, since the continuously varying pressure associated
with sound waves is converted into continuously varying voltages of an electrical signal. Computers,
by contrast, usually deal with so-called binary signals, sequences of zeros and ones.

A historical trend of the last half-century is the replacement of analog signals by digital signals. For
example, music was always recorded and transmitted in analog form until the 1980s when the CD
player made digital recording of music common. When a CD is made in the studio, the music is first
converted into an electrical analog signal by a microphone, but then the electrical signal is converted
into a sequence of zeros and ones by sampling (measuring the intensity of the sound at specific
points in time, many thousands of times a second) and quantizing (assigning each intensity to one of
a finite number of intensity levels). It is this sequence of zeros and ones that is etched into the spiral
track of the CD. 

There are two very important advantages to digital signals. First, digital signals can be reproduced
exactly. All you have to do is be sure that a zero doesn't get turned into a one or vice versa. (You can
do this by making the physical signals for zero and one quite different, and also by building in
redundancy, so that even if a zero occasionally gets turned into a one the error is automatically
corrected.) Second, digital signals can be manipulated easily. Since the signal is just a sequence of
zeros and ones, and since a computer can do anything specifiable to such a sequence, you can do a
great many things with digital signals. And what you are doing is called digital signal processing.

So what is it you might do with the signals? One thing you can do is filter out unwanted parts of the
signal, such as noise. Another thing you can do is combine several signals into one; this is called
multiplexing. Yet another thing you can do is build in error detection and error correction; you make
the signal longer in such a way that any distortion of the signal during transmission or recording can
be detected and corrected. You can also compress the signal, so that it can be transmitted more
rapidly. Another thing you can do is enhance certain parts of a signal to make it easier to use. For
example, the drought-affected regions of a continent can be given a different color in a satellite

All these things—and many more—are digital signal processing. It was in the 1960s that a discipline
of digital signal processing began to form. At that time digital signals were becoming more common,
and advances in microelectronics (the ability to build extremely complex circuits in a very small
space) made it possible to carry out some of the tasks mentioned above. Today digital signal
processing is a major branch of engineering.

  DSP Applications
In recent decades there has been an increasing migration from analog to digital processing.
At the same time, many new applications and techniques have emerged, which never existed
in the analog world
Our DSP system has a wide range of applications in power system and machine such as :-

Power Quality Monitoring

Power Quality Monitoring System using DSP Technology

In a changing electric industry, monitoring and analysis of power-line waveforms are critical to ensure
optimal performance of power systems. Any disturbance in the power-line can cause disruption in
manufacturing process or services provided. Under worst case conditions results in equipment failure
and subsequent increase in cost of operation. Monitoring and analysis of power-line waveforms are
essential to provide assessment of the power quality

pOWER quality is the availability of pure sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms at 50 Hz (frequency
power-line in Malaysia) without any disturbances at the incoming point of the supply system. Power
quality problem is any problem manifested in voltage, current or frequency deviations that result in the
failure or disoperation of end-use equipment [1]. With the rapid advance in industrial applications that
rely on sophisticated electronic devices, a demand for power quality and reliability has become a great
concern. Power quality problems can cost business billions of dollars each year in lost revenue, process
improvement and scrapped product. Major causes of power quality related revenue losses are
interrupted manufacturing processes and computer network downtime [3].

In power system, faults, dynamic operations and non-linear loads often cause various types of power
quality disturbances such as voltage sag, voltage swell, switching transient, notches, flicker, harmonic,
etc. [4]. Besides, power factor is another important measurement, in which the value varies depending
on the loading conditions of the power-line system. For Malaysian industry and business, power factor
must be set greater than 0.85. Penalty is levied if the value falls below the limit. Thus, power measuring,
monitoring and analysis are very important to detect deterioration in power quality before any other
equipment problems arise.

The proposed system consists of power-line measurements such as power factor, real power, apparent
power, frequency, voltage (rms) and current (rms). In addition, signal analysis techniques such as both
the periodogram and spectrogram time-frequency analysis are included to identify power quality
problems such transientsand harmonics. T

Figure 1: Power Quality Monitoring System.

Figure 1: Power Quality Monitoring System.

Power quality measurements performed by the system are voltage (rms), current (rms), frequency,
power factor, real power and apparent power. In addition, signal analysis techniques such as
periodogram power spectrum and spectrogram time-frequency analysis are performed to analysis and
identify power quality problems

Besides basic power measurements such as voltage, current, frequency, power factor, real power and
apparent power, the system can also perform analysis such as periodogram power spectrum and
spectrogram. The results are available in real-time through a graphical user interface. Analysis results
shows that the spectrogram gives better characterization of power quality problems compared to power
spectrum. The system allows users to identify power quality problems and take the necessary corrective
or preventive action.

Abstract The system of monitoring of power quality is introduced. The system contains three layers. The
first layer works in real time and uses a fixed-point DSP digital signal processor. The second layer
computer dimmPC reads data from DSP processor. The paper deals with hardware and functionality of
the system. Division of power quality indices calculation between the system layers is also presented.
Algorithms of data processing as well as ways of improving processing accuracy of signal processor are
Control of a brushless DC motor


Fig.2: Block Diagram of sensorless Control

Figure 2 shows how the sensorless control of the BLDC motor can be obtained. The input AC supply is
first converted into DC by rectification. The DC voltage is fed to the Inverter to energies the stator of the
BLDC motor. The control signals are provided by the dsPIC according to the

zero crossing detection of the back emf. The position information is available at the zero crossing of
each phase. Based on the zero crossing detector circuit output the dsPIC decides the switch that has to
be turned ON in the inverter. The detection of the back e.m.f is done by using a separate back e.m.f
detection circuit. At the first stage the back e.m.f is detected and it will be given to the zero crossing
detection stage where the zero crossing of each and every phase is obtained and based on this the
motor will be controlled to the required speed.

A. Power module
Figure 3 shows the power supply used in the present work. The single phase AC supply is given
to the single phase rectifier circuit which converts incoming 230 volts AC to 315 volts DC, this
315 volts DC is reduced to 12V and 5V DC by a switching regulator 8 PIN IC (LNK306P) Two
voltage regulators (LT1117 IC) are used to get 3.3V from 12V DC supply in order to operate dsPIC
controller chip.

Fig.3: power module block diagram

The PWM signals generated by the controller chip is given to the Hex inverter buffer which functions as
a NOT-gate with an operating voltage of 0 t0 5VDC, then the PWM signals are given to the MOSFET
based H-bridge through the HEX MOSFET DRIVER (IR2133 IC). The output of the inverter is fed to the
three phase BLDC motor.
Fig.4: Picture of power module

B. Control Module

All control and driving functions shall be implemented at this level. In this work Microchip’s
dsPIC33Fj128MC706A digital signal controller is used. Microchip’s dsPIC33FJ128MC706A digital
signalcontrollers place unprecedented performance in the hands of 16-bit MCU designers. The
dsPIC DSC has the “heart” of a 16-bit MCU with robust peripherals and fast interrupt handling

and the “brain” of a DSP that manages highcomputation activities, creating the optimum single-
chip solution for embedded control of three-phase BLDC motor. In this work an optocoupleris
used to isolate the gate drive circuit and the MOSFET-based power circuit. Six MOSFETs of the
power circuit are controlled bythe Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals generated by the
control circuit. These PWM signals are required to derive avarying AC voltage from the power

C. Motor driver
The 3-phase BLDC motor is connected to a 3-phase inverter bridge as shown in Figure 6.The
power inverter has 6 switches that are controlled in order to generate 3-phase AC output from
the DC bus. PWM signals, generated from the dsPIC33FJ128MC706A controller chip, control
these 6 MOSFET switches. Switches Q1 through Q3, which are connected to DC+, are called
upper switches, Q4 through Q6, connected to DC-, are called lower switches.
Fig.6: Three-phase full-bridge power circuit for BLDC motor drive

The amplitude of phase voltage is determined by the duty cycle of the PWM signals. While the motor is
running, three out of six switches will be on at any given time, either one upper and two lower switches
or one lower and two upper switches. The switching produces a rectangular shaped output waveform
that is rich in harmonics. The inductive nature of the motor’s stator windings filters this supplied current
to produce a 3-phase sine wave with negligible harmonics. When switches are turned off, the inductive
nature of the windings oppose any sudden change in direction of flow of the current until all of the
energy stored in the windings is dissipated. To facilitate this, fast recovery diodes are provided across
each switch. These diodes are known as freewheeling diodes.

The relationships between three-phase back-EMF, motor current, and airgap power of the BLDC motor
are shown in Fig.7 The trapezoidal back-EMF (ea, b, and c) has a constant magnitude of Ep during 120
electrical degrees in both positive and negative half cycle. The air-gap power, Pa, and the
electromagnetic torque are both continuous when applying motor current ia, b, and c during the same
period in both half cycles.
Fig.7: Relationship between back-EMF, motor current, & air-gap power for three-phase BLDC motor

Since its appearance, DSP have evolved to a greater or lesser extent until today, where it has become an
essential device for consumer electronics and different applications to which it has gone adapting over
time. The different architectures that are known and that continue to appear direct their design to solve
different aspects that improve the performance of the device and improve the applications in which it is
used. even so the growth in the last years of the sector and the appearance of new and different
architectures makes choosing a specific device for each application complicated. Currently, due to the
complexity and different functions of each application.

Digital signal processing constitutes the cornerstone of numerous applications. Power electronics and
the development of high-performance drives is one of them. In general, the development of a high-
performance drive is a complex field where data acquisition, data adaptation and discretization, data
processing, control systems and finally physical interaction using actuators with the real system are
required. This complexity exponentially increases if multiphase drives are involved, where a high-
performance multiphase drive based on a symmetrical five-phase induction machine with sinusoidally
distributed windings is analyzed from the perspective of the digital signal processing field. The specific
requirements for data acquisition, processing and control in the studied electrical drive are detailed,
starting with the required signals for its safety operation. Insights of the electrical adaptation stages,
needed to process the data in the DSP, are then provided. The electronic adaptation circuits are also
shown like a fundamental part in the processing task. Finally, the control system is summarized and
experimental results are provided to show the system operation.

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dc-dc converter

Digital controllers are also less susceptible to aging and environmental variations and have better noise
immunity. Moreover, modern 32-bit DSP controllers, such as TMS320F280x, with their real-time code
debugging capabilities, give the power supply designers all the benefits of digital control and allows
implementation of high bandwidth, high frequency power supplies without sacrificing performance. The
extra computing power of such processors also allows implementation of sophisticated nonlinear
control algorithms, integrate multiple converter control into the same processor and optimize the total
system cost.

Digital signal processing (DSP) has been widely used. Because of its high-speed computation ability, high
reliability, and cost reduction, digital control of dc-dc converter using DSP is becoming more and more
common in industry today. Modern 32-bit DSP controllers with processor speed up to 150MHz and
enhanced peripherals such as, 12-bit A/D converter with conversion speed up to 80nSec, 32x32-bit MAC
(multiplication and accumulation), 32-bit timers and real-time code debugging capability gives the
power supply designers all the benefits of digital control and allows implementation of high bandwidth,
high frequency power supplies without sacrificing performance. Furthermore, these devices incorporate
a high-precision ultra-fast ADC together with many control and communication peripherals for truly
single-chip designs. Due to its architecture, which is specially optimized for C/C, these devices offer good
code efficiency, and give designers the ability to develop them sophisticated nonlinear control
algorithms entirely in high-level languages.


Fig. 1 shows a basic block diagram of a digitally controlled dc-dc converter with the use of TMS320F2812
DSP. As shown in Fig. 1, a single signal measurement is needed to implement the voltage mode control
of the dc-dc converter. The output voltage v O is measured, using a “sensor” with gain H and then input
to the DSP via the ADC channel. The digitized sensed output voltage H Vo[k] is compared to the reference
vref . The voltage loop controller Gc(z) is designed to make the output voltage v O follow the reference vref
regardless of disturbances or component variations in the compensator, pulse-width modulator, gate
driver, or converter power stage. The digitized output u[k] of this controller provides the duty ratio
command for the buck converter switch Q1. This command output is used to calculate the appropriate
values for the timer compare registers in the on-chip PWM module. The PWM module uses this value to
generate the PWM output and finally drives the buck converter switch Q1.
Figure 1. DSP based digital control of dc-dc converter

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