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Bimbingan Belajar Caiming

Mathematics Exercise
(Speed Time Distance – Volume Cube Cuboid)

Name : Class : P6 (A/B/C)

Date : Teacher : Ms. Pratiwi & Ms. Merlina

Note : Kerjakan dengan cara di Buku Tulis. Pengumpulan jawaban paling lambat hari Rabu, 8 April jam
14.00 via WA Ms.Merlina atau Ms.Pratiwi.

1. a. 2 ¼ m/min = …………………. km/h

b. 45 km/h = …………………... m/sec
c. 3,6 km/h = …………………… m/min
d. 90 km/ h = ………………….. m/sec
e. 12.600 seconds = ……………………. hours

2. A man walking at the rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 minutes. The length of the bridge (in metres)
is :

3. To cover a certain distance with a speed of 60 km/hr, a train takes 15 hours. If it covers the same distance
in 12 hours, what will be its speed?

4. A postman took 30 seconds to cycle from the post office to Block P. He cycle 0,24 km for another 1
minute from Blok P to Block Q. Total distance that the postman cycled was 0,45 km.
a. How many meter the distance between the office to Block P?
b. Find his cycling speed in m/s from the post office to Block P?
c. Find his cycling speed in m/s from Block P to Block Q?
d. What was his average cycling speed for the whole journey (in m/s)?

5. Veronica, Wanda, and Hans were on their way to Bandung. Veronica drove 3/8 of the journey at a
constant speed of 75 km/h. Wanda took over and drove 1/5 of the journey for 40 min at constant of 72
km/h. Hans the took over and drove the remaining journey.
a. How far did Wanda drive?
b. How far did Veronica drive?
c. How far did Hans drive?
d. How far did the distance of their journey?
e. How many minutes did Veronica drive?

6. Mr Tan took 3/5 hour to drive from house to bread store at speed of 60 km/h. He then took another 2/5
hour to drive from bread store to hospital at speed 75 km/h.
a. Find the distance he travelled between house to bread store
b. Find the distance he travelled between bread store to hospital
c. Find the total distance he travelled

From the picture, determine:

a. Side of cube
b. Area base of cube
c. Surface area of cube

From the picture, determine:
a.Surface area of cuboid
b.Volume of cuboid

9. Given that the surface area of cube is 4056 cm2. What is the volume of the cube?

A rectangular container, 15 cm long and 5 cm wide, contains 1200 cm3 of
the water when it is 4/5 full. Find the total height of the container!

11. A rectangular tank measuring 60 cm by 20 cm by 25 cm was ½ filled with water. After 3 liters of water
was removed from the tank, determine :
a. Volume total of water in the tank
b. Volume of the water at first
c. Remaining of water in the tank
d. The height of the new water level
12. A fish tank 50 cm long and 25 cm wide was filled with water up to the depth of 18 cm. After some water
was poured out from the tank, the water level dropped to 15 cm. How much water was poured out?
Express your answer in litres.

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