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 Situation 1: I’d like you to imagine that you are trying to decide what to do during
the school holidays. There are three options for you:


1. going to a concert
2. going to the park
3. going to the movie

Choice Strong point Weak point

A concert - relieve stress/raise my spirit after - Too noisy and

tiring school days. crowded/dangerous
- experience live music with high - costly
quality of sound. - not popular in Vietnam
- meet famous musicians/singers
who I admire.
- Get involved in an energetic
atmosphere where I can have fun
with those who share the same
Going to the - Cheap save money - So popular  boring
park - Get closer to nature  boost my - Have been there many times 
emotions. want to spend time for new
- Go for a walk with my friend and activities.
breathe fresh air  achieve a - More suitable with children
peaceful body and mind.
- Play some games > relaxing and
Going to the - A modern form of entertainment - Too crowded/waste a lot of time.
movie  suitable with my age. - Watching film at home is more
- Cinema is the only place I can economical.
enjoy the latest blockbusters (phim
bom tấn)
- Large screen and surround-sound
will bring me the best emotional

 Situation 2: Imagine that you have just received a big sum of money from your
university scholarship. What will do with it?
1. Buying books for your hobbies.
2. Going to travel in another country.
3. Giving money to your mother for later use.

Choice Strong point Weak point

Buying books - Books widen my knowledge and - My school has a big library


expand my horizons about which contains various kinds
different cultures around the of book about different fields
world. like: sciences, technology,
- Help me reduce stress and society, ….
pressure. - My room is so small, so I
- I want to become a ….  my can’t find a suitable place to
major requires huge knowledge put them.
about …(literature, history,
society, …)
Going to travel in - It is my dream when I was a - If I want to travel in another
another country. child to go abroad. country, I have to spend a big
- It is a great chance to discover a sum of money  my
new region which attracts me. scholarship will not be
(Culture, custom, habit, cuisine, enough to pay for all
fashion, locals/landscapes…) expenses (travel,
- Make new friends accommodation, food…)
- Is very dangerous because I
have never gone to another
Giving money to - A gift to show my mother that - Though I give this money for
your mother. I’m now mature enough and can mother, my mum still have to
support my family. give money to me to pay for
- My house is very poor  spend living cost.
this money on my family’s
living expenses.
- The best way to save money for
my later use in the future.

 Situation 3: you received a gift, which is 2 plane tickets to Hong Kong. Who do you
want to invite to go with you?
1. Your mother.
2. Your boyfriend
3. Your best friend.
choices Strong point Weak point

Your mother - Feel safe when I go with my mother-an - Too old to go away.
adult who can take care of me. - Too busy doesn’t
- She has many experiences about Hong have time to travel.
Kong  the best company
- A great chance to show my gratitude to my

Your boyfriend - Both of us like travelling  a great chance - Too busy with his
for us to broaden our horizons. work.
- Have the best time to be together because - My parents won’t


normally we are too busy to see each other. allow me to go away
- He will protect me and help to avoid with him for such a
sudden/dangerous situations abroad. long time.
Your best friend - Have a lot of things in common (taking She is busy with her
photos, trying local cuisine..) study at university.
 Have a great time together.
- She knows both English and Chinese
 explain to me what I don’t understand
about this new region.
- An interesting memory for us before we

 Situation 4: you are going to take part in IELTS exam next time. How do you
prepare for that important test?
1. Self-study through the Internet.
2. Finding a private tutor.
3. To take a course in an IELTS center.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

Self - study through the internet - There are many - Lack professional learning
websites which offer environment to communicate.
various materials for - Ineffective with lazy people.
me to choose from
- Save a lot of money
- Convenient (study
from the comfort of
my home).
Finding a private tutor - Give me one-to-one - costly
attention - limited communicative
 Understand my environment.
learning style 
give me suitable
- Provide me with the
very best materials
(Qualified tutors can
choose effective
references which help
me familiarize myself
with Ielts tests.


To take a course in an IELTS - Advanced and - Can’t afford huge tuition fee.
center. professional learning - It takes a lot of time to travel.
environment (modern
learning and teaching
- There are numerous
qualified teachers who
have a lot of
experience and
teaching skills/can
correct my mistakes.
- A huge source of

 Situation 5: your sister has just graduated and she hasn’t found a job yet. What
recommendation will you give her?
1. continue studying Master program.
2. attend a cooking course.
3. take a soft skill course.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

continue - Improve her major - Costly (huge tuition fee)
studying knowledge/academic background. - time-consuming (this can set
Master open up better job opportunities in back career opportunities)
program. the future.
- Pursue her special interest in her major
attend a - An important life skill for everybody, - She can learn through videos
cooking especially a woman to learn to take online with only a click of the
course better care of family members and mouse  cheaper and easier.
herself. - She can learn from her mother
- Have a sense of accomplishment or sisters.
(taste, smell and enjoy her labor right
when it’s been done)

take a soft - Learn to get on well with others, - Costly and waste a lot of time
skill course improve positive behaviors and limit (those skills can be naturally
negative ones. developed when she goes to
 Decrease levels of emotional work/takes part in social
distress activities )
Enhance social-emotional skills

- Prepare her for successful

development in adulthood, work and


life. (learn to cooperate well with

 Situation 6: your brother has just passed an examination to a famous university.

Your parents are still considering about giving him a special present. There are
three options for you to suggest your parents:
1. To buy a new smart phone for him.
2. To buy him a mini flat.
3. To ask directly about what he likes and then gives him exactly what he needs.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

A new smart phone - plays an important role in - Too popular
keeping in contact with - He has just bought
parents when he studies a smart phone
away from home. which still works
- facilitates his study (surf well now.
the Internet to search for
- Great way to entertain
himself in his spare time.
A mini flat - Save renting cost during his - It costs too much
academic years at money to buy a
university. mini flat.
- Private and quiet space to
focus on his study/work.
- Safer for him than sharing a
rented flat with someone he
may not know about.
Buy him what he likes - He will feel satisfied
because my parents respect it will not surprise him at
and understand his personal all if he already knows
interests. what he is going to
- Make sure that what my receive.
parents buy will not be a
waste of money (if the
present is not what he
needs, he will not use it).

 Situation 7: your younger brother’s head teacher has just called your parents and
said that your brother is a naughty boy who often hits friends and never pays
attention to the lesson. He even sometimes plays truant at primary school. What is
the best penalty with him?
1. Spank him so that he will realize his mistake.


2. Have a heart-to-heart talk with him and advise him to rectify his mistake.
3. Take him to a life-skill course.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

spank him - he is an obstinate person - he may learn from these
 a certain level of fear will aggressive and violent
force him to behave well. behaviors.
- A vital tool to teach him - Badly affects his
about discipline and about psychology (become
how to respect parents. shy/unconfident..)

Have a heart-to-heart - We are quite close and get on Ineffective because he is

talk with him well with each other  he very obstinate
may be ready to talk and listen  He will not
to my advice. listen to
- This intimate talk will help me anyone.
understand more about his
personality/thingking  find
effective ways to rectify his

Take him to a life-skill - Life skills teach him about It takes both time and
study skills and time money to attend the
managing skills he will find course.
his own interest in study and
stop playing truant.
- Develop his communication
skills  an effective way to
learn how to behave well
towards others  hitting
friends will not happen again.

 Situation 8: Yesterday while you lost your calm, you showed your anger to your
colleague, but now you really regret it and want to say sorry to her. How are you


going to express your apology?
1. Writing an email to say sorry to her.
2. Meeting face – to- face to apologize her for your anger.
3. Keep silent and try to behave well towards her next time.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

Writing an email - Avoid direct talk with Don’t show my sincerity
her  don’t feel with her.
- Give me enough time
to prepare carefully
for my apology
(explain my mistake
clearly and
- Allow her time to
think about whether
she should forgive me
or not.
Meeting her face-to-face - Show my willingness - I will be
to take responsibility embarrassed 
for hurting her. can’t say anything.
- A chance for her to
express how she felt
about my attitudes 
show my sincerity and
respect for her.

Keeping silent - She can understand

me, because she She may think that I deny
knows that I am too my mistakes  our
young to keep my relationship will even
calm. become worse.
- Avoid any possible
arguments when we
meet in person
(both of us are hot-
tempered  easily
lead to another

 Situation 9: I’d like you to imagine that your school wants to organize a program to
help students promote awareness of the environment. Here are some of the


suggestions they are considering:
1. Organizing a picture exhibition
2. Showing a film
3. Holding a seminar

choices Advantages Disadvantages

organizing a picture 4. Pictures catch
exhibition people’s eyes than
any other ways Too crowded and noisy 
around. distract students from fully
(pictures create the enjoying the pictures.
strongest impressions
on viewers)
5. Students are not
only well aware of
protecting the
environment but
they also can learn
to appreciate art.

Showing a film 6. Seeing a film full of My school lacks modern

lively images and facilities for showing film to
high quality of such a huge number of
sound will draw students.
attention from
7. A film which
contains a
meaningful content
will fully express
the message of
preserving the
Holding a seminar 8. A lot of professors 10. It takes a lot of time
who research on to go to a seminar.
and are experts in 11. Students may find
environment can this boring.
give students
information about
this issue and
directly explain to
them what they
don’t understand.
9. Seminars are great


chances for
students to
suggest possible
solutions to an

 Situation 10: I’d like you to imagine that your community centre is trying to
organize a sports club in your area to raise people’s interest in physical activities.
Here are some of the suggestions they are considering:
1. A chess club
2. A swimming club
3. A yoga club.
Which is the best choice?

choices Advantages Disadvantages

A chess club 4. Require people’s -it doesn’t require any physical
brain to practice exercise or movement  not
and think deeply  good for health.
develop critical - players need to have patience
thinking. to sit in more than 1 hour to
5. Consider carefully think  boring
before moving  - it is too stressful
concentration and
6. Build social
interaction among
locals in the
A swimming club -Develop height and help The danger of drowning is a
people keep in shape real risk for swimmers,
effectively. especially children.
- a water sport which is enjoyed
by people of all ages (all people
enjoy refreshing themselves
under water)
- Pools and beaches are great
venues for people to meet new
people or socialize with friends.
A yoga club -This modern kind of physical
exercise allows people to 7. Lack social
concentrate better improve interaction among
their study and work efficiency. locals (as this sport


- great way to escape from requires quiet
stress and working pressures.  space for people)
achieve a peaceful mind. 8. It is not easy at all
- prevent them for diseases to do yoga.
such as obesity/heath

 Situation 11: Next week, your friend will organize a birthday party to which she
invited you. But now you don’t know what you should give her as a gift. There are
three options for you:
1. Buying a pair of tickets for you and her to go to the cinema together.
2. Buying her a dress.
3. Giving her a book.

Which is the best choice?

Choices advantages disadvantages

A pair of 9. Great time for us to chill out
tickets together (we haven’t met for ages) 11. It is too crowded
to share the same hobby. in the cinema 
10. Watching films, eating popcorn not an intimate
and being surrounded by large atmosphere for
screens/high-quality sound will friends to
bring us the best emotions and celebrate
refresh ourselves. birthday.
12. Cinema is a
noisy place it
is hard for us to
chat with each
A dress -A dress shows my sincerity and care for her
 she will cherish it and keep it as a sweet
memory. It will be a waste of money
- I understand her style/her interest in clothes if the dress doesn’t suit or
 I believe I can choose a dress that really fit with her
suits her  she will be thrilled when wearing
such a charming dress.
A book -my friend is a big fan of novels  she will
be surprised and delighted if I give her a
book as a gift. It is considered an out-of-
- books help her access any knowledge date way of giving presents.
around the world  become knowledgeable.
- reading books is a great leisure activity for
my friend whenever she is free.


Situation 12: your friend will get married in the next week and you want to give her
a special gift. There are three presents which are suggested:
1. A sum of money
2. A dress
3. A piece of home furniture
Which is the best choice?

Choices advantages disadvantages

A sum of 4. It will be very practical
money Every newly-wed couple needs
money to support their marriage life It won’t show much of my
(pay for honeymoon/living sincerity to her.
5. I’m too busy to spend time
choosing another gift that
suits her well.
A dress -it is highly necessary for a newly-married
woman to own a charming dress to enjoy the
honeymoon with her husband. It will be a waste of money
- I understand her style/her interest in if the dress doesn’t suit or
clothes  I believe I can choose a dress that fit with her
really suits her  she will be thrilled when
wearing such a charming dress.
A piece of -This gift shows my sincerity and care for
home her  she will cherish it and keep it as a
furniture sweet memory. I don’t really know what
- This piece of furniture is of course one of they really need or want to
the first things any couple needs to buy buy.
when they start their marriage life 

 Situation 13: Your school will organize a small party this weekend. What will you
wear to take part in the party?
1. A charming dress combining with high heels
2. Jeans and a T-Shirt combining with sport shoes.
3. A shirt and a skirt going with flat shoes.

choices advantages disadvantages

A charming -look higher and thinner  make
dress me feel more confident when
combining socializing with friends. Putting on high heels


with high -suit me well because this prevents me from moving
heels combination shows my femininity around easily 
 look very charming and inconvenient.
Jeans and a -bring me convenience and comfort
T-Shirt (easy to move around/easy to take It is too informal/ casual for
combining part in out-door activities) such a party.
with sport - look more modern/younger and
shoes. more dynamic.

A shirt and -suitable with my age  looker

a skirt younger.
going with - flat shoes help me move around The skirt would be quite
flat shoes easily. short and I may face some
- look feminine. embarrassing situations.

 Situation 14: your friend takes part in a party in another city, but she misses the
final bus route, so she can’t come back to her home. She is now very worried
because her mother will be angry if she comes home late. Your friend needs your
advice. There are three options for her:
1. She should catch a taxi to come back home.
2. She had better ask someone for a lift/free ride.
3. You’ll pick her up by yourself (by motorbike)

choices Advantages Disadvantages

catch a taxi -it is easy and convenient to catch a

taxi anywhere (there is no need to
wait for too long/don’t worry about It costs a lot of money going
bad weather) by taxi.
- going by taxi is very fast  she
can come home early  her mother
won’t scold her.
ask someone for -it is very easy to ask someone for
a lift help on the road (there are many
people driving on the road at any It will be risky for a girl to ask
time) some strangers for a lift.
- it will help her save the expensive
pick her up by -she will be safe when going with
yourself me –her friend. - it is too far from my city 


- she doesn’t have to pay any fare it is quite dangerous if I ride
save money. motorbike alone to come to
- her mother will feel less worried her site.
when I take her home. - she needs to wait for a long

 Situation 15: your school wants to rebuild a new zone to serve students. What is
your suggestion?
1. A canteen.
2. A modern library.
3. A dormitory.

choices Advantages Disadvantages

A -bring convenience to all students

canteen. (there is no need to leave their
school for lunch  have more time My school has just built a new
for eating) canteen and it is still in good
- Parents do not need to rush to condition
pack a lunch for kids in the  Unnecessary to
morning. build a new one.
- Schools’ canteens often ensure
balanced and nutritional meals for
students  they can enjoy fresh and
healthy meals at school.

A modern -provide students with a variety of

library books of different kinds from
history, culture, tourism to It is very costly to build a
sciences…  satisfy any students’ modern library. It would be
needs to advance their knowledge. more economical and
- offer a large and quiet reading convenient if students access
room  students can indulge their online libraries for their
passion for studying/reading books materials.
A dormitory -dorm life provides students with
more campus social opportunities.
(Many university dorms offer social
activities/mixers/programs for My university campus is too
students to get to know each other) small while a dorm will take
- it also assists students with safe, up too much room  not
convenient and comfortable feasible.
accommodation (quick walks to
class, friends down the hall,
security office around..)


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