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Shellscape is a
rectangle shawl
worked lengthways
using one of my
favourite shell
It’s a landscape of
shells perfect for a
colour changing yarn
or your favourite
solid shade.
Lisa Cook

Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

Page 1

Finished shawl size 180 cm x 40 cm


1 x Scheepjes Whirl
60% cotton / 40% acrylic
1000 metres

3.5 mm crochet hook

4 mm crochet hook for foundation chain (optional)

Abbreviations - US Crochet Terms

ch chain
dc double crochet
sc single crochet
tr treble crochet
ch-1sp chain space made with 1 chain
ch-2sp chain space made with 2 chain
ch-3sp chain space made with 3 chain
FPdc front post double crochet

Special Stitches
Cluster – tr 3 together in same stitch - [yarn round hook twice, insert hook into stitch/space
indicated, yrn round hook, pull loop through, yarn round hook, pull through 2 loops, yarn
round hook, pull through 2 loops] 3 times in same stitch/space, yarn round hook, pull through
all 4 loops.

shell – (3 tr, ch 2, 3 tr) in same stitch or space

Pattern Notes:

• Odd numbered rows are right side rows.

• This rectangle shawl is worked lengthways.

• Yarn usage - First Edge uses 17g of the Whirl. Each 8 row pattern repeat uses 38g
of the Whirl

Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

Page 2
First Edge:
Using the 4mm hook, Chain 328, then change to a 3.5mm hook

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch to end. Turn

327 sc

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1st dc), dc in next sc, [ch 1, skip sc, dc in next sc] to last sc, dc in
last sc. Turn
165 dc, 162 ch-1sp

Row 3: Ch1, sc in first dc, sc in next dc, [ch 3, skip ch-1sp, cluster in next dc, ch 3, skip ch-
1sp, sc in next dc] to last dc, sc in last dc. Do no turn

Fasten off. Turn work 180 degrees and join yarn with right side facing to the first foundation
chain to start working the shawl in the opposite direction. Or Instead of fastening off, ss into
the side of the stitches to the first foundation chain.

Body of Shawl
Row 1: Working into the base of each foundation chain, ch 3 (counts as 1st dc now and
throughout), dc in next and each foundation chain to end. Turn
327 dc

Row 2: Ch 3, FPdc in next and each dc to last dc, dc in last dc. Turn

Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, [ch 1, skip dc, dc in next dc] to last dc, dc in last dc. Turn
165 dc, 162 ch-1sp

Row 4: Ch 1, sc in 1st dc, sc in each dc and ch-1sp to end. Turn

327 sc

Row 5: Ch 4 (counts as 1st tr), tr in each of next 3 sc, [skip next 3 sc, shell in next sc, skip 3
sc, tr in next sc] across to last 3 sc, tr in each of next 3 sc. Turn
40 shells

Row 6: Ch 3, dc in next tr, ch 1, skip tr, dc in next tr, [ch 3, skip next 3 tr, sc in ch-2sp of
shell, ch 3, skip 3 tr, dc in next tr] across to last 3 tr, ch 1, skip next tr, dc in each of next 2 tr.

Row 7: Ch 1, sc in 1st dc, sc in next dc, sc in ch-1sp, sc in dc,[ 3 sc in ch-3sp, sc in next sc,
3 sc in ch-3sp, sc in next dc] across to last ch-1sp and 2 dc, sc in ch-1sp, sc in each of next
2 dc. Turn
327 sc

Row 8: Ch 3, dc in next sc, [ch 1, skip sc, dc in next sc] to last sc, dc in last sc. Turn
165 dc, 162 ch-1sp

Row 9: Ch 3, dc in next dc, dc in each dc and ch-1sp to end. Turn

327 dc

Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

Page 3
Rows 10 - 41: Repeat Rows 2 – 9 four times more.
327 dc

Last Edge
Row 42: As Row 2

Row 43: Ch 1, sc in 1st dc, sc in each dc to end. Turn

327 sc

Row 44: Ch 3, dc in next sc, [ch 1, skip sc, dc in next sc] to last sc, dc in last sc. Turn
165 dc, 162 ch-1sp

Row 45: Ch1, sc in first dc, sc in next sc, [ch 3, skip ch-1sp, cluster in next dc, ch 3, skip ch-
1sp, sc in next dc] to last dc, sc in last dc. Fasten off.

Fasten off, sew in ends. Wet block using measurements as a guide.

Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

Page 4
Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

Page 5
Shellscape by Lisa Cook. Please do not copy or distribute this pattern in any way. Pattern for personal use only, although
reselling small quantities of the finished item is permissible. Any questions, please contact me,

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