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University of Technology

School of Business Administration

Professionalism in Organization (ADM4005)

Writing Tips

1. Ensure your paper contains the following:

a. Cover page indicating your name, id#, module, date
b. Table of Contents (TOC)
c. Reference page (follow APA 6 – format)
d. Paragraph has at least 3 sentences

2. Define your terminologies using peer-reviewed articles.

3. Do not use dictionary (hard copy or online dictionary) to define your


4. Do not use contractions. Examples: don’t, weren’t, wasn’t, they’ll

5. Do not use “etc” in your paper.

6. Avoid slangs and jargons. Example:

“push things personally”

“the finer things in life”

7. Avoid confusing sentences. Example:

“He or she might be better than my character, but my first impression
decides it all for the rest ahead”.

8. Write using simple sentences. Example:

According to their view, I need a harmonious environment and need typical
hard-working people to do the work properly and I really can’t cope with
any type of discretion or disputes between the employees and between
employers also as I strictly believe that to move the business forward,
arguments, and change in opinion will disturb the harmony of the company
and I am very much strict about the working environment especially in
regard of safety and security.

9. Cite your sentences appropriately. Example:

“Having these components, abilities and interests will be an advantage in
any workplace as it can lead to increased job satisfaction and helping any
business function more efficiently providing friendly and helpful customer
“The aim of professional development is to keep workers up-to-date on
current trends as well as help to develop new skills for the purpose of
advancement in the field. “
“Professional development planning helps to provide pathways to promotion,
develop new learning opportunities, advance existing skills (or learn new
skills), and increase employability. Also, professional development can help to
increase our commitment, make us more effective in our roles, and help us
achieve our business objectives. “
“One strategy that may be used to deal with negative past experience is that

of confronting the situation. Accepting what has happened for what it is by

analyzing and accepting the situation. This can help with dealing with triggers

from these past situation when they arise allowing the individual to deal with their

issue in a more calm and level headed way.

Another way of dealing with negative past experiences is by forgiving and

trying to forget what has happened. The sooner one tries to come to terms with

what has hurt or affected that individual then it will be easier to forgive and move

on. This too will make dealing with situations much easier and the situation will

then affect the individual less.

“When one sets goals it challenges them to not just accomplish their goals

but to go beyond their expectations. In trying to attain ones goals they may

discover new traits about themselves and may go way beyond their expectations in

such a way that they might become promoted and get rewards at their jobs and be

incredible proud of their achievements. ”

“Being able to understand my personality is critical in assessing who I am.

According to (McLeod, 2017) personality is the unique characteristic that
determines an individual thought and behaviour. ”
“According to (Rymanowicz, 2017) temperament refers to personality traits that
determine how someone reacts to the world. ”

“There are two categories of skills they are soft skills and hard skills.”
“A person self-image can be affected by their social environment. This is often
shaped by life experiences, cultures, values and role models.”

10.Learn how to list pointers in your paper. Example:

“These factors include: self awareness -without it we would not know what
needs to change, or what issues need to be addressed in the way we behave,
motivation- this is something we want to gain or achieve for ourselves in
order to find personal fulfillment or by status, power or money; empathy-
this is the ability to see things from another person’s point of view or put
myself in another person’s shoes. There is also self- efficacy, that a person
may give the”

11.Ensure your sentences make sense. Example:

“I have become versed in performing administrative tasks, practical and
team work .”

“. I also interact with the general public over the counter ”

“Whilst environmental factor, can range from my family and culture to my success
and failures.

12. Avoid incomplete sentences. Example:

“Organizations are involved in making decisions everyday”.
“Which a lot of organizations tend to appreciate.

“This self is able to connect with the world.”

13.Revise proper nouns. Example: “A few of my values include:

Dependabilitydependability, Loyaltyloyalty, commitment, efficiency and my

14.Learn about subject verb agreement and sentence structure. You cannot
be speaking about “one” then use “ them” or “their”. You cannot use “he” or
“she” and then use “they”. Example:

“Another factor is that of low self-esteem. A person’s self-esteem can

definitely build or break a person. If one doubts their self constantly, always

thinking they are not good enough they will stifle their chances of being good at

anything before trying. If an individual does this then he or she will not develop

personally or professionally as they are too afraid to try or have the courage to look

past the expectations they think others may have of them.

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